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T H E 



^Lincol'nip I*nn. 




A. D. 1800 to A. D. 1893, 












Admissions, 1800 to 1893. 1 


Christenings . 451 

Marriages. ... ... . ... "... 457 

Burials .645 


Admissions. # .657 

Christenings .. .758 

Marriages ... ... ... . . ... 759 






page 237, folio 103, 

for . 


































































































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♦ 9 










Adamson, “ Tavers,”. 

44 Atwood,” Henry Rd. Herbert, 

44 Bailey,” Walter, 

Blyth, 44 Hubert ” Arthur C., ... 
Browne, “Robert'’ Lloyd M., . 
Bryan, Robert “Burdie,” 

44 Buller,” John, . 

Burdon, 44 Coteford,”. 

Cameron, Charles 44 Hey,” 
Cockin, John 44 Garford,” 
“Colaba-Yala, Risstamji” B.,... 
44 Coll,” George, 

44 Cookenden, Arthur, 

Creagh, 44 Price,” . 

Dalton, Philip 44 Fuite,” 

44 Donaldston,” P. Williamson, 

44 Edwin,” Fountain Hastings, . 

Fitzgerald, P. 44 Helherengton,” 
Frere, 44 Bastle ” Henry Temple, 
George, Christopher “Tripp,” 
O’Grady, Wm. 44 De Courey,” 
44 Grassett,” John, .. 

Hale, Robert 44 Blayden,” 

44 Halin,” Frederic Alexander, . 
44 Blakiston-llonston,” Charles, 

44 Kinslay,” Clement Archer. ... 
Knyfton, Thomas 44 Lutton,” ... 

44 Laughorne,” James, ... 

44 Laurence,” Edward William, 
Lawson, William 44 Newton,”... 
44 Lefray,” Anthony, . 

44 Macnaughten,” Francis, 

Maine, Hy. James 44 Summer,” 

44 Matthews/’ Ernest,. 

44 Mera,” William Henry, 

44 Moglan,” Denis Creagh, 

44 Murdock,” James Gordon, ... 
Ogier, J. Creuze “ Kingeston,” 

Peel, William 44 Tates,” 

44 Pcnleage,” John Story, 

44 Pennithorne,” Deane Parker, 
44 Priov,” John Venn, ... 

44 Ragley,” Richard, . 

44 Simcocks,” George Staunton, 
44 Soltan,” Henry William, 

44 Stack pool,” Richard Jno., ... 
Stockdale, Henry 44 Minshall,” 
44 Strand,” Charles Farquhar,... 

Tagore, “Granneudro” Mohun, 
44 Thomson,” Theophilus, 

44 Villers,” Thomas Hyde, 

44 Walse,” Thomas. 

44 Whitmarch,” Francis, 

44 Willesley,” Henry,. 

Wilmot, Francis “Sacheverell,” 
Winstanley, Frederick 14 Iceman,” 
44 Wishaw,” Hugh, . 

44 April ” . 

44 12th December, 1826,” 

1835 ”. 

rcaii Adamson. “Travers.” 

,, 44 At wool,” Henry Rd. Herliert. 

,, “ Baily,” Walter. 

„ Blyth, 44 Herbert" Arthur C. 

,, Browne, 44 Thomas” Lloyd M. 

,, Bryan, Robert 44 Purdie. 

„ 44 Butler,” John. 

,, Burdon, 44 Cotsfbrd.” 

,, Cameron, Charles 44 Hay.” 

,, Cockin, John “ Garfortb. 

,, 44 Colabavala, Rustamji ” B. 

„ 44 Cobb,” George. 

„ “ Crookenden,” Arthur. 

, t Creagh, 44 Pierse.” 

„ Dalton, Philip “ Tuite.” 

,, 44 Donaldson,” P. Williamson. 

,, 44 El win,” Fountain Hastings. 

,, Fitzgerald, I*. 44 Hetherington.” 

,, Frere, 44 Bartle” Henry Temple. 

,, George, Christopher 44 Fripp.” 

,, O’Grady, Wm. 44 De Courey.” 

,, 44 Grasett,” John. 

,, Hale, Robert 44 Blagden.” 

,, 44 Hahn,” Frederic Alexander. 

,, 44 Biakiston-Houston,” Charles. 

,, 44 Kinsley,” Clement Archer. 

„ Knyfton, Thomas 44 Tutton.” 

,, 44 Laugharne,” James. 

,, 44 Lawrence,” Edward William. 

,, Lawson, William 44 Norton.” 

,, 44 Lefroy,” Anthony. 

,, 44 Macnaghten,” Francis. 

„ Maine, lly. Tames 44 Sumner.” 

,, 44 Mathews,” Ernest. 

,, “ Meara,” William Henry. 

„ 44 Moylan,” Denis Creagh. 

,, 44 Murdoch,” James Gordon. 

„ Ogier, J. Crcuz£ 44 Hingeston.” 

„ Peel, William 44 Yates.” 

,, 44 Penleaze, ” J ohn Story. 

,, 44 l*ennethome,” Deane Parker. 

,, 44 Prior,” John Venn. 

„ 44 Ray ley,” Richard. 

44 Simcockes,” George Staunton. 

“ Soltau,” Henry William. 

44 Stacpool,” Richard Jno. 
Stockdale, Henry “ Minshull.” 

44 Shand,” Charles Farquhar. 

Tagore, 44 Granncndro ” Mohun. 

44 Thompson,” Theophilus. 

44 Villiers,” Thomas Hyde. 

44 Walshe,” Thomas. 

44 Whitmarsh,” Francis. 

44 Wellesley,” Henry. 

Wilmot Francis 44 Sacha everal.” 
Winstanley, Frederick 44 Lemon . 71 
44 Whishaw,” Hugh. 

44 May.” 

44 12th January, 1827.” 

44 1825.” 

44 Edgar K. Rodwell.of the Middle 
Temple, l*r. at law, fourth son 
of Wm. R. of Ipsw’ich, co. 
Suffolk, Esq.” 

jtfembcrs of Htncoln’s fimr. 

1800 to 1893. 

folio 146. 

iSoo Jan. 17 William Thomas Williams, Esq., only son of Alexr. W., of 

Chichester, Esq., called 24 Nov., 1806. 

folio 147. 

„ 17 Charles Shephard, junr., gent., only son of Charles S., of 

Gray’s Inn, Atty.-at-law. 

M 21 John Arthur Borron, of Warrington, co. I>anc. Esq., only son 

of William B., of same place, Esq., deed. 

„ 21 George William Ayliner, of King’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., i s. 

Thomas A, of Middle Temple, London, Esq. 

folio 148. 

Francis Beatty, gent., of King’s Inn, 1 s. John B., of Clontarf, 
co. Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Hall, gent., 2 s. Joseph H., late of Lurgan, co. Armagh, 
Esq., deed. 

William Hoskyns Matthews, of Merton Coll., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. 
John M., of Belmont, co. Hereford, Esq. 

VOL. 11. 



luncoln’g Dm atrmtegfon Register: 1420-1893 

1800 Jan. 28 

folio 149. 

Thomas Rasleigh, gent., 2 s. Thomas R., of Hatton Garden, 

n 28 

Thomas Foley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Hon. Andrew F., 
of Hasley Court, Oxon. 

Feb, 3 

John Wilson Croker, gent., B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin, 2 s. 
John C., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 14 

folio 150. 

John Harvie Christie, of the Faculty of Advocates, Esq., 1 s. 
Rev. John, minister of the Gospel, of the Parish of Carnwath, 
co. Lanark. 

» 15 

» 15 

Arthur Palmer, of the Inner Temple, Sergt.-at-law. 

Thomas Hanmer, of Christ Church, Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Sir 
Thomas H., of Bettisfield Park, Flints, bart. 

» *5 

folio 151. 

Job Walden Hanmer, Esq., 2 s. Sir Thomas H , of Bettisfield 
Park, Flints, bart. 

» 19 

John Cridland, gent., only son of John C., of Springrove 
House, Milverton, Somerset, Esq., deed., called Mich., 1805. 

>1 22 

Abel Moysey, the yr., of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent., 1 s. Abel M., of 
Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

» 22 

folio 152. 

Frederick Moysey, gent., 3 s. Abel M., of Line. Inn Fields, 

March 13 

John Leslie Foster, of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Esq., 1 s. late 
Lord Bishop of Clogher, deed. 

April 4 

James Haldane Stewart, gent., 3rd s. Duncan S., of Ardsheal 
co. Argyll, Esq., deed. 

tt 14 

5 , 14 

folio 153. 

John Kearney, gent., s. James K., of City of Dublin, Esq. 

William Taylor, gent., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 2 s. John T., 
writer to the signet, Edinburgh. 

» 2 3 

George Gardner, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., only son of 
Daniel G., of Beak St., Golden Sq., London, Esq. 

„ 26 

folio 154. 

Hon. John Chetwynd Talbot, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, 2 s. late 
Earl Talbot, of Ingestrie, co. Staff. 

» 28 

John Snowden, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent., 1 s. Samuel S., of 
Stroud, co. Glouc., M.D. 

» 29 

Gervais Parker Bushe, Esq., 3 s. late Gervais Parker B., 
Commissioner H.M. Revenue, Ireland, Esq. 

Etnroln’j* Cnit ^Omission Register: 1420 - 1893 . 

1800 May 1 

folio 155. 

Hon. Henry Caulfeild, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 2 s. Earl of 

„ 1 

Thomas Hamilton Miller, of the Faculty of Advocates, gent., 

3 s. of Patrick M., of Dalswinton, Dumfries, N.B. 

„ 2 

William Bknett, of Merton Coll., Oxon, gent., 2 s. Thomas B., 
of Pytt Ho., Wilts, Esq. 

„ 12 

folio 156. 

Anthony Blackburne, Esq., 1 s. Anthony B., of City of 
Dublin, Esq. 

„ 16 

William Lambart Cromie, Esq., only son of Sir Michael C., of 
Stacurivnil, co. Kildare, bart. 

June 2 

Francis Cross, gent., 5 s. James C, late of Clifton, co. Glouc., 
Esq., deed. 

* 6 

folio 157. 

Joseph Gerrald, of the Charter House, gent., only son of the 
late Joseph G., of the Island of Montserat, W T est Indies, Esq. 

» 11 

Richard Nkavk, of the Inner Temple, Esq., 3 s. Sir Richard N., 
of Dagnam Park, Essex, bart. 

„ 12 

George Kekf.wich, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., Esq., 5 s. 
William K., of Northbrook, Exeter, Devon, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

folio 158. 

Warren Rowland Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, only son of 
Edward Rowland J., of Castle View, Cork, Esq. 

„ 17 

Thomas Francis Hartwell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 2 s. 
Broderick H., late of Plymouth Dock, Devon, Esq., deed. 

>, 17 

William Lloyd, of Trin., Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. Rev. John 
Robert L., of Aston, n. Oswestry, Salop. 

» 17 

folio 159. 

Arthur Macnamara, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 1 s. John M., of 
Baker St., Portman Sq., Esq. 

» 17 

John Macnamara, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 2 s. John M., of 
Baker St., Portman Sq., Esq. 

„ 17 

George William Tighe, gent., only son of Edward T., of 
Boswell Court, Middx., Esq. 

„ 18 

folio 160. 

George Hartley, gent., 2 s. Leonard H., of Middleton Tyas, 
Yorks, Esq., deed. 

„ 19 

» 23 

Joseph White, of Line. Inn, Esq., solr. to H. M. Treasury. 

John Roopkr, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s.-R., of 

Great Berkhampstead, Herts, Esq. 

4 Lincoln’s Enn a&mteston Jacgtstcr: 1420 - 1893 . 

1800 July 2 

Aug. 22 

folio 161. 

Robert Bayles, gent., 5 s. James B , of Romald Kirk, Yorks, Esq. 

Thomas Challener, gent., 1 s. late Thomas C., of King St., 
London, Esq., deed. 

Sept. 8 

Crisp Moi.ineux Montgomerie, of Garboldisham, Norfolk, 
Esq., 1 s. George Molineux M., of same place, Esq. 

Oct. 9 

folio 162. 

Francis Albany James Hargrave, gent., 2 s. Francis H., Esq. 
of Line. Inn, barr.-at-iaw. 

» 14 

Hon. Reginald Cocks, of Christ Ch., Oxon, 3 s. Lord Somers, 
of Castleditch, co. Heref. 

» 25 

John Jkllicoe Tompson, gent., yst. son of Samuel T., late 
of City of Norwich, deed. 

„ 28 

folio 163. 

Ashton Warner, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. 
Joseph W., of Lee, n. Romsey, Hants, Esq. 

Nov. 3 

Faithfull Fortescue, gent., 1 s. Faithfull F., late of Cordarry, 
co. Louth, Esq., deed. 

» 5 

Charles Venner, Esq., of Middle Temple, ^bar.-at-law, only 
surv. son of Kingsford V., heretofore of the City of Canter¬ 
bury, Esq., deed. 

»i 5 

folio 164. 

John Campbell, gent., late of the Univ. of St. Andrews, A.M. 

2 s. Rev. Dr. C., of Cupar, Fife, N.B. (called 12 Nov., 1806)! 

n 6 

John Lewis Newnham, gent., only son of George Lewis N., Esq 
late a bencher. [ co . Meath, Esq! 

„ 10 

Denis Doran, of Inn. Coll., Dublin, gent., 1 s. Edmund D., 

>. 12 

folio 165. 

John Michael Wrixon, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., gent. 2 s 
William W., of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, Esq. 

» 14 

Thomas Tuckett, gent., 1 s. Thomas T., late Solr. Genl. of the 
Island of St. Christopher, West Indies. 

» 21 

Richard Samuel White, junr., 1 s. Samuel W., Esq., of New 
Ormond St. 

» 24 

folio 166. 

Clement Tudway Swanston, gent., yst. son of Sherland S., of 

C'harterhouse Sq., City of London, mercht. 

»> 25 

John Frank Nicholls, gent., 2 s. John N., of Felldridge 
Godstone, Surrey, Esq. (called Mich., 1806). 

Dec. 19 

Christopher Cookson, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent., 5 s. Isaac C., of 
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq. 


lUncoln’s Enit atimtssion Ucgtstcr : 1420 - 1893 . 

























March 23 
April 6 

folio 168. 

William Bacon, fellow commoner of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq., 
only son of William Bacon-Forster of Newton Cap. 
co. Durham, Esq. 

Thomas Anthony Methune, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent., 2 s. 

Paul Cobb M., of Lower Grosvenor St., Esq. 

John Symmons, of Christ Church, Oxford, Esq., 1 s. Charles S., 
D.D., of Narbarth, co. Pembroke. 

folio 169. 

Charles Christopher Pepys, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 2 s. 
William Weller P., Esq., one of the Masters of the High 
Court of Chancery. 

John Donnellan, gent., i s. John D., of Bagot St., Dublin, Esq. 

Stephen Lushington, Esq., of Christ Ch., Oxon, 2 s. Sir 
Stephen L., of Wimbledon, Surrey, bart. 

folio 170. 

Charles Grant, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr. (sic) A.B., i s. 
Charles G., of Battersea Rise, a director E.I.C.S. 

Robert Grant, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr. (sic) A.B., 2 s. 
Charles G., of Battersea Rise, a director E.I.C.S. 

Richard Ragley, A.B., of Clare Hall, co. Cambr., gent, yst. 
son of Richd. R., late of Peckham, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 171. 

Edward Thomas Vaughan, M.A., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 6 s. 
James V., of Leicester, M.D. 

Haydock James Hill, gent., only son of Haydock H., late of 
Broad St. London, merchant, deed, (called 13 June, 1807). 

Panton Plymley, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., i s. Archdeacon P., 

[of Longnor, Salop. 

folio 172. 

Henry Clinton Gardiner, of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., 

1 s. Henry Fiennes G., late of Burcote, n. Wing, Berks, Esq., 

James Gordon Morgan, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., only 
son of Rev. William M., late of Aberdean, deed. 

James Bradby, gent., only son of Blake B., late of Snow Hill, 

[London, tea dealer, deed. 

folio 173. 

Benjamin King, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 3 s. Joseph K., of 
Taplow, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

Robert Twiss, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., B.A., only son of 
Richard T., of Sloane St., Chelsea. 

William Bishop, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Henry B., late of 
Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 





Utnroln’s £itn atrmistfton Uegtstcr : 1420 - 1893 . 

April 22 
» 24 

2 5 




May 5 

»» 25 

June 1 






July 9 

Sept. 8 



folio 174. 

George Hilliard, gent., 3 s. Edward H., Esq., of Cowley 
House, Uxbridge, barr.-at-law. 

John Eardley VVilmot, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq., r s. 
John W., Esq., of Tottenham, Middx., a master in Chancery 
(called 8 May, 1806). 7 

Thomas Danikll, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. John D., of 
Devonshire PI., London, Esq. 

folio 175. 

Charles Ibbetson, Esq., 2 s. Sir James I., late of Denton. 
Yorks, bart. 

Thomas Burton Fitzgerald, Esq., 2 s. Edward F., of 
Carrigoran, co. Clare, Esq. 

Henry William Arabin, Esq., of King’s Inn, Dublin, 1 s . 
Henry A., of Maglare, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 176. 

Andrew Finucane, Esq., only son of Matthias F., a Judge 
Common Pleas, Ireland. 

Hon. Lawrence Pleydeli.-Bouvkrie, of Oriel Coll., Oxon srd 
s. Jacob, Earl of Radnor. 

James White, of Chancery Lane, London, 3 s. Joseph W. late 
of Devizes, Wilts, Esq., deed. 

folio 177. 

Alexander Higginson, of Harley St., Esq., 1 s. late Alex. H. 

of Harley St., Esq., deed. Tof Gt B ' ' 

John Scott, Esq., 1 s. Rt. Hon. Lord Eldon, Lord High Cham. 

NlAT banker' OOI>MA • SON, Es< b> 1 s - James W., of City of Dublin, 

folio 178. 

John Bowks Wright, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq., vst s 
John W., of North Shields, Esq. 4 ’ y s ' 

Nathaniel Poi.hiu, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son 
of Nathl. P., late of Camberwell, Surrey, Esq., deed died 
19 Apl., 1802. r „, . ’ 

„ * [Cheshire, gent. 

George Uainwright, gent., 1 s. George W., of Durham Massey, 

folio 179. 

Hugh Edward Hunter, gent., 1 s. Joseph H., of the Bahama 
Islands, Esq. 

James Bogle French, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. Nathl 
Bogle F., of Dulwich, Surrey, Esq. 

William Coxhead Marsh, of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., gent 
2 s. J'homas Coxhead M., Esq., deed. 



Utncoln’si Inn afimtgsion Ucgt^tcr: 1420-1893. 7 

Oct. 23 
„ 28 

„ 29 

„ 3 ° 

n 30 

>1 31 

Nov. 3 

„ 4 

>, 7 













folio 180. 

Richard Henry Creswell, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent., i s. 
Richard Cheslyn C., of Doctors’ Commons, Esq. Keon, junr., of Kings Inn, Dublin, gent. (adm. Trin., 
1801), only son of Miles K., Esq., of Keonbrook, Carrick- 
on-Thames, Ireland. 

Peter, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., only son of 
Peter C., Esq., of Longhrea, co. Galway 

folio 181. 

Hon. Henry Legge, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 2 s. 
William, Earl of Dartmouth, deed. [mercht. 

Henry Laing, gent., 5 s. David L., of Gt. lower St., 1 .ondon, 

William Edward Major, B.A., Irin. Coll., Dublin, 3 s. Henry M., 
Esq., deed., late of Ballyshannon, co. Donegal. 

folio 182. 

David Walker, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., only son of 
William W., Esq., of Londonderry. 

Henry Davison, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent., only son of 
James D., late of Charles St., Cavendish Sq., Esq., deed. 

William Joseph Thomas, of Jesus Coll., Oxford, gent., 2 s. 
Rice T., of Caldhelen, co. Carnarvon, Esq. 

folio 183. 

John Bowdler, gent., junr., 2 s. John B., of the Inner Temple, Esq. 

James Macdonald, gent., 2 s. Thomas M, one of H. M. Com¬ 
missioners under the treaty of Amity, Commerce and 
Navigation with the United States of America. 

Henry Pye Rich, gent., junr., only son of Henry l’ye R., one of 
H. M. Comssrs. under the treaty of Amity, Commerce and 
Navigation with the United States of America. 

folio 184. 

Samuel Laing, gent. yst. son of Robert I -> of Strenzie, Orkney, 
Esq. [Wilsborough, co. I Londonderry, Esq. 

William Scott, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gen., 1 s. James S., of 

Thomas Odell, Esq., of Trin. Coll.. Dublin, 3 s. William O., of 
Grove, co. Limerick, Esq. 

folio 185. 

Raleigh Trevelyan, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent,, 2 s. 
Walter T., Esq., of Nether Witton, Northumberland. 

Hon. Charles Bagot, B.A., Ch. Ch., Oxon, 2 s. William, late 
Lord Bagot, deed. 

John Williams Bi.agrove, gent., 1 s. John B., of Cardiff Hall, 
St Ann’s, Jamaica, Esq., called Mich., 1806. 





iUnroln’si Inn gt&mtsston SccjtMcr: .420-1893. 

Nov. 13 

„ 19 

n 19 

„ 19 

» 19 

» 24 

» 24 

» 24 

Dec. 3 

! 9 

M 29 

Jan. 4 




” 2 5 



2 7 

folio 186. 

John Bather, of Trin. Coll., Oxford, gent., 2 s. Rev. John B. 
late of Shrewsbury, Salop, deed. 

James Vashon, gent., only son of James V., of Ludlow, Salop, 
capt. R.N. 

William Fuller Botf.ler, fellow of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr 
gent., 1 s. William B., of Eastry, Kent, Esq. 

folio 187. 

Valentine Blake, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., i s. John B. of 
Menlo, co. Galway, Esq. (after Sir John B., bart.). 

Wastell Brisco, of Christ Ch., Oxon, B.A., i s. Sir John B., of 
Crofton, Cumberland, bart., adm. I. T. 12 Feb., 1801. 

Samuel Shaen, only son of late Samuel S., of Hatfield Peverell 
Essex, Esq., deed, (called 29 Jany, 1807). 

folio 188. 

Francis f err and Foljambe, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr 
gent., 2 s. Francis Ferrand F., of Bilby, Notts, Esq. 

Sir Thomas Turton, of Starborough Castle, Surrey, bart. 

Henry Watkin Williams Wynn, Esq., 3 s. Sir Watkin W W 
late of Wynnstay, co. Denbigh, bart., deed. 


John Cheesment (now Chessment Severn) of Ch. Ch., Ox 

gent, only son of John C., master mariner, late of Mile’End’ 
Middx., deed. ’ 

Joseph Green, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent., 3 s. John G., of 
Greenville, co. Kilkenny, Esq. 

Thomas Boyse of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent., 1 s. Samuel B., of 
Bishops Hall, co. Kilkenny, Esq. 

folio 190. 

TOHN „ Sm ,th Furlong, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, gent, 1 s 
William F., City of Dublin, Esq. 

Richard Craister Askew gent, 5 s. John A, late of Pallinsburn 
House, Northumberland, Esq. (called 13 June, 1807). 

Charles Grant, 4 s. Robert G, of Elchies, co. Moray, N.B, Esq 

folio 191. 

John Burke, of Trin. Coll, Cambr, Esq, s. Sir Thomas B 
bart, late of Marble Hill, co. Galway. 

James Smyth Scott, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, gent, 2 s . 
Pendred S, late of Ballygannon, co. Wicklow, deed. 

Henry John Grant, of Christ Ch, gent, 1 s. Henry 
Port man Sq., Middx., Esq. 

G., of 

ILtncoln’g Inn &ttmte0ton IXegigftev: 1420-1893. 9 

1802 Feb. 4 

folio 192. 

Robert Anthony Latouche, of Christ Church, Oxon, gent., 

5 s. David La T., of City of Dublin, Esq. 

» 9 

George Money, gent., 2 s. William M., of Horn. Ho., Marcle, 
co. Hereford, Esq. 

,» 9 

Laurence Squire, gent., only son of Charles S., of Ipswich, Esq. 

» 9 

folio 193. 

John MacDiarmid, gent., of the Univ. of Edinburgh, 1 s. Rev. 

James M., of Weem, co. Perth, clerk. 

>, 9 

Daniel Wakefield, gent., yst. son of Edward W., of Tottenham, 

Middx., Esq. (called 2 May, 1807). 

» 10 

John Anthony Noguier, of the Inner Temple, barr.-at-law. 

» 11 

folio 194. 

Henry Harris, of - Coll., gent., 4 s. Thomas H., of 

St. James PL, Westmr., Esq. * 

„ 14 

Charles Samuel Whinfield, gent., yst. son of late Rev. 

Henry W.-, of Rugby, D.D., and of London. 

March 4 

Alexander Perry Bond, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. 

William B., Esq., of Edgerstown, co. Longford. 

„ 18 

folio 195. 

William Helyar, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., i s. William H., of 

Coker, Somerset, Esq. 

» 23 

John Hoskins, Esq., 4 s. Sir Hungerford H., of Harew^ood, co. 
Hereford, bart. 

April 7 

John Johnson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. John J., Esq., 
of Walton Ho, co. Cumberland. Esq. 

„ 24 

folio 196. 

Hon. Edward Harbord, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, 2 s. Rt. Hon. 

Lord Suffield. 

„ 26 

Francis Horner, of the Faculty of Advocates, Edin., Esq., 

1 s. John H., of City of Edinburgh, Esq., advoc. 24 June, 



Thomas Malet Charter, Esq., 1 s. Thomas C., of Bishops 
Lydeard, Somerset, Esq. 

„ 29 

folio 197. 

Thomas Webb Dyke, gent., yst. son William D., of Chesulden, 

Wilts, Esq., re-adm. 

May 3 

John Ponton, gent., 2 s. Thomas P„ of Battersea, Surrey, a 
barrister of this Socy. 

n 4 

Robert Taylor, of Trin. Coll., Oxford, gent., only son of 
Robert T., of Gt. Russell St., Bloomsbury, Esq. 




Utnroltt’ja! Jrnii Sttfinistgion &cgfs(ter: 1420-1893. 

1802 May 5 

folio 198. 

George Russell, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 2 s. Sir John R., late 
of Checkers, Bucks, bart., deed. 

» 7 

Hon. Frederick John Robinson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 
2 s. Earl of Grantham, deed. 

„ 10 

Philip Williams, of New Coll., Ox., gent., 1 s. Rev. Philip W., 
of Compton, n. Winchester, Hants. 

» 12 

folio 199. 

Richard Edenson Heathcote, of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. 
Sir John Edenson H., of Longton, co. Staff., knt. 

> 13 

Philip Saltmarshe, of Clare Hall, Cambr., gent., 1 s. Philip S., 
late of S. Yorks, Esq., deed. 

»> 13 

Love Parry Jones, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent. (Love Parry, 28 Nov., 
1802) 1 s. Thomas Parry J., of Madrin, co. Carnarvon. 

n 13 

folio 200. 

Edward Morritt, of Clare Hall, Cambr., gent., 4 s. John 
Sawrey M., of Rokeby Park, Yorks, Esq. 

» IS 

Thomas Hooker, gent., 2 s. John H., late of Brenchley, Kent, 
Esq., deed. [Bishop of Norwich. 

t, 19 

Charles Manners Sutton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 1 s. 

»> 25 

folio 201. 

Thomas William Robbins, gent., 1 s. Thomas R., of Embley, 
Hants, Esq. 

June 8 

Henrv Willoughby, of Christ Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
Rev. James W., rector of Guiseley, Yorks. 

„ 16 

Hugh Mackenzie, gent., of the Univ. of Edingh., 3 s. 
Henry M. K., of City of Edinb., Esq. 

» »7 

folio 202. 

Laurence Sui.ivan, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son 
of Stephen S , of Pansbourne Park, Herts, Esq. 

„ 26 

Philip Fuite Dalton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., 1 s. 
Edward D., of Dublin, Esq. 

n 29 

John Thomas Ibbetson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A., yst. 
son of Sir James I., late of Denton, Yorks, bart 

July s 

folio 203. 

William Austin, gent., 3 s. Nathaniel A., of Charlestown, 
Massachussets, U.S. 

» 7 

» 7 

Jefferies Spkanger, Esq., of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law, 2 s. John S., 
Master in Chancery, adm. to Gray’s Inn, 28 Janry., 1793. 

John Miller, gent, 1 s. John M., late of Cary St., Line. Inn, 
atty.-at-law, deed. 

ILtncoln’s Inn ^Dmtsston &cgi0 tcr: 1420-1893. 



July 30 
Sept. 16 
Oct. 6 

>» 19 

„ 27 

Nov. 1 

» 3 

„ 4 

» 4 

» 9 



» 15 


folio 204. 

David Griffith, gent., 3 s. William G., of Bodegroos, 
co. Carnarvon, Esq. 

Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, gent., 2 s. Richard S., late of 
Duke St., St. James, gent., deed, (called 23 Nov., 1807). 

James Joseph Hope, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 1 s. William 
Hope-Veir, of Craigie Hall, n. Edinburgh, Esq. 

folio 205. 

Richard Ottley, of St John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. 
Drewry O., of the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, Esq. 

William Alexander Mackinnen, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 
gent., 1 s of William M., late of the Island of Antigua, deed. 

Hector Daniel Macleish, of Queen’s Coll., Oxford, gent., 1 s. 
Hector M., late of ph. of St. Martins in the Fields, Westmr., 
Esq., deed. 

folio 206. 

Francis Carleton, of Trin Coll., Dublin, Esq., only son of 
John C., late of City of Dublin, Esq. 

William Palmer, only son of William P., late capt. H.E.I.C.S., 

^ ecc * [Dublin, Esq. 

James Shanley, gent., yst. son of Michael S., of Eccles St., 

folio 207. 

Hon. George Winn, of Warley, Essex, yst. son of Rt. Hon. 
George, Lord Headley, deed. 

Charles Webp» Le Bas, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
Charles Le B., of Margate, Kent, Esq. 

Daniel French, Esq., eldest survy. son of Andrew F., late of 
Copthall Court, London, mercht., deed. 

folio 208. 

George Rochfort, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and also of King’s 
Inn, Esq., - s. Gustavus R., of Rochfort, co. Westmeath, Esq. 

Wjlliam Paley, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. Rev. 
Dr. Paley, rector of Bishop Wearmouth. 

Samuel Rogers, of Wadham Coll., Oxon. 1 s. Samuel R., of 
Boston, North America, Esq. 

folio 209. 

William Fullarton, of the Faculty of Advocates, Scotland, 
Esq., 1 s. Major Genl. F., of Skeldon, Ayrshire, N.B., 
H.E.I.C.S., advocate 20 Jany., 1798. 

George Charles Potter, gent., 2 s. Christopher P., of the City 
of Paris, Esq. [Thomas N., of London, Esqre. 

George Lewis Newnham, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 4 s. 


Lincoln’s Jmit SUjfinisstou ftegtstcr: 1420 1893. 


folio 210. 

Nov. 19 Barnard Elliott Percy, of Lincoln Coll., Oxford, gent., 2 s. 

Rev. William P., of Queens Sq., Westmr., re-admitted 
18 Feb. 22. 

„ 20 Henry Le Bagge, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A., son of 

-B., of Quebec Ho., Norfolk, M.D., deed. 

„ 22 Henry Moreton Dyer, Esq., of the Inner Temple, barr.,at-law, 

only son of Mark D., of the Island of Tartola, in America, 
Esq., admitted to the Inner Temple 14 Nov., 1791, called 
Trin. term, June, 1799. 

folio 211. 

„ 25 Hon. William Howard, of Christ Church, Oxford, 2 s. 

Frederick, Earl of Carlisle. 

„ 29 Francis Whitmarch, of Gray’s Inn, Esq., 6th son of James W., 

late of Salisbury, Wilts, Esq., deed. 

Dec. 10 George Edmonds, gent., 1 s. Richard E., of the Exchequer 

office of pleas, Line. Inn, atty.-at-law. 

folio 212. 

„ 22 William Walker, gent., 2 s. James W., of Richmond, Surrey, 

Esq ' [Esq., of Antigua, West Indies. 

„ 29 Samuel Athill, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 1 s. Samuel A., 

„ 30 Ashhurst Majendie, Esq., 1 s. Lewis M., of Hedingham Castle, 

Essex, Esq. 

1803 Jan. s 


» 27 

No. 16 . 
folio 1. 

John William Hopkins, Esq., 1 s. William H., of Lambs 
Conduit PI., Esq. 

John Augustus Francis Simpkinson, of Christ Ch., Oxford, 
only son of Rev. John S., rector of Cliffe, Kent. 

Hovenden Stapleton, Esq., 1 s. Bryan S., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 2. 

.. 28 James McDonnell, of King’s Inn, Dublin, gent., 2 s. Charles 

McD., of co. Mayo, Esq. 

Feb. 4 Edward Dyke-(Poore), of St. John’s Coll., Ox., 1 s. William D., 
of Lyren Cote, Wilts, Esq. 

„ 12 Jonathan Blenman, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Jonathan B., 

judge of the Admiralty and solr. genl. of the Island of 

Etncoln’* Inn a&intesiton IXegtsstcr: 1420-1893. 



folio 3. 



(Sir) William Templer Pole, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, bart., i s. Sir 
John William Pole, of Shute, Devon, bart. 



John Malcolm, gent., only son of George M., of the Island of 
Jamaica, Esq. 



Thomas Miller, of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, Esq., 

1 s. Sir William M., a senator of the College of Justice 
(? advocate 9 March, 1803). 

folio 4. 



James O’Regan, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, i s. James O’R., 
late of Mellon, co. Cork, M. D., deed. 



John Grene, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., 2 s. John G., 
late of Cappagh-Uniack, co. Tippy., Esq., deed. 



Luke Lawless, of the King’s Inn, Dublin, gent., 2 s. Philip L., 
of Warren Mount, co. Dublin. 

folio 5. 



Edward Knatchbull, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, 1 s. Sir Edward K., of 
Mersham Hatch, Kent, bart. 


3 ° 

James Trail Hall, Esq., 1 s. Rev. Francis H., of Aghrim, 
co. Galway, doctor of laws. [Robert W. 



Robert Walpole, of Trin. Coll. Cambridge, Esq., 1 s. Hon. 

folio 6. 



John Mitchell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq., 1 s. David M., of John 
St., Bedford Row, Esq. 



Clement Archer Kinslay, Esq., of Univy. of Dublin, only son 
of Thomas K., of Dublin, Esq. 



Francis Blackburne, of the King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq., only son 
of Richd. B.J Esq., of Footstown, co. Meath. 

folio 7. 


John Jameson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., only son of Joseph J., 
Esq., of Dublin. 



Miles John O’Reilly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., 1 s. 
Dowell O’R., Esq., of Dublin. 



George Pryme, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., only son of 
Christopher P., late of Hull, Esq., deed. 

folio 8. 



James Parke, of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, B.A., 4 s. Thomas P., 
of Highfield, co. Lane., Esq. 



Edward William Scott, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 3 s. John 
Pendred S., Esq., late of Ballygannon, co. Wicklow, deed. 



William Charles Casamajor, of All Souls’ Coll., Oxon, gent., 
3 s. Justinian C., of Potrells, Herts, Esq. 

i4 Ufncoln’is Jim a&mtiwion &rgi*ter: 1420-1893. 

1803 May 10 

folio 9. 

Thomas Coltman, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 4 s. John C., of 
Beverley, Yorks, Esq. 

„ n 

Patrick Dow. of the University of Edinburgh, gent., 2 s. 
Daniel D., of City of Edinburgh, Esq. 


Abbot Upcher, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
Peter U., late of Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk, Esq., deed. 

>1 12 

folio 10. 

Robert Gordon, Esq., only son of William G., late of Lowston, 
Dorset, Esq., deed. . 

June 6 

George Mower, of Stockport, Cheshire, gent., 1 s. Robert M., 
of Woodseats, co. Derby, Esq. 

>» 11 

Hon. Francis Ward Primrose, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., 
2 s. Earl of Roseberry. 

» 13 

folio 11. 

John Story Penleage, Esq., 1 s. James David P., of High Cliff, 
Hants, Esq. 

>’ *5 

Richard Butler Clough, late of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq., 1 s. 
Richard C., late of Glanywern, co. Denbigh, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

William Wilshere, Esq., 1 s. William W., late of Hitchin, Herts, 
Esq., deed. 

» 1 7 

folio 12. 

Garrett Killikelly, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1 s. Daniel K., 
Esq., of Lisadulta, co. Galway. 

n 25 

Philip Courtenay, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. John C 
of London, Esq. J 

» 25 

Jonathan Darby, of Christ Ch., Ox., Esq., 1 s. John D., of 
Westminster, Esq. 

» 27 

folio 13. 

Henry Fanshawe, Esq., 2 s. of John Gascoyne F., Esq., of 
Parslows, Essex, bar.-at-law. 

July 4 

George Strickland, Esq., 1 s. Sir William S., of Boynton, 
Yorks, bart. 

n 11 

Samuel Reynolds Solly, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr., B.A., 2 s. 
Samuel S., of Gt. Ormond St., Esq. 

» 12 

folio 14. 

Christopher Lee, gent., only son of James L., of Maidenhead 
Thicket, Berks, gent. 

» 29 

William Whittred, of Exeter Coll., Oxford, gent., only son of 
Thomas W., of Newnham, co. Cambr., Esq. 

Aug. 1 

Molineux Hyde Nepean, Esq, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 1 s. Sir 
Evan N., bart., of the Admiralty. 

Utnroln’g Emt SUrnttsston IXcgtsftcx*: 1420-1893. 


1803 Aug. 20 
Sept. 26 
Oct. 8 

» 2 5 

Nov. 5 

ii 5 

>1 7 

11 9 

„ 10 

11 14 

,1 15 

11 i 7 

*, 19 

11 23 

Dec. 6 

11 12 

1804 Jan. 6 

folio 15. 

Charles Gostling Townley, B.A., of Merton Coll., Oxon, 
Esq., 3 s. James T., of Doctors Commons. 

Henry Hudson, of Merton Coll., Ox., gent., yst. son of Giles H., 
of Putney, Surrey, Esq. 

Henry John Stephen, of St John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., 2 s. 
James S., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 16. 

Michael Jones, gent., 2 s. of Michael J., late of Lancaster, 
co. Palatine, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Mortlock, of the Middle Temple (26 Apl., 1799), 
gent., 2 s. John M., of Cambridge, Esq. 

William Newton, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., B.A., 2 s. John 
Leaper N., of Derby, Esq. 

folio 17. 

Donough O’Brien, of King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq., 4 s. Sir Lucius 
O’B., of Dromoland, co. Clare, bart. 

Edward Berens Blackburn, gent., 4 s. John B., late of London, 
mercht., deed. 

William Malachi Burke, of King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq., 1 s. 
Michael B., of Ballyduggan, co. Galway. 

folio 18. 

Henry Brougham, of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, Esq., 

1 s. Henry B., of Brougham Hall, Westmoreland, Esq. 

Benjamin Thomas Halcott Cole, Esq., of Magdalen Coll., 
Camb., only son of Benjn. Cole, Esq., of Norwich. 

Herbert Abingdon Draper Compton, bar., of H. M. Supreme 
Court of Judicature, Madras, only son of Henry C., late of 
Hastbury, co. Glouc., Esq., deed. 

folio 19. 

Harry Thomas King, Esq., only son of Thomas K., of 
Carshalton, Surrey, Esq. 

John McLachlan, of the Univ. of Edinburgh, Esq., only son of 
John M., of Bermuda, West Indies. 

Acton Chaplin, the yr., Esq., 1 s. Acton C., ot Aylesbury, 
Bucks, Esq. 

folio 20. 

Robert Colmer, gent., yst. son of Robert C., of Chard, 
Somerset, Esq. [Rutland, Esq. 

Charles Noel Noel, Esq., 1 s. Gerald Noel N., of Exton, 

Henry John Shepherd, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. 
Samuel S., Esq., of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Sergt.-at-law. 


Umcolit’g ffitn ^Omtssstoit Register: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 6 




„ 24 

» 3i 

w 3 1 
»» 3 i 
Feb. 1 

„ 3 

♦1 4 

» 25 

„ 28 

March 5 

» 31 

folio 21. 

Thomas Starkie, of Catherine Hall, Cambr., Esq., 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas S., vicar of Blackburn, co. Lane. 

Patrick Edmund Arthur, Esq., only son of Francis A., of 
Manchester Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Henry Bright, of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. 
Richard B., of Hampne Green, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 22. 

George Baster, gent., 1 s. Joseph B., late of Newbury, Berks, 
Esq., deed. s. Lord Boston. 

Hon. Paul Anthony Irby, M.A., of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 

Charles Seymer Birch, Esq., 1 s. Rev. Charles B., of Shopwith 
(sic) Sussex, clerk. 

folio 23. 

Henry Wilmot Seton, of King’s Coll. (? Trim Coll.) Cambr., 
1 s. James S., of George St., Adelphi, gent. 

William Trulock Bookey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 2 s. 
Thomas B., of Exchequer St., Dublin, Esq. 

John Grisdale, of Christ Coll., Cambr., B.A., only son of Rev. 
Dr. Grisdale, of Carlisle, Cumberland, 

folio 24. 

William Wightman, the younger of Queen’s Coll., Univy. of 
Oxford, gent., 1 s. William W., of Brompton, Middx., Esq. 

George Gordon Falconar. Esq., only son Hon. George F. 
late Capt. R.N., and of Phesdo, N.B., deed. 

William Albin Garratt, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. 
Francis G., of Clapham Common, Surrey, mercht. 

folio 25. 

John Williams, of Jesus Coll., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Rev. John W., 
of Treffos, Anglesea. 

Thomas Hill Lowe, of Trin. Coll., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Thomas L. . 
of Court of-Hill, Salop, Esq. 

Francis John Bateman Dashwood, of St. John’s Coll., Oxon, 
Esq., 1 s. Francis Bateman D., of Well Vale, co. Line., Esq! 

folio 26. 

John Kenyon, of Peter Ho, Cambr., Esq., 1 s. John K., late of 
Chester, ph. of Trelawny, Jamaica, Esq. 

William Thomson, of Edinburgh, gent., 2 s. late John T., sec. 
to the Board of Excise, Scotland, deed. 

John Joseph Alphonse McArthur, Esq., son of John Me A. 
of York Place, Portman Sq., Esq. 




ILtncoln’s Inn Sltfmtgsion Register : 1420-1893. 17 

folio 27. 

1804 April 5 William Holmes, gent., yst. son of Thomas H., late of 

Droitwich, co. Wore., gent., deed. 

13 James Wedderburn, gent, (of the Faculty of Advocates), 3 s. 

James Wedderburn-Colvile, of Inverish, N.B., Esq. 

13 James William Farrer, of Brazenose Coll., Oxon, gent., i s. 
lames F., of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

folio 28. 

13 Oliver Farrer, of Brazenose Coll., Oxon, gent., 2 s. James F., 
of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

19 John Otway Cuffe, of St. Alban’s Hall, Oxon, gent., only son 

of Rev. and Hon. Hamilton C, of WilUamston Ho, 
co. Meath, clerk. 

)5 19 John Jones, of Christ Church, Oxon, Esq., only son of 

Michael J., of Bath, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 29. 

20 James Fayting Gyles, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., only 

son of Rev. James G., late of Powick, co. Wore., deed. 

„ 20 Walker Skirrow, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., gent., t s. John S., 

formerly of Line. Inn, Esq., deed. 

28 John Nisbett, of Trinity Coll., Dublin, gent., 2 s. Francis N., 
of Kilmore, co. Rose. 

folio 30. 

28 John Dixon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 1 s. 1 homas D., of 
co. Leitrim, Esq. 

„ 30 Thomas Studdert, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 1 s. George S., 

Esq., of Kilkishen Ho, co. Clare. 

May 1 Henry Tweedy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., B.A., 1 s. 

Thomas T., late of Dublin. 

„ 4 

„ 14 

„ 17 

» 24 

June 3 

„ 4 

folio 31. 

Michael Rowland Burke, Esq., only son of Ulick B., Esq., of 
the Island of St. Christopher, West Indies. 

Thomas Davies, Esq., of Leominster, only son of Robert D., of 
same place, co. Hereford, Esq. 

Augustus Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., gent., 3 s. W illiam C., 
Esq., late commissr. H. M. Navy, deed. 

folio 32. 

Henry Ford Ainslie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., gent., 1 s. Henry A., 
of Dower St., Westmr., M.D. 

Ulysses O’Dedy, of Trin. Coil., Camb., Esq., only son of 
Timothy John O’D., late of Timoleage, Esq., deed. 

John Hercy, gent., only son of Lovelace H., late of Hawthorn 
Hill, Berks, Esq., deed. 


lUncoln’js Inn BUmtssgton &cgij5tcr: I42O-1893. 

June 12 



July 18 



Aug. 23 

w 27 

» 3 * 

n 3 1 
» 31 

Sept. 18 



Oct. 1 




folio 33. 

Edward Popham, Esq., of Bombay, 2 s. of Catherine, 2nd wife 
of Joseph P., Esq., formerly H.M. Consul General to the 
Emperor of Morocco. 

Ralph Bernal, of Christ’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
Jacob B., of Fitzroy Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Henry Cooper, gent., 2 s. Charles C., City of Norwich, Esq., 
barr.-at-law, Line. Inn. 

folio 34. 

Patrick Cleghorn, of Baliol Coll., Ox., gent., 2 s. Hugh C., of 
St. Andrews, North Britain, Esq. 

Richard Grant, of Russell PL, Fitzroy Sq., Esq., 3 s. 
Ebenezer G., formerley of New York, Esq., deed. 

Francis George Hare, Esq., of Christ Ch., Oxon, 1 s. Francis 
Hare-Nayler, of Hurstmonceaux, Sussex, Esq. 

folio 35. 

James Macdonald, of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. Rt. Hon. Sir 
Archibald M., Chief Baron of Court of Exchequer, P.C. 

Charles John Wye, gent., 3 s. John W., of Hartford, Hunts, 

^ SCi ' [Milbourne, St. Andrews, Dorset, Esq. 

John Gould, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A., 2 s. Nicholas G., of 

folio 36. 

I homas Goui.d, of Basinghall St, London, gent., 1 s. Nicholas G. 
of Milbourne, St. Andrews, Dorset, Esq. 

Edward Boodle, of Brook St., Grosvenor Sq., Esq., yst. s. 
John B., late of Chipping Ongar, Essex, Esq., deed. 

George Benjamin Lyon, of Harrow School, gent., only son of 
John L., of the Middle Temple, Esq. 

folio 37. 

George Dale Collinson, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent., 2 s. 
John O., of ph. ChristChurch, Surrey, Esq. 

John Beames, of Clifton, co. Glouc., gent., 1 s. John B., late of 
Clifton, Esq., deed. 

John George Lockett, Esq., 1 s. George L., of Southampton 
Place, London, Esq. 

folio 38. 

William Herbert Stilling fleet, of the Inner Temple (adm. 
4 May, 1802), 2 s. Rev. James S., Preby. of Worcester. 

William Cruttenden, gent., 2 s. Edward Holden C., of 
Bentick St., Manchester Square, Esq. 

George Hubbard, Esq., 1 s. John H., late of South Repns 
Norfolk, Esq., deed. 

lUnroin’g £nn ia&mtjsston Hcgtster: 1420 -1893. 19 

Oct. 6 

folio 39 . 

Justin McCarty, Esq., of Caius Coll., Cambr., i s. Robert McC, 
Esq., of Carignavar, co. Cork. 

„ 8 

Joseph Hayes Lyon, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., 1 s. Joseph L., 
Esq., of Bloomsbury Sq., bar.-at-law. 

„ 8 

Vincent Henry Eyre, of Sheffield, Yorks, Esq., 1 s. Vincent E., 
late of Line. Inn, Middx., and of Sheffield, Yorks, Esq., deed. 


folio 40 , 

Barber Jonathan Broad, gent., 1 s. Charles B., late of 
Macclesfield, co. Chester, architect, deed. 

» 9 

William Keith Ball, Esq., i s. Sir Alexr. B., bart., H. M. Civil 
Comr. to the Island of Malta. 

» 9 

Wilkinson Mathews, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 1 s. 
John M., of North Shields, gent. 

Nov. 2 

folio 41 . 

Charles Henry Gawler Bellenden, Esq., 1 s. John Ker 
Bellenden, of Ramridge, Hants, Esq. 


Edward Horton, gent, (of Crane Court, Fleet St.), 2 s 
John H., of City of Bath, apothecary. 

» 5 

John Entwisle, of Christ’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., i s. John E., of 
Foxholes, co. Pal. Lane., Esq. 

» 6 

folio 42 . 

Archibald St. George, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 4 s. 
Thomas St G , of Dublin. 

» 7 

William Russell Bellis, gent., yst. son of Francis William B., 
of Horsham, Sussex, Esq., Col. H.E.I.C.S. 

t» 7 

Lancelot Johnston, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 2 s. James J., 
Esq., of Dublin. 

„ 14 

folio 43 . 

Albany Savile, Esq., of Christ Ch., Oxon, only son of 
Christopher S., Esq., of Park St., Westminster, M.P. Hedon. 

» 17 

John Herbert Koe, gent, (of Queen Sq. Place, Westminster) 

2 s. John Heide K., late of City of London, mercht., deed 

» *7 

Henry Dawson, gent., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, only son of 
William D., of Dublin. 

„ 10 

folio 44 . 

Charles Awdry, gent., yst. son of Ambrose A., Esq., late of 
Seend, Wilts, barr.-at*law. 

» 17 

George Ralph Fetherston Haugh, Esq., of Trin. Coll., 
Cambr., 1 s. Sir Thomas F., bart., M.P., co. Longford. 

> 17 

William Henry Carter, Esq., of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., 1 s. 
Thomas C., F 2 sq., of Castle Martin, co. Kildare. 


ILtncoln’s £nit 3 UHnf* 0 fon Register: 1420-1893. 

1804 Nov. 24 

n 27 

folio 45. 

James Collins, of Knaresboro, Yorks, Esq. 

Benjamin Gaskell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., i s. Daniel G., late 
of Clifton Hall, co. Pal. Lane., Esq., deed. 


Henry David Erskine, of the Univ. of Edinburgh, Esq., i s. 
Hon. Henry E., of Amondell, \o. Linlithgow. 

Dec. 12 

» >5 

folio 46. 

Robert Wilding, of Copthorne, Salop, Esq. 

John Cotman, of Line. Inn, gent., 2 s. Rev. John C., of Stanton, 

>» >5 

Francis Robertson, of Russell Sq., 2 s. Gilbert R., late of 
Tain, N.B., mercht., deed. 

1805 Jan. 2 

folio 47. 

David Francis Jones, jun., gent., 1 s. David Francis J., of City 
of Chester. 

» 7 

John Barker, gent., 1 s. John B., of Mattersea Hill, Bawtry, 

» *5 

Thomas Jones, junr., gentleman commoner of Magdalen Coll., 
Oxon, son of Thomas J., of Stapleton, co. Glouc., Esq. 


folio 48. 

William Harvey, of Russell Sq., gent., only son of John H., of 
Donington, co. Line., gent. 

u 21 

William Emm, of Bishop Auckland, co. Durham, Esq., only son 
of John E., late of Warminster, Wilts, Esq. 

*, 21 

Geqrge Bkvan, gent., 5 s. Silvanus B., of Riddlesworth, 
Norfolk, Esq. 

» 22 

» 2 3 

folio 49. 

William Jenkin, of Redruth, nr. Truro, gent. 

John Arnold, of Merton Coll., Oxon, gent., 2 s. George Arnold 
Arnold, of Argyle St., Westmr., Esq. 

» 2 5 

Sir Henry Fitzherbert, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., and of 
Tissingdon, co. Derby, bart., 3 s. Sir Wm. F., bart., deed., 
and late a barrister of this socy. 

» 25 

folio 50. 

George Gipps, of St. John's Coll., gent., 1 s. George G., late of 
Harbledown, n. Canterbury, Esq., deed. 

» 29 

John Earle Welby, Esq., 5 s. Sir Wm. Earle W., of Denton 
Ho, co. Line., bart. 

» 3 ° 

Charles Devon, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
William D., of Red Lion Sq., Esq. 


ILtncoln’g Jinn a&mtssion &cgtsiter: 1420-1893 



Feb. 5 
1 * 5 

n 5 

** 5 

it 5 

March 28 

April 5 

„ 23 

» 2 7 

„ 27 

May 1 










folio 51. 

John Chamberlain Reeve, Esq., only son of George R., late of 
Tottenham, Esq., deed. 

Williamson Hawthornthwaite, of Line. Coll., Oxford, Esq., 
only son of |ohn H., of Sunderland, Esq. 

Walter Edward Hodcson, gent., 2 surviving son of William H., 
of Leeds, mercht. 

folio 52. 

William Pugh, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., only son of 
William P., of Caerhowell, co. Montgy., Esq. 

Edward Wilbraham, Esq., i s. Edward W., of Cirencester, 
co. Glouc., Esq. 

Thomas Fowell Buxton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., i s. 
Thomas Fowell B., late of Earl's Colne, Essex, Esq., deed. 

folio 53. 

John Cockerell, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., i s. Samuel 
Pepys C., of Westbourne Green (London), Esq. 

Frederick Eden, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., B.A., i s. Lord 
Henley, K.B.P.C. 

Sir James Matthew Stronge, of Brazenose Coll., Oxford, bart., 
only son of Sir James S., late of Thornhill, co. Dublin, 
bart., deed. 

folio 54. 

Hatton Monk, of Bristol, gent., 2 s. Hatton M., late of ph. of 
St. George’s, Bloomsbury, gent., deed. 

William Patrick Cruise, gent., 1 s. Richard C., of Rahood, 
co. Meath, Esq. 

John Wray, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. John W., of Hull, 
Yorks, Esq. 

folio 55. 

Hon. James Hewitt, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A., 1 s. \ isct Lifford. 
Thomas Leeke, gent., 1 s. Ralph L., of lxmgford, Salop, Esq. 
Christopher Temple, jun., 1 s. Christopher T., of Llandrinio, 
co. Montgy., Esq. 

folio 56. 

Edward Cludde, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. 

William C., of Orleton, Salop, Esq 
Edward Selby, gent., 3 s. Thomas S., of Biddleston, Northld., 

Thomas Shaw, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 4 s. Robert S., late 
of City of Dublin, Esq., deed. 


Uincoltt’0 tnn a*mi*0ion iUgtstcr : 1420-1893. 


May 13 

» T 3 


>» 14 

» *4 

June 6 

» 8 
» 13 

»» 18 

» 24 

„ 28 

» 28 

J u] y 3 


» 2 5 

Oct. 1 
» 28 

Nov. o 

folio 57. 

JOHN w^ LLE ^ ° f the Facul ‘y of Advocates, gent., 
William 1"., of Carstairs, co. I^inark, Esq. 

2 s. 

1 h °mas St. George, gent., s. of Rev. Dr. Howard St. G., of 
Kiirath, co. Kilkenny. ’ 

J ° HN of R Sr T ’ ° f u rin ' Coll u 1 , )ublin * « ent - 3 - Gustavus R„ 
ol Rochfort, co. Westmeath, Esq. 

folio 58. 

gem " * ‘ Wm ™ *-• » f Copthome, 
Eiiwakd Fowler, eenL, yst. son of William F., of ChichSS 

R ' CH A«pi,TEsq'. 6 ' m '’ ° n ' > ’ RiChard N " Ch ™' ; 

folio 59. 

John Cooke Harding, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., , s 
John H., ofArgyleSt., Esq. ’ *’ 

Matthew Heather Quantock, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
A., gent., yst. son of John Q., Esq., of Chichester. 

Robert Shottleworth, junr., of Emanuel Coll., Cambr yst 
son of Robert S., of Barton Lodge, co. Lane., Esq. 

folio 60 . 

Fhomas Digby .Aubrey, of Trin. Coll Camhr r a i 

»nofRichardA.,ofA,hHaS;co oia„,“t q : ’ “' y 

Charles Hekrv Hotchkvs, of Exeter Coli., Oxon Eso 

EDW n° ^ <■*« «>. 

folio 61 . 

•Edmund Francis Welles, of Wore Coll o» / j , 

only son of Rev. Francis W„ late of Earls Groomel iaWora! 

James St. Aubyn, of Oriel Coll.. Oxon, Esq^i t’s^^ohn'S^T 
William Leeson Wall, of Ixmdon, gen t. (aged’ onlv 
surviving son of Thomas W., of Ireland, mercht., deed. V 

folio 62 . 

W ‘ LI Win- HE u N ’ of Trin ‘ Coll > Dublin (aged iq) , s 

William H., of Dublin, Master in Chancery. ^ ’ 

Charles Carey Sumner, Esq. (aged at) is lohn « r 

of Calcutta, and late of Brompton, M’iddx., Esq., deccf mer Y 

J,LE M R Justke°R. Merton °» L . . B A. <^0 >■=), . a. Hoo. 

Utncoln’st Inn gltnnission HcgtjStfr: 1420-1893. 


1805 Nov. 9 

folio 63. 

Thomas Slocombe Gi.ubb, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 21), only son of John Warren G., late of Barnstaple, 

„ *2 

Devon, Esq., deed. [ 2 s . John W., of Hull, Esq. 

Charles Wray, A.M., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 

William Russell Olpnall, of Christ Church, Oxford, Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Rev. Samuel 0 ., rector of St. Nicholas, 


folio 64. 

» 12 

James Stamford Caldwell, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 18), only son of James C., of Linley Wood, ph. of 
Audley, co. Staff., Esq. 

» 13 

Edward Collins, junr., of St. John's Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 23), only son oi Edward C., of Trutham, Cornwall, Esq. 

» 13 

George Robert Cross, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 
yst. son of James C., late of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq., deed. 

" H 

folio 65. 

Hon. George Lamb, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A. (aged 21), 
yst. son of Visct. Melbourne, of Melbourne Ho, Whitehall. 

„ M 

William Hallett, jun., gent., 1 s. William H., of Farringdon, 
Berks, Esq. 

n 14 

Herbert Newton Farrett Kerr, of Univ. of Edinburgh 
(aged 20), 1 s. David K., of Island of Jamaica, Esq. 

» 22 

folio 66. 

Thomas Cooper Vander Horst, Esq. (aged 26), only son of 
Eleas Vander Horst, Esq., of Bristol, Consul of the U. S. of 

2 5 

♦> 29 

America. [ gen t. 

Perceval White, gent, (aged 23), 1 s. James W., of Line. Inn, 

Robert Kirkpatrick, of Liverpool, gent., atty.-at law (aged 35), 
son of John K., late of City of Chester, woollen draper. 

Dec. 4 

folio 67. 

John Sellon, junr. (aged 16), only son of Baker John S., of 
Boswell Court, sergt.-at-law. 

„ 12 

William Welfitt, Esq. (aged 31), of the Middle Temple, bar.- 
at-law, only son of William W., Preby. of Canterbury, D.I). 

1806 Jan. 20 

Charles Andrew Caldwell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Benjamin C., admiral of the red. 

» 23 

folio 68. 

Henry Streatfeild, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Henry S., of Chiddingstone, Kent, Esq. 

Feb. 1 

Richard Edward Gumbleton, of Brazenose Coll., Ox, gent, 
(aged 20), only son of Richard G., late of Lismore, Ireland, 

» 4 

Esq., deed. | rector of Geashill, King's Co. 

Robert Digby, of the Univ. of Dublin, gent., 2 s. Dean D., 

Utncoln’g Cnit ^Dmtsston &cot!Stcr : 1420-1893. 

Feb. 8 
April 10 
» 15 

„ 16 

» 23 

n 24 

„ 24 

•> 2 5 

» 2 5 

May 5 

» 5 

»» 5 

n 7 

» 7 

» 7 

1 * l 7 

»* l 7 

folio 69. 

Francis Henry Lambert, of Winchester Coll., gent, (aged 18), 
1 s. Robert L., of Dorchester, Esq. 

William Gill Paxton, of Merton Coll., Oxon, only son of 
Archibald P., of Buckingham St., London, Esq. 

Richard Prime, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Samuel P., of London, Esq. 

folio 70. 

Benjamin Sandford, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 20), only 
son of Benjamin S., of the Island of Martinique, West Indies. 

William Horton Lloyd, gent, (aged 22), only son of 
Gamaliel LI., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

John Wilson, gentleman commoner, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., 1 s. 
John W., of Paisley, N.B., mercht. 

folio 71. 

Henry Smedley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, A.B. (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward S., vicar of Meopham, Kent. 

Boyce Combe (aged 16), 3 s. Henry Christian C., of London, 

Maynard Colchester, of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, gent, 
(aged 20), only son of late John C, of Westbury, co. Glouc., 
Esq., deed. 

folio 72. 

William Conant, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., B.A. (aged 22 years), 
2 s. Nathaniel C, of London, Esq. 

John Walter Pollen (aged 22) 1 s. Sir John P., of Redenham, 
Hants, bart., one of the Masters of the Bench. 

Charles Bird, of Bemerton, Wilts, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
Thomas B., of Sturminster Newton, Dorset, Esq. 

folio 73. 

Francis Cholmeley, Esq. (aged 22), only son of Francis C of 
Brandsby, Yorks, Esq. [co . Galway, Esq. 

Francis Burke, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. William B„ late of Ower, 

Edward Bowles Symes, Esq. (aged 21), of Line. Coll., Ox. 1 s. 
Richard S., of Bristol, Esq. 

folio 74. 

Hon. George Eden, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (aged 21), 2 s Lord 

Stamp Brooksbank, Esq. (aged 22), of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 1 s. 

Benjamin B., of Helaugh, Yorks, Esq. 

Charles Edward Grey, of Univ. Coll., Oxon, B.A. (aged 20) 

2 s. Ralph William G., of Backworth, Northumberland, Esq! 

Utncoln’0 Cnn gllmtfegfon &egtetrr: 1420-1893. 


May 2 2 

*> 27 

June 3 

„ 4 

» 6 

M ^ 

I, 11 

» *7 

„ 17 

» 20 

» 2C 

» 21 

« 25 

Ju'y 3 


Aug. 25 

i 5 

folio 75. 

Thomas Fraser, of King’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 

William Mackinen F., of London, M.D. 

Francis Forbes, of the Island of Bermuda, gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 

Hon. Francis F., member Privy Council said Island. 

Robert Fetherston Jessop, of St. John's Coll., Ox. (aged 21 *, 
2 s. John H. Jessop, of co. Longford, Esq., deed. 

folio 76. 

Charles Heaton, gent, (aged 17), 3rd grandson of John H., of 
this socy. 

Joseph William Iordan, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 17), 
1 s. Gibbs Walker J., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Skinner Matthews, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 2 s. John M., of Belmont, co. Hereford, M.P. 

folio 77. 

James Erskine, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. late 
John F.., of Alva, N.B., Esq., and an advoc. of the Scottish bar. 

Arthur Male, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 2 s. 

James M., Esq., of Bellevue, Salop. 

Richard Sheffield Grace, of Lismore, Queen’s Co., gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. Richard G., late of Southwell, Queen’s Co., 


folio 78. 

Richard Burgh Byam, gent., of King’s Coll., Cambr., 2 s. 

William B., of Seafield, Sussex, Esq. 

John Miller, of Ballinghall, and of the Faculty of Advocates, 
Scotland, Esq., 1 s. late John M., of Ballinghall, co. Fife, Esq. 
William Douglas, of Orchardton, and of the Faculty of 
Advocates, Scotland, Esq., 1 s James I)., of Orchardton, 

[N.B., Esq. 

folio 79. 

Peter Richard Hoarf., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, Esq., 
5 s. Sir Richard H., bart., deed. 

Samuel Vines, solr. and resident in Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 38), 

2 s. Goodson V., of Wotton under Edge, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Charles Wetherell, bar. of the Inner Temple, Esq. (aged 36), 

3 s. I)r. W., Dean of Hereford. 

folio 80. 

Robert Harry Incus, of Christ Church, Ox., Esq. (in 21st year), 
only - s. Sir Hugh I., of Melton Bryant, Beds, M.P., 
director H.E.I.C.S. 

|ohn Anstruther, of Christ Church, Ox., Esq. (in 21st year), 
1 s. Sir John A., bart., a Master of the Bench. 

Whinfield Stephen Round, of St. Peter’s Hall, Camb. (aged 20), 
M.A., 1 s. Stephen R., of Windsor, Berks, Esq. 


lUnroIn’# 3 rnn gttrmteston lUgigter: 1420-1893. 

1806 Sept. 19 

folio 81. 

James Stephen, Esq., of Trin. Hall, Carnbr. (aged 18), 2 s . 
James S., of Line. Inn, Esq. 

Oct. 15 

John Church, of Univ. Coll., Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), r s. 
Thomas C., late of Hatfield, Herts, Esq., deed. 

Nov. 1 

George Francis Hampson, late of Eaton, Esq. (aged 18), only 
son of Sir Thomas Philip H., hart. 

» 3 

folio 82. 

John Gould Gent (aged 22), of Univ. Coll., Ox, Esq., 2 s. 
Genl. William G., of Bath. 

„ 7 

Sampson Augustus Rumball, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Sampson R.. 
ot Barnet, Herts, Esq. 


Arthur Johnston Crawford, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 
(aged about 20), 1 s. John C., of Crawfordsburn, co. Down, 


folio 83. 

» 12 

Charles Samuel Brunsdon, Esq. (aged 17), only son of 
Mr. Charles B., of Tolcenhouse Yard, London, Blackwell 
Hall, factor. 

n 14 

Nicholas Ayi.ward Vigors, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. N. S. Vigors, of Belmont, co. Carlow. 

» l 5 

William Hewson, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 25), 

2 s. William H., of Castle Hewson, co. Limerick, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 84. 

John Beague, jun. (aged 20), of Emanuel Coll., Carnbr., 1 s. 
John B., of Hollam Ho, Dulverton, Somerset, Esq. 

„ 19 

George T. Nicholson, of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, Esq. (aged 10) 

1 s. Samuel N., of London, Esq. 

» 15 

John Samuel Martin Fonblanque, of Caius Coll., Carnbr 
Esq., 1 s. John F., of the Middle Temple, Esq. 

„ 22 

folio 85. 

Robert Edward Eden Mynors, of Univ. Coll., Ox. (aged 18), 

1 s. Robert M., late of Bermingham, deed. 

» 24 

William Peter, of Ch. Church, Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Henry P., of Harlyn, Cornwall, Flsq. 

» 2 5 

George Hunt, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
Rowland H., of Boreatton, Salop, Esq. 

Dec. 6 

folio 86. 

Nathaniel Ellison, of Merton Coll., Ox., A.B. (aged 20), 1 s . 
Rev. Nathaniel E., A.M., deed., late of Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

„ 12 

Thomas Anthony Trollope, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at law, 

1 s. Rev. Anthony T., of same place (sic). 

» J 5 

John Hodgson, junr., of London (aged abt. 21), 1 s. John H. 
of the Excise Office, London. 

2 7 

Utncoln’ss Enn &&mte0ton Tlcgtstei : 1420-1893. 



Dec. 20 
» 29 

Jan. 2 

n 2 3 
» 23 

» 23 

„ 23 

1, 27 

„ 28 

it 29 

Feb. 2 
11 *3 



March 13 

April 2 

,1 14 

folio 87. 

Hon. Samuel Hood, commoner of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 18), 

2 s. Henry, Lord Hood. 

Charles William Monk, of Montreal, N. America, Esq. 
(aged 19), nephew of the Hon. James M., Chief Justice, 
Lower Canada. [Chancellor. 

Hon. Thomas Erskine (aged 19), 3 s. Thomas E., Lord High 

folio 88. 

Samuel Hutchins, gent, (aged 19), 4 s. Thomas H., late of 
Bantyre (qy.)i co - Cork, Esq., deed. 

John Cromie, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
John C., of Cromore, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

John Cox, junr., gent, (aged 21), only son of John C, of 

[Guildford St., London, gent. 

folio 89. 

George Peters Irvine, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, gent, (aged 20), 
only son of Alex. I., late of Berners St., Esq., deed. 

James Powell (aged 28), a resident member of Exeter Coll., 
Oxon, Esq., 1 s. James P., of Clapton, Middx., Esq. 

Maurice Swabev, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21 yrs.), t s. 
Maurice S., L.L.D., of Langley, Bucks, an Advocate Court 

[of Arches. 

folio 90. 

William Blackburn, of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 18), 1 s. late William B., late of Borough of 
Southwark, Esq., deed. 

Henry Pilkington, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
William P., of Whitehall, London, Esq. 

James Bernard (now Bernard) Camplin, gent, (aged 21), 
fellow ot King’s Coll., Cambr., 1 s. Rev. James C., rector of 

[Coombe Flory, Somerset. 

folio 91. 

John Thomas O’Grady, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. De Conrey O’G., 
of Killballyowen, co. Limerick, Esq. 

William Glasier, of Palace Yd., Westminster, gent, (aged 28 
years), yst. son of George G., of ph. of St. Andrews, Holborn, 
Middx., builder. 

Charles Augustus Tulk, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 20), 1 s. 
John Augustus T., of London, gent. 

folio 92. 

Philip Morris, of Worcester Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
late Rev. Philip M., of Hurst, Salop, clerk. 

Henry Gipps, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
late George G., Esq., of Harbledown, Herts, re admitted 
16 June, 1814. 

William Brodrick, of Lniv. Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), only 
son of William B., of Newington, Surrey, Esq. 

fttnroln’js Enn a&mtgston iXcgigitn*: 1420-1893. 

1807 April 15 




„ 29 

May 2 




» 7 

» 30 

June 1 

folio 93. 

Paggen Hale, of All Soul’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 2 s 
William H., of King’s Walden, Herts, Esq. 

George Frederick Stratton, Esq. (aged 27), L.L.I). of the 
Univ. of Oxford, M.A. of the Univ. of Cambr., F.R.S., 
F.A.S., 1 s. late George S., Esq., of Two Park, Oxon. 
William Augustus Cunvnghame, Esq. (aged 19), 4 s. Sir 
William Augustus C, of Eeningston, N.B., bart. 

folio 94. 

James Saurin (aged 20), late of the Univ. of Dublin, Esq., 1 s. 
W illiam S., of City of Dublin, Esq., bar.-at law. 

Richard Pollen, of Christ Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. Sir 
John P., bart., a master of the bench. 

Henry Grady, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s . 
Standish G., Esq., of Grange, co. Limerick. 

folio 95. 

Fiennes Trotman, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), only 
son of Fiennes T., of Liston Court, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John David Norton, gent, (aged 19), of Edgware, Middx., son 
of Eardley N., Esq., of Edgware, afsd. 

Charles Oldfield Bowles, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, B.A. (aged 21) 
only son of Oldfield B., of North Aston, Oxon, Esq. 

folio 96. 

Lewis Marcell Cotman, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 20) 
3rd s. Rev. John C., of Bury St. Edmunds. 

Walter Clarke, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (aged 22) 
only son of John O’Donnell C., of Dublin, Esq. 

Thomas John Wells, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 20) 
1 s. Rear Adml. Wells, of Hunts. ' 8 

,, 8 

» >3 

» 27 

». 29 

Aug. 3 

folio 97. 

John Tisher Hope, Esq. (aged 22), only son late John H., of 
City of Glouc., Esq., deed. 

Robert Robertson, of Tottenham Ct. Road, gent, (aged xo) 
only son of David R., of Dunse, co. Berwick, gent. 

Henry Ralph Willett, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
John Willett W. } of London, bar.-at-law. 

folio 98. 

(jEorge Baker, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (M.A. 1811) gent 
(aged 21), 1 s. John B., of St. Stephen’s, n. Canterbury, Esq. 

Richard George Baker, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 10) 
t s. Richard B., of Battersea, Surrey, Esq. 8 9 ’ 

Hon. Douglas James William Kinnaird, of Trin. Coll. Cambr 
(aged 20), 2 s. George, Lord Kinnaird, deed. 

Utncoln’s Inn ft&mtssion iXcgt^tcr: 1420-1893. 



Aug. 0 
„ 17 

1 7 

Sept. 19 

Oct. 16 

„ 23 

Nov. 11 

»» 13 
,< 14 









» 23 

„ 23 




folio 99. 

Thomas John Crowder, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 
r s. William Henry C., of Finsbury Sq., Esq. 

William Cowper, of Line. Inn, and of West End, Hampstead, 
Esq. (aged 30), 1 s. Rev. William C., of Appleby, 


James Brougham, gent., formerly of the Univ. of Edinburgh 
(aged 26), 2 s. Henry B., of Brougham Hall, Westmoreland, 


folio 100. 

Edward John Bourke Fitzsimons, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
A.B. (aged 19), only son of John Bourke F., of Comfort 
Lodge, Sandymouth, or Custom House, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John William Molloy, gent, (aged 18), late of Harrow School, 
2 s. Anthony Bye M., of London, Esq. 

Thomas Butterfield, gent, (aged 23), 1 s. Nathaniel B., of the 
Bermuda or Somers Island, Esq. 

folio 101. 

Eneas MacDonnell, gent, (aged 23), 4 s. Charles M., of Clona, 
co. Mayo. 

Richard Greaves Townley, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 
21), 1 s. Richard Greaves T., of Fulbourne, co. Cambr., Esq. 

William Montgomery, Esq., late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Rev. Hugh M., of Grey Abbey, co. Down. 

folio 102. 

Charles Chatfield, gent, (aged 17), 1 s. Allen C., of Wimbledon, 
Surrey, Esq. 

Peter Rickards Mynors, of Merton Coll., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. 
Peter Rickards M., late of Treago, co. Hereford, Esq., deed. 

Robert Fitzherbert Batty, of Brazenose Coll., Oxford, gent, 
(aged 19), 1 s. Philip B., of Ballyhealy, co. Westmeath. 

folio 103. 

Espine Batty, of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxford, gent, (aged 14), 
3 s. Philip B., of Ballyhealy, co. Westmeath. 

Robert Ramsden, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 23), 1 s. 

Robert R., of Carlton, Notts, Esq. 

William Morris, of Ch. Church, Ox., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
William M., of Waterford, Esq. 

folio 104. 

Charles Sawyer, of Christ Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
John S., of Hey wood Lodge, Berks, Esq. 

Elton Hamond, of the Univ. of Edinburgh, gent, (aged 21), 
1 s. Charles H., late of Denmark Hill, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

John Carter, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq (aged 19), only son 
of Sir John C., of Portsmouth, Hants, knt. 




Etncoln’s $nn St&mtgston Register: 1420-1893. 

Nov. 28 

Dec. i 

w 3 


» 12 

If 12 

M 17 

» 17 

Jan. 14 

» 2 5 

i, 28 

„ 28 

» 29 

Feb 5 
fi 24 

March 8 
April 6 
fi 19 

folio 105. 

Robert Alexander Scott, of St. John’s Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 17), t s. George Robertson S., of lienbol m, co. 
Kincardine, Esq. 

Hon. Frederick Sylvester North Douglas, of Ch. Ch., Ox. 
(aged abt. 17), only son of Ix>rd Glenbervie, one of the 
masters of the bench. 

John Peterson, gent., of the Island of St. Nevis, West Indies 
(aged 37), 6 s. Bates William P., of the same. Esq. 

folio 106. 

William Deai.try, gent, (aged 14), 2 s. Henry IX, of London, Esq. 

Robert Marsh am, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s . Rev. Hon. Jacob M., 
D.D., Canon of Windsor, &c. 

Frederick Holland, Esq. (aged 20), graduate Trin. Coll., 
Dublin, 2 s. William H., of Limerick, Esq. 

folio 107. 

Edmund Hartopp, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 19), 2 s. Sir 
Edmund Cradock Hartopp, bart., of Four Oaks Hall. 

Hugh James Bailije, of Baliol Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
James B., late of Ealing Grove, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Robert McFarlane Hammond, gent, (aged 17), 3 s. William H„ 
of Queen Sq., Middx., Esq. 

folio 112. 

James Manning, of the City of Exeter, Esq (aged 26), 2 s. Rev. 
Janies M., of Exeter afsd. 

1 ’Rancis Robert Bonham, of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf., gent, 
(aged 22), y. s. Francis Warren B„ of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Carrou, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), only son 
of Edward C., o( Fitzwilliam Sq., Dublin, Esq. 

folio 114. 

Samuel Sellwood, of Magd. Coll., Ox., Esq., M.A. (aged 22) 
only son of Samuel S., of Abingdon, Berks, Esq. 

Robert Phillimore, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 2O 4 s . 
Rev. Joseph P., of Orton on-the-Hill, co. Leic. 

Charles Tufton Blicke, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (aeed 2O 
only son of Sir Charles B., knt. b i ' 

folio 115. 

George William Denys, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20) 
only son of Peter D., of Hans Place, London, Esq. 

Richard Holmes Coote, gent, (aged 24), 1 s. Richard C, late 
of Arundel, Sussex, deed. 

Samuel Richardson, of Jesus Coll., Oxford, gent, (aged 20) 
i s. Samuel R., of Hensol Castle, co. Glam., Esq. 

Utncoln’g fira SUJmtssion Register: 1420-1893. 31 

April 23 

folio 117. 

Lambert Moore, gent, (aged 17), s. of Daniel M., of Kingston, 
Jamaica, solr. and atty.-at-law. 

» 2 3 

Thomas Lisle Follett, gent, (aged 24), only son of Thomas F , 
of Lyme, Dorset, Esq. 

May 2 

George McEntagart, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 24), 

1 s. George McE., of Drogheda, Esq. 

» 12 

folio 118. 

Fitzherbert Batty, of Brazen-nose Coll., gent, (aged 16), 2 s. 
Philip B., of Ballyheally, co. Westmeath. 

>, 12 

Walter O’Hara, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Robert O’Hara, of 
Dublin, Esq. 

» J 3 

Anthony Richard Blake, gent, (aged 22), y. s. late Martin B., 
of Holly Park, co. Galway, Esq. 

,1 16 

folio 119. 

Edward Marlborough Fitzgerald, gent, (age l 23), 1 s. of 
Maurice F., of Banna, co. Galway, Esq. 

„ 18 

Martin West, of Univ. Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 21), yst. son of 
Balchen W., late of Harley St., Esq., deed. 

„ 18 

Palmer Acland, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
John A., of Fairfield, Somerset, Esq. 


folio 120. 

James Wedderburn Webster, Esq. (aged 20), r s. David W., 
late of Shenley Hill, Herts, Esq., deed. 

„ 28 

„ 28 

James Topping, bencher of the Inner Temple. 

Richard Wellesley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), eldest 
son of the Marquis of Wellesley. 

.. 3 1 

folio 121. 

George Augustus Frederick Cunynghame, gent, (aged 18), 
5 s. Sir William Augustus C., of Livingstone, N.B., bart. 

June 3 

William Floyer, gent, (aged 5), only son of Rev. William F., of 
Line. Inn, and of Stinsford, Dorset, clerk. 

>> 3 

William Papwell Brigstock, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, gent., only 
son of Thomas B., late of Croydon, Surrey, Esq., deed.* 

folio 122. 

John Arthur Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 
2 s. late Francis LI., of London, Esq. 

„ *3 

Hon. Dudley Macdonald, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A., 5 s. 
late Lord Macdonald, of Skye. 


Henry D’Esterre, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), t s. 
Arthur Henry D’E., of Limerick, atty.-at-law. 


fttnroln’g Enn atmttsgton Register: 1420-1893 

1808 June 17 

folio 123. 

Hexrn Mali, Joy, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), only son of 
Michael J., of Calcot, Berks, Esq. 

»» 2 3 

William Brent Brent, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, and of London, 
gent, (aged 21), only son of William Hodgkinson, late of 
Blackheath, Esq., deed. 

» 2 3 

William John Law, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 

Ewan Law, of London, Esq. 

,7 2 4 

folio 124. 

Cornelius O’Callaghan, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., gent. 

(aged 20), 1 s. John O’C, of Maryfort, co. Clare, Esq. 

» 2 5 

Hi m<\ Hawkins, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Henry H., of Laurence End, Herts, Esq. 

» 29 

John Newton Hunt, of Hackney, gent, (aged 30), 1 s. John H., 
late of Earl’s Colne, Essex, deed. 

»» 30 

folio 125. 

Nathaniel Clayton, of Univ. k Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
Nathaniel C., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq. 

„ 3 ° 

Alexander Mansfield, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

1 s. John M., of Yeomanstown, co. Kildare, Esq. 

July 14 

Hon. William Temple, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., M.A. 

(aged 20), 2 s. late Lord Visct. Palmerston. 

Oct. 1 3 

folio 126. 

John Ellis Clowes, gent, (aged 19 years), 4 s. Charles C., Esq., 

of Iver, Bucks. rir ~ t 

[ream, co. Forfar. 

„ 18 

„ 18 

Alexander Grebnhill, gent, (aged 2c years), s. Charles G., of 

Philip Clarke, Esq. (aged 19), of Caius Coll., Cambr., s. Sir 

Philip Houghton Clarke, bart., late of London, deed. 

folio 127. 

„ 22 

John Shieu, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Queily S., of Monserat, West 

Indies, Esq. 

» 3 i 

Sir Edmund Codrington Carrington, knt. (aged 39), barr. of 
the Middle Temple, son of Rev. Codrington C., deed. 

Nov. 2 

Ouver Hargreave, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 20) 1 s. 

George H., late of Haslingden, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

n 2 

folio 128. 

Hon. William Cust (aged 22), 3rd brother of John Lord 
Brownlow (A.M., St. John’s Coll., Cambr.) 

Oct 31 

Samuel Duckworth, gent., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 22), 

1 s. George D., of Manchester, gent. 

Nov. 5 

James Ai.bin Slack, of Bloomsbury Sq. (aged 22 yrs.), 2 s. 
Thomas S., of the same place, Esq. 


ILtncoln’sf Inn atnmsston Register: 1420-1893. 

1808 Nov. 5 
» 7 

»» 14 

M 15 

„ l6 

» 19 

»> 19 

>. 2 5 

Dec. 26 

1809 Jan. 6 

» *3 

« 13 

« 17 


„ 19 

h 2 5 

folio 129. 

John Tyrrell, gent, (aged 18), 1 s. Timothy T., Esq., 
remembrancer of the City of London. 

Henry Osborne, gent, (aged 22), 4 s. late Jeremiah O., of 
Bristol, Esq. 

William Dardis Furlonge, gent, (aged 17), only son of 
William F., the younger, of Monserrat. 

folio 130. 

William Henry BAi.DOCK,gent., A.B. of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 22) 3 s. Richard B., late of Herne, Kent, Esq. 

Orlando Bridgman, gent, (aged 19 yrs.), 1 s. Richard Whalley B., 
of City of Bath, Esq. 

Francis Goold Morony, gent., A.B. (aged 21), of Trin. Coll., 
Dublin, 3 s. Thomas M., of Milltosvn Ho., co. Clare, Esq. 

folio 131. 

William Delmar, gent., A.B., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Charles D., of (Canterbury, Esq. 

George Chetwynd, of Brasen-nose Coll., Oxford (aged 25), 1 s. 
Sir (ieorge C., of Grendon Hall, co. Warwick, bart. 

Henry Fynes, Esq., of Christ Ch., Oxon, M.A., M.P. (aged 27), 
r s. Rev. Charles Fynes, D.D., preby. Westminster. 

folio 132. 

Eustatjus Strickland, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. Sir William S., of 
Boynton, Yorks, bart. 

Henry Gally Knight, gent, (aged 22), only son of late Henry 
Gaily K., of Langold, co. Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Jonathan Henn, gent., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 19), 2 s. 
William H., of Dublin, a master in chancery. 

folio 133. 

William Maunsell Reeves, gent., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 
20), son of Robert R., of City of Dublin, Esq., atty.-at-law. 

John Wilkinson Hicks, Esq., of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxon 
(aged 20), 1 s. John H., of Plomer’s Hall, n. High 
Wycombe, Bucks, Esq. 

John Hilbert Kaye, gent., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 18), 
2 s. Joseph K., of Tokenhouse Yard, London, Esq. 

folio 134. 

Andrew Amos, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 17), yst. s. 
James A., Esq., of London. 

Hon. Heneage Legge, of All Soul’s Coll., Oxon (aged 20), 2 s. 
George, Earl of Dartmouth. [King’s Co. 

Lewis Flanagan, gent, (aged 35), 2 s. Arthur F., Esq., of Critton, 

vol. 11. 



ILtnroln’* Eitn SlOimsston Register: 1420-1893. 

1809 Jan 26 

n 27 
„ 28 

»* 3 i 

Feb. 6 

,1 9 

March 22 
April 1 

„ 7 

n 13 

11 19 

n 21 

»i 2 5 


folio 135. 

John Kirkpatrick, gent., student of law, Edinburgh (aged 23), 
s. William K., of Closeburn, N.B., Esq. 

Robert Morgan, junr, of Magdalen Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 20), 
only son of Robert M., of London, Esq. 

Richard Boyle Bernard, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 
2 s. Francis, Earl of Bandon, of Castle Bernaid, co. Cork. 

folio 136. 

Nicholas Westby, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. William W., of Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Smyth, of Christ Church, Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s 
Edward S., of Queen’s Co., Esq. 

Robert Cumming, of Gray’s Inn, gent, (aged 21), only son of 
Robert C., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

folio 137. 

Uvedale Corbett, of Pembroke Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 17), 

2 s. of Archdeacon C., of Longnor, Salop. 

John King, jun., A.B., of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxon, Esq., only 
son of John K., of Leicester, Esq. 

Robert Buckley Comyn, of Denmark Hill, gent, (aged 17), 3 s. 
late Rev. Thomas C., of Tottenham, deed. 

folio 138. 

William Felix Riley, gent, (aged 17) only son of John R., of 
Windsor, Berks, Esq. 

Walter Long, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 20) only son of 
John L., late of Preshaw, Hants, Esq., deed. 

Samuel Heathcote Unwin, of-Coll., Cambr. (aged 20) 1 s- 

Samuel Unwin, late of Sutton in Ashfield, Notts, deed. 

folio 139. 

John Partington Clulow, gent, (aged 19), only son of John C, 
of Macclesfield, co. Chester, atty.-at-law. 

John Mitford, Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Philip Shallett Marett, gent, (aged 23 years), of Trin. Coll., 
Cambr., yst. son of Charles M., late of Bps. Waltham, Hants, 

[Esq., deed. 

folio 140. 

Richard Stileman, Esq., of Merton Coll., Ox. (aged 22 years), 
only son late Richard S., of Winchilsea, Sussex, Esq., deed. 

James McMahon, Esq., of Marylebone (aged 25), 1 s. 
Terence McM., of the Island of St. Christopher, West 
Indies, Esq. 

Croasdaile Molony, Esq , of Trin. Coll. Dublin (aged 19), 1 s. 
Henry Gonne M., of Dublin, Esq., bar.-at-law. 



Utnroln’s Knit atimtsdsion Register: 1420-1893. 

April 27 

May 1 











» 13 

„ 18 

>< 3i 
June 5 

folio 141. 

Andrew Armstrong, gent., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 22 
years), 1 s. Edmund A., of Gallen, King’s Co., Esq. 

Francis Cari.eton, Esq., late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, only son of 
John C., of Dublin, Esq. 

Samuel Delap Story, of Univ. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 19), 
2 s. Rev. Joseph S., of co. Cavan. 

folio 142. 

John Fitzgerald Richards, of King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq. 
(aged 19), 2 s. John Nunn R., of City of Dublin, Esq. 

George White, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 19), 5 s. 
Luke W., of Woodlands, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Richard Arnold, gent, (aged 19) 3 s. Charles A., of Bedford 

[Row, Esq. 

folio 143. 

Robert Wybrants, jun., of King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 
son of Robert W., of Granly Row, Dublin, Esq. 

John Frederick Archbold, gent, (aged 23) 2 s. late John A., of 
Boldbrook & Turvey, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Robert Hawthorne, jun., gent, (aged 17), only son of 
Robert H., late of ph. of St. Ann, Middx., Island of 
Jamaica, Esq., deed. 

folio 144. 

Henry James More, gent., late of Eton School (aged 17), y. s. 
Robert M., of Linley, ph. of More, Salop, Esq. 

Isaac Preston, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. 
George P., of Stanfield Hall, Norfolk. 

William Hoskins, Esq., 1 s. William H., of North Perrott, 


folio 145. 

Henry Parke, gent, (aged 18), only son of John P., of Dean St., 
Soho, Esq. 

|ohn Symonds Breedon, of St. John’s Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 19), 1 s. Rev. John Symonds B., of Bere Court, 
Pangbourne, Berks, D.D. [Betchworth, Surrey. 

Joseph Ferard, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 2 s. John F., of 

folio 146. 

John Galt, gent, (aged 30 years), 1 s. John G., of Greenock, 
N.B., mercht. 

Robert Bridgman More, gent., commoner of Magdalen Coll., 
Oxford, 1 s. Robert M., of Linley, ph. of More, Salop, Esq. 

Thomas Wkbbe Weston, gent., s. of John Webbe W., Esq., of 
Sutton PI., Kent. 


Utncoln’s fiitn gt&mteston &cgtstfr: 1420-1893 

1809 June 










Aug. 8 








1 r 

folio 147. 

Henry Egerton, gent, (aged 18 years), 1 s. Rev. Charles E., 
rector of Washington, co. Durham. 

John Buckmaster, gent, (aged 18), i s. John B., late of ph. of 

Lambeth, Esq., deed. r T c „ 

~ [Limpsfield, Surrey, Esq. 

Clement Strong, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Clemt. Samuel S„ of 

folio 148. 

Joseph Cooke, Esq. (aged 21), only son of fohn C., of 
Cordangan, co. Tippy., bar.-at-law. 

Robert Peel, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Sir Robert P., of Drayton 

Manor, co. Staff., bart. ru„ i ^ - 

xr t T [.Harley St, Esq., deed. 

Henry Higginson, gent, (aged 19), 4 s. Alexander H., late of 

folio 149. 

Thomas Roberts, of Emanuel Coll., Camb., gent. (adm. 24 Oct., 
1805), only son ol I homas R., Esq., of Charterhouse Sq., 
London, Esq. n 

HEN fT George Mytton, gent, yst. son of Thomas M., of 
( ledbury North, Salop, Esq., and a barrister of Line. Inn. 

James Harting, of John St., St. James Sq., gent, (agent to the 
°f Norfolk), (aged 29), only son of John H., of 
Witham, Essex, gent. 

folio 150. 

John Mirehouse, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
John M., of Brownslade, co. Pembr., Esq. 

James Leith, gent (aged 17), 1 s. Alexander L.. late of Whitcreggs 
co. Kincardine, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Turton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr.. Esc,, (aged 19), only 
son of Sir 1 homas Iof Starborough Castle, Surrey, hart., 


folio 151. 

Charles Henry Barber, gent, (aged 27). only son of John B., 
of Gray $ Inn, Middx., gent. 

John Knox, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), only son of 
Major Knox, of Dominick St., Dublin. 

Guv Warwick, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Guy W., late of Snow Hill, 
London, Esq., deed. 

folio 152. 

William John Broderip, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 

1 s. William B., of Westbury on Trym, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Lewis, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., adm. 21 Dec., 1805, gent, 
(aged 21), 1 s. David L., of Henllan, co. Pembr., Esq. 

Joseph Richard Durham, gent, (aged 23), 2 s. Richard D., of 
the Island of Bermuda, W.I., Esq. 

ILtntoln’g Jinn SUJmteSton &egtsster: 1420-1893 


809 Nov. 14 


» *5 

„ l6 

n >7 
» 17 







Dec. 1 
» 27 

n 27 

810 Jan. 2 

» 19 

folio 153. 

Thomas Lewis, junior, of Queen’s Coll., Oxon,gent. (adm. 20 May, 
1806), (aged 21), 1 s. William L., of Russell Sq.,London, Esq. 

Hon. James Somers Cocks, of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxon 
(aged 19), yst. son of John Lord Somers. 

William Mason, of Clare Hall, Cambr., B.A. (aged 25), 1 s. 
William M., of Welham, Notts, Esq., deed. 

folio 154. 

John Chambers, junior, gent, (aged 19), yst. s. John C., of 
Lifford, co. Donegal, Esq. 

Robert Henry Southwell, junr., Esq. (aged 20), only son 
Hon. Robert Henry S., of Castle Hamilton, co. Cavan. 

John Robert Hodson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), 
2 s. Hartley H., of Brav, co. Wicklow. 

folio 155. 

Thomas Archbold, of the King’s Inns, Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 

2 s. James A., of Davidstown, co. Kildare, Esq. 

John Stapylton, of Univ. Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 

Henry S., of Norton, co. Durham, Esq. 

John Hamilton, junr., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

1 s. James H., late of Dunboyne Castle, co. Meath, Esq , deed. 

folio 156. 

Hugh Wishaw, of the Middle Temple, gent, (aged 40), s. 
Hugh W., late of City of Chester, gent. 

Charles Claude Clifton, Esq. (aged 30), only son of Charles C., 
late major E.I.C.S., deed. 

George White, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 4 s. 
John W., of Devonshire PL, Esq. 

folio 157. 

Thomas Kent, of Trin. Coll., Oxon (aged 19), yst. son of 
Nathl. K., of Fulham, Middx., Esq. 

Sydney Shore, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. Samuel S., of Norton Hall, 
co. Derby, Esq. 

William Manley, of King s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), only 
son of William M., of Lambs Buildings, Middle Temple, 


folio 158. 

Bryan Blundell Hollinshead, gent., of St. John’s Coll., 
Camb., M.A. (aged 19), 3 s. Henry B. H., of Liverpool, mercht. 
Thomas Davis, of W’adharn Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), only son 
of Rev. Thomas D., of City of Salisbury, Wilts, clerk. 

George Robert Hobart, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), t s. 
Hon. George Vere H., deed., 2 s. George, Earl of 
Buckinghamshire, deed. 


Utticoln’s Enn &Bmf*0tun EUgtsicr: 1420-1893. 


Jan 22 





„ 3 ° 

>* 3° 

» 3i 

w 31 

Feb. 1 



n 27 
March 13 

folio 159. 

Charles Pembroke, of Eton Coll., gent, (aged 17), only son of 
Charles P., late of Chertsey, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

William Williams, of Robert St., Bedford Row, Middx., gent, 
(aged 24), 1 s. John W., of Trosyrafor, Beaumaris, Esq. 

Robert Hodgson, of Trin. Hall, Camhr., gent. (adm. 3 May, 
t 8°5), only son of late Robert H., of Alston, Cumberland, 

| Esq. 

folio 160. 

Charles Street, of Line. Inn, gent, (aged 23), yst. s. James 
Walter S., of Blackwell Hall, Bucks, Esq. 

Cornelius Pitt, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (adm. 27 Oct., 1803), gent, 
(aged 22), 1 s. Joseph P., of Cirencester, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Bourchier Palk Wrey, late of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Sir Bourchier W., of Tawstock Court, Devon, bart. 

folio 161. 

Charles Harrison, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (adm. 27 Sep., 1805), 
gent, (aged 22), 1 s. Charles H., of Ripon, Yorks, Esq. 

Robert Garden, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), only 
son of Robert G., of Clifton, n. Bristol, Esq. 

Samuel Evans Price, Esq. (aged 27), only son of Thomas P., of 

[Builth, co. Brecon, Esq. 

folio 162. 

John Cliffe, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), only son 
Rev. John C., of New Ross, co. Wexford. 

Edmund Ironside, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Col. Charles I., late of 
London, deed. 

George Bi.amire, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent. (adm. 
19 June, 1807), (aged 22), only son of Thomas B., of 

[Carlisle, M.D. 

folio 163. 

Frederick Adair Roe, of Christ Ch., Ox. (aged 20), 2 s. 
William R , Esq., one of the Comissrs. of Customs. 

Thomas Bowles, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), only son 
of John B., of Abingdon, Berks, Esq. 

Henry John Adeane, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (adm. 5 May, 1806), 
(aged 20), 1 s. Robert Jones A., of Babraham, co. Cambr., 


folio 164. 

George Andrews, gent, (aged 18), 4 s. William A., town clerk 
of Reading, Esq. 

Frederick Miles Van Heythuysen, gent, (aged 26), 4 s. 
Gerrard Van H., of John St., Bedford Row, Esq. 

William Fettes, of the Faculty of Advocates, N.B (adm. 16 Jan., 
1810), (aged 22), only son of Sir William F., of Wamphrey, 
co. Dumfries, bart. 

Lincoln’s Enn &lrmt00ton LUgtStcr: 1420-1893. 



April 14 

n 30 

May 4 
,» 7 

t' l S 

„ 16 



f 2 3 

» 23 

„ 24 



» 30 

June 4 



folio 165. 

William Hall, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 3 s. Sir 
James H., of Danglas, N.B., bart. 

William Montagu, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Matthew M., of 
Portman Sq., Esq. 

John Tyrrell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
John T., of Clonard, co. Kildare, Esq. 

folio 166. 

Hart Davis, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (aged 19), gent., 1 s. Richard 
Hart D., M.P., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Henry Peters, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. 

Henry P., of Park St., Grosvr. Sq., Esq. 

Nicholas Simons, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.B., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Rev. Nicholas S., City of Canterbury. 

folio 167. 

John Vincent Thompson, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr. (adm. 
3 July, 1801), gent, (aged 25), 2 s. Thomas T., of Cottingham, 
Yorks, Esq., M.P. 

George Bankes, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 2 s- 
Henry B., of Kingston Hall, Dorset, Esq. 

John Hovenden Alley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 27), 

1 s. Thos. A., of the Cottage, Queen s Co. 

folio 168. 

Charles Herbert, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 25), 
1 s. Henry Arthur H., of Muckross, co. Kerry, Esq. 

Robert Tisdall Hamerton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 22), 
1 s. Michael H., of Hamerton, nr. Clonmel, co. Tipp., Esq. 

John Simcoe Saunders, of Wore. Coll., Oxon, A.B. (aged 17), 
only son of (Hon.) John S., Ch. Just. Province New 

[Brunswick, N. America. 

folio 169. 

Onesiphorus Tyndall, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. 

Thomas T., late of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

Francis Mascall, jun., gent, (aged 20), only son of Francis M., 
of Eppleton, co. Durham, and of Line. Inn, Middx., Esq. 

Charles Bathurst, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), s. Rt. 
Hon. Charles B., bar.-at-law, Line. Inn. 

folio 170. 

William Nicoles, of Brooms Cottage, co. Staff., gent, (aged 25), 
2 s. Edward N., late of Swithamley Park, co. Staff., Esq., 

Albert Pell, sergt.-at-law. [deed. 

William Fazakerley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
John F., late of Prescott, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 


ILtncoIn’g Inn &&mt**ion &rgi$;tcr: 1420-1893. 

1810 June 21 

folio 171. 

Thomas Christopher Glvn, of Christ Church, Oxford, gent 
(aged 20), 3 s. Sir Richd. Carr Glynn, bart. 

* >» 2 5 

Charles Montgomery Campbell, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
gent, (aged 21), 1 s. Archibald Montgomery C., late of 
Lond., Esq., deed. 

» 27 

Richard Cobham, junr., of Oriel Coll., Oxon, B.A. (aged 20) 

1 s. Richard C., of the Island of Barbadoes, W.I., Esq. 

» 29 

folio 172. 

Samuel Burgess, of Peter Ho., Cambr, gent, (aged .8), only 
son of William B, of London, Esq. 1 

» 3 ° 

Richard Lowndes, of Trin. Coll, Cambridge, gent, (aged 20), 

2 s. William Lowndes-Stone, of Brightwell, Oxon, Esq. 

July 20 

James Bennett, gent, (aged 17), 1 s. James B, of Cadbury Ho., 
nr. VV incanton, Somerset, Esq. 

Sept. 1 

folio 173. 

Duncan Stewart, gent, (aged .5), , s. John S, of Keppel St, 
Russel Sq, Esq. r ’ 

Oct. 20 

Anthony Vandam Searle, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., gent. 

(aged 21) only son of late James S, of the Island of 
Madeira, Esq., deed. 

» 29 

W,LL w n FR 1 NK , S ’ 0f ,I rin - ColL - Cambr, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
William F, late of Fitzroy Sq, Esq, deed. 

Nov. 1 

folio 174. 

Hugh Edwards of Arundel St, Strand, late of the Island 
Fs | ntlgUa ’ (aged 24), 2 s. Andrew E, of sd. island, 

»> 2 

Edward Stanley, of Trin. Coll, Cambr, Esq. (aged 20) 1 s 
James S, late of Portland PI, Esq, deed. ' h ’ 

» 7 

William Gregson, of Brazennose Coll, Oxford (adm. 11 Nov 
1806 B.A. 13 June, 1810, M.A. 28 Apr, .813), (aged 2.)’ 

1 s. John G, late recr. genl, co. Lane, formerly of Everton 
nr. L pool, Esq, deed. 

« 7 

folio 175. 

W illiam Amery Wheatley, of Brasen-nose Coll, Ox. B.A. 

(aged 22), only son of Hugh W, of Stone, co. ’staff' 

» 7 

David James, of 1 rin. Coll, Cambr. (adm. 7 Apl, 1808 BA 

' lS ' 5 ). gent (aged 19), only son of Henry James,' 

late of Baker St, London, Esq, deed. 

H 7 

John Levkson Hamilton, of Christ Ch„ Oxon, Esq. (aged 22) 

1 s. Rear Adi. Thomas H, of London. h 

Utncoln’s £mt atmiisston l^egt^tei: 1420-1893 41 

folio 176. 



Thomas Fyler, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Samuel F., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. ^ 



William Henry Maule, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (adrn. 
10 Oct., 1805, B.A. Jan., 1810), (aged 22), 2 s. Henry M., 
of Edmonton, surgeon. 



Edward Kenyon, late of Peter Ho., Cambr., gent, (aged 25), 
2 s. John K., late of Chenies, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

folio 177. 



Robert Aglionby Slaney, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (adm. 13 May, 
1809), (aged 19), 1 s. Robert S., of Hatton, Salop, Esq. 



Michael Stewart, of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Michael Stewart-Nicolson, of Carnock, Esq. 



John Cottingham, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent. (adm. 2 July, 
1808), (aged 21), 3 s. Thomas C., of Little Neston, co. 

[Chester, Esq. 

folio 178. 



Thomas Shaw Brandreth, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (adm. 
14 Nov., 1805, B.A. Jan., 1810), (aged 22), 2 s. Joseph B., 
of Liverpool, M.D. 



Edward John Walhouse of Brasen-nose Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 20), only son of Moreton W., of Hatherton,co. Staff., Esq. 



George Helyar, of New Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 24), 3 s. 
William H., of Coker Court, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 179. 



Nassau William Senior; Demy of Magdalen Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Rev. John Raven S., vicar of Durnford, Wilts. 



William Henry Booth, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. Rev. Thomas B., 
of Spilsby, co. Line., clerk. 



Joseph Garrow, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
only son of Joseph G., formerly of Madras, Esq., deed. 

folio 180. 



Edmund Yorke, of Catherine Hall, Camb., Esq. (aged 23). 3 s. 
Thomas Y., of Halton PL, co. Yorks, Esq. 


3 1 

James Charles French, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. James F., late of 
the Island of St. Vincent, now of Store St., Lond., Esq. 



John Hardwick, of Baliol Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), (adm. 
21 Oct., 1808), 1 s. Thomas H., of Berners St, Esq. 

folio 181. 


2 5 

James Bush, junior, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
James B., late of Doctors Commons, City of London, Esq. 


2 5 

John Wood, of Cardiff, co. Glam., Esq. (aged 30), 1 s. John W., 
of same place, Esq. 


3 i 

William David Longlands, of Exeter Coll., Oxford, gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. Alexander L., of City of London, mercht. 



4 2 

Utnroln’g $nn atnmsston iicgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

1811 Jan. 


























2 5 


3 ° 




folio 182. 

Francis Cross, of Clifton, co. Glouc., gent, (aged 29), 6 s. 
James C., of same place, Esq. 

Thomas Morton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 
Samuel M., of Clonmell, co. Tippy., Esq. 

Addison John Cresswell, of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon, gent, 
(aged 22), 1 s. Francis C., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

folio 183. 

Alexander Urquhart, of Waltham Abbey, Essex, gent, 
(aged 18), s. Walter U., of Gt. Baddon, Essex, Esq. 

Henry Harper, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. Thomas H., of Fleet St., 
nr. Temple Bar, goldsmith. 

Simon Fraser Cooke, gent., of Univ. Coll. Ox., M.A. (aged 17), 
2 s. Henry C., of Coleman St., London, mercht. 

folio 184. 

John Ashdowne, of Tunbridge, Kent, gent., (aged 34), 1 s. 
Richard A., late of same place, yeoman, deed. 

Michael French, of Trinity Sq., London, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Dominick F., of Trinity Sq., afsd., mercht. 

Charles Purton Cooper, of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 17), 

1 s. Charles C., of Fleet St., London, linendraper. 

folio 185. 

Robert Beamish, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 

2 s. William B., of co. Cork, Esq. 

Robert Bill, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 21), is. John B., 
of Manchester, Esq. 

George Hutton Wilkinson, of Trin Coll., Cambr. (adm. 
11 April, 1807, B.A. 10 May, 1811), gent, (aged 20), 2 s. 
Thomas W., of Mildenhall, Suffolk, Esq. 

folio 186. 

David William Gregorie, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. Charles G., of Upper Berkeley St., Esq. 

Henry Lewis Wickham, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), 
only son of Rt. Hon. William W., of Cookham, Berks. 

Henry Charles Litchfield, of John St., Bedford Row, 
bar. at law, Inner Temple, and solr. to the treasury, Esq! 
(aged 53),.son of George L., formerly of Essex St., Strand, 
late a solr. of customs, deed. 

folio 187. 

Richard Morgan, gent, (aged 21), only son of Edward M., of 
Gray’s Inn, atty.-at-law, Esq. 

Henry Porter, of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxford, gent, (aged 19), 2 s. 
Thos. P., of Rockbeare Ho., Devon, Esq. j-’p^ 

George Day, gent, (aged 22), only son of George D., of Swansea, 

ILtncoln’g Inn SHumssston lUgtgter: 1420-1893. 


1811 May 














T 4 
















folio 188. 

Hon. Robert Henley Eden, of Christ Ch., Oxford (aged 21), 
2 s. Lord Henley. 

Richard Edward Digby, of the King’s Inn, Dublin, gent, 
(aged 18), 4 s. William D., Dean of Clonfert. 

George Meara, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 4 s. Rev. 
James M., of Freshford, co. Kilkenny. 

folio 189. 

Arthur Crichton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., Jany., 1812 
(aged 20), 1 s. John C., of Upper Gower St., London. 

Thomas Pares, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (adm. 26 June, 1808), 
(aged 20), 1 s. John P., of Newark, co. Leic., Esq. 

Robert Penny, of Line. Inn, solr. at law (aged 38), 1 s. 
Cabel (sic) P., late of Castle Cary, Somerset, gent., deed. 

folio 190. 

Frederick Stables, of Christ Ch., Ox. (aged 21), 3 s. John S., 
late of Wenham Ho., Surrey, Esq., deed. 

James Morgan, of Jesus Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 25), 4 s. John M., 
of Doleoyon, co. Cardigan, gent. 

John Montgomery, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
Hugh M., of Benvarden, co. Antrim, Esq. 

folio 191. 

Robert Grew Loraine, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. Mr. George L., of 
Store St., Bedford Sq. 

Charles Robert Prinsep, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 2 s. John P., of St. Helen’s PI., Bishopsgate St., Esq. 

William Battie Wrightson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (adm. 
7 Mar., 1808), (aged 21), 1 s. William W., of Cusworth, 

[Yorks, Esq. 

folio 192. 

David Rowley, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20;, 1 s. 
Owsley R., of St. Neots, Hunts, Esq. 

William Hughes, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Richard H., of New Sq., 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Rennet de Boigne, of Bernard St., Russell Sq., Middx., Esq. 
(aged 19), 1 s. Bennet de B., of Portland PI. (left the socy. 
by the name of Charles Bent de Boigne, 25 June, 1817). 

folio 193. 

Augustus Pechell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 3 s. 
Augustus P., of Portman Sq., Middx., Esq. 

William Loftus Lowndes, gent, (aged 18), s. of Richard L., of 
Red Lion Sq., London, Esq. 

James B. Wildman, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 
James W,, of Chilham Castle, Kent, Esq. 


lUncoln’g Inn a&tmeston LUgtstcr: 1420-1893 


Aug. 3 

Sept. s 



Oct. 12 



Nov. 2 












T 3 

>* 15 

folio 194. 

William Boscawen Bell, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Adam B., of Deptford, Kent, Esq. 

Jenkin Jones, of George St., Portman Sq., Esq. (aged 31), 1 s. 
Jenkin J., of Moulsey, Kent, Esq. 

Daniel Parken, the younger, Esq., bar.-at-law of the Inner 
Temple (aged 26), 1 s. Daniel P., of Coldbath Fields, 

[Middx., gen. 

folio 195. 

Robert Gream Hall, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 
2 s. John H., of Brighton, Sussex, Esq. 

Matthew Godmond Sarjant, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Matthew S., late of ph. of St. Bride, London, 

^ S( l* [Peter R., of Charing Cross, Esq. 

John Richardson, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 

folio 196. 

Richard Scott, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
James S., of Wilsboro, co. Londonderry. 

John Carpenter, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. John 
Phillips C., of Mount Tavy, Devon, Esq. 

Thomas Pemberton, of Thornhaugh St., Bedford Sq., Esq. 
(aged 18), 1 s. Robert P., late of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law, 


folio 197. 

William Digges La Touche, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 
(aged 22), 2 s. William D. La T., of the City of Dublin, Esq., 

[Nathaniel C., of Portland PL, Esq. 
John Edward Conant, of 11, Portland PL, Esq. (aged 32), 1 s. 

Owen Lloyd, late of Trin. Coll. Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
John Yeedon L., late of Lisadurn Elphin, co. Rose., Esq., 


folio 198. 

Loftus Longueville Clarke, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 17), only son of Rev. Dr. Thomas Brooke C., of 
Greenwich, Kent. 

James Barclay, of Warwick Court, Holborn, Esq. (aged 33), only 
son of Patrick B., of Forfar, co. Angus, N.B., Esq. 

James Baker, of New Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 23), 4 s. Benjamin B., 
of Whitburn, co. Durham, Esq. 

folio 199. 

Charles Fox, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. 
Richard F., of Fox Hall, co. Longford. 

Richard Sheil, junr., of Abbey Street, Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 

1 s. Edward S., of Dublin, afsd., Esq. 

Hartstonge Robinson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

2 s. Rev. Christopher R., of Wood Lawn, co. Cavan. 

lUncoIn’s Inn ftftmtegton lUgisftcr: 1420-1893. 45 

1811 Nov. 16 

folio 200. 

Henry Williams, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 28), only 
son of Henry W., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

William Henry Darby, Esq., of Ch. Church, Oxon (aged 21), 

1 s. John D., of George St., Westminster, Esq. 

,t 26 

William Lowndes, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 

2 s. Richard L., late of Liverpool, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

„ 26 

folio 201. 

Robert Roscoe, of Peter House, Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 4 s. 
William R., of Allerton, co. Lane., Esq. 

Dec. 5 

Granville Vernon, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 6 s. 
Archbp. of York. 

„ 10 

Thomas Rashleigh, junior, gent, (aged 29), 2 s. Thomas R., of 
Hatton Garden, atty.-at-law. 

M 14 

folio 202. 

John Lonsdale, of King's Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. 
Rev. John L., late of New Millar Dam, Yorks, deed. 

„ 28 

Thomas Bernard Birch, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 

1 s. Joseph B., of the Hazles, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 28 

Edward Beauchamp St. John, of Melchbourne, Beds, Esq. 
(aged 16), 1 s. Hon. George St. John, late a Col. H. M. 

[Army, deed. 

folio 203. 

1812 Jan. 3 

Thomas William Blomefield, of Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A., 6 Dec., 
1811), Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Sir Thomas B., of Shooters 
Hill, Kent, hart. 

T> 9 

Henry Aglionby-Aglionby, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), only son Rev. Samuel Bateman, of Newbiggen 

„ n 

Hall, Carlisle. [Mr. Justice B. 

John (Edward George) Bayley, Esq. (aged 18) 1 s. Hon. 

„ T 3 

folio 204. 

Charles Harcourt Chambers, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 2 s. William C., late of Calcutta, Esq., deed. 

„ 18 

Philip Scott Fisher, of Univ. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 17), 2 s. 
Rev. Philip F., D.D., Master of the Charter House, London. 

»» 20 

Richard Pretyman, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 3 s. 

[Bishop of Lincoln. 

folio 205. 

,, 21 

George Robert Chinnkry, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 20), 

1 s. William C., of the treasury, and of Gil well Ho., n. 
Waltham Abbey, Essex, Esq. 

'» 22 

William Clowes, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), y. s. 
Charles C, of Delaford Park, Bucks, Esq. 

»» 2 3 

James Ede, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. James E., 
of Calcutta, deed. 


IMnroIn’* Emt Stbintesston JXcgtettr: 1420-1893 

1812 Jan. 












2 3 

2 7 

2 7 











T 3 



folio 206. 

Samuel Edwards, gent., 3 s. Andrew E., of the Island of 
Antigua, Esq. 

Edmund Antrobus, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 19), 1 s. 
John A., late of Spring Gardens, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Gibbs Crauford Antrobus, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 18), 2 s. John A., late of Spring Gardens, Middx., Esq. 

folio 207. 

Archibald Montgomery Campbell, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., 

J an -> I 8n), 2 s. Archibald Montgomery, late of 
\Y impole Street, Esq., deed. 

Robert Monsey Rolfe, of Trim Coll., Cambr., 11.A. (aged 21) 

1 s. Rev. Edmund R., formerly of Cranworth, Norfolk, deed! 

Erancis James Newman Rogers, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq., 
.A. (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. James R., D.D., of Rainscombe 

folio 208. ^ Ha ’ W,lts ' 

John Blayds, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., jun., B.A. (aged 22) 1 s 
John B., of Oulton, n. Leeds, Esq. 

William Nichols, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 18), 2 s. 
of William N., of Bermondsey, tanner, after of Dovers Green 
n. Reigate, Surrey (re-ad. 23 Jan. 1818). 

Henry Matthews, of King’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22) 

3 surviving son of John M., of Belmont, co. Hereford, Esq. 

folio 209. 

John Gage, gent, (aged 25), 4 s. Sir Thomas G., late of Hargrave 
Hall, Sufif., bart., deed. 

John Farquhar Fraser, late of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent 
(aged 22) only son of Robert F., Esq., late of Inverness 
shire, deed. 

Thomas Halls, gent, (aged 30), 2 s. fames H., of Chichester, Esq. 

folio 210. 

Thomas Pelham Hood, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., onlv son of 

deed Ge ° rge H- ’ capt 40th re S f - of foot > ,ate of Londonderry, 
[* s - John B., of Cookstown, N.B., Esq. 

John Borthwick, of the Faculty of Advocates, Esq. (aged 22), 

Robert Jones Stevelly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21)’ 
only son of James S., of the six clerks’ office, Ireland, Esq. 

folio 211. 

Henry Cloete, of Suffolk St., Middx., gent, (aged 19) 1 s 
Peter Laurence C., of the Cape of Good Hope, Esq. ’ 

Henry Benjamin Archer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20) 
only son of Benjn. A., late Capt. R.N., deed. 

John William Ardill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20I 
1 s. John A., of Dublin, solicitor. 

lUncoln’s Inn a D mission UtcgiSicr: 1420-1893. 


1812 April 












folio 212. 

27 Thomas Steele, junr., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 

only son of William S., of Derrymore, co. Clare, Esq. 

28 Robert Gage, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), only 

surviving son of late Robert G., of Rathlan, co. Antrim, Esq. 

28 John Martley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. James 

Frederick M., of Kells, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 213 . 

29 John Dawson Needham, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

2 s. Thomas N., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

29 Walter McGeough, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 

yst. s. Joshua McG., of Drumsill, co. Armagh, Esq. 

30 Robert Henry Welch, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 

1 s. George W., of Leek, co. Lane., Esq. 

No. 17 . 
folio 1. 

30 William Mules, of New Inn, Middx., Esq., 1 s. Tobias 
Hawkes M., of Marwood, Devon, Esq. . 

8 Philip Barker Webb, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. 

Philip Smith W., late of Milford Ho., Surrey, Esq., deed. 

9 Julius Peter Launay, jun., of Queen Anne St. West, Esq. 

(aged 20), only son of Count d’ Antraigues. 

folio 2. 

11 Richard John Stackpool, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., gent. 

(aged 18), 2 s. William S., late of Eden Vale, co. Clare, Esq., 

decd - [Strand, M.D. 

20 Richard Jones Powell, gent., i s. Richard P., of Essex St., 

3 Nicholas Costello, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 

Francis C, of City of Dublin, afsd., Esq. 

folio 3 . 

3 George Robert Dawson, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Arthur D., of Dublin, Esq. 

3 Charles William McDermott, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 22), 5 s. John M., of the City of Dublin, Esq. 

3 Thomas William Aston Haviland (-Burke), of Westminster 
Coll, gent, (aged 17), only son of late Major Thomas H., 
45 regt. of foot, deed. 

48 lUncoln’g Inn &&mtsi*ion Register: 1420-1893. 

1812 June 3 

folio 4. 

John Hawksworth, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 25), 1 s. 
Rev. John H., of Horsley, co. Glouc., deed. 

M 9 

Spencer Perceval, Esq. (aged 16), 1 s. late Rt. Hon. Spencer P., 
one of the Masters of the Bench of this Socy. 

» 9 

Dudley- Montagu Perceval, Esq. (aged 11), 4 s. late Rt. Hon. 

[Spencer P., bencher. 

folio 5. 

„ 19 

Wyndham Lewis, of Cardiff, co. Glam, (aged 33), 3 s. Rev. 
Wyndham L., late of Newhorne, co. Glam., clerk. 

» 3 ° 

Charles Knight Murray, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Charles M., of 
Bedford Row, Esq. 

July 10 

John Henry Whitmore, gent, (aged 16), yst. son of William W., 

[of Dudmaston, Salop, Esq. 

folio 6. 

n 21 

James Lewis Knight (-Bruce), gent, (aged 21), yst. son of 
John K., late of Fairluich, Devon, Esq., deed. 

» 27 

Hon. William Lennox Bathurst, of All Souls Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(aged 21), 2 s. Earl B. 

Aug. 7 

Peter ( ator, of 1 rin. Coll., Cambr., and of Beckenham, Kent, 
gent, (aged 16), 6th son Joseph C., of Beckenham, Esq. 

Sept. 8 

folio 7. 

Nathaniel Nathan Basevi, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. George B., of Montagu St., Russell Sq. 

» 17 

William Henry White, of Parliament Place, Old Palace Yard, 
W estmr., Esq. (aged 46), only son of William W., late of 
Aswarby, co. Line., Esq., deed. 

*» 24 

William Rhodes Bernard, of Queen’s Coll., Oxford, gent 
(aged 18), 3 s. David B„ of St. James, Island of Jamaica, 
\V. I., Esq. 

Oct. 7 

folio 8. 

John 1 ay lor, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. ^aged 19), only son of 
\Y illiam I ., late of Greenwich, Esq., deed. 

m X S 

George Wildman, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 3 s 
Thomas W., late of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

William Smith, of Moreton Hall, co. Wore (aged iol 1 s 
William S., of same, Esq., deed. 

n 26 

folio 9. 

William Moody, of 'l’rin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19) 2 s . 
Aaron M., of Kingsdon, Somerset, Esq. 

»» 3 1 

William Tates Peel, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent 
(aged 23), 2 s. Sir Robert P., of Tamworth, co. Staff., bart. 

Nov. 2 

Henry Wilkinson, late of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 26) 
only son of Abraham W., of Enfield, Esq. 

lUnroltt’s Inn gl&mi&ion Register: 1420-1893. 49 

i8j2 Nov. 3 

folio 10. 

John Francis Fosbery, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 21), 

3 s. George F., late of Adeare Faren,co. Limerick, Esq., deed. 

55 4 

Thomas Tomkyns, of the Inner Temple (aged 24), y. s. Rev. 

William Moore T., late a fellow of King’s Coll., Cambr., and 
vicar of Am well, Herts, clerk, deed. 

>5 4 

Robert Gordon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 

David G., of Florida, co Down, Esq. 

folio 11. 

>5 5 

George Whitfield, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 37), 
yst. son of Francis W., late of Canterbury, Esq., deed. 

« 9 

Christopher John Ansty, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. John A., of 
Hertford St., Mayfair, Esq., comssr. for auditing public A/ct., 
and formerly barrister of this society. 

„ 10 

Robert Forster, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. 
William F., of Ballynure, co. Mon., Esq. 


folio 12. 

Edward Ryan, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. John 

Burke R., of Grosvenor PL, Esq. 

55 12 

John Ball, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 2 s. Rev. 

John B., late of Fatheny, Queen’s co., deed. 

51 13 

Charles Arthur Walker, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 

(aged 22), 1 s. Thomas W., of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

5, 14 

folio 13. 

Thomas Harrison, of Stainton, Cumberland, Esq. (aged 24), 1 s. 
Lancelot H., of same place, Esq. 

5 , 14 

Nicholas Ball, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), only 
surviving son of John B., late of Eccles St., Dublin, Esq., deed. 

55 I ^ 

John William Moore, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Rev. John M., of Fort Henry, co. Cavan, clerk. 

55 17 

folio 14. 

Richard Napier, of All Soul’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 25), 4 s. 

Hon. George N., of Dublin, deed. 

5 , 17 

John West, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Francis W., of Cloone, co. Leitrim, Esq. 

„ 18 

Thomas Eyre Lee, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. Thomas L., of Edgbaston, 


folio 15. 

55 21 

Daniel Draper Nevill, Esq. (aged 21), only son of Thomas N., 
late of Bond St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

55 2 1 

Francis Long worth Dames, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 

(aged 20), 1 s. Thomas L.-D., of Green Hill, Kings Co., Esq. 

55 24 

George Cox, of No. 20, Fetherston Buildings, Holborn, gent. 

(aged 23), yst. son of John C., of Painswick, co. Glouc., 



ILtncoln’s Jitn gtftinf**ton IVcgtstev: 1420-1893 














2 5 

2 7 

2 S 







2 7 

2 7 

2 9 




2 4 



folio 16. 

George Walker, of Christ Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 23), 1 s. 
Edward W., of Gestingthorpe, Essex, Esq. 

John Jenkyns, of Line. Inn, Middx., solr. (aged 26), 2 s. Rev. 
John J. of Evercreech, Somerset, clerk. 

William Bircham, of Gt. Marlboro St., gent, (aged 23), only son 
of rhomas B., late of Wells, Norfolk, mercht., deed. 

folio 17. 

Alexander Adair, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
William A., of Heatheston Park, Somerset, Esq. 

W t illiam Lee, of the Inner Temple, Esq., yst. s. William L., of 
Lothbury, Esq. 

Christopher Puller, of the Inner Temple (bar.-at-law 23 May, 
1800), (aged 39), son of Richard P., of City of London, Esq! 

folio 18. 

John Grant, Esq., 1 s. John G.,of Kennington Green,Surrey, Esq. 
Charles Lyon, of Trim Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. Hon. 

1 hos. L., late of Hetton Ho., Houghton-le-Spring, deed. 

William Lynd, of Trim Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. late 
Charles L., of Muliantane, co. Tyrone, Esq., deed. 

folio 19. 

Richard Samuel Butler Sandilands, of Christ Church 
Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Rev. Richard S., of Lower 
Grosvenor PI. 

George Bernard, A.B., of Brasenoze Coll., Oxf., gent, (aged 22) 

3 s. Rev. James B., of Combe Flory, Somerset. 

Charles Brodrick, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq, M A 
(aged 21), 1 s. Archbp. of Cashel. 

folio 20. 

William Grant, of Trim Coll, Cambr, gent, (aged 18) 4 s 
Robert G, of Elchies, co. Elgin, Esq, deed. 

. late 

John McArthur, of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18) 2 s 
John McA., of South Lambeth, Surrey, Esq. 

Samuel Grove Price, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20) 
only son of Rev. Morgan P., rector of Knebworth and 
Letch worth, Herts, clerk. 

folio 21. 

William Grove, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 16), r s. Edward 
Grove, L.L.D., of Shenstone Park, co. Staff., Esq. 

William Beaumont, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18) 
J son of Thomas Richard B., of Bretton Hall, Yorks, Esq. ’ 

Grant Allan, junr., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), onlv 
son of Grant A., of Winchester St., London, Esq. 

iUnroln’g finit SlOmteston Register: 1420-1893. 


1813 March 13 

„ 19 

» 27 

folio 22. 

John William Spurrier, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 
only son of John S., of Brampford Speke, Devon, Esq. 

John Parker, of Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, Esq. (aged 40), 
only son of Heneage P., of same, Esq., deed. 

William Squibb, of Panton Sq., n. Haymarket, atty.-at-law 
(aged 23), 1 s. George S., of Boyle St., London, auctioneer. 

April 15 
,1 17 

>1 23 

* 27 

» 27 

„ 28 

May 1 









» * 2 

folio 23. 

William Seymour, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
William S., of Margaret St., Cavendish Sq. 

Thomas Welby Northmore, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Thomas N., of London, Esq. 

Thomas Hutchinson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 19), 
only son of George H., of City of Dublin, afsd., atty. at-law. 

folio 24. 

Barton Boucher, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 2 s. late 
Rev. Jonathan B., Vicar of Epsom, Surrey. 

Robert Mosley Feilden, Esq., (aged 18), 1 s. Robert F., of 
Didsbury, nr. Manchester, Esq. 

William Dorin, Esq. (aged 26), 1 s. Joseph D., of Lower 

[Berkeley St., Esq. 

folio 25. 

Thomas Potter Macqueen, of Caius and Gonville Coll., Cambr. 
(adm. 28 June, 1810, B.A. M.A. ), 

(aged 20), 1 s. Malcolm M., of Ridgmount, Beds, Esq. 

Edward Polhill, jun., of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 23), 
1 s. Edward P., of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 

Martin Brownly Rutherford, a graduate of Dublin Univ., 
Esq. (aged 23), 2 s. John R., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 26. 

Frederick Moore, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 4 s. 
Daniel M., of Dublin, Esq. 

Jonathan Rashleigh, of 9, New Sq., Line. Inn, solr. (aged 35), 
1 s. Thomas R., Depy. Clerk of the Crown, Esq. 

Richard Edward Nathaniel Lee, of 9 New Sq., Line. Inn, 
solr. (aged 40), 1 s. Richard L., late of Mile End, surgeon, 


folio 27. 

Edward Lloyd Williams, gent, (aged 24), 2 s. John Lloyd W., 
of Alderbrock Hall, co. Cardigan, Esq. 

John Pemberton Plumptre, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. John P., of Tredville Wingham, Kent, Esq. 

Philip Read, grad, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 21), 1 s. William 
F. R., of Kilcarbury, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Htnroln’0 Inn a&mtssion Register: 1420-1893. 

May 13 
» *5 

n f 9 



June 4 

May 26 

June 10 

„ 18 

» 19 

„ 21 

„ 30 

» 30 

July 1 

» 6 

»* 7 

„ 6 

„ 12 

» l 5 

folio 28. 

John Maynf, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. 
Edward M., of Dublin, Esq. 

John Clifton, junr., of Gray’s Inn, gent, (aged 22), 2 s. John C., 
of Lytham Hall, co. Lane., Esq. 

William Lloyd Wharton, of Pembroke Hall, Cambr., A.B. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Rev. Robert W., late of Sigglesthorne, Yorks, 


folio 29. 

Robert Ingham, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), only son of 
William I., of Newc.-on-Tyne, surgeon. 

Ottywell Robinson, of Manchester Buildings, Westmr., gent, 
(aged 34), 1 s. Thomas R., late of Fermington, ph. of 
Grinton, Yorks, gent. deed. 

Edward Robert Butcher, of Univ. Coll., Ox., and of the 
Inner Temple (adm. 30 Apr., 1812), (aged 20), 1 s. 
Thomas B., of Northampton, Esq. 

folio 30. 

Samuel Greatheed, jun., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Samuel G., of 
Landlord Lodge, Wilts, Esq. 

James Wigram, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 5 s. Sir 
Robert W., of Walthamstow, Essex, bart. 

Thomas Wyse, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
Thomas W., of Manuer St. John, Waterford. 

folio 31. 

Thomas Tomlinson, junr., of Preston, co. Lane., gent, (aged 19), 

3 s. Thomas T., of same, Esq. 

Henry Richard Somers Smith, of Berners St., Middx., gent, 
(aged 18), only son of William Henry S., late of same, Esq., 

ciec< ^ [of Kippax Park Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Godfrey Bland, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Thomas B., 

folio 32. 

Richard Torin Kindersley, of Trin. Coll. Cambr., Esq. (aged 
20), son of N. E. K., of Westhorpe, n. Marlow, Bucks, Esq. 

John William Buck, Esq., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 
and of 31, Montagu PI., Russell Sq. 

Henry Hopley White, of the Middle Temple, gent, (aged 23), 

4 s. James W., of Line. Inn, gent. 

folio 33. 

John Williams, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 36), only 
son of Rev. William W., of Bunbury, co. Chester, clerk. 

John Bassett, junr., of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), only son 
of Rev. John B., of Illogan, Cornwall, clerk. 

Julian Busby, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. Thomas B., of Queen 
Anne St., West, mus. doc. 

IHncoln’* Inn a B mission Uegistcr : 1420-1893. 


July 19 



„ 27 

Aug. 14 

Sept. 21 


„ 30 

Oct. 12 



Nov. 2 






folio 34. 

John Shaw, of 28, Gower St., architect, 1 s. John S., formerly 
of Bexley, Kent, gent., deed. 

William Henry Tinney, of the Inner Temple, Esq., bar.-at-law 
(adm. 29 Jan., 1807, called 2 Nov. 1811), (aged 28), 2 s. 
William T., late of New Sarum, Wilts, gent., deed. 

Thomas Henry Graham, ofTrin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Thomas G., late of Line. Inn, and of Edmond Castle, 

[Cumberland, Esq., deed. 

folio 35. 

John Graham, of Line. Inn, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Thomas G., 
late of Line. Inn, and of Edmond Castle, Cumberland, Esq., 

Henry Burrell, of the Middle Temple, Esq., bar.-at-law 
(aged 37), 2 s. Bryan B., of Broome Park, Northumberland, 
Esq., deed. 

Henry William Chichester, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Hy. Wm. C., 
late of Finsbury Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 

folio 36. 

George Watkins, of No. 2, Stone Buildings, Line. Inn, gent, 
(aged 40), 1 s. Rev. George W., late rector ph. of Fairsted, 
Essex, deed. 

Walter Strickland, ofTrin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20). 1 s. 
George S., of Newton, n. Malton, Yorks, Esq. 

Thomas Canning, jun., Esq. (aged 27), 1 s. Thomas C., of 

[Southcote Ho., Berks, Esq. 

folio 37. 

Thomas Maling Welsh, ofTrin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. Col. Thomas W., of Hertford St., May Fair. 

Henry Blake, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B., gent, (aged 20), 
only son of Robert B., of City of Dublin, afsd., solr. 

John Ivatt Briscoe, of Univ. Coll., Ox., A.B. (aged 22), only 
son of late John B., of Twickenham, Esq., deed. 

folio 38. 

John Bourchier, gent., only son of Thomas B., of Baggott St., 
Dublin, Esq. [Hillersdon, Devon, Esq., deed. 

John Laxon Sweet, Esq. (aged 18), only son of David S., oi 

Clement Tudway Swanston, gent, (aged 30), formerly of Line. 
Inn, 3 s. late Sherland S., of Charterhouse Sq., mercht., deed. 

folio 39. 

Niel Gow, of Gt. Marlborough St., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
John G., of same, gent. 

Frederick Lindsay, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. 

Robert L., of Loughry, co. Tyrone, Esq. 

William Whateley, junr., gent, (aged 19), of New Coll., Ox., 

2 s. William W., of Birmingham, solr. 


iltnroln’sf Inn atnmsston lUgtstcr : 1420-1893. 

>813 Nov. 6 









T 5 






Dec. 4 


folio 40. 

Richard Duppa, of the Middle Temple, and Batchley, co. 
Hereford, Lsq. (aged 43), 3 s. William D., late of Leominster, 
Esq., deed. 

Thomas Salt, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Thomas S., of Shewsbury, 

Hknry Peter Maziere, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 2d, 

1 s. Peter M., of Cork, Esq. 

folio 41. 

Edmund Lynch (-Power) of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 21), 2 s. 
Peter L., of Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Witham, jun., Esq. (aged 20), only son of Henry W., of 
Gower St., Esq. 

Walter Hussey Griffith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged ig) 

2 s. Richard G., late of Millisent, co. Kildare. 

folio 42. 

Benjamin George Blackdf.n, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 22 ), 
1 s. Benjamin B.,of Four Ashes, ph.of Hitchenden, Berks,Esq’. 

Mark Antony Saurin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20) 
4 s. Rt. Hon. William S., atty. genl., Ireland. 

John William Macleod, of Green St., Grosvenor Sq., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Alexander Hume, late of Harris, co. 
Inverness, Esq. 

folio 43. 

Ignatius Joseph Ffrench, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 26) 

1 s. Ignatius I'f., of Cavoria, co. Galway, Esq. 

Joseph Addison, of Line. Coll., Ox., A.M. (aged 24), 4 s . Rev. 

William A., late rector of Dinsdale, co. Durham, deed. 

John Creswf.ll, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20) 

1 s. Robert J., of Newton Hall, Northumberland, Esq. 

folio 44. 

Henry Blayds, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. of 
John B., of Oulton, Leeds, Esq. 

Samuel Bkntham, Esq. (aged 14), 1 s . Sir Samuel B., of 
Hampstead, K.S.G. 

Thomas Hall Plumer, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Vice Chancr. of 
England, one of the Masters of the Bench. 

1814 Jan. 6 



folio 45. 

John Ellis, of St. Peter’s (? House), Cambr., gent, (aged 2O 
i s. John E., of Hackney, gent. 

John Frederick William Herschel, of St. John’s, Cambr., Esq 
(aged 21), only son of William H., LL.D., of Slough, Berks! 

William Davies, of Wantage, Berks (aged 30), only son of late 
William D., of Wantage, inn keeper, deed. 


lUncoln’s Jmn aumtssston I&cgteter: 1420-1893. 55 

*814 Jan. 24 

folio 46. 

William Lenox Conyngham, of the Univ. of Glasgow, Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. George Lenox C., of Spring Hill, co. 
Londonderry, Esq. 

» 25 

Robert Curteis Mascall, of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. Robert M., of Peasmarsh, Sussex, Esq. 

» 27 

William Goodenough Hayter, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 22), 5 s. John H., of Winterbourne Stoke, Wilts, Esq. 

Feb. 4 

folio 47. 

George Broadrick, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq., A.M. 
(aged 28), only son of George B., of Broxholme, Long 
Sand all, Yorks, Esq. 

„ 4 

Daniel Henry Maunsell, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, gent, 
(aged 22), 2 s. Daniel M., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 5 

James Farrell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 4 s. 
James F., of Dublin, Esq. 

>» 5 

folio 48. 

Samuel Smith, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 3 s. 
William S., of Park St., Westmr., and Parndon Hall, Essex, Esq. 

» 5 

Nathaniel William Peach, of Albany Bldgs., Middx, (aged 28), 

1 s. P., of Bownham, co. Glouc., Esq., deed. 

„ 8 

Daniel Moore, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 54), only son of 
Alexander M., of Kentish Town, Esq. 

,, *2 

folio 49. 

Charles Heneage Robinson, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 19), yst. son of James R., of Papplewick, Notts, Esq. 

„ 24 

Nathaniel Hibbert, a student at Edinbr., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
of George H., of Clapham Common, Surrey, Esq. 

»» 25 

Edmund Morris, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. Edmund M., 
of Chorley Wood, Herts, Esq. 

„ 26 

folio 50. 

Robert Gifford, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, yst. son of 
John G., late of City of Exeter, Devon, gent., deed. 

March n 

Henry Jones, of Stapleton, co. Glouc., gent, (aged 18), yst. 
son of Thomas J., of same place, Esq. 

>, 11 

James Jones, of Clifton, co. Glouc., gent, (aged 20), yst. son of 
late James J., of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

.. 15 

folio 51. 

John Harvey Darrell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 

1 s. Richard I)., of the Island of Bermuda, Esq. 


John Burke Ashby, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Robert Cooper A., of 
the Island of Barbadoes, Esq. 

April 16 

Pilgrim Mangles, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. 
James M., of Guildford, Surrey, Esq. 


lUncoln'* £nn gltmtteston Betjtem* : 1420-1893. 


folio 52. 



John Blake Kirby, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., Esq. (aged 32), 1 s. 
late John K., of Biscester, Oxon, Esq., deed. 


Charles William Christie, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 21). 2 s. Major C., of Cumberland St. 



Spencer Richard James Lewin, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. Rev, 
Spencer James L., of Ifield, Sussex, clerk. 

folio 53. 



Charles Dodd, gent., of Grove Hill, Camberwell (aged 36), yst. 
son Richard D., late rector of Cowley, Middx., deed. 



Laurence Gwynne, L.L.D. (aged 42), 1 s. Richard G., of 
Islington, Esq. 



East George Clayton, of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 
2 s. Sir William C., bart., of Harleyford, Bucks. 

folio 54. 



Edward Creed, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 24), 1 s. of 
James C., of Cork, Esq. 



Francis Burnside, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 17), 2 s. Andrew B., 
late of Caversham Hill, Oxon, Esq., deed. 



David Arthur Saunders Davies, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 21), only son of Dr. D., of Carmarthen. 

folio 55. 



Thomas Henry Mirehouse, of Christ Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 2 s. John M., of Brownslade, co. Pembroke, Esq. 



Robert Whyte Melville, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. John M., of Bemochy, co. Fife. 



George Ede, of Trin. Coll. (? Hall), Cambr., gent, (aged 21) 

2 s. James E., late of Calcutta, East Indies, Esq. 

folio 56. 



William Rookes Crompton, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq 
(aged 23), 1 s. Joshua C., of Esholt Hall, Yorks, Esq. 



Charles Whitcombe, of Oriel Coll., Oxford, gent, (aged 17} 

3 s. Sir Samuel W., of London, Kent. 



William Arrindei.l, late of the Island of Tortola, but now of 
Liverpool, Esq., y. s. William A., late of Tortola, deed., planter. 

folio 57* 



John Alty, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 24), y. s. 
Daniel A., of Knowsley, co. Lane., Esq. 


Thomas Roberts Cramer Roberts, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 18), 2 s. John Cramer R., of Sallymount, co. Kildare 


Maxwell Windle, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 17), only 
son of Thomas W., of John St., Bedford Row, atty.-at-law. 



Umrolit’g Inn IXrgisftcr: 1420-1893. 57 

1814 June 16 

folio 58. 

Henry Gipps, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 28) 
formerly of Line. Inn, 2 s. late George G., of Harbledown, 

Herts, Esq., deed. 

„ 17 

Charles Rodolph Trefusis (Hon.), of Oriel Coll., Oxon 
(aged 23), 2 s. Robert George William, Lord Clinton. 


John Shaw Leigh, of Liverpool, co. Lane., gent, (aged 25), i s. 
of John L., of same place, gent. 

„ 24 

folio 59. 

Richard Goff, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, M.A. (aged 21), 3 s. 

Joseph G., of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 29 

John Creswell, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), only son of 

C., of New Court, Exeter, Devon, Esq. 

July 11 

Matthew Davenport Hill, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. Thomas 

Wright H., of Birmingham, schoolmaster. 

Aug. 20 

folio 60. 

Richard Budden Crowder, late of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. 

(aged 18), 1 s. William H. C., of Clapham Common, 

Surrey, Esq. 

» 27 

Thomas Smith Turnbull, of Caius Coll., Cambr., M.A., gent., 

4 s. John T., of Guildford St., Middx., Esq. 

„ 27 

Richard Digby Neave, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 

Sir Thomas N., bart. 

Sept. 3 

folio 61. 

John George Nanton (Esq.), (aged 24), only son of John N., 
late of Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, Esq., deed. 

n 9 

Samuel Steer, of Birmingham Heath, co. Warwick, gent, (aged 

29), 1 s. Samuel S., of Birmingham, afsd., “lapidary.” 

» 21 

John Walker, junr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. John W., of Bedford 

[Sq., Esq. . 

folio 62. 

Oct. 19 

John Jones, of the Middle Temple, gent, (aged 30), only son of 

Rowland J., late City of Chester, Esq., deed. 

« 21 

John Shawe Manley, of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), only 
son Vice-Adi. M., of Braziers, n. Wallingford, Oxon. 

Nov. 1 

George Baron, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. George B., 
late of Leeds, Esq., deed. 

»> 2 

folio 63. 

William Wildes, of Sidney Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 4 s. 

Thomas W., of Maidstone, Esq. 

>> 2 

John Haggard, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., L.L.B. (aged 20), 3 s. 

William Henry H., of Park St., Westmr., Esq. 

„ 4 

Charles Thackeray, Esq. (aged 20), 7 s. William Makepiece T., 
late of Hadley, Middx., Esq., deed. 




lUiuoln’s 5 nn SUrmtsston lUatgttr: 1420-1893. 

Nov. 7 












» 18 

» 19 

folio 64. 

George Wallace, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. Cornelius Lowe W., of 
Eltharn, Kent, mercht. 

George Roe, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Tohn R., 
of Beckville, Queen’s Co., Esq. 

Charles Willats Ellis, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. Rev. Thomas E„ 
M.A., of Ch. Ch., Oxon, and vicar of Gt. Milton, Oxon. 

folio 65. 

Thomas MacCarthy, gent, (aged 24), 4 s. late Daniel M., of 
Well Close Sq., Middx., mercht., deed. 

Thomas Jones Howell, Esq. (aged 20), only son of Thomas 
Bayley H., of Prinknach Park, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Charles Burmester, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), 5 s. 
Henry B., of Gwyn Ho., Woodford Bridge, Essex, Esq. 

folio 66. 

Patrick Henry Cruise, of Univ. of Dublin, B.A., 1 s. 
Francis C., late of Belgard, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John Stuart, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Dugald S., of Balachulish, 
co. Argyle, Esq. 

William John Smithwick, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 
only son of John S., late of Barnstable, Esq., deed. 

folio 67. 

James Barlow, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
James B., of Dublin, solr. 

W illiam James, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Robert Harcourt T„ late of 
Bruton St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Peter Tichborne Hincks, ofW’orc. Coll., Ox., A.M. (aged 23) 
only son of Rev. Josiah H., of Tettenhall, co. Staff. 

folio 68. 

John Stockdale, late of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford, gent 
(aged 21), 3 s. John S., of Kirkland Ho., n. Carlisle, Esq. 
Thomas Guy Prendergast, Esq., 2 s. Thomos P., bar.-at-law, 
Inner Temple, and Cursitor of Court of Chancery, Ireland. 

Hon. William Keppei. Barrington, of Christ Church, Oxon 
(aged 21), 1 s. George, Visct. Barrington. 

folio 69. 

Keith Alexander Jackson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 16), 1 s. John J., of New Broad St. London, ’ Esq!| 

M.P. [Halifax, Yorks, gent. 

Robert Alexander, jun., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. Lewis A., of 

Melmoth Walters, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Thomas W., of Bath 
Easton, Somerset, Esq. 

ILtncoln'ss Inn ^Omission ftegigter : 1420-1893. 


folio 70. 

1814 Nov. 19 James Burton, gent, (aged 25), 2 s. James B., of Tunbridge, 

Kent, Esq. 

„ 19 Henry Wilkinson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 22), 

only son of late Richard W., of Kendal, Esq., deed 

„ 19 Henry Shute, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 25), only son of 

Rev. Henry S., rector of Frampton Cotterell, Glouc. 

folio 71. 

19 John Alexander Johnston, of Magdalen Coll.. Cambr., A.M. 
(aged 26). r s. George J., of Hampstead, Middx., gent 

22 William Winstanley Hull, of Brasenoze Coll., Ox., Esq. 

f (aged 20), 1 s. John H., of Manchester, physician. 

23 I)avid Lewis, of Brazenoze Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 17) only son 

of Thomas L., of Llandillo, co. Carmarthen, atty.-at-law. 

folio 72. 

„ 24 Humphrey William Woolrych, Esq. (aged 19), s. of Humphrey 

Cornewall W., of Croxley Ho., Hetts, Esq. 

„ 24 George Macartney, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Rev. Dr. Hume M., rector of Ardee, co. Louth. 

Dec. 5 Andrew Duncan, of Gray’s Inn, jun., gent, (aged 22), only son 
of Andrew 1 )., of same place, solr. 

folio 73. 

5 James Lendrick, A.M., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 23), 1 s. 
late James L., of Shanes Castle, co. Antrim, Esq., deed. 

13 William Hunter Baillie, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 17), 
only son of Matthew B., of Lower Grosvenor St., Middx., M.D. 

17 John Leach, Esq., one of the benchers of the Middle Temple, 
and Kings Counsel (aged 51) 

folio 74. 

„ 21 George Raymond, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), only 

son of Thomas R., of Upper Cadogan PL, Chelsea, Esq. 

1815 Jan. l 3 Thomas George Founereau, gent, (aged 25), 2 s. Thomas F., 

late of Topsham, Devon, deed. 

„ 14 Clinton James Fynrs, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 

2 s. Rev. Dr. Fynes, Preby. of Westminster. 




» 24 

folio 75. 

George French, gent., yst. son of James F., of the Island of 
St. Vincents, West Indies, doctor of physic. 

Thomas Parker, Esq., of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (aged 40), son 
of Kenyon P., of Sheffield, Esq., deed. 

Edward Blount, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. William B., of City of 
Hereford, Esq. 

6 o 

Etncoln’g 3 Enn Hdmt££ton lAccjisstcv: 1420 1893. 

1815 Jan. 











folio 76. 

25 Hugh McNeile, gent, (aged 19), yst. s. of Alexr. McN., of 

Ballycastle, co. Antrim, Esq. 

25 John O’Brien, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
James O’B., of Limerick, Esq. 

28 Richard Stack, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 21), 2 s. Rev. 
Dr. Richard S., formerly of Trin. Coll., Dublin, afsd. 

folio 77. 

28 Thomas Sherard Wale, of St. John’s Coll.,Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. M. Genl. Sir Charles W., of Shelford, co. Cambr., K.C.B. 

30 Robert Walker, of Trin. Coll., D., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 

William W., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

30 Langham Christie, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 26), 1 s. 
Major C, late of Cumberland PL, Portman Sq., deed. 

folio 78. 

1 George Stackhouse Tolfrey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. 

(aged 18), 2 s. late Henry T., of Calcutta, Esq., deed. 

2 John 1 hompson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 

Skeffington '1'., late of Rathdally, co. Meath, Esq., deed. 

2 Michael Charles Fox, Esq., of City of Dublin (aged 21), 1 s. 

(Hon.) Justice Fox, of Ct. of Common Pleas, Ireland. 

folio 79. 

3 John Nicholas Coulthurst, of Brazenose Coll., Ox„ Esq. 

(aged 22), 1 s. John C., of Gargrave, Yorks, Esq. 

4 George Edward Saver, of St. Mary Hall, Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 

only son Rev. George S., of Pett, Kent, and Rector of 
Egglescliffe, co. Durham, deed. 

4 Daniel Conner, of Magdalen Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 17), only 
son of Daniel C., of City of Bristol, Esq. 

folio 80. 

4 Jonathan Henry Christie, of Baliol Coll., Ox. B.A. (aged 22), 

2 s. Rev. Alex. C, of Fyvie, Aberdecnsh., clerk. 

4 Caleb Powell, of Trin. Coll. Dublin, Esq., A.B. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Eyre Burton P., late City of Dublin, afsd., bar-at-law, deed. 

4 James Major, late of Queens Coll., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. 
Alexander M., of Londonderry, Esq. 

folio 81. 

4 Sir Robert Alexander Ferguson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 
bart. (aged 19), 1 s. Sir Andrew F., late of City of 
Londonderry, bart., deed. 

4 Robert Cunningham Taylor, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, B.A. (aged 22), 
only son of Nathaniel T., of Hartley Court, Bucks, Esq. 

4 Jeremiah Rawson, of Wore. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. 
Benjamin R., of Darley, n. Bolton, co. Lane., Esq. 




Utncoltt's Unit admission i-Ugister: 1420-1893. 

1815 4 

» 4 

» 4 










March 3 

>1 30 

April 4 

folio 82. 

Charles Roper, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 

William R., of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

Edward John Rudge, of Caius Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 

1 s. Edward R., of Wimpole St., Esq. 

Charles Shaw Lefevre, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Charles Shaw L., of Stackfield Place, 
Southants, Esq., M.P., and a barrister of this socy. 

folio 83. 

Charles Hey Cameron, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Charles C., Gov. 
of Bahamas, and Lady Magt. C. 

George Williams Sanders, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. Francis Williams S., of Line. Inn, barr.-at-law. 

John Halcomb, junr., of the Inner Temple, gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
John H., of Marlborough, Wilts, banker. 

folio 84. 

William Williams, of Pemacthnut, of co. Merioneth, Esq. 
(aged 29), 1 s. John W., of Trosyrafor, Beaumaris, Esq. 

Robert Lynch Tower, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 
1 s. Richard P., City of Dublin, afsd., mercht. 

Joseph Fenn, gent, (aged 24), y. s. Nathaniel F., of Botolph 
Lane, mercht. 

folio 85. 

Joseph Cox, of Magd. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. 
Thomas C., of Wisbech, co. Cambr., Esq. 

Benjamin Currey, of Line. Inn P'ields, gent, (aged 29), 6 s. 
Rev. John C., of Dartford, Kent, clerk. 

John Garden, jun., of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), only 
son of John G., of Whitehall PL, Middx., Esq. 

folio 86. 

7 George Henry Hasker, of Exeter Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), 
only son of Thomas H., of General Post Office, Esq. 

10 Wastel Brisco, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Wastel B., of Devonshire PL, Middx., Esq. 

13 Robert Stuart Hurst, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 

(aged 19), only son of Robert H., of Stamford, co. Line., Esq. 

folio 87. 

13 John Crocker Bulteel, of Ch. Ch, Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John B., of Flete Ho., Devon, Esq. 

13 George William Tapps, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
only son of Sir George Ivison T., ot London, bart. 

13 William Brooke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
William B., of Dublin, M.D. 

Etncom’st Eim SUmitsston Register: 1420-1S93. 


April 13 

» 15 



» 25 
» 24 
„ 26 




May 2 




folio 88. 

John Pi.unket, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
Rt. Hon. William Conyngham P , of Dublin. 

Clifton Ben bow, of Westminster School, gent, (aged 16), 1 s. 
John B., of Line. Inn, afsd., gent. 

Sir Frederick Henniker, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Lt. Genl. the Hon. Sir Brydges Trecochick H., 
of Newton Hall, Essex, bart. 

folio 89. 

Percival Spearman Wilkinson, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 3 s. Thomas W., of Wilton Castle, co. Durham, 

Alexander Montgomery, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 20), 3 s. Hugh M., of Benvarden, co. Antrim, Esq. 

Charles Alder, of Trin. Coll , Dublin, B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 
John A., of co. Dublin, Esq., deed. 

folio 90. 

Robert Rous Peter, of Exeter Coll, Oxon, B.A. (aged 2O. 2 s. 
Henry P., of Harlyn, Cornwall, Esq. 

Hugh Stewart, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Sir John S., of Ballygawley, co. Tyrone, bart. 

Haviland John Addington, of Merton Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 27), i s. John Hiley A., of Langford Court, Somerset, 

Thomas Cowper Hincks, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(aged 27), 1 s. Thomas Cowper H., of Somerset St., Esq. 

John Maconchy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 21) is. 
John M., late co. Tyrone, Esq., deed. 

Thomas William VVillan, gent, (aged 19), 3 s. John W., of 
20, Hatton Garden, Middx., Esq. 

folio 92. 

William Nanson Lettsom, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 10) 
only son of late John Miers L., M.D., deed. 

William Mercham Bythewood, of Romsey, co. Southants, gent, 
(aged 22), only son of William B., of Wareham, Dorset, gent. 

John Pern Tinney, of Salisbury, gent., 1 s. William T., late of 
Salisbury, afsd., gent., deed. 



» 19 

„ 26 

folio 93. 

Frederick Russell, gent, (aged 19), 2 s. Giles R., of Beaminster, 
Dorset, gent. 

George Sowerby, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20) 2 s. 
John S., of Putteridge Bury, Herts, Esq. 

Samson Dawe Gregg, of Plymouth, Devon, gent, (aged 27) 2 s 
William G., of Plymouth, afsd., gent. ’ 

^Lincoln's Jrmt a&mtsston Register: 1420-18Q3. 


May 27 
„ 3 ° 

» 30 

June 5 





July 28 
Aug. 3 

„ *4 
„ 16 

„ 30 

n 30 

„ 30 

» 3 1 

Oct. 20 

folio 94- 

James Randall, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 24), only son of 
James R., of St. Cross, co. Southants, Esq. 

William Dickins, of Exeter Coll., Oxon, A.B. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Rev. William D., late of Aston, Northants, deed. 

Standish Deane Grady, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq (aged 19), 

1 s. Henr>- Deane G., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 95. 

William Dalby, of Exeter Coll., Ox., A.M. (aged 23), 1 s. Capt. 
Thomas D., R.N. 

Richard Rocke, of Harrow School, Esq. (aged 17), 1 s. 
Richard R., of Bengal, Esq. 

Henry Tulk, Esq. (aged 17), 2 s. John Augustus T., of Ham 
Common, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 96. 

William Daniel Bullock, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. Daniel Chinn B., 
of Devonshire St., Queen Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Robert Dalzell Thomson, of New Coll., Ox., B.A., (aged 19), 

2 s. late Charles T., a bencher of this Inn. 

William Harvey Parry, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. William P., of Montagu Sq., Middx., Esq. 

folio 97. 

Edward Gould Monk, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 16), 
4 s. George Henry M., of Montreal, Esq. 

Edward Grose Smith, junr., of Caius Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 19), 1 s. Edward Grose S., of Wanstead, Essex, Esq. 

Thomas William Pryce, of Pembroke Coll, (after of Jesus Coll.), 
Camb., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Thomas P., of the General Post 
Office, London, and of Greenwich, Kent, Esq. 

folio 98. 

George Walsh Hallam, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 
only son of George H. of Whitebarns, Herts, Esq. 

Hon. Philip Stourton (aged 22), 4 s. Charles Philip, Lord S. 

Edward John Gambier, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 

3 s. late Samuel G., Esq., Commissioner of the Navy. 

folio 99. 

John Welsford Cowell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 
only son of John C., of Bedford Sq., Esq. 

William Foster, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
John F., of Armitstead Settle, Yorks, Esq. 

George Frederick Parry, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. George P., of Egham, Surrey, Esq. 



U'nroln’sf Cnn 3tflmfegion £ccjigtrr 1420-1893. 


Nov. 4 




























folio 100. 

Peter Ogier, late of sec. dept, stamp off., Somerset PI., gent, 
(aged 46), y. s. Lewis O., late of Clapton, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Henry Larkins, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 3 s. John 
Pascal 1 L., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

Moses Poole, gent, (aged 25), 1 s. James P., of Kentish Town, 

[Middx., Esq. 

folio 101. 

John Beverley Robinson, of London, and of York, Upper 
Canada, N. America, Esq. (aged 24), 2 s. Christopher R., 
late of Upper Canada, afsd., Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

Charles Malpas, gent, (aged 17), 4 s. Henry M., of 

Knightsbridge, Middx., Esq. 

Daniel Alban Durtnall, Esq. (aged 23). only son of Daniel D., 
late of Oxford St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

folio 102. 

William Bodham Wright, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 17), 
1 s. William W. # of Grenville St., St. Pancias, surgeon. 

James Hart Davies, of Upper Seymour St., Middx., gent, 
(aged 17), 2 s. Thomas Hart D., of Madras, and Upper 
Seymour St., afsd., surgeon. |-£ S q 

Henry Raper, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. John R., of Aberford, Yorks, 

folio 103. 

George Abraham Grierson, of City of Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. George G., of Dublin, afsd., H. M. printer general, 

IrelancL [F.S.A. 

John James Park, only son of Thomas P., of Hampstead, Esq., 

Robert Moore Peile, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 
only son of Robert Moore P., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 104. 

John Heptinstall, jun., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Rev. John H., of 
Astbury, co. Chester, clerk 

Henry William Mulvany, a graduate in the Univ. of Dublin, 
(aged 19), 1 s. Charles M., of Dublin, merchant. 

Richard Hall Applevard, of Gt. James St., Bedford Row, 
Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Richard Smith A., of the Cursitors 
Office, Chancery lane, Esq. 

folio 105. 

Charles Fox Townshend, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Lord John T. 

Thomas Douglas Bateson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Thomas B., of Londonderry, Esq. 

James Campbell, Esq. (aged 17), nephew to Lt. Genl. James C., 
of London. 

Htn coin’s linn aUmisston Register: 1420-1893. 


1815 Nov. r8 

„ 24 

„ 27 

Dec. 1 

„ U 

H *5 

» 29 

1816 Jan. 3 

» 3 

.. 17 

» 25 

,, 29 

.. 29 

folio 106. 

Thomas Phelan Lalor, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

2 s. John L., of Crannagh, co. Tipp., Esq. 

Henry John Spearman, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Charles S., of 
Thornley, co. Durham, Esq. 

Thomas Gibson Inman, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Thomas I., of Bath, 


folio 107. 

Robert Hedley, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, B.A. (aged 21), 1 s. late 
Robert H., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Sisson, a civillian H.E.I.C.S., Esq. (aged 25), 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas S., of Bradfield Ho., Buntingford, Herts, clerk. 

Frederick Marwood, gent, (aged 19), 3 s. Rev. George M., of 
Busby Hall, Yorks, clerk. 

folio 108. 

Anthony Oliphant, advocate, Edinburgh (aged 22), 3 s. 
Ebenezer O., late of Condie, co. Perth, Esq., deed. 

Edward Jackson, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 17), 2 s. 
Joseph J., of Montague Sq., Middx., Esq. 

William Otti.ey, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. 
(Hon.) Drewry O., of St. Vincent, West Indies, deed. 

folio 109. 

Charles Blake Allnatt, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Charles 

Atherton A., of Wallingford, Berks, Esq. 

Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Oxon., 
Esq., only surviving son of Sir Alexander M., late of Novar, 
co. Ross, knight, late a Comissr. of H.M. Customs, deed. 

Dowell O’Reilly, Esq., 6 s. Matthew O’R., of Thomastown, 
co. Louth, Esq. 

folio 110. 

Sidney Stephen, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. John S., late of Somerleage, 
Somerset, Esq., now of St. Kitts, West Indies, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Tayler, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 25), only 
son of Rev. Thomas T., of King’s Road, Gray’s Inn Lane. 

Hon. Charles John Shaw, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 20), 
1 s. Lord Teignmouth, 4, Portman Sq., Middx. 

folio 111. 

Edwin Maddy, A.B., of Pembroke Coll., Cambr. (aged 20), only 
son of Phil. ML, of City ol Gloucester, Esq. 

Saxe Bannister, of Queen’s Coll., Oxon, M.A. (aged 25), 1 s. 

John B., of Steyning, Middx., Esq. 

William Wright, gent, (aged 19), 2 s. John W., of Kelvedon 
Hall, Essex, Esq. 

VOL. 11. 



Etttcoln’g £mt &&mi0gton &cgtstci : 1420 - 1893 . 


Jan. 29 
Feb. 1 







„ 29 

March 23 

April 3 


» 8 

» «> 

.» 19 

» 19 

folio 112. 

Matthew Carr, of the City of York, gent, (aged 26), 2 s. 
John C., of Stockton-on-Tees, Esq. 

Charles McNiven, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Charles McNiven, late of Manchester, Esq., deed. 

William Empson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A. (aged 26), 3 s. 
Rev. Amaziah E., late of Scawby, co. Line., deed. 

folio 113. 

Thomas Trant Simpson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 

2 s. Richard Austry S.,late of City of Dublin, afsd., Esq., deed. 
Richard Sheepshanks, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., M.A. 

(aged 21), 4 s. Joseph S., of Leeds, Esq., deed. 

John Musgrave, of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. 
Christopher Frederick M., of Mount Rivers, co. Waterfordj 


folio 114. 

Henry Farrar, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 17), 1 s. 
Thomas F., of Queen Sq., Bloomsbury, Esq. 

Edward Horne, of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr., B.L. (aged 25), 
5 s. Anthony H., of Bookham Grove, Surrey, Esq. 

William Thomas Grant, of Trin Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 

3 s. Charles G., of Russell Sq., Middx., Esq. 

folio 115. 

Robert Archibald Douglas, of London, gent., 2 s. Rev. 
Robert D., rector of Salwarp, co. Wore , deed. 

William Henry Thacker, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. William T., of 
Muchall, Pen ph., co. Staff., Esq. 

Ralph Harrison, of Judd St., London (aged 22), only son of 
late Rev. William H., formerly of Stonebridge Ho., co. 

[Durham, deed. 

folio 116. 

George James Turner, of Pembr. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 18), yst. son of Rev. Richard T., B.D., minister of 
Gt. Yarmouth (B.A. Jesus Coll., Camb.). 

Henry Martin Ancrum, Esq. (aged 26), 1 s. John Strother A., 
late of Canonbury Grove, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Thomas Flower Ellis, junr., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.M. 
(aged 19), 1 s. Thomas Flower E., of Layton, Essex, Esq. 

folio 117. 

Aaron Hurrill, jun. (aged 23), 1 s. Aaron H., of Lisson Grove 
South, Middx., Esq. 

Benjamin Rotch, jun., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. Benjamin R., of 
Castle Hall, n. Milford Haven, co. Pembroke, Esq. * 

Robert Lucas Pearsall, Esq. (aged 21), only son Richard P., 
late City of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

^Lincoln’* £nn 2 Urnif**ion ftccusftcr: 1420-1893. 


April 24 

» 25 

» 29 

«i 3° 

May 2 

„ 7 

»> 3 

n 7 

,» 13 

„ 13 

M 13 

n 14 

1, M 

.. ! 5 

„ 4 

June 7 
„ 14 

» ! 5 

folio 118. 

Richard Church, gent, (aged 17), yst. son of John Barker C., 
of Bolton St., Piccadilly, Esq. 

Garrett Dillon, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 22), 

1 s. Garrett D., of Nenagh, co. Tippy., Esq. 

John Steer, of Westminster, gent., 2 s. Samuel S., of 
Birmingham, jeweller and lapidary. 

folio 119. 

William Beeston, gent, (aged 18), 1 s. William B., of 18, Alpha 
Cottages, London, gent. 

Charles Thomas Pearce, of Swithin Lane, Ixmdon, gent, 
(aged 29), 2 s. William P., of Peckham Rye, Surrey, gent. 

Edward Jacob, of Caius Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 20), only son 
of William J., of Chilsham, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 120. 

Charles Thomson, junr., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 24), 

1 s. Charles T., a bencher. 

Robert Scott Bradshaw, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., A.B. 

(aged 21), 1 s. Robert B., of Belfast, Esq. 

William Pettigrew, of King's Inn, Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Robert P., of Crilly, co. Tyrone, atty.-at-law. 

folio 121. 

Brindley Hone, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, graduate (aged 19), only 
son of late Addison H., formerly of Dublin, mercht., deed. 

Daniel Kinahan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 19), 3 s. 
Daniel K., of Dublin, afsd., mercht. 

Alexander Miller, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., A.B. (aged 21), 

1 s. Edward M., of Ceigh, co. Tyrone, architect. 

folio 122. 

Michael Prendergast, junr., of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Michael P., of Cloth Fair, London, and 
Kentish Towm, woollen draper. 

Charles William Packe, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 23), 

1 s. Charles James P., of Hanthorpe Ho., co. Line., Esq. 

John Clarke, of 34, Gerrard St., Soho (aged 45), only son of 
John C., of King St., St. James, gent., adm. for purpose of 
practising as a conveyancer. 

folio 123. 

Alexander John Wallace, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 

2 s. Cornelius Lowe W., late of Eltham, Kent, mercht., deed. 

Amyas Deane Burrowes, gent, (aged 30), 1 s. James B., of 
Balylean, co. Carlow, Esq. 

Joseph Humphrey, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Joseph H., of Red 
House, Sudbury, Suff., Esq. 



Utncoln’g Jnrt a&mtssitcin ftccitetcr: 1420 -1893. 

folio 124. 



William Morgan, of Magdalen Coll, Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
George M., of Biddlesden, Bucks, Esq. 



Hon. Morton Eden, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
William, late Lord Auckland, deed. 



He nrv Y\ ii.le.slev, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, B.A. (aged 21), 3 s. 

[Marquis W. 

folio 125 . 



Richard Orlando Lanty Bridgman, Esq., 1 s. Richard 
Whalley B., of Bath, Esq. 



George Darby, of Catherine Hall, Cambr., B.A. (aged 19), 3 s. 
John D., of Gt. George St., Middx., Esq. 



Henry Vincent Smith, of Ashby-de-la Zouch, co. Leic., gent, 
(aged 25), only son of Henry S., of same pi, gent. 

folio 126 . 



James Slaton Urquhart, Esq. (aged 21), only son of James U., 
col. H.E.I.C.S., Bengal estab. 



Robert George Cecil Fane, of Magdalen Coll, Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 20), 6 s. Hon. Hy. F., of Fulbeck, co. Line., Esq. 



James Robinson Hayward, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 28), 0. s. 
Rev. James Robinson H., late of Harrietsham, Kent, clerk, 


folio 127 . 


2 3 

Edward Rose Tunno, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
0. s. John T., late of Devonshire PI, Middx., Esq., deed. 



John Frere, gent, (aged 19), 1 s . of Applewhaite F., of 
Sackville St., Piccadilly, Esq. 



John Nicoli. Campbell, of Queen’s Coll, Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. Robert C., of Argyle St., Middx., Esq. 

folio 128. 

” 8 Price I.f.wes, of BrazenoseCollege, Oxford, gent, (aged 21), 4 s. 

W illiam L., of Kysnewidd, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

” 8 John Jervis White, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 

Thomas Jervis White, of Dublin, Esq. 

” 8 Julius Charles Hare, Esq., of Trin. Coll, Cambr., gent. 

(aged 21), 3 s. Francis Hare-Naylor, late of Matson Ho., 
co. Glouc., Esq., deed. 

folio 129. 

,, 9 George Thomas Knight, of St. John’s Coll, Cambr. (aged 20), 

2 s. Edward K., of Godmersham Park, Kent, Esq. 

” 11 He nry Handley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., o. s. Benjamin H., of 

New Sleaford, co. Line. Esq. 

” 12 George Frederick Jones, of Jesus Coll, Cambr., Esq. 

aged 18), 1 s. Lt. Genl. (Sir), Richard Jones (K.C.B.), of 
Worthing, Sussex. ' 

Utnroln’s: Unn ^tUmtesion lltgtstttr: 1420 - 1893 . 


Nov. 13 

folio 130. 

Howell David Sarel, of Inner Temple (adm. 15 June, 1812), 
(aged 23), 2nd and yr. son of Richard S., of Berkeley Sq., 

w 13 

Thomas Henry Hope, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. John Thomas H., of Upper Seymour St., London, Esq. 

„ 14 

James Betty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 21), 2 s. 
William B., of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 14 

folio 131. 

John West, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. John W., 
of Gower St., Bedford Sq., Esq. 

n 15 

James Armitage, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 23), 2 s. 
Edward A., of Leeds, Esq. 

„ IS 

Joseph Henry McCann, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 

1 s. Ross McC., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 15 

folio 132. 

Augustus Smith Le Mesurier, of Bloomsbury, gent, (aged 16), 

2 s. Peter Le M., of Bombay, Esq. 

„ 18 

Philip Walsh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
George W., of Kilcooly, co. Tippy., Esq. 

„ 22 

Lees Shaw, of Magdalen Coll., Oxon, gent, (aged 20), 7 s. 
Robert S., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

„ 26 

folio 133. 

Charles Nicholas, of Middle Temple (aged 22), 2 s. Robert N., 
Chairman Ward of Excise, and of London, Esq. 

„ 27 

Denis Le Marchant, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 1 
surviving s. M. Genl. John Gaspard Le M. 

Dec. 6 

William Currie, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
William C., of East Horsley, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 134. 

„ 20 

Charles Howes, of Norwich, gent (aged 29), only son of 
Thomas H., of Norwich, hot presser. 

»• 24 

John Beswick Greenwood, of Gonville & Caius Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Abram G., of Dewsbury, n. Leeds, Esq. 

n 27 

Charles Evans, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 1 s. 
Rev. Benjamin E., of Harrow-on-the-Hill, clerk. 

Jan. 17 

folio 135. 

William Counsell Wyndowe, of Kingsdown, co. Glouc., Esq. 
(aged 23), 2 s. late Samuel W., formerly of Kingsdowne, Esq., 

^ ec< ^* [of Roehampton, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 21 

„ 21 

John Alcock, of Baliol Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. Joseph A., 

John Lucius Dampier, of King’s Coll., Cambr., and Lincoln’s 
Inn (formerly of Middle Temple), Esq. (aged 24), 2 s. late 
Sir Henry D., knt., deed. 

7o Etnroln’iS Ifmt aUrniijS-stoit Uegtstcr: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 22 

H 28 
,1 28 




» 30 

Feb. 5 

» 7 









March 5 

„ 14 

„ 12 

April 21 

folio 136. 

John Barker, of 29, Portland PL, Esq. (aged 33), 1 s. John B., 
late of Mattersey Hill, Notts, Esq., deed. 

Richard Hasler, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), only son 
Richard H., of Bognor, Sussex, Esq. 

Thomas Theobald, of Caius Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 23), 2 s 
Mr. John T., of Skinner St., Snow Hill, London, hosier. 

folio 137. 

John Sullivan Limricke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 
o. s. Rev. Paul L., of Calcutta, clerk, deed. 

Thomas Stead Carter, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
o. s. Thomas C., of Walworth Ho., Surrey, Esq. 

Samuel Pepys Cockerell, of Merton Coll., Oxford, gent, 
(aged 22), 3 s. Samuel Pepys C., of Westbourne, Middx., Esq. 

folio 138. 

Robert Henry Wood, of Gray’s Inn, Esq. (also of Inner 
Temple, adm. 16 Nov., 1814), (aged 28), 1 s. Robert W., of 
Richmond, Surrey, Esq. 

William John Monson, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), only 
son of late Col. the Hon. William M., deed. 

William Lenox Cleland, of Edinburgh. Esq. (aged 20), only 
son of Walter C, formerly of Edinburgh, Esq., deed. 

folio 139. 

Charles Henry Hutton, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., A.B., (aged 22), 
1 s. Rev. Henry H., of Beaumont, n. Colchester, clerk. 

William Church Macdougall, of Abbots Langley, Herts, gent, 
(aged 17), 2 s. Alexander M., of Line. Inn, gent. 

Henry George Salter, gent, (aged 20), only son of James S., 
of Heavitree, Devon, Esq. 

folio 140. 

Frederick Shaw, of Brazenose Coll., Oxon, and of Trin. Coll., 
Dublin, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Robert S., Esq., M.P., City of 

Robert Richmond, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Henry R., of John St., 
Bedford Row, Middlesex, Esq. 

John Hyndman, of Edinburgh Coll., Scotland, Esq. (aged 19), 
1 s. late Col. Henry Hyndman, formerly H.E.I.C.S. 

folio 141. 

Hon. Charles Thomas Clifford (aged 18), 2 s. Rt. Hon. 
Lord C., of Chudleigh, Devon. 

Robert Sayer, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), o. s. late 
James S., of Richmond, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Richard Richards, of the Inner Temple, Esq., bar.-at-law 
(called 20 Nov., 1812), (aged 29), 1 s. Baron R. 

^Lincoln's Inn atmitsstcm IXcgtjSter: 1420-1893. 


April 22 

» 23 

„ 23 
„ 25 




tl 30 

May 1 














folio 142 

Samuel Pett, of Trin. Coll., Cambr.. Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Samuel P., of Hackney, M.D. 

Thomas Barry Cusack Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 
(aged 21), 2 s. Sir William Cusack S., of Dublin, bart. 

Philip Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), is. 
Philip S., of Cherrymount, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 143. 

Thomas Paynter, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22) 2 s. 
late James P., of Boskenna, Cornwall, Esq., deed. 

Aldborough Brydges John Henniker, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 20), 3 s. late Hon. Sir Brydges H., of Newton 
Hall, Essex, bart. 

Thomas Browne Parker, late of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Thomas Netherton P., of Sweeney, Salop, Esq. 

folio 144. 

John Garnett Atkinson, of Brazen Nose Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 18), 1 s. John A., of Maple Hayes, co. Staff., Esq. 

Francis Baring, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Sir 
Thomas B., of Stratton Park, Hants, bart. 

Henry Labouchere, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. Peter 
Caesar L., of Hylands, Essex, Esq. 

folio 145. 

Joseph Christopher Bradney, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 2 s. Joseph B., of Ham, n. Richmond, Surrey, Esq. 

Charles William Crickitt, of 27, Doughty St., gent, (aged 20), 
3 s. John C., of Doctors Commons, Esq. 

Samuel Lloyd, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 3 s. 
Nathaniel LI., late of Uley, co. Glouc., Esq. 

folio 146 

William Davidson, the younger, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. 
(M.A. 1822), (aged 20), 1 s. William D., of Shaftesbury Ho., 
Middx., Esq. 

George Simson, jun., of Ch. Ch. Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
George S., of Silwood Park, Berks, Esq., M.P. 

Thomas Spring Rice, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 27), 1 s. 
Stephen Edward R., of Mount Trenchard, co. Limerick, Esq. 

folio 147. 

Edward Keane, of London, Esq. (aged 45), 1 s. Robert K., 
late of Dublin, Esq., deed., adm. for purpose of practising 
as a conveyancer. 

Charles Bren an, of Furnival’s Inn, gent, (aged 45), 2 s. 
Darby B., late of Carlow, Esq., deed., adm. for purpose of 
practising as a conveyancer. 

John Carter (formerly Langham), of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 22), o. s. William Langham, late of Lynn, Norfolk, 
Esq., deed. 


Etncoln’s; Knit &&mt0$ion iVscjister: 1420-1893. 

18 T 7 

May 7 








„ 19 

>1 3i 

» 3 1 

June 4 





„ 13 


folio 148. 

John Moore Cave, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 2 s. 
John C., of Buntry Ho., co. Gloucester, Esq. 

Thomas Houston, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 23), only 
son of Hugh H., late of Omagh, co. Tyrone, Esq., deed. 
William Joseph Coltman, junr., of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq., 
(aged 24), o. s. late Wm. Joseph C., of Upper Harley St., 
Middx., Esq., deed. 

folio 149. 

Jonathan Moore, of Field Ct., Gray’s Inn, gent., atty. and solr. 

(aged 35), 3 s. James M., late of Blackheath, Kent, Esq., deed. 
St. John Chinnery, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 23), 
4 s. Sir Broderick C., late of Dublin, bart., deed. 

John Margesson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
William M., of Offington, Sussex, Esq. 

folio 150. . 

Edwin Windsor Bayntun Sandys, Esq. (aged 16), only son of 
Sir Edwin Bayntun S., of Miserden Park, co. Glouc., bart. 

Alexander McDonnell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 
James McD., of Belfast, M.D. 

Stuart George Dallas, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Charles Stuart D., 
late of the Island of Jamaica, Esq., deed. 

folio 151. 

Edward Horne Hulton, of Brazen-nose, Coll., Ox. (after of 
Bevis Mount), (aged 19), 1 s. late Henry H., of Line. Inn, 
bar.-at-law, deed. 

John Richard Corballis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 

2 s. Richard C., of Dublin, afsd. 

Walter Frederic Stirling, of Baliol Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 

3 s. Vice Adml. Chas. S., of Woburn, Surrey. 

folio 152. 

Edward Nicholas Hurt, of Wirksworth, co. Derby, gent, 
(aged 22), 3 s. Charles H., of W., afsd. 

John Hildyard, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Rev. William H., of Winestead, Yorks, Esq. 

Charles Morgan, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. George M., of Biddleston 
Park, Bucks, Esq., barrister of Line. Inn. 

folio 153. 

Edward Quin, of the Univ. of Oxford, A.B. (A.M. ), 

(aged 22), 1 s. Edward Q., of Burton Creset, Middx., Esq. 

Robert Prioleau RouPEix,of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 19), 
2 s. George Boone R., of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

William Henry Watson, of Alnwick, Esq., late lieut. 6th regt. 
dragoons (aged 21), 1 s. late capt. John W., formerly 
76 th regt. foot. 

Uincoln’s $nit Register : 1420-1893. 

J 8i7 June 
















/ o 

2 4 
2 5 














folio 154. 

Henry Cruso, gent, (aged 21), 3 s. John C., of Leek, Staff., Esq. 

John James Pemberton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., (admitted 
Inner Temple, 14 Dec., 1810), (aged 20), 1 s. Christopher 
Robert P., of George St., Hanover Sq. M.D. 

Abner William Brown, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. late James B., of 
Gattonside, Roxburghs, Esq., deed. 

folio 155. 

Michael Ffrench, of Surrey St, Strand, gent, (aged 27), 2 s. 
Dominick Ffrench, of London, mercht. 

James Cesar Durnford, of St. George’s Row, Hanover Sq., 
Esq. (aged 19), o. s. James Rowland Caesar D., late of 
Gt. Cumberland St., Esq. 

William Edmund Hartopp, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(nged 22), 3 s. Sir Edmund Cradock H., of Four Oaks Hall, 
co. Warwick, bart. 

folio 156. 

Bennet Gosling, Esq., of Ch. Ch., Oxford, gent, (aged 21), yst. 
son of William G., of Portland PI., Esq. 

George Coll, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., A.B. (aged 19), only son 
Rev. John Cobb, D.D., vicar of Charlborough, Oxon. 

William Hogan, of the King’s Inn, Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Wm. Caldwell H., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 157. 

Thomas Oliver Anderdon, Esq., 1 s. John Procter A., of 
Beech Ho., Ringwood, Hants, Esq. 

Henry Vanne Salusbury, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
y. s. Sir Robert S., of Llanwern, co. Monmouth, bart. 

Joseph Palmer Griffith, of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 
4 s. Rev. Dr. G., of Warminster, Wilts. 

folio 158. 

Arthur William Thomas, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 19) 

1 s. Richard Francis T., of Tullabirn Ct., co. Kilkenny, Esq. 

Benjamin Weeding, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. James W., late 
Hampden St., Somers Town, gent., deed. 

William Smyth Guinness, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 22), 
1 s. Arthur G., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 159. 

Henry James Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 23), 
3 s. Francis LL, of Danigay, co. Montgomery, Esq., deed. 

Samuel Winter, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John Pratt W., of Agher, co. Meath, Esq. 

Thomas Long Oliver, of Merton Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. John O., of Hoole Hall, Cheshire, Esq. 

74 Utncoln’g Inn Hftintetfon &cgtstci: 1420-1893. 

1817 Nov. 12 

folio 160. 

John Dillon, of'I'rin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), only son of 
Thomas D., of Dublin, Esq. 

» i 5 

John Gum ley. of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 24), 0. s. 
John G., of Brileaborough, co. Cavan, clerk. 

n 15 

Denis O’Conor, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. 
Owen O’C., of Balanger, co. Rose., Esq. 

•» *7 

folio 161. 

George Morgan, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 24), 1 s. 
George M., of Biddlesden Park, Bucks, Esq. 

» 22 

John Bonham, of Brazen-nose, Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), only 
son of John B., of Devonshire St., Portland PI., Esq. 

» 22 

James Halliwell, of Brazen-nose Coil., Ox., Esq. (aged 26), 

1 s. James H., of Broomfield, co. lane., Esq. 

» 22 

folio 162. 

William Bennet Martin, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Henry M., Esq., a bencher L. I. 

Dec. 20 

William YVotton, of Tiverton, Devon, gent, (aged 40), 2 s. 
John \V., late of Tiverton, wollen manufacturer, deed., adm. 
for purpose of practising as a barrister. 

„ 20 

Septimus Burton, of Marylebone Park, Middx., gent, (aged 22) 

5 s. James B., of afsd., Esq. 

1818 Jan. 5 

folio 163. 

Frederick Augustus Carrington, of Berkeley, co. GIouc. 
Esq. (aged 16), 0. s. Rev. Caleb C., Vicar of Berkeley, afsd’. 

» 9 

Thomas Horne, Esq. (aged 17), 1 s . Rev. Thomas H., of 
Chiswick, Middx., clerk. 

n 9 

William Horne, Esq. (aged 16), 1 s. William H., of Queen Sq., 
Bloomsbury, and of Line. Inn, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 164. 

John Tempest, gent, (aged 18), 3 s. Stephen T., of Broughton 
Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

n 20 

William Nelson Hicks, gent (aged 20), y. s. of John H„ of 
Plomer Hill, Bucks, Esq. 

» 23 

John Hudson, of Tavistock PL, Russell Sq., gent, (aged 19), 
0. s. Charles H., late of Pimlico, Esq., deed. 

W 23 

folio 165. 

James Parkin, of Brazen nose Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20) 1 s. 
Hugh P., of Skirsgill Ho., Penrith, Esq. 

>l 24 

Richard Reeves, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20) c s 
Robert R., of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 26 

Michael Joseph Quin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 

3 s. .Vlorty Quin, late of Thurles, co. Tippy., distiller. 

Eincoin’* firm atiinteston iUgisuv: 1420 1893. 


Jan. 28 

folio 166. 

Joseph Smyth Egginton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 
only son of Joseph E., of Hull, mercht. 

» 28 

Henry Revell, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. 
Henry R., of Round Oak, Egham, Surrey, Esq. 

» 3 * 

William Domville, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 43), only son Sir 
William IX, of St. Alban’s, Herts, bart. 

» 3 ° 

folio 167. 

David Plunk et, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 3 s 
William Conyngham P., of Dublin. 

» 3 ° 

Joseph Pitt, junr., of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Joseph P., 
of East Court, Wilts, and of 17, Clarges St., Pic., Esq. 

Keb. 3 

Thomas Dyson, of London, gent, (aged 36), s. James I).*, of 
Hoxton, brass founder. 

» 6 

folio 168. 

George Jeremy, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (M.A. ), 

(aged 21), 1 s. George J., of 23, East St., Red Lion Sq., gent. 

*. n 

George Roake, of Berwick St., Soho, gent, (aged 22), y. s. 
John R., late of Halliford, Middx., Esq., deed. 

n n 

John Hunter Hornby, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 19), 2 s. 
John H., of Hook, Hants, Esq. 

„ 11 

folio 169. 

John Wilkinson Wasney, of Catherine Hall, Cambr., gent, 
(aged 18), only son Rev. Wm. Atkinson W, of Fence Ends, 
ph. of Thornton, Yorks. 

„ 11 

Montague Chambers, ot Bryanstone St., Esq. (aged 19), 5 s. 
George C., late of Harford, Hunts, Esq. 

» 23 

Otto Frederick Bichner, gent, (aged 22), 1 s. Otto B., of 

[Soho Sq., gent. 

folio 170. 

„ 28 

Edward John Bacon, of Gonville, and of Caius Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 15), 1 s. Edward B., of Ipswich, Esq. 

March 6 

Henry Chance, of London, gent, (aged 23), 5 s. William C., of 
Birmingham, mercht. 

„ 10 

Reginald James Blewitt, gent, (aged 19), 2 s. Edward B., of 
Lanternam Abbey, Monmouth, Esq. 

n 11 

folio 171. 

Thomas Henry Musgrave, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 21), 3 s. late Sir James M., of Barnesley Park, 
co. Glouc., bart., deed. 

M 25 

Frederick Smyth, of Sydney Coll., Cambr. (aged 20), 7 s. 
William S., of Barbaville, co. Westmeath, Esq. 

April 1 

John Hknnikkr, Esq. (aged 16), 1 s. John Minet H., of Line. 
Inn, Middx., and of Stratford Green, Essex, bar.-at-law. 

7 6 

Lincoln’s £nn gt&inigston Register: 1420-1893. 

18 18 April t 

folio 172. 

John Rees Lloyd, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), t s. 
John L., of Brecknock, So. Wales, Esq. 

» 2 

James Ashmore, of Ipswich, and B.A. of Univ. Coll., Ox. 
(aged 18), 1 s. William A., of Ipswich, Esq., deed. 

» 7 

Alexander Crombie, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Rev. Alexander C., of Greenwich, LL.D. 

n 7 

folio 173. 

Benjamin Hart, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Benjamin H., of Line. 
Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 7 

John Jeffreys Williams, gent, (aged 17), 1 s. John W., of Red 
Lion Sq., gent. 

» 8 

Matthew Gaunt, gent, (aged 23), 2 s. Tohn G., late of Luk, 
co. StalT., gent., deed. 

» 8 

folio 174 

Richard Mayne, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A. (aged 21), 4 s. 
Hon. Mr. Justice M., of the Court King’s Bench, Ireland. 

» 9 

* », u 

Charles Boyle, gent, 2 s. James B., of Carey St., law stationer. 
Charles Pym, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), y. s. 
Francis P., of the Hasells, Beds., Esq., M.P. 

April 14 

folio 175. 

Robert Brandt, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), y. s. 
Charles Frederick B., of Manchester, mercht. 

» 13 

Richard Godson, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 20), 2 s. William G., of Tenbury, co. Wore., atty.-at-law. 

?» 14 

Samuel Richard Guinness, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 

2 s. Richard G., a chief police magistrate, Dublin. 

» 17 

folio 176. 

Richard Franklen, Esq. (aged 17), only son of Thomas F., of 
Raglan Ho., Neath, co. Glam., Esq. 

„ 20 

Joseph Scannell, Esq. (aged 26), only son of Florence Tohn S., 
ot Sundays Wells, City Cork, Esq. 

»» 21 

William Scott Preston, of Line. Inn, and late of Trin. Coll., 
Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), t s. Richard P., of Inner Temple! 
Esq., bar.-at-law. 

t, 22 

folio 177. 

James Kennedy, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged to) 2 s 
Lt. Col. Michael K, H.E.I.C.S. 

>, 24 

Neill Malcolm, jun., of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 20), r s. 
Neill M., of Pottallock, Ayrshire, Esq. 

» 2 5 

John Rosson, gent, (aged 27), 5 s. Andrew R., of Liverpool, Esq. 

lUntoln’g Enn aUmtsston ttcgisstcr: 1120 - 1893 . 


folio 178. 



Alfred Stephen, gent, (aged 16), 3 s. Hon. John S., solr. 
general, Island of St. Kitts, West Indies. 



James Heath Leigh, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., B.A. (aged 22), 

1 s. Joseph L., of Belmont, Chesh., Esq. 


2 3 

John Manship Norman, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 

1 s. Robert N., late of London, mercht., deed. 

folio 179. 


George Warry, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 


George W., of Skipwick, Somerset, Esq. 



Benjamin Heath Malkin, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 
(aged 20), 1 s. Benjn. Heath M., of Bury St. Edmunds, L.L.D. 



William Miles, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Philip 
John M., of Bristol, Esq. 

folio 180. 

3 ° 

Henry Davis, of Trin. Coll., Cambr , gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
John I)., of Ashwick, Somerset, Esq. 

J une 


Francis Watts, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. John Turner W., of Angel 
Cl., Throgmorton St., stockbroker. 


Edward Vaughan Williams, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 21), 2 s. late Sergt. Williams. 

folio 181. 



John Errington French, of Stockport, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. 
George F., of Cheshiie, Esq. 



Henry Wodehouse, of St. John’s Coll, Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 

2 s. Hon. John W., of Witton, Norfolk. 


Edward John Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 

2 s. Thomas Gore LI, of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 182. 



James Simms, of St. John’s, New Foundland, gent, (aged 38), 1 s. 
William S., of Hall Green, co. Warwick, gent. 



John Toke, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq., A.B. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Rev. William T., of Barnston, Essex, Esq. 



Thomas Charles Higgins, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. John H., late of Turvey Ho., Beds, Esq., deed. 

folio 183. 



William Bartholomew Higgins, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. John H., late of Turvey Ho., Beds, Esq., deed. 



Henry Jickling, of Wells, Norfolk, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. 
Nicholas J., of Wells, afsd., Esq. 



Frederick Richard Thresher, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., and of 
Mash Ho., Hants, Esq. (aged 19), only son of Richard T., 
late of Mash Ho., afsd., Esq., deed. 


Utnroln’g tfntt ^bmtwton LUotetcr : 1420-1893. 

818 Sept. 28 

folio 184. 

John Daniel Rirkett, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Daniel B., of Isleworth, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Oct. t 7 

Isaac Onslow Seckkr, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 19), 2 s. John S., of New Windsor, Berks, gent. 

» 30 

Thomas Platt, gent, (aged 18), 3 s. Samuel P., of 33 Keppel St., 

[Russell Sq., Esq. 

folio 185. 


Nov. 4 

Joseph Hunt, gent., 3 s. of John H., of Dublin, Esq. 

Stephen Williams, of Bath, gent, (aged 42), 2 s. John W., late 
of Trowbridge, Wilts, gent., deed. 

n 7 

James Booth, gent., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 4 s. 
Thomas B., of Toxteth Lodge, co. Lane., Esq. 

» 9 

folio 186. 

George Eyston, of 2, North St., Red Lion Sq., gent, (aged 21), 
3 s. Basil E., late of East Hundied, Berks, Esq., deed. 

„ 10 

William Debank Sneyd, of 23, Gt. Russell St., Bloomsbury, 
and of Brazennose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. William S., 
of Ashcombe, co. Staff., Esq. 

„ 10 

George Austen, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 4 s. 
Nathaniel A., of Ramsgate, Esq., deed. 

„ 11 

folio 187. 

Patrick Comerford Law, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Rev. Francis L., late of the dioc. of Ossory, deed. 

» 12 

Robert Langrlshe, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21) 2 s. 
Sir Robert L., of Knocktopher, co. Kilkenny, bart. 

„ 15 

Laurence Gwynne, junr., Esq. (aged 18), only son of Laurence 
G., of Hackney, LL.D. 

„ t6 

folio 188. 

Theodore Dickens, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. John D., late of 
Calcutta, member of the Inner Temple. 

M >7 

James Pringle Barclay, gent, (aged 22), 1 s. William B., of 
Leicester Sq., wax bleacher. 

,, 18 

Henry Barry, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Robert B., of M. T., 
bar.-at-law, etc. 

„ 20 

folio 189. 

Thomas Bright Ikin, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 
0. s. Thomas 1., ot Leeds, Esq. 

„ 21 

Robert Rockliffe, Esq. (aged 21), 0. s. Francis R., of 
Liverpool, mercht. 

11 21 

John Patrick Corley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 

1 s. Patrick C, of Clanes, co. Monaghan, gent. 


Umcoln’jes Enn Rttmiftfton &cqtster 1420-1893 

Nov. 21 
w 23 

» 24 

„ 28 

Dec. 12 
» 15 

„ 18 

„ 23 

Jan. 1 







2 1 



folio 190. 

Michael Byrne, Esq. (aged 28), 1 s. Matthew B., of Millisane, 
co. Tippy., Esq., deed. 

John Fowden Hindle, junior, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. John Fowden H., of No. 8, Manchester St, 
Manchester Sq., Esq. 

Thomas Owen Morgan, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. late Mr. Thomas M., 
of Aberystwith, banker. 

folio 191. 

Edward Williams Hasell, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Edward H., of Dalemain, Cumberland, Esq. 

Thomas Henry Oliphant, gent, (aged 17), o. s. Isaac O., of 
Wandsworth Rd., M.D. 

Gilbert Henderson, junr., of Brasen-nose Coll., Ox., A.B. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Gilbert H., of Liverpool, Etq., fellow Brasenose 


folio 192. 

Alexander Macduff Baxter, A.M. (aged 20), 2 s. Rev. 
Colin B., minister, of Mornwaird, co. Perth. 

Godfrey Thomas Vigne, now of Harrow Schl., Esq. (aged 17 ), 
1 s. Thomas V., of Walthamstow, Essex, Esq. 

Edward Boodle, jun , Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Edward B., of 42, 
Brook St., Gros. Sq., Esq. 

folio 193. 

John Wilson, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. James W., late of Wellingore, 
co. Line., dec. [Bond St., M.D. 

James Bunce Curling, Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Bunce C., of New 

Henry Wilson, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), o. s. 
Joseph W., of Highbury Hill, Middx., Esq. 

folio 194. 

Henry Snaith Trower, of Umv. Coll., Oxfd., Esq. (aged 17), 
only son James T., of Line. Inn, a bencher. 

Napier Duncan Sturt, of Christ’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
2 s. Thomas Lenox Napier S., of Malledon, Kent, Esq. 

John Sampson, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
Denis S., of Dublin, solr. 

folio 195. 

Thomas Shiffner, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), y s. Sir 
George S., of Combe PL, Sussex, bart. 

Walter Farquhar Hook, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Ven. James H., LL.D., of Winchester, Archdeacon of 

Henry James Perry, of Pembroke Coll. (Hall), after of Jesus 
Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. John George P., late of 
Oxford St., confectioner, deed. 


Utncoln’g Cnn SUnntsston IXcgtsm-: 1420-1893. 

1819 Jan. 25 

» 25 






» 27 

» 27 

» 28 

»» 28 

» 29 

» 30 

Feb. 1 

•> 1 

» 2 

*» 5 

** 5 

folio 196. Lyell, of Exeter Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
Charles L., of Hartley Lodge, Southants, Esq. 

Lindsey Winterbotham, of Evesham, co. Wore. gent, (aged 19), 
2 s. Rev. William W., of Horsley, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Henry Ran dell, of Banghurst, Southants, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Henry R., of Banghurst, afsd., Esq. 

folio 197. 

Charles Gray Round, of Baliol Coll., Ox., B.A (aged 21), 

1 s. Charles R., of Birch Hall, co. Essex, Esq. 

William Mackworth Praed, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 
B.A. (aged 21), 1 s. William Mackworth P„ of Cumberland 
St., I’ortman Sq., sergt.-at-law. 

William Bulkeley Hughes, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Sir William 
Bulkeley H., of Plascock, Isle of Anglesey, Kent. 

folio 198. 

W illiam Walmesley, of Gray’s Inn, Middx., gent, (aged 18) 

2 s. John W., of Bath, Somerset, Esq. 

Arthur Jackson Drury, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.L. (aged 21), 

3 s. Rev. Mark I)., of Harrow-on-the-Hill, clerk. 

John Burdett Steward, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Richard S., of Bourne, co. Line., M.D. 

folio 199. 

William Hanley, of City of Bristol, gent, (aged 18), 4 s 
John H., late of Bristol, afsd., Esq., deed. 

William Marshall, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 22) 

1 s. John M., of Leeds, Esq. 1 ' S 

Charles James Swann, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. JohnS., late of 
Wolvercott, Oxon, Esq., deed. 

folio 200. 

Samuel Frederick Milford, jun., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Samuel Frederick M., of Exeter, Esq. 

Richard Ford, of Trin. Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. late 
Sir Richard F., of Gloucester PL, Middx., knt„ deed. 

Rice Richard Clayton, of Caius Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20) 
4 s. Sir William C., of Morden Park, Surrey, bart. 

folio 201. 

John Elijah Blunt, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22) 1 s 
John B, of Woodford, Essex, Esq. 

William Deedes, junr., of All Soul’s Coll., Ox. (also of Corpus 
Fsq IStl Co11 '^ * 3ged 211 S- VVilliam D -> of Sandling, Kent, 

James Wentworth Buller, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20) 
o. s. James B., of Downes, Devon, Esq. 


Utnroln’g Inn Emission ftrgtetcr : 1420-1893. 



























3 T 



T 9 






folio 202. 

James Lester, of Woodside, Essex (aged 28), 3 s. Robert L., 
late of Blackheath, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Francis Freemantle, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Sir Thomas F., of Swanboume, Berks, Rear 
Adml. H. M. Fleet, G.C.B. 

John Sillifant, junr., of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
John S., of Coombe, n. Crediton, Devon, Esq. 

folio 203. 

John Pruen, of St. John’s Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
Richard P., of Cheltnham, Esq. 

Richard Leonard Adams, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (aged 17)* 

1 s. James A., late of Berkeley Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Jackson Perrinc, of Brunswick Sq., Middx., gent, (aged 18), 

1 s. Philip P., of same, gent. 

folio 204. 

Edmund Wintle, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 18), 

2 s. James W., of Cheltenham, H.E.I.C.S. 

John Forbes Davenport, of the Island of Bermuda, Esq. 

(aged 19), 1 s. John I)., of same, mercht. 

John Jeane Coney, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Rev. Thomas C., of Batcombe, Somerset, clerk. 

folio 205. 

Fitzroy Kelly, of Fetherstone Buildings, Holborn, Middx., 
gent, (aged 22) 2 s. Major R. Kelly, late of Madras, deed. 

James Richardson, of London, City, gent, (aged 39), 1 s. 
James R., late of Leeds, gent., deed. 

George William Lewis, of Charlotte St., Pimlico, gent 
(aged 23), 1 s. David Baxter L., of Rochester, solr. 

folio 206. 

Edward Buller, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq., 2 s. Sir Francis 
Buller Yarde B., of Lupton, Devon, bart. 

Joseph Bateman, of Selby, Yorks, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
William B., of same, ship owner. 

John Hubersty Mathews, of New Milman St., Middx., gent, 
(aged 22), 2 s. John M., of North Shields, Esq. 

folio 207. 

Edward Bird, A.B., late of Magdalen Coll., Camb., gent, 
(aged 25), 3 s. Robert B., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Henry George Hulton, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 16), 
2 s. Henry H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Walters, of the Inner Temple, Esq. (adm. 12 Nov. 1811, 
called 20 June, 1817), (aged 30), 1 s. Robert W., late oi 
Southampton, doctor of physic. 


Umroln’s Etm a&mfssgfoit Utqtettx : 1420-1893. 

1819 April 28 

folio 208 . 

Rowland Huyshe, of Red Lion Sq., gent, (aged 17 ), 2 s. Rev. 
John Huish, of Clysthyden, Devon, clerk. 

» 29 

Alhf.rt I) Alton, Esq. (aged 33), 2 s. Edward D’Alton, of 
Nenagh, co. i ipp. ? Genl. in Austrian Service. 

May 1 

James Dickinson, of Gt. James St., Bedford Row, gent, 
(aged 23), 2 s. Samuel D., of same, Esq. 

>» 1 

folio 209 . 

William Lockett, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent., A B. 
(aged 22 ), 0 . s. William Jeffery L., of Derby, gent. 

„ 6 

Francis Lyttleton Holyoake, junr. St, John’s Coll., Cambr., 
B.A. (aged 21 ), 1 s. Francis H., of Tettenhall, co. Staff., Esq. 

„ 10 

" ,LL,AM Henry England, gent, (aged 19), 0. s. Joseph E., of 
London, gent., an attorney of the King’s Bench. 

May 10 

No. 18. 

folio 1. 

William Bradney, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20 ), 3 s. 
Joseph B., late of Ham, Surrey, Esq., deed. 


William Bertram Evans, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 17 ), 1 s. John E., of Hertford St., May Fair, Esq. 

» 11 

Brampton Gurdon, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21 ), 

1 s. Theophilus Thornhaugh G. of Letton, Norfolk, Esq. 

„ 11 

folio 2. 

William Charles Quin, of Trin. ColL, Dublin, Esq. (aged 20 ), 

2 s. Rev. Thomas Q., of Wingfield, co. Wicklow, clerk. 

i, 11 

Stephen Clissold, junr., of Clare Hall, Cambr, Esq., B.A. 
(aged 26 ), 1 s. Stephen C., of Hill Ho., co. Glouc., Esq. 

» 17 

Henry Rogers, late of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20 ), 2 s. 
Daniel R., of Wassell, n. Stourbridge, co. Wore., bar.-at-law 
of this Socy., Esq. 

» 18 

folio 3. 

Robert Buchanan, Esq. (aged 21 ), 1 s. David B., of 
Drumpellier, n. Glasgow, Esq. 


John Sandys Penfold, of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. (aged 25 ) 1 s. 
Rev. John P., of Steyning, Sussex, clerk. 

» 20 

James Shergold Boone, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 20 ), 2 s. 
Thomas B., of Sunbury, Middx., Esq., deed. 

ILtncoln’g tnn atrintsston lUgtstev: 1420-1893. 


May 21 
„ 29 

June 2 





>» 15 

» 15 





„ 29 

July 7 

» 9 

Aug. 11 

» *3 

folio 4. 

John Lorence (sic) Bird, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 

1 s. James B., of Chancery reg. off., gent. 

Hon. William Cust, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M., and of 
the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 33), 3d. brother of John, 
Earl Brownlow. 

Thomas Coventry, of 65, Gt. Queen St., Line. Inn Fields, gent, 
(aged 22), o. s. of Thomas C., of Westlecott, Wilts, Esq. 

folio 5. 

Charles Holford Bosanquet, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Charles B., of Hampstead Heath, Middx., Esq. 

James Gordon Murdock, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. o. s. 
late James M., of Madeira, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Spragginc; Godfrey, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., o. s. 
Edward Smith G., of Newark-upon-Trent, Esq. 

folio 6. 

John Goodden, of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Wyndham G., of Bath, Esq. 

Thomas John Russell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Patrick Henry R., of Swords Ho., co. Dublin, Esq. 

Richard Groom, Esq. (aged 16), i s. William G., of Line. Inn 
Fields, Esq. 

folio 7. 

Benjamin Waddington, of Lambs Conduit St., Middx., gent, 
(aged 17), 3 s. Henry W., of Hampton Wick, Esq. 

George Nutcombe Oxnam, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(aged 19 years), 1 s. Rev. William O., of Morchard Bishop, 
Devon, clerk. 

William Henry Surman, of 10, Golden Sq., solr. (aged 42), 1 s. 
late John S., of Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, gent., deed. 

folio 8. 

Samuel Yate Benyon, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., s. Samuel 
Yates B., Esq., a master of the bench. 

Thomas Drummond, of Edinburgh, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. late 
James D., of Comrie, Perth, Esq., deed. 

Capel Cure, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), s. of Capel C., of 
Blake Hall, Essex, Esq. 

folio 9. 

Henry George Talbot, of Ch. Church, Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Rev. Charles T., Dean of Salisbury. 

William Weld, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 3 s. 
William W., of Twickenham, gent. 

John Hobson Blades, of Exeter Coll., Oxon, Esq. (aged 23), 
o. s. John B., of Brock well Hall, Surrey, Esq. 

8 4 

ILtnroln’s Inn &bmtsston l&cgtster: 1420-1893. 

1819 Oct. 25 
Nov. 2 
» 3 

» 5 



» 9 
„ 9 
» 9 

» 9 
» 9 

» ! 5 
» J 5 

folio 10. 

Thomas Charles Geldart, gent., of Trin. Hall, Cambr., R.A. 
(aged 22), y. s. Rev. Dr. G., Rector of Kirk Deighton, Yorks. 

Edward Daly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Denis D., of Kinsale, co. Cork, Esq. 

John Billingsley Parry, gent (aged 21), 2 s. James P., of 
Preston Hall, Salop, Esq. 

folio 11. 

John Prendergast Hackett, of Stratford PI., Middx., Esq. 
(aged 35), 0. s. Walter H., of Island of Jamaica, Esq., deed. 

George Jelf, Esq., of Oaklands, n. Newnham, co. Glouc. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Sir James J., of same, knt. 

Stephen Prescott White, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 18), 1 s. William Archibald Armstrong W„ of 14, 
College St., Westmr., Esq. 

folio 12. 

James Buchanan, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20) y. s. 
late John B., of Londonderry, Esq., deed. 

James Chapman, of Ch. Ch„ Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. James C., 
of Montagu Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Henry Mostvn, of Kiddington, Oxon, gent, (aged 21) 2 s 
Charles Browne M., afsd., Esq. 

folio 13. 

John Nelson Darby, of King’s Inn, Dublin, gent, (aged 18). 
y. s. John D., of Gt. George St., Westminster, Esq. 

William Woodgate, of Hunter St., Brunswick Square, Esq 
(aged 20), 1 s. William Francis W., of Edinburgh. 

John William Bowden, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s 
John B„ of Fulham, Middx., Esq. 4 ' 8 h S 

folio 14. 

Ralph Doughty, of St. Alban’s Hall, Ox., gent, (aged 21) , s 
late John D„ of Aldermanbury, gent., deed. 3 

Sir James Wright, of the Coll, of Edinburgh, bart. (aged 20), 
1 s. James \Y., of Charlestown, N. America, Esq., deed. 

John N icholl, of Christ Ch., Ox. (aged 22), o. s. Sir John N., 
of Doctors Commons. 

»» >5 


» 18 

folio 15. 

Charles John Helyar, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. 
(aged 23), y. s \V illiam H., Esq., of Coker Court, Somerset. 

Albert Crompton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 20), 4 s. 
Peter C., Esq., of Eton, n. Liverpool. 

Richard Palmer, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.M. 2 s. late Richard P., 
of Holm Park, Berks, deed. 

Utncoln’ss 5 nn ^lUmisfsctan Register: 1420-1893. 85 

1819 Nov. 19 

folio 16. 

John Wrottesley, Esq., of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 21), 1 s. Sir 

John W., of Wrottesley, co. Staf., bart. 

„ 19 

John Henry Newman, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. 

John N., of Southampton St., Esq. 

» 19 

Henry Burges Martin, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 

2 s. Henry M., of Line. Inn, Esq., a master of the bench. 

» 19 

folio 17. 

Frederick Adolphus Jackson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. 

(aged 24), 2 s. Henry Vincent J., of Dublin, gent., atty.-at-law. 

,, 20 

Henry Frederick Coley, Esq., of Bristol, 2 s. late Simon C., 
of Bedford Sq., Esq. 

„ 20 

William Varlo Hellyer (aged 31, bapt. 29 May, 1787), 1 s. 

John H., late of Portchester, Hants, Esq., deed. 


folio 18. 

Charles Vernon Holme Sumner, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. 

(aged 19), 2 s. George Holme S., of Hatchlands, Surrey, Esq. 

» 22 

Charles Sprengei. Greaves, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 

1 s. William G., of Mayfield Hall, co. Staff., M.D. 

l 24 

Cobbett Derby, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 21), only s. 

Cobbett D., of Guilford St., Middx., gent. 

» 22 

folio 19. 

Denis George Lube, of Gray’s Inn, and of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 

Esq. (aged 29), 1 s. John L., of Dublin, Esq. 

>, 30 

Edward Edge Silvester, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent. 

(aged 20), y. s. John S., of Chorley, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 29 

William Edwyn Burnaby, Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. Edwin 

Andrew B., Esq., of Baggrave Hall, co. Leic. 

» 29 

folio 20. 

Thomas Hart, of 22, Gower St. (aged 32), only s. Nicholas H., 
late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Dec. 6 

Samuel Vallis Bone (aged 19), y. s. Henry B., of Berners St., 

Esq., Royal Acadm. 

„ 22 

Charles Porcher, of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 3 s. 

Joseph Dupre P., of Winslade, Devon, Esq. 

n 29 

folio 21. 

Crofton Uniacke, Esq., of Halifax, U.S. (aged 36), 2 s. 

Richard John U., of same, atty. genl. 

^820 Jan. 13 

Richard Brough Anderdon, late of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent. 

(aged 22), 0. s. Ferdinando A., of Hammersmith, Esq. 

M 19 

Henry Latham, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., A.M., and of the 

Inner Temple, Esq. (aged 24), 3 s. John L., M.D., President 

Royal Coll, of Physicians. 


Utncoln’g Inn a&mteston rUQtstei: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 20 

» 25 






W 3 1 

» 3 1 

Feb. 2 

»• 4 

»> 5 

» 5 

» 5 

» 5 

» 5 

folio 22. 

I homas Lawrence, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
Thomas L., of Demerara, West Indies, Esq. 

John Boscawen Monro, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 2 s. 
Charles M., of Chandos St., Esq. (aged 27). 

Richard Whitcombe, B.A., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 25), 
o. s. Richard VV., of Bollingham, co. Hereford, Esq. 

folio 23 . 

Francis Fladgate, jun., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. Francis F., of 
Essex St., Strand, solr. 

William Walter Gretton, of the Lodge, So. Lambeth, Surrey, 
A.M. (aged 32), o s. John G., of same, Esq., M.A. 
Magdalen Coll. [of £ scot Lodge, Devon, bart. 

John Kennaway, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., 1 s. Sir John K., 

folio 24 . 

Charles Edward Kennaway, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 20), 2 s. Sir John K., of Escot Lodge, Devon, bart. 

Francis William Price, Esq. (aged 31), London Agent 
Corporation and Town of Hull, s. Rev. Dr. Price, of Trin. 
Coll., Cambr., Chaplain to the Prince Regent, and a 
barrister of this Socy. 

Charles Heberden, B.A., St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. William H., M.D., of Upper Brook St., phys. 

[extra, to His Majesty, 
folio 25 . 7 

Robert Griffiths Temple, gent, (aged 21) 3 s. Christopher T., 
of Oswestry, Salop, Esq. 

William Twopenny, of Rochester, Kent, (aged 22), 2 s. Edward 
Soan T., late of Rochester, gent., deed. 

Connop Thirlwall, A.B., fellow of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 22), 3 s. Rev. r l homas T., of Bowes Gifford, Essex. 

folio 26 . 

William Pavnter, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Samuel P., of Richmond, Surrey, Esq. 

Thomas Lewin, of Peterhouse, Cambr., B.A. (aged 23), 3 s. 
Richard L., of Eltham, Kent, Esq. 

John Bligh Stanley, of Bristol, gent, (aged 18), 1 s. Joseph 
Webbe S., of Island of Nevis, West Indies, Esq. 

folio 27 . 

William Senhouse, gent, (aged 24), 2 s. Humphrey S., of 
Hames Hill, Cumberland, Esq. 

Price Creac.h, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Richard C., of Dangan, co. Clare, Esq. 

Sir John Singleton Copley, H. M. Solr. Genl., and formerly a 
barrister of this socy., is re admitted. 

ILutcoln’g Jinn SUimteston Ucgtsm: 1420-1893. 87 







March 11 

» *3 

April 12 

„ 20 

, 18 

» *9 

t, 21 

„ 28 

*> 29 

May 3 

ft 5 

v 4 

folio 28. 

William Francis Lumfc, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 
2 s. John L., of Dublin, Esq. 

George William Rowley, of Savile Row, gent., and of Jesus Coll., 
Camb. (aged 23), 2 s. Owsley R., of St. Neots, Hunts, Esq. 

John Cottrell Powell, Esq., of Jesus Coll., Cambr., 1 s. 
Samuel P., of Leighton Hall, co. Lane., Esq. (aged 22). 

folio 29. 

John Edward Duller, gent, (aged 17), 1 s. Rev. John B., of 
Truro, Cornwall, clerk. 

William Edward Hoskins, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., Esq* 
(aged 20), 1 s. Alexr. H., of Newcastle, co. Limerick, Esq. 

James Dean, of 34, Tavistock St., Covent Garden, and of Exeter, 
gent, (aged 45), 1 s. late Joseph I)., of Backford, Cheshire 
(acting as a parliamentary draftsman and solr. of local and 
private bills), for the purpose of practising as a conveyancer. 

folio 30. 

Edmund Clark, of the Univ. of Glasgow, gent, (aged 16), 3 s. 
Thomas C, of Birmigham. 

William Whiteside, of Guildford PI., Middx., gent, (aged 20), 
2 s. George W., late of same, Esq., deed. 

Henry Verney Jackson, of Jesus Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 29), 
o. s. Henry J., of Sloane Terrace, Chelsea, Esq. 

folio 31. 

Henry Peto, of London, architect (aged 45), s. of James P., of 
Cobham, Surrey, gent. 

George Sturdy, of Symonds, gent, (aged 37). 

William Earle Lytton Bulwer, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. William Earle B., late of Heydon, Sussex, 
Esq., genl. in the army, deed. 

folio 32. 

Lebbeus Charles LIumfrey, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Rev. Lebbeus Charles H., of Loughton, co. 
Leic., clerk. [of Court, Surrey, Esq. 

Simon Taylor, of Oriel Coll., Ox , Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. Robert T., 

Duncan Davidson, of Univ. of Edinburgh, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Henry D., of Cavendish Sq., Esq. 

folio 33. 

William Kirke, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John K., of Retford, Notts, Esq. 

Nicolson Robert Calvert, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., 
(aged 19), 3 s. Nicolson C., of Hunsdon Ho., Herts, Esq. 

William Brougham, of Jesus Coll, Cambr., gent, (aged 24), 5 s. 
Henry B., of Brougham, Westld., Esq., deed. 



Htncoln’g Unit aOmtgston iUgtster: 1420-1893. 

folio 34. 



Thomas Lewis Lloyd, of Nantwille, co. Radnor, Esq. (aged 21), 
s. John L., late of same, Esq. 


James Rust, of Univ. ('oil., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. James R., 
of Huntingdon, Esq. 



Burton Lane, of Line. Inn, gent, (aged 24), 0. s. Thomas L., 
steward of the hon. socy. 

folio 35. 



Richard Cheslyn, junr., of Christ Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 
0. s. Richard C., ot Langley Priory, co. Leic. Esq. 



Stephen George Lushington, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Stephen Rumbold L., of Saunderstead, 
Surrey, Esq. 


W illiam Henry Walton, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox. Esq., 0. s. 
W illiam W 7 ., of Line. Inn, Esq., barr.-at-law. 

folio 36. 



Joseph Payne, of St. Edmond Hall, Ox., gent, (aged 22), 1 s 
William P., of Aldermanbury, London, atty. and solr. 



Montague Baker Bere, of 8, Cecil St., Strand, Esq. (aged 22), 

1 s. Montague Bere Baker B., late of Devon, Esq., deed. 



John Armitage Nicholson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 
22), 1 s. Christopher Armitage N., of Balrath, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 37. 



John Clay, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 0. s. Rev 
John Hall C., of Calverton, Notts, clerk. 


John Upton, of Ingmire Hall, Westld., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
John U., of same, Esq. 



Matthew Davis Williams, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Isaac Lloyd W., 
of Line. Inn, Esq. 

folio 38. 


Frederick Gunning, of Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, 
gent, (aged 18), 3 s. Henry G., of Camb., gent. 



Alexander Atherton Park, of Baliol Coll., Ox. (M.A. 1822), 
(aged 18), 2 s. Hon. Mr. Justice Park, of Line. Inn Fields. 


J 9 

John Hill, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent., 0. s. John H., of 
Appleby, Westmorld., Esq. 

folio 39. 



Thomas Clark, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. (aged 2 A 1 s. 
William C., of Knedlington, Yorks, Esq. 



William Wakefield, gent, (aged 18), 4 s. Edward W., of 
42, Pall Mall, Esq. 



John Abel Jackman, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 0. s. 
Samuel J., of the Island of Barbados, Esq. 



ILtncoln’js Erm HtJintetfion Register: 1420-1893. 


July 4 

„ 22 

Aug. 1 

Oct. 14 

» 19 



Nov. 1 

»> 4 

» 7 

,» 7 

» 7 

>. 9 

» 9 

,> 9 

» 11 

n 13 

folio 40. 

Julian Hibbert, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. 
Thomas H., late of Wimpole St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Donald Maclean, of Baliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 20), 2 s. 
Lieut. Genl. Sir Fitzroy M., bart. 

Henry Miles, late of St Alban’s Hall, Ox., Esq. (aged 27), 2 s. 
late John M., of Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, Esq., deed. 

folio 41. 

Edward Pickering Parkinson, gent, (aged 19), 3 s. John P., 
of Sackville St., Pic., Esq. 

Archer Denman Croft, of Welbeck St., Cav. Sq. (aged 19), 
2 s. late Sir Richard C., bart. 

John Murray, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 22), o. s. David M., of 
Hornby Ho., co. Lane., Esq. 

folio 42. 

John Hodgkin, jun., of Tottenham, Middx., gent, (aged 20), 
y. s. John H., of Tottenham, private teacher of the classics, 

Hon. Augustus Barrington, of All Souls Coll., Ox. (after 
Oriel Coll, Ox.), (aged 22), 3 s. Visct. B. 

John Calvert, of Oriel Coll, Ox. (aged 20), o. s. Thomas C., of 
Grafton St., Bond St., Esq. 

folio 43. 

John Hei.y Hutchinson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 25), 
1 s. Hon. Christopher Hely H., of Cork. 

John William Polidori (? after Pearce), (about to take his 
mother’s family surname of Pearce), of Gt. Pulteney St., 
Golden Sq. (aged 25), 1 s. Cajetan P., of Gt. Pulteney St., afsd. 

William Johnson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 20), o. s. 
John Sealy T., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 44. 

Richard Townsend, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 23), 1 s. 
(Hon.) Wm. J., a Judge Court of Common Pleas, Dublin. 

Seth Harvey, of Line. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 18), 1 s. Benjamin 
Dickenson H., of Bermuda, Esq. 

Henry Brodhurst, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. William B., of 
Mansfield, Notts, Esq. 

folio 45. 

John Measure, of Spalding, co. Line., gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
Brabins M., late of Pinchbeck, co. Line., gent., deed. 

James Edmund Leslie, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 20), t s. James L., 
of Leslie Hill, co. Antrim, Esq. 

Matthew Cassan Seymour, gent, (aged 26), 4 s. Rev. John 
Crossley S., of Dublin. 





^Lincoln*!* £nn Aoimsgton tlcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 13 

» 13 

» 13 







» 17 











Dec, 8 

,» 14 

„ 16 

» 22 

» 29 

folio 46. 

Cayley Shad well, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 4 s 
late Lancelot S., of Line. Inn, Esq. 

Charles O’Malley, junr., late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 21), 1 s. Charles O’M., of Lodge, co. Mayo. 

John Evered, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), y. s. 
Robert E., of Bridgewater, Esq., A.M. 

folio 47. 

Sir John Vanden Bempd£ Johnstone, of Hackness, Yorks, 
bart. (aged 21), and of Trin. Coll., Camb., 1 s. late Sir 
Richard Bempde J., of Hackness, bart., deed. 

Edward Godfrey, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 22), 
2 s. Peter G., of East Bergholt, Suffolk, Esq. 

Edward Harvey Maltby, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., M.A. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Rev. Dr. M., of Bugden, Hunts. 

folio 48. 

Horatio Waddington, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), 
2 s. Rev. George \V., of Tuxford, Notts. 

Richard Claiborne, of St. Mary Hall, Ox., gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
Richard C., late of N. America, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Henry Hall, of King’s Coll., Cambr., M.A. (aged 24), 

1 s. James H., late of Bloomsbury PL, Esq., deed. 

folio 49. 

Daniel H arson Collings, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (aged 22), and 
of Shirehampton, co. Glouc., o. s. Anthony Palmer C, late 
of Cobham Ho., co. Glouc., Esq. 

William White, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
late I. W., of Soho Sq., London, Esq. 

William Howard, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq., gent (aged 18), 

2 s. Edward H., of Old Burlington St., Esq. 

folio 50. 

Henry Musgrave Musgrave, of 48, Devonshire St., Portland 
PL (aged 20), 2 s. George M., of same place, Esq. 

John Rickard Barker, of Christ Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. Rev. James B., clerk, of Cambridge. 

Charles Paul, Esq., of Caius Coll., Cambr. (aged 17), 1 s. 
Robert P., of the Island of St. Vincents, West Indies. 

folio 51. 

Thomas Gisborne Knox, of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Hon. Vesey K., of the same. 

William Vaughan, of Lanelay, co. Glam., Esq. (aged 50), 
s. William V., Clas, same co., Esq., deed. 

Alfred Jenkin, of Redruth, Cornwall, Esq. (aged 30), 

John J., late of same, Esq., deed. 

1 s. 

Htncoln’g Enn gUJintesfiort lUgistei*: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 1 



» 23 

ft 2 4 

» 25 

„ 26 

» 3 ° 

» 3 1 

Feb. 1 

»i 3 

»> 3 

>» 3 

„ 12 

n x 5 

April 14 

folio 52. 

William Price, of Line. Inn, solr. (aged 50), o. s. Charles P., of 
Swansea, gent. 

John Edmund (or Edward) Willis, fellow of Magdalen Coll., Ox., 
A.M. (aged 23), o. s. Rev. John Law W., of Clifton, co. Glouc. 

John Golden, of Harper St., Red Lion Sq., Esq. (aged 18), o. s. 
John G., late of Gray’s Inn Lane, stone mason, deed. 

folio 53. 

John Hammond, of Durham City, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. 
Anthony H., of the same, Esq. 

George Robert Morgan, Esq. (aged 20), o s. late George M., 
capt. Coldstream regt. guards, deed. 

Robert Hopkins, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Robert H., of Tidmarsh, Berks, Esq. 

folio 54. 

John Mansel Dawkin Alexander, of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxon, 
Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. John A., Esq., of Kensington, solr. 

Thomas Seppings, of Soham, co. Camb., gent, (aged 33), 3 s. 

William S., of Swafield, Norfolk, Esq. 

Adam Washington, Esq. (aged 19), of Winchester, 3 s. late 
John W., clerk, of same, deed. 

folio 55. 

James Vere, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (aged 21), 2 s. Peter V., of 
Grosvenor PI., Esq. 

Robert Scott, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Helimes S., Esq., of 38, Russell Sq., doctor of physic. 

Robert Bruce Chichester, gent.^ (aged 20), 4 s. John 
Palmer C., of Arlington, Devon, Esq. 

folio 56. 

Frederick John Cuthbert, Esq., 1 s. James Ramsay C., of Gros¬ 
venor Sq., Middx., and of Stonehouse, n. Broadstairs, Kent, Esq. 

Michael Bruce, formerly of St. John’s Coll., Camb., Esq. 
(aged 31), i s. Patrick Crawford B., late of Upper Grosvenor 
Sq., Esq., deed. 

John Parker, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Hugh P., of Woodthorpe, Yorks, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

folio 57. 

William Hanbury Jones, of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq. (aged 28), 1 s. 
William J., of Woburn, Beds, Esq., deed. 

John Hicks, jun., gent, (aged 23), y. s. John H., of 39, Upper 
Charlotte St., Fitzroy Sq., Esq. 

Augustus Granville Stapleton, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
Esq. (aged 20), y. s. John Charles S., late of ph. of 
Marylebone, Esq. 


Utntolit’g £nn SUrmteston IXcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

182 I 

folio 58. 



Thomas Herbert Noyes, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 20), 1 s. late 
Rev. Thomas Herbert N., of Batheaston, Somerset. 



Benjamin Heywood Bright, of Bristol, Esq. (aged 33), 2 s. 
Richard B., of Hampne Green, Somerset, Esq. 


Francis Stephen, gent, (aged 16), 4 s. John S., of St. 
Christophers, W.I., Esq. 

folio 59. 



George Francis Angelo, of 74, Newman St., gent, (aged 20), 
5 s. Anthony A., of same, Esq. 



Thomas Lutton Knyfton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (aged 22), 
0. s. Thomas Lutton K., late of Wells, Somerset, Esq., deed. 



James Harwood Harrison, of Merton Coll., Ox., Esq. 


(aged 21), 2 s. Rev. Henry Bagshaw H., rector of Bugbrook, 

folio 60. 



Montague Gore, late of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 21), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles G., of Barrow Court, Somerset. 


Francis Neale, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), 2 s. Rev. 
John N., of Boddington Manor Ho., co. Glouc. 



William Rosser Williams, of Queen’s Coll., Oxf., Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Rev. David W., of Heytesbury, Wilts, clerk. 

folio 61. 



Joseph Knight of 6, Mount St., Grosvenor Sq., Esq. (aged 35), 

1 s. Edward K., of Sloane St., Esq. 



Isaac Banks Robinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Isaac R., of Finsbury Sq., Esq. 


3 i 

Joseph Pratt Wilmot, of Trin. Coll. Camb. (aged 21), is. 
'Thomas W., of Coundon, co. Warwick, gent. 

folio 61b. 



Jenkin Davies Berrington, jun., Esq., of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Jenkin Davies B., of Swansea, Esq. 



William Bent, of Burton Cresct. (aged 22), 0. s. William B., of 
Bent Lanes, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 



Charles Champion Moller, Esq. (aged 25), y. s. Andrew M., 
Esq., of Dublin. 

folio 62. 



Walter Laurence Lawrence, of Magd. Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 22), 0. s. William Morris, of Sevenhampton, co. 
Glouc., Esq. 



Henry Grant Trail, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), 

0. s. Henry T., of Lower Brook St., Esq. 



Hon. Robert Grosvenor, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 20), 3 s. 
Robert, Earl Grosvenor. 


ILtncoln’g Enn SUnnisston &e$tsftcv: 1420-1893 93 

1821 July 25 
Sept. 7 

Oct. is 

„ 24 

„ 3 1 

» 3 1 

folio 63. 

Edward Lane Saver, of Devonshire St., Queen Sq. (aged 15) 

1 s. Henry Jenkinson S., Esq., late of this Soc., deed. 

Edward Davies, of Trin., Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 

Solomon D., of Epsom, Surrey, Esq. 

James Stewart, gent, (aged 16), 3 s. John S., of 8, Mecklenburg 
St., Esq. / 

folio 64. 

Hon. James King, of Trin. Coll., Dub., B.A. (aged 21), y. s. 
George, Earl of Kingston. 

Walter George Stirling, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), o. s. 
Sir Walter S., bart. 

John Wilson Sheppard, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 23), 
o. s. John S., of Campsey Ash, Suffolk, Esq. 

Nov. 3 

» 5 




» 15 




„ l 9 

M 19 

>, 19 

folio 65. 

Edward Winslow, gent, (aged 20), 4 s. late Thomas W., Esq., 
formerly capt. 47 th regt. of foot, deed. 

William Clayton Walters, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 22), 2 s. Robert W., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Esq. 

William Hume Franks, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 22), 

1 s. William F., of Carrig, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 66. 

Hon. Baptist Wriothesley Noel, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 23), 8 s. Sir Edward Noel Noel, of Exton, Rutland, bart. 

Solomon Atkinson, of Trin. Coll. Cambr. B.A. (aged 24), 1. s. 
John A., Esq., of Anistable, Cumberland. 

Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 
B.A. (aged 22), o. s. Nathaniel B., of the Ryes Lodge, n. 
Sudbury, Suff, Esq. 

folio 67. 

Robert Spencer Glyn, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 23), 4 s. 
Thomas G., late of Cumberland St., Esq., deed. 

Samuel Wright Harkness, of St John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 19), 4 s. William H., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Spencer Flexney, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 
William Broughton F., of Bedford, gent. 

folio 68. 

Thomas Boodle, of Brook St., Grosv. Sq., gent, (aged 17), 3 s. 
Edward B., of same, Esq. 

James Winter Scott, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., Esq 
(aged 20), 1 s. James S., of Grafton St., Berkeley Sq., Esq. 

Richard Perry, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. B.A. (aged 20), 4 s. 
late John P., of Blackwall, Middx., Esq., deed. 

94 lUncoln’g £ntt &trmi**fun ftegtstter: 1420-1893 

1821 Nov. 20 

folio 69. 

John Michaei, Eyre Trench, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 

1 s. Rev. Frederick Eyre T., of Kellistown, co. Carlow, clerk. 

>, 21 

W ilmot Parker, gent, (aged 17), 0. s. Wilrriot P., of Spencer St., 
Northampton Sq., Middx., Esq. 

» 2 3 

Charles Philip Rose, of St. John’s Coll., Cainbr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 2 s. Sir George Henry R., envoy at court of Berlin. 

» 27 

folio 70. 

Nicholas Kendall, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles K., of Pelyn, Cornwall, deed. 

Dec. 5 

John Henry Torriano, gent., of Maize Hill, Greenwich 
(aged 19), 2 s. Capt. Hilary Harcourt T., H.E.I.C. corps 
of engineers. 

» 6 

Edward Bolton King, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (aged 20), 

1 s. Edward K., of Kirkham, co. I,anc., Esq. 

1, 14 

folio 71. 

Thomas Henry Lister, of Trin. Coll. Cambr. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Thomas L., of Armitage Park, co. Staff., Esq. 

„ 26 

John Campbell, of Baliol Coll., Oxford (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. Dr. 
Thomas C., of Ancrum, co. Roxburgh. 

n 27 

Alfred Phillips, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 19), 2 s. 
Sir Richard P., of Bridge St., Blackfriars, knt. 

1822 Jan. 17 

folio 72. 

Edward William Fitzgerald, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Maurice F., 
of Percy St., Rathborne PI., Esq. 

„ 22 

Henry Charles Deakin, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. John D., late of 
Bagthorpe Ho., Notts., Esq., deed. 

»• 23 

Henr\ Ropf.r, Esq., of Irin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), 2 s. 
William R., late of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 24 

folio 73. 

Edwin Guest, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 0. s. 
Benjamin G., of Edgbaston, Esq. 

M 24 

William John Alexander, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(aged 24), 1 s. Robert A., of Dublin, afsd., Esq. 

» 25 

Thomas Babington Macaulay, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Zachary M., of City of London, mercht. 

» 25 

folio 74. 

Robftit Wylie, Esq. (aged 19), 0 s. Thomas W„ of Gloucester 
PI., ph. of St. Mary, Middx., Esq. 

„ 25 

John Shaw King, of Trin. Coll, (and Jesus Coll.), Cambr. 
(aged 21), 1 s. John K., of Colchester, Esq., a magistrate, 


„ 26 

William Lee, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq., 0. s. late 
William L., of Anstey Ho., n. Alton, Hants, deed. 

Uincoln’g Inn SUmitWion jaegt^ter : 1420-1893. 


Jan. 29 
» 3i 

» 3 1 

»» 3i 

Feb. 1 














» 23 

April 6 

» IS 

» 18 

» 19 

folio 75. 

George Matthews Daubeny, late of Balliol Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. George I)., of Cote, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Richard Sugden, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
Edward Burtenshaw S., of Line. Inn, Esq., a master of the 

George Heneage-Walker, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 22), 1 s. Rev. 
George Wyld, of Speen, Berks, clerk. 

folio 76. 

Arthur Page, of Clare Hall, Cambr., B.A. (aged 20), 3 s. 

William P., of Fitzroy Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Edward Hughes, of Line. Inn, Esq. (aged 21), 4 s. Richard H., 
of same, bar.-at-law, deed. 

Richard Heber Wrightson, of Trin. Coll, (and of Jesus Coll.), 
Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 3 s. William W., of Cusworth, 
Yorks, Esq. 

folio 77. 

Hedley Vicars, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 3 s. George V., of 
Dublin, Esq. M.A., 1826. 

William Charles Smith, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. Joseph S., of Shortgrove, Essex, Esq. 

George Pelsant Dawson, Esq. (aged 19), o. s. George D., of 
Osgodby, co. Yorks, Esq. 

folio 78. 

Thomas Harper, Esq. (aged 28), 1 s. Daniel H., late of 
Tamworth, co. Staff., Esq., deed. 

Barnard Elliott Percy, adm. 19 Nov., 1802, called to the bar 
Mich. 1807, and left the socy., 29 Nov. 1813, re-admitted 

Charles Peacock Byde, of Pembroke Hall, Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Thomas Hope B., of Ware. Park, Herts, Esq. 

folio 79. 

Richard Julius Duval, of Hammerton, Middx., gent. 

(aged 19), 3 s. David D., of the same, Esq. 

William Henry Place, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Lionel P., of Weddington Hall, co. Warwick, Esq. 

Henry William Soltan, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 17), 

2 s. late George S., of Plymouth, Esq. 

folio 80. 

William Hamilton Twemlow, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (aged 20), 0. s. 
of Thomas T., of Liscard, Cheshire, Esq. 

Robert Dalzell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A. (aged 27), 1 s. 
Robert IX, of Wallingford, Berks, Esq. 

Charles Wrench, of Ch. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 24), 4 s. 
Jacob George W., of Grove Hill, Camberwell, Surrey, Esq. 


ftmcolit’s $nit gtUmtsston ftctpstcr: 1420-1893. 

1822 April 23 
» 23 

v 26 

» 29 

„ 29 

May 2 


















folio 81. 

Patrick Pi.unket, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), 
5th s. Rt. Hon. William Conyngham P., of Dublin 

Thomas Berry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
Thomas Stirling B., of Dublin, Esq. 

Joseph Lysaght Pennefather, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 21), 4 s. Rev. John P., of Newport, co. Tippy. 

folio 82. 

John Wigley Williams, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 
1 s. John W., of Pitmaston, co. Wore, Esq. 

William Pitt Dundas (aged 21), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Robert 
Chief Baron Exchequer, Scotland. 

John Greenwood, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
William G., of Brookwood Park, Hants, Esq. 

3 s. 

folio 83. 

William Greenwood Chapman, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. James C 
of Montague Sq., Middx., Esq. 

David Constable, of Edinburgh, advocate (aged 25), 1 s. 
Archibald C, of Balneil, co. Fife, bookseller in Edinburgh. 

Ralph Carr, of Charlotte St., Middx., Esq. (aged 27) 1 s. 
Ralph C., sen., of same, bar.-at-law. 

folio 84. 

John Deas Thomson, junr., of Somerset PI., Esq. (aged 22) 
1 s. John Deas T., a comsnr. of the navy. 

John Cuthbert, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
1 homas C., Esq., of Monfieldstown, co. Cork. 

Russell Ellice, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 23), y. s 
Alexander E., of Bath, Esq., deed. 1 

folio 85. 

William Russell, of Caius Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 4 s. 
Rt. Hon. Lord William R. b h 4 

Ambrose Weston, of 15, Norfolk St., Strand, gent, (aged 24), 
o. s. Ambrose W., late of Fenchurch St., City, gent., deed 

Charles Wood, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Sir 
Francis Lindley W., of Hemsworth, Yorks, bart. 

folio 86. 

Hon. John Parsons, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (aged 10J 2 s 
Laurence, Earl of Rosse. v y; ’ 

Algernon Greville, Esq. (aged 25), 2 s. Charles G., of Gt. 
George St., Middx., Esq. 

Arthur Ross, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., and of Hammersmith, Esq. 
(aged 17), is. David R., of Montreal, Lower Canada, Esq. 

Utncoln’s! Cnn , 2Wm»»»on Ucg*0*tr: 1420-1893 



June 5 

>» s 

„ 7 





1 2 

» 13 

» 13 

1 , 14 

>t 17 

» 19 

„ 28 

„ 29 

July 11 


n 23 
„ 26 

» 29 

folio 87. 

Hon. Philip Henry Abbot, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 20), 2 s. 
Charles, Lord Colchester. 

William Hughes-Hewitt (after Hughes Hughes), of Clapham 
Common, Surrey, gent, (aged 29), 1 s John Hewitt, of same, 
Esq., deed. 

Duncan Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
John C., of Jamaica, W.I., Esq. 

folio 88. 

Walter Sweetman, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq., o. s. Walter S., 
of City of Dublin, Esq. 

James Eastwood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 24), 1 s. 

Charles E., of Castletown Castle, co. Louth, Esq. 

Robert Wilfred Skeffington Lutwidge, of St. John’s Coll., 
Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Charles L., Esq., Collector of 
Customs, Hull. 

folio 89 . 

Richard Steele, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Sir Richard S., of Carriglea, co. Dublin, bart. 

William Butt, of Downing Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), o. s. 
William B., of Corneybury, Herts, Esq. 

a.nthony Lefkay, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Thomas L., 1st sergt.-at-law, Ireland. 

folio 90. 

Gibson Stott, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), o. s. Watson S., 
of Kelten, co. Kircudbright, Esq. 

Frederick Burnet Pearson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 3 s. John P., of Golden Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Samuel Taylor, of SL Mary Hall, Ox., Esq. (aged 20), only 
son of late Samuel T. t of Morton, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

folio 91. 

Charles Acton, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr.? gent, (aged 19), 

2 s. Sir John Edward A., of Aldenham, Salop, bart. 

Spencer Gres wold Gunning, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), 4 s. Sir George Wm. G., of Horton, Northants, 
^ art - [William M., of same, Esq. 

John Moone, of Callington, Cornwall, Esq. (aged 23), 2 s. 

folio 92. 

John Haig, of Trinity Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Robert H., of Roebuck, co. Dublin, Esq. 

William Robertson, of Exeter Coll., Oxford, Esq. (aged 19), 
o. s. William R., of Bath, M.D. 

Alfred Taylor, of Trin. Coil., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 3 s. late 
Francis T., of Hull, Esq., deed. 


Hutcoln’s Dm gUimfsigton &egtetcr: 1420-1893. 

folio 93. 

1822 Aug. 


Nicholas Pearse, of Brazen*nose Coll., Ox., A.M. (aged 22), 
2 s. John P., of Chilton Lodge, Berks, Esq. 



Henry Latham, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), 6 s. 
Thomas L., late of Camberwell, Surrey, Esq., deed. 



George Duckett Barber Beaumont, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 20), 1 or 3 s. John Thomas Barber B., of Regent 

[St., Esq. 

folio 94. 



Charles Chichester, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. Henry C., late of 
Northover Ho., Somerset, Esq., deed. 

2 3 

George Callender, of Edinburgh, Esq., 1 s. William C., writer 
in Edinburgh, Esq. 



Augustus Wright, late of St John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. Alexander W., late of E.I.C.S., Esq. 

folio 95. 


Charles Sweeting, of Huntingdon, Esq. (aged 23), y. s. 
Henry S., late of same place, Esq., deed. 



Thomas Huxley, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
0. s. Thomas H., late of Lamberhurst, Kent, Esq. 



Benjamin Winthrop, jun., late of Clare Hall, Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Stephen John W., M.D., of Little Bounds, 


folio 96. 


James Smyth, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. Samuel S., 
of Westport, Ireland. 



Robert Sproule, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 23), 1 s. Samuel S., 
of Bridge Hill, co. Tyrone, Esq. 


Alexander Walker Scott, B.A., of St. Peter’s Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 21), 2 s. Thomas S., late of Russell Sq., M.D. 

folio 97. 



John Harris, of Holyhead, Isle of Anglesea, gent, (aged 30), 
0. s. John H., of Budak, Cornwall, Esq. 



John Collyer, of Clare Hall, Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. Rev. 
John Bedingfeld C., of Hackford Hall, Norfolk. 



Samuel I homas 1 ownsend, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 24), 0. s. Samuel Irwin T., now of Paris. 

folio 98. 



Robert Clutterbuck, Esq., of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Robert C., of Watford, Herts, Esq. 



Robert Henry Daubeny, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), 2 s. George D., of Cote, co. Glouc., Esq. 



Richard Smith Kay, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (aged 19), 
0. s. William K., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

Httuoln’s Eitn StUmtession &egtsftcr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 15 

folio 99. 

St. George Gray, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 25), 0. s. 
late Robert G., of Ardnograh, co. Westmeath, Esq., deed. 

» *5 

William A’Beckett, junr., gent., 1 s. William A’Beckett, of 
Golden Sq., Middx., gent. 

„ 16 

George James Berrey, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 1 s. John Alexander B., of Pentonville, Middx., 


folio 100 . 

» 19 

Alexander Morison, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

0. s. John M., of Auchintoul, co. Banff, Esq. 


Stephen Walcott, of Wentertown, co. Glouc., Esq. (aged 16), 

1 s. Robert John W., of the Island of Barbados, Esq. 

Dec. 3 

Charles Saunders, of Southampton, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
William S., of same, Esq. 

» 7 

folio 101 . 

Alexander Fraser Tytler, of Aldourie, co. Inverness, Esq. 
(aged 19), 1. s. Fraser T., of Burdsyards, co. Moray, Esq. 

» T 3 

Samuel Lovat, Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, called 
10th Feb., 1804), (aged 42), s. John Salt L., late rector of 
Loughton, Essex, clerk, deed. 

» 23 

Benjamin Price Williams, of Rodney St., Pentonville, gent, 
(aged 20), yst. son of John W., of the same place, solr. 

Jan. 18 

folio 102 . 

Edward Webster, of Ashbourne, co. Derby, Esq. (aged 18), 3 s. 
William W., of same, Esq. 

» 23 

Germain Lavie, junr., of Christ Church, Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 

1 s. Germain L., of Frederick PI., London, solr. 

» 27 

James Bainbridge, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 
2 s. Joseph B., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq. 

,. 28 

folio 103. 

Charles Langton, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq., 2 s. George L., of 
Langton, co. Line. 

»v 28 

John Younge Fullerton, of Clare Hall, Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 3 s. Robert F., Esq., of Hallbarn, Beaconsfield, 
and late Member of Madras Council. 

»> 29 

George Robert Michael Ward, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Rev. Michael W., of Farnworth, clerk. 

t> 29 

folio 104. 

Robert McAlpine, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Coningham McA., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 29 

Evelyn Bazalgette, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), 5 s. 
Louis B., of Glouc. PI., Portman Sq., Esq. 

*> 29 

Joseph Radcliff, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Rt. Hon. John R., of Dublin. 


fttncoln’g Inn SUmussston &cgtetcr: 1420-1893 


folio 105. 



Francis Denis Massy-Dawson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 19), 2 s. James Hewitt M.-D., of Gloucester PL, M.P. 



William Wright, of Clapham, Surrey, gent. (late of Inner 
Temple, adm. 18 Dec., 1815), (aged 36), 2 s. William W., of 
Market Drayton, Salop, gent. 



George Grey, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 23), 1 s. Hon. Sir 
George G., of Portsmouth, bart. 

folio 106. 



George Henry Bosanquet, late of Trin. Coll., Oxfd., gent, 
(aged 21), 3 s. Charles B., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 



Erskine Thomas Erskine (aged 16), 5 s. Thomas Lord E., a 
master of the bench. 



Matthew Carrier Tompson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Carrier T., of Rounde Coppe, Bucks, Esq. 

folio 107. 



Edward Johnstone, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. 
Edward J., of Edgbaston Hall, co. Warwick, M.D. 



Hugh Payne Kf.anf, gent., of Harrow Schl. (aged 16), 1 s. 
Hugh Perry K., late of New St., Spring Gardens, Esq., deed. 



Frederick William Halfpenny, of Carmarthen St., St. Pancras, 
Esq. (aged 21), 0. s. William H., of Birmingham, Esq., deed. 

folio 108. 



James Dearden, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 24), 

1 s. James D., of Rochdale, Esq. 



Alexander Mackenzie, of the Univ. of Edinburgh (aged 18), 

1 s. Sir George Stewart McK., of Coul Rosssh., bart. 



Hon. Anthony William Ashley Cooper, of Ch. Ch., Ox. 
(aged 19), 2 s. Earl of Shaftesbury. 

folio 109. 



William Wilson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
0. s. John W., of Little Barkford, Beds., Esq. 



William Cotter Kyle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 
2 s. Samuel K., of Trin. Coll., Dub. 



William Garrow Lettsom, of Edinb. Univ., gent, (aged 18), 
1 s. Samuel Fothergill L., of Gt. George St., Westminster, 


folio 110. 



George Lake Russell, of Ch. Coll., Camb., B.A. (aged 21), 
5 s. Rt. Hon. Sir Henry R., bart. 



Richard Charles Powell, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. John Folliott P.j 
of Sandybrook, co. Derby, Esq. 



Henry Foulis, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Sir William F., of Ingleby Manor, Yorks, bart. 


ftmcoln’sf 3Eim a&miwrton Register: 1420-1893. 

April 29 

» 29 
„ 29 

», 29 

t> 3° 

>, 30 



T 3 







folio 111. 

Robert Charles Hildyard, of St. Catherine Hall, Catnbr., B.A. 
(aged 23), 3 s. William H., of Winestead, Yorks. 

Augustus Newton, of St. Mary Hall, Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John Frank N., of Belvidere, Weymouth, Dorset, Esq. 

William Tayleur, of Trin. Coll., Catnbr., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
John T., of Buntingsdale, Salop, Esq. 

folio 112. 

John Augustus Beaumont, of Trim Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 17), 3 s. John Thomas Barber B., of Regent St., Esq. 

George Goff, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 5 s. 
Joseph G, of Dublin, Esq. 

Thomas Monck Mason, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), 
o. s. William Monck M., of Dublin, afsd. 

folio 113- 

Thomas Hughes, of Jesus Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 

Thomas H., of Llysvane, co. Cardigan, Esq 
Charles Robert Beauclerk, of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent. 

(aged 21), 2 s Charles B., of St. Leonard’s Tx>dge, Sussex, Esq. 
Herbert George Jones, of Glouc., gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Calvert 
Richard J., of Swansea, Esq. 

folio 114. 

Edward Strutt, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), o. s. 
William S., of Derby, Esq. 

John Broadley, of So. Ella, Kingston-upon-Hull, Esq. (aged 3 »)> 
i s. Henry B., late of K.-upon-Hull, Esq., deed. 

Charles Pelham Villiers, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 
3 s. Hon. George V., of South Place, Kmghtsbridge. 

folio 115. 

George Duncombe, Esq. (aged 19), 4 s - Thomas D., of 
10, Cumberland PI., Esq. 

Robert Hall, of Ch. Ch., Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), o. s. 
Henry H., of Leeds, Esq. 

Thomas Peake, jun., Esq. (aged 18), 2 s. Thomas P., Esq., of 
Bernard St., Russell Sq., sergt.-at-law. 

folio 116. 

Samuel Nouaille Rudge, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (aged 22), 2 s. 

Edward R., of Wimpole St., Esq. 

John Leigh Gregson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 
2 s. Matthew G., of Liverpool, Esq. 

William Shee, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. Joseph S., of London, mercht. 

ILtntoln’js £nn AftmiMifon ftcgtsrtcr: 1420-1893. 

June 2 
» 4 

» 4 







Ju'y 5 


Aug. 18 

„ 19 

» *5 

folio 117. 

Robert Goff, of Trin. Coll., D., gent, (aged 21), 6 s. Joseph G., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

Richard Hill Sandys, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M. (aged 21), 
4 s. Hannibal S., of Crane Court, Fleet St., gent. 

Richard Gelson Duck, of St. Johns’ Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s., Robert D., of Manchester, Esq. 

folio 118. 

Henry Lavallin Puxi.f.y, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 23), r s. John Lavallin P., of Lletherllesty, co. 
Carmarthen, Esq. 

Richard Maurice Bonnor, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. John B., of Beyny Gwalie, co. Denbigh, Esq. 

Edward Sandford, of Grove End PI., Regent’s Park, Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. late Major Edward S., of Hon. E.I.C.S., deed. 

folio 119. 

Nathaniel Cameron, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 17), o. s. 
Col. Phillips C., late 79th regt., deed., grandson Lt. Genl. 
Sir Allan C., K.C.B. 

William Sandford, of the City of Bath, Esq. (aged 20), y. s. 
late Major Edward S., H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

George Rochfort Clarke, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 22), 2 s. George C., of Chesterton Lodge, Oxon, Esq. 

folio 120. 

William George Meredith, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 19), 1 s. George M., of Nottingham PL, Esq. 

Denzil Onslow, junr., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. Lieut. Genl. Denzil O., of Gt. Staughton, Hants, Esq. 
William Dugmore, of Caroline PL, St. Pancras, Esq. (aged 23), 

3 s'. John D., of Swaffham, Norfolk, Esq. 

folio 121. 

George Thomas Palmer, of Brazennose, Oxon, Esq. (aged 21), 

2 s. George P., of Bedford Row, gent. 

John Davenport, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 24), 1 s. 
John D., of Newport Ho., co. Staff., Esq. 

Samuel Paynter, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Francis P., of Denmark Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 122. 

James Christie Palmer Esten, gent, (aged 17), 1 s. James 
Christie E., Esq., Chf. Just. Bermuda. 

James Mav, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. John M., 
of Oxney, Kent, Esq. 

James Bovle Uniacke, of King’s Coll., Prov. Nova Scotia, A.M 
(aged 24), 5 s. Richard John U., atty.-genl. of said province 

ILhtcoln’s Inn &Dmte$ion &r$tstcr: 1420-1893. 

'o 3 

Sept. 19 
Oct. 1 




Nov. 5 

» 4 

v 5 









folio 123. 

Thomas de Grey, of St John’s Coll., Cambr. (aged 19), 1 s. 
Hon. Archdeacon De Gray, of Fawley Parsonage, Southants. 

William Hodgson, of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 3 s. 
Thomas H., of Wanstead, Essex, Esq. 

David Howard Morgan, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Thomas M., of St. Mary Cray, Kent, Esq. 

folio 124. 

Hilary P'rederick L’Estrange, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 20), 3 s. Major Genl. Thomas L’E., of Larkfield, co. 

David Ricardo, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
David R., late of Gatcombe Park, co. Glouc., Esq., deed. 

Edward Emanuel, of Henrietta St., Covent Garden, gent., 2 s. 
Joel E., of 2, Bevis Marks, London, Esq. 

folio 125. 

Samuel Jay, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. John J., of 
Brussels, Esq. 

James Robert Campbell, of Pembroke Hall, Camb., B.A. 
(aged 22), o. surviving son Lt. Col. Robert C. 

George William Ricketts, of the Middle Temple, Esq., bar.- 
at-law (aged 32), 2 s. George Crawford R., of Ashford Hall, 

[Salop, deed. 

folio 126. 

John Darrell Trimingham, of Bermuda (aged 20), 4 s. 
Daniel T., of the same, Esq. 

Alexander Curry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 2 s. 
John C., of Londonderry, Esq. 

Simeon John Boileau, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 23), 

2 s. late Thomas B., of Calcutta. 

folio 127. 

Thomas Arscott Cartwright, of Teignmouth, gent, (aged 22), 
2 s. W T illiam C., of same afsd., Esq. 

Charles Daintry, gent, (aged 19), 4 s. John Smith D., of 
Tavistock Sq., Esq. 

John Samuel Graves, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., Esq., student 
of civil law (aged 26), o. s. Rear Adml. Graves, of Bath. 

folio 128, 

George O’Malley Irwin, of Trin. Coll., Dub., gent (aged 20), 
2 s. John I., of Camlin, co. Rose. 

Baldwin Francis Duppa, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 22), 1 s. Baldwin Duppa D., of Hollingbourne, Kent, 

Henry Clarke Duppa, gent, (aged 18), 3 s. Baldwin Duppa D., 
of Hollingbourne, Kent, Esq. 


lUncoln’s Enn ^Omi-sston IXegtstcr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 10 











l 7 




folio 129. 

Thomas Pa ley, of Univ. Coll., Ox. (aged 20), 2 s. John Green P., 
of Bowling, Yorks, Esq. 

Robert Gorton, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., B.A., 3 s. Richard G., 
late of Gorton, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

John Burton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (and of King’s Inn), gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. William B., of Clifton, co. Clare, Esq. 

folio 130. 

Thomas Hunt, of Upper Montagu St., Russell Sq., gent, 
(aged 27), 3 s. William Hunt Mickelfield, of West Tilbury, 

Richard Brooke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 22), 4 s. 
Sir Henry B., of Colebrooke, co. Fermanagh, bart. 

William Harcourt Torriano, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 
1 s. late Capt. Hilary Harcourt T., of the engineers H.E.I.C.S. 

folio 131. 

Charles John Bloxam, of Line. Inn Fields, gent, (aged 22), 
4 s. William B., of Highgate, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Falconer, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Thomas F., of Bath, M.I). 

Joseph Gore, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20), 3 s. 
Francis G., of Derrymore, co. Clare, Esq. 

folio 132. 

John Yate Lee, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. Thomas L., of Birmingham 

William Aislabie Eade, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 22), 

1 s. William E., of Bourdeaux, Esq. 

Robert William Mackay, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 
20), o. s. late John M., of St. Margarets, Herts, Esq., deed. 

folio 133. 

James William Mylne, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
James M., of Glasgow, Esq. 

Edward Dowling, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), o. s. 
Peter D., of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

William Lydiard, of Meadsfields, Surrey, gent, (aged 18), 3 s. 
Charles L., late post capt. H. M.’s Navy, deed. 

folio 134. 

John Wallis Alexander, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 23), 

2 s. Sir Robert A., City of Dublin, bart. 

Richard Beauvoir Berens, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 
2 s. Joseph B., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

George Spence, Esq., bar.-at-law, of the Inner Temple (adm. 
7 Jan., 1806, called 28 June, 1811), (aged 36), 2 s. Thomas 
Richard S., late of Hanover Sq., Esq., deed. 

Htncoln’g Inn admission &egistci:: 1420-1893. 

io 5 

Nov. 19 

„ 19 

„ 19 

Dec. 5 

» s 

Jan. 15 

» 15 

» 17 

» 27 

» 27 

« 27 

» 27 






folio 135. 

John Leslie, of Powis, co. Aberdeen, Esq. (aged 31), 1 s. 
Hugh L., late of Powis, Esq., deed. 

John Sherwin Longden, of Magd. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 
o. s. John L., of Bramcote Hill, Notts, Esq. 

Robert Newton Lee, jun., gent, (aged 29), 1 s. Robt. Newton L., 
of Coldrey, Sou than ts, Esq. 

folio 136. 

Edward William Laurence, of St. Peter's House, Cambr. 
(aged 15), 3 s. Samuel L., of Nevis, West Indies, Esq. 

Gilbert Farquhar Graeme Mathison, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Gilbert M., of Orchard St., Middx., Esq. 

Francis Lee, of Kidderminster, co. Wore., gent, (aged 20), only 
son of William L., of Kidderminster, afsd. 

folio 137. 

William Day, junr., gent, (aged 18), 2 s. William D., of Argyle St., 
St. James, Middx., gent. 

Thomas Myers, junr., late of Oriel Coll., Ox. (aged 20), o. s. 
Thomas M., of Tilney St., May Fair, Esq. 

Edward Widdrington Riddell, Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. Ralph R., 
of Felton Park, Northumbd., Esq. 

folio 138. 

John Sutton, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 17), 3 s. Robert S., 
of Rossway, ph. of Northchurch, Herts, Esq. 

Thomas Henry Sutlon Bucknall Estcourt, of Oriel Coll., 
Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Thomas Grimston Bucknall E., of 
Estcourt, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Lavai.lin Puxley, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 21), 2 s. John L. P., of Lletherllesty, co. Carmarthen, 


folio 139. 

Francis Charles Knowles, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. Adml. Sir Charles Henry K., of Lwyndera, 
co. Montgomery, bart. 

Edmund Lechmere Charlton, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq., and of 
Ludford, co. Hereford (aged 34), 1 s. Nicholas L.-C., Esq., 
of same, deed. 

Anthony Rich, jun., of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent, y. s. 
Anthony R., one of the sworn clerks in the King's 
Remembrancer’s Office, Temple. 

folio 140. 

William Milton Bridger, Esq., of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Pytches, of Caius Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), o. s. 
late Thomas P., of Melton, Suff., Esq., deed. 

Ralph Etwall, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 
1 s. Ralph E., of Andover, Southants, Esq. 



iuncoln’sf $nn a&intesion ftegfeter: 1420-1893. 

1824 Jan. 28 
„ 28 

» 29 

» 3° 

>. 30 

Feb. s 

Jan. 30 

» 3 1 

Feb. 7 

» 10 

» *3 

March 1 

folio 141. 

Charles Douglas Halford, Jesus Coll., Cambr., 3 s. James H., 
Esq., of Piccadilly. 

Frederick Solly Flood, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 22), 
o. s. Richard S., late of York PL, Portman Sq., Esq., deed. 

Fuller Wenham Lewis, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
John Wenham L., of Westerham, Kent, Esq. 

folio 142. 

William Corbett, jun., of Kensington, Middx., Esq. (aged 25), 
1 s. William C., of same, Esq. 

James Morley, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (aged 21), o. s. James 
Alexander M., Esq., now of Cape of Good Hope. 

John Card Griffiths, late of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Richard G., of Thorngrove, co. Wore., Esq. 

folio 143. 

Hon. Granville Dudley Ryder, fell, commoner Trin. Coll., 
Cambr. (aged 24), 2 s. Earl of Harrowby. 

Edward Cockburn Kindersley, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. 
(aged 24), 3 s. Nathaniel Edwin K., of Sunning Hill, 
Berks, Esq. 

Loftus Henry Bland, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 
3 s. late John B., of Blandford Ho., Queen’s Co. 

folio 144. 

Thomas Stapleton, gent, (aged 17), 2 s. Thomas S., of 
Richmond, Yorks, Esq. 

Thomas John Heming, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), o. s. 
Richard H., of Hillingdon, Middx., Esq. 

William Anthony Collins, of Christ Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 2 s. late Charles C., of the Grove, n. Ashbourne, 
co. Derby, Esq., deed. 

folio 145. 

Feb. 27 George Rose, Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, 1 s. late 

James R., City of London, mercht. 

March 1 William Page Wood, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 

2 s. Matthew W., of London, M.P. 

„ 3 Robert John Gould, of St Alban’s Hall, Herts, s. John G., of 

Gatcombe Ho., n. Totnes, Devon, Esq. 

folio 146. 

„ 4 John Morgan Cobbett, of Kensington, Middx., gent, (aged 23), 

2 s. William C., of same, Esq. 

„ 9 James Paul Cobbett, of Kensington, Middx., gent, (aged 20), 

3 s. of William C., of same, Esq. 

„ 26 Robert Rising, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 

o. s. Robert R., of Horsey, Norfolk, Esq. 


iLtitroln’s finn mumtsston Register : 1420-1893. 107 

folio 147. 

March 26 

Isaac Preston Cory, of Caius Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 

1 s. Robert Cory, the younger, of Gt. Yarmouth, Esq. 



George Clarges Clement, of Trin. Coll., D., Esq. (aged 23), 
i s. late William C., of Cromartin, co. Louth, Esq., deed. 



Edward Briggs, of Bath, gent, (aged 22), yst. son of Edmund B., 
of same pi., Esq. 

folio 148. 



Andrew Martyn, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Edward M., of Tillyra, co. Galway, Esq. 



Henry John Penn (aged 22), 1 s. Henry P., of 6, Robert St., 
Bedford Row, gent. 



Charles Chapman Barber, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. Chapman B., 
of Chancery Lane, Middx., gent. 

folio 149. 



Charles Tilstone Beek, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. James B., of 
Hackney, Esq. 



William Henry Ord, of Trin., Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 

1 s. William O., of Whitfield, Northumberland, Esq. 



Brooke Smith, junr. (aged 21), 0. s. Brooke S., of City of 

[Bristol, gent. 

folio 150. 


Henry Chilcote, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Rev. Joseph C., of Dean 
Prior, n. Asburton, Devon. 


John Robert Daniel Tyssen (aged 17), 3 s. William George 
Daniel T., of Fitzroy Sq., Middx., gent., Esq. 



William Frogatt Robson, of Castle St., Leicester Sq., gent, 
(aged 18), y. s. Edward R., of same, solr. 

folio 151. 


Robert Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.M. (aged 21), 1 s 
Joshua S., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 



George Battersby, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Thomas B., of Newcastle, co. Meath, Esq. 



Richard Griffiths, junr., of Thorngrove, co. Wore., gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. Richard G., of same place, Esq. 

folio 152. 



William Leader, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
William L., Esq., of Putney Hill, Surrey, M.P. 



John Hopkins, of St. John’s Coll, Ox., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. 
Robert H., of Tidmarsh, Berks, Esq. 


Samuel Lettsom, gent, (aged 18), 2 s. Samuel Fothergill L., of 
Gt. George St., Westmr., Esq., and grandson of Mr. Baron 

io 8 Utncoln’s Inn ^ftnttsston lacgtstcr : 1420 - 1893 . 


May 17 
» *7 


» 19 

» 19 






,» 29 

June 15 

n 15 

„ 16 

» 17 

n 23 

» 25 

folio 153. 

Frederick John Rothery, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 21 )| 1 s. Phillips R., of Haccombe Ho., n. Exeter, Esq. 

Henry Maxwell, of Famham, co. Cavan, late of Trin. Coll., 
Dublin, Esq., 1 s. Rev. Henry M., and nephew of John 
Lord Famham, M.P. 

William Goff, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 25), 4 s. 
Joseph G., City of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 154. 

Charles Buller, jun. (aged 17), 1 s. Charles B., of Morval, 
Cornwall, Esq. 

William Newport, of Ch. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 3 s. 
William N., late of Waterford, banker, deed. 

James Parker, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., (aged 21), 2 s. 
Charles Stuart P., of Glasgow, Esq. 

folio 155. 

George Sulyard Jerningham, Esq. (aged 18), 3 s. Sir George J., 
of Cossey Hall, Norfolk, bart. 

Thomas Savage Tyers (after Thomas Tyers Tyers), of New 
Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. Talbot Savage, late of Hatton 
Garden, Esq. 

William John Frederick Marshall, of Kettering, Northants 
(aged 21), 1 s. Thomas M., of same, solr. 

folio 156. 

James Wilson, late of Edinburgh, and of the Faculty of 
Advocates (aged 38), 1 s. late Major W., R.A., deed. 

Herbert Langham, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 
2 s. Sir James L., of Cottesbrook, Northants, bart. 

Thomas John Battersby, of Bobsville, co. Meath (aged 20), 
4 s. William B., Lt. Col. of Militia. 

folio 157. 

Thomas Ramshay, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas R., of Brampton, Cumberland. 

Henry Francis Shaw Lefevre, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent., 
3rd and yst. son of Charles Shaw L., late of Hickfield Place, 
Hants, Esq., deed. 

Loftus Tottenham Wigram, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 10 s. Sir Robert W., of Walthamstow, Essex, bart. 

folio 158. 

George Hill, of Brook Hall, Londonderry, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
late Rev. John H., formerly of Moville, co. Donegal, deed. 

Edward Benbow, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (aged 17), 3 s. 
John B., of Line. Inn, solr. 

Henry Alexander, Esq., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 21), 
4 s. the Bishop of Meath. 



ILtncoln’s Enit atmusston ftegtstev : 1420 - 1893 . 109 

June 28 

„ 28 

n 29 

>» 29 

July 2 

» S 

„ 6 

„ 8 

» 9 

» 15 

„ 20 

>, 23 

„ 29 

Aug. 7 

Oct. 15 

„ 19 

r, 19 

folio 159. 

John Solomon Cartwright, of York, Upper Canada (aged 19), 

5 s. late (Hon.) Richd. C., of Town of Kingston, s. Province, 
M.L.C., deed. 

Thomas Blakeway Bray, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 24), o. s. Richard B., of Church Stretton, Salop, Esq. 

John Cesar Hawkins (aged 18), 1 s. Sir John H., of Kelston, 
Somerset, bart. 

folio 160. 

John Gregson, junr., of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
John G., of Durham, Esq. 

Edward Chitty, of Chancery Lane, gent, (aged 21), 4 s. 
Joseph C., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Montagu Poore, of Peter House Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. John Montagu P., late of Brandnams Hall, 
Norfolk, Esq., deed. 

folio 161. 

Thomas Netherton Harward, of Wore. Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 20), 2 s. Rev. John H., of Hartlebury, co. Wore. 

James Laughorne, gent. (3 s.) James L.,of City of Bristol, mercht. 

Henry Bayley Clive, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 33), 5 s. William C., of Styche, Salop, Esq. 

folio 162. 

William Charles Townsend, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), y. s. William T., of Liverpool, Esq. 

Henry Bettesworth Trevanion, gent, (aged 20), 2 s. John 
Bettesworth T., of Caerhayes, Cornwall, Esq. 

Henry Belmont Sims, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 23), 
2 s. William S., of Hubert’s Hall, Essex, Esq. 

folio 163. 

Henry Wells, junr., of Green St., Ardwick, n. Manchester, 
gent, (aged 16), 1 s. Henry W., of same, Esq. 

George Harrison, Esq., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(aged 33), o. s. George H., of Wandsworth, Surrey, Esq. 
(adm. M. T. 30 Oct., 1809, called 6 Feb., 1818). 

Thomas Williamson, of Radcliffe Ter., Goswell St. Road 
(aged 35), 2 s. James W., of Alfreton, co. Derby, stocking 

folio 164. 

William Allfrey, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), yst. s. 
of the late Geo. A., of Tuston Place, Sussex, Esq., deed. 

James Henderson Singer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 
(aged 23), o. s. Paulus Aimilius S., of Dublin, Esq. 

Walter Bourke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Joseph B., of Carrickul, co. Mayo, Esq. 


iltncoln’s 5itn aiimtssfton Hegtster : 1420-1893. 


Nov. i 

»» 3 

>» 3 
















folio 165. 

William Vines, of Leathersellers Hall, St. Helen's PI., City 
of London, gent, (aged 37), 1 s. Robert V., late of Seagry, 
Wilts, gent., deed. 

Edward Louth Badeley, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., B.A., 2 s. 
John B., of Chelmsford, Essex, doctor of physic. 

John McCandie (-Campbell), of Craigs, nr. Dumfries, Esq. 
(aged 22), o. s. late John McC, of 78th regt. foot. 

folio 166. 

Thomas Deason Robinson, gent, (aged 22), 2 s. George R., of 
Gt. Queen’s St., Line. Inn Fields, auctioneer. 

George Henry Hely Hutchinson, of Caius Coll., Cambr., 
B.A. (aged 25), 2 s. Hon. Christopher Hely H., M.P., of 
the City of Cork, co. Tippy. 

Robert John Bartlett, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 22), 3 s. John B., of Buckingham, banker. 

folio 167. 

Frederick Osborne Smith, of Greenwich, Esq. (aged 16), 2 s. 
Richard S., of same, Esq. 

William Turner, late of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 24), 
2 s. late James T., of Welshpool, co. Montgomery, Esq., deed. 
Archibald Ihomson, of Clement’s Inn, Strand, gent., only son 
of William T., of Island of St. Christopher, West Indies, Esq. 

folio 168. 

James Losh, junr., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
James L., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and 6f Line. Inn, 
bar.-at-law (M.A. Jesus Coll.. Cambr.) 

Richard Li.ewellin, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. 
Richard L., of Westbury-on-Trim, co. Glouc., Esq. 

George Weston, of Upper Homerton, Middx., gent, (aged 19), 
y. s, James W., late of Fenchurch St., London, and of 
Homerton, afsd., Esq., deed. 

folio 169. 

John Gunn, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), o. s. Rev. 
William G., of Small burgh, Norfolk, clerk. 

John Kingdon, of Exeter, gent, (aged 20), o. s. late John 
Holman K., of same, Esq. 

Marcus Costello, of Trin. Coll., D., Esq. (aged 22), 2 s. 
Patrick C., of London, Esq., deed. 

folio 170. 

Henry Holmes Joy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 10), 2 s. 
Henry J., of Belfast, Esq. 

Henry Cary, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 20), 3 s. Rev. 
Henry Francis C., of Chiswick, clerk. 

Charles Redwood, of Bourton Cottage, ph. of Lanlwitt major, co. 
Glamorgan, gent, (aged 22), 4 s. Thomas R, of the same, gt. 



ILtncoln’sf Emt gtftmtejtion J3Ugtgter: 1420-1893. 

folio 171 . 



Thomas James Arnold, of Golden Sq., Westmr., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Samuel James A., of same, Esq. 


Jeremiah John Murphy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B., (aged 21), 
2 s. John M., of Cork, Esq. 



Richard Bartleet, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 27), 
5 s. William B., late of Redditch, Esq. 

folio 172 . 



Benjamin D’Israeli, of Bloomsbury Sq., of Bloomsbury Sq., 
Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Isaac D., of same, Esq. 



Denis Creagh Moglan, of Bolton St., Piccadilly, Esq. (aged 30), 

1 s. Denis M., of Cork, Esq. 



William Rhodes Bernard, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Charles Edward B., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

folio 173 . 



George Francis Grey, of Univ. Coll., Ox., M.A. (aged 30), 5 s. 
Ralph William G., late of Back worth, Northumberland, Esq., 


T 9 

Francis John Lace, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 0. s. 
John Henry L., late of Liverpool, Esq., deed. 



George Dacre Alexander Tyler, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), 1 s. George Peter T., of York PL, Portman Sq., 


folio 174 . 


20 Addis, jun. (aged 21), 0. s. Charles A., of Gt. Queen 
St., Westminster, Esq. 



William Carpenter Rowe, of Baliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 23), 
0. s. Coryndon R., of Launceston, Cornwall, M.A. Queen’s 
Coll., Ox. 



Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald Penrose, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
Esq. (aged 24), 2 s. James P., of Woodhill, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 175 . 



James Clay, junr., of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 0. s. 
James C., of Bloomsbury PL, Middx., Esq. 



Hon. John Chetwynd Talbot, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (aged 19), 
4 s. Earl Talbot 



Robert Delap, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s 
Samuel Francis D., of Monnellan, co. Donegal, Esq. 

folio 176 . 



Edward Quenby Ashby, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 3 s, 
William Ashby A., of Ashford, co. Derby, Esq. 



Peter Phillips Dodd, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. James D., of Isleworth, Middx., Esq. 



Clement Michael, of Stamford, co. Line., Esq. (aged 20), 2 s. 
Joseph M., of same, Esq. 

I I 2 

iUncoln’js Inn ft&mi&ion HeQtgtei : 1420-1893. 


Jan. 22 

»» 22 


» 25 

„ 27 

.> 27 

» 31 

Feb. 1 












»» 4 

folio 177. 

Robert John Harper, jun., Esq. (aged 17), 1 s. Robert John H., 
of the Duchy of Lancaster office, Esq. 

Charles O’Neill Corry, of Wore. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 

2 s. late Hon. Isaac C., of Newry, co. Antrim. 

Samuel Charles Weston, of Dulwich, Surrey, Esq. (aged 32), 

3 s. late Samuel W., of Weymouth, Dorset, mercht., deed. 

folio 178. 

John de Kewer Frampton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. 
(aged 24), 1 s. Algernon F., of London, M.D. 

Charles des Voeux, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Sir Charles des V., bart. 

William Thomas Shaw Daniel, of Atherstone, co. Warwick, 
gent, (aged 19), 1 s., William D., of Stapenhill, co. Derby, 

[cheese factor. 

folio 179. 

Arthur Edward Gayer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B., 1 s. late 
Major Edward Echlin G., 67th regt. foot, deed. 

Hensleigh Wedgwood, of Ch. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 22), 

4 s. Josiah W., of Maer, co. Staff., Esq. 

Granville John Penn, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Granville P., of Hertford St., Mayfair, Esq. 

folio 180. 

John Hepworth Hill, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 
o. s. John H., of Leeds, Esq. 

Edward Cookson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 4 s. 
late John C., of Leeds, Esq. 

Peter Barlow, of Dublin, gent (aged 27), 5 s. James B., of 

[same, Esq. 

folio 181. 

Philip James Chabot, of St. John's Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 23), o. s. Philip C., of ph. of Ch. Ch., Middx., mercht. 

Thomas Rutherfoord, of Trin. Coll., A.B. (aged 21), 4 s. 
John R., of Dublin, Esq. 

Adam Smith, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 3 s. 
Roger S., late of Manor Ho., Walworth, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

folio 182. 

Edward Ord Warren, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. William 
Hamilton W., rector of East Grinsted, Sussex. 

Thomas Stokes Salmon, of Brazennose Coll., Oxon, gent, 
(aged 22), o. s. Thomas Stokes S., of Reading, M.D. 

John Palmer Moore (aged 19), 1 s. John M., of Inner Temple, 
bar.-at-law, and of Lambeth, Surrey. 

lUnroln’g Inn &Dmf$js*on 5tVcntjstcv 1420-1893. 


i8 *5 Feb. 4 

folio 183. 

Arthur Hill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 23), 3 s. 
late John G. H., of Streamstown, co. Westmeath. 

» 5 

Thomas Bros, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 20), 0. s. 
Thomas B., of Clapton, Middx., Esq. 

» 5 

David Denoon, of London, gent, (aged 23), 1 s. late Rev. 
David D., of Killearnan, co. Ross., deed. 

» 5 

folio 184. 

Charles Orchard Dayman, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 21), 2 s. John D., of Tiverton, Esq. 

» 5 

Richard Heathfield, junr., of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 22), 1 s. Richard H., of Hampstead, Middx., accountant. 

» 7 

William Adair Brice (after Bruce, 1826), of Furnival’s Inn, 
gent, (aged 21), 2 s. Rev. Archibald Adair Brice, of Bath. 

» 5 

folio 185. 

William Cooper, of Line. Coll., A.B. (aged 17), 3 s. Charles C., 
of Norwich, Esq., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

March 6 

Ignatius Davis, of Bristol, gent, (aged 30), 1 surviving s. 
James D., late of Bristol, mercht., deed. 

„ 22 

Henry Jesson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. 
Henry J., of Trysail, co. Staff., Esq. 

April 4 

folio 186. 

William MacIver, junr., of Brazennose Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 19), 0. s. William M., of Liverpool, Esq. 

» i 5 

William Henry Smith, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 
3 s. Charles S., of Paternoster Row, mercht. 

», 19 

Robert Pashley, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
Robert P., of Worksop, Notts, wine mercht. 

„ 20 

folio 187. 

William Grisenthwaite, of Nottingham, gent, (aged 36), 0. s. s. 
late John G., of King’s Lynn, druggist. 

„ 22 

William Smith O’Brien, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
2 s. Sir Edward P. O’B., of Dromoland, co. Clare, bart. 

» 23 

Robert Worthington, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 
3 s. Sir William W., of Blackball PL, Dublin, knt. 

** 23 

folio 188. 

Kenrick William Collett, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 
1 s. Kenrick C., of Chancery Lane, gent. 

» 27 

Robert Charles Dallas, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 
2 s. Sir George D., of London, bart. 

H 27* 

John Parnell, of Univ. of Edinburgh, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Sir Henry P., of London, bart. 



1 14 


Htncoln’s Unit gWmtggton iicgigtcr: 1420-1893. 

April 28 

» 30 

May 2 










„ 26 

June 2 

folio 189. 

Richard Motjntford Baddeley, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 23), 2 s. Daniel Bird B., of Stoke-upon-Trent, gent. 

Thomas Digby Regard, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 

1 s. Sir Thomas L., of Gauton, Yorks, bart. 

William Pepperrell Hutton (aged 20), 3 s. Rev. Henry H., 
of Colchester, clerk. 

folio 190. 

Pryce Buckley Williams, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. John Buckley W., 
of Gian Havren, co. Montgy., Esq. 

Thomas Swinburne, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. (aged 27), 
4 s. Edward S. of Cateswell Ho., Yardley, co. Wore., Esq. 

Laurence Harman Crofton', late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. 
(aged 21), 6 s. Morgan C., of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

folio 191. 

Thomas Fielder Woodham, of Wore. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 

1 s. Thomas W., of Winchester, Esq. 

Alexander Annand, junr., of Jesus Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 
3 s. Alexander A., of Adelphi Ter., Westminster, Esq. 

Alexander Wright Daniel, of St. Alban Hall, Oxford, A.B* 
(aged 22), y. s. late Joseph D., of City of Bath, Esq. 

folio 192. 

Walter John Trowf.r, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John T., of Portman Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Francis Offley Martin, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (M.A. Jesus 
Coll., Cambr.), (aged 20), y. s. Henry M., Esq., a bencher. 

Francis Edward Aspinall, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 4 s. late Thomas A., of Liverpool, Esq., deed. 

folio 193. 

James Whigham, of Univ. of Edinburgh, gent, (aged 18), 4 s. 
Robert W., Esq., of Halliday Hill, co. Dumfries. 

Edward Candler, of Baker St., gent, (aged 21), 4 s. late 
Henry C., of Tadcaster, Yorks, Esq. 

William Milbourne James (aged 18), 2 s. Christopher J., of 
Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., Esq. 

folio 194. 

Hon. Spencer Bulkeley Wynn, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 21), y. s. 
Thomas, Lord Newborough. 

Edward Perry, of Wore. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
Joseph P., late of Bilston, co. Staff., Esq., deed. 

Thomas Page, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 1 s. Thomas P., 
late of Ely, co. Cambr., Esq., deed. 

lUncoln’* Inn ftomtggion iiegtstev: 1420-1893. 115 

June 8 

folio 195. 

Henry Francis Polidori (aged 17), 2 s. Cajetan P., of Gt. 
Pulteney St., Middx., Esq. 

„ 10 

William Robinson (aged 18), 2 s. Isaac R., of St. John's Wood, 
Esq., an elder brother of the Trinity House. 

» 10 

William Williamson, of Clare Hall, co. Cambr., B.A. (aged 21), 

3 s. Rev. Edmond W., of Compton, Beds, clerk. 

>, n 

folio 196. 

Edwin Pf.arson, of Trin. Coll. Cambr., gent, (aged 23), 4 s. 
John P., of Ck>lden Sq., Middx., Esq. 

»» 13 

Samuel Cross Starkey, of Montague PI., Russell Sq., gent, 
(aged 19), 2 s. John Cross S., of Wrenbury Hall, Cheshire, 

„ 14 

Benjamin Chapman, of Christ Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 26), 
0. s. Robert C., of John St., Bedford Row, Esq. 

» i 7 

folio 197. 

Sir James Wright, bart., (aged 25), 0. s. James Alex. W., of 
Charlestown, So. Carolina, America, Esq., re admitted. 

„ 18 

William Raines, gent, (aged 24), 1 s. William R., of Winestead, 


Yorks, Esq. [leather factor. 

John Burkitt, gent, (aged 26), 1 s. John Thody B., of London, 

» 22 

folio 198. 

George Stansfeld, Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 1 s 
Robert S., of Field Ho., Yorks, Esq. 

July 11 

Lewin Taverner, of Cheshunt, Herts, gent, (aged 22), 1 s. 
John T., of Clapton, Middx., mercht. 

Aug. 20 

Thomas Bourdillon, gent, (aged 20), 1 s. Rev. Thomas B., of 
Hunstanton, Hunts, clerk. 

Oct. 25 

folio 199. 

Robert Chambers, junr., gent., of Camera Sq., Middx., (aged 27), 
0. s. Robert C., of same, Esq. 

» 25 

William James Adams, gent, (aged 21), 3 s. John A., of 
Horsleydown, Surrey, rope maker. 

Nov. 2 

Hunter Gordon, of Univ. of Edinb., Esq. (aged 25), 1 s. James 
Farquhar G., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

n 3 

folio 200. 

John Thomas Cuthbert Gibbings, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 19), 1 s. Col. Arthur G., of Cork. 

»> 3 

Francis McDonogh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 20), 3 s. 
Morgan McD., of Sligo, mercht. 

» 5 

Samuel Adlam Bayntun, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., A.B 
(aged 21), 1 s. Rev. Henry B., of Devizes, Wilts. 

lUncoln’s £nn atrmtssiion &egigtn:: 1420 1893. 

1 l6 

1825 Nov. 8 
» 9 

» 9 



„ 18 

„ 18 

» 19 



folio 201. 

Samuel Bush Toller, of Trin. Coll., Oxford, B.A. (aged 21), 
4 s. Edward T., of Doctors Commons, Esq. 

Henry Plumer, of Baliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 3 s. late 
Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas P., lent., Master of the Rolls and a 
bencher, deed. 

George Simpson, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 26), o. s. 
late Alexander S., of the Bank of England, gent. 

folio 202. 

William Barham, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 2 s. 
Joseph Foster B., of Stockbridge, Hants, Esq. 

Thomas Collett, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 2 s- 
Ebenezer John C., of Westminster, Esq. 

Francis Duncan, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged abt. 18), 1 s. Dr. 
Francis D., of New Road, Middx. 

folio 203. 

Edmund Morgan (aged 20), y. s. George M., of Biddleston 
Park, Bucks, Esq. 

Peter Huddleston (aged 19), 2 s. George H., of Mortimer, 
Berks, Esq. 

John Roach Bovell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 2 s. John 
William B., of Demerara, West Indies, Esq. 

folio 204. 

Frederick \ illiers, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 24), 
2 s. Charles V., of Harting, Norfolk, Esq. 

William Byron, of Emanuel Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 
4 s. Capt. Richard B., C. B. R.N., of Leatherhead, Surrey. 
Henry Charles Vernon Graham, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. Lt. Col. G., of Hilton Park, Staff, 
(see Vernon). 

No. 19. 

folio 1. 

William Shirley Ball, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 
20), 1 s. I homas B., Esq., a master of Chancery, Ireland. 

1 homas Si evens, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 
y. s. William S., of London, gent. 

Hugh Fraser, 2 s. Alexander F., of Tavistock Sq., gent. 


ILmcolit’g Inn aUmteston Hegistci: 14201893. 117 

*825 Nov. 24 

folio 2. 

William Smythe, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.B. (aged 21), y. s. David S., 
late of Methven, co. Perth, a Judge of Court of Session, 

>» 28 


Thomas Purvis, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 17 Nov., 1813, 
called 22 Apl, 1818), M.A., Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 32), 

1 s. Charles Dalston P., late of Earsdon, Northumberland, 

Dec. 2 


John George Rowley, of King’s Beech Hill, Sunny Hill, Berks, 
(aged 21), s. late John R., Esq., a judge at Madras. 

» 12 

folio 3. 

John Ryle Wood, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
Samuel W., of Macclesfield, Esq. 

*826 Jan. 17 

John Horne, of Exeter Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 3 s. 
Edward H., late of Line. Inn Fields, solr., deed. 

» *7 

John Hamilton Hali., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., (aged 23), 0. s. 
Genl. John Hamilton, H.E.I.C.S. 

„ 19 

folio 4. 

Charles Hampden Turner, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 

1 s. Charles Hampden T., of Rooks Nest, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 20 

James Maclaren, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. 
late James M., of Lewisham, Kent, Esq., deed. 

» 21 

Thomas Brandon Brett, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 24), 0. s. 
Thomas B., late of Springgrove, Kent, Esq., deed. 

» 21 

folio 5. 

John Henry Benbow, of Line. Inn Fields, gent, (aged 25), 2 s. 
John B., of Line. Inn, gent. 

„ 23 

„ 26 

John Bell William MANSEL(aged 19), 0. s. Sir William M., bart. 
James Emerson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 4 s. late 
William E., of Belfast, Esq., deed. 

» 3 i 

folio 6. 

Frederick Ottley (aged 17), 2 s. Warner 0 ., of York Ter., 
Regent’s Park, Esq. 

„ 26 

Charles Hill Wallace, of King’s Coll., Nova Scotia, gent, 
(aged 21), 0. s. Thomas W., of Halifax, N.S. 

„ 26 

Robert James Tennent (aged 22), 0. s. Robert T., of Belfast, 


folio 7. 

» 26 

John Shea Lawlor, of Kilburn, co. Kerry, Esq. (aged 28), 0. s. 
John Shea, of Cork, mercht. 

>, 27 

John Godfrey, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 2 s. 
Sir John G., of Kilcoleman, co. Kerry, bart. 

Feb. 2 

Peter O’Malley, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 21), 
4 s. Charles O'M., of Hawthorne Lodge, co. Mayo, Esq. 

n 8 Unuoiit’s Inn 3Umtt0$ton i^rgi^tcr: 1420 - 1893 . 

1826 Feb. 3 




» 2 3 

March 10 

April 4 






„ 17 









» 27 

folio 8. 

John Hills, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 2 s. 
William H., late of Sandwich, Kent, Esq., deed. 

George Bengough, of the City of Bristol, gent, (aged 32), 1 s. 
George B., of the same, Esq., deed. 

Robert Harris, gent, (aged 29), y. s. late Joseph H., Esq., 
formerly of Crediton, Devon. 

folio 9. 

Jerome William Knapp, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 23), 
1 s. Jerome William K., late of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Edward St. Aubyn, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., (aged 25), 5 s. 
Sir John St. A., of Clowance, Cornwall, bart. 

John Lowdham Brett, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John Gay B., of Ockbrook, co. Derby, Esq, deed. 

folio 10. 

Henry Ferdinand Bosanquet, of Balliol Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 21), 4 s. Charles B., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

Thomas Charles Renshaw, gent, (aged 16), 2 s. Henry 
Gundy R., of Camden Town, Middx., Esq. 

William Cary Dobbs, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 
only son of Rev. Robert D., late of Belfast, deed. 

folio 11. 

Richard Trott Fisher, of Pembroke Hall, Cambr., gent, 
(aged 21), 2 s. Rev. Edmund F., of Linton, co. Cambr. 
(A.M. Jesus Coll.). 

Hasler Capron, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., M.A., and of the 
Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 28), 0. s. Anthony C., of 
Midhurst, Sussex, Esq. 

Thomas Perry Knox, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. Rt. Hon. George K., of Dublin, afsd. 

folio 12. 

Robert James Mackintosh, of New Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 
0. s. Sir James M., barrister of this socy. 

James Smith, of Line. Inn, gent, (aged 28), o. s. James S., of 
Burton Cresct., gent. 

Richard Hall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Robert H., of Dublin, mercht. 

folio 13. 

Hon. John Boyle, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (aged 23), 2 s. Genl., 
the Earl of Cork and Orrerry. 

Henniker Peregrine Roberts, of Magdalen Coll., Cambr., 
B.A. (aged 22), 1 s. James Watson R., D.P., Bishops Storford, 
Herts, B.A. Corpus Christi, Cambr. 

Robert Baxter, of Doncaster, Yorks, gent, (aged 23), 3 s. 
Dudley B., of Atherston, co. Warwick, Esq. 

Umcoln’g Inn ftttmtMfon &«{tsstcr: 1420-1893. 119 

1&26 April 28 

folio 14 . 

Erskine Humphreys, Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Samuel H., of 
Wimbledon, Surrey, Esq. 

n 29 

William Reynolds (aged 18), 3 s. William Foster R., of 
Carshalton Ho., Surrey, Esq. 

May 4 

Richard John Uniacke (aged 18), 1 s. Crofton U., of Line. 
Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 4 

folio 15 . 

Crofton Uniacke, jun. (aged 17), 2 s. Crofton U., of Line. Inn, 


» 4 

William Temple, of Turner St., Commercial Road, gent 
(aged 27), 1 s. Robert T., of Margaret St., Westmr., Esq. 

» 9 

James Stuart Wortley, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
James Archibald Stuart W., of Wortley Hall, Yorks, M.P. 

n 24 

folio 16 . 

Peregrine Dealtry, of Bedford Row, Esq. (aged 35), 0. 
surviving son late Henry D., of same, Esq. 

» 27 

Tugwell Robins, of Magd. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 20), 0. s. 
William Lewin Tugwell R., of Queen’s Sq., Bloomsbury, gent. 

„ 29 

William Bolden Bolden, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 22), 1. s. John B., of Hyning, co. Lane., Esq. 

>< 29 

folio 17 . 

William Stoker, junr., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B., 1 s. 
William S., City of Dublin, M.D. 

» 3 ° 

Samuel Eaton Edge, of Manchester, gent, (aged 25), 0. s. 
Samuel E., of Manchester, afsd., gent. 

i« 3° 

John Hind Palmer (aged 19), 0. s. Samuel P., of Walworth, 
Surrey, Esq. 

June 2 

folio 18 . 

Herbert Jenner, junr., of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 19), 

1 s. Herbert J., L.L.D., of Doctors Commons. 

>» 3 

Francis Turnly, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 20), 1 s. 
Francis T., of Belfast, Esq. 

„ 6 

John Alexander Kinglake, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 1 s. 
Robert K., of Taunton, co. Leic., M.D. 

„ 6 

folio 19 . 

John Forster, junr. (aged 20), 2 s. late Lieut. Henry F., 
23rd regt. of foot, deed. 

» 9 

Thomas Perham Luxmoore Hallett, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., 
Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. Samuel H., of Chellborough, Dorset, Esq. 

» 9 

George William Hope, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 18), 2 s. 
Lieut. Genl. Sir Alexander H., Knight of the Bath. 


fUitcolit’g Cttn ^tOmtegton &e(iigter: 1420-1893. 


June 13 

» 17 

July 6 

Aug. 2 
Sept. 23 


9 } 

Nov. 2 














folio 20. 

William John Utten Browne, of the City of Norwich, gent, 
(aged 21), o. s. John B., of the precincts, Norwich, gent. 

Guy Lloyd (aged 22), the younger, o. s. Guy L., of Hackford, 
Norfk., Esq. 

Thomas Augustus Swaysland, of Brighthelmston, gent, (aged 
28), only surviving son of Stephen S., of Lewes, gent. 

folio 21. 

John Desborough Walford, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. William W., of High Beech, Essex, Esq. 

Charles Champion, Esq. (aged 30), y. s. Andrew M., 
Esq., of Dublin, is re-admitted. 

Edward Sacheverel Chandos Pole, of Radborne, co. Derby, 
Esq. (aged 34), 1 s. Edward Sacheverel P., Esq., late of 
same, deed. 

folio 22. 

Robert Anderson, of the Island of Trinidad, West Indies, gent, 
(aged 24), 5 s. James A., of the same, surgeon. 

Charles William Warner, of Thanet Place, Temple Bar 
(aged 21), o. s. Lt. Col. Edward W., of 26th regt. 

George Bentham, of Welbeck St., Cavendish Sq., Esq. (aged 26), 
o. s. Sir Samuel B., R.S.G., of Welbeck St., afsd. 

folio 23. 

Wilson Hetherington, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 21), o. s. 
Thomas Wilson H., of Walthamstow, Essex, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Blackburrow George, gent., (aged 24), 2 s. Rev. 
William G., vicar of North Petherton, Somerset, clerk. 

Ross Donnelly, of Queen Anne St., Cav. Sq., Esq. (aged 18), 
1 s. Ross D., Vice Adml. of the Blue. 

folio 24, 

Frederick James Newall, Trin. Coll., Cambr., (aged 28), 1 s. 
John N., of Bristol, gent. 

Joseph Thomas Cantrell, of King’s Newton, co. Derby, Esq. 
(aged 24), 1 s. Joseph C., of same, Esq. 

Rigby Wason, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at law, (aged 28), 2 s. 
John James W., of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

folio 25. 

William Bentley, of Hitchin, Herts (aged 30), 1 s. Henry B., 
of same, gent. 

William Stephens Turner Mellish Meryweather (-Turner), 
gent, (aged 18), 1 s. William Stephens M., of Brighton, Esq. 

Jervis John Jervis, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 23), 2 s. 
Swynfen J., of Holland St., Kensington, Esq. 

ULtncoln’g £nn a&mtsfjston &C5tettr : 1420-1893. 

I 2 I 


Nov. 9 



» 13 

» U 

•* x 5 

•• *5 

it 16 

» x 7 

i» 1 7 

11 *8 

•1 18 

11 18 

11 18 

n 24 




folio 26. 

Frederick Ackers Dawson, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., A.M. 
(aged 29), y. s. John D., late of Mossley Hill, n. Liverpool, 
Esq., deed. 

Griffith Richards, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 30), 
6 s. Lord Chief Baron R. 

Harris Pendergast, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., S.C.L. (aged 21), 
1 s. Lt. Col. Jeffery P., Military Aud. Genl. at Madras. 

folio 27. 

Arthur Percy Aylmer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent., 2 s. Sir 
Fenton A., of Donadea Castle, co. Kildare, bart. 

John Day, of Exeter Coll., Oxford, Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
Thomas D., of Montagu St, Russell Sq., Esq. 

Charles Waring Faber, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 
1 s. Rev. George Stanley F., of Longnewton, co. Durham, 


folio 28. 

William Henry Leach, Esq. (aged 23), 1 s. Henry L., of 
Killabebyll PL, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

John Morley, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 27), o. s. 
John M., of Walthamstow, Essex, Esq., deed. 

George Clive, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq., A.B. (aged 21), 
3 s. Edward Bolton C., of Whitfield, co. Hereford, Esq. 

folio 29. 

Richard Bligh, of the Inner Temple, bar. at-law, (aged 46), 2 s. 
John B., late of Abingdon St., Esq., deed. 

John Gibson Lockhart, L.L.B., of Balliol Coll., Ox. (aged 32), 
2 s. Rev. John L., of Glasgow, D.D. 

Alfred Baldwin, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 18), 4 s. 
William B., of Slede Hill, Kent, Esq. 

folio 30. 

Robert Clayton Browne, Esq., of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (aged 28), 
1 s. William B., of Brown’s Hill, co. Carlow. 

Richard Pennefather, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. Hon. Richard P., a baron of the Exchequer, Ireland. 

Patrick Francis Durham, of Enfield, Middx., gent, (aged 17), 
o. s. John D., of same, M.D. 

folio 31. 

Allan Maclean Skinner, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A (aged 17), 
3 s. Lt Genl. S., of Chesterfield St., May Fair. 

Thomas Edward Price, of Clare Hall, Cambr. (aged 16), 1 s. 
Rev. Thomas P., Rector of Enville, Staff. 

William John Blake, of Christ Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
William B., of Danesbury, Herts, Esq. 

v OL. ii, 




Lincoln’s £nn SUmHtftfton Register: 1420-1893. 

826 Dec. 6 

827 Jan. 15 

v i 5 

» 17 

„ 22 

» 24 

„ 24 

„ 25 

» 25 

„ 25 

„ 26 

ft 27 

„ 29 

„ 29 

» 3 ° 

Feb. 2 

1* 3 

folio 32. 

Hon. Edmund Phipps, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (aged 18), 3 s. Earl 

Henry Hyndman, of Fludyer St, Westmr., gent, (aged 24), 2 s. 
Henry H., late E.I.C.S., Bengal, deed. 

Sir William Scott, of Ancrum, co. Roxb., bart. (aged 23), o. s. 
late Sir John S., of same, bart, deed. 

folio 33. 

Edward Holland, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent, (aged 21), 1 s. 
Swinton Coulthurst H., of Roehampton, Surrey, Esq. 

Nathaniel Goldsmid, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 19), 1 s. 
Edward G., of Upper Harley St., Esq. 

Edward Romilly, of Trin. Hall, Cambr., gent, (aged 22), 3 s. 
Sir Samuel R., deed. 

folio 34. 

John Cooke, of Balliol Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 18), 3 s. Isaac C., 
of Bristol, solr. 

George Roots, jun., of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 20), 
1 s. George R., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Samuel Doubleday, gent, (aged 29), 4 s. Abraham D., of 
Nottingham, gent. 

folio 35. 

Edward Carleton Tufnell, of Balliol Coll., Ox., gent, 
(aged 20), 2 s. late William T., of Cavendish Sq., deed. 

Reginald Henry Nevill, Esq. (aged 19), y. s. Hon. George 
Henry N., of Flower Place, Godstone, Surrey. 

Daniel Wakefield (aged 28), 2. s. Edward W., of Charles St, 

[St. James, Esq. 

folio 36. 

Henry William Smyth Daniel, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 17), 1 s. George Robert D., of Dublin, one of His 
Majesty’s Council learned in the law. 

John Buller, gent (aged 37), 1 s. James B., of 37, King Sq., 
Goswell Rd., conveyancer and crown law draftsman. 

Thomas Charles Wilson Mayhf.w (aged 19), 1 s. Joshua M., 
of Great Marlborough St., gent. 

folio 37. 

Logan White, late of Univ. of Edinb. (aged 26), 2 s. late 
John W., of-, co. Sterling, N.B. 

Hassard Hume Dodgson, Ch. Ch., Ox., gent (aged 23), 2 s. 
late Charles D., Esq., late 4th drag, gds., deed. 

William Dixen Jollands, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 
2 s. Charles J., of 25, Russell Sq., Esq. 

Htncoln’g Ena aDmt6Ston &CQtsster: 1420-1893. 


















folio 38. 

3 Thomas Erskine Perry, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., (aged 20), 2 s. 

late James P., of Tavistock Ho., Tavistock Sq., Esq., deed 

3 William Reade, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. # (aged 22), 1 s. late 
George R., Esq., of Aldeholt Park, Dorset. 

8 William Burley, of Line. Inn, gent, (aged 32), y. s. George B., 
late of Line. Inn, solr. 

folio 39. 

8 Thomas Browne Browne, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 
21), 1 s. Pryce J., of Coffronwydd, co. Montgomery, Esq. 

1 John Scarborough, of Islington, Esq. (aged 22), o. s. Thomas S., 
late of Kendal, Esq., deed. 

6 John Coates, gent, (aged 22), 2 s. George C., of Norton, 
co. Durham, mercht. 

folio 40. 

8 John Pearson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (aged 22), 2 s. 
John P., of Dover St., Piccadilly, gent. 

22 Frederick Thomas Sergeant, of Corpus Christe Coll., Cambr., 

gent, (aged 21), 2 s. John S., late of Berners St., Esq., deed. 

23 William Drummond, of Trin. Coll., Ox., A.B. (aged 24), 3 s. 

late James D., of Bombay, Esq., deed. 

folio 41. 

5 Christopher Hore, of Cambridge (aged 34), 2 s. late James H., 

Esq., of Red Lion Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 

6 John Noble Harvey, the younger, of the Island of Bermuda 

(aged 19), 2 s. John Noble H., Speaker of the House of 
Assembly, Bermuda, afsd. 

14 Richard Beddome Favell, gent, (aged 18), y. s. Samuel F., of 
Camberwell, Esq. 

folio 42. 

27 Henry Tufnell, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (aged 21), 1 s. late William T., 
of Cavendish Sq., Esq. 

30 Bartholomew Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (aged 19), 
2 s. Bartholomew L., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, D.D. 

1 Alfred Bell, of Guildford St., Russell Sq., gent, (aged 20), 2 s. 
William B., late of Chingford, Essex, Esq., deed. 

folio 43. 

3 John Errington, gent., 2 s. William E., of High Warden, 

Northumberland, Esq. deed. 

4 Augustus de Morgan, of Trin. Coll., Camb., gent, (aged 20), 

1 s. late Lt. Col. de Morgan, E.I.C.S., deed. 

5 Pearson Thompson, Esq. (aged 33), y. s. late Henry T., of 

Cheltenham, co. Glouc., Esq. 

i24 Uinroln’g Inn gunmifttfon &cgt$tcr: 1420-1893. 

folio 44. 

1827 May 5 Leonard Fosbrooke, of Pembroke Coll, Cambr., Esq. (aged 23), 

1 s. Leonard F., of Ravenstone, co. Leic., Esq. 

7 John Auldjo, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
late Alexander A., of Montreal, Canada, Esq. 

» 10 Richard Hall, jun., Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 

Richard H., of Totteridge, Herts, Esq. 

folio 45. 

11 William Heatrell Dowse, of Store St., Bedford Sq., gent. 

(aged 22), o. surviving s. Richard D., late of the Royal 
Marines, deed. 

13 Eliot Thomas Yorke, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 

(aged 22), 3 s. Adml. Sir Joseph Y. 

13 James Kennedy Blair, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. James B., of 
Wheatfield, Belfast, gent. 

folio 46. 

16 John Vaughan Hart, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (aged 20), 
1 s. William Sterne H., of Dublin, solr. 

16 William Steer Blackwood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. 

(aged 24), 2 s. Hon. Hans B. 

17 John Unthank, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 28), 2 s. 

William U., of Norwich, gent. 

** 23 

June 6 

1 2 


» 15 

folio 47. 

Philip Twells, of Wore. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 2 s. John T., 
of London, banker. 

John Flather, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 39), 3 s. 
Thomas F., late of Binfield, Berks, Esq., deed. 

Francis Sacheverell Wilmot, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 23), 1 s. Rev. Edward Sacheverell VV., of Langley, 

[co. Derby. 

folio 48. 

Edward Farrer Acton, of Trin. Hall. Cambr., Esq. (aged 21), 
o. s. late Edward Acton A., of Gatacre Park, Salop, Esq. 

William Ogilby, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (aged 23), o. s. 
Leslie O., of Dunigiven, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

Robert Tighe, Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (aged 20), 1 s. 
Robert T., of South Hill, co. Westmeath, Esq. 

folio 49. 

18 Herman Merivale, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
John Herman M., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

18 Frederick Forbes Underwood, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent, (aged 23), 
3 s. John U., of Gloucester PL, Middx., Esq. 

20 Frederick Goddard, of Trin. Coll., Ox., Esq. (25), o. s. 
Joseph G., of Southampton St., Middx., Esq. 



lUncoln’g Can &t> mission &egtstci: 1420-1893. 



9 » 









2 3 

» 27 

„ 28 

» 29 

19 3° 

99 3° 

July 12 

9, 17 

9 > 25 

Aug. 13 

Sept. 18 
Oct. 3 

folio 50. 

Anthony Crofton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. (21), 2 s. late 
Anthony Thomas C, of Dublin, Esq. 

Samuel Thomas Spry, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 
Admiral S., of Place, Cornwall. 

William Denis Moore (aged 22), 1 s. Denis M., late of Exeter, 
M.D., deed. 

folio 51. 

Joseph Francia (22), 4 s. Pascal F, of Gibralter, Esq. 

Spencer Horatio Walpole, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(aged 20), 2 s. Thomas W., of Stagbiyy, Surrey, Esq. 

Thomas Osborne Bateman, of St. Johri’s Coll., Cambr., gent, 
(aged 18), 4 s. Richard B., late of Wheathill, co. Derby, 
Esq., deed. 

folio 52. 

Somerset Richard Maxwell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, 
(aged 23), 2 s. Rev. Henry M., of Longford. 

Francis Bayley, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 24), 
y. s. Hon. Sir John B., lent., a justice of King’s Bench. 

Frederic Calvert, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.B. (aged 21), 2 s. Gen. 
Sir Henry C., bart., deed. 

folio 53. 

Norman Hilton Macdonald, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (20), 
1 s. Gen. M. 

Charles Neate, of Line. Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 20), 2 s. Rev. 

Thomas N., of Tubney Lodge, Ox., clerk. 

Thomas Frederick Dymock, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 
20), 2 s. William D., late of Bristol, gent., deed. 

folio 54. 

Joseph John Richardson, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (20), 1 s. 

Sir John R., knt., of Bedford Sq. 

William John Ching, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (aged 
35), 1 s. John C., late of New Bond St., Esq., deed. 
Edward Rowland Pickering, of Clapham, Surrey, gent. (48), 
y. s. Edward Lake P., late of Titchmarsh, Northants, Esq., 

folio 55. 

Richard Wood, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (19), 3 s. Richard W., 
of the Town of Hamilton, in Bermuda, Esq., 

Thomas Harris (15), o. s. Herbert H., of Monmouth, solr. 

William Mullinger Higgins, of Chatham, gent, (aged 19), 1 s. 
William H., of same, woollen draper. 

ILtncoln’js inn aOimsston Ucgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

Oct. 15 
» 2 3 

» 3i 

Nov. 5 

» 5 









» 17 

» 17 

» 17 

folio 56. 

John Smith, of Trin. Coll. Dublin, A.B. (20), o. s. late 
Benjamin S., of Violets Town, co. Westmeath, Esq., deed. 

John- Maberly, junr., of Magdalen Coll., Ox., gent, (aged 19), 
2 s John M., of the Inner Park, Middx., Esq., M.P. 

Charles Powell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. (23), 4 s. John P., 
late of Brecon, Esq., deed. 

folio 57- 

Henry Mitchell, gent. (18), of Edinburgh, 2 s. Robert M., of 
the Island of Trinidad, Esq. 

William Day, the younger (24), 2 s. William D., of St. Neots, 
Hants, solr. 

Thomas Stratton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (22), 4 s. John S., 
of Little Berkhampstead, Herts, Esq., deed. 

folio 58. 

Horace Twiss, Esq., one of the masters of the bench, Inner 
Temple (40), 1 s. late Francis T., of Cheltenham, Esq., 

John Easton (38), 2 s. James E., of Taunton, Esq. 

Thomas Barnardiston Wrightson, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., 
Esq. (21), 5 s. William W., of Cusworth, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 59. 

Joseph Slater, jun., gent. (18), o. s. Joseph S., of Newman St., 
St. Marylebone, Esq. 

William Alexander Dow (21), 1 s. James D., of Barnesley. 
Yorks. Esq. [Esq . 

Samuel Tolver Preston (22), 2 s. Isaac P., of Gt. Yarmouth, 

folio 60. 

John Mitchell, late of Edinburgh Coll., gent. (21), 2 s. 
Robert M., Esq., of Airth, N.B. 

Charles Augustus Murray, of All Souls Coll., Ox., M.A. (21), 
2 s. Earl of Dunmore. 

Henry McIntosh Crichlow, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(aged 23), y. s. Charles C., Esq., of Island of Barbadoes. 

folio 61. 

Evan Stephens, the younger, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (20), 

1 s. Evan S., of Newtown, co. Montgy., gent. 

Alexander Henry Hauday, of Trin. Coll., Dub., Esq. 
(aged 20), 1 s. William H., of Clifton, n. Belfast, M.D. 

Thomas Turner, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (22), 3 s. 
Ralph T., late of Ferriby, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Utncoln’s Inn ft&mtsiston &ctjisfteu: 1420-1893. 127 

Nov. 17 






„ 28 

Dec. 5 




Jnn. 7 

t, 9 

» 25 

M 2 9 

** 3 i 
Feb. t 


folio 62. 

Henry Sherwood, of York, Upper Canada (19), 1 s. (Hon.) 
Levins Peters S., a judge of King’s Bench, said province. 

Archibald White, of High Wycombe, Bucks, gent. (27), o. s. 
late Mr. Archibald W\, late of 76, Gray’s Inn Lane, Middx., 
sadler, deed. 

Claudius Forster, of York, Upper Canada, gent, (aged 27), 6 s. 
John F., of Southend, ph. of Lewisham, Esq. 

folio 63. 

William Montagu Manning, late of Lyne Grove, Surrey, gent., 
(aged 17), 2 s. John Edge M., of Lyne Grove, afsd., Esq. 

John Curtis Hayward, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. late 
Rev. John Adey C., of Quedgley, co. Glouc., deed. 

Hugh Ker Cankrien, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
John Christopher C., of Anlaby, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 64. 

William Montagu Rothery (18), 2 s. Nicholas Phillips R., of 
Somerset St., Portnian Sq., Esq. 

Charles Bailey (31), 3 s. Charles B., of Nynehead, Somerset, 
gent. [clerk. 

William Oakei.ey (21), 1 s. Rev. Herbert O., of Oakeley, Salop, 

folio 65. 

Thomas Drewett Brown, of Wore. Coll., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. 

Thomas B., of New Grove, Mile End Road, Middx., Esq. 
Francis Henry Goldsmid (19), 1 s. Isaac Lyon G., of Dulwich 
Hill Ho., Surrey, Esq. 

Rouert Day Marshall, of Gurteenard, co. Cork, gent. (20), 
2 s. Ralph M., of Ballymacadam, Kerry, Esq. 

folio 66. 

Thomas Sheppard Smyth, of W’orc. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Jonn S., Esq., late of High Wood, Uttoxeter, B. Med. 

Richard Jebb, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 2 s. (Hon.) 

Judge Jebb, a Justice King’s Bench, Ireland. 

Joseph Nelson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent, (aged 20). 3 s. 
Rev. James N., D.D., of Down Patrick, co. Down. 

folio 67. 

Henry Blake, of Peter House Coll., Cambr., B.A. (21), s. 
John B., of Norwich, gent. 

Thomas McCalmont, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (aged 19), 2 s. 

Hugh McC., of Abbeylands, n. Belfast, Esq. 

Henry Percy Gordon, of Peter Ho., Cambr., Esq. (21), o. s. 
Sir James Willoughby G., of Niton, I. W., bart. 


Utncoln’g Inn glttmitfion Urgistfr: 1420-1893. 

Feb. 2 

» 5 

„ 8 

» 9 

„ 18 

„ 19 

n 19 
March 8 







April 3 

I l 




1. 2 5 

» 30 

folio 68. 

John Henry Barker, Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. Thomas B., 
of Ashford Hall, co. Derby, Esq., deed. 

John George Philumore, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (20), 1 s. 
Joseph P., of Doctors’ Commons, D.C.L. 

William Forbes, Esq., of the Faculty of Advocates, 1 s. 
James F., Esq., of Aberdeen, merchant. 

folio 69. 

William Michell (23), o. s. William M., of Truro, Esq. 

John Pearson, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 21), 1 s. 
William P., of Guildford St., Middx., Esq. 

Francis Berry, junr. (19), o. s. Francis B., of Barnstaple, gent. 

folio 70. 

Robert William Bacon, of King’s Coll., Cambr., gent. (18), 2 s. 
Edward B., of Ipswich, Esq. 

John Doughney, of Bennett’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons (25), 
o. s. John D., of 23, County Ter., New Kent Road, Surrey, 

Joseph Parkes, of Birmingham, gent. (32), 4 s. John P., of 
Warwick, Esq. 

folio 71. 

William Reginald Courtenay, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (20), 1 s. 
William C, Esq., clerk assistant of the parlts. 

William Henry Pattison, junr., Middle Temple, bar-at law 
(26), 1 s. William Henry P., of Witham, Essex, Esq. 

William Richardson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. 
William R., of Leatherhead, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 72. 

Charles Humfrey, the younger, of Caius Coll., Cambr., gent. 
(20), o. s. Charles H., of Cambridge, Esq. 

Henry Foskftt (21), 4 s. Joseph F., of Reigate, Surrey, gent. 

William Parrott Carter, of the Inner Temple, bar. at-law 
(36), o. s. Joseph C., of Kermincham, Cheshire, gent. 

folio 73. 

Richard Clayton Browne-Clayton, of Brazennose Coll., 
B.A. (22), o. s. Lt. Genl. Robert B-G, of Clifton, co. 

William John Phelps, of Oriel Coll. (14), 2 s. Rev. James R., 
of Alderley, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Thomas Bond, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 4 s. Rev. 
William R., of Tyneham, Dorset, clerk. 


fUttcoln’s Inn 3 l&mtejsion &egtetcr : 1420-1893. 

1828 May 5 

»» 5 

„ 19 

June 7 
» *3 

» 13 




» 24 

July 30 
Aug. 14 
Nov. 4 

folio 74. 

Henry Robert O’Hara, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (28), 

2 s. late Henry O., of O’Hara Brook, co. Antrim, Esq., deed. 

John Thomas Hope, of Christ Ch., Oxon, Esq. (21), 1 s. Hon. 
Sir Alexander H., of Waughton Haddington, Knt. Bath. 

James Shee, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 3 s. John S., Esq., 
of Sheestown, co. Kilkenny. 

folio 75. 

William Jameson Dewdney, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
George D., of Wilton PL, Belgrave Sq., Esq. 

Francis Thompson (29), 3 s. Joseph T., of Finchley, Middx., 

Thomas Barwick Lloyd Baker, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (20), 
o. s. Thomas John Lloyd B., of Hardwicke Court, co. 
Glouc., Esq. 

folio 76. 

John Williams Hill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, Esq. (21), o. s. 
Rev. Josiah H., of Liverpool. 

Neil O’Donel Browne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (23), 2 s. 
Dodwell B., of Rahins, co. Mayo, Esq. 

George Kinnear, of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh (24), 

3 s. Thomas K., of Kinlock, co. Fife, Esq. 

folio 77. 

Charles Herbert Cottrell, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., Esq. 
(22), 1 s. Rev. Clement C., late of North Walton, Hants, 

Henry Frederick Maddock (20), 1 s. Henry M., Esq., late of 
Lina Inn, bar.-at-law, deed. 

Eric Rudd, the younger (24), 1 s. Rev. Eric R., of Thorne, 
Yorks, clerk. 

folio 78. 

Charles Waterfield (22), 3 s. William W., late of the Cloisters, 
Westminster, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Bush Saunders, of Wadham Coll., Ox., A.B. (20), o. s. 
Thomas Hosier S., of Bradford, Wilts, Esq. 

Joshua King, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. (31), 1 s. late 
David K., of Lowick, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

folio 79. 

James Worthington Livesey, of Liverpool, Esq. (29), 1 s. 
Edmund L., late of Livesey Ho., co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

John Lewis, of Cheltenham, co. Glouc., gent. (45), 3 s. John L., 
late of Haverfordwest, co. Pembr., gent. 

Christopher Richardson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. 
Christopher R., of Whitby, Yorks, Esq. 

V °L. 11. 


lUncoln’ss Inn 2Unmssfion HUgfetcr: 1420-1893. 

• 30 

1828 Nov. 6 

folio 80. 

William Elmsley, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (31), 0. s. 
William E., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

„ 6 

Robert Jebb, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 3 s. (Hon.) 
Richard J., Second Justice King’s Bench, Ireland. 

n 7 

John Benson Coles Rose (20), 2 s. William Grant R., Esq., of 
North Brixton, Surrey. 

,, IO 

folio 81. 

Frederick Flowers (18), 3 s. Rev. Field F., deed., late of 
Partney, co Line. 

„ 1° 

Francis Joseph Gourdez Walford (19), 5 s. Thomas W. } of 

1, Bolton St., Pic., solr. 

„ “ 

George Hundleby, gent., of Iierne Hill, Surrey (38). 

» 12 

folio 82. 

Charles William Heigham, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., A.M. 
(26), 3 s. Rev. Henry H., of Hunston Hall, Suff. 

„ 12 

William Dickinson (20), 0. s. William Tucker D., of Island of 
St. Vincent, Esq. 

n 14 

John Robert Boyd, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. John B., 
acct. genl., of H.M. High Court of Chancery, Ireland. 

„ 14 

folio 83. 

Henry Earle, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 2 s. Rev. Neil E., of 
Severford, Oxon. 

» 17 

George Sackville Browne Casement (22), 0. s. William C, of 
Calcutta, Lt. Col. H.E.I.C.S. 

» 20 

Nathaniel Brindley Ackworth (24), 3 s. William A., of 
Luton, Kent, Esq. 

„ 6 

folio 84. 

Robert Stayner Holford, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (20), 0. s. 
George Peter H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Bolton St., 

» 25 

„ 24 

Pi c - [Hanford, Dorset, Esq. 

Henry Seymer, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (21), 1 s. Henry S., of 
Joseph Henry St. John, of Lydiard Tregoz, Wilts, Esq. (29), 
5 s. late Visct. Bolingbroke. 

n 24 

folio 85. 

William Robert Ward, of Balliol Coll., Ox., A.B. (22), y. s. 
Hon. and Rt. Hon. Col. Robert W., of Bangor Castle, 
co. Down. 

n 24 

Joseph Bonsor, jun., of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (21), 0. s. 
Joseph B., of Polesden, Surrey, Esq. 

1829 Jan. 12 

Edward Cephas Stevens (15), y. s. William S., of Hatton 
Garden, Middx., gent. 

ILfncoin'* £nn &&mtssston Uegteter: 1420-1893. 131 

Jan. 16 











»> 3° 

Feb. 2 

*> 5 

» 5 

Jan. 30 
Feb. 10 

>* 14 

March 12 
» 25 

»» 3i 

folio 86. 

Jotin Baily, jun., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent. (23), 1 s. 
John B., of Stamford Hill, Middx., Esq. 

Thomas Montresor, of Line. Inn Fields, gent. (20), 2 s. 
Lt. Genl. M., of Ospringe Ho., Kent. 

Oliver Dolphin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (23), 1 s. late 
Hubert D., of Loughrea, co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 87. 

James John Farquharson, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 1 s. James 
John F., of Langton Ho., Dorset, Esq. 

John Malcolm, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (22), y. s. Neill M., of 
Poltablock, co. Argyle, Esq. 

John Young, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Sir 
William Y., bart. 

folio 88. 

Charles William Davis (23), 1 s. Charles D., of Old St. Road, 
Shoreditch, genl. 

James Mitchell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (19), o. s. James M., 
of the Island of Jamaica, Esq., deed. 

William Glendonwyn Glen, of Univ. of Glasgow (25), 1 s. 
Rev. Archibald G., of Barton ph., co. Kircudbright, deed. 

folio 89. 

Henry Joseph Cherer (25), 2 s. late Joseph G, of Cambridge 
Heath, Hackney, gent. 

Charles Jackson (19), 5 s. James J., of Doncaster, Esq., deed. 

Charles John Tottenham, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (20), 1 s. 
Lord Robert T., Bp. of Clogher, of Woodstock, co. Wicklow. 

folio 90. 

George Arkwright, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (2r), 1 s. Robert A., 
of Stoke, co. Derby, Esq. 

Edmund Frederic John Carrington, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., 
and of Middle Temple, Esq. (25), 1 s. Sir Edmund C., of 
Chalfont, Bucks, knt. 

Peter Laurie, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., gent. (20), 3 s. 
Alexander L., of Laurence Ho., East Lothian, Esq. 

folio 91. 

John Ellile Robinson, of Christ Ch., Ox., gent. (21), 2 s. 
Thomas R., of Begbrooke Ho., Oxford, banker. 

Henry James Sei.fe Page (-Selfe), (18), o. s. Henry P., late of 
ph. of St. Martin, n. City of Worcester, gent, (took surname 
of Self in lieu of Page by R. L.). 

Lancelot Shadwell, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (21), 1 s. 
Rt. Hon. Sir Lancelot S., Vice-Chancellor of England. 


Uincoln’p Inn Sttfmteston IXegteter: 1420-1893. 


April I 


„ 29 

„ 29 

May 4 











folio 92. 

Samuel Silver Garrett, of the Tower of London, gent. (20), 

1 s. George G., of Sandwich, solr. 

Edward Dyer Sanderson, late of Inner Temple (21), adm. 
18 Apr., 1826, o. s. John S., Esq., of the Island of Trinidad, 
bar. at-law. 

Hon. Gerald Wellesley, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (20), 3 s. 
Lord Cowley, Ambassador at Vienna. 

folio 93. 

Edward Eyre, of Merton Coll., Ox., A.B. (22), 2 s. Henry E. 
of Bedford PI., Middx., Esq. 

Henry Coe Coape, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (19), 1 s. Henry C., 
of York PL, Portman Sq., Middx., Esq. 

William Page Smith (19), y. s. Edmund S., of Pentonville, 
Middx., Esq. 

folio 94- 

Charles Chapman Barber, of Fumival’s Inn, Middx., gent. 
(25), 1 s. Chapman B., of Chancery Lane, gent., deed., 

Digby Latimer, of Line. Coll., Ox., gent. (21), 3 s. Edward L., 
of Headmgton, Oxon, Esq. 

Alexander Henry, of Trin Coll., Cambr. (16), 1 s. Alexander H., 
of Ardwick Green, Manchester, Esq. 

folio 95. 

Charles Henry Weston, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (29), 4 s. 
late Samuel W., of Weymouth, Esq. 

Christopher William Puller, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (21), o. s. 
late Sir Christopher P., knt., of Calcutta, and a bencher. 

Frederick Carne Rasch, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (20) 1 s. 
John Peter R., of Merton, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 96. 

Charles Winser, of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 1 s. 
Charles W., of Kentish Town, Middx., Esq. 

Charles Morris, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (26), 3 s. late 
Edmund M., of Chorley Wood, Herts, Esq. 

John Charles Lyons, junr., of Trinity Coll., Cambr., A.B. (21), 
1 s. John Charles L., of Roebuck, co. Dublin, Esq. 

folio 97. 

Richard Bassett Wilson, of Univ. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John W., 
of Seacroft Hall, Yorks, mercht. 

John Wilson, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (21), 2 s. John W., of 
Leacroft Hall, Yorks, mercht. 

John Forbes Calland (19), 2 s. Charles C., of Kettle Hill, 
co. Glam., Esq. 


Lincoln’s $nn &ttmt**ton &tgtsfttr : 1420-1893. 


May 12 
» 14 






» l 9 

„ l 9 

n *9 

11 *9 



June 4 





folio 98. 

George O’Kill Stuart (21), 1 s. Ven. George O’Kill S..D.C.L., 
Archdeacon of Kingston, co. Frontmac, Upper Canada. 

Lemuel Ebenezer Warren, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. 
Edward W., of Kilkenny, Esq. 

James Brisco Graham, of Woolwich, late Bombay, solr. of the 
Supreme Court and Coroner of Bombay (42), s. James G., of 
Barrock Lodge, Cumberland, Esq., deed. 

folio 99. 

Edward Wanklyn, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. 

William W., of Manchester, Esq. 

Charles Parr Montagu (15), 5 s. Basil M., Esq., of Bedford 
Sq., Middx., barrister-at-law. 

Robert Fergusson Franks, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 

2 s. Matthew F., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 100. 

James Willis (20), s. Richard W., of Tokenhouse Yard, London, 

Thomas Denman (23), 1 s. Thomas D., a master of the bench. 
William O’Hara, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 7 s. Robert O’H., 
of Raheen, co. Galway. 

folio 101. 

Hon. Charles Thomas Clifford (30), 2 s. Lord C., of 
Chudleigh, re-admitted. 

Henry Thomas Buckston, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (21), 3 s. 

Rev. George B., late of Ashbourne, co. Derby, deed. 

George Joseph Huband, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (20), 1 s 
Will cocks H., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 102. 

Montague John Gregg-Hawtrey, of Irin. Coll., Camb., A.l>. 

(24), 1 s. Rev. John H., of Maidstone, Kent. 

Thomas Lefroy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 2 s. 

Thomas L., H. M. 1st sergt.-at-law, Ireland. 

William Astley, of Dukinfield Lodge, Cheshr., Esq. (25), 1 s. 
late Francis Duckinfield A., of same, Esq., deed. 

folio 103. 

Francis Trench, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. (aged 22), 1 s. 

Richard T., of Bursleden, Hants, Esq. 

Charles Richard Littledale, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq., 1 s. 
Charles L., of Portland PI., Esq. 

William Cunliffe Lister, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Ellis 
Cunliffe L., of Manningham Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

i34 Utncoln’s tfnn &*mt*0ton SUotsttr : 1420-1893. 

1829 June 23 

folio 104. 

James Dennis, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John D. of 
Sidmouth, Devon, Esq. 

» 24 

Edward Herbert Fitzherbert, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. 
(24), 2 s. Rev. Samuel F., of Ryme Intrinsica, Dorset. 

n 27 

William Wilcox Clarke, of Wadham Coll., Ox., gent (22) 2 s 
Charles C., of Line. Inn Fields, Middx., Esq. 

n 29 

folio 105. 

William Thomas Salvin, jun. (20), 2 s. William Thomas S., of 
Croxdale, co. Durham, Esq. 

» 30 

Sutton Sharpe, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (31) is late 
Sutton S., of Nottingham PL, Middx., Esq. 

July 3 

Robert Temple, of Liverpool, gent. (21), 3 s . George T., late 
Kingston, Jamaica, merchant, deed. 

„ 10 

folio 106. 

Albert Mangles of Merton Coll, Ox. (20), 4 s. James M„ of 
vYoodbridge, Surrey, Esq. 

»> 10 

George - Alfred Arney, of Brasennose Coll, Ox (10), 7 s 
William A, late of Salisbury, Esq, deed. 

„ 10 

Edward Horner Reynard, of Line. Coll. Ox, Esq. (21), 1 s 
Horner R, of Sunderlandwick, Yorks, Esq. 

» II 

Sept. 16 

folio 107. 

Charles Powell (21), 2 s. Baden P, of Speldhurst, Kent, Esq. 
VVlLI Norfdk LKELEY GLASSE (23) ’ 1 S ' Rev> • ,ohn G > of I5ur nham, 

Oct. 16 

Thomas Moor Horsford (24), 2 s. Joseph H, of Weymouth, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 108. 

John YVyndham Bruce, of Exeter Coll, Ox, A.M. (10) 1 s 
John Bruce B, of Duffryn, Aberdare, c. Glam, Esq. 

„ 28 

Richard Davis Craig gent. (19), 1 s . Rev. Thomas C, of 
Booking, Essex, clerk. ’ 

Nov. 3 

Francis Stack Murphy, of Trin. Coll, Dub, B A (22) 2 s 
Jeremiah M„ of Hyde Park, co. Cork. ’ 3 ' 

’» 5 

folio 109. 

William Musgrave of Ch. Ch, Ox. (24), 2 s. Christopher M, 
of Harley St, Middx, Esq. 


Alfred Augustus Fry, the younger (17), 1 s . Alfred Augustus F, 
of Gt. Ormond St., Miudx., Esq. 

» 9 

John Parsons, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, (20), 2 s. John P„ of 
co. Dublin, Esq. 

Efncoln’* Enn &&mt!&$ion fttqtSter: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 10 

folio 110. 

Alexander Brodif. Mackintosh, of Gray’s Inn (20), 3 s. Rev. 

Angus Me., of Tain, co. Ross, D.D. 

» 11 

Edward Fanshawe Glanville, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. 

Francis G., of St. Germans, Cornwall, Esq. 

„ 11 

Ralph William Spearman (26), 3 s. Alexander Young S., late 
brigade major of garrison at Woolwich, deed. 

>, 11 

folio 111. 

Henry Barry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.M. (21), 1 s. Robert B., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

>, 11 

Thomas Kemmis, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. William K., 
of Bally, co. Wicklow. 

„ 12 

Edwin Pickwood (19), 3 s. Robert William P., Esq., of the 

Island of St. Christopher. 

>> *3 

folio 112. 

Tristram Kennedy (22), 8 s. Rev. John Pitt K., of co 

Londonderry, dec. 

„ 13 

George Price (17), 3 s. Sir Rose P., of Trengwainton, Cornwall, 

» 14 

Thomas James Alexander Brown Fairbairn, of Merton Coll., 

Ox. (21), 0. s. late Thomas F., of the Island of St. Vincent, 

West Indies. 

„ 16 

folio 113 

Charles Blissett, of 4, Furnival’s Inn (17), 0. s. late Charles B., 
of Bernard St., Esq. 

„ 17 

Charles Mogg Stephens (16), 0. s. William S., of St. 

Christophers, W.I. 

„ 18 

George Carpenter (24), 5 s. late William C, of Toft Monks, 

Norfk., Esq., deed. 

„ 19 

folio 114. 

Charles Clarke, Esq., of Matlock, co. Derby (40), 2 s. 

Nathaniel Gooding C., a master of the bench of this socy. 

» 19 

James John Ormsp.y (18), 0. s. Rev. James Wilmot O., of 

Cuppogh, co. Tyrone. 

,1 19 

Edward Lewis Richards (24), 0. s. late David R of Swansea, 
mercht. deed. 

n 19 

folio 115. 

John Dorney Harding, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Rev. 

John H., of Caychurch, co. Glam. 

„ 21 

Brent Spencer Follett, of the Inner Temple (adm. 19 March, 

1828), (20), 4 s. Benjamin F., of Topsham, Devon, Esq. 

„ 21 

Charles Maturin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. Rev. 

Henry M., of Flannet Gleb., co. Donegal. 

136 ILtncoln’s Cnn Sltimteston ISLegisttcr : 1420-1893. 

1829 Nov. 21 

11 24 

folio 116. 

Marmaduke Robert Jeffreys (22), 1 s. Rev. John J., of 
Barnes, Surrey. 

Robert Alfred Cloyne Austen, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Henry Edmund A., of Shalford Ho., Surrey, Esq. 

Henry Bellingham, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 2 s. Sir 
Alan B., of Castle Bellingham, co. Louth, bart. 

folio 117. 

„ 30 Arthur Smith (25), 1 s. late Thomas S., of Winchcomb, 

co. Glouc., gent. 

Dec. 22 Charles Cecil Martyn, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (21), 1 s. late Charles 
Fuller M., Esq., of the Albany, London. 

1830 Jan. 8 John Bond Dixon, 3 s. Kennett D., late of Finsbury Sq., 

Middx., soir. 

folio 118. 

16 John Jefferys (21), 1 s. John J., of Kidderminster, Esq. 

19 Augustus Langdon, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (16), 2 s. William L., 
of Cadogan PL, Esq. 

19 Thomas Henry Whipham, of Trin. Coll., Oxon (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas W., vicar of Kings Teignton, Devon. 







folio 119. 

Thomas Lew in, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 3 s. Spencer James L., of 
Ifield, Sussex, clerk. 

George Henry Moore, of - Coll., Cambr. (19), 1 s. 

George M., of Moore Hall, co. Mayo, Esq. 

Alexander Fowden Haliburton, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. 
(20), 1 s. Alexander H., of Wigan. 

folio 120. 

25 Edward Wright, of King’s Inn, Dublin (21), 3 s. late Joseph W., 

Esq., of Dublin. 

26 Thomas Martin (22), y. s. Richard M., late of Walton-le-dale, 

co. Lane., mercht., deed. 

26 William Holloway, of Line. Coll., Ox., A.B. (24), 1 s. 
Richard H.„ of Arlescote, co. Warwick, deed. 

folio 121. 

27 Thomas Finch Hopton Bridge, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Capt. Thomas B., of Harwich, Essex. 

27 Arthur James Johnes (22), o. s. Edward J., M.D., of Garthmyl, 
co. Montgy. 

27 William Windham Farr, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (21), o. s. 
William Dale F., of Iford, Southants, Esq. 

Emcoln’js Inn &Omtj»ston Megigter: 1420-1893. 13; 

x ^ 3 ° Jan. 27 

folio 122. 

Henry Greening (20), 6 s. Thomas G., of Bromsgrove, co. 
Wore., gent. 

„ 28 

Binsteed Gaselee, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (17), 2 s. Mr. 
Justice G., a Justice Court of Common Pleas. 

» 29 

Thomas Sunderland (22), 1 s. John S., of Ulverston, co. Lane. 

» 3 ° 

folio 123. 

Henry Davison, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (24), 4 s. Thomas D., of 
Bedford Row, Esq. 

Feb. 4 

William Harris, of Chancery Lane, gent. (28), 1 s. John H., 
late of Plymouth, gent., deed. 

„ 10 

Felix Richard Bedingfeld (21), 3 s. Sir Richard B., of 
Osburgh Hall, Norfolk, bart., deed. 

M 13 

folio 124. 

Francis Ferdinand Mathews, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. 
(23), 0. s. Benjamin M., of Tralee, co. Kerry, Esq. 

„ 22 

Thomas Edward Bulteel (20), 3 s. John B., of Fleet, Devon, 

March 1 

James Frederick Todd, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (21), 4 s. 
George T., of Belsize, Hampstead, Esq., deed. 

» 3 

folio 125. 

James Dickinson (18), 3 s. Nodes D., of Wigmore St., Cav. Sq., 

»> 4 

Henry Joseph Smith, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., and of the Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (26), admitted there 10th March, 1824, 
called Hilary, 1829, 2 s. Joseph S., late of Shortgrove, Essex, 
Esq., deed. 

» 11 

Benson Blundell (24) 2 s. Rev. William B., of Liverpool. 

» 17 

folio 126. 

Edward Stewart, late of Oriel Coll., Ox., A.M. (1834), (21), 1 s. 
Hon. Edward S., of York PL, Portman Sq. 

April 16 

Robert Devereux Nicholls, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (19), 1 s. 
Devereux Jones N., of Altrincham, Cheshire. 

„ 26 

Samuel Gale (24), 0. s. John G., late of Charlton Kings, 
co. Glouc., gent., deed. 

» 26 

folio 127. 

John Thomas Wharton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.M. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. William W.. of Gilling n. Richmond, Yorks. 

» 28 

Frederic Thompson, of Gray’s inn, gent. (23), 3 s. James T. f of 
Halifax, Yorks, gent. 

M 28 

Charles Sargeaunt, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox. (23), 3 s. John S., 
late of Gower St., Middx., Esq. 

y OL 11. 


Utncoln’s Inn SUmugsiun IXcgistcr: 1420-1893. 

April 28 
„ 30 

,, 30 

May 1 
» 4 

n 4 

» 7 

Tl *3 

» 19 

t, i9 

June 3 




folio 128. 

Robert Hoi.beach Dolling, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (21), 
o. s. Rev. Boughey W. D., of Maralin, co. Down, Ireland. 

William John Campbell Allen (20), o. s. late Thomas A., 
Esq., of Belfast. 

Frederick Liardet, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr. ^31), 1 s. late 
Major Frederick L., of the Royal Marines, deed. 

folio 129. 

Philip Charles Sheppard (18), 2 s. Philip S., late of Gatcombe 
Park, co. Glouc., and now of Holt, Wilts, Esq. 

John William Finlay, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 

1 s. Thomas F., of Dublin, Esq. 

William Hill, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Lt. Coll. 
Charles Fitzmaurice H., of St. Boniface, I.W. 

folio 130. 

Francis Bisset Archer (17), 2 s. Thomas A., of Upper 
Belgrave PL, Esq. 

Sir Walter Minto Townsend Farquhar, Ch. Ch., Ox., bart. 
(20), o. s. late Sir Robert Townsend F., bart. deed. 

Thomas Cowan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 4 s. Rev. 
Thomas Conolly C., of Bristol, B.A. 

folio 131. 

Edward Robert Simmons (21), 2 s. Nathaniel S., of Croydon, 
Surrey, Esq. 

Henry Brewster Darley (25), 3 s. Arthur D., of Ballincoan, 
co. Wexford, gent. 

Charles John Murray (Hon.), of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Earl of Mansfield. 

folio 132. 

Robert Blayden Hale, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., Esq. (22), 
1 s. Robert Hale Blagden H., of Alderley, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Eardley Eardley Wilmot, of Balliol Coll., Oxon, Esq. 
(18), 1 s. Sir John Eardley Eardley W., of Berkswell Hall, 
co. Warwick, bart. 

Francis Brown Douglas, of Edinburgh, gent. (16), 1 s. 
Archibald D., of Edinburgh, advocate. 

folio 133. 

Andrew Salvader Guiseppi, of Island of Trinidad (29), 2 s. 

Andrew G., late of said Island, planter, deed. 

Charles Thomas Whitley, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (21), 
1 s. John W., of Liverpool, gent. 

William Grave (23), 3 s. Joseph G., the elder, of Manchester, 

Utttcoln’sf Enn ^Umtsston IjUgteter: 1420-1893 


June 10 



Nov. 8 

June 16 





July 8 

» 3 1 

Aug. 6 

Nov. 6 

„ 8 

n 9 

„ IO 

» *5 

,» J 5 




folio 134. 

Thomas Weatherley Phipson (22), 2 s. Joseph Weatherley P., 
of Selley Hall, co. Wore., Esq. 

Edward Everett, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (32), adm. 
there 3 Nov., 1820, called 29 May, 1824, y. s. late Joseph E., 
of Salisbury. 

William Walker, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. late 
William W., of Wilsick, n. Doncaster, and of Line. Inn, 
bar.-at-law, deed. 

folio 135. 

Thomas Turner, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.M. (25), 3 s. 
Ralph T., of North Ferriby, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Edward Briarley, of St. John’s Coll, Cambr., A.M. 
(37), s. Thomas B., of Bank Hall, co. Lane., Esq. 

Charles Vincent Colestin Gavaron (17), 2 s. Theodore G., 
of Tavistock Sq., Middx. 

folio 136. 

George Bowes Watson, of Denmark Hill, Surrey, Esq. (40), 
o. s. Thomas W., late of Elm, co. Cambr., Esq., deed. 

Thomas Wayland, of Lyons Inn (30), 2 s. Thomas W., of the 
Strand, wollen draper. 

Edward Meynell (19), 2 s. Thomas M., Esq., of the Friarage, 
n. Yarm, Yorks, gent. 

folio 137. 

Henry I. C. Collis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. Abraham C., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

Francis Rodd, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward R., of St. Just, Cornwall, D.D. 

Thomas Wyatt Gunning (17), o. s. Thomas G., of West 
Molesey, Surrey, gent. 

folio 138. 

Anthony Fothergill Bainbridge, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. 
(aged 21), y. s. Thomas B., late of Croydon, Surrey, Esq., deed 

Edward Clarke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (21), 2 s. 
William C., of Belfast, Esq. 

Thomas Jones Milne, of Manchester, gent. (28), o. s. late 
Thomas M., of same, Esq. 

folio 139. 

George William Wilshere Bramwell (22), 1 s. George B., 
Esq., of Finch Lane, Cornhill, banker. 

Charles Longuet Higgins, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (23), 
1 s. John H., of Turvey Abbey, Beds., Esq. 

Henry Hodges, of Univ. Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Rev. Henry H., 
of Bechley, Sussex. 

i4o lUncoIn’s 3 -nn SWmtSjsion JArgigtfr: 1420-1893. 

1830 Nov. 20 





„ 24 

„ 26 

.» 29 

Dec. 11 

Nov. 17 

„ 18 

„ «8 

1831 Jan. 13 

». 13 

„ 14 

1 5 

» *5 

„ 17 

folio 140. 

Thomas Anderson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (22), 1 s. Thomas A., 
of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Esq 

Henry Horatio Griffin (19), 1 s. John G., of Kentish Town, 
Middx., mercht. 

Alexander Erskine Holmes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 

2 s. Richard H., of Clagher, co. Sligo, Esq. 

folio 141. 

John Calvert Stronge (17), 2 s. Sir James Matthew S., of 
Tynan Abbey, co. Armagh, bart. 

Hon. Henry Barrington, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), y. s. late 
Visct. B., deed. 

Arthur Buller, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Charles B., of Polrellan, Cornwall, Esq. 

folio 142. 

Frederic Carslyi.e Montagu (20), 6 s. Basil M., of New Sq., 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Vincent Salazar (18), y. s. Francisco S., of the Island of 
Trinidad, Esq. 

William Spranger White, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 3 s. 
William Archibald Armstrong W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 143. 

Peter Longworth Woods, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (25), 

3 s. Thomas W., of Mount Erin, King’s Co. 

Arthur Burrows (18), 5 s. George Mann B., of Montagu St., 
Russell Sq., M.D. 

William Robert Augustus Biley (24), 2 s. Edward B., of Gt. 
Russell St., Bloomsbury, and of Calstone Willingt^n, Wilts., 
Esq., deed. 

folio 144. 

Edward Turner Boyd Twisleton, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 
3 s. Rev. and Hon. I)r. T., of Columbo, Ceylon, E.I., and 
of Adlestrop, co. Glouc. 

George Farren (20), 1 s. George F., of Twickenham, and of 
Cornhill, London, solr. 

James Williams Inman, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. Dr. Inman, R. Naval Coll., Portsmouth. 

folio 145. 

Francis McNamara (18), 1 s. Dillon Me., of Dublin, Esq. 

George Woods, of Uny. Coll., Ox., Esq. (22), 1 s. George W., 
of East Dulwich, Surrey, Esq. 

Philip Augustus Brow’ne, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (25), 
1 s. Augustus B., of Devonshire PI., Middx. 

Etncoln’js 5mt Rbimsston Register: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 17 









2 7 




Feb. 3 

v 5 

„ 14 

April 2 

I I 



folio 146 

Laurence Rorke (22), 5 s. Andrew R., of Tyrelstowne Ho., 
co. Dublin, Esq. 

Edmond Athy (18), 1 s. Philip Lynch A., of Rindille, co. Galway. 

Iohn Hooper, of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambr., B.A. (27), o. s. 
John H., late of Ramsgate, Kent, Esq., deed. 

folio 147. 

William Smyth, of Wadham Coll., Oxon, A.B. (22), 1 s. 
William Tyler S., of Little Houghton, Northants, Esq. 

Robert Courtenay Windham, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., A.B. 
(21), 2 s Vice-Adi. Windham, of Felbrigg Park, Norfolk. 

Henry James Leslie, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. John L., 
of Court McSherry, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 148. 

Henry Dann, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. Richard D., late 
of Hackney, Esq., deed. 

William Scurfield Grey, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., Esq. (22), 
1 s. William G., of Stockton-upon-Tees, Durham, Esq. 

Charles Clement Berkeley, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (18), 
3 s. William B., Esq., of Coopersale Hall, Essex. 

folio 149. 

Robert Allen, of Worcester, F.S.A. (29), 3 s. Dr. S. Allen, of 

Thomas William Creaser, of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, A.M. 

(20) , o. s. Thomas C., Esq., late of Oldfield, Somerset. 

Henry Vaughan (21), 2 s. George V., late of Gravel Lane, 
Surrey, Esq. 

folio 150. 

Christopher Temple, jun., of Magdalen Coll., Cambr., B.A. 

(21) , 1 s. Christopher T., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Richard Paull Amphlett, of Peter House, Cambr., B.A. (21), 
1 s. Rev. R. H. A., of New Hall, co. Wore. 

George Paton, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., B.A. (21), 1 s. George P., 
of Upper Gower St., Esq. 

folio 151. 

James Gwatkin Cochrane, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., (19), 2 s. 
James C., late Hon. E.I.C.S., and of Rochsoles, co. Lanark, 

Archibald Boyd, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (29), 1 s. John B., 
of Broadmeadows, Selkirk, Esq. 

Francis Burton Cole, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. late 
Henry C., of Twickenham. Esq. 


Htnroln’g £itn Stflmteston Register: 1420-1893. 

1831 April 12 

folio 152. 

William Rawdon Havens, of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambr., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Philip H., of Donyland Hall, Essex, Esq. 

99 12 

William Entwisle, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (1822), (22), 
3 s. Richard E., of Manchester, Esq. 

»’ *3 

Frederick Sims Williams, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (1836), 
( , 9), 0. s. Richard John W., of Hackney, gent. 

ii 11 

folio 153. 

Alexander McNeill, advocate, Edinburgh (30), 0. s. late 
Duncan McN., of Glasgow, mercht. 

» *5 

Henry William Wilberforce, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
4 s. William W., of Markington, Yorks, Esq. 

» T 5 

Walter Wrotteslev, of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (21., 4 s. Sir 
John W., of W. Hall, co. Staff., bart. 

» 1 5 

folio 154. 

Alfred, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (22), 8 s. Theodore 
Henry B., late of Holly Grove, n. Windsor, Esq., deed. 

» ! 5 

Charles Robert Mitchell Jackson (17), 1 s. Lt. Genl. Alex. 
Cosby J., of Dawlish, Devon. 

>9 16 

John Head Burdett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21) 1 s. 
Rev. John B., of Banagher, King’s Co. 

99 16 

folio 155. 

John Foster, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (21), 0. s. Rev. 
John F., of Sarratt, Herts. 

99 16 

William Henry Rudston Read, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. A B 
(22), 1 s. Thomas R., of Frickley Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

99 18 

Alfred Morgan, of Univ. Coll., Ox., A.B. (25), 6 s. George M., 
Esq., late of Biddlesdon Park, Bucks, deed., A.M. 1835. 

99 18 

folio 156. 

Rowland Jay Browne, of Line. Inn Fields (18), 3 s. Walter B„ 
late of Bristol, gent., deed. 

99 19 

James Newton (20), 1 s. John N., of Walton-on-Thames, 
Surrey, Esq. 

99 19 

Charles Otter, of Christ Coll., Cambr., A.B. (22), 4 s. Rev. 
Edward O., of Rothal, Northumberland, clerk, A.M. 1835. 

9, 19 

folio 157. 

William O’Meagher, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. Denis O’M. 
of Kilmoyler, co. Tippy., Esq. 

99 19 

George Goold (25), 2 s. Sir George G., of Old Court, co. Cork, 

99 21 

Robert Hollond, of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambr., B A far) 

4 s. William H., of Grosvenor PL, Middx., Esq., A.M. 1834. 

ILin coin's Enn Emission Register: 1420-1893- 


April 22 





























folio 158. 

James Lendrum, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (25), o. s. George L., of 
Jamestown, co. Fermh., Esq. 

William Newton Guinness, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (20), o. s. 

William Lunell G., of Dublin, Esq. 

Alexander Crookshank, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), x s. Rev. 
Charles Henry C., of Tyhallan, co. Mon., clerk. 

folio 159. 

John Hastings Touchet, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Peter T., 
late of Argot, St. Laurence, Herts, Esq. 

Frederick Wrench, of Trin. Coll., Ox., A.B. (23), 4 s. Jacob 
George W., of Camberwell, Surrey, Esq. 

John Osborne, of Trin. Coll. Ox., A.M. (1835), (20), 2 s. 
Jeremiah O., of Bristol City, gent. 

folio 160. 

Thomas Harris, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), o. s. John H., of 
Newtown, co. Waterford, Esq. 

John Halsey Law, of Trin. C.oll., Cambr. (21), 1 s. Rev. 

Henry L., of Standon, Herts, clerk. 

Paul Prickett, (24), 2 s. Marmaduke P., of Bridlington, 
Yorks, Esq. 

folio 161. 

Edward Yardley, fellow of Magdalen Coll., Cambr., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Edward Y., of Dorrington, Salop, gent. 

David Reid (23), 3 s. Andrew R., of Lansdown, East Barnet, Esq. 

James Graham Domville, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (19), i s. Sir 
William D., of St. Alban’s, Herts, hart., and of Line. Inn. 

folio 162. 

Thomas Chandless, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (33), s. 1 homas C, 
of Dorset Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Charles Weld (19), 1 s. Humphrey W., of Chidock Ho., 
Dorset, Esq. 

George Lacoste (20), 2 s. late Hugh L., of Irinidad, W.I., Esq. 

folio 163. 

Charles Haig, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (23), 3 s. Robert H., 
of Roebuck, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John Tozer, of Caius Coll., Cambr., junr. ( 25 ), 1 s. John T., of 
Woolwich, Kent, gent. 

Michael Lining Melvill, H. M. advocate general at Sierra 
Leone (26), y. s. late Robert M., of Moate, co. Westmeath, 


Etnroln’g! £nn gt&mfftrfon ftcgtetcr: 1420-1893 


Sept. 12 

» 2 3 

Oct. 4 





» 3i 
Nov. 2 



folio 164. 

Samuel Raymond, of Trin., Coll., Dublin, A.B. (23), 1 s. 
James R., Esq., formerly of Hollywood, co. Limerick, and 
now of Sydney, N.S.W. 

Robert Phillips (20), 1 s. Lt. Gen. Robert P., of Abbey 
Foregate, Shewsbury. 

Philip Hurd, of King’s Bench Walk, gent. (21), 1 s. Philip H., 
late of Kentish Town, Middx., gent., deed. 

folio 165. 

Charles Rann Kennedy, fell, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. (22), 
2 s. Rev. Rann K., of Birmingham. 

Joshua Ryland Marshman, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.M. 

( I ^ 34 )> (23), 3 s. Rev. Dr. M., of Serampore, East Indies. 
David Ogilvy, of the University of Glasgow (18), 3 s. 
Alexander O., Esq., late member of the Medical Board at 

folio 166. 

William Rogers, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (aged 34), s. 
Thomas R., of Fimsbury, co. Southants, Esq., deed. 

Arthur Borron (23), 1 s. John Arthur B., of Little Wooldon, 
co. Lane., Esq. 

Frederic Rogers, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Frederic 
Leman R., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

folio 167. 

Edward Nevixson (18), 1 s. Edward Henry N., of Hampstead, 
Middx., Esq. 

Benjamin James Chapman, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 
2 s. Sir Thomas C., of Killua Castle, co. Westmeath, bart. 

Thomas Hyde Villers, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. 
(aged 30), o. s. late Hon. George V. 

folio 168. 

Henry Taylor (31), o. s. George T., of Willington, co. Durham, 

John Ross (24), 4 s. William R., of Howard St., Strand, Esq. 

William Cayley, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.M. (24), 2 s. John C., of 
Wallington, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

folio 169. 

John Peter De Gex, of Jesus Coll., Camb., A.B. (22), 1 s. 
John D., of Leicester PI., Middx., Esq. 

James Mackenzie Bloxam (19), 5 s. Robert B., of Newport, 
I.W., surgeon. 

Edward Pennefather, of Balliol Coll., Ox., A.B. (22), 1 s. 
Edward P., H. M. 2nd segt.-at-law, Dublin. 



Utnroln’g Xnn 3Wmtss;ton IXcgtseter: 1420-1893. 145 

1 S31 Nov. 7 

folio 170. 

Frederick Hodgson Clarke, of Line. Inn Fields, gent. (21), 
y. s. Charles C., of same, solr. 


„ 8 

Samuel Ferguson (22), 3 s. John F., of Belfast, co. Antrim, gent. 

John Hockley Taylor, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., A.B. (aged 27), 

2 s. late Samuel S. T., of Cheriton, Hants, Esq. 

„ 8 

folio 171. 

Peter Gale, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (27), 1 s. late Samuel G., of 

Ashfield Hall, Queen’s Co., Esq., deed. 

» 7 

Robert Hepburne Murray, of St. Alban Hall, Oxford, A.B. 

(27), 2 s. William M., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

,» 9 

Alfred Cheek (21), 3 s. John Mosley Gilbert C., of Evesham, 
co. Wore., Esq. 

» 9 

folio 172. 

George Le Blanc (19), 2 s. Lt. Col. Henry Le B., of Chelsea 

Coll., Middx. 

>» 1° 

John Maxwell Steele, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 1 s. 

Sir Richard S., of Dublin, bart. 

„ 10 

Edward Nairne Boyce (22), 4 s. late John B., of Harold’s 

Cross, co. Dublin, Esq. 


folio 173. 

» II 

William Robert Grove, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 

0. s. John G., of Swansea, co. Glam., Esq. 

t, 14 

Thomas Knox Holmes (23), 0. s. William H., of Grafton St., 

Bond St., Esq. 

„ l8 

Hon. William Henry Sfencer, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 4 s. 

Lord Churchill. 

„ l8 

folio 174. 

Henry Sugden, of St. Alban’s Hall, Oxon (20), 2 survg. s. Sir 

Edward Burtenshaw 3., knt., a bencher. 

>• 2 1 

Thomas Somers (19), 0. s. Benjamin S., of Langford, Somerset, 


» 23 

Alexander Adlam (16), 3 s. late Joseph A., of Island of St. 

Christopher, West Indies, Esq. 


folio 175. 

Francis Hulton (21), y. s. Rev. Edward H., of Gaywood, 

Norfk., deed., LL.D. 


Salusbury Humphreys, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 

1 s. Capt. Salusbury Pryce H., of Bramall Hall, Cheshire. 

» 24 

James John Lonsdale (21), 2 s. James L., of Berners St., 

Middx., gent. 





itnroln’0 Inn gtftmtfttfon ftcgtetcr : 1420-1893. 

1831 Nov. 24 
» 25 

„ 3 ° 

folio 176. 

Mayow Short, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (32), 2 s. 
Charles S., Esq., of same, bar.-at-law. 

Edward Shepherd Creasy, of King’s Coll., Camb. (B.A. St. 
John’s Coll., 1835), (19), s. Edward Hill C., of Brighthelm- 
stone, Sussex, auctioneer. 

George Blackett Dixon (19), 1 s. Thomas Reup D., of 
Sidmouth St., Regent Sq., Esq. 


folio 177. 

Dec. 2 John Blower (18), o. s. Joseph B., of Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

Jan. 10 William Cheek Bousfield (32), 2 s. George B., late of 

London, solr. 

„ 12 Alexander Ellice, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (20), 1 s. William E., 

of East Sheen, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 178. 

16 Edward Vansittart Neale, of Oriel Coll., Ox., A.B. (21), o. s. 

Rev. Edward N., of Taplow, Bucks, clerk. 

17 Frederick Walford, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. (21), o. s. 

Joseph Green W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

18 William Oldnall Russell (15), 1 s. William Oldnall R., of 

Line. Inn, sergt.-at-law. 

folio 179. 

18 Martin Farquhar Tupper, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.B. (A.M. 1835), 
(21), 1 s. Martin T., of Burlington St., Esq. 

18 Alfred Cesar Bishop, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (21), 7 s. late 
William B., of Basingstoke, Hants, gent. 

18 George Bingley, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (26), 2 s. 

Robert B., of the royal mint, Esq. 

folio 180. 

18 Edward James, of Brazen-nose Coll., Oxon, B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Frederick William J., of Worcester, Esq. 

18 John Sparrow Taylor (20), o. s. John T., of Shelton, 

co. Stafford, Esq. 

19 James Farrer, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. James William F., a 

Master H. M. High Court of Chancery. 

folio 181. 

21 Charles George Richardson, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (21), 2 s. 
Sir John R., knt., of Bedford Sq., Middx. 

25 Fitzowen Skinner, of Sidney Coll., Cambr., A.B. (23), 1 s. 
Rev. John S., of Camerton, Somerset. 

28 Charles White, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 4 s. William 
Archibald Armstrong W., of College St., Westminster, and 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

lUncoln’jS rnii Emission &cgt*tcr: 1420-1893. 


Feb. 9 

folio 182. 

Henry Denison, of All Souls’ Coll., Ox., A.B. (21), 5 s. late 
John D., Esq., of Ossington, Notts, Esq. 

» 25 

„ 28 

Archibald Taylor (15), 0. s. William T., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Charles Morton, of Edinburgh (18), 1 s. late 
William M., capt. engineers E.I.C.S. 

March 30 

folio 183. 

Henry Fleming, of Miltown, co. Dublin, gent., 3 s. late 
Valentine F., of Tuam, co. Galway, capt. 9th regt. infy. 

» 30 

James Fleming, of Miltown, co. Dublin (23), 1 s. late 

Valentine F., of Tuam, co. Galway, capt. 9th regt. of infantry. 

.April 14 

Henry Thomas Worley, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Thomas W., of Bath, Esq. 

n 12 

folio 184. 

John Shaw Drinkald, of Ch. Coll., Camb., A.B. (23), 0. s. 
John D., of Trinity Sq., Middx., shipowner. 

„ 14 

Henry Ludwell Dampier (20), 1 s. Rev. John D., of 
Collinshages, Somerset, clerk. 

„ 16 

Dowell O’Reilly, 6 s. Mathew O’R., late of Thomastown 
Castle, co. Louth, Esq., deed. 

, 14 

folio 185. 

George James Knox, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (adm. 1833) 
(22), 3 s. Hon. George K., of Dungannon. 

» 14 

Alexander William Kinglake, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. William K., of Taunton, Esq. 

>» 16 

Patrick Williamson Donaldston (21), 1 s. Thomas D., Esq., 
of Dundee. 

„ *7 

folio 186. 

George Burdett, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 0. s. 
Capt. George B., of Longtown Ho., co. Kildare. 

n i 7 

Ralph William Elliot Forster (18), 0. s. Ralph F., of 
Jardinfield, co. Berwick, Esq. 

» 19 

Lewis Henry Lacy, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. Henry 
Charles L., of Manchester, Esq. 

» 19 

folio 187. 

Edward Hedge (22), 0. surviving s. Thomas H., late of 
Colchester, gent., deed. 

» 19 

William Wordsworth (24), 3 s. Robinson W., of Harwich, 
Essex, Esq. 

» 19 

William Overend (22), 3 s. Hall O., late of Balsover, Yorks, 
Esq., deed. 

Utncoln’0 Inn &bmte$ton lUgiSter: 1420-1893 

April 19 

» 23 

»> 25 

*1 25 

>» 25 

„ 28 

May 2 

» 4 

ft 5 

tt 5 

»> 5 

» 7 

» 1 7 

, 26 

, 26 

>» 32 

a 3 ° 

June 4 

folio 188. 

William Talbot Agar, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), o. s. 
William A., of Elem Lodge, Pancras, Esq., and of Lincoln’s 
Inn, bencher. 

Thomas Bennett (18), 3 s. Rev. James B., of Dalby Ter., 
Islington, D.D. 

William Thomas Kimpton, Trin. Coll., Camb., (B.A. 1833), (20), 
y. s. William K., late of Gerrards Cross, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

folio 189. 

John Maurice Herbert, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (23), 2 and 
o. survg. s. of John Laurence H., late of New Hall, 
co. Montgomery, Esq. 

John Bell, of Caius Coll., Camb., A.B. (A.M. 1835), (30), 1 s. 
James B., of Orraside Lodge, Westmorland, Esq. 

George Cartwright Strachan, 2 s. Rev. John S., D.D., 
Archdeacon of York, Upper Canada. 

folio 190. 

Henry O’Connor, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 2 s. late 
Rev. William O’C., vicar of St. Lukes, co. Dublin. 

Charles Grevile Prideaux, of Balliol Coll., Ox., A.B. (A.M. 
i 835), (21), 1 s. Neart Grevile P., of Bristol, gent. 

John Graves Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (20), 2 s. 
John T., of Dublin. 

folio 191. 

Edward Whately, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (23), 5 s. Henry 
Piddocke W., of Tours, France, late of Handsworth, Staff. 

Thomas Sydenham Clarke (17), 6 s. Tredway C., Lt. Genl. 
H.E.I.C.S., and of London. 

Frederic William Briggs (17), y. s. Dr. John B., of Cheltenham. 

folio 192. 

Hugh Anthony Whitelock, of Savanna le Mer, co. Cornwall, 
Island of Jamaica, gent. (26), 2 s. Rev. Richard Hutchins W., 
of Chorlton, co. Lane., clerk. 

Charles William Orde, of Univ. Coll., Ox., Esq. (22), o. s. 
Charles Ward O., late Major 9th regt. light dragoons, deed. 

William Radley Mott (23), 2 s. William Radley M., of 
Salvington Cott., n. Worthing, gent. 

folio 193. 

William Gaspey, i s. Thomas G, of Tavistock St., Covent 
Garden, Esq. 

John Holman Kingdon, of London Uny. (after Queen’s Coll., 
Camb.), (18), s. late Thomas Medland K., of Exeter, Esq., deed. 

Horace Lewis Knight-Bruce, of Ch. Ch., Uny. of Oxford (18), 

1 s. James Lewis K.-B., King’s Counsel, and a bencher. 


^Lincoln’* Inn EUnusston HUgiffter: 1420-1893. 

*^32 June 5 

folio 194. 

James Corder (32), 2 s. William C., of Broad St., Middx., 
grocer, deed. 

iir t C T~v , 1.^1 Uno / « a\ a c Po iri plr T, Ol tn6 

» 5 

William Lynch, oi Dublin, Lsq. v 3 2 j> 4 s * r aincK, 1^., icuc ui me 
Record Tower, Dublin Castle, Esq., deed. 

„ 6 

David Hopkinson (19), 5 s. John H., late of Aigburth Hall, 
nr. Liverpool, Esq., deed. 

,, 6 

folio 195. 

Arthur Sharman Crawford, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 

2 s. William Sharman C., of Crawfords Burn, co. Down, Esq. 

» 7 

Standish Halv (17), 3 s. Aylmer H., of Wadhurst Castle, 
Sussex, Esq. 

„ 7 

Henry Lewis Stephens (21), 4 s. Samuel S., of Tregony Castle, 
Cornwall, Esq. 

„ 7 

folio 196. 

Louis Henry Shadwell, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
the Vice-Chancellor of England. 

» 7 

Garrett O’Moore (22), 1 s. Garrett O’M., of Cloghan Castle, 
Banagher, King’s Co., Esq. 

» 9 

William Martin, fellow of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.M. (25), 
y. s. late Henry M., of Birmingham, co. Warwick, Esq., deed. 

» 9 

folio 197. 

Edward Ernest Villiers, of Merton Coll., Ox., gent. (26), 4 s. 
Hon. George V., of Knightsbridge, Middx., deed. 

n I* 

William Knight (19), 1 s. William K., of Euston PI., Euston 
Square, Esq. 

„ II 

Charles Houblow Grove, of Pembroke Coll., Cambr., A.B. 
(23), 2 s. Joseph G., late of Walbury, Essex, Esq. 

» 12 

folio 198. 

Thomas Simons Watson (19), 0. s. John W., of Berners St., 
Middx., surgeon. 

>, 15 

Joseph Francis Kingdon (18), 1 s. Francis K., of Gt. 

Torrington, Devon, Esq. 

» 15 

Arthur Palmer, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Arthur P., 
Esq., of Bristol, bar.-at-law. 

n 19 

folio 199. 

James Walter Elley Ellis, of Caius Coll., Cambr., A.M. 1836, 
(22), y. s. Ralph E., of Torrington Sq., Middx., gent. 

» 23 

July 5 

John Mills ([7), 2 s. John M., of Burton Crescent, Esq. 

George Samuel Evans (30), 1 s. George E., of Stepney, 
Middx., gent. 

150 ILtncoln** Enn 2 Wmi$i 5 ton ftctjtstci-: 1420-1893. 

1832 July 11 

folio 200. 

Francis Levborne Popham, of All Souls Coll., Ox., A.M. 1837 
(22), 2 s. Genl. Edward William Leyborne P., of Littlecot, 

„ 26 

Robert Lloyd, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., A.M. (44), 3 s. late 
Humphrey LI., Esq., of New Ross, co. Wexford, Ireland. 

Aug. 10 

Edward Richards Adams, jun., of Caius Coll., Camb., A.B. 
(23), 1 s. Edward Richards A., of Elmer Lodge, Beckenham, 


folio 201. 

» 27 

John Macqueen (29), 7 s . Donald M., of Corrybrough, co. 
Inverness, Esq. 

Oct. 27 

Horatio James Huggins, of the Island of St. Vincent (21), 1 s. 
Horatio Nelson H., of the Island of W. I., Esq. 

» 3 ° 

William Conolly Crawford, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
5 s. late Alexander C., Esq., of Milwood, co. Fermanagh, Esq. 

» 3 i 

folio 202. 

William Torrens McCullagh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (10) is. 
James McC., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 3 i 

Standish Thomas O’Grady, of Trin.CoIl., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas O’G., of City of Limerick, Esq. 

Nov. 2 

George Grove Waddington, of New Coll., Ox., A.M. 1836 
(22), 2 s. John W., Esq., of Shawford Ho., Hants. 

1832 Nov. 3 

No. 20 . 

folio 1. 

George Henry Jones (16), 1 s. George Henry J., of City of 
Gloucester, Esq. 

» 3 

Richard Coote, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (18), 1 s. Richard 
Holmes C., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 3 

Charles Groom, of Brighton, gent. (20), 3 s. late William G., of 
Russell Sq., Middx. 

» 4 

folio 2. 

Thomas Fausset (21), 1 s. Rev. William F., of Silverhill, 
co. Fermanagh. 

w 5 

George Hansard (20), 4 s. James H., of Southampton St., 
Bloomsbury, Esq. 

>1 5 

John Thomas Betts, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (22), i s. John 
Thomas B., of Smithfield Bars, London, distiller. 

ftmcoln’js Inn Sttnmggton LUgtgtci: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 5 

»» 5 

»’ 5 

11 7 

„ 10 

» 13 

.1 13 

» *5 

n 15 

” r 5 

» 17 

» 1 7 


T 9 





folio 3. 

William Heather Norie, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., gent. 
(21), o. s. John William N., Esq., of 26, Albany St., 
Regent’s Park. 

George Kearsey Strafford Spurr (19), o. s. Stafford S., of 
Woburn PI., Bloomsbury, gent. 

Robert Williams Soady (19), 2 s. John S., of Kentish Town, 
Middx., Esq. 

folio 4. 

John Percy Severn, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, Esq. (18), o. s. 
John C. S., Esq., M.P., of Penybont Hall, co. Radnor. 

Samuel Laing, Esq., of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Samuel L., of Papdale, Orkney, Esq. 

Richard Ryder Dean, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A., M.A. 1836 (22), 

2 s. Richard Betenson D., Esq., of 31, Albemarle St. 

folio 5. 

Wentworth Samuel Hoi.worthy (20), 1 s. Rev. S. H., of 
Croxdale Vicarage, co. Derby. 

William Henry Whitehead, of 7, South Sq., Gray’s Inn (34), 
o. s. s. Alexander W., late of Lambeth Ter., Surrey, Esq., 

William John Birch, of New Inn Hall, Oxon, B.A. (21), o. s. 
Jonathan B., of Pudlicote Ho., Oxon, Esq. 

folio 6. 

Henry Austin Bruce (18), 2 s. John Bruce Bruce (now Bruce- 
Pryce), of Duffryn, co. Glamorgan, Esq. 

George Thomas Ellison (21), 1 s. late George E., of Gt. Marlow, 
Bucks, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Webster, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas W., of Oakington, co. Cambr. 

folio 7. 

George William Collins, of St. John’s Coll., 1837 (19), 3 s. 
James C., of Marchmont St., Brunswick Sq., butcher. 

James Thomas Rogers, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
James Thomas R., of the Island of Barbados, planter. 

Francis Polson (23), 2 s. William Gray P., of George St., 
Euston Sq., bar.-at-law. 

folio 8. 

Edward Cane, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Richard C., of 
St. Woolstans, co. Kildare. 

James Cook Evans (24), 3 s. Rev. George E., of Mile End, 

Gerald O’Ferrall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (26), 1 s. 
John O’F., of Clontarf, co. Dublin, Esq. 



ILtmoln’* £nn ftiMnissston ttcgtstcr : 1420-1893. 

folio 9. 



Frederic William Bettesworth Trevanion (23), 4 s. John 
Bettesworth T., of Caerhays, Cornwall, Esq. 



William Rose (34), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Sir George Henry R., of 
Sandhills, Hants. 



Cecil Byron (20), 3 s. Thomas B., of Nottingham PL, 
Marylebone, Esq. 

folio 10. 



John Edward Cooper (17), 1 s. John C., late of Hammersmith, 
Esq., deed. 


Charles Rowecroft (34), 1 s. late Thomas R., British Consul 
General at Lima, Peru. 



Richard Jennings, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., gent. (18), 1 s. 
Richard J., of Portland PL, Middx., Esq. 

folio 11. 



Walker Skirrow, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (23), 1 s. 
Walker S., of Montagu PL, Middx., Esq. 



Charles Norfolk Smythies. of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 2 s. 
Francis S., of Colchester, Esq. 


John Gi.ynne Mytton, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
I)r. M., of Landyssil, co. Montgy. 

folio 12. 



Alexander Lorent Grant (16), 1 s. Alexander G., late of 
Charlestown, U.S.A., and of London, mercht., deed. 



Frederick Day, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (18), 3 s. Rev. 
George I)., late of Earsham, Norfolk, clerk, deed. 



Henry Knapton, of Queen’s Coll., Cambr., BA. (26), 2 s. 
Robert K., of Coram St., Brunswick Sq., gent. 



Thomas George Wilmer, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 3 s. late 
Lieut. Col. Gossip, of Thorp Arch Hall, Yorks, deed. 

folio 13. 



David Watson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 0. s. late 
David W., Esq., of Edinburgh, deed. 



John Wilkin (21), 1 s. John W., of the Treasury Office, Esq. 

folio 14. 



Daniel Highley Richardson, of Walworth, Surrey, Esq. (48), 

3 s. William R., deed, late of Newcastle St., Strand, 



John Crosse, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Andrew C., of 
Broomfield, Somerset, Esq. 



John Beckies Hyndman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. 
Robert Augustus H., of Demerara, Esq. 

lUncoln’s Emt B&mtsstoit IXegijster: 1420-1893. 


i8 33 Jan. 15 

.. 17 

» 17 

.. 22 

» 25 

» 25 

». 25 

>, 25 

.. 31 

March 7 

» 23 

» 29 

April 3 

r ^3 2 (sic) Nov, 17 

,8 33 April 15 
» r 5 

folio 15. 

Charles John Coote (21), 5 s. Chidley C., of Mount Coote, 
co. Limerick, Esq. 

John Garratt, the younger, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.M. (20), 1 s. 
John G., of Kingston-upon-Thames, Esq. 

William Johnson Neale, of Plymouth (20), 2 s. late Adam N., 
M.D., of Exeter, deed. 

folio 16. 

Henry Ellison, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent. (21), 3 s. 
Richard E., late of Sudbrooke Holme, co. Line., Esq. 

John Tunnard, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Charles 
Keightley T., of Frampton PL, co. Line., Esq. 

William Vizard, jun., of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (19), 1 s. 
William V., of New St., Spring Gardens, gent. 

folio 17. 

George Ponsonby Hume, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 3 s. 
late William Hoare H., M.P., of Hume Wood, co. Wicklow, 
Esq., deed. 

William Ewart Gladstone, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 4 s. 
John G., Esq., of Fasque, co. Kincardine. 

William Spooner, of Oriel Coll., Ox., A.M., 1837 (21), 1 s. 
Ven. William S., archdeacon of Coventry, and of Elmdon, 
co. Warwick. 

folio 18. 

Charles Edward Lefroy, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
late Rev. John Henry George L., of Ewshot Ho, and of 
Ashe, Sou than ts, afsd., deed. [Esq. 

Joshua Williams (19), 4 s. Thomas W., of Cowley Grove, Middx., 

Albert Francis Jackson, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (17), 3 s. 
Warren Hastings Rowland J., of Banstead, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 19. 

Nathaniel Pryce Cameron (19), 1 s. Nathl. C., of Dan-y-Craig, 
co. Glam., Esq. 

Thomas Tower, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. (23), 2 s. 
Christopher Thomas T., of Weald Hall, Essex, Esq., M.P. 

Dugald Campbell Gill (23), o. s. of Philip G., of Midgham, 
Berks, Esq. 

folio 20. 

Walter Anthony Hopper, of Gray’s Inn Sq., gent. (21), 2 s. 
Walter Curlis H., Esq., late of Belmont, co. Durham, now 
of Paris (omitted from proper place). [deed. 

Joseph Burrell (23), o. s. William B., late of Wakefield, dyer, 
Francis Edmund Currey, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 1S36, (19), 
r s. William Samuel C., of Lismore Castle, co. Waterford, Esq. 


vol. 11 . 


1 54 Utncoln’sf Inn &&mte$ton ftrgtetcr: 1420-1893. 

1833 April 15 

folio 21. 

George John Allen, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 1 s. Rev. 
Joseph A., vicar of Battersea, Surrey. 

» 16 

Henry Thomas Lee, of Trin. Coll, Camb., A.B. (21), 0. s. 
Edward Herbert L., of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

„ 18 

George Milward, jun. (25), 0. s. George M., of Tavistock Sq., 
Middx., Esq., after of Manor Ho., Lechlade. 

„ 18 

folio 22. 

Nicholas Tindal, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (22), 1 s. Sir Nicholas 
Conyngham T., Lord Chief Justice Court of Common Pleas. 

>» 18 

Thomas Worrall Smith Grasebrook, of Brasennose Coll., 
Ox., B.A., and of Dallicott Ho., Salop, Esq. (23), 0. s. 
Thomas Worrall G., of Stourton Castle, Salop, Esq. 

» 19 

William Maule Barnes, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (23), 5 s. 
John B., Esq., late of East Finchley, Middx. 

„ 22 

folio 23. 

John Alexander William Harper, of Trin. Coll, Cambr., 
gent. (20), 1 s. William H., of Kensington, Esq. 


William Ford, of King's Coll., Cambr. (20), 1 s. Richard 
Wilbraham F., of Little Russington, co. Glouc., clerk. 

„ 26 

William Etwall, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Ralph E., of 
Andover, Hants, Esq., deed. 

„ 29 

folio 24. 

Henry Stopford Kyle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.M. (25), 3 s. 
Rt. Rev. Samuel Kyle, Lord Bishop of Cork and Clayne. 

„ 29 

John Hornby, of St John’s Coll., Cambr., A.B. (22), y. s. 
John H., of Blackburn, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 3 ° 

Frederick William Walsh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 
3 s. John W., of City of Dublin, Esq. 

» 30 

folio 25. 

William Cannon Barrington, of Brazen-nose Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(24), 0. s. John B., of Fleet Hall, Essex, Esq. 

, 3 ° 

William Bishop, of Jesus Coll., Camb., A.B. (21), 1 s. Samuel 
Hunton Townsend B., of Blackheath, Esq. 

May 1 

Richard Walter Synnot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (A.M. 
1836), (21), 3 s. Sir Walter S., knt., co. Armagh, deed. 

„ 1 

folio 26. 

Michael John Burke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John B., of Kilcolgan, vie., co. Galway. 

„ 2 

George Benjamin Maule, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
George M., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 6 

John Frederic Winterbottom, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at- 
law (adm. 13 Aug. 1811, called 28 Nov., 1828), (32), 1 s. 
John W., late of Newburv, Berks, doctor of physic, deed. 

Uutcoln’g Emt a&inteston &cqts(tcr: 1420-1893. 


May 20 

folio 27. 

William Edward Surtees, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
Edward S., of Newc.-on-Tyne, Esq. 

» 22 

George Morland Crawford (20), 1 s. Robert C., of Chelsfieli 
Court Lodge, Kent, Esq. 

„ 28 

Arthur Rowley Svmes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), y. s. 
Rev. Richard Henry S., of Ballybeg, co. Wicklow, deed. 

„ 28 

folio 28. 

Edward Christopher Swainson, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Rev. Christopher S., of Wistanston, Salop, clerk. 

„ 28 

„ 28 

George Bennett (20), 1 s. George B., K.C. of Dublin. 

John Low (20), 1 s. Peter L., of Dublin. Esq. 

.. 29 

folio 29. 

Hon. Henry William Bertie, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. Earl 
of Abingdon. 

June 3 

Livingston Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John T., of Dublin, Esq., deed. 


Henry Bullar (18), 4 s. John B., of Southampton, Esq. 

„ 4 

folio 30 

Marmion Edward Ferrers (19), 1 s. late Edward F., of 
Baddesley Clinton, co. Warwick, Esq., deed. 


Theodore Wirgman, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.C.L. (24), y. s. 
Thomas W., of Timberham Ix)dge, Surrey, Esq. 

.« 7 

Henry Halford Vaughan, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
Baron Vaughan, of H. M. Court of the Exchequer. 


folio 31. 

Alexander Charles Ogilvy (20), 8 s. late Adml. Sir William O., 
of Inverquharity, of Baldovan, co. Forfar, bart. 

7 John Stapleton (17), 5 s. Thomas S., of Richmond, Yorks, 

26 Erasmus Saunders, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. Rev. Francis 
Kennick Francis S., of Brighton, clerk. 

folio 32. 

25 Patrick Cagan (20), o. s. Owen C., of Ballaghderin, co. Mayo, 

July 11 


Edward Henry Carr, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 4 s. John C., 
late of Ford, Northumbld., Esq., deed. 

Sept. 2 Thomas Edwards Dyson, late of Uny. Coll., Ox. (28), 1 s. late 
John D., of Willow Field, Yorks, Esq. 



156 ILtncoIn’* Inn &0mte£ion lUgtjstci: 1420-1893 

1833 Oct. 3 

folio 33. 

James Bacon, jun., of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (35), s. of James B., 
of Stamford St., Surrey, Esq. 

M 17 

Cornelius Bourne, jun., of Oriel Coll., Ox., gent. (22), 1 s. 

Peter B., of Liverpool, Esq. 

n 2 1 

John Robertson (18), 0. s. David R, of Gt. George St., 
Westmr., Esq. 

„ 29 

folio 34. 

George Parnell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 3 s. Sir Henry P., 
of Rathleague, Queen’s Co, bart. 

Nov. 2 

John William Wing, of Uny. Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 1 s. Rev. 

John W., rector of Thornhaugh, Northants. 

» 4 

George Crespic.ny (17), 2 s. Charles Fox Champion C., of 
Tally-Uyn Ho., co. Brecon, gent. 

»• 4 

folio 35. 

Thomas Dawson, of Downing Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. late 

John I)., of Salford, Esq. 

M 5 

Acheson Thompson Henderson, of Trin Coll., Dublin, A.B. 

(21), 2 s late John H., of Grange Ho., co. Tyrone, Esq. 

>» 5 

James Macdonald, of Caius Coll., Camb., A.M., s. Sir John M., 
late of Calcutta, East Indies, deed. 

»» 5 

folio 36. 

William Eaton Mousley, of Derby (45), 3 s. William E., of 
Sutton-on-the-Hill, co. Derby, gent. 

» 5 

John Thomas Walshman Aspinall, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 

1 s. John A., of Standon, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 6 

Henry George Hopkins, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 

Henry H., of Hubborn Lodge, co. Southants, Esq. 

„ 6 

folio 37. 

Edward Richard Golighti y, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (24), 
y. s. William G, late of Ham Common, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

,, 6 

Timothy Coleman Johnson (23), 0. s. Timothy Coleman J., of 
Moorefields, builder. 

» 7 

George John Scurfield, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr. (24), 2 s. 
William Grey Scurfield, of Stockton-on-Tees, Esq. 

n 7 

folio 38. 

Thomas Sargent (26), 2 s. Richard Doidge S., of Liskeard, 
Cornwall, gent. 

,» 11 

Thomas Frb:deric Henney, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. 
Thomas H., of Cheltenham, Esq. 

„ n 

Charles Bagot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 2 s. Milo B., late 
of Clare, King’s Co , Esq., deed. 


,s 33 


Lincoln'* Ittit &bmi*s(ton &c$tsitcr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 11 


folio 39. 

Richard Fellowes, of St. John’s Coll., Cambr., gent. (21), 3 s. 

William Henry F., of Ramsey Abbey, Hunts, Esq. 

Charles George Knox, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 3 s. 

Charles K., late Archdeacon of Armagh. 

Sturton Johnson, of Downing Coll., Dublin, A.B. (19), 2 s. 
John J., of Holbeach, co. Line., atty-at-law. 

folio 40. 

13 Edward Bullen (20), o. s. Robert Uttermare B., of Taunton, 

13 William Parrott (19), 5 s. Richard P., of Prestbury, Cheshire, 


14 George Sloane, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. Davis S., 

late of Bengal, Major E.I.C.S., deed. 

folio 41. 

15 Isaac Spooner, of Caius Coll., Camb.. A.B. (23), 1 s. Isaac S. 

of Witton, co. Warwick, Esq. (M.A. 1837). 

16 Thomas Goodson, of Worcester Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 

Thomas G., late of Baltonsborough, Somerset, gent., deed. 

16 John Parkinson, of Cirencester (30), o. s. of John P., of 

Aismenderby-with-Bondgale, Yorks, timber dealer, &c. 



folio 42. 

John Nolan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), o. s. John N., of 
Ballinderry, co. Galway, Esq. 

Robert Tottenham, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (23), 2 s. 

Charles T., of Ballycurry, co. Wicklow, Esq. 

Thomas Comerford Bartrum (18), 2 s. Thomas B., of Bolton 
St., Pic., sol. 




folio 43. 

Benjamin Stephens, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (27), y. s. Benjamin S., 
late of Dublin, timber merchant, deed. 

William Heath Bennet, of Draper’s Hall, London (38), 1 s. 

William B., late of Vauxhall, Surrey, deed. 

James Lord (19), 4 s. Rev. H. Lord, of Northiam, Sussex, D.D. 

folio 44. 

, 25 Henry Carter (24), 3 s. John C., of Pinley, Coventry, sol. 

„ 29 Alban Charles Stonor (16), 1 s. Col. Charles S., of Gt. 

Ormond St. 

Dec 17 William Silvester Wilson, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (26), o. s. 
John W., of Wilmington Sq., Middx., gent. 

158 Htncoln’g Inn SUnm&ston LXcgtjster: 1420-1893. 

18 33 Dec. 19 

folio 45. 

Oliver Stephen Round (20), 1 s. Whinfield S. Round, of 
King’s Beech Hill, Berks, and of Line. Inn. 

Nov. 30 

James Adamson, of Edinburgh (18), 0. s. James A., of Ballock, 
co. Forfar, Esq. 

1834 Jan. 14 

John Cooke Faber, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. Charles David F., 
of Swinton, Yorks, Esq. 

„ 16 

„ 16 

folio 46. 

Carlos Cooper (19), 2 s. Charles C., bar.-at-law, of Norwich. 

Martin Dunn, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (A.M. 1838), (20), 2 s. 
John I)., of City of Durham, sol. 

x 7 

Delves Brouhton, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
Henry Delves B., of Broughton Hall, co. Staff., clerk. 

„ n 

folio 47. 

John Ferdinando Collins, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), s. late 
John C., of Betterton, Berks. 

W *7 

Cornelius Hyde, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), y. s. John H., 
late of Castle Hyde, co. Cork, Esq. 

» 20 

John Lloyd, of Ch. Ch., Oxford (22), 1 s. Edward L., of 
Rhagatt, co. Merioneth, Esq. 

„ 21 

folio 48. 

William Robert Seymour Fitzgerald, of Oriel Coll., Ox. 
(17), only son of William F., of Dublin, Esq. 

n 21 

Edward Augustus Lamb (20), 2 s. Rev. George Augustus L., of 
Iden, Sussex, D.D. 

W 23 

Hon. Henry Boyle Bernard, late of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 
3 s. James, Earl of Bandon. 

» 24 

folio 49. 

Owen Flintoff, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. John F., Esq., 
of Leeds, Yorks. 

„ 26 

Forster Allf.yne McGeachy, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
0. s. Alexander McG., late nth regt. 

Fel). 20 

Kenelin Kilner, of St. Peter’s Coll, Camb. (16), 0. s. Rev. 
William K., of Weghill, Southants, D.D. 

„ 20 

folio 50. 

James Dott Hulton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 4 s * 
Henry FI., late of Bevis Mount, co. Southampton, Esq., deed. 

March 12 

John Bf.ames, of Bashley Lodge, Hants (17), y. s. John B., a 

„ t8 

William Thomas Bristow Lyons (21), 0. s. William Holmes L., 
of Belfast, Esq. 

ILtncoln’s Inn SUrmtssiton l&tgtstcr: 1420-1893. 


March 29 

folio 51. 

Frank Sugden (16), 5 s. Sir Edward Burtenshaw S., knt., a 

April 8 

Robert Pryor, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. late 
Thomas Marlborough P., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

» 10 

Henry Stormont Murray, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22) 1 s. Col., 
the Hon. Henry M., of Wimbledon, Surrey, late 18th hussars. 

, IO 

folio 52. 

Henry Savage Sweetman, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. 
William S., of Raheny, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John Beadnell, jun. (19), 0. s. John B., of Tottenham, Esq. 


Patrick William Power (19), 2 s. Patrick P., of Bellevue Ho., 
co. Kilky., Esq. 

» 14 

folio 53. 

Henry Bickersteth, Esq., a bencher of the Inner Temple (50), 

2 s. Henry B., late of Liverpool, deed., Esq. 

». *5 

Frederick Fraser Carruthers (18), 2 s. John C., of Upper 
Harley St., Middx., and of Mitchells, Speldhurst, Kent, Esq. 

» l S 

Henry Matthias Riddell (19), 3 s. Ralph R., late of Felton, 
Northumberld., Esq. 

„ 15 

folio 54. 

Thomas Fraser (28), 0. s. Hugh F., of Eskadaile, co. Inverness, 

„ 16 

Eugene Nugent (30), 3 s. Thomas N., of Westfield, co. Meath, 

>1 16 

Thomas Reeves Hillman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. 
Henry H., of Lewes, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 55. 

John Frederick Stoddart, advocate (28), 1 s. Sir John S., 
Chief Justice, Malta. 

„ 18 

John Cocker, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. John 
Thomas C., of New Bank, n. Oldham, co. Lane. 

n 19 

George de Morgan, of Gray’s Inn (25), 2 s. Lt. Col. John de M., 
late Madras army, deed. 

» 19 

folio 56. 

Stephen Edward de Vere (21), 2 s. Sir Aubrey de V., of 
Curragh, co. Limerick, bart. 

» 19 

Robert St. George Mayne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 

1 s. Ledborough M., of Belvidere PL, co. Dublin, Esq. 

» 21 

William Montague Burgoyne, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (23), 3 s. 
late Sir Montague B., of Sutton Park, Beds, bart. 

i6o Lincoln’s 5nn &&mf*0ton iUgtgtcr: 1420-1893. 

1834 April 26 

folio 57. 

Thomas Carter Briggs, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas B., of Line. Inn Fields, gent. 

„ 26 

Philip James Bailey (17), 0. s. Thomas B., of Basford, Notts, 

„ 26 

Richard Baxter (23), 2 s. Edward B., of Manchester, Esq. 

» 28 

folio 58. 

John Fisher Murray, ofTrin. Coll., Dublin, A.M. (24), 1 s. Sir 
James M., of Dublin, lent., M.D. 


Hugh Wallis Smith, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., A.B. (22), 1 s. 
Rev. Hugh S., of Stoke Ho., Surrey. 

May 2 

Joshua Clarke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 2 s. 
William C., of Dublin, Esq. 

:» 3 

» 5 

« 9 

folio 59. 

Samuel Sampson (22), 0. s. Samuel S., of London, sol., deed. 
Joseph Snowe (29), 1 s. John S., of City of Cork. 

Samuel Browne Harper (19), 2 s. William H., of Kensington, 

„ 21 

folio 60. 

James Winckworth Winstanley, of King’s Coll., London ( 17 ), 
3 s. John Strange \V., of 14, Chester Ter., Regent’s Park, 

» 21 

James Smyth King, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 2 s. late 
Hulton Smith K., of Muswell Hill, Middx., Esq., deed. 

« 22 

William Henry Mera, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), y. s. 
Martin M., of Dublin, Esq. 

» 22 

folio 61. 

Owen Phibbs, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 3 s. Owen P., 
late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

„ 26 

Frederick Prideaux (17), 5 s. Walter P., late of Plymouth, 
banker, deed. 

» 30 

Roundell Palmer, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
W. I. P., of Mixbury, Oxon. 

June 3 

folio 62. 

Ponsonby Tottenham, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. Bishop 
of Clogher (of Woodstock, co. Wicklow). 

» 4 

Warren Millar Jones, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Leslie 
Grove J., of 19, Buckingham St., Strand, Esq. 

» 5 

William Boteler, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
William Fuller B., of Gower St., Middx., Esq , a bencher of 
this Socy. 

Utnroln’g £nn BUmtsston Register: 1420-1893. 


**34 June 9 

„ 10 

11 16 

July 3 


» 31 

Sept. 18 
Oct. 4 

» 3 i 

Nov. 3 
» 4 

„ 6 
» 7 

» 7 

folio 63 . 

Andrew Doyle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 3 s. late Andrew D., 
of Dublin, mercht., deed. 

Henry Hallett Maude (19), 1 s. William M., Capt. R.N. 

William Harley Bayley, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), o. s. William R., 
of Shrewsbury. 

folio 64 . 

Edward Henry Ludlow (29), 3 s. Edward L., of Southwark, 

Robert Perceval, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
William P., of Kilmore Hill, co. Waterford. 

Joseph Crawford Bromehead, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Rev. Alex. Crawford B., of Eckington, co. Derby, 


folio 65 . 

Charles William Borrett, B.A., and fellow of Magdalen Coll., 
Ox. (24), y. s. Giles B., of Gt. Yarmouth, Esq. 

William Francis Dobson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
o. s. Sir Richard D., of Greenwich, Kent, M.D. 

John Robertson, late of Unvys. of Glasgow and Aberdeen (22), 
o. s. late John R., mercht., deed. 

folio 66. 

Sir Walter Buchanan Riddell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A. (24), 
bart., and of the Inner Temple (adm. Jan. 10, 1831), 
1 s. late Sir John Buchanan Riddell, of Riddell, bart., 

John Arthur O’Hara, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. ( 25 ), 1 s. 
Charles O’H., of Limerick. 

Joseph Wh alley (20), 1 s. Lawson W., of Lancaster, M.D. 

folio 67 . 

Lumsden Mackeson (19), 1 s. Capt. M., of Hythe, Kent. 

Hamilton Smythe, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 7 s. Thomas 
Hutchinson S., of Benison Lodge, Westmeath, Esq. 

Macleod Wylie (18), 2 s. Henry W., of 39, Somerset St., 
Portman Sq., Esq. 

folio 68. 

Thomas Tancred, of Merton Coll., Ox., A.M. (25), 1 s. Sir 
Thomas T., of Egypt House, I. W., bart. 

John Edmund O’Moore, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (27), 2 s. late 
Garrett O’M., of Cloghan Castle, King’s Co. 

Augustus Pentland (21), 1 s. George P., of Black Hall, 
co. Louth, Esq. 

v ol. 11 . 



iLtiuoln’g Inn a&mtsston 1420-1893. 

1834 Nov. 11 



folio 69. 

John Grundy (19), 5 s. Edmund G., of Bury, co. Lane., Esq. 

St. John Bennett, of Cheltenham (21), 3 s. Alexander B., of 
Inner Temple, Esq., deed. 

Josiah Heale (23), 3 s. late William H., of Newington Green, 
Middx., Esq. 

folio 70. 

12 John Blake (19), 1 s. William B., of Castlegrove, co. Galway, 

12 Andrew James Charles Lawrie, of Trin. Coll., Cambr. (22), 

o. s. Major L., late of 79 tegt., and of Sydenham, Kent. 

13 Walter Wyndham Burrell (20), 2 s. Sir Charles Merrick B., 

of Knapp Castle, Sussex, bart. 

folio 71. 

17 Samuel Barrett, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Samuel B., 
of London, Esq. 

17 Charles Cassidi (23), 3 s. Rev. Mark C., of Newtonards, 
co. Down. 

21 James Haig, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 4 s. Robert H., of 
Dodder Bank, co. Dublin (A.M., 1837). 

folio 72. 

,, 25 Frederick Hill (31), 5 s. Thomas Wright H., of Bruce Castle, 


„ 28 Charles Thomas Penrose, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 2 s. 

Rev. John P., of Bracebridge, co. Line. 

Dec. 1 Thomas Young McChristie, of No. 9, Lancaster PL, M.D., 

M.R.C.S. (36), 3 s. William McC., of Kilmarnock, co. Ayr. 

folio 73. 

6 Charles Barnes, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Ralph B., of Exeter, Esq. 

8 Edward Christopher Egerton (18), 4 s. Wilbraham E., of 
Tatton Park, Cheshire, Esq. 

11 James Cotton Powell, of Trin. Coll., Ox., M.A. (25), 1 s - 
James P., of 60, Carey St., Line. Inn Fields, mercht. 



'835 Jan. 9 


folio 74. 

William Adam Loch (20), 3 s. James L., Esq., M.P., of 
Albemarle St., Middx. 

George Still Law, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), o. s. 

George L., of Line. Inn, gent. 

Charles Tylor (18), 3 s. Henry T., of Highbury, brazier. 

ilmroln’g Cnn ^llfmtsfston l^cgtstcr : 1420-1893. 163 

Jan. 10 

folio 75. 

George Lyns (23), y. s. Thomas L., late of Barron, Suffolk, 
gent., deed. 

>, 12 

Thomas Fenwick (23), 1 s. Christopher F., of Ouseburne Ho., 
Northumberland, Esq. 

» 12 

Thomas Bates, fellow Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. John 
Moore B., of Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland, Esq. 

„ 12 

folio 76. 

Arthur Todd Holroyd, of Christ Coll., Camb. (28), y. s. late 
Stephen Todd H., of London, deed. 

» 13 

Francis Fisher, jun., fellow of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Francis F., of Bloomsbury, Esq. 

n 14 

Robert Kelham, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Robert 
Kelham K., of Bleasby Hall, Notts, Esq. 

» 14 

folio 77. 

Roderick O’Connor, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 0. s. James 
O’C., late of Galway, deed. 

» 14 

Francis Henry Deane, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Ralph D., of Eastcote, Middx., Esq. 

n M 

John Edensor Heathcote, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (24), 

1 s. Richard Edensor H., of Longton Hall, Staff, Esq. 

„ 16 

folio 78. 

Henry Dwyer Shapter (j8 ), 3. s. Thomas S., of St. Leonards, 
n. Exeter, Esq. 

„ 16 

William David Evans, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
0. s. late George E., of Dunmow, Essex, Esq. 

„ 16 

Christopher Domville Savage, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 

1 s. Francis S., of Dublin. 

M 19 

» 19 

folio 79. 

Charles Stewart (32), 3 s. Major Philip S., of Brighton. 

George Robinson, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. late 
Thomas R., of Coronea, co. Cork. 

„ 20 

Henry Westropp, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 0. s. 
Henry S. W., Esq., of Richmond Villa, co. Limerick. 

tf 21 

folio 80. 

James Corry Lowry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. James L., 
Esq., Rochdale Ho., co. Tyrone. 

» 27 

Frederick Ricardo, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. late 
Jacob R., of Mattersey, Notts, Esq. 

„ 28 

William Cother, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. William C, 
of Gloucester, surgeon. 

164 SLtncoln’g Unit gUJmtjjjston l^rgtgtcr : 1420 - 1893 . 

folio 81. 

i8 3 S 



James Davoren (21), 4 s. late James I)., of Island of St. 
Christopher, deed. 



George Towry White, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (20), 5 s. 
William Archibald Armstrong W., of Westminster, Esq. 



Edward Howes, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
George H., of Spixworth, Norfolk, clerk. 

folio 82. 




Joseph Henry Butterworth, of Exeter Coll., Ox., gent. (19), 
1 s. Joseph Henry B., of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 


4 * 



Montague David Scott, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (17), 2 s. Sir 
David S., of Brighton, bart. 




Charles Broadbelt Claydon, of Trin. Coll., Camb. B.A. (21), 
1 s. Charles C., of Cambridge, Esq. 

folio 83. 



David Power, of the Uny. of London (18), 2 s. late David P., 
Esq., of Brompton, Middx., deed. 


T 9 

Travers Twiss, M.A., fell, of Univ. Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
Robert T., clerk of Hoseley, Flints, LL.D. 



John Bateman (21), 1 s. Colthurst B., Esq., of Bertholley Ho., 

[co. Mon. 

folio 84. 



George Bateman (19), 2 s. Colthurst B., of Bertholley House, 
co. Mon., Esq. 



Alfred William Smith, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (18), y. s. 
James S., of Cooper Hall, London, solr. 



Steed Edward Girdlestone, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (21), 
0. s. Steed G., of Wisbeech, Esq. 

folio 85. 

1 1 


Samuel James (25), 0. s. Samuel J., of Hambrook, co. Glouc., 



Richard Brome Debary (21), 1 s. Richard D., late Berners St., 
London, gent., deed. 



Thomas Henry Allen Poynder, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., (21), 

1 s. Thomas P. of Christ’s Hospital, Esq. 

folio 86. 



Daniel Lambert, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., A.B. (21), 1 s. 
Daniel L., of Banstead, Surrey, Esq. 



William Milne, of the Middle Temple (24), 3 s. Nathaniel M., 
of the Inner Temple, Esq., deed. 



Thomas Gouldbourne Parker, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (16), 2 s. 
Edward P., of Browsholme Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

Utncoln’0 3 Enn atmusston Register : 1420-1893. 


folio 87. 



William Dudley Ryder, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 4 s. 
Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. 



William John Johnson, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
James J., M.D., of Suffolk PL, Middx. 



Robert Rochester Hurle, of Gonville, and of Caius Coll., 
Camb. (24), 1 s. Henry H., of Ramsbury, Wilts. 

folio 88. 



William Rowley Miller, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
Robert M., of Dublin, Esq. 



Joshua Toulmin Smith (19), 1 s. William Hawkes S., of 
Birmingham, notary public. 



Richard Denman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. Lord D., 
Chief Justice King’s Bench. 

folio 89. 



Colin Blackburn, of Trin. Coll., Camb., (21), 2 s. John B., of 
Killearn, co. Stirling, Esq. 



Thomas Perronet Edward Thompson, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. 
(21), s. of Lt. Col. J. Perronet T., of Hanover Ter., 
Regent’s Park. 



James Anderson, advocate (29), 1 s. David A., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

folio 90. 



William Monteith (23), 4 s. John M., of Larkfield, co. Renfrew, 



Robert French Burnett, of Trin. Coll., A.B. (22), 3 s. 
Robert B., late of City of London, Esq. 



George Joseph Bell, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. George 
Joseph B., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

folio 91. 



Henry Trail Erskine, of Balliol Coll., 'Ox. (19), 1 s. Rt. Hon. 
Thos. E. 


2 5 

Francis Henry Riddell (21), 3 surviving son Ralph R., of 
Cheeseburne Grange, Northumberland, Esq., deed. 



Robert “Ross, of Bladensburgh,” of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), y. s. late Major Genl. Robert R., of Rosstrevor, 
co. Down, deed. 

folio 92. 



Edward Michael Nugent (29), 1 s. George N., of Dublin, Esq. 



John Carruthers, of Mitchells, n. Tunbridge Wells (48). 



Henry Lacon Anderson, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. 
George William A., of Bombay, Esq. 

Utncoln’s Inn a&mteston Hegtstcr : 1420-1893. 


folio 93. 

April 29 Edmund Walker Head, of Merton Coll., Ox. (30), s. Rev. Sir 
John H., bart., of Rayleigh, Essex. 

„ 30 Henry Plumptre Gipps, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), r s. 

Rev. Henry G., late of Hereford, clerk, deed. 

„ 30 Clement Berkeley Hue, of 'I'rin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 1 s. 

Clement Hue, of Guilford St., M.D. 

May 1 

» 1 

» 4 


>* 7 

» 7 

» 7 

» 9 

folio 94. 

Robert Lowe, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. Rev. Robert L„ of 
Bingham, Notts, clerk. 

Matthew Sheffield Cassan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21). x s. 
Stephen Sheffield C., of Dublin. 

Hon. Frederick William Adolphus Bruce, of Ch. Ch., Ox. 
( 2i ), 4 s. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. 

folio 95. 

Patrick Joseph Blake (22), 3 s. Andrew B., Esq., of Galway. 

Andrew William Harnett (21), o. s. Maurice H., of Mulltown, 
co. Dublin, mercht. 

John Gibbs, of I rin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (25), 3 s. George G., of 
Dublin, sol. 

folio 96. 

J ° HN Esq ARCY (23) ’ 2 S ' J ° hn D '’ ° f Chfden CaSt ' e ’ C0, Galway ’ 

James Bond of Trin Coll., Dublin, A.B. (23), 1 s . James 
Wensley B., of Carbroncard, co. Longford. 

John Macoubrey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), y. s. 
John M., Esq., of Downpatrick, co. Down. 

folio 97. 

George Robinson, advocate, Edinburgh (34), 0 . s. George 
Garden R„ of Banff, N.B. e 

John William Warre Tyndale, of Ch. Ch., Ox., A.B. and A.M. 
(24) ,0. s. George Booth T., of Hayling Island, Hants, and of 
Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

Wilijam Vesey Foster, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. 
Baron F., of Rathescar, co. Louth. 

folio 98. 

9 John Vesey Fitzgerald Foster, of Trin. Coll., Dublin fi6), 
2 s. Baron F., of Rathescar, co. Louth. 

9 Francis Burgh, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Very Rev. 
Thomas John B., Dean of Cloyne. 

9 David Campbell Gaussen, of Trin. Coll., Dub., A.B. (20) 1 s. 
David G., Esq., of Lake View, co. Londonderry. ’ 

Utntoln’js Unit atimtesstott &cgts(ter: 1420-1893. 167 

May 12 

folio 99 . 

Hon. Granville Dudley Ryder, late of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(35), 2 s. Earl of Harrowby. 

„ 21 

John Reynolds Goodman, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (25), 1 s. 
William G., of Busby Ho., nr. Leeds, Esq. 

>, 23 

Joseph Livesey, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Joseph L., 
of Stourton Hall, co. Line., Esq. 

v 27 

folio 100. 

Richard Henegan Lawrie, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (20), 

1 s. Archibald L., late of Carlisle, plumber, deed. 

» 28 

William Penn, of Christ Church, Ox., A.B. (24), 3 s. 
Granville P., of Stoke Park, Bucks, Esq. 

n 29 

William Humphrys Archdale, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 

2 s. Edward A., of Riversdale, co. Fermanagh, Esq. 

June 2 

folio 101. 

Reginald Courtenay, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Rt. Hon. Thomas Peregrine C. 

» 2 

Hon. James Bruce, of Merton Coll., Ox., A.B. (23), 2 s. 
Earl of Elgin. 

yy 3 

John Todd, jun., of Christ Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. John T., 
of Swanland Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

» 3 

folio 102. 

Walter Keating, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 1 s. 
Walter K., of Sylvan Park, co. Meath, Esq. 

» 5 

Daniel Robertson (24), 2 s. Daniel R., of Christ Church, 
Hants, Esq. 

„ 6 

Richard Wyatt, of Corpus Christi Coll, Camb. (44), 3 s. 
Henry W., late of Stroud, co. Glouc., brewer, deed. 

» 8 

» 9 

folio 103 . 

Thomas MacNevin (21), 1 s. Daniel M., of Dublin, solr. 
Edward Hanson Denison, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 

1 s. Joseph D., of Rusholme, co. Lane., Esq. 

» 9 

Hon. Charles Leslie Courtenay, of Christ Church Coll., Ox. 
(19), 3 s. William, Earl of Devon. 

„ i° 

folio 104 . 

Henry John Hodgson, fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (18), 
1 s. John H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

>* 10 

John Stedman, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (17), 0. s. John S., 
Esq., of Chester. 

„ 10 

George Drury Stephens, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 
s. Joseph Jones S., of Dublin, Esq. 

168 lUnroln’* £nn £tftmt0*ton lUgteler : 1420-1893. 

1835 June n 

folio 105. 

Thomas John Clennell (26), 2 s. Thomas C., of Harbottle 
Castle, Northumberland. Esq. 

» 11 

Richard Orlando Kellett (22), 4 s. John Dalton K., of 
Clonmell, co. Tippy. 

>1 11 

Gabriel Middleton Powell, of Peterstone Court, Brecon, Esq. 
(39), 1 s. Sir Gabriel P., late of Heathfield Lodge, co. Glam., 

[kt., deed. 

folio 106. 

» 1 2 

,» 29 

Maurice Ronavne (21), 3 s. Richard R., of Cork. 

Henry Folliot Powell, capt. Ceylon rifle regt. (32), s. of 
Samuel P., of 32, Upper Harley St., Esq. 

Aug. 4 

Henry Robert Goldfinch, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. 
Col. Henry G., of Upper YVimpole St., Middx. 

» 22 

folio 107. 

Charles John Vigors Hervey (17), 0. s. late Vigors H„ of 
Killiane Castle, co. Wexford, deed. 

Sept. 9 

Frederick Guy L’Estrange Clarke (17), 4. s. Rev. George C, 
R. M. Asylum, Chelsea. 

„ 18 

John Henry Thomas Manners-Sutton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
A.M., 2 s. Viscount Canterbury, a master of the bench. 

Oct. 5 

folio 108. 

Thomas Johnson Westropp (18), 1 s. Thomas W., of Ross Ho., 
co. Clare, Esq., deed. 

» 2 

Alexander Thomas Grist Manson, of Trin. Coll., Camb (10) 

1 s. Alexander M., of Nottingham, M.I). 

» 15 

Arthur John Landon (23), 3 s. late Rev. Charles Richard L., 
of Mill Hill, Billericay, Essex, deed. 

»> 27 

folio 109. 

Benjamin Eveleigh Winthrop, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (22) 

0. s. late Rev. Edward W., Vicar of Darent, Kent, deed. 

Nov. 2 

Robert Hindley Wilkinson, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), 1 s. Robert W., of 41, Montague Square. 

n 3 

Edward Bonsor Swann (20), 4 s. James S., of Evesham, Oxon, 
paper manufacturer. 

>1 9 

folio 110. 

George Greer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. George G., of 
Woodville, co. Armagh, distiller. 

» 10 

Hewett Carey, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. M. Genl. C., 
of Gatcombe, Hants. 

i> 10 

William Henry Smith, of Swansea, Esq. (39), 1 s. John de la 
Chambre S., of Waterford, Esq. 

JLtncoln’g Enn &&mtesion Itcgtetcr: 1420 - 1893 . 


Nov. 11 


I I 






1 6 






Dec. 17 
m 3i 
Jan. 7 

folio 111. 

Thomas Walse, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Thomas W., of 
Dublin, mercht. 

Richard Hunt Ingram, of Worcester Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
John Richard I., of Woburn Sq., Middx. 

John Stewart, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. late Francis 
William S., of Madras. 

folio 112. 

John Nash Tyndale, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), s. John T., 
late of Exeter, mercht. 

William Fenton Fletcher Boughey, of Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 
(21), 4 s. Sir John Fenton B., late of Aqualate Hall, Staff., 

John Allen Shone, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. Samuel S., 
of Dominick St., co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 113. 

Thomas Cotterill, fellow of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 

1 s. Rev. Thomas C., of Sheffield. 

Walter William Lynch, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (27), 1 s. late 
W T illiam L., of Cregboyne, co. Galway, deed. 

Thomas Goddard Grinfield (20), 3 s. Rev. Edward William G., 
of Notting Hill Sq., Kensington. 

folio 114. 

Walter Lindsay, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), o. s. Robert L., of 

Edward Morris (17), 3 s. Thomas M., Esq., of Carmarthen. 
Alfred Austin (30) 4 s. Jonathan A., of Nottingham, Esq. 

folio 115. 

John Lawson Kennedy, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
John K., of Manchester, Esq. 

John Walker, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. John W., of Benwell 
House, Northumberland, Esq. 

Charles Rf.ade, fellow of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 7 s. 
John R., of Ipsden Ho., Oxon, Esq. 

folio 116. 

Charles James Foster (17), 4 s. Richard F., jun., of Cambridge, 

Joseph Burnley Hume, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. 
Joseph H., of Bryanston Sq., Middx., M.P. 

Charles Leonard Stable (18), o. s. David Henry S., of 
Streatham, Surrey. 

i ;o 


Etncoln’s Inn ft&miggton &cgteter: 1420-1893. 

folio 117. 



William Petf.r Jolliff (32), 0. s. Christopher J., of Poole, 



Nathaniel Stainton, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John S., 
of Pentonville, Middx., Esq. 



Christopher Clennell, 3 s. Thomas C., of Harbottle Castle, 
Northumberland, Esq. 

folio 118. 



John Gordon, of the Inner Temple (adm. 22 May 1829), (25), 
0. survg. s. William G.,latc of Success, Island of Jamaica, deed. 



Arscott Ourry Molesworth, of New Inn Hall, Ox., B.A. (22), 
2 s. Sir Arscott Ourry M., of Pencarron, Cornwall, bart. 



Francis Thomas Allen, of Sidney Sussex, Coll., Camb. (16), 
2 s. John A., of Bath, Esq. 

folio 119. 



James Fraser Hore, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. James H., 
of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, sol. 



John Bruce Norton, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (aged 19), 1 s. 
John David N., one of the judges of Supreme Court of Madras. 



John Dunkin Adams (21), 2 s. Edward Richard A., of 
Beckenham, Kent. 

folio 120. 



Joseph Thomas Brown (18), 3 s. Joseph Thomas B., late of 



James Pycroft, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Thomas P., Esq., 
of Bath. 



Richard Graves MacDonnell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(21), t s. Richard M., D.D., jun.-fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. 

folio 121. 



Arthur Cookenden, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Thomas C., 
of Rushford Lodge, Surrey, Esq. 



Joseph Henry Dart, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Joseph D., 
Esq., of Tidwell, Devon. 



John Edmund Burningham Curtis (20), 1 s. John C., of 46, 
Upper Seymour St., Middx. 

folio 122. 



Charles Willis Wilshere, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
Thomas W., of Hitchen, Esq. 



Henry Trywhitt Jones Macnamara (16), 2 s. late Capt. 
Frederick Hayes M., of Wimpole St., Middx. 



Sir George Baker, of Ch. Ch., Ox., bart. (19), 1 s. late Sir 
Frederick B., of London. 

Utncoln’g Inn a&mtgston IXtgfjster: 1420-1893. 

i8 3 6 


folio 123. 



Kenyon Stevens Parker, of Gray’s Inn (adm. 16 Nov., 1814, 
bar. 27 Nov., 1819), 1 s. Adamson P., of Longley, Yorks. 



John Simeon, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. Sir Richard S., of 
Swainston, I.W., bart. 



Edward Marcus Attwood (19), 3 s. Thomas A., Esq., M.P., of 
Harborne, Birmingham. 

folio 124. 


3 i 

Charles Jasper Selwyn, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), y. s. 
William S., a bencher. 



William Henry Bateson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

3 s. Richard B., of Liverpool. 



Francis Marx (15), s. George M., late of Eaton Sq., Middx., 
Esq., deed. 

folio 125. 


Robert Lambton Surtees, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Robert S., of Redworth House, co. Durham, Esq. 



Patrick James Sheridan (20), 4 s. James S., of Dublin, Esq. 



Eben William Robertson, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (20), 0. s. 
Francis R., of Brighton, Esq. 

folio 126. 


Richard Davies Ireland, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. 
Capt. J., of Bayview Ho., co. Mayo. 



Edward John Collinowood (21), 1 s. John C., of Chirton Ho., 
Northumbld., Esq. 


Edward Sykes, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., A.B., 1 s. Edward S., 
of Wakefield, gent. 

folio 127. 


Henry Woollcombe, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
Henry W., of Pillaton, Cornwall. 



John Beardmore, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (19), 0. s. John B., 
of Bolton St., Pic., Esq., deed. 



Charles Richard Hoare, of St John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Charles James H., Archd. of Winchester, of Godstone, 

folio 128. 



Frederick Jones, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
William J., of Shelton, Salop, Esq. 



Henry Leader, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 3 s. late N. P. L., 
of Dromagh Castle, co. Cork, Esq., deed. 


2 5 

Thomas Gibson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (29), 0. s. late 
Thomas Milner G., Esq., of Ipswich, Sufif. 


ILmcoln’s Inn atimteston &egteter: 1420-1893. 

1836 April 27 

folio 129. 

Arthur John Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 0. s. 
William C., of Fermoy, co. Cork, M.D. 

» 29 

John Thomas, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. Thomas T., of 
Cefa Cethin, co. Carmarthen. 

„ 3° 

George Marsh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. George M., of 
Ballinaminton, King’s Co., Esq. 

May 2 

folio 130. 

Henry Robert Crofton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 
0. s. Robert M. C., late of Crofton Park, co. Mayo, Esq., 

„ 2 

Samuel Gardiner Ireland, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 
2 s. William I., of Robertstown Ho., co. Kildare, Esq. 

»» 3 

William Sparling, younger, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 1 s. William S., of Colchester, gent. 

„ 4 

folio 131. 

Omwei.l Lloyd Evans, of Exeter Coll., Ox., Esq. (19), 0. s. 
William Seale E., of Cheltenham, Esq. 

» 4 

Charles Hawkes Todd, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 4 s. 
late Charles T., of Dublin, M.D. 

n 4 

Horace Townsend Poole, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (23), 
2 s. Thomas P., of Mayfield, co. Cork, Esq. 

„ 4 

folio 132. 

John Lindsell, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward L., of Broome Hall, Beds. 

„ 18 

John Holland (23), 1 s. late Stephen H., of Carryreagh, 
co. Antrim, Esq. 

«, 21 

Frederic Howe Ringwood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2. s. 
John R., of Waterford, Esq. 

» 21 

folio 133. 

Ferdinand McVeagh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 0. s. 
Ferdinand Meath McV., of Drewstown, co. Meath, Esq. 

» 24 

M 24 

John Leslie, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 2 s. the Bishop of Elphin. 

Archibald Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
James S., of Jordan Hill, co. Renfrew. 

June 2 

folio 134. 

John Pritchard, the younger (39), 2 s. John P., of Broseley, 
Salop, gent. 

» 9 

Robert Hickson, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. John H., of Dingle, 
co. Kerry. 

» >3 

Edward Cecil Curzon, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, B.A. (23), 2 s. Hon. 
Robert G, of 24, Upper Brook St., Grosvenor Sq. 

Etncoln’s Inn &0 mission Register: 1420-1893. 


June 14 
» 25 

Sept. 28 

Oct. 15 



Aug. 25 

Oct. 21 



Nov. 2 

folio 135. 

D’Arcy Godolphin Osborne, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(21), 4 s. Francis Lord Godolphin. 

Charles Bruce Graeme Skinner, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 
1839 (19), 2 s. Samuel S., of Shirley Park, Surrey, Esq. 

John Fletcher Hargrave, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), 

1 s. Joshua H., of Greenwich, Esq. 

folio 136. 

William Alexander Mackinnon, jun., of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 1 s W. A. McK., of Hyde Park PL, Middx., Esq. 

William Norris Nicholson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 

Isaac N., Esq., of Clapham Common. 

Randolph Robinson (23) 5 s. William Tooke R., of 
Walthamstow, Essex, Esq. 

folio 137. 

Benjamin Keen, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
29 Jan., 1816, called 21 May, 1830), o. s. Benjamin K., 
late of island of Dominica, Esq., deed. 

Arthur Thomas Lynn, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Rev. James L., of Caldbeck, Cumberland. 

John Lucena Ross Kettle, fellow of Line. Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(27), 1 s, late John K., of Overseale, co. Leic., deed. 

folio 138. 

Gordon Whitbread, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 

Jacob W., of Lowdham Hall, Suff., Esq. 

Joseph Todd, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., gent. (27), 3 s. Joseph T., 
late of East Moulsey Park, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

William Joseph Corbett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 
o. s. James C., of Limerick. 

folio 139. 

Charles William Wood, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (23), 5 s. 
John W., late of Harleyford PL, Kennington, deed. 

Anthony Knox Gildea, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. late 
Anthony G., of Port Royal, co. Mayo, Esq. 

Andrew Bisset, B.A., of Trin. and Magdalen Colleges, Camb. 
(33), o. s. of Andrew B., Esq., of Montrose, co. Forfar, deed. 

folio 140. 

Thomas Plumptre Methuen, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., A.B. (22), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas Anthony M., rector of All Cannings, 
Wilts, clerk. 

Robert William Newman (17), o. s. Robert N., late of 
Guildhall, London, gent., deed. 

George Arthur Lister (21X4 s. Matthew Bancroft L.,of Burwell 
Park, co. Lane., Esq. (left L. I. 1839 to be called at the M. T.) 




i /4 Umcoln's £nn &ftmi**ion lUgtittfr: 1420 - 1893 . 


Nov. 5 







»> M 

„ 14 

>t T 5 

» 15 

» *5 










folio 141. 

Arthur Burdett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Arthur B., of Dublin, Esq. 

Wiu.iam Powell Murray, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (19), 7 s. 
Charles M., of Petworth, Sussex, Esq. 

William Stevens Richardson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 3 s. Sir John R., of 42, Bedford Sq., Middx., lent. 

folio 142. 

Josiah William Smith, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), o. s. Rev. 
John S., A.M., rector of Baldock, Herts. 

Charles Morris Roupell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 6 s. 
George Boone R., of VVelbeck St., Cavendish Sq. 

George Dawson Lowndes, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
o. s. John Dawson L., formerly of Montpellier PL, Surrey, 
Esq., deed. 

folio 143. 

Standish D. O’Grady, Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Darby O’G., of Lenfield, co. Limerick, Esq. 

Henry Concannon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Edmund John C., of Waterloo, co. Galway. 

Richard Henry Tillard, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
Rev. Richard Tillard, rector of Blimtesham, Hunts. 

folio 144. 

Perceval Hartley, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (22), 1 s. James H., 
of London, gent. 

Thomas Smvth, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), y. s. late Francis S., 
formerly of Dublin. 

William Curteis Whelan (19), o. s. Wra. W., of 32, Gower St., 
Bedford Sq. 

folio 145. 

James Timmins Chance, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), s. 
William C., of Birmingham, mercht. 

William Charles Buller, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (24), 2 s. Sir 
Antony B., of Pound, Devon. 

Henrv Charles Sirr, of Middle lemple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
7 May, 1830, called 22 Nov. 1833), (29), y. s . Henry 
Charles S., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 146. 

John Creuzi!: Kingeston Ogier, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (16), 
o. s. Peter O., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Samuel Frederick Dickson, of Brazennose Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
Rev. Richard D., of Vermont, co. Limerick. 

John Strange (18), 1 s. John S., of Circus Rd., St. John’s 
Wood, Esq. 

lUncoln’g Enn aUmtsgton &cgtetcr: 1420 - 1893 . 175 

Nov. 19 

» 19 

» 19 

„ 19 

» 19 

„ 24 

Dec. 15 


Jan. 9 

I I 

„ I I 

5, 14 

» 14 



folio 147. 

Lucius Graham Kinderlev, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), y. s. 
George K., of Line. Inn, gent. 

Roger Wood, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. George W., of 
Cork, Esq., deed. 

Edward Thornton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 4 s. T. R. T., of 
Brockhall, Northants, Esq. 

folio 148. 

Samuel Barrow (19), 5 s. Simon B., of Bath. 

James Suckburgh Shackelford, of Queen’s Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(33), 1 s. James S., of Thornhaugh St., Bedford Sq., gent. 

George Miller, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), y. s. Thomas M., of 
Croydon, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 149. 

Edmund Beales, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 5 Feb., 
1824, called 25 June, 1830), y. s. Samuel Pickering B., of 
Cambridge, Esq., adm. “ ad eundem.” 

Vesey Thomas Dawson, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 9 Apr., 1831, called 29 Jan., 1836), 2 s. James D., late 
of Fork Hill, co. Armagh, Esq., deed., “ ad eundem.” 

Francis Barlow, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
20 June, 1820, called 11 Nov., 1825), 1 s. Rev. George 
Francis B., of Burgh, Suff., clerk, “ad eundem.” 

folio 150. 

John William Ede, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John E., 
of Harley St., Middx., Esq. 

George White West, of King’s Inn, Dublin (21), y. s. 
Matthew W., late of Dublin. 

John William Prout, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
William P., of Sackville St., Pic., M.D. 

folio 151. 

Constantine Joseph Smyth, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
Bernard C. S., of Rathmines, co. Dublin. 

Henry Sherston Baker, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Rev. 
George Augustus B., of Bath, clerk. 

Richard Hungerford Pollen, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Richard P., of Line. Inn, Esq. 

folio 152. 

George Henry Hooper, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(21), 1 s. George Henry H., of Bloomsbury Sq., Esq. 

Henry William Cripps, fellow of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
Henry C., of Preston, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Regnier Winckley Moore (18), 3 s. John M., of Doughty St., 
Middx., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

1 / 6 

Utncoln’sf Cnn &Kmi$0ion Uetjtgter: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 19 

» 23 

» 24 

.. 25 

» 25 

» 25 


„ 28 

Feb. 1 

March 14 

„ 23 

April 4 



7 . T 5 

» i7 

•9 17 

folio 153. 

Thomas Gregory Foster (21), o. s. late Rev. Thomas F., of 
Fetcham, Surrey, deed. 

Justin McCarty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. Justin M., of 
Carrignavar, co. Cork, Esq. 

George Hall Stack, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. Rev. 
Thomas S., of Omagh, co. Tyrone. 

folio 154. 

Charles Greenwood Patterson (18), 1 s. William Francis P., 
of Leamington Priors, co. Warwick, gent. 

Francis Russell Apletree, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 
1 s. William A., of Goldings, Hants, Esq. 

Edward Grogan (24), 1 s. Rev. William G., of Slaney Park, 
co. Wicklow, clerk. 

folio 155. 

Henry Lund, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. Thomas L., 
of Peckham, Surrey. 

Florance John Benson, of St. John's Coll. (21), 2 s., Thomas 
Starling B., of Russell Sq., Esq. 

Basil Thomas Woodd, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Basil George W., of Hampstead, Esq. 

folio 156. 

Robert Augustus Gordon, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., Esq. 
(21), 3 s. John G., late of London, deed. 

William Walton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.B. (23), 3 s. John W., 
of Manchester, mercht. 

John George Ramsden, of St. John s Coll., Camb., A.M. (22), 
o. s. John R., of Twickenham, Esq. 

folio 157. 

Richard Baggallay, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Richard B., 
of Camberwell, Surrey, Esq. 

Richard Pike Mate, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. Thomas M., 
of Taunton, Somerset, gent. 

Pallet Henry St. John Mjldmay, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 
1 s. Paulet St. John M., of Haslegrove, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 158. 

Redmond Barry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (23), 3 s. 
M. Genl. B., of Bally Clough Ho., co. Cork. 

Frederick Buxton Whalley, of Christ Church Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (25), 1 s. Frederick W., of Cheltenham, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Pryce Ilbert Harrison, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Robert John H., of Caer Howell, co. Montgy, Esq. 


ILutcoln’s Inn ^Uintjssum I&egteter: 1420-1893. 

April 25 




»» 27 

>» 27 

» 27 




» 29 

May 1 



» * 

» 1 

» 2 

h 1 

» 3 

>» 3 

folio 159. 

John Wickens, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. James Stephen W., 
of Montague St., Bloomsbury, Esq. 

Michael Bernard Mullins, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (25), 
o. s. Bernard M., of Dublin, Esq. 

Thomas O’Mar a, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), o. s. 
Thomas O’M., of Lesaniskea, Dublin, Esq. 

folio 160. 

William Frederick Harrison, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
late Thomas H., of Streatham, Surrey. 

Henry Crawford (27), 3 s. Stephen C., of Dublin, Esq. 

John Ralph Ormsby Gore, B.A., of Christ Ch. Coll., Ox. (20), 
1 s. William Ormsby Gore, of Porkington, Salop, Esq. 

folio 161. 

John Gilmore, Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. John Boyd G., of 
Dublin, Esq. 

Edmund McGildowny Casement, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. 
(23), o. s. John Montgomery C., of Bally Castle, co. Antrim, 

Godfrey Wills, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. James W., of 
Carrick fergus, co. Antrim, and of Plas Beilin, Flints. 

folio 162. 

William Conway Morgan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
Rev. Moore M., of Dunlarvan, co. Wicklow. 

William Crozier, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 2 s. 
William C., of Fortfield Lodge, Dublin, Esq. 

Charles Arthur Wellesley Stewart, of Trin. Coll., Dublin 
(22), o. s. late Matthew S. Lt. Col. H.E.I.C.S. 

folio 163. 

Eustace Meredyth Martin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. 
Rev. Dr. M., of Dublin. 

Edward Chatf.auneuf Tuthill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 
4 s. John T., late of Dublin, Esq. 

Charles Shaw, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (19), 5 s. Sir 
Robert S., of Bushy Park, co. Dublin, bart. 

folio 164. 

William Hull Terrell, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (32), 
1 s. John T., of Exeter, sol., adm. “ad eundem.” 

Richard Geran (22), 3 s. Daniel G., of Rushmont, co. Cork, 

Francis Fulton Meade, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 3 s. 
Christopher M., of Lisburn, co. Antrim, Esq. 




178 ILmcoln’ss Unit fWmtssgton &ccjts(tct': 1420-1893. 

1837 May 3 

>, 4 

!, 4 

>> 5 

77 5 

,7 19 

„ 19 

» 23 

77 24 

7 , 24 

7 , 24 

77 24 

folio 165. 

William Eaton Caldbeck, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
William C., of Lisburn, co. Antrim, Esq. 

Hon. Gilbert Chetwynd Talbot, of Christ Church Coll., Ox. 
(20), 6 s. Earl Talbot. 

Lewis Morgan, A.B., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. late 
Lewis M., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 166. 

Patrick Fitzpatrick (24), 1 s. Patrick F., of Dublin, solr. 

Charles Garnett (26), 1 s. Robert G., of Manchester, 


Robert Ralph Augustus Hawkins, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 4 s. late Anthony Montonnier H., M.D., of Upper 
Brook St., Grosv. Sq. 

folio 167. 

Henry George Allen, of Christ Ch., Ox. (M.A. 1841), (21), 
2 s. John A., of Cresselly, co. Pembroke. 

John Vesey (21), 1 s. Rev. Hon. Arthur V., of Knapton, 
Queen’s Co., deed. 

William Hargreaves, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 5 s. late 
Thomas H., of Oak Hill, n. Blackburn, Esq. 

folio 168. 

Thomas Fletcher Twemlow, of Ch. Ch. Coll. (20), 1 s. 
Francis T., of Betley Court, co. Staff., Esq. 

Marsham Elwin, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (24), 2 s. late 
Marsham E., of Thurning, Norfolk, Esq. 

John Henry Richards, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 1 s - 
Baron R., of Court of Exchequer, Ireland. 

folio 169. 

John Hall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. John H., of 

Frederick George Brabazon Ponsonby (Hon.), of Trin. C0II.7 
Camb., M.A. (21), 2 s. John William, Visct. Duncannon. 

Thomas Bacon (23), 2 s. John B., of Mt. Radford, Exeter, Esq* 

folio 170. 

26 Charles James Preston, of Downing Coll., Camb. (19), 4 s * 
Richard P., late of Liverpool, Esq. 

29 Edward James Bevir, of St. Mary Hall, Oxon (19), 3 s * 
George B., of Cirencester, Esq. 

31 William Pitt Manson, of Nottingham (18), 2 s. Alexander M-7 



Eincoln’s! Dm Emission lAcgtetcr: 1420-1893. 


June 2 

folio 171. 

Laurence Waldron (25), 1 s. Patrick W., of Rathgar, 

co. Dublin, Esq. 

»» 3 

Pierre Laterriere (19), 1 s. Pierre de Sales L., late of Balham 
Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

» 6 

Arthur Kensington, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John 
Pooley K., late of Putney, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 8 

folio 172. 

Charles John Tindal (M.A. 1842), of Trin. Coll. Camb., (20), 
yr. s. Rt. Hon. Sir Nicolas C. T., C. J. Common Pleas. 

„ 8 

Henry L’Estrange (27), 1 s. Christopher Carleton (formerly 
Christopher L’Estrange), of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 9 

Edward Nugent Ayrton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (22), 

2 s. Frederick A., of Bombay. 

„ 9 

folio 173. 

John George Forbes, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. John F., of 
Winchfield Place, Berks, Esq. 

July 29 

Thomas Clifton Paris, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. John 
Ayrton P., of Dover St., Mid., M.D. 

Aug. 12 

John Hugh Wadham Pigott Smyth Pigott (17), 1 s. John 
Hugh Smyth P., of Brockley Hall, Somerset, Esq. 

Sept. 23 

folio 174. 

Joseph Trounsell Gilbert (18), 1 s. Daniel Ephraim G., of 

Oct. 20 

Charles Flood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (17), s. Henry F., of 
Dublin, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

„ 26 

Edward Paul (18), 2 s. Thomas P., of Langport, Somerset, Esq. 

„ 3 1 

folio 175. 

Augustus Goldsmid (19), j s. Moses Asher G., of Glouc. PI., 
Portman Sq. 

Nov. 3 

Charles Forsyth, of Edinburgh, advocate (27), 2 s. Robert F., 
of Edinburgh, and of Red House, co. Linlithgow. 

»> 3 

Jacob Waley (19), 1 s. Solomon Jacob W., of Devonshire PL, 
Middx., Esq. 

» 3 

folio 176. 

Walter Pemberton (17), 1 s. late Walter Maynard P., of 
Nevis, W.I. 

« 3 

John Keown, of Dublin Uny. (26), 1 s. Richard K., late of 
Downpatrick, co. Down, atty.-at-law. 

» 4 

Robert Winter Kennion, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Rev. Thomas K., of Harrogate, Yorks. 

iBo Utntoln’s Inn £Urnit**ton Register: 1420-1893 

1837 Nov. 8 

folio 177. 

Thomas Cooper Lakin, of Oriel Coll.. Ox. (22), 1 s. John L., of 

„ 8 

William Henry Roberts, of Emanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Rev. Thomas R., of Tinwell, Rutland. 

,, 8 

Benjamin Morgan Cowie, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. 
Robert C., deed., late of Peckham, Surrey, Esq. 

» 6 

folio 178. 

George Gipps, jun., of St. Mary Hall, Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
George G., of Howlets, Kent, Esq. 

„ 10 

Howard Elphinstone, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M. (22), 0. s. 
Sir Howard E., of Ore PL, Sussex, bart. 

» 11 

Samuel John Jerram, of Wore., Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Rev. 
Charles J., rector of Witney, Ox. 

»» 11 

folio 179. 

William Meybohm Rider Haggard, of Trin. Hall., Camb. 
(20), 1 s. William H., of Bradenham Hall, Norfolk, Esq. 

» 11 

,i 11 

Hudson Lowe (21), 1 s. Lt. Genl., Sir Hudson L., K.C.B. 

William Foster Stawell (21), 2 s. Jonas S., of Old Court, 
co. Cork. 

„ 11 

folio 180. 

William Amos Scarborough Westoby, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
B.A. (22), 0. s. Rev. Amos W., A.M., of Emberton, Bucks, 
M.A., ’40. 

*> 13 

William Nicholas Keogh, M.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin (iq), 2 s. 
William M. K., of Dublin. 

M x 3 

Thomas O’Brien, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (24), 2 s. 
Dennis O’B., of Hillmore, co. Rose., Esq. 

» T 5 

folio 181. 

Edward Pinkett, of Trin. Hall., Camb., B.A. (A.M. 1838), 
( 33 )* 3 s. Thomas P., of I^mbeth, Surrey, Esq. 

» ! 5 

Henry Richard Kemmis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (26), 2 s. 
Henry K., of Dublin. 

n 16 

John Barrett O’Sullivan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), 2 s. 
Timothy O’S., of Bridgmount, co. Cork. 

„ 16 

folio 182. 

William Henry Hodgson, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. William H., of Carlisle, Esq. 

r, 17 

Joseph Michael O’Neill (18), y. s. Alan Francis O’N., of 11, 
Cecil St., Strand, Middx., Esq. 

„ 17 

William Henry Shegog, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 2 s. 
Richard S., of Glack, co. Louth. 

ILtnroIn’si Inn fttimission JXcgistrr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 17 

folio 183. 

William Bushby Wilkins, of Caius Coll., Camb., A.M. (24), 
1 s. William W., of Weymouth St., Portland PI., Esq. 

„ 18 

Edward Maghley Blood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
Neptune B., of Limerick, Esq. 

„ 18 

Richard Samuel White, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Richard Samuel W., of Lincoln's Inn Fields. 

„ 20 

folio 184. 

John Salusbury Trelawny, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Sir William Salusbury T., of Hinewood, Cornwall, bart. 

» 18 

William Edmund Pole, of Ch. Ch., Ox., gent. (21), 2 s. Sir 
William Templer P., bt., of Shute Ho., Devon. 

„ 20 

Augustus Nagle Christopher Robert Nugent (18), 2 s. 
Christopher Richard N., of Forrest Ho., Surrey. 

n 20 

folio 185. 

Eyre Stuart Bathurst, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Lt. Genl. Sir James B., of Somerleaze, co. Somerset. 

„ 20 

Christopher Henry Gould Butson, of Magd. Coll., Camb. 
(20), 1 s. Ven. Archdeacon B., of Clonfert, co. Galway. 

„ 20 

Edward Chaloner Knox, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 
2 s. late Major John K., of Dublin, deed. 

» 22 

folio 186. 

Leofric Temple (18), 4 s. Christopher T., of Hall Place, Surrey, 
a bencher. 

Jan. 4 

Robert Robertson, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Robert R., 
of Memblands, Devon, Esq. 

» 9 

Francis Henry Newland Gi.ossop, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. 
(22), 1 s. Henry G., vicar of Isleworth. 

* 10 

folio 187. 

Peregrine Roberts, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s. William R., 
of Brixton Hall, Surrey, Lt. Col. late Royal Arty. 

n 11 

William Eaton Mousley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
William Eaton M., of Derby. 

„ 16 

Charles Edward Thornhill, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Thomas T., of Woodleys Woodstock, Oxon, Esq. 

„ 16 

folio 188. 

Godfrey Mii.nes Sykes, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), s. 
late Godfrey S., of Powis PI., Gt. Ormond St., solr. 

„ 17 

Algernon Cox, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 5 s. Richard 
H. Cox, of Grosvenor PL, Esq. 

„ 17 

William Pirie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 4 s. 
Alexander P., of Aberdeen. 


182 lUncoIn’g Ann StOmtsston fttgtetfr : 1420-1893 

1838 Jan. 18 

folio 189. 

Francis Grote, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (22), 10 s. late 
George G., late of Threadneedle St., London, Esq. 

» *9 

Augustin Robinson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. Matthew R., 
late of Dulwich, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

,, 22 

Robert Alexander, of Christ Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

James A., of Somerhill, Rent. 

m 23 

folio 190. 

Charles Henry, jun., of the London Univ. (18), 1 s. Charles H., 
of Aldborough Hatch, Essex, Esq. 

» 13 

William James Vowles, of Somerset Ho., assist, poor law comss. 

(42), 1 s. William V., late of Windsor, Berks, Esq., deed. 

n 13 

George Lucas (19), y. s. Philip Monoux L., of Nottingham PL, 
Marylebone, Esq. 

„ 24 

folio 191. 

John Bateman Barnes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. late 
Samuel Edmond B., of Powerswood, co. Kilkenny. 


Phillips Dunn Monypenny (25), 2 s. Robert M., late of 
Merrington PL, Rolvenden, Kent, Esq. 

» 2 5 . 

Thomas Henry Mackay (22), s. Spencer M., of Upper Harley St., 
Middx., Esq. 

» 25 

folio 192. 

Edward Hawkins, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A., 1842 (23), 1 s. 
Edward H., of the British Museum, Esq. 

» 2 5 

Hanworth Edward Rackham, of Trin. Hall., Camb. (20) 1 s. 
William Rackham, of Norwich, gent. 

„ 26 

Charles Price Green (27), 3 s. George G., of Knighton, 
Radnor, Esq. 

» 26 

folio 193. 

Edward Trevor, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 0. s. Major 

Hugh T., of Lisnagead, co. Down, deed. 

„ 29 

Uvedale Corbett, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 1 s. Uvedale C., 
of Tattenhall Wood, co. Staff., and of Line. Inn, Esq. 

Feb. 13 

William John Payne (i6), i s. William P., of Gray’s Inn, H. M. 
coroner for City of London, and Boro, of Southwark. 

„ 28 

folio 194. 

Peter Cosgreave (16), 1 s. Peter C., surgeon R.N., of Norfolk 

St., Strand. 

March 13 

Gilbert McIlveen, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. Gilbert Mcl., 
of Belfast, co. Antrim. 

n 22 

Edmund Beckett Denison, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. ( 21)1 

1 s. Edmund I)., of Doncaster, Esq. 



Etncoln’s Emi AQmiMfon &eqtetn:: 1420-1893. 

1838 March 28 

folio 195. 

James Cruikshank Dansey, oi Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 

1 s. Lt. Col. O., of Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. 

April 10 

Broome Lake Witts, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Broome Philips W., of Brunswick Sq., Esq. 

„ 18 

Richard Annesley Billing, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22)1 

2 s. William B., capt. 1st regt. of foot, and of Dublin. 

„ 19 

folio 196. 

John James Randolph, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
Thomas R., of Hadham, Herts, clerk. 

„ x 9 

Corbet Hue, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Clement H., of 
Guildford St., Middx., M.D. 

,, x 9 

Daniel Ryan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 2 s. Patrick R., of 
Shallee, co. Tippy., Esq. 

„ *9 

folio 197. 

James Gylby Lonsdale, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John L., preacher of hon. socy. Line. Inn. 

» 21 

Bentham Dumont Koe, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
John Herbert K., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

T 3 ___■«-» Cu it dt TC P A I) V V /\f Trin T~)tlhlin A B. ( 2 I ). I S* 

» 21 

K.OGER CHARLES rAKKE, OI l nil. ^uu., dulmiu, n.u. 

Lt. Col. Sir William P., of Dunalley, co. Sligo, knt. 

„ 23 

folio 198. 

Henry Couchman, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M. (28), 1 s. 
Henry C., of Temple Balsall, co. Warwick, Esq. 

„ 24 

Edward Marshall, of Jesus Coll., Camb., A.B. (21), 4 s. 
William M., of Walsall, co. Staff., Esq. 

» 25 

James Cookson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. Col. 
James C., of Nesham Hall, co. Durham. 

„ 27 

folio 199. 

George John Thomas, of Trin. Coll., Ox., gent. (21), 2 s. late 
John T., capt. H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

» 28 

Zachary Mudge, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 0. s. Rear Adi. 
Zachary M., of Sydney Ho., Devon. 

„ 28 

Alexander Fleming, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 3 s. 
Alex. F., of Gallina, co. Monaghan, gent. 

„ 28 

folio 200. 

John Quin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 5 s. Rev. Thomas Q., of 
Wingfield, co. Wicklow. 

May 2 

„ 2 

Henry Dunbar Reynolds (18), 0. s. Bernard R., of Dublin, Esq. 
Thomas Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 
1 s. Thomas Le F., dean of Emly. 

184 fttncoln’s Lnn SUrnitaston ftcgtetcr : 1420-1893. 

1838 April 3 

folio 201. 

Sir John Blunden, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, bart. (23), 1 s. late 
William B., of Wellington, co. Kilkenny, deed. 

»» 3 

Pierce Moore, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (26), 4 s. late 
Henry M., of Cremorgan, Queen s Co., Esq , deed. 

» 4 

John McMahon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 0. s. 
Hugh McM., of Clones, co. Monaghan. 

» 4 

folio 202. 

William Fausset Black, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
John B., late of Sligo, Esq., deed. 

„ 4 

Lucius Henry Fitzgerald, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), s. Gerald F., of Bath. 

» 5 

Mark Saurin (25), y. s. James S., lord bp. of Dromore, 
co. Down. 

„ 8 

folio 203. 

Thomas Head Forde, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (21), 1 s. Thomas A. F., 
of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

» 11 

Henry Sackville Wilby (22), 1 s. Lt. Coll. William Henry W., 
of Bishops Stortford, Herts. 

„ 28 

Thomas Allen, of Balliol Coll., Ox, A.M. (25), 0. s. James A., 
of Freestone, co. Pembroke, Esq. 

» *29 

folio 204. 

William Osborne Maclaine, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. 
Col. Hector M., of Kington, co. Gtouc. 

June 1 

George Bulpett, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M., 1842 (31), 3 s. 
Thomas B., of Old Alresford, Hants, banker. 

„ 4 

Wales Christopher Hotson, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. A.M. 
(31), 2 s. Wales H., of Long Stratton, Norfolk. 


folio 205. 

Thomas Sanders, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 4 s. William S., of 
Sanders Park, co. Cork, Esq., deed. 

>5 5 

James Wilson Boyce, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (20), 1 s. Joseph B., 
of Dublin, mercht. 

»> 5 

George Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. Patrick C, 
of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 6 

folio 206. 

Edmund Wright, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (26), 0. s. Edmund W., of 
Manchester, mercht. 

»i 7 

n 7 

Hon. Martin Joseph Ffrench (23), 3 s. Ix>rd Ffrench. 

Henry Bunbury (26), 1 s. Thomas Charles B., of New Cottage, 
co. Dublin. 

Etncoln’g £nn aOmteston &cgistrr: 1420-1893. 


i ^38 June 8 
M 9 

n 9 

folio 207. 

William Bowring, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., A.M. (24), 1 s. 
George B., of Stockport, gent. 

George Peregrine Phillips, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M. (26), 
o. s. Rev. George P., of Manchester. 

George Augustus Payne, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., A.M. (26), 
3 s. Rev. Ed. Henry P., of Down Ampney, co. Glouc. 

No. 21 . 

*838 June 12 

» 19 

July 26 

Aug. 14 
» 23 

Oct. 13 

„ 16 

» 19 

„ 19 


» 3 ° 

» 3 T 

folio 1. 

William Robert Hall, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
David H., of Portland PL, Middx., Esq. 

William Dashwood Fane, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
1 s. William F., of H.E.I.C.S. 

James Clement Choppin (19), 1 s. Thomas C., of the Island of 
St. Vincent, Esq. 

folio 2. 

John Compton Maul, of Christ Coll., Camb., B. Ch. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John M., rector of Brisley and Yateley, Norfolk, deed. 

Findlater Roper, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. William R., 
of Rosemount, n. Montego Bay, Jamaica, Esq. 

John Sayres, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. John S., of 
North Stoke, Sussex. 

folio 3. 

Edward Shaw Mount, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s 
Rev. Charles Millman M., of Bath. 

Dugald Stuart, of liny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. John S., of Line. 
Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Paunceforte, jun. (19), 1 s. Robert P., of Preston 
Court, co. Glouc., Esq. 

folio 4. 

Alexander Chisholm Gooden, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
James G., of Tavistock Sq., Esq. 

William Chaytor (22)^1 s. William C., of Clonmel, co. Tipp., 

Frederick John Sidney, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 1 s. 
James Walter S., of Dublin, solr. 

VOL. 11, 

2 a 

Uinroln’s Unit gUmuftrion lUtjtsier: 1420 - 1893 . 

838 Nov. 1 

folio 5. 

Thomas Clark (17), 0. s. Jacob C., of Camberwell, Surrey, 

«, 1 

Matthew Kane (21), 6 s. Lieut. Nathaniel C., of Dublin, 

» 2 

Thomas Gunner, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. William G., 
of Bishops Waltham, Hants, sol. 

» 3 

folio 6. 

Edward Boys, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 4 s. 
Rev. Daniel B., of Ikrenden, Kent. 

» 3 

Thomas Solly, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Thomas S., of 
Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

» 3 

Alexander Smith Orr, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. late 
Alexander Barlington Orr, of Dublin, mercht., deed. 

» 5 

*> 5 

folio 7. 

John Barker (23), 1 s. John B., late of Aylesbury, Esq., deed. 
Edmund William Costello (21), 0. s. Charles C., of Galway 


Hon. Robert Grimstone, of Christ Ch. Coll., Ox. (aged 22) 

3 s. Earl of Verulam. 

„ 7 

folio 8. 

Thomas Pittman Haffner (19), 1 s. Martin H., late 01 
Hevitree, Devon, Esq., deed. 

t"- 00 

Edw in Stacey (21), 1 s. Edwin S., of West Mailing, Kent, Esq. 

Michael O’Brien, M.A., 1842, Trin. Coll., Dublin (27), 3 s. 
William O’B., of Nenagh, co. Tipp., gent. 

„ 8 

folio 9. 

Frederick John Wood (LL.B. Uny. of London), (18), s. 
John W., of Totteridge, Herts. 

* 8 

William Johns, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent. (21), 2 s. 
Alexander J., of Carrickfergus, Antrim, Esq. 

* 8 

Thomas Lamie Murray (32), 3 s. James M., of Broomhill, 
co. Tyrone, Esq., one of H.M. justices of the peace. 

.. 9 

folio 10. 

Richard Edward Bourne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.M. (26), 
2 s. Frederick B., Terenure, co. Dublin, Esq. 

„ 10 

Robert Mynors, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Robert Edward 
Eden M., of Weatherook Hill, co. Wore., Esq. 

» 10 

Samuel John Partridge, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. John 
William P., of Stroud, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Utncoln’s Enn &&mfesrton Hester: 1420-1893. 






„ 10 

n II 

,» 12 

„ 13 

» 15 

i, 15 

„ l6 

„ 20 

„ 16 

» 19 

„ 20 




folio 11. 

Thomas Yate Lee, of Uny. Coll., London (19), o. s. Thomas 
Eyre L., of Birmingham, Esq. 

George Sharp, of Caius Coll., Camb. (23), o. s. William S., of 
the Island of Barbados, Esq. 

John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (17), o. s. late Lt. Col. John L., 
C.B., Bengal army. 

folio 12. 

Robert William Mills Nesfield, of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. 
1841 (23), 3 s. Rev. William N., of Brancepeth Rectory, 
co. Durham, clerk. 

George Grehan, of Trin. ColL, Dublin, A.B. (23), 2 s. 
Stephen G., of Dublin. 

William de Courey O’Grady, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 
1 s. of The O’Grady, of Killballyowen, co. Limerick. 

folio 13. 

Alexander James Johnston (t 8 ), i s. James J., of Aberdeen, 

Edward L’Estrange Corbet, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. 
John C., of Castle Townshend, co. Cork, Esq., deed. 

Finlay William Cusack, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (24), 1 s. 
Thomas C., of Mount Pleasant, Dublin, Esq. 

folio 14. 

George Jeudwine, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., A.B. (24), y. s. 
late John J., of Shrewsbury, Esq., deed. 

Percy Simpson, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A. (22), y. s. Rev. 
George S., M.A., of Sittingbourne, Kent. 

George Burrow Gregory, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 

1 s. John Swarbreck G., of Bedford PL, Middx., Esq. 

folio 15. 

John Eicke (20), 1 s. John E., late of Hampstead, Middx., Esq., 

John Morgan Bassett, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Thomas B., 
of Bonvilstone, co. Glam., Esq. 

Charles John Vaughan, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. late Rev. Edward V., of Leicester, deed. 

folio 16. 

Charles Winter, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Charles W., 
of Bishops Lydiard, Somerset, Esq. 

William Dyke Poore, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Edward Dyke P., of Tedworth, Wilts, Esq. 

Robert Cassidi, of Trin. C9II., Dublin, B.A. (21), 6 s. Rev. 
Mark C., of Newton, co. Down 

188 Etitcoln’is 5im glKmfiBisiton JXcatjstcr : 1420-1893. 

1838 Nov. 22 

folio 17 . 

Romney Foley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. William F., of 
Waterford, surgeon. 

» 2 3 

William Hughes Hughes, the yr. of Christ Church, Ox. (21), 
0. s. William Hughes H., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

M 22 

Humphrey William Freeland, M.A., 1841, Ch. Ch., Ox. (24), 

1 s. James Bennett F., of Chichester, Esq. 

» 23 

folio 18. 

Edward Barber, Trin. Coll., Camb., gent. (22), 3 s. Harby B., 
of Leicester, gent. 

Dec. 8 

Alexander Rolfe Staples, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(21), 1 s. Rev. Dr. Alexander S., of Gowran, co. Kilkenny. 

» 31 

William Carpmael, of Line. Inn, and of Streatham Hill, Surrey 
(34), 2 s. Thomas C., of Camberwell, gent. 

1839 Jan. 8 

folio 19. 

John Lainson, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. John L., of 
Eaton Sq., and of City of London, aldm. 

» 11 

Alexander George Mackenzie, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Sir Alexander McK., of Avoch, N.B., knt., deed. 

„ 11 

Rathbone Bartlett Roberts, of Bedford, gent. (23), 1 s. 
Job R., late of Buckingham, gent., deed. 

„ 12 

folio 20. 

William Ribton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (24), 1 s. Henry R., 
late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

„ 12 

John Watters, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 1 s. Richard W., 
of Bluebells, co. Louth, Esq. 

» 12 

John Porter Harris, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. Hugh H., 
of Ashfort, co. Armagh, Esq. 

» 12 

folio 21. 

Hugh Harris, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 4 s. Hugh H., of 
Ashfort, co. Armagh, Esq. 

» 12 

Godfrey Edward Alexander, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. Charles A., of Drumcree, co. Armagh, clerk. 

» 14 

Thomas Fassett Kent, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Thomas K., of Doughty St., bar.-at-law’. 

„ 15 

folio 22. 

William Browne, jun., of Balliol Coll., Ox., A.B. (26), 1 s. 
William B., of Tallantire Hall, Cumberland, Esq. 

» 15 

William Moore Miller, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Lt. Col. William M., of Dublin. 

» 22 

Edward Ovens, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 2 s. late 
Hugh 0 ., of Malaavrin, co. Tyrone, Esq., deed. 

Utiuoln’g ifnn &tfmte.ston J&estetti:: 1420-1893. 


J ^39 Jan. 22 
» 23 

11 24 

„ 21 

„ 25 

March 20 
» 21 

„ 21 

» 22 

» 25 

April 3 

„ 24 

„ 15 



„ 10 



folio 23. 

William John Bernhard Smith, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
John Bernhard S., capt. R.N. 

William David Lewis (18), 1 s. Rev. George W. L., of 
Ramsgate, M.A. 

Edmund Grimshaw, of Preston (39), 1 s. John G., late of 
Preston, Esq., deed. 

folio 24. 

Benjamin Collins Brodie, of Baliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. 

Sir Benjamin B., of Savile Row, bart. 

Charles de la Pryme, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. George P., 
Esq., of Cambridge, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, M.P. 

Robert Hamilton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (16), i s. Rev. 
Archibald Robert H., of Cork. 

folio 25. 

William Courtenay Morland, of Christ Ch. Coll., Ox. (20), 
o. s. late Col. Charles M. 

John Thomas Walker, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (M.A. '42), 
(aged 22), 1 s. Rev. John W., rector of Cottered, Herts. 

Brice Frederick Bunny (19), 2 s. Jer£ B., of Newbury, Berks, 


folio 26. 

John Nassau Simpkinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

John Augustus Francis S., Esq., a bencher. 

Francis Cornish Newman (31), 2 s. John N., late of Alphington, 
hithertofore of Exeter, gent. 

Charles Kingsley, jun., Magdalen Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles K., rector of Chelsea, Middx. 

folio 27. 

John Rudall, Esq., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 1 s. 
John R., late of Hoxton, gent., deed., ad eundem. 

Henry Ottley, of the Middle Temple, gent., 2 s. William 
Young O., of Devonshire St., Portland PI., Esq., ad eundem. 

Henry William Busk, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (33), 
2 s. Edward B., Esq., late a bencher of Middle Temple, 
deed., ad eundem. 

folio 28. 

Fetherston Stonestreet, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Rev. George Griffin S., preby. of Lincoln, of Halton, n. 

Henry Charles Eliott (19), y. s. George E., of Berkeley PI., 
Connaught Sq., Esq. 

Thomas Selby Egan, of Caius Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. John E., 
of Essex St., Strand, Esq. 

Uinroln’g linn atrmtesion iXc^t^tcr: 1420-1893. 


folio 29 . 



Edmund Banbury, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
William B., of Warlies Park, Essex, Esq. 



Arthur Currey (17), 4 s. Benjamin C., of Old Palace Yard, 



William Roberts Croker, of Caius Coll., Camb. (B.A., ’41), 
(aged 22), 2 s. J. Dillon C., of Quartertown, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 30. 


Thomas Pain, jun. (18), y. s. Thomas P., of Dover, Esq. 



William Henry Child, of Caius Coll., Camb., 2 s. Robert C., 
late of Russell Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 



George French, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), y. s. late 
Mark Dyer F., of the Island of Tortola, West Indies, Esq., 

folio 31. 



Richard Nason, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), 1 s. John N., 
of Newtown, co. Cork, Esq. 



John Thomas Bowles, of King’s Inn (22), y. s. Henry B., of 
Rutland, co. Limerick, Esq. 



Thomas Percy Boyd, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (20), 1 s. Rev. H. E. B., 
rector of Dromara, co. Down. 

folio 32. 



Thomas Humphreys, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A., 2 s. 
Edward H., of Southampton, Esq. 



Robert Lloyd Jones Parry, late of Jesus Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Thomas Parry Jones P., of Llwynoun, n. Wrexham, 
co. Denbigh, Capt. R.N. 



James Park Harrison, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), y. s. 
Matthew H., of Cambridge Terrace, Middx., Esq. 

folio 33. 



Patrick Segrave, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 5 s. 
Thomas S., of Dublin, Esq., deed. 



1 homas Seare (18), 2 s. Samuel S., of High Holborn, engraver. 



Home Gordon, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. Sir 
Oxford G., of Bath, bart. 

folio 34. 



Charles Sidney Hawkins, of Magdalen Hall, Ox. (21), 0. s. 
John Sidney H., of Brompton, Middx., Esq. 



William Ogle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. late John 0 ., 
of Glasnevin, co. Dublin, Esq., deed. 



John Craven Ogle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 2 s . late John 0 ., 
of Glasnevin, co. Dublin, Esq., deed. 


Utnroln’s £nn gtttmfggton ^tVcgijstcr: 1420-1893. 


April 30 
May 1 














June 6 







folio 35. 

William Balioi. Brett, of Caius Coll., Camb., 2 s. Rev. Joseph 
George B., of Ranelagh, Chelsea, clerk. 

Bridges Harvey (20), v. s. Rev. Bridges H., of Doddinghurst, 
Essex, clerk. 

Charles Style, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. Charles S., 
of Glenmore, co. Donegal, Esq. 

folio 36. 

William Fiennes Wykeham Martin (22), 4 s. Fiennes 
Wykeham M., of Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Esq. 

Leonard Henry Leader (21), 1 s. Thomas L., of Kilmeady 
Castle, co. Cork, Esq. 

Charles Stanley Monck, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles M., of Belville, Templemore, co. Tipp. 

folio 37. 

Matthew Dease, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), o. s. late Richard D., 
of Dublin, M.D. 

Henry Thomas St. John, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Robert 
William St. J., Agent and Consul Genl., Algiers. 

Alfred Bate Richards, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. John R., 
of Wassell Grove, co. Worcester. 

folio 38. 

Edward Francis Hill Du Bois (19), 1 s. Edward Du B., of 
Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

John Delmege(2i), i s. Christopher D., of Castle Park, Limerick. 

Adair Andrew Doria, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B. Ch. (28), 2 s. 
Marquis Spineto, of Cambridge. 

folio 39. 

Oliver William Farrer, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. James 
William F., of John St., Berkeley Sq., a Master in Chancery. 

Thomas Henry Farrer, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. late 
Thomas F., of Gloucester Ter., Regent’s Park, Esq., deed. 

Berdmore Compton, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (18), 3 s. 
H. C. C., of Manor Ho., co. Southants, Esq., M.P. 

folio 40. 

Nicholas Peter Hayes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 
3 s. Maurice H., of City of Waterford, Esq. 

Richard Blanshard, of Queen’s Coll, Camb. (21), 1 s. Thomas 
Henry B., of Kirby, Essex, Esq. 

Frederick Currey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Benjamin C., 
of Old Palace Yard, Westminster, Esq. 


tUnroln’js Enn gtthnteston lUgtetcr: 1420 - 1893 . 


folio 41. 



John James Conway, of Brazennose Coll., Ox. (23), 0. s. late 
John C., of Liverpool, mercht. 



Hugo Boucherett, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A., 1842 (aged 19), 
2 s. Ayscoghe B., of North Willingham, co. Line., Esq. 



William Yates, of Emanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), y. s. late 
Rev. Dr. Y., of Penshurst, Kent, deed. 

folio 42. 



Edward Arthur Litton, of Oriel Coll., Ox., and of Gray’s Inn, 
gent., 0. s. Edward L., of Dublin, Esq., ad eundem. 



Charles Hall, of Middle Temple, gent., 4 s. John H., late of 
Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Esq., deed., ad eundem. 



Hercules Henry Graves Macdonnell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin 
(20), 2 s. Dr. Richard M., of Dublin. 

folio 43. 



Archer Polson (23), 3 s. William Gray P., of the Inner Temple, 



John Fawcett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 0. s. Major David 
King F., of Dublin. 



Henry Anthony Littledale, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., and of 
Bolton Hall, Yorks (29), 1 s. late Anthony L., of Everton, 
co. Lane., deed. 

folio 44. 



Edward Johnston, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
Beresford J., of the Rectory, Tullow, co. Carlow. 



Conyngham Ellis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., 2 s. late 
Thomas E., of Dublin, a Master in Chancery, deed. 



Thomas Duckett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin ( 21 ), 1 s. William D., 
of City of Dublin, solr. 

folio 45. 



Joseph Story, B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. Joseph S., of Bingfield, 
co. Cavan, deed. 



Thomas Ivory, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. James I., of 
Edinburgh, Sol. Genl. for Scotland. 

9 t 


Alexander Brown, of Brasennose Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. 
William B., of Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 46. 



Francis Woodley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. Richard W., 
of Cork, Esq. 



Robert William Keate, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. ^25), 1 s. 
Robert K., of Albemarle St., Middx., Esq. (M.A., ’44). 



Edward Stirling Dickson, of Islington, Esq. (40), 2 s. Admiral 
Edward Stirling D. 

Htnroln’g Inn 3 ftmt 0 *ton &cgt@tcr : 1420-1893. 


*839 Nov. 

folio 47. 

6 Ogden Bolton (22), 2 s. Thomas B., of Liverpool, mercht. 


9 Graves Cathrew, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. James C., of 

Ballyowen, co. Dublin, Esq. 


12 Patrick Doran Brock, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. 

Edward B., of Mount Mellick, Queen's Co., mercht., deed. 


folio 48. 

12 Charles Edward Bagot, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (24), 3 s. 

Andrew B., of Dublin, Esq. 


13 James Keene Hawkins, of Worcester Coll, (after of St. Mary 

Hall, Ox.), (22), 2 s. William H., Esq., H.E.I.C. Civil Service. 


15 Hugh Ross (19), 1 s. Col. Hugh R., of Edinburgh. 


folio 49. 

16 Robert John Porcher Broughton (23), 1 s. Robert Edwards B., 

of Melcombe PL, Dorset Sq., Esq., bar.-at-law. 


18 George Hamilton Wyndham Knight Bruce, of Balliol Coll., 

Ox. (16), y. s. James Lewis Knight Bruce, Esq., a Master of 
the Bench, etc. 


18 William Sidney Gibson (25), 0. s. late Benjamin G., of Gosport, 

and of the Island of Minorca, mercht., deed. 


folio 50. 

18 William de la Cherois Crommelin (19X3 s * Nicholas de la C. C., 

of Carrowden Castle, co. Down, Esq. 


18 Francis Duffield, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (22), 0. s. Francis D. 

of Town Hill Ho., Bradford, Yorks. 


20 Henry G. M. Prettyman, of Oriel Coil., Ox., B.A. (22), 2. s. 

Rev. John P., of Sherrington, Bucks. 


folio 51. 

20 George Neate, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. William N., 

of Overton, Wilts, Esq. 


21 John Edward Johnson, of St. John's Coll., Camb., M.A. (36), 

0. s. late Rev. John J., of Bolton le Moor, clerk. 

,8 4o Jan. 

9 John Gorham Maitland, fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(22), 0. s. Rev. Samuel Roffey M,, of Lambeth, clerk. 

folio 52. 

14 Edmund Allen Meredith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 

4 s. Thomas M., Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. 


14 Henry Dalton (26), 1 s. George D., of Dudley, co. Wore., 



15 Ralph Thomas Fawcett, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 5 s. late Rev. 

John F., of Newton Hall, co. Durham, clerk. 


^Lincoln's Entt EOmisiStcm IXcgtstev: 1420-1893. 

1S40 Jan. 15 

„ 15 

» 17 

„ 18 

* „ 20 

» 22 

n 22 

» 24 

„ 24 

H 24 

» 24 

» 25 

» 27 

„ 29 

» 29 

Feb. 6 

folio 53. 

Robert Smyth Hopkins, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), o. s. 
late Major Currell Smyth H., of 1st Regt. of Foot. 

William Lander, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. John L., 
of Cork, Esq. 

Michael Wood Ryder, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 0 s. Rev. Joshua 
Brown R., of Castle Lyons, co. Cork, clerk. 

folio 54. 

Hugh Edward Adair, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. Sir 
Robert Shafto A., of Flixton Hall, Suff., bart. 

Thomas James Willis Fleming (20), 2 s. John F., of Stoneham 
Park, Hants, Esq. 

William John Alban, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. William 
Yates A., of Lincoln’s Inn. 

folio 55. 

William White of Ch. Ch., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. Rev. William W., 
late rector of Teffont Ewyas, Wilts, clerk, deed. 

Henry Lethem, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, o. s. Thomas L., of 
Portadowm, co. Armagh. 

Henry William Lover, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 4 s. 
William Frederick L., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 56. 

Arthur Helps, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (27), 4 s. 
Thomas H., of Balham Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

Ernest Richard Seymour, of Oriel Coll., Ox., s. Edward 
James S., of Charles St., Berkeley Sq., Esq. 

Benjamin Shaw, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Benjamin S., 
of Montagu PI., Middx., gent. 

folio 57. 

Edwin Lumsdaine Sandys-Lumsdaine, of Oriel Coll., Ox., Esq. 
(21), 1 s. Rev. Edwin Sandys L., of Blanerne and Inneyellie, 
cos. Berwick and Fife, clerk. 

Edward Buckle (21), 1 s. John B., of Wharton Ho., co. 
Edinburgh, Esq. 

Francis Ellis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. late Thomas E., 
a Master of the High Court of Chancery, Ireland, and of 
Dublin, deed. 

folio 58. 

James Charles Gregory, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 2 s. William G., 
of Bristol, gent. 

Henry Hucks Gibbs, of Exeter Coll., Ox., gent. (20), 1 s. 
George Henry G., of London, mercht. 

Francis Richard Powell, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (21), 8 s> late 
John Folliott P., of Tempsford Hall, Beds, Esq., deed. 

Ufncoln’sf fnn 2UJmtS0lon Register: 1420-1893. 

J 95 


















folio 59. 

6 Henry Rogers, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Henry R., the elder, of Boston, co. Line., Esq. 

6 John Rogers, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. Henry R., 
the elder, of Boston, co. Line. 

13 James Nowell Young (16), 1 s. Gavin Y., Major H.E.I.C.S. 
folio 60 . 

24 Lord John James Robert Manners, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
M.A. (21), 2 s. Duke of Rutland. 

10 Robert VVheble (18), 3 s. James W., of Woodley Lodge, Berks, 

13 William Benson, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. Robert B., 
of Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 61. 

3 William Esdaile Cattley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 

William C., late of Barnet, Herts, Esq., deed. 

9 Charles George Taylor, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(23), o. s. William T., Esq., late of Glouc. PL, Middx., and 
formerly of 10th Hussars, deed, 

13 Louis Peter Petit, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 3 s. late 

Rev. John Hayes P., of Colon Hall, Salop, clerk, deed. 

folio 62. 

14 Charles Wycliffe Goodwin, fell. Catharine Hall, Camb., B.A, 

(23), 1 s. Charles G., of King’s Lynn, sol. 

15 John Fetherston Lowry, of Brazennose Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 

2 s. Robert Wiliam L., of Pomeroy Ho., co. Tyrone, Esq. 

15 Robert William Lowry, of Brazennose Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. 
Robert William L., of Pomeroy Ho., co. Tyrone, Esq. 

folio 63. 

15 Charles Pendergast Hackett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 
o. s. John P. H., late of Stratford PL, Middx., Esq., bar.-at-law. 
29 Alexander George Stuart, of Trin. Coll., Dub., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Rev. Hamilton S., of ph. of Lower Fahan, co. Donegal, 

29 Walter Grant James McGrigor, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 

2 s. Sir James M., bart. 

folio 64. 

2 John Claveli. Mansell, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Lt. Col. John M., of Medmore, Dorset. 

4 James O’Grady, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (45), 1 s. William O’G., 

of Ballyrea, co. Wexford, Esq., deed. 

5 Francis Le Hunte, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), y. s. William 

Augustus Le H., late of Artramont, co. Wexford, Esq. 

196 fUncoln’g Inn aumteston Register: 1420-1893. 


folio 65. 



Henry Darby Head, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. John H., 
Dean of Killaloe, co. Tippy. 



Henry Burke Brownrigg, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), 
1 s. Robert B., of Norris Mount, co. Wexford, Esq. 


Robert William Whelan, of City of Dublin (19), 0. s. John W., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 66. 



John Hervey Adams, Senior Sophister of Trin. Coll., Dublin 
(21), 1 s. Rev. Samuel A., of Northlands, Dean of Cashel, 
co. Cavan. 



David Francis Atcherley, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. David 
Francis A., of Martin Hall, Salop, sergt.-at-law. 



Philip James Fogarty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
Mograth F., of Ballinhonty, co. Tipp., Esq. 

folio 67. 



William Henderson (19), 2 s. James H., of Boulogne-sur-mer. 



John Sheffield, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 4 s. IsaacS., 
of Gt. Prescott St., gent., ad eundem. 



Thomas Deere Salmon, of Exeter Coll., Ox., M.A. (21), 2 s. 
William S, of Penllyne Court, co. Glam., M.D. 

folio 68. 



Richard John Griffiths (23), 2 s. Edward G., of Newcourt, 
co. Hereford, Esq. 


2 5 

Henry White, of Trin. Coll., Camb., LL.B. (22), 2 s. John W., 
of Torrington Sq., Middx., Esq. 



James Fitzpatrick, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 1 s. late 
James F., of Moyroe, co. Tipp., deed. 

folio 69. 



Alexander John Ferrier, of Uny. of Leyden, Holland, D.C.L. 
(21), 1 s. John Turing F., of Cleves, Prussia. 



Richard Wellesley Bernard, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, gent 
(18), 4 s. Thomas B., of Castle Bernard, King’s Co., Esq. 



Dunbar John Cother, of Brazennose Coll., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
William C., of Gloucester. 

folio 70. 



John Reilly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. James Miles R.9 
of Scarvagh, co. Down, Esq., bar.-at-law. 



Christopher Cookson, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 3 s. Col 
James C., of Nesham Hall, co. Durham. 



John William Cooke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. William C., 
of Fort William Burris O’Leign, co. Tipp., Esq., deed. 

ILtncoln’g Dm £U»mteSton UUQtgtcr : 1420-1893. 


*840 June 9 

» *3 

folio 71. 

Francis Roberts, Senior Sophister of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 
2 s. John R m of Buncrana, co. Donegal, Esq. 

William Partridge, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. John P., of 
Bishops Wood, co. Hereford, Esq. 

David Morrin (27), o. s. Thomas M., of London, Esq. 

folio 72. 

„ 13 John Thomas Hamill Stewart, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (21), 

o. s. John S., of Dublin, Esq. 

July 8 Martin Ware, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Martin W., 
of London (New Bridge St.), surgeon. 

folio 73. 

9 William John Conybeare, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 
1 s. Rev. William David C., of Axminster, Devon, clerk. 

14 Frederick Wiggin, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 3 s. Timothy W., 

of Harley St., Middx., Esq. 

15 Godfrey William Fitz-HuGH, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 2 s. 

Thomas F., of Plas Power, co. Denbigh, gent. 

folio 74. 

16 Borlase Hill Adams, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. William A., 
LL.D., of Thorpe, Surrey. 

27 Thomas Chaloner Smith (20), 1 s. Thomas S., of Ramsbury, 
Wilts, Esq. 

27 Maurice Henry Power (19), 2 s. Tyrone P., of Oxford Sq., 
Hyde Park, Middx., Esq. 

folio 75. 

Aug. 17 Charles Farquhar Strand (28), 3 s. Rev. James S., of Mary 
Kirk, co. Kincardine. 

Nov. 2 William Villiers Fowke, of Caius Coll., Camb., A.M., 1844 
(aged 21), y. s. late Adml. George F., of Sible Hedingham, 

Oct. 14 Timothy Joseph Lane (22), 1 s. late Andrew L., late of Cloyne 
co. Cork, Esq. 





folio 76 . 

George Charles Uppleby, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
Rev. George U., of Barton-upon-Humber. 

John Hugh Burgess (22), o. s. late Edward B., of Waltham 
Abbey, Essex, Esq. 

James Shank (22), 2 s. Henry S., of Glouc. PI., Esq. 


198 ILincoln** Inn SUnnfsgton Register: 1420-1893. 


folio 77. 



George Hilt,, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. late George H., 
of Dublin, Esq., deed. 



Marmaduke Wyvill, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Marmaduke W., of Constable Burton, Yorks. 



John O Key Brown (25), 1 s. John Brown B., of Gloucester, Esq. 

folio 78. 



Samuei, Edward McGwire, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 3 s. 
William McG., Capt. R.N. 



Robert Cholmeley, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., M.A. 1843 (22), 
2 s. Rev. Robert C., of Waynflete, co. Line. 



Edward Leigh Pemberton, jun., of St. John’s Coll., Oxon, B.A. 
1845 (* 7 )» 1 s. Edward Leigh P., of Russel Sq., solr. 

folio 79. 


T 7 

Joseph Henry Wilson, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Joseph W., 
of Battersea Rise, Surrey, Esq. 



John Fish Pownall, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. John 
George Henry P., of Hounslow, Middx., Esq. 


Ambrose Hickey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
W. H., of Mulranken Glebe, co. Wexford. 

folio 80. 



John Busher Duncan, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
0. s. Rev. John D., M.A., St. John’s, Hackney. 



Hon. William Hamilton Stuart, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(24), 4 s. Earl of Castlestuart. 



Richard Thomas Bourne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 6 s. 
Walter B., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 81. 



Thomas Cooke Wright (17), yr. son Edward C. W., of Pitsfold, 
Northants, clerk. 



Alfred Coope, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 5 s. John C., of 
Gt. Cumberland PI., Esq. 



Thomas Daniel O’Mahony, of Cashel (28), 1 s. Daniel O’M., of 
Kilkenny, Esq. 

folio 82. 

„ 23 Nicholas Darnell, of New Coll, Ox. (23), 2 s. Rev. William 

Nicholas D., of Stanhope, co. Durham. 

„ 23 William Asshbton Cross, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

William C., late of Red Scar, co. Lane., Esq. 

^ ec - 9 William Henry Newman (19), 2 s. John N., of Brands House, 
Hughenden, Bucks, Esq. 

ILtitcoln’s Inn Emission IXcgtetn’: 1420-1893. 




Dec. 22 
Jan. 4 

n 12 

,, i4 

,, r 4 

n 14 

,, 16 

„ 2 3 

„ 2 5 

,, 2 5 

11 2 5 

11 2 8 

Feb. 16 
March 11 

April 2 

n 2 

ii 3 
11 3 

folio 83. 

Daniel Robert Scratton, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. John 
Bayntun S., of Milton Hall, Essex, Esq. 

Henry James Lewis Williams, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 11 May, 1827, called 21 May, 1830), o. s. William W., 
of New Bond St., mercht. 

John Lennox Griffith Poyer Lewis, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. 

(21) , 1 s. late John L., of Henllan, co. Pemb., Esq., deed. 

folio 84. 

Augustus Arthur, B.A. (21), 4 s. Thomas A., of Glanomera, 
co. Clare, Esq. 

Hugh McCalmont Cairus, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 

2 s. William C., of Cultra, co. Down, Esq. 

William Massey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Richard M., 
of Moxton, Cheshire, Esq. 

folio 85. 

Samuel Edward Maberly, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), y. s. 
Joseph M., of King’s Road, Bedford Row, atty. and sol. 

Percy Vigors, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 4 s. Rev. Thomas 
Mercer V., of Bargage, co. Carlow. 

George Mackay, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), o. s. late 
James M., of Dunshaughlin, co. Meath, Esq., deed. 

folio 86. 

John Walter, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. John W., of 
Bear Park, Berks, Esq. 

Cuthbert Edward Ellison, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

3 s. George E., late of Marlow, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

Edward Dugdale Bucknall Estcourt, of Balliol Coll, Ox., 
B.A. (6 s.), Thomas Grimston B. E., of Estcourt, co. Glouc., 

folio 87. 

James Euseby King (23), 1 s. Hon. James William K. 

Charles William Strickland, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(22) , 1 s. Sir George S., of Boynton, Yorks, bart. 

Robert Jones (32), 1 s. Robert J., late of 2, Cambridge Terrace, 
Hackney, deed, 

folio 88. 

Frank Bradshaw, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. late Capt. 
James B., R.N., of Runcorn, Cheshire. 

Edward Nanton, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. John George N., 
of St. Vincent, West Indies, Esq. 

Samuel Harward Archer, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. 
Edward A., late of Trelaske, Cornwall, Esq., deed. 


^Lincoln's Enit a&mtgjsfton ftcgtgtcr: 1420-1893. 


April 3 
» x 3 

>9 x 5 

»» x 5 

» x 5 






„ x 7 

» x 9 

i> x 9 

19 20 

» 23 

,9 29 

May 1 

folio 89. 

Robert John Bussell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), o. s. 

Robert B., of Finborough Hall, Staff., Esq. 

Charles Sims Weir, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. 

late John W., of Mecklenburgh Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 
William Hutchison, of the Bank of England, London, gent. 
(18), o. s. late George H., of Clerkenwell, Esq., deed., left 
socy. 1845. 

folio 90. 

Henry William Massy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. Rev. 
William M., late of Rosanna, co. Tipp. 

Robert John Montgomery, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 1 s. 
Capt. Thomas M., R.N., of the Manor Ho., Raheny, 
co. Dublin. 

William O’Sullivan, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
William O’S, of Carriganass Castle, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 91. 

Augustus McMahon (21), 4 s. Rt. Hon. Sir William McMahon, 
bart., late of Fortfield, co. Dublin, Master of the Rolls, 

Hon. William George Grey (22), 8 s. Earl Grey. 

Charles Brent Wale, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
2 s. Genl. Sir C. W., of Little Shelford, co. Camb., K.C.B. 

folio 92. 

Charles Browne, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Charles B., of 
Tottenham, Esq. 

Edmund John Bridell, of 30, Manchester St., Manchester Sq. 
(20), o. s. late William John B., of Beaufort Buildings, 
Middx., gent. 

Francis Kyffin Lenthall (17), 3 s. Kyffin John William L., of 
Besselsleigh, Berks, Esq. 

folio 93. 

John Walter Morrice, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. John M., 
of Sideline, n. Sidmouth, Devon, Esq. 

Arthur Hobhouse, of Balliol Coll., Ox., A.B. (21), 4 s. Rt. 
Hon. Henry H., of Hadspen Ho., Somerset. 

James Fenton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. James F., 
of Bamforth Hall, co. Lane., Esq. 

folio 94- 

Shapland Swiny, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), o. s. 
Shapland S., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Theophilus Thomson (21), y. s. Francis T., of Cavan, Esq. 

George William Mason, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A (21), 1 s. 
Rev. George M., of Cuckney, Notts. 



Utncoln’js £nn Aftimsstcm Ucgtsstcr : 1420-1893. 201 

1841 May 3 
» 3 

„ 4 

» 4 

n 5 

„ 27 

» 27 

„ 28 
„ 28 

folio 95. 

James Coffey (23), 2 s. Edward C., of Killarney, co. Kerry. 

Willoughby John Guthrie London, of Corpus Christi Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. John L., of Plymouth, Esq. 

William Burke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (24), 3 s. Rev. 
John B., of Kisolgan Vic., co. Galway. 

folio 96. 

Henry Russell (21), 1 s. Sir Henry R., of Swallowfield, Berks, 

George William Mathews, of Clare Hall, Camb. (20), y. s. 
John Staverton M., of Hitcham, Suffolk, clerk, deed. 

Edward Lamb Sabin (20), o. s. Charles Heath S., late of 
Towcester, surgeon, deed. 

folio 97. 

Henry Hill Strettell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 4 s. 
Amos S., of Cheltenham, Esq. 

Charles Tuckey White (20), 2 s. James Grove W., of Kilburne, 
co. Cork, Esq. 

Hedges Eyre Chatterton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 
1 s. Abraham C., of Cork, Esq. 

folio 98. 

Maurice Peppard Warren Lewis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 
o. s. Arthur Gam bell L., Esq., J.P., of Terrace, co. Monoghan. 

William Gernon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 4 s. James G., of 
Athcarne Castle, co. Meath, Esq. 

Edward Mahon Roose (20), 4 s. Sir David Charles R., of 
Dublin, knt., deed. 

folio 99. 

„ 29 David Cangley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (27), 1 s. Thomas C., 

of Tallon, co. Waterford, gent. 

June 1 James Thomas Farrell, of Uny. of Dublin (19), 1 s. Richard F., 
of Dublin, Q.C. 

„ 1 Andrew Russell Stritch (24), o. s. Thomas Queeley S., of 

Townmullin, co. Clare, Esq. 

folio 100. 

3 John Pearson, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John Norman P., of Tonbridge Wells. 

3 John Kynaston Edwards (22), 1 s. James Kynaston E., of Old 
Court, co. Wicklow, Esq. 

3 Henry Fenwick, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Thomas F., 
of Southill, co. Durham, Esq. 


Lincoln’s Inn &ftmt00fun Uegtstei*: 1420-1893. 

folio 101. 

1841 June 3 John Powell (22), o. s. Rev. John P., formerly of Cambridge. 

3 Henry O’Malley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 2 s. Sir Samuel O’M., 
of Kilboyne Ho., co. Mayo, bart. f ; 

„ 7 Henry Cadman Jones, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22). 1 s. 

Rev. Joseph J., of Repton, Derbyshire. 

„ 7 

„ 7 

„ 7 


» 3 ° 

July 13 

» 3 1 

Aug. 4 
n 7 

Oct. 18 
„ 27 

„ 27 


Nov. 3 

folio 102. 

William Garde Browne (26), 1 s. John B., of Coolcower Ho., 
co. Cork, Esq. 

Bryan O’Connor, of Dublin, gent. (38), y. s. John O’C., late of 
Kilbride, co. Wicklow, Esq., deed. 

Stephen Nolan Elrington, jun. (24), 1 s. Stephen Nolan E., 
of Edinburgh. 

folio 103. 

Unwin Heathcote, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Samuel Heathcote Unwin H., of Shephalbury, Herts, Esq. 

John Henry Bolton, of New Sq., Line. Inn (45), o. s. John B., 
late of Brompton, Middx., Esq. 

Robert Ellis, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 3 s. 
John E., of Peckham Rye Common, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 104. 

William Maxwell McCandie Campbell (17), 1 s. John 
McCandie C, of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Craigs, 
co. Dumfries. 

Edward Warner, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

Edward W., of Walthamstow, Essex, Esq. 

Robert Houstoun, of Calcutta (31), 2 s. Major Genl. Sir 
Robert H., K.C.B., of Clerkington, co. Haddington. 

folio 105. 

William Newton Harriott, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
Rev. William H., vicar of Odiham, Southants. 

John George Nicholas, jun., of 13, Gibson Sq., Middx. ( 4 °)> 
1 s. John George N., of West Molesey, Surrey, Esq. 

Charles Gifford (20), 1 s. Charles G., of Exmouth, Esq. 

folio 106. 

Effingham John Lawrence, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24)* 
1 s. late Effingham Calvert L., H.E.I.C. civil service. 

John William Edden (22), o. s. Robert William E., of Cork, 

Arthur Parish, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s - 
Rev. W. P., of Thames Ditton, Surrey. 

ILfnroIn’g Enn Slbmtsstou Register: 1420-1893 




















folio 107. 

John Stewart (19), 1 s. Duncan S., of Bermuda, bar.-at-law. 

Francis Barrow, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (20), o. s. Rev. 
Francis B., of Cranbrook, Kent. 

Robert Eyre Todd (19), s. late Robert T., of Alpha Road, 
Regent’s Park, Middx., Esq. 

folio 108. 

Thomas Ewing Winslow (21), 1 s. Thomas Forbes W., of 
Albany Road, Barnsbury Park, Esq. 

Hill Hamilton Hardy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 
Isaac H., of Stoney Hill, Glenarne, co. Antrim, Esq. 

John Colpitts Dean, of Ch. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), o. s. John 
Dean, of Staindrop, co. Durham, surgeon. 

folio 109. 

Henry Dawson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (26), 2 s. late Henry D., 
of Dromartine Castle, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Edward Allfrey (18), 4 s. late Edward A., of Bryanstone Sq., 
Middx., Esq., deed. 

James Lea, of Worcester Coll., Ox. (23), o. s. James Lea, of 
Walsall, co. Staff., Esq. 

folio 110. 

John Gylby Lonsdale, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Rev. John L., principal of King’s Coll, London, and reader 
to the Hon. Socy. Line. Inn. 

John Tuthill Bagot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s Charles B., 
of Kilcoursey Ho., King’s Co., Esq. 

John Knill Kinsman (34), 2 s. Robert Jope K., of Falmouth, 

folio 111. 

Robert Ramsden, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 

Robert R., of Carlton, Notts, Esq. 

Cornwall Simeon, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 3 s. Sir Richard S., of 
Swanston, I.W., bart. 

Matthew Baillie Begbie, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Major T. C. B., 82nd regt. (h.p.) 

folio 112. 

Fountain Hastings Edwin, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. 
(31), o. s. Rev. Fountain E., of Bath. 

Richard Ferguson, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A (27), 2 s. 
late George F., of Houghton Hall, Cumb., Esq., deed. 

Henry Burke, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (26), 1 s. John B., of 
Hollywell Ho., co. Mayo, Esq. 


lUnroln’s Inn Slttmt^ion tUcpsstfV: 1420-1893. 


folio 113. 

Nov. 17 John Richards Hatch ell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), o. s. 

George H., of Priory, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin, Esq. 

„ 18 John Frederick Stanford, of Christ Coll., Camb., B.A. (25)* 

o. s. late Major Francis William S., 1st regr. Life Guards. 

„ 20 Robert Thomas Kent, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 

Robert Thomas K., of Kingston, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 114. 

20 Charles Gipps Prowett, fellow of Caius Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(25), 1 s. Rev. Charles P., of Stapleford, Herts. 

22 Thomas Henry Roper, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 

Thomas R., of Vane Ho., Hampstead, Esq. 

23 Christopher Tripp George, of St. Mary Hall, Oxford (21). o. s. 

Christopher G., of the Priory, Abbots Leigh, Somerset, Esq. 

Dec. t 
„ 3° 

1842 Jan. 11 

folio 115. 

Henry Fort, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. George F., of 
Alderbury Ho., Wilts, Esq. 

William Alfred Wearing, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (25), 1 s. 
Christopher Hammond VV., of Greenhill, n. Adelaide, South 
Australia, Esq. 

John Lyons (24), o. s. Tenison L., of Charleston, co. Westmeath, 

folio 116. 

Charles Henry O’Neill, of Dublin (30), 1 s. Felix C. O’N., 
of Kilrea, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

Freeman Oliver Haynes, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
o. s. Henry H., late Capt. R.N. deed. 

Frederick Howes, of Trin. Hall, Camb., S.C.L. (22), 3 s. Rev. 
George H., of Shix worth, Norfolk. 

folio 117. 

19 Henry Augustus Browne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 
5 s. Lt. Col. B., of Browne Hall, Ballyglass, co. Mayo. 

19 George Druce, of St. Peter Coll., Camb., M.A. (20), 2 s. 
Charles I)., the yr., of Billiter Sq., London, solicitor. 

21 John Stuart, of Christ Church, Oxon (20), 2 s. John S., Esq., 
of Line. Inn, a Master of the Bench. 

folio 118. 

22 John V jncent, of Caius Coll., Cambr. (22), 2 s. John Painter V., 
of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

24 Alexander Perceval, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A, (20), 3 $. 
Alexander 1\, of Temple Ho., co. Sligo, Esq. 

22 Lindsay Bowring Lawford, ofUny. Coll., London (18), 5 s. 
John L., of London, Esq. 

Uincoln’g Inn aumtssion Register: 1420-1893. 




I)ec. 2 

„ 9 

Jan. 12 

„ 24 

March 3 





Feb. 16 

April 5 

» 5 

„ 7 

n 15 

„ 15 

2 5 





folio 119. 

John William Willcock, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 17 Nov., 1820, called 25 Dec., 1825), 1 s. John W., 
late of Bideford, Devon, ad eundem. 

William Robert Bigg, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 

4 Feb., 1825, called 20 June, 1828), 3 s. Edward B., of 
Southampton Bldgs., Middx., gent., ad eundem. 

Benjamin Babington, of the Inner Temple (adm. 7 Jan., 1839), 

1 s. Benjamin Guy B., M.D., of George St., Hanover Sq., 

[ad eundem. 

folio 120. 

Hamilton Geale, of Gray's Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 13 May, 1836, 
called 17 Nov., 1841), 2 s. Piers G.,of Dublin, Esq.,ad eundem. 

Coteford Burdon, of the Middle Temple (adm. 26 Jan., 1839), 

4 s. Rowland B., of Castle Eden,co. Durham, Esq., ad eundem. 

Francis Bernard, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2. s. Col. 
Thomas B., of Castle Bernard, King’s Co. 

folio 121. 

Thomas Sampson Darnbrough, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. 

(20), 1 s. Thomas I)., of Ripon, Yorks, Esq. 

John Coppin, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. John C., late of 
North Shields, deed. 

Tames Francis Morgan, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. brands M., 
of Catherington Ho., co. Southampton. 

folio 122. 

David Arthur Richard Saunders (27), o. s. David Arthur S., 
late of Gloucester, Esq., deed. 

William Beckett Turner, of Queen’s Coll., Ox (21), o. s. 

William Beckett T., of Wantage, Berks, Esq. 

Anthony Monahan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. John M., 
of Portumna, co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 123. 

William Austin, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), o. s. 
Edward A., of Taunton PI., Regents Park, Esq. 

George Augustus Frederick Bentinck, of Irin. Coll., Camb. 
(20), o. s. Lord Frederick B., late of Charles St., Berkeley 
Sq., deed. 

Arthur Shelly Eddis, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A.. (25), 2 s. 
Eden E., late of Islington, Esq. 

folio 124. 

William Henry Harrison, of Brazennose Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
late William Henry H., of Conyngham Hall, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Melville Portal, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. John P., of 
Freefolk Priors, Hants, Esq. 

George Jessel, fellow of Uny. Coll., London, M.A. (18), 3. s. 
Zadock Aaron J., of Savile Row, City of Westminster, Esq. 


Utnroln’s Enn 3 lo mission Register: 1420-1893. 

1842 April 19 

„ 19 








W 2 7 

„ 28 

„ 29 

May 3 

» 3 

>> 3 

>» 3 

» 3 

„ 4 

folio 125. 

Richard Malins, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. (adm. 
29 Apr., 1825, called 14 May, 1830), 3 s. William M., of 
Newington PL, Surrey, Esq., ad eundem. 

Leonard Francis Burrows, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. 
Lt. Genl. Montague B., of Hadley, Middx. 

Frederick John Vipan, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. late 
Thomas V., of Thetford, Norfolk, Esq. 

folio 126. 

Henry Philip Roche (25), 1 s. late Eugenius R., Esq., of 
Hart St., Bloomsbury. 

Henry Waterland Mander, the yr., 1 s. Henry Waterland M., 
of New Sq., Line. Inn, and of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

John Charles Frederick Hunter (20), 2 s. Richard H., of 
Feeny, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

folio 127. 

Poole Studdert Gabbett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 3 s. Rev. 
Robert G., late of Castletown Glebe, co. Tippy. 

George Thomas Disrael Mangan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Thomas M., of Piercetown, co. Kildare, Esq. 

Henry Halkett, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A. (*22), 3 s. John H., 
of Richmond Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 128. 

John Gore Jones, jun. (22), 1 s. John Gore J., of John’s Park, 
co. Sligo, Esq. 

Patrick O’Brien, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Timothy O’B., of Dublin, Esq. 

Stephen Curtis (22), 1 s. Robert C, of Waterford, Esq. 

folio 129. 

Edmund Synan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 5 s. John S., 
of Fadamore, co. Limerick, Esq. 

Daniel William O’Meara, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 1 s 
Joseph O’M., of Black Rock, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Matthew William Forde, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. late 
Arthur F., of co. Down, a writer E.I. Compy. 

folio 130. 

4 James Goli.ock, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. Thomas G., 

of Forest, co. Cork, Esq. 

5 Henry Thomas Cusack, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 

James William C., ot Dublin Esq. 

24 Richard Bawtree Turner, of Exeter Coil., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Thomas Joseph T., of Stan way, Essex, Esq. 

Lincoln’s finu &&mte£ton Register: 1420-1893. 


May 28 

folio 131. 

Edward Brown Fitton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (17), 3 s. William 

Hy. F., of Harley St., M.D. 

June 4 

John Kinder, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Thomas K., 
of Burton St., Middx., Esq. 

„ 6 

William Cruise, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. late William 

Piers C., of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 8 

folio 132. 

William Dalton Scoones, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 

William S., of Tonbridge, Esq. 

„ 9 

Robert Grafton Rosseter, of Christ Church, Ox. (20), 0. s. 

James Marmaduke R., of Kennington, Surrey, Esq. 

n 9 

Montague Bernard, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. late Charles B., 
of Frampton Lodge, co. Glouc., Esq. 

» 9 

folio 133. 

Reginald Robert Walpole, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Rev. Robert W., of Melcombe PI., Dorset Sq. 

„ II 

John Fenwick Burgoyne Blackett, probatory fellow of Merton 

Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Christopher B., of Wylamon Tyne, Esq. 

July 9 

Richard Garth, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Richard G., of 

Farnham, Surrey, Esq. 

Aug. 6 

folio 134. 

Forbes Winslow, of Guildford St., Middx. (31), 9 s. late Capt. 

T. F. W., 47th regt., deed. 

» 25 

George New Laishi.ey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. George L., 
of Southampton, Esq. 

Sept. 17 

John Langton Sanford (18), 2 s. Henry S., of Upper Tooting, 

Surrey, Esq. 

May 31 
July 21 

folio 135. 

James Gloster (20), 1 s. late Edward G., of Limerick, sol. 

Charles Palmer Phillips, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. '43 (20) 2 s. 

William Edward P., of Brighton, Esq. 

Oct. 13 

John Pennell Snow, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Bernard 

George S., late of Highgate, surgeon, deed. 

„ 25 

folio 136. 

George Williams Leech, of Bombay (30), 3 s. John L., of 

Dublin, Esq. 

» 3 i 

Edward Sheppard (26), 0. s. late Henry S., of Hampton, Middx., 

Nov. 1 

Horace Mann (19), y. s. Thomas M. of Register General Office, 

London, Esq. 



^Lincoln's finn Emission &cgt 3 tev: 1420-1893. 

1842 Nov. 1 


folio 137. 

John Matthew Ridley, of Jesus Coll., Cambr., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
John R., of Park End, Northld., Esq. 

Goldwin Smith, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Richard 
Pritchard S., of Reading, M.I). 

John Clifton, jun. (22) 2 s. John C, of York, Esq. 

folio 138. 

5 Percy Dimes (20), o. s. William D., of Austin Friars, City, Esq. 

5 Ralph Fletcher, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (27), 2 s. 
Ralph F., of Bolton-le-Moors, co. Lane., Esq. 

10 Edward Penrose Hathaway, late of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(23), 3 s * William Silas H., of Teddington, Middx., Esq. 

folio 139. 

10 Charles Cardwell, of St. Alban, Ox. (24), 2 s. late John C., 
of Liverpool, Esq. 

12 Thomas Henry Marsh (18), 3 s. Rev. Edward Garrard M., of 
Aylesford, Kent. 

14 James Bowyer, of Upper Holloway, gent. (44), s. Henry B., late 
of same, deed. 

folio 140. 

14 Thomas Anthony Marsden, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. Rev. A. M., rector of Gargrave, Yorks. 

15 Lewis Bruce Knight Bruce, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Rt 

Hon. Sir James L. K. B., a bencher. 

15 John Fearenside, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. John F., 

of Lane., Esq. 

folio 141. 

16 Robert Malcolm Kerr (21), 1 s. John K., of Glasgow, deed. 

16 John Michael Staples (17), 1 s. John James S., Judge of the 

Kandy Court of the Island of Ceylon, afsd. 

16 Randle Mac Donnell (21), 1 s. late Thomas M., of Dublin, 
Esq., deed. 

folio 142. 

18 John Edward Woodroffe, scholar of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B- 

(20), 3 s. John W., of Dublin, M.D. 

19 Peter Faucett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B (29), 2 s. Peter F., 

of Ballymahon, co. Cavan, Esq. 

21 Peter Robert Hammond, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Peter H., of Dover, Esq. 

Etncoln’g Cnn atnnigsicm iUgtster: 1420-1893 


Dec. 1 

»> 5 

„ 19 

Jan. 16 

>, 17 

» 19 

July 2 

Dec. 2 2 

April 19 

Jan. 20 

» 23 

» 24 

»> 25 

» 25 

Feb. 1 

n 15 

» 15 

folio 143. 

Charles Hansard Keene, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. 
William Charles Lever K., of Line. Inn, bar. at-law. 

Horace William Thrupp (19), 3 s. John Augustus T., of 
Spanish PI., Manchester Sq., Esq. 

Francis Nonus Budd, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (fellow of Caius and 
B.A. 1843), 9 s. late Samuel B., of North Tawton, Devon, Esq. 

folio 144. 

James Christopher Kenny, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. 
James K., of Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Cotton, of Christ Ch., Ox. (21), 2 s. William C., of 
Walwood, Leytonstone, Essex, Esq. 

Edward Kent Karslake, fellow of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Henry K., of Regent St, solr. 

folio 145. 

John Berry Walford, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
16 Nov., 1829, called 21 Nov., 1834), 4 s. Richard W., of 
Highbury Park, Middx., Esq. 

Anthony Henderson Fowke, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 
(adm. 9 Nov., 1838, called 25 Nov., 1842), 3 s. Sir Fredk. 
Gustavus F., of Lowerby Hall, co. Line., bart. 

Walter Cockburn, jun., of the Inner Temple (adm. 3 June, 
1837), adm. ad eundem. 

folio 146. 

James French McGee, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. late 
James French M., of Antrim, Esq., deed. 

James Stephen, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. Henry J. S., 
Esq., of Bristol, sergt. at-law. 

John Harward Griffiths, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.Ch. (20), 1. s. 
John G., of the Weir, co. Hereford, Esq. 

folio 147. 

Francis Edward Guise, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
Sir John G., of Rendcombe Park, co. Glouc., bart. 

William Henry Ford Cogan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), o. s. 
Bryan C., of Dublin, mercht. 

Chaklf;s Frederick Stovin, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. John 
Sparrow S., of Cheltenham, Esq. 

folio 148. 

George Chance, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
William C., of Birmingham, co. Warwick, merchant. 

Timothy Smith Osler, of Uny. of London, B.A. (19), 3 s. 
Thomas O., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Buck, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. (28), 2 s. Rev. 
Richard B., of Agecroft Hall, co. Line. 

2 IO 

SUiuoln’g £nn ^tunigstfon lUgtgttr: 1420-1893. 

1843 March 12 

folio 149. 

Charles Sargent, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
William S., of Putney Heath, Esq. 

>, 29 

Carrington Francis (20), 3 s. William Wallis F.. of Colchester, 

April 6 

Francis Henry Richard Wilbraham, of Peter Ho., Camb. 
(24), 4 s. Randle W., of Rode Hall, Cheshire, Esq. 

„ 6 

folio 150. 

Charles Watkin Willi a ms-Wynn, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(20), 0. s. Rt. Hon. Charles Watkin Williams-W., a bencher 
of Line. Inn, and M.P. 

„ 10 

Henry Dawson, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. ^22), 3 s. Rt. Hon. 
George Robert D., of Castle Dawson, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

„ 10 

Thomas Richard John Bushell (18), o. s. Thomas B., 

n 12 

folio 151. 

Theodore Judkin Du Bois, 3 s. Edward D., of Sloane St.» 
Middx., bar.-at-law. 

„ 12 

„ 12 

Thomas Martin (26), 2 s. Simon M., of Norwich, banker. 

Charles Hartley Langhorne, late of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(24), 2 s. John L., of Spittle, co. Durham, gent. 

,, 22 

folio 152. 

Duncan Stewart (18), 2 s. Duncan S., sol. genl. of the Island 
of Bermuda. 

» 22 

William Percival Pickering, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (23), 
6 s. Edward Rowland P., of Line. Inn. 

June 4 

William Bowman White, of Caius Coll., Camb. (19), s. 
Thomas W., of Bedford Row, gent. 

April 24 

folio 153. 

Henry Sargant, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (28), 2 s. William S, of 

» 25 

Henry Cust Burges, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
late Ynyr B., of The Wilderness, Reigate, Esq. 

>» 2 5 

Hercules Brabazon Sharpe, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Hercules S., of Oaklands, Sussex, Esq. 

„ 26 

„ 26 

folio 154. 

Robert Haliday (20), 3 s. Robert H., of Belfast, Esq. 

George Eveleigh Saunders, of Wadham Coll., Oxon (21), 2 s. 
Rev. George Eveleigh S., of Tarrant Rushton, Dorset. 

» 27 

Charles Frederick Walker, of Catherine Hall, Cambridge 
(20), 2 s. Charles W., of Ashford Court, Salop, Esq., and ol 
Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law 



Ufnroln’* Enn &Dmfjssfon Licgtjstrr: 1420-1893. 211 

1843 April 27 


May 2 






folio 155. 

George Augustus Frederick Robinson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
B.A. (21), o. s. Rev. Hugh Richard R., Govt. Chaplain, New 
Norfolk, Van Diemans Land. 

John Hagan (23), 2 s. John H., of New Orleans, U.S.A. (after 
of London). 

William Wallace Harris (23), 5 s. late Hugh Harris, of 
Ashfort, co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 156. 

Fielding Nalder, of Magdalen Coil, Camb. (24), 3 s. 

Francis N., of Streatham, Surrey, Esq. 

Waldron Burrowes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), 1 s. Peter B., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

William James Vance, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (20), 1 s. John V., 
of Kingstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

folio 157. 

John Pigot, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (21), is. Rt. Hon. David 
Richard P., of Dublin. 

John O’Hagan, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. (22), s. John O’H., 
of Newry, co. Down, Esq. 

Frederick William McBlain, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. 
(21), 2 s David M., of Newry, co. Down, Esq. 

folio 158. 

William Patrick O’Brien, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (20), o. s. 
Edward O’B., of Mitchelstown, co. Cork, Esq. 

Robert St. George Rathborne, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. (21), 
2 s. William R., of Scripplestone Ho., co. Dublin, Esq. 

Hibbert Newton, jun., of Trin. Coll, Dublin (21), t s. 
Hibbert N., of Ballinglin, co. Wicklow, Esq. 

folio 159. 

5 Robert Griffin, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (21), 2 s. Richard G., 

late of Enniscorthy, co. Wexford, Esq., deed. 

6 William Allen Walsh, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. (26), o s. 

late Christopher W., of Dublin, Esq. 

6 Samuel William Clowes, of Brazennose Coll, Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Col. C., of Spondon, co. Derby. 

folio 160. 

6 Joseph Goff, of Oriel Coll, Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. Joseph G., of 
Hale Ho., Southants, Esq. 

25 George Frederick Ballard (20), s. late Rear-Adml Volant 
Vaskow B., C.B., of Bath. 

25 Francis O’Grady Evans, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Francis E., of Mallow, co. Cork, Esq. 

2 1 2 

Utncoln’g Jim a&nusston LUgigtri : I42O-1893. 


May 29 

June 5 

May 6 


June 8 

„ 8 

» 9 

Aug. 1 

Sept. 1 

Oct. 4 

Nov. 1 





folio 161. 

Henry Abram Roberts, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. 
(22), 1 s. late Thomas R., of Liverpool, Ksq. 

William Patrick Carr, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 3 s. 
Rev. George W. C., of New Ross, co. Wexford. 

Arthur Bastable, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 1 s. Daniel B., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 162. 

Charles Robert Barry (20), 1 s. James B., of Limerick. 

Hon. George Francis Stewart Elliot, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (20), 4 s. Earl of Minto. 

George Rastrick, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. John 
Urpeth R., of Eaton Sq., Esq. 

folio 163. 

Hon. Frederick Byron, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
Lord Byron. 

I homas Joseph Hercy (18), 1 s. John H., of Hawthorn Hill, 
Bray, Berks, Esq. 

William Robert Morgan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
William M., late of Ravensdale, co. Kildare, Esq. 

folio 164. 

William Wright, of St. Peter’s Coll., B.A. (28), 3 s. late 
George W., of Hamilton Terrace, Middx., Esq. 

John Gerard Leigh, of St. John Baptist Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
John Shaw L., of Liverpool. 

Robert Hayston Frank (29), o. s. Robert F., of Edge Hill, 
Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 165. 

Thomas Englrsby Rogers, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(26), 1 s. Francis R., of Yarlington, Somerset, Esq. 

Henry William Hoskins, of Balliol Coll., Ox., 1 s. Rev. 
Henry H., of North Perrott, Somerset, afsd 

Arthur Benthall, of Clare Hall, Camb. (18), s. William 
Searle B., of York St., Portman Sq., Esq. 

folio 166. 

Douglas Brown, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 7 s. late 
Jonathan B., of Jamaica, meicht. 

Samuel Brownlow Gray (20), 2 s. Benjamin Charles Thomas G., 
of Burton Crescent. 

Paul Augustine Kingdon, fellow of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. 
( 23 ), 3 s * Thomas Hockin K., of Pyworthy, Devon, clerk. 


Utntoln’js I-nn abmtegton Hcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 



folio 167. 

Nov. 6 Michael Andrew Rorke (20), s. late Andrew R., late of 

Tyrrelstown Ho., co. Dublin, Esq. 

„ 7 Robert Milnes Newton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 

William N., of Eldon, Suff., Esq. 

„ 8 Alfred Martineau, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

Philip M., of Montagu PL, Russell Sq., Esq. 

folio 168. 

9 John Giles, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Joseph G., of 
Eascott Ho., Wells, Somerset, Esq. 

8 Hon. George Denman, B.A. fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 
4 s. Lord D., Chief Justice Queen’s Bench. 

11 John Brinkley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. Mathew 

B., of Parsonstown, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 169. 

13 Alfred Hill (22), t s. Matthew Davenport H., a bencher of 
Line. Inn. 

16 George Percival Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 

John S., of Oundle, Northants, Esq. 

folio 170. 

17 Henry Richard Farrer, B.A., a fellow of Merton Coll, Ox. 

(22), 4 s. James William F., a Master in Chancery. 

17 Daniel Lea Lynch (18), 1 s. John L., of Tralee, Ireland, 


18 Charles Turner Simpson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(24), 1 s. Charles S., of Chester, Esq. 





folio 171. 

Edward Dwyer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Thomas D., of 
of Dublin, Esq. 

Joseph Farran Darley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22) 3 s. late 
William I)., of Dublin, Esq. 

Thomas Henry Craig, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 1 s. 
Stewart C., of Banbridge, co. Down, Esq. 

folio 172. 

„ 21 Edmund Dawson Allen (24), o. s. late Christopher Edmund A., 

of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 23 Algernon Bathurst, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 5 s. Sir James B., 

K.C.B., of Somerleage, Somerset. 

Dec. 18 John Knight Fitzherbert, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(23), y. s. Sir Henry F., of Tissington Hall, Derby, bart. 


Utnroln’s Cnn atnnisstion i-Ugtstcr: 1420-1893. 

1844 Jan. 9 




»» 23 

» 23 

n 2 4 

» 2 5 

ft 2 3 



» 2 7 

» 3° 

„ 30 

April 2 



» 19 

» >9 

folio 173. 

Francis William Clarke (i8), o. s. Francis C., of Gloucester 
PI., New Road, Middx. 

Edward Henry, of Christ Church, B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Edward W., of Newhold Comyn, co. Warwick, Esq. 

Edward Ri.ackrurne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. Rt. 
Hon. F. B. 

folio 174. 

John James Calman, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (23), o. s. John C., of 
Calcutta, E.I. 

John Frazer, graduate of Trin. Coll., Dublin (36), 5 s. late 
John F., of Dromore, co. Down, Esq. 

Reginald John Graham, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
John G., of Eastbourne, Sussex, Esq. 

folio 175. 

Edward Thomas Wakefield, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 
1 s. Thomas Christy W., of Moyallon Ho., co. Down, Esq. 

William Justin O’Driscoll, of Dublin (23), 3 s. F. O’D., late 
of Kensall, co. Cork, Esq. 

Littleton Powys, of St. Catharine Hall, Camb., M.A. (26), o. s. 
Rev. and Hon. Littleton P„ of Titchmarsh, Northants, deed. 

folio 176. 

Patrick Marcellinus Leonard, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(21), 1 s. Stephen John L., of Dublin, Esq. 

William Hackett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21) 3 s. 

Bartholomew H., of Cork, Esq. 

William Wright, jun. (20), 1 s. William W., of Stone Buildings, 
Line. Inn, Esq. 

folio 177. 

Fredf.rick Basset Wingfield, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
William W., a Master in Chancery and a bencher of Line. Inn. 

John Julius Stutzer, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Henry Lewis S., of River Terrace, Islington, Esq. 

Thomas Aurelius Attwood, of Hales Owen, Salop (34), 2 s. 
Thomas A., of Birmingham, Esq. 

folio 178. 

Charles Richard Ogden, atty. genl. Isle of Man (50 and upds.), 
6 s. late Isaac O., a Judge of Q. B., Montreal, Lower Canada. 

John Dent Dent, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (17), 1 s. 
Joseph I)., of Ribston Park, Yorks., Esq. 

Benjamin Gray, B.A. (M.A. 1847), a fellow of Trin. Coll, Camb. 
(24), y. s. Benjamin G., of Seedley, n. Manchester, Esq. 

Uincoln’js Enn a&mtssion Ucgtutcr: 1420-1893 



April 19 
„ 22 

„ 23 

„ 24 

» 2 5 

„ 25 

„ 27 

,1 27 

» 29 

» 30 

» 3° 

May 1 



folio 179. 

Andrew Alexander Knox, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 

2. s. late George K., of Henrietta St., Cav. Sq., Esq. deed. 

Ebenezer Kay, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21;, 4 s. late 
Robert K., of Bury, co. Lane., Esq. 

John Dryden Hodgson, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 

2 s. John H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 180. 

Henry John Blagrove (late Coore) (22), 2 s. Frederick 
Richard Coore, of London, deed. 

Henry William Moore Singleton, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 

1 s. Edward S., of Callon, co. Louth, Esq. 

John Buckmaster, of the Uny. of Oxon., and Mary Hall, B.A. 
(24), 2 s. John B., late of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

folio 181. 

Henry Robert Vaughan Johnson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), 3 s. Rev. John J., LL.D., of Yaxham, Norfolk. Esq., 

George Tighe Hopkins, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 2 s. 
late Francis H., of Mitchelstown, co. Meath, Esq. 

William Henry Townsend, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 4 s. 
Robert T., of Doctor’s Commons, Esq. 

folio 182. 

William Bolton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), y. s. 

Lyndon B., Esq., of Dausanne House, Kent. 

Thomas Steele, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. Frederick 
Eccles S., of Londonderry. Esq., deed. 

John Reid, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), 1 s. Robert R., 
M.I)., of London. 

folio 183. 

Richard Boteler, late of John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), y. s. 
William Fuller B., a bencher of Lincon’s Inn. 

James Blencowe, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (26), 3 s. John 
Jackson B., of Marston St. Lawrence, Northants, Esq. 

Martin Napoleon Wall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Christopher Edward W., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 184. 

William Augustine Conway (22), 2 s. F. W. C., of Dublin, 

Joseph Henry Dunne (19), o. s. Joseph Henry D., of Williams- 
town, co. Dublin, Esq. 

William Basil Orpin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. John 
O., of Kingstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Umcoln’s Enn SUnnigsion Hcnigtcr: 1420 - 1893 . 


1844 May 3 

folio 185. 

William Layton Lowndes, of Oriel Coll., Ox., A.M. (22), 0. s. 
Henry Dalston L., late of Red Lion Sq., Middx., Esq. 

» 4 

Ralph Robert Wheeler Lingen, fellow of Balliol Coll., Ox. 
(25), 0. s. Thomas L., of Birmingham, manufacturer. 

„ 18 

Hugh Haliday (20), 4 s. late Robert, H., of Belfast, Esq. 

„ 18 

folio 186. 

William King, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 4 s late Sir 
Robert K., of Charlestown, co. Leitrim, bart. 

„ 20 

William Henry Fitzhugh, of Ch. Ch., Oxon., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. William A. F., of Streat, Sussex. 

„ 20 

John Carley (29), 1 s. Rev. James C., of Antrim, Presbyterian 

>1 22 

folio 187. 

Arthur Maynard Denny, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., 2 s. Anthony D., 
late of Barham Woods, Herts., Esq., deed. 

» 25 

Henry Forester, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 0. s. Francis F., 
of St. James’ Place, Esq. 

>» 25 

James Galbraith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Rev. John G., 
of the Vic Taunt, co. Galway. 

» 27 

folio 188. 

Edmund Swetenham, of Brazennose Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Clement S., of Somerford Booths, Cheshire, Esq. 

« 27 

Andrew Rorke (36), 4 s late Andrew R., of Tyrrelstown Ho., 
co. Dublin, Esq. 

» 27 

George Ferguson Bowen, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward B., of Bogay Ho., co. Donegal. 

it 27 

folio 189. 

Richard Calthorpe Whitmore Ryde, of Wadham Coll., Ox. 
(21), 8 s. late Henry R., Lord Bishop of Lichfield and 

it 28 

William Hastings Beckett, senior sophister of Trin. Coll., 
Dublin (20), 0. s. William B.,of Downpatrick, co. Down, Esq. 

„ 28 

Alexander Stewart Mehan (22), 2 s. James M., of London¬ 
derry, mercht. 

» 3 ° 

folio 190. 

George Lawson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. late 
William L., of Milnthorp, Westmorland, Esq. 

June 1 

Alfred William Howell (18), 2 s. Charles H., of Hamilton 
Terrace, St. John’s Wood, Esq. 

11 4 

John Fisher Miller, of Weston Hill, Norwood, Surrey (38), 
3 s. late Patrick M., ol Perth, coachmaker. 


ILtnroln’s $nn airnttsston Register : 1420-1893. 217 

1844 June 6 
>« 7 

» 13 

folio 191. 

George Roe, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. George R., of 
Sorn Park, co. Tippy. 

Alfred Hamilton, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 7 s. 
Augustus H., of Trafalgar Sq., Esq. 

Arthur Ainslie Young (15), s. Gilbert Ainslie Y., of Line. Inn, 

Nov. 2 










folio 192. 

George Augustus Alston, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 

3 s. John Thomas A., of Liverpool, Esq. 

William Wynne Ffoulkes, late of Jesus Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 

4 s. John Powell Ft, late of Errivatt Hall, co. Denbigh, 
Esq., deed. 

Andrew Lyle, graduate of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), 1 s. 
Andrew L., of Armagh, Esq. 

folio 193. 

George Staunton Simcocks, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
John S., Esq., late 40th foot. 

Nassau John Senior, of Uny. of Oxford, B.A. (22), o. s. Nassau 
William S., Esq., a Master in Chancery. 

George Worthington, jun. (19), o. s. George W., of Liverpool, 


folio 194. 

George William Lee Plumptre Carter, of Oriel Coll., Ox. 

(21) , 1 s. Harry William C., of Kennington Place, Kent, Esq. 

James Wilberforce Stephen, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(22) , 1 s. Sir GeorgeS., of Collins Princes Risborough, Bucks 

James Orr, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. Andrew O., 
of Milburne, Coleraine, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

folio 195. 

James Heard Pulman (23), 1 s. James P., Esq., Richmond 
Herald, of East Hill, Wandsworth, Esq. 

Edward Barry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 2 s. James 
Wildman B., of Dundulrich, co. Cork, Esq. 

William Wood Davis (19), 4 s. Samuel D., Esq., of Boulogne, 
France, late of Parson’s Green, Middx. 

folio 196. 

Henry Pendergast Garde, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 3 s. 
Henry Pendergast G., of Garryduff, co. Waterford. 

James Downes Roche, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 1 s. William 
Nicholas R., bar.-at-law, of Dublin. 

Frederick Waymouth Gibbs, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
o. s. Samuel Newcomen G., of Plymouth, Devon. 

vol. 11. 

2 E 

2 18 

Lincoln’s 5nn mission HcQtstcr: 1420-1893. 

1844 Nov. 13 

folio 197. 

William Parker, of Ware Park, Herts (42), 2 s. late William P., 
of Dorset Sq., Esq. 

» 13 

» 13 

William Henry Tindall (24), 2 s. John T., of Manchester, Esq. 
Henry Dudgeon, of Trin. Coll. (21), 2 s. James D., of Dublin. 

», 15 

folio 198. 

John Murphy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Robert M., of 
Dublin, Esq. 

>> 1 5 

George Wirgman Hemming, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 2 s. Henry Keeme H., of Lismore, co. Waterford, Esq. 

»» 1 5 

John Nicholson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. John N., of 
Upper Clapton, Middx., Esq. 

•» l S 

folio 199. 

Richard Assheton Cross, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. late 
William C, of Red Scar, co. Lane, Esq. 

» l S 

Thomas Cox, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 7 s. late William C, of 
Windsor, New S. Wales. 

„ 16 

George Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. late John S., 
Esq., of Stone View, co. Dublin. 


folio 200. 

Alfred McFarland (20), 4 s. John McF., late of Greenfield, 
co. Londonderry, Esq. 

» 18 

Walter Blackett Trevelyan, of Gonviile and Caius Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (23), 1 survivg. s. Raleigh T., of Nether Witton, 
Northld., Esq. 


John Eveleigh Wyndham, of Oriel Coll., Ox., M.A. (31), 0. s. 
Rev. John Heathcote W., of Corton, Somerset. 

>, 7 

folio 201. 

John Young Kemp, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 1 s. John K., 
late of Charlotte St., Bloomsbury, ad eundum. 

Dec. 23 

James Anderson, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 1 s. David A., 
of Bellfield, n. Edinburgh, Esq., ad eundem. 

1845 Jan. 13 

Matthew Inglett Brickdai.e, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 

1 s. John Fortescue B., of Newland, co. Glouc., Esq., ad 


>, 7 

folio 202. 

William Rogers, jun. (16), 1 s. William R., of Line. Inn, bar.- 

Edward Peche Stock (18), 5 s. Rev. I. S., of Finchingfield, 


Henry Matthews (t 8), .0. s. late Henry M., Puisne Justice 
Supreme Court, Ceylon. 

ILtnroln’g tfntt a&mteston Register: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 11 

„ T 4 

n J 4 

» II 

„ 16 

„ 16 

„ 18 

.ft 18 

,, 18 

„ 21 

„ 21 

»' 2 T 

„ 21 

« 22 

I I 

April 21 


folio 203 

Robert Vaughan Williams, of Christ Ch., Ox. (22), 3. s. 

William W., of Shewsbury, bar.-at-law. 

Samuel Valis Peet, graduate of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
William P., of Waterford, Esq. 

Thomas Lighton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. Rev. Sir 
John L., bart, of Dononghmore, co. Donegal. 

folio 204. 

John Gardner Dillman Engleheart, student of Ch. Ch., Ox., 
B. A.(21), o. s. John Cox Dillman E., of East Acton, Middx., Esq. 

Robert Watkins Taylor (20), o. s. Rev. Robert T., rector of 
Clifton Campville, co. Staff. 

Emilius Watson Taylor, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
George Watson T., Esq., of Erlstoke, Wilts, deed. 

folio 205. 

William Broderick, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. William B., 
of Gt. Ormond St., Middx., gent. 

James Hayward, jun., of Exeter Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. James H., 
of Wokingham, Berks, Esq. 

John Hatch Synge, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 3 s. 
John S., of Glanmore, co. Wicklow, Esq. 

folio 206. 

William St. John Clerke, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. 
St. John C., M.D., of Skibbereen, co. Cork. 

William Hickson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), o. s. George B. H., 
of Dublin, Q.C. 

Thomas Hughes of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. John H., Esq., of 
Donnington, Berks. 

folio 207. 

Richard Donovan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. Richard D., 
of Ballymore, co. Wexford, Esq. 

Henry Dickinson, of St. Peter’s Coll. Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Henry D., of Madras, Esq. 

Samuel Dickson Sandes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 
Stephen C. S., late Bishop of Cashel. 

folio 208. 

George Bowyer, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
1 June, 1836, called 7 June, 1839), 1 s. Sir George B., of 
Radley, Berks, bart., ad eundem. 

Richard Albany Nelson, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 
1 Nov., 1831, called 18 Nov., 1835), 3 s. Thomas N., late of 
Chester-le-Street, Durham, Esq., deed. 

William Speed, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, adm. 20 May, 
1836, called 24 May, 1839, o. s. William S., late of South- 
well, Notts, Esq., deed. 

Htncoln’js Inn a&intsston Register: 1420-1893. 














folio 209. 

24 William Cecil Spring Rice, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (21), 

5 s. Lord Monteagle. 

25 David Richard Pigot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 2 s. 

Rt. Hon. David R. P., of Dublin. 

27 Alfred Hudson Shadweix, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. 

(26), 5 s. Rt. Hon. Sir Lancelot S., Vice-Chanc. Exch. and 
a bencher of L. I. 

folio 210. 

28 George Casement (22), 12 s. late Roger C., of Ballymena, co. 

Antrim, Esq. 

29 Chichester S. Fortescue, of Christ Church, Ox. (22), 2 s. 

Chichester F., of Clyde Farm, co. Louth, Esq. 

30 William Lettsom Gronow, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s 

Rev. Thomas G., of Court Herbert, n. Neath, co. Glam. 

folio 211. 

14 Stephen Burstall, of IJny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 5 s. Samuel B., 
of Heple, Yorks, Esq. 

21 Thomas Rawlinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), y. s. 

John R., of Wimpole St., Middx., Esq. 

24 Francis George West, of Magdalen Hall, Ox. (39), o. s. Rev. 

George W., M.A., Rector of Stoke next Guildford, Surrey. 

folio 212. 

22 Robert Augustus Faulder, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), o. s. 

Joseph F., of Fitzroy Sq., Middx., Esq. 

28 Robert Blachford Mansfield, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Rev. John M., of Kings Worthy, Hants, Esq. 

1 Mordaunt Martin Glasse (17), 1 s. William Bulkeley G., of 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-Iaw, Esq. 

No. 22 . 

folio 1. 

4 Arthur Stanley Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 
2 s. Thomas J., of Armagh, Esq. 

4 Alexander Anderdon Weston, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(23), o. s. Samuel Charles W., of Upper Montagu St., 
Middx., Esq. 

10 John Henry Brasier, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (27), o. s. 
Samuel B., of York Terrace, Regents Park, Middx., Esq. 

lUnroln’g Enn 2l&mteston lacgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

22 1 

April 14 

n M 

» 17 

» 17 

„ 24 

» 24 

„ 24 

» 25 

» 25 

»> 25 

„ 26 

» 29 

» 3 ° 

», 3 ° 

» 30 

„ 30 

folio 2. 

George Brackenbury (18), 2 s. Rev. Joseph B., of the 
Magdalen Hospital, Blackfriars Road. 

Solomon Darcus (20), o. s. Solomon D., of Gardenmore Lame, 
co. Antrim, Esq. 

Danby Palmer Fry (26), 2 s. Alfred Augustus F., of Upper 
Barnsbury St., Islington, mercht. 

folio 3. 

Richard O’Donovan (20), 2 s. Jeremiah O’D., of Middleton, 
co. Cork, Esq. 

Hon. St. John George Paul Methuen (25), 2 s. Lord 

William Parsons, jun., o. s. William P., of Coborn St., Borough, 

folio 4. 

Frederick Pearce Campbell, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 

William Newell C., of Kingsdown, Kent, Esq. 

Joseph Greene, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Richard 
Wilson G., of Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Esq. 

John Gray, of Dublin, M.D. (29), 3 s. John G., of Clare- 
morris, co. Mayo, Esq. 

folio 5. 

Michael Cusac Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 2 s. Sir 
Michael Cusac S., of Newton, King’s Co., bart. 

Daniel George Griott, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), y. s. 
James G., of Cork, Esq. 

Edmund O’Flaherty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23),©. s. Francis O’F., 
of Knockbane, co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 6. 

Thomas McMahon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 
John McM., of Firgrove, co. Clare, Esq. 

William Stewart Ferrers, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
W. E. F., of Hertford St., May Fair, Esq. 

Philip Jennings, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (27), o. s. 
Richard J., late of London, deed. 

folio 7. 

George Edward Cottrell, y. s. Rev. Clement C., late of North 
Waltham, Hants. 

Robert Borr Uniacke, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (21), 1 s. Robert U., 
of Woodhouse, co. Waterford, Esq. 

John Hickson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 2 s. John 
James H., of Tralee, co. Kerry, Esq., deed. 


Utntoln’js a&intsston &egtsfttv : 1420-1893. 








» 5 

» 17 



„ 31 

» 31 

„ 3 1 

folio 8. 

Denis Caulfield Heron, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
William H., of Newry, co. Down, Esq. 

Nathaniel Robert Powell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
Robert P., of Newton Park, Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Minshall Stockdale, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
Rev. William S., of Mears Ashby, Northants. 

folio 9. 

Robert Walsh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), s. of Michael W., 
of Scholarstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

James Traill Hall (20), 2 s. late James J. H.. of Dublin, Esq. 

Luke Alexander Treston, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
John T., of Tubrawan, co. Mayo, Esq. 

folio 10. 

Patrick W. Kenny, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23). 1 s. Matthew K., 
of Theagh Castle, co. Clare, Esq. 

John B. Carden, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Richard M. C, of Fishmoyne, co. Tipp., Esq. 

Thomas William Tindal, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. 
Thomas T., of Aylesbury, Esq. 

folio 11. 

Richard Augustus Cavendish (20), 3 s. Hon. Frederick C., of 
Castlebar, co. Mayo. 

James Henry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 4 s. Joseph H., of 
Dublin, solr. 

George Smoult Fagan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 3 s. late 
Genl. Christopher F. 

folio 12. 

Henry Wyndham West, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. Martin 
John W., bar.-at-law. 

Henry Daniel Pierson, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (16), s. of 

- P., late of Messrs. Bishop & Co., Bankside, Surrey, 


Thomas Warwick Brooks, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
2 s. late James Sheffield B., of John St., Bedford Row. 

folio 13. 

John Tomlinson Hibbert, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Elijah H., of Oldham, co. I^anc., Esq. 

Hooper John Wilkinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Hooper John W., of Walsham-le-Willows, Suffi, Esq. 

Edward Eyre Maunsell, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward Eyre M., of Fort Eyre, co. Galway. 

ILtnroln’g Inn fttimission IXrcjtstcr: 1420-1893. 


June 4 
» 4 

» 5 



Oct. 7 
„ 27 

June 21 
April 15 
Nov. 24 

» 1 

„ 1 

» 4 

» 5 

» 5 

folio 14 . 

James Rigg Brougham (19), 4 s. John Waugh B., of Edinburgh, 

James Frederick Martley, of Trin. Coll., Dub., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
late John M., Esq., Q.C., of Dublin. 

Samuel Doughty, of Attleborough, Norfolk (32), 2 survg. s. 
Benjamin Attelsey D., late of Norwich, flour factor, deed. 

folio 15. 

William French McDermott-Roe, of^Alderford, co. Rossc. 

(22) , 2 s. late French McDermott-Roe, Esq. 

Vincent John Reynolds, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
Vincent Stuckey R., of Cannons Grove, Somerset, Esq. 

Henry Robert Young, of Trin. Coll., Oxn., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Henry Y., of Essex St., Strand, Esq. 

folio 16. 

Thomas Lomax, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. Samuel L., of 
Rochdale, Esq. 

Stephen Thomas Clissold, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 

Rev. Stephen C., of Wrentham Rectory, Sufi*. 

Francis Howell, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. David H., late of 
Ethy, Cornwall, Esq. 

folio 17. 

Benjamin Hardy, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 9 June, 
1830, called 23 Nov. 1836), 3 s. Samuel H., of Lloyd’s 
Row, Islington, Esq., ad eundem. 

John Venn Prior, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
9 Jany., 1833, called 29 Jany., 1836), 1 s. John P., late of 
Clapham, Surrey, surgeon. 

Charles Beavan, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
3 May, 1822, called 25 June, 1830), 5 s. Hugh B., of 
Westminster, Esq. 

folio 18. 

Hon. John Pendergast Vereker, Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. 

(23) , 2 s. Visct. Gort. 

William John Corken, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (24), 1 s. 
Rev. John C., late of Aghadee, co. Antrim, deed. 

Edward Frederick Smyth Pigott, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 
3 s. John Hugh Smyth P., of Brockley Hall, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 19. 

George Joseph Lyons, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22) 1 s. 
Samuel L., of Sydney, N. S. Wales, gent. 

Charles George Tripp (19), 3 s. Rev. Charles T., of Silverton 
Rectory, Devon, D.D. 

John George Mayo (18), o. s. Herbert M., Esq., F.R.S., of 
Muhlbad pris Boppard sur Rhin, Germany. 


iUnroln’* Inn atmitsgton Befjtsder : 1420-1893. 

1845 Nov. 6 
» 7 

H 8 

» 12 

» 15 

» 15 

„ l8 
„ 21 

„ 2 9 

Dec. 5 

1846 Jan. 9 

folio 20 . 

Thomas Halhed Fischer (15), 2 s. Capt. Thomas F., H.E.I.C.S. 

Samuel Brockelbank, of Queen’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (30), 3 s. 
late Thomas B., of YVestcombe Park, Greenwich, Esq. 

Timothy Mahony Lalor (19), 2 s. William L., of Grennane, 
Queen’s Co., Esq. 

folio 21 . 

William Augustus Marsh, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(31), 2 s. Henry M., of Bath, Esq. 

Charles James Trevor Roper (21), of St. John Baptist Coll., 
Ox., son of Charles Blayney Trevor Roper, Esq., of Plasteg 
Park, Flints, Esq. 

Arthur Sperling, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Rev. Harvey 
James S., of Lattenbury Hill, co. Camb. 

folio 22 . 

Horace Masfen Wright (19), 2 s. William W., Esq., of Stone 

Robert Carson, of Trin. Coll., B.A. (22), 3 s. Samuel C., of 
Raphoe, co. Donegal. 

Henry Kennedy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, LL.D. (39), 2 s. late 
Edward K., of Ulverston, co. Lane., gent. 

folio 23. 

John Downes Rochfort, of Christ Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. John 
Staunton R., of Clogrennan, co. Carlow, Esq. 

Charles James Monk, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. James 
Henry, Lord Bp. of Gloucester and Bristol. 

Richard Ottaway Turner, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. late 
Richard T., of Canton, China, mercht. 

folio 24. 

Charles Henry Tandy, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
Charles T., of Sion Lodge, Waterford, Esq. 

William YY’illiamson Kerr of Oriel Coll., Ox., M.A. (25), 2 s. 
(Hon.) James K., of the inner Temple, and of Quebec, 
Lower Canada, a justice of the said colony. 

William Robert Burrell, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (19), 4 s - 
Peter Ashwell B., of London, gent. 

folio 25. 

to William Gibbings (27), 2 s. late Bartholomew G., of Woodville, 
co. Cork, Esq. 

14 William Sidney Smith (23), 3 s. Ralph S., of Milford, co. 

Tippy., Esq. 

15 St. George Mivart (18), 3 s. James Edward M., of Brooke St., 

Grosv. Sq., gent. 

Htncoln’s Inn Emission &egf$tcr: 1420-1893. 225 

1846 Jan. 15 

„ 19 

» 21 

„ 30 

» 22 

„ 22 

n 22 

„ 22 
M 23 

„ 24 

„ 24 

» 24 

March 14 

April 20 
May 1 

folio 26. 

Hilton Thomas Jenkins (21), 1 s. late Hilton Thomas J., of 
Hackney, Middx., gent. 

William Wilberforce, of St. Mary Hall., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. 

William W., of Markinton, Yorks, Esq. 

Becher Lionel Fleming, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Lionel John F., of New Court, co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 27. 

Edward Francis Smith, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 1 s. 
William, late of Favey Hall, Eltham, Kent, Esq. 

John Bradley Swann, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A., aged 28, s. 
John Wright, of Kingston-upon-Hull, Esq. 

William David Cathcart Monypenny, of Rolvenden, Kent 
(19), 2 s. Thomas Gybbon M., of Rolvenden, afsd., Esq. 

folio 28. 

Thomas Ramshay Smythe Temple, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), o. s. Frederick James Henry T., of Dean St., Park 
I^ane, London, Esq. 

Arthur Harbottle Estcourt, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
4 s. Rev. Edmund E., of Newnham, Wilts. 

Charles Parke, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (23), y. s. William P., 
of Weymouth, Esq. 

folio 29. 

Tohn Brenane (24), 1 s. John Ryan B., Esq., of Sydney, 
N. S. Wales. 

Patrick Joseph Murray (22), o. s. Michael M., of Dublin, Esq. 

Thomas Joseph Cavendish Bradshaw, late of Christ Ch., Ox., 
and of London, 1 s. Joseph Hoare B., of London, banker. 

folio 30. 

Sydney Smith Bell, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 22 
Apl., 1836, called 3 May, 1839), 7 s. of William B., of Edin¬ 
burgh, and after of Pentonville, mercht. 

Robert Capel Cure, of the Middle Temple (adm. 7 Feb., 1834), 
1 s. Capel C., of Blake Hall, Essex, Esq., ad eundem. 
Thomas Beevor, of the Inner Temple (adm. 24 Mar., 1843), 1 s. 
Sir Thomas Branthwayt B., of Hargham, Norfolk, bart. 

folio 31. 

1846 Jan. 26 Frederick James Furnival, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 

George Frederick F., of Egham, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 26 Thomas Arthur Corlett, jun., of Wore. Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. 

Thomas Arthur C., of Ramsey, Isle of Man. 

„ 27 James Bridge Davidson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 1 s. James D., 

of Lector, Axminster, Devon, Esq. 

226 Hfntoln’g Jnit ^l&mtggtoni iXcg<j5ter: 1420-1893. 

1846 Jan. 27 

folio 32 . 

John D’Arcy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 3 s. Martin D., 
of Well Fort, co. Galway, Esq., deed. 

March 19 

John Turton Woolley, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
3 s. Thomas Smith W., of So. Collingham, Notts, Assist. 
Tithe Comssr. 

April 8 

Thomas Percival Beckwith, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 0. s. 
Thomas B., late of Russell Sq., Middx., Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

folio 33 . 

George Penry Bevan, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. Rev. 
George Jones B., of Crickhowell, Brecon. 

„ 18 

Edmund Dorman Hodgson, of Emanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Edmund H., of Brixton Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 18 

Francis George Bernard, of Oriel Coll., Ox. B.A. (23), y. s. 
Rev. William B., of Clatworthy, Somerset. 

„ 18 

folio 34 . 

Clarke Watkins Burton, of Clare Hall, Camb. (18), 2 s. 
Edmund Singer B., of Church Hill, Welton, Northants, Esq. 

„ 20 

Arthur Cayley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (24), 1 s. 
Henry C., of London, Esq. 

„ 20 

Daniel Conner (23), 1 s. Daniel C., Esq., of Mauch Ho., 
co. Cork. 

» 20 

folio 35 . 

Charles Edward Murray (20), 2 s. Rev. Edward M., of 
Northolt Rectory, Middx. 

„ 20 

Hon. William Frederick Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(21), 1 s. Lord Campbell and Stratheden, a Master of the 

„ 20 

Benjamin Blayds Haworth, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Benjn. H., of Hallbank Ho., Yorks, Esq. 

„ 20 

folio 36 . 

Alfred Walker Simpson, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Alfred S., of New Malton, Yorks, atty.-at-law. 

„ 23 

Henry Dix Hutton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 0. s. Henry H., 
of Baldoyle, co. Dublin, Esq. 

» 2 3 

Richard Ramsay Fielder, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (24), 0. s. late 
John F., of Duke St., Grosvenor Sq., solicitor. 

folio 37 . 

24 William Edward Jones, of Jesus Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), o. s. 
William J., of Walsall, co. Staff., hanker. 

„ 24 

Nicholas Edmund Lalor, Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 3 s. 
Thomas Edmund L., of Cregg, co. Tippy., Esq., 


Henry Osburne Seward, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
B.A. (22), s. Hy. Osb. S., the elder of Lee Cottage, co. Cork, 


Utncoln’sf Inn admission &cgigtcr: 1420-1893. 


folio 38. 


2 5 

Thomas Arnoi.d, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. Thomas A., 
D.D., of Fox Howe, Westmorland. 


2 5 

John Barton Arundel Acland, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 5 s. 
Sir Thomas Dyke A., of Killerton, Devon, M.P. 


Philip Henry Pepys (21), 1 s. Lord Bishop of Worcester. 

folio 39. 



Samuel Scott, of Bungay, Suff., gent. (41), 0. s. Samuel S., late 
of same, mercht., deed. 



Edward Sullivan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. Edward S., 
of Mallow, co. Cork, Esq. 



John Stewart Cumming (16), 2 s. William Spink C., of Lime- 
house, surgeon. 

folio 40. 



William Pennefather, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. 
William P., of Lakefield, co. Tippy., Esq. 



Owen Rees (19), 3 s. Josiah R., of Guildford St., Russell Sq., 



Richard Jonas Greene, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. 
Richard Wilson G., atty. genl., Ireland. 

folio 41. 



John Chas. W'hyte, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. late Capt. 
Edward W., R.N., of Dublin. 



Henry McNeil Saul (22), 2 s. John S., of Downpatrick, co. 

9 » 


William O’Donnell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (19), 1 s. 
Michael 0 ; D., of Clareville, co. Dublin, mercht. 

folio 42. 



James Ferrier Parker, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Alex. P., 
of Dublin, Esq. 


George P'oley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 0. s. Rev. William F., 
of Rathmines, co. Dublin. 



Philip Dixon Hardy, of Trin. Coll., Dub., senior sophister 
(21), 1 s. Philip Dixon H., of Greenfield Lodge, co. Dublin, 


folio 43. 

9 ) 


Edward Augustus Carlyon, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 

2 s. Col. Edward C., of Tregrehan, Cornwall. 



John Charles Hatchett, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John Charles H., late of Brixham, Devon, Esq., deed. 

9 f 


William Wilkie Collins (22), 1 s. William C., R.A., of 
Devenport St., Hyde Park Gardens. 


lUitcoln’g Inn aumtejsion &cgisfter: 1420 1893. 

1846 May 22 

folio 44. 

John Henry Cox, of St. Mary Hall, Ox. (23), x s. Henry C., of 
Park Fields, n. Derby. 

„ 22 

Frederick Wildman Burnett, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), 3 s. John Fassett B., of May Place, Cray ford, Kent, Esq. 

» 22 

Edward Goodall Stewart Griffiths, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (19), 

2 s. Lewis G., of Marie Hill, Cheltenham, Esq. 

» n 

folio 45. 

John Sidney Smith, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 

2 Nov., 1842, called 7 Nov., 1845), 1 s * J°^ n Spry S., of 
Woburn Sq., Esq., ad eundem. 

>, I 2 

John Smale, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 31 Jan., 
1838, called 29 Apl., ’42), 0. s. John S., late of Exeter, Esq., 
deed., ad eundem. 

» I 2 

William Newton Warren, of the Inner Temple (adm. 17 Jan., 
1844), 2 s. Augustus W., of Upper Montagu St., Russell Sq., 


folio 46. 

5 > 1 5 

George Haldane, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 

7 Nov., 1816, called 9 Nov., 1821), 1 s. Henry H., of 
Nottingham PL, Middx., Esq., ad eundem. 

July 18 

John Shatter, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 26 Jan., 
1825, called 12 Feb., 1830), 1 s. Thomas S., of Exeter, Esq., 
ad eundem. 

May 22 

folio 47. 

Thomas Farrell (17), 3 s. Richard F., of Dublin, Q.C., and 
Senior Comissr. Insolvent Debtors Court. 

» 22 

William Ward Tailby, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 0. s. 
William T., of Humberstone, co. Leic., Esq. 

.. 23 

Edward Parkyns Levinge, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 6 s. Sir 
Richard L., of Knockdrin Castle, co. Meath, bart. 

2 5 

folio 48. 

Theodore Henry Dickens, of Rugby (16), 1 s. Theodore D., of 
Calcutta, bar.-at-law. 


W atkin Homfray, of Exeter Coll., B.A. (22), 1 s. Watkin H., 
of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

3 ° 

William Corbet Jones Parry, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John Parry Jones P., of Edern, co. Carnarvon. 

June 2 

folio 49. 

John Heyward Jenkins, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 0. s. Rev. 
John J., of Crosswood, co. Montgy. 

„ 8 

Henry Charles Greenwood (18), 0. s. Charles Carroll G., of 
Camden Road Villas, Middx., Esq. 

„ 8 

John Hulbert Glover, the yr., of Clare Hall, Camb. (26), 1 s. 
John Hulbert G., of Windsor Castle, Esq. 


ILmcoln’s Enn g&mijtfion IXcgisitcr: 1420-1893. 

1846 June 9 

„ 9 

„ 25 

July 3 
,, 18 

Aug. 5 

» 5 

>. 10 

Oct. 2 


„ 30 

Nov. 2 

folio 50. 

William Stigant, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. William S., 
of H.M. Dock Yard, Devonport. 

Sir Charles S. Kirkpatrick, of Closeburn, co. Dumfries, bart., 
(33), o. s. late Sir Thomas K., of same, bart., deed. 

Henry Bonham Carter, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s - J°h n 
Bonham C., late of Petersfield, Hants, Esq., deed. 

folio 51. 

Charles Pole Stuart, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 

William S., of Aldenham Abbey, Herts. 

James George Lawson (17), 4 s. Andrew L., Esq., M.P., of the 
Hall, Boroughbridge, Yorks. 

Charles Arthur Molony, of Line. Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. late 
Edmund M., Esq., B. C. S., dep. sec. to govr. at Calcutta. 

folio 52. 

Leicester Stanhope Forbes Young Ambrose Buckingham 
(21), 2 s. James Silk B., of George St., Hanover Sq., Esq. 

George Cooper Butler, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
George B-, Esq., J.P., of Bowling Green Ho., n. Farnngdon, 

Richard Darrell Darrell, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
John Harvey D., Esq., of the Island of Bermuda, bar.-at-law. 

folio 53. 

William John Potts, of Emanuel Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 

Thomas P., of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 

Joshua Blackburn (23), 1 s. late Joshua B., of Brockwell Hall, 
Surrey, late a partner of Messrs. Reid & Co., brewers. 
Herman Ludolphus Prior, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (28), y. s. John P., 
late of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 54. 

2 John Poole Haines, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Edward H., of Badgenden, co. Glouc., Esq. 

5 Edward Robert Ward, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), x s. Revd. 

and Hon. Henry W., of Kilminchy, co. Down. 

6 Edward Russell James Howe, late of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 

B.A. (28), 3 s. Edward Russell James H., of Chart, Sutton, 

folio 55. 

6 John Russell Baker, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 1 s. 

Samuel B., of Budleigh, Salterton, Devon, Esq. 

6 Henry Thomas John Jenkinson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 
Capt. Henry J., R.N., of Alverston, co. Warwick. 

6 William Unwin Heygate, of Merton Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. late 
Sir William H., of Roeclifife Hall, Leic., bart. 



2^0 fUncdln’s Inn 2 Mmti**ton Register: 1420 -1893 

1846 Nov. 9 

folio 56. 

John Spankie, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. late 

Mr. Sergeant S., of Russell Sq. 

„ 12 

Christopher Stuart Hawkins (23), 0. s. Abraham Mills H., 
of Dodbrooke, Devon, Capt. R.N. 

» T 3 

Alexander John Mansfield, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. 
late Alexander M., of Morristown, Lattur, co. Kildare, Esq. 

>, 17 

folio 57. 

William Henry Hawtayne (20), only s. Venble. John H., 
Archdn. of Bombay, deed. 

>» 17 

ft !7 

Georoe Long (19), 1 s. George L., of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

John Alexander La Touche, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 

9 s. Peter La T., of Bellevue, co. Wicklow, Esq. 

„ 18 

folio 58. 

Francis Compton, of All Souls Coll., Ox., S.C.L., 6 s. Henry 

Combe C., of Manor Ho., Lyndhurst, So. Hants, Esq. 

„ 18 

Mark Dewsnap, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 1 s. Mark D., of 
Hammersmith, surgeon. 

» 19 

Henry Dennehv, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. Henry D., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 30 

folio 59. 

Trehawke Kekewich (23), 1 s. Samuel Trehawke K., of 
Peamore, Devon, Esq. 

Dec. j 9 

Augustus Frederick William Keppel Stephenson, of Caius 

Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Henry Frederick S., of Arlington St., 

St. James, Esq. 

1847 Jan. 2 

John Caldecott, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. William 

Edward C., of Bloomsbury, Middx., upholsterer. 

» 7 

folio 60. 

John Earley Cook, of Brasen-nose Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 0. s. 

John Earley C., of Nunsbury, Cheshunt, Herts, Esq. 

» 9 

Pedro D’Alcantara Fravassos Valdez (19), 6 s. Count de 
Botnfim, of Portugal. 


Richard Vigors Doyne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. Rev. 

John D., late of Old Leighlin, co. Carlow. 

„ 12 

folio 61. 

Daniel Delacherois, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (21), 

2 s. Samuel Ixwis D., of Donaghadee, co. Down, Esq. 

5, 12 

Frederick William Elam Fearne, of St. Mary Hall, Ox. 

(27), s. late Frederic F., of Potwick Ho., Southampton, Esq. 

„ 12 

John Harward Jessop (21), 0. s. late Rev. R. F. J., of Kilglass, 
co. Longford. 


Etncoln’g Inn SUhntsston &egtsiter: 1420 - 1893 . 














folio 62. 

14 Oliver Matthew Ridley, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. Rev. 

Henry Colborne R., of Hambledon, Bucks. 

15 Henry Allison Fottinger, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 5 s. 

William P., of London. 

20 Robert Spencer Borland, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
James B., of Teddington, Middx., doctor of medicine. 

folio 63. 

20 Walter Bagehot (20), o. s. Thomas Watson B., of Herd’s Hill 
Ho., Somerset, Esq. 

22 John Edward Hall, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 8 s. 

Richard H., late of Totteridge, Herts, Esq., deed. 

23 Falkiner Cooke (23), 1 s. William C., of Chilcourt, co. Kilkenny, 


folio 64. 

23 James Forde Leathley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Forde L., late of Rockford, co. Dublin, Esq., deed. 

23 William Allford, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., B.A. (26), o. s. 
William Naish A., of Sherborne, Dorset, Esq. 

23 John Sayer, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. John S., late of 
Arlingham, co. Glouc., clerk. 

folio 65. 

26 William Park Dickins, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
William D., of Cherington, co. Warwick, Esq. 

29 Jordan Palmer (18), s. Arthur P., the yr., of Clifton, Bristol, 

22 Hugh Stratford Stratford, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., M.A. (27), 

1 s. Rev. Hugh Hanmer Morgan, of Lugwardine, Hereford. 

folio 66. 

23 Edward Lawson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s.William L., 

of Longhurst, Northumberland, Esq. 

1 William Sanford Pakenham, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 2 s. 

Rev. and Hon. Dean of St. Patricks and Ch. Church, Dublin. 

4 William Bellingham (18), 1 s. William B., of Blackman St., 
Southwark, licensed victualler. 

folio 67. 

6 Edgar Kedington Rodwell, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 6 May, 1843, called 8 May, 1846), 4 s. William R., of 
Ipswich, Esq., ad eundem. 

10 Charles Holbrow Stanton, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Charles S., of Upheld Lodge, nr. Stroud, Esq. 

13 Charles Lees, ol Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 5 s. John 
Cathcart L., of Ballyshannon, co. Donegal, Esq. 


Hmroln’s Cnn ftOmtestoit &cgtsiter: 1420-1893 


April 14 
»» 14 

» 14 


T 5 


r 9 





» 29 

» 29 

» 3 ° 

folio 68. 

Richard Collins, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. Rev. Thomas C., 
of Knaresboro’, Yorks. 

George Guerard Lawrence, of St. Edmund Hall, Ox. (20), 
o. s. late Rev. George L., of Cheltenham. 

William Knox Wigram (21), 1 s. Octavius W., of Dulwich, 
Surrey, Esq. 

folio 69. 

Townley Filgate, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 4 s. Thomas 
William F., of Arthurstown, co. Louth. 

Alexander Howell Jenkins, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A- 
(22), y. s. John J., of Caerleon, co. Mon., Esq. 

John Howse (22), 1 s. late John H., of Poulton, Wilts, gent, 

folio 70. 

John Samuel, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), t s. late John S., of 
Bonvilstone Ho., co. Glamorgan, Esq. 

Frederick Boyd Marson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas Frederick M., of Cumberland Ter., Regents Park, 

George John Wild, of Eml. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. George 
Nicholas W., late of Brighton, Sussex, Esq., deed. 

folio 71. 

Codrington Thomas Parr (19), 1 s. Codrington P., of Stone- 
lands, nr. Dawlish, Devon, Esq. 

William Fearnall Martyr, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
2 s. late Charles M., of Greenwich, purser in H. M. Navy. 

Henry Danby Seymour, B.A. (26), 1 s. Henry S., of Knoyle 
Ho., Wilts, Esq. 

folio 72. 

William Grapel, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), o. s. 
William G., of Liverpool, bookseller. 

Raynham William Stewart (22), 1 s. Robert S., of Bromley, 
Middx., Esq. 

Henry Eckersall Wynne, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
Rev. Henry W., of Ardcolme, co. Wexford. 

folio 73. 

Richard Waring Pittar (29), 1 s. Samuel John P., late of 
South Hill, co. Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Woodhouse, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B A. (22), o. s. 
Robert W., late of Observatory, Cambridge, deed. 

Edward Falconer Litton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), o. s. 
Daniel L., of Dublin, Esq. 

Lincoln’s Untt Emission Register: 1420-1893. 



May 1 













1 9 





„ 24 


folio 74. 

Francis Fitz-Richard Orpen, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. 
Richard John Thomas O., of Dublin. 

David John Henry, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (22), o. s. Samuel H., 
of Trudder Ho., co. Wicklow, Esq. 

Arthur Close, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. James C, of 
Falls, Belfast, Esq. 

folio 75. 

Michael Harrison, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. Robert H., 
of Ballymena, co. Antrim, Esq. 

Andrew Craig, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), o. s. James C., 
Esq., of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

Robert William Shekleton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 
2 s. Robert S., of Dublin, M.D. 

folio 76. 

Charles William Macnamara (22), 3 s. Rawdon M., of Dublin, 

Michael Morris, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), is. Martin M., 
Esq., of Leneboy, co.Galway, Esq. 

William Girling, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), o. s. 
William G., of Seaming, Norfolk, clerk. 

folio 77. 

Edward Maguire, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. Alexander M., 
of Prospect Hill, co. Fermanagh, Esq. 

Abraham Stritch Fuller (20), 3 s. Adam F., of Woodfield, 
King's Co., Esq. 

Alfred Wills, of Uny. College, London (18), 2 s. William W., 
of Edgbaston, solr. 

folio 78. 

James Empson Alcock, of Line. Coll., Ox. (19), 3 s. Samuel A., 
of Cobridge, co. Staff., Esq. 

Edmond James (20), 4 s. John J., of London, gent. 

Francis Housman (18), 2 s. Willian H., of Queen's Sq., Blooms- 

[bury, Esq. 

folio 79. 

Charles Halpin (17), 4 s. Rev. Nicholas John H., of Dublin. 

Henry Kingsmill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Henry K., Esq., of Dublin. 

William Hemings, of Uny. Coll., London (32), 2 s. William H., 
late of Stratford-upon-Avon, architect, deed. 

Walter Roberts Atkin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
John Drew A., of Dublin, Esq. 

VOL. 11. 

2 G 

234 Ufitroln’s tftttt ^ttuntsston Itcgistcr: 1420-1893. 


folio 80. 



Thomas Freeman Morse (25), 2 s. Edward M., late of 
Cheltenham, surgeon, deed. 



Richard Pearce Rosier (17), 0. s. Daniel R., late of Hemel 
Hempstead, Herts, Esq. 

folio 81. 


William Henrie Greene Baugh (23), 3 s. Joseph B., of 
Gwersyltt, co. Denbigh. 



Henry James Summer Maine, of Trin. Coll., Camb., prof, of 
civil law (24), 1 s. James M., M.D., of the Province of 
Hindostan, deed. 



Joseph Jackson Howard, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. 
Peter H , Esq., of Leamington, co. Warwick. 

folio 82. 



Robert Hallett Holt (21), 6 s. Thomas Littleton H., of The 
Elms, Watford, Herts, etc., Esq. 



William Spurway, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. JohnS., 
of Tiverton, Devon. 



William Whittaker Barry (17), 3 s. Rev. Henry B., late of 
Draycott Cerne, Wilts. 

folio 83, 



James Stewart, depy. Queen’s advoc., of Colombo, Ceylon (25). 



Theodore Lavalliere, District Judge of Colombo, Ceylon (38), 
0. s. John Martin L., magistrate of Colombo. 



Frank Whittaker Bush, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. late 
George B., of Fairwood, Wilts, Esq. 

folio 84, 



George Vallis Garland, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
John Bingley G., of Leeson Ho., Dorset, Esq. 



Edward Parker Wolstenholme, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 0. s. Edward W., of Newberry, co. Kildare, Esq. 



Francis Kewley, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. John K., 
formerly of Stansty Ho., co. Denbigh, Esq. 



1 homas Andrews, of I rin. Coll., Camb. (20), y. s. late George A., 
of Weymouth, Dorset, Capt. R.N. 

folio 85. 



Thomas Radclyfff, Sidebottom, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. late Alexander Radclyfle S , of SloaneSt., Chelsea, 



Albemarle Bertie Cator (20), 0. s. Bertie Cornelius C., of 
Hyde Park Gardens, Capt. R.N. 


Etncoln’s £nn aDmisston lAtgtgttr: 1420-1893. 

1847 Nov. 6 

folio 86 . 

Edward Brooksbank, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward Hawke B., of Tickhill, Yorks. 

„ 6 

Alexander Henry Christie (20), 3 s. Jonathan Henry C., of 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

>♦ 9 

James Edward Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Dub., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Very Rev. James Edward J., late dean of Armagh, Esq. 

July 2 

folio 87. 

William Pole, Esq., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 

5 March, 1817, called 28 Nov., 1823), 2 s. Charles P., of 
Harley St., Cav. Sq., ad eundem. 

Nov. 11 

Francis Dobinson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Joseph I)., of Egham Lodge, Surrey, merchant. 

» 12 

Arthur Benson Dickson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), y. s. 
George Frederick D., of Hanover Ter., Regent’s Park, Esq. 

„ 12 

folio 88 . 

William Dowling, of Stoke Pogis, Bucks, Esq. (30), 1 s. 
Peter D., of Wapping, Wharfinger. 

» 15 

James Murphy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 5 s. Jeremiah M., of 
Kilfinane, co. Limerick, Esq. 

„ l6 

John Chute Neligan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
William John N., of Tralee, co. Kerry, sol. 

„ 16 

folio 89. 

Samuel Brandram, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 0. s. late 
William Caldwell B., of Gower St., Bedford Sq., Esq. 

» 17 

James Hewetson Wilson, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
John Hewetson \V., of East Grinstead, Sussex, Esq. 

„ 17 

Samuel Greame Fenton, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. 
Samuel Greame F., of Belfast, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 90. 

Francis Savage Reilly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. James 
Myles R., of Clooncavin, co. Down, Esq. 

„ 18 

William Frederic Smith, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (19), 

2 s. Bright S., of Hove Villa, Brighton, Esq. 

» 19 

John Baptist Smith, of Uny. of Glasgow, gent. (24), 2 s. 
Patrick S., of Carrick Villa, co. Cavan, Esq. 

„ 20 

folio 91. 

Charles Delves Broughton (24), 4 s. Rev. Sir Henry Delves B., 
of Broughton Hall, Staff., and Doddinglon, co. Chesh., bart. 

» 22 

Charles Spencer Perceval, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 0. s. 
Dudley Montagu P., of Wilton St., Belgrave Sq., Esq. 

1848 Jan. 11 

James Thomas Hopwood (20), 3 s. John Stephen Spindler H., 
of Chancery Lane, gent. 

236 !Lfncoln’£ Knn glOintsstoii &egtstci: 1420-1893. 

1848 Jan. 13 

folio 92. 

Frederick Philipse Morris, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 29 Apl., 1837 ; bar, 12 June, 1840), 3 s. Henry Gage M., 
of Charmouth, Dorset, capt. R.N., ad eundem. 

„ 18 

Frederick Hodgson Evans, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 11 June, 1839, called 26 May, 1843), 2 s * Rev. Ja™ es 
Harrington E., of Hampstead, Middx. 

April 20 

Henry Turing, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 20 June, 
1842, called Hilary, 1845), 2 s - Rev. Gale T., of Alford Ho., 


folio 93. 

Jan. 11 

George Waters, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. George W., 
of City of Cork, mercht. 

„ 12 

Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Rev. Edward L., of Anahilt, co. Down. 

„ 14 

Joshua Pim, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. John P., of New 
Park, co. Kildare, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 94. 

John Dunbar, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 3 s. Joseph D., of 
Cork, Esq. 

„ 20 

John Byrne Redmond (22), 0. s. Henry T. R., of Killoughter 
Ho., co. Wicklow, Esq. 

„ 22 

James Armitage, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (29), 2 s. James A., 
of Farnley Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

» 22 

folio 95. 

Finch White, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. Benjamin 
F. W., Esq., of Rathcahill, King’s Co. 

» 22 

John Henry Going, of Trin. Coll., Dublin., B.A. (27), 0. s. 
Rev. Richard Shirley G., of Dublin. 

>, 2 2 

James Acheson Lyle, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (2o),o.s. Acheson L., 
Q.C., of Dublin. 

„ 22 

folio 96. 

Charles Burton West, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. late 
John Beatty W., Q.C., M.P., of Dublin. 

„ 22 

Robert Wintle Gilbert, fellow of St. John’s Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(22), 1 s. Ashurst Turner G., lord bishop of Chichester. 

„ 24 

Richard Mills, the younger, of Brasennose Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(21), 1 s. Richard M., of Eltham, Kent, Esq. 

w 24 

folio 97. 

William Edward Hearn, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A.), (22), 
2 s. Rev. William Edward H., of Kildrumferton Glebe, 

„ 24 

„ 25 

co. Cavan. [Courtney C., Esq., of Dublin. 

James Cottingham, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (27), 1 s. James 

Rowland Jones Bateman, a fellow of New Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
John Jones B., of Line. Inn, Middx., Esq. 

Lincoln’s Inn & 0 mtj 5 jston LUgister : 1420-1893. 






































folio 98. 

Pryce Athawes Major, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. Rev. 
John Richardson Major, D.D., of Bloomsbury bq., Middx. 

William Mashiter (29), 2 s. Octavius M., of Priests-Romford, 

William Freeman (25), 1 s. John F., of Charlton King’s, near 

folio 99. 

John Palmer Hurst, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), s. Rev. John H., 
of Thakeham, Sussex. 

John George Dodson, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), o s. 
Sir John I)., of Hertford St., Middx. 

Edmond Robert Turner, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
George James T., Esq. of Line. Inn, a master of the bench. 

folio 100. 

William Weston, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Ambrose IV., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

John Thirlwall, of Exeter Coll., Camb. (18), y. s. John 
Pyetinch T., late of St. Vincent’s, West Indies, deed. 

Thomas Southall (19), o. s. Thomas S., of Walsgrove, co. 
Wore., gent. 

folio 101. 

Francis Hobson Appach, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 

Thomas A., of Hyde Park Sq., Esq. 

Clement Tudway Swanston, junior, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(16), o. s. Clement Tudway S., Esq., of Line. Inn, Master of 
the Bench. 

Charles Barrett Russell (25), 1 s. late Charles Reid R., of 
Cherington Lodge, Hants, Major nth Hussars. 

folio 102. 

Henry Wilbraham, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 4 s. 
George W., of Delamere Ho., Cheshire. 

Joseph Napier Higgins, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 3 s. Joseph H., 
of Dublin, mercht. 

John Jermy Macaulay, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (21) s. 
John Simcoe M., of Oxford, Esq. 

folio 103. 

Thomas Abraham Rawlinson, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at- 
law (adm. 28 May, 1844, called 28 May, 1847), 1 s. 
Abraham R., late of Fakenham, Norfolk, Esq., ad eundem. 

George Higinbotham, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 6 s. 
Henry H., of Dublin, Esq. 

Tavers Adamson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Travers A., 
late of Cam Park, co. Westmeath, Esq., deed. 



238 iUncoln’g fcrm gtftmtjavton JAegisicr : 1420-1893. 

folio 104. 

1848 April 


John Hutton Tayler, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Rev. John Janies T., of Manchester. 



John Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. William W„ 
of Larkhill, Rathmines, co. Dublin, Esq. 



Thomas Walker Wiglesworth, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 3 s. Thomas W., of Glocr. Place, Portman Sq., Esq. 

folio 105. 



Charles Gregory Wade, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Rev. Charles Gregory W., late of Hanxwood, Salop. 



James William Langworthy (21), 0. s. James Hine L., of 
Wells Ho., East Acton, Middx., gent. 


Samuel Holt Close, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 3 s. 
Henry Samuel C., of Newtown Park, co. Dublin, banker. 

folio 106. 


Richard Hussey Walsh, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 3 s. 
John Hussey Walsh, of Kilduff, Tyrrelles Pass, King’s Co., 



John Esmonde, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. late 
James E., Esq., of Pembrokestown, co. Waterford. 



John Coghlan Tracy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. Thomas T„ 
of Limerick, bootmaker. 

folio 107. 



Edmund Blavds, ol Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. John B., of 
Sutton, Yorks, Esq. 



Charles Blayds Molyneux, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 
y. s. late Anthony M., of Liverpool, Esq. 



Robert John Sandiford Farrar (22), 0. s. late James F., of 
Culcheth, co. Lane., Esq. 

folio 108. 


Frederic Calvert, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 8 Jan., 
1S31, called 28 Jan., 1831), 2 s. Genl. Sir Henry C., bart., 
of Chelsea, ad eundem, originally admitted 28 June, 1827. 



John McKenny, of the Middle Temple (adm. 16 Nov., 1844), 

2 s. John McK., of Beltield, co. Dublin, Esq., ad eundem. 



William Richard Fisher, of Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn 
(23), 2 s. John Goate F., of Gt. Yarmouth, Esq. 

folio 109. 



Pi erse Eustace Laurence Barron (21), 1 s. Pierce Marcus B., 
of Glenview, Kilmacthomas, co. Waterford, Esq. 



Stephen Soames, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. Charles S., 
of Wyddial, Herts, Esq. 



Samuel Hatchard, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 

3 s. Rev. John H., vicar of Plymouth, Devon. 

Umcolit’g £mt ^LlJmiscsston &cm$ter: 1420-1893. 


June 10 
July 10 
Aug. 4 

Sept. 1 
Oct. 18 
» 27 

Nov. 1 








» »3 
» M 

». 14 

.1 T 4 

.» 15 

folio 110. 

Charles Thomas Calvert, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Thomas C., late of Manchester, D.D., deed. 

Edwin Berkeley Portman, of Balliol Coll., Ox., S.C.L. (17), 
2 s. Edward B., Lord Portman. 

Thomas Collett Sandars, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Samuel S., of Lockers, Hemel Hempstead, Esq. 

folio 111. 

Joseph Beaumont (t8), i s. Rev. Dr. B., of Milton St., 
Dorset Sq. 

John Lewis Roget, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Peter 
Mark R., M.D., of Upper Bedford PI., London. 

Horace Townsend, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev- 
Chambre Corker T., of Derry, co. Cork. 

folio 112. 

James Johnson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. Charles J., 
of Dublin, M.D. 

John Turner (17), o. s. John T., late of Turner Hall, Aberdeen, 
Esq., deed. 

Oliver Claude Pell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), y. s. Sir 
Albert P., late of Pinner Hall, Watford, Herts, Km., deed. 

folio 113- 

William Dobson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), o. s. Isaac D., 
late of Bolton-le-Moors, co. Lane., deed. 

Edmond Peter Brenan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. John B., 
of Kingston Lodge, Golden Ball, co. Dublin, Esq. 

William Stratford Dugdale, jun., of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 
1 s. William Stratford LX, of Merivale, co. Warwick, Esq. 

folio 114. 

Philip Williams, of New Coll., Ox., S. Ch. (24), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles W., of Gedling, Notts. 

Robert Hay Murray, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. Bishop 
of Rochester. 

Edward Samuel Dale (26), o. s. Adam D., late of York, Esq., 


folio 115. 

William Wykes Ladell, of Uny. Coll., London (19), 1 s. 
Richard L., of 17, Claremont PL, New road, Middx., Esq. 

Richard Wilson Buckley, of King’s Coll., London (26), 2 s. 
Samuel B., of Liverpool, and of Brixton Hill, Surrey. 

George Alexander Hulbert, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Spice H., late of Farlington, Southants, Esq., deed. 


Uintoln’s Unit Eti mission ftcgtstn:: 1420-1893. 

T848 Nov. 16 
„ 16 

» 17 

fi 1 7 

„ 18 

n 23 

„ 28 

>, 3° 

Dec. 11 



1849 Jan. 2 





) 6 

» 17 

folio 116. 

William Bircham, jun., of Caius Coll, Camb. (23), 1 s. 
William B., younger, of Hackford, Norfolk. 

George Edward Hughes, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (27), 1 s. 
John H., of Donnington, Berks, Esq. 

John Bury, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, jun. (23), 2 s. John B., of 
Woodville, co. Kildare, Esq. 

folio 117. 

John James Twigg, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. 
Thomas T., of Thornhill Glebe, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. 

Joseph Warrin Dobbin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 7 s. 
Clotworthy D., of Belfast, co. Antrim, brewer. 

John Elliot Boileau, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Sir 
John P. R., bart. 

folio 118. 

Edward Adams Baddelev, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (23), o. s. 
Capt. B., of Wigston Hall, co. Leic. 

Edward Leigh Kindersley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Richard Torin K., Esq., a master of the bench. 

John Coulthurst, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. John 
Nicholas C., of Gargrave, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 119. 

Richard Elwyn, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21) y. s. Rev. 
William E., of Wateringbury, Kent. 

Edwin Davis Maddy, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Edwin M., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

James Hicks Smith (26), 3 s. Rev. Jeremiah S., D.D., of 
Breewood, co. Staff. 

folio 120. 

William Ravenscroft Stephen, of St. John's Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (22), 2 s. Sir George S., of Princes Risborough, Bucks. 
Francis Morgan Nichols, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
John Bowyer N., of Hanger Hill, Ealing, Esq. 

Samuel Ridings Grimshaw t , of Preston, co. Lane., gent. (45)) 
2 surviving s. Nicholas G., late of Preston, Esq., deed. 

folio 121. 

17 Frederick George Holbrooke, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. 

(23), o. s. Frederick H., of Lyncombe, Somerset, Esq. 

18 Eugene Sherwood (21), 4 s. Thomas S., of Shearwater, Surrey, 


18 George Pemberton, of Jesus Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Edward P-> 
of Plas Issa, Flints, Esq. 

lUncoln’s film £Mmt**ion IXcgtsftcr: 1420-1893. 



Jan. 19 

i» 23 

»> 24 

Feb. * 8 

» 5 

„ 24 

March 29 

» 30 

April 13 




11 19 





11 24 

folio 122. 

John Heathcote Amory (19), o. s. Samuel A., of Portland 
Place, Middx., and of London, gent. Parker Butt (18), 3 s. Rev. Phelpes John B., of 
North End, Hampstead, clerk. 

Charles Corrie Weston, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Charles Thomas Gustavus W., late Capt. H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

folio 123. 

William Charles Wilks, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Joseph W., of 3, Harley PL, Middx., Esq. 

Frederick William John Dugmore, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
1 s. William D., Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Augustus Wollaston Franks, of Trin. Coll., Camb. B.A. (22), 
1 s. Frederick F., Capt. R.N., deed. 

folio 124. 

Edmund Batten, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 1 May, 
1838, called 10 June, 1842), 2 s. John B., of Yeovil, 
Somerset, Esq., ad eundem. 

John Lawrence Tatham, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 23 
Jan., 1829, called 29 Jan., 1834), 1 s. Thomas Trevor T., of 
Highgate, gent., ad eundem. 

Horace Rumbold (19), 4 s. Sir William R., bart., deed. 

folio 125. 

Edward Lysaght, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. James L., of 
Carrigmore, co. Cork, Esq. 

Henry Jones Hungerford, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 
1 s. Thomas H., of Cahirmore, co. Cork, Esq. 

Augustus Arthur Vansittart, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), 2 s. late General V., of Bisham Abbey, Berks. 

folio 126. 

Robert Pavin Davies (26), o. s. John D., of Bath, Com. R.N. 

William Fitzmaurice Josiah Hort (22), 2 s. Sir Joseph 
William H., bart. 

Josiah VV', of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 4 s. Job W., 
of Friern Watch, Whetstone, Middx., Esq. 

folio 127. 

Arthur David Veasey, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
David V., of Castle Hill Ho., Huntingdon, Esq. 

Edward Wood Stock (17), 1 s. Edward S., of Poplar, Middx., 

Thomas Woodbine Hinchliff, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 
(23), 1 s. Chamberlain H., of Lee, Kent, Esq. 

VOL. 11. 

2 h 


IUiuoln’0 £nn SUmussston lUcjtsta: 1420-1893. 


April 24 
» 24 

„ 25 

» 25 

» 25 

„ 26 

„ 28 

„ 28 

„ 3 ° 

» 30 

May 3 

>) 3 

yy 3 

»» 3 

„ l8 

yy 19 

„ 1 9 

„ 23 

folio 128, 

Alexander Hamilton (18), 4 s. Gustavus H., of Dublin, Esq. 

Francis Webb, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 23 April, 
1844, called 7 May, 1847), 2 s. Richard W., late of Melshet 
Park, Wilts, Esq., deed. 

Herbert Crichton Stuart, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., B.A., 2 s. 
Lord James S. 

folio 129. 

William Dundas, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
Robert D., late of Arniston, Midlothian, Esq., deed. 

Edward Samuel Alderson, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 15 April, 1842, called 28 Jany., 1848), 1 s. Rev. 
Samuel Hurry A., of Risby, SufT. 

Wentworth Erck, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. John 
Callard E., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 130. 

Arthur William Guinness, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
Rev. William Smyth G., of Rathdrum, co. Wicklow. 

Thomas Spicer Galland, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Rev. Thomas G., late of Welton, n. Hull, deed. 

Richard Dowse, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (25), 1 s. William 
Henry D., late of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, Esq., deed. 

folio 131. 

Horace Lloyd, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. John Horatio L., 
of Park PL, Marylebone, Esq. 

Richard Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. 
William Edward LI., of Fenner Glebe, co. Tippy. 

William Louis Hachktt, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 
John H., of Clonmel, co. Tipp., aldm. 

folio 132. 

John Michael McElroy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), o. s. 

John McE., of Enniskillen, co. Ferm, mercht. 

Lindsay Hall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, senior sophister (21), 1 s. 
John H., of Dublin, solr. 

George Norman Maule, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 
John M., late of Bath, sol., deed. 

folio 133. 

William Butt, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
William B., of Corney Bury, Herts, Esq. 

Francis Barchard, jun., of Ch. Church, Ox. (23), 1 s. Francis B., 
of Horsted, Sussex, Esq. 

William Henry Willes, of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
1 Nov., 1844; bar, 15 May, 1848^3 s. James W., late of 
Cork, and of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.D. 


Uinroln’sf Enn SUumggton LUatstcr: 1420-1893. 243 

1849 May 26 
June 1 



» 9 

» 2 3 

Oct. 23 
Nov. 1 






folio 134. 

Arthur Richard Godson, of St. John's Coll., Ox. (18), 2 s. 
Richard G., a master of the Bench. 

Frederick Eden, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Arthur E., 
assist, controller of the Exchequer. 

Robert Charles Herbert, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(20), 4 s. Edward, Earl of Powis, K.G. 

folio 135. 

William Pulley, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Henry P., late of Norwich, Esq., deed. 

Henry Charles Lopes, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 3 s. Sir 
Ralph L., of Maristow, Devon, bart. 

Francis Snowden, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John S., of 
North Petherton, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 136. 

Joshua O’Reilly (25), 1 s. Philip O’R., of Ballytore, co. Kildare, 

Thomas Waraker, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Thomas W., late of Chancery Dane, law stationer, deed 

John Conington, fellow of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
Richard C., of Boston, co. Line. 

folio 137. 

William Moore Johnson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), o. s. 
Rev. William J., of Clona Kitty, co. Cork, clerk. 

Edward Fry (21), 2 s. Joseph F., of Bristol, merchant. 

John William Watson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
William Henry W., of Line. Inn, a master of the Bench. 

folio 138. 

Twynihoe William Erle, of Trinity Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 

Peter E., of the Middle Temple, 

Samuel Ijndoe Fox, of Uny. Coll., London (19), 2 s. Samuel F., 

of Tottenham, Middx., wollen manufacturer. 

Edward St. John Parry, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Bishop of Barbados. 

folio 139. 

9 John Coryton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. George 
John Rawlins C., of Woolwich, Kent, Genl. Royal Marines. 

9 John Rowe Ralph, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
John R., of Beaumaris, Anglesey, Esq. 

10 Richard William Cotton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. Rev. 
Henry C., D.D., Archdeacon Cashel. 


-44 Utncoln’s Inn Htnmgston tXcnii^tcv : 1420-1893. 

1849 Nov, 12 

„ 12 

folio 140. 

Leonard Stewart (22), 3 s. Duncan S., of Bermuda, Esq. 

Henry Gore Hulse, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 5 s. Sir 
Charles H., of Braemore, Hants, Bart. 

» 14 

Solomon Augustus Richards, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Goddard R., late of Ardamine Ho., co. Wexford, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

folio 141. 

Hon. Henry Prendergast Vereker, of Trin. Coll., Dublin 
(25), 3 s. Viscount Gort. 

» 17 

George Crampton Leech, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), 
y. s. John L., of Ennis, co. Clare, Esq. 

»» *7 

Francis Rockcuffe Pierce, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. William Matthews P., of West Ashby Ho., co. Line. 

» 17 

folio 142. 

Edward Arthur, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (32), 3 s. 
Thomas A., late of Glanomera, co. Clare, Esq., deed. 

>, 17 

Richard Temple West, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Martin John W., Esq , of Line. Inn., bar.-at-law, and of 
Leeds, Yorks. 

» 19 

Stewart Mai.ton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. William M., 
of 36, Wimpole St., Cavendish Sq., Esq. 

„ 20 

folio 143. 

Alfred Kersey Sidebottom, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Joseph S., late of Mottram, Cheshire, Esq., deed. 

„ 20 

Elphinstone Barchard, of Trin. Coll. Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Francis B., of Horsted, Sussex, Esq. 

» 22 

Robert John Biron, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Rev. Edwin B., of Hythe, Kent, clerk. 

» 24 

folio 144. 

Charles Foster, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Sir William F., 
bart., of Norwich. 

Dec. 27 
1850 Jan. 4 

James Roberts, jun. (24), 2 s. James R., of Sotwell, Berks, gent. 
Henry Scarth, of Leic. St., Leic. Sq. (47), 0. s. James S., 
formerly of Putney, and of 2 Lyons Inn, Strand, Esq., deed. 

» 5 

folio 145. 

Edmund Roger Mainwaring White, of Emmanuel Coll., 
Camb. (21), 0. s. Edmund W., of York Terrace, Esq. 

v 12 

Edward Forster Neale, fellow of St. John’s Coll., Ox., S.C.L. 
(21), 0. s. Rev. Edward Pole N., of Chelmondiston, Suff. 

„ 16 

George Edward Adams, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A., (24), 4 s. 
William A., of Thorpe, n. Chertsey, LL.I). (Cokayne 
Norray), King of Arms, June, 1882. 


Utncoln’sf 5 nn ^Hmtssitcm iiegistrr: 1420-1893. 245 

Jan. 18 





„ 29 

Feb. 8 

„ 28 

March 4 
„ 9 

n 14 

» 23 

„ 27 

April 1 





folio 146. 

Robert Mackay Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. 
William W., of Larkhill, Rathmines, Dublin, Esq. 

Arnold William White (20), 3 s. Edward W., of Gt. Marlboro’ 
St., Westminster, Esq. 

Joseph Gillespie O’Dwyer (18), 2 s. Andrew Carew O’D., of 
Orlagh, co. Dublin, Esq. 

folio 147. 

William Ralston Shedden (1852—Ralston) of Trin. Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (21), o. s. William Patrick Ralston S., of 
Brighton, Esq. (deed poll, 18 Nov., 1861). 

Jervoise Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John Abel S., 
of Belgrave Sq., Middx., M.P. 

Jasper Kenrick Peck (17), 1 s. Rev. Jasper P., of Bath, clerk. 

folio 148. 

John Delaware Lewis, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
John Delaware L., late of Regent’s Park, Middx., deed. 

Edward Poste, of Oriel Coll., Ox,, M.A. (26), 3 s. Rev. 
Beale P., of Tovil Hill, Maidstone. 

Henry Hyde Nugent Bankes, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (22), 
2 s. George B., of Studland Manor, Dorset, Esq. 

folio 149. 

Edward Balme Wheatley, of Downing Coll., Camb., M.A., 
and of Cote Wall, Yorks. (30), o. s. Thomas W., late of Cote 
Wall, afsd., Esq., deed. 

Henry Mackenzie, of Trin. Coll. Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Lord M., of Edinburgh. 

William Worsley Knox, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Col. 
Douglas K., late of Edinburgh, deed. 

folio 150. 

Charles Wethered Willett, of Clare Hall., Camb., B.A. (25), 

1 s. Charles W., of Lynn, Norfolk, Esq. 

Eugene Comerford Clarkson (18), 3 s. Frederick C., of 
Doctors Commons, proctor. 

John Foster McCreight, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Rev. James McC., of Ready, co. Armagh, deed. 

folio 151. 

Hugh Frederick Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
John J., of Essex St., Strand, gent. 

William Questel Williams, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Edward W., late of Wanstead Essex, Esq., deed. 

Frederick William Bosworth, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
1 s. Thomas Holmes B., of Westerham, Kent, Esq. 

246 Htncoln’js finn at)mission Ucgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

1850 April 13 
» 13 

» 15 

» 17 

„ 17 

,* 22 

,* 24 

» 25 

>, 29 

I* 3° 

May 1 







folio 152. 

Lord Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne Cecil, of Ch. Ch., 
Ox. (20), 2 s. Marquis of Salisbury. 

Joseph Askew Turner, of Trinity Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Joseph Holden T., of 20, Montague PL, Russell Sq., Esq. 

Charles Seale Hayne, of Willowbrook, Bucks (16), o. s. 
Charles Hayne IT, late of Upper Wimpole St., Esq., deed. 

folio 153. 

William Parker Hamond, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(22), o. s. William Parker H., of Pampisford Hall, co. Camb. 

Francis Mount Barlow, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), o. s. 
Francis B., Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

William Henry Melvill, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
James Cosmo M., of East India Ho. 

folio 154. 

Charles Brinsley Marlay, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Lieut. Col. M., late of Brighton, deed. 

John William Hornsby, of Birmingham (26), 3 s. Rev. George H., 
late vicar of Tuckdean, co. Glouc., clerk, deed. 

Tom Brook, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. Thomas B., 
of Pen Craig Court, co. Hereford, Esq. 

folio 155. 

Charles Herbert Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

George S., of 12, Canterbury Villas, Paddington. 

John Campbell Jones, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Samuel J., of Ardhear Ho., Clifden, co. Galway. 

Thomas Waring, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 1 s., 
Henry W., of Newry, co. Down, Esq. 

folio 156. 

Hon. Charles Wrottesley, of All Souls Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
2 s. Lord Wrottesley. 

Charles Malone, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (35), 2 s. Michael M., 
late of Ballynagh, co. Cavan, Esq., deed. 

William Pryce Maunsell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 
2 s. Henry M., Esq., of Limerick, bar.-at-law. 

folio 157. 

2 William Fry Buchanan, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

William Cox B., of Risley, co. Glouc., Esq. 

3 Charles Richardson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. John R., 

of Stradbrook, Blackrock, co. Dublin, Esq. 

3 Henry Thomas Mair, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Rev. Henry M., of Donhead St. Andrew, Wilts. 



^Lincoln's Enrt a&mtsstton Register: 1420-1893. 


May 4 

» 2 5 

» 27 

» 30 

June 6 

» 27 

Nov. 2 








folio 158. 

John Westlake, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B,A. (22), o. s. John W., 
late of Cambridge, Esq., deed. [Earl 0 f Fi n g a n. 

Hon. George John Plunkett (18), 4 survg. s. Arthur James P., 

Samuel Taylor, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Samuel T., of Eccleston Hall, Prescot, Esq. 

folio 159. 

William Hopkins, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. William H., 
of Frayne, co. Meath, Esq. 

Charles Harcourt Chambers, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), o. s. Sir Charles Harcourt C., knt., late a judge Supreme 
Court, Bombay, deed. 

George Osborne Morgan, of Wore. Coll. Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Rev. Morgan M., of Conway, co. Carnarvon. 

folio 160. 

John Charles O’Donnell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Bryan O’D., of Kilmallock, co. Limerick, Esq. 

Thomas Smith Badger, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
8 Nov., 1841, called 29 Jan., 1847), 1 s. Thomas B., of 
Rotherham, Yorks., solr., ad eundem, 15 June, 1850, and as 
a barrister, 25 Nov., 1861. 

George Williamson, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. James W., 
of Hunter St., Brunswick Sq., gent. 

folio 161. 

Robert Aldworth, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. Richard 
Oliver A., of Newmarket Ho., co. Cork, Esq. 

Charles Thring Bleeck, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Alfred B., 
of Bristol, surgeon. 

Thomas Hodgkin, jun. (19), 2 s. John H., of Tottenham, Middx. 

folio 162. 

George Francis Dowdeswell, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (21), 
1 s. George I)., of Donn House, Redmarley, co. Wore. Esq. 

William Lascelles, of Rolls House, Chancery Lane (35), 2 s. 
Rowley L., late a bencher, Middle Temple, deed. 

George Russell, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Sir Henry R., 
of Swallowfield Park, Berks., Bart. 

folio 163. 

John Curtois Adolphus Bones, of St. Johns Coll., Camb., B.A., 
(21), 1 s. John B., of Clarendon Place, Marylebone, Esq. 

James Charles Kilkelly, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 
1 s. James K.,of Dublin, solr., and of Drimcony, co Galway. 

Francis Ottiwell Adams, a student of Inner Temple, and 
of Trin. Coll., Camb., o. s. Joseph Hollingworth, a Com- 
missoryGenl. in the army, ad eundem (adm. I.T. i4April, 1847). 


248 Umcoln’js Jnn &tnmj5$;ton &tgts(ter: 1420 - 1893 . 

1850 Nov. 7 






» 9 



» *3 

» 15 

„ 15 










folio 164. 

James Orchard Halliwei.l, F.R.S., of Jesus Coll., Camb. (30), 
2 s. Thomas H., late of Brixton Hill, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Henry William Berkeley (19), 2 s. Robert B., of Spetchley 
Park, co. Wore, Esq. 

Joseph Augustus Yorke (19), 1 s. Rev. and Hon. Grantham 
Munton Y., M.A. 

folio 165. 

Alfred Wilson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. James W., 
late of Balham Hill, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Michael Henry Gallwey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 
1 s. Henry G., of Greenfield, Clonakilty, co. Cork, Esq. 

John Singleton Winder, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), o. s. 
Henry W. t of South Thoresby, co. Line., Esq. 

folio 166. 

Hugh Robert Hughes, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (23), o. s. Hugh 
Robert H., late of Bache Hall, Cheshire, Esq., deed. 

John Evans Delmege, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. Rev. 
John D., of Limerick. 

Charles Robert Bate, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (17), o. s. 
Robert B., of Bridgewater, Esq. 

folio 167. 

Theophilus Aston, of St. Johns Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 1 s. 
Thomas A., of Handsworth, Staff., Esq. 

John Mirehouse, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. John M., 
late of Upper Seymour St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Wiltshire Stanton Austin, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24V 
1 s. Rev. Wiltshire Stanton A., rector of All Hallows, 
Lombard St., London. 

folio 168. 

Sidney James Owen, of Worcester Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Henry O., 
late of Worksop, solr., deed. 

Martindale Edwin Vale, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
William V., late of Hall Court, Mathon, co. Wore., Esq., 

James Leech Talbot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Henry 
William T., of Booterstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

folio 169. 

Robert John Hopkins, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John H., 
of Tidmarsh Ho., Reading, Esq. 

William Hampden Perfect, a scholar of St. Peter’s Coll., 
Camb. (23), 1 s. Robert P., of Gloucester Sq., Middx., M.P. 

John St. Aubyn, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Edward St. A., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at*law. 

ILtnroln’s Entt Hamilton &cstsm* : 1420-1893 


Nov. 23 

n 25 

Dec. 3 




Jan. 9 




I I 


» 14 

„ 14 

» 15 

JJ 17 

n 17 







folio 170. 

Alexander Dennistoun, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Alexander D., of Golf hill, co. Lanark, Esq. 

William Montagu Baii/lie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
2 s. Evan B., of Dochfour, co. Inverness, Esq. 

Joseph Adderley Chichele Helm, student of the Inner Temple, 
(adm. 23 Nov., 1848), and of Jesus Coll., Camb., 2 s. Rev. 
Joseph Charles H., late of Worthing, Sussex, deed. 

folio 171. 

Francis Vaughan Hawkins, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (17), 1 s. 
Francis H., of Bolton St., Piccadilly, M.D. 

Richard Stevens Tripp, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 7 Nov., 
1826, called 20 Jany., 1837) 1 s. Robert T., of Ashton, 
Somerset, Esq., ad eundem. 

Alan Douglas Mackay, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (20), y. s. 
Donald M., of Calliphers, Herts, Esq. 

folio 172. 

Spencer Perceval, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Spencer P., 
of Elm Grove, Ealing, Esq. 

Charles Cecil Trevor, of St. Catharine Hall, Camb., M.A. 
(20), 1 s. Charles T., of Gower St., Esq. 

Frederick Hermann Bowring, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 22 Nov., 1842, called 22 Nov., 1850), and of Trin. 
Coll., Camb., 2 s. John B., of Queen Sq., Westmr., LL.D., 

[and M.P., ad eundem. 

folio 173. 

Edward Brent Prest, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Samuel P., 
late of Cambridge, Esq., deed. 

Arthur Pepys Whately, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), y. s. Thomas W., 
of Chetwynd Rectory, Salop, clerk. 

Hyacinth John Chrysostom Golding, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
B.A. (26), 2 s. Richard G., of Shruie, co Mayo, Esq, 

folio 174. 

Edward Eliot, of New Coll., Ox., S.C.L. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
Edward E., of Norton, Bavant, Wilts. 

Charles Richard Vines, of the Inner Temple(adm. 29 Jan., 1848), 
and of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 1 s. Richard V., of Leagry, 
Wilts, gent. [John C., of Cowling Hall, Yorks, bart. 

John Frederick Croft, of Balliol Coll, Ox., B.A. (22), o. s. Sir 

folio 175. 

Christopher Peter O’Flaherty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Anthy. O’F., late of Shrue, co. Galway, Esq., deed, 

Edward Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Edward John L., 
Q.C., of Line. Inn, bencher. [Yorks, clerk. 

Henry Collins (22), 4 s. Rev. Thomas C., of Farnham, 

2 SO 

Utncoln’s Inn SUimtssston &cgi8 tcr: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 20 
» 2 3 

yy 2 3 

,, 27 

» 27 

Feb. 5 

„ 12 

March 4 






April 2 






I I 


I 2 


folio 176. 

Frederick Thomas Curtis, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 
o. s. Henry Thomas C., of Old Windsor, Berks, Esq. 

John Onslow Watts (19), o. s. Philip Henry W., of Bathford, 
Somerset, solr. 

Francis Henry Bacon, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 3 s. James B., 
Q.C., and bencher of Line. Inn. 

folio 177. 

Charles Mahon Tyndall, of New Inn Hall, Ox., B.A. (25), 
o. s. Charles T., late of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

Andrew Ward (20), 1 s. Paul W., of Ashfield, co. Mayo, Esq. 

Jonathan Darby, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), o. s. William 
Henry D., of the Leap, Roscrea, King’s Co., Esq. 

folio 178. 

Henry James Davison Horne, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. 
Sir William H., of Line. Inn, bencher. 

Francis Roxburgh, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 29 
Oct., 1842, called 7 Nov., 1845), 1 s. Francis R., late of 
Upper Stamford St., Surrey, deed., ad eundem 4 March, 
1851, but dating from 12 June, 1849 by order of Council. 

Thomas Rees Oliver Powell (19), y. s. Walter Rice Howell P., 
late of Maesgwynne, co. Carmarthen, Esq., deed. 

folio 179. 

Cyrus Slater, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (27), 3 s. 
Edward S., of Guildford St., Russell Sq., Esq. 

Charles Meaburn Tatham, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Meaburn T., of Line. Inn Fields, sol. 

John Greenwood, of Christ Church, Ox. (22), o. s. Frederick G., 
of Norton Conyers, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 180. 

Henry Denne, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Denne D., of 
Elbridge Ho., Kent, Esq. 

Edward Dolman Scott, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (25), 2 s. Sir 
Edward Dolman S., of Great Barr Hall, Birmingham, Bart. 

Thomas Prothero, of 29, Hamilton Ter., St. John’s Wd., gent. 
(32), o. s. Thomas P., late of Lyon Ter., Edgware Rd., deed. 

folio 181. 

George Booth, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. James B., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Alfred Hyman Louis, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Hyman 
Tobar L., of Birmingham, Esq. 

Nash Edwards Vaughan Lyon, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. ( 22 ), 
2 s. James Wittit L., of Spring Gardens, Westmr., Esq. 

Hincolit’0 Inn gUrmteston Register: 1420-1893. 

25 1 

April 15 

» 17 






3 ° 

May 3 



„ 27 

» 3 ° 

June 2 

folio 182. 

Edward George Moore, of St. John's Coll., Camb., B.A. (21) 

1 s. Rev. and Hon. Edward M., of Windsor, Berks. 

Percy Hetherengton Fitzgerald, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20) 

2 s. Thomas F., of Fane Valley, Dundalk, co. Louth, Esq. 

Charles Brodie Locock, of the Inner Temple (adm. 21 Jan., 
1850), and of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 1 s. Charles L., of 
Hertford St., May Fair, M.D., ad eundem. 

folio 183. 

Athelstane Willcock, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), o. s. John 
William W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law'. 

Randolph Henry Crewe, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (25), o. s. Col. 
C., late of High Wycombe, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

Joseph Dacre, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 1 s. Joseph D., 
late of Kirklinton, Cumberland and H.E.I.C.S., Madras, 


folio 184. 

Francis Alfred Bedwell, of St. John's Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Francis Robert B., a registrar of the Court of Chancery. 

Charles John Hill, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. John H., 
late of Welbeck St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Philip Lutley Sclater, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 

2 s. William Lutley S., of Hoddington Ho., Hants, Esq. 

folio 185. 

Henry John Murray, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. 
William M., late of Dublin, architect, deed. 

Edward Gabbett, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 4 s. Joseph G., 
of Dublin, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

William Francis Smith, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), o. s. 
Francis S., of Clondalkin, co. Dublin, Esq. 

folio 186. 

Edward Farrell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Fergus F., 
of Ellenfield, co. Dublin, seed merchant. 

Charles James Holden, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
John H., of Liverpool, co. Lane., Esq. 

Frederick Hayes Whymper, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
o. s. Sir William W., late of Upper Park, Slough, deed. 

folio 187. 

John Domville Robinson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), o. s. 
John R., of Kiltaltown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

William Huskisson Tilghman, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Richard Milbanke T., late hon. E.I.C.S., deed. 

Joseph Henry Woolley, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (25), 
o. s. John Brentnall W., of Flate Ho., n. Belper, Esq. 

252* litiuolu’s Enn .admission LVcgistcr : 1420-1893. 

folio 188. 



Thomas Jeremiah Callaghan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 4 s. 
Matthias C., of Middleton, co. Cork, Esq. 



Henry Oliver Barker, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 6 s. 
Richard B., of Dublin, Esq. 



James Charles Mathew, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Charles M., of Lehenagh Ho., co. Cork, Esq. 

folio 189. 


James Drummond Griffith, of Baliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Thomas Taylor G., of Wrexham, co. Denbigh, Esq. 



Arthur Joseph Munby, ot Trin. Coll. Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Joseph M., of Clifton, Yorks., gent. 



Robert Willan, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
Richard W., late of Hillingdon Grange, Middx., Esq., deed. 

folio 190. 



Arthur James Wigram (17), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Sir James W., a 
bencher of Line. Inn. 



Alfred Bailey, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. Edward 
Savage B., of Berners St., Oxford St., Solr. 


George Valentine Yool, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
William Y., of Glouc. PL, Hyde Pk., Esq. 

folio 191. 


1 7 

Henry William Watson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 0. s. 
Thomas W., of Osnaburgh St., Regent’s Park, Esq. 



Joseph Loxdale Warren, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Joseph Loxdale W., of Market Drayton, gent. 


George Sidney Read, of St. Mary Hall, Ox., B.A. (27), 4 s. 
David Charles R., late of Kensington, Esq., deed. 

folio 192. 


Joseph Dixon, of Caius Coll., Camb. (27), 1 s. John D., of 
Tonbridge Wells, Kent, Esq. 

3 1 

Francis Gregory Haviland, of St. Catharine Hall, Cambridge, 
B.A. (23), 4 s. John H., M.D., late regius professor of physic, 
Uny. of Cambridge, deed. 


3 1 

Joseph Robert Monk house, of St. Alban Hall, Oxford, B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Cyril John M., of Craven St., Strand, Middx., gent. 

folio 193. 



James Cunningham Grahame, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
Archibald G., of Westminster, Esq. 


William Angell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
Samuel A., of Gower St., London, Esq. 



Thomas O’Loughlin, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 6 s. 
Anthony O’L., of Hillsboro’, co. Down, Esq. 

Einroln’g Enn aUmtsston Uccjistcr : 1420-1893. 



Nov. 5 









» 12 

„ 12 

» 13 

„ M 

„ T 5 

w *5 

1, 15 





>1 22 

folio 194. 

William Alexander Dobie, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
Alexander I)., of Lancaster PI., Strand, solr. 

William Smart, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb., B.A. (32), 1 s. s. 
Henry S., late of Stewart St., Spitalfields, gent., deed. 

Jonathan George Norton Darby, of Ch. Ch., Oxon, B.A. 
(22), 1 s. George D., of Markley, Sussex, Esq. 

folio 195. 

Charles Buxton Musgrave, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Venble. Charles M., of Halifax, Yorks. 

Laurence Oliphant (22), 1 s. Sir Anthony O., Chf. Just., 

Charles Savile Currer (Roundell), of Merton Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (24), 3 s. Rev. Danson Richardson Roundell, of 
Gledstones, Yorks. 

folio 196. 

Andrew Charles Elliott (24), y. s. John E., late of Dublin, 
Esq., deed. 

Herbert Harley Murray, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), B.A., 4 s. 
Bishop of Rochester. 

Graham Hastings, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. John H., of 
14, Albemarle St., M.D. 

folio 197. 

Henry Perkins Wolrige, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. Col. 
John W., of Cheltenham, deed. 

John Grassett, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), y. s. William G., late 
of Ovenden Ho., Sevenoaks, Esq., deed. 

Frederick Morton Eden, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Robert E., Bishop of Moray and Ross. 

folio 198. 

Joseph William Chitty, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. Thomas C, 
of 9, Upper Gower St., special pleader. 

Eugenius Stewart Roche (27), 4 s. Eugenius R., late of 
22, Hart St., Bloomsbury Sq., Esq., deed. 

Thomas William Daniel, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(25), o. s. Knights Francis D., of Stokesby Filby, Norfolk, Esq. 

folio 199. 

Herbert Coleridge, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Henry 
Nelson C., of 10, Chester PI., Regent’s Park, Middx., Esq. 

Henry Parker, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (24), 2 s. Henry P., of 
Overton, Flints, Esq. 

Edward William Gordon, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), 
o. s. William G., late of Haffield, co. Hereford, Esq., deed. 


Etncoln’s 5nn a&mtggton &cgtetn': 1420-1893. 














l 5 



2 3 






folio 200. 

Horace Broke, of the Inner Temple (adm. n Nov., 1848) and 
of Christ Church, Ox., B.A., o. s. Col. Horatio George B., of 
Abbots Langley, Herts, ad eundem. 

Richard Lawrence Pemberton, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (20), 
o. s. Richard P., late of Barnes, co. Durham, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Greenway Corrie, of TT in. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Josiah C., late of Birmingham, Esq., deed. 

folio 201. 

Thomas Nugent Kenny (25), 2 s. James K., of Killclogher Ho., 
Galway, Esq. 

John George Smith, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (23), 5 s. Jeremiah S., 
D.D., of Breewood, co. Staff. 

Thomas Brunker, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (27), o. s. 
Thomas B., late of Melmore, co. Mon., Esq., deed. 

folio 202. 

George Edward Martin, of Merton Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
George M., canon residentiary of Exeter. 

Augustus Horsfall Bill, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (28), 3 s. 
Charles Horsfall B., of Storihes Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

Alexander Edward Miller, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
Alexander M., of Ballycastle, co. Antrim, Esq. 

folio 203. 

James Boatwright Gibbons, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
John G., of Hornsey, Middx., Esq. 

Francis Rowden, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Rev. 

Francis R., of Cuxham, Oxon. 

Henry Clark, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Erving C., of 
Efford Manon, Devon, Esq. 

folio 204. 

2 7 Thomas Makinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 1 s. 

John M., of Manchester, sol. 

28 Charles Plummer, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. Stephen P., 

of Canterbury, Esq. 

28 Charles Piffard, of Clare Hall, Camb. (22), o. s. Charles P., 
late of Calcutta, clerk, deed. 

Feb. 5 

» 13 

folio 205. 

William Brodrick, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
and Hon. William John B. 

Loftus Adam Fitz-Wygram, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (19), 4 s. Sir 
Robert Fitzwygram, bart. 

Vincent Thomas Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
1 s. John Vincent F., sergt.-at-law. 


lUncoln’g finn Sttimtesfton Itcgtetcr: 1420-1893. 


March 2 

folio 206. 

Arthur Towni.ey Watson, of St. John s Coll., Camb. B A. (21), 
0. s. Thomas W., Esq., of Henrietta St., Cav. Sq., M.D. 

» *3 

John William Turnbull, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
Andrew T., of Edinburgh. 

„ 16 

Charles Andrew Prescott, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. Frederick Joseph P., of Oxford Sq., Esq. 

„ 26 

folio 207. 

Robert Thornhagh Gurdon, of Trin. Coll., Cambr., M.A. 
(22), 1 s. Brampton G., of Letton, Norfolk, Esq. 

n 3 l 

Frederic Walker, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
Isaac W., of Southgate, Middx., Esq. 

April 1 

William Langham Christie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
0. s. I^ngham C., of Preston Deanery, Northants, Esq. 

„ 6 

folio 208. 

Joseph Stonehewer Scott, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Joseph S., of Colney, Norfolk, Esq. 

„ 14 

William Francis I)ury, late of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 3 s. Rev. Theodore D., late of Westmill Rectory, 
Herts, deed. 

„ l6 

Norman Macleod Ferrers, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
0. s. Thomas Bromfield F., late of Sloane St., Middx., Esq., 


folio 209. 

» 17 

Charles Fitzwilliam Cadiz, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
John Joseph C., of Trinidad, Esq. 

>, 17 

Frederic William Earle, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. 
Richard E., late of Edenhurst, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

» 19 

George William Mounsey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
George Gill M., of Castletown, Cumberland, Esq. 

» 2° 

folio 210. 

Russell England, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (18), 2 s. Rev. William 
Henry E., of Ellesborough, Bucks, clerk. 

„ 2 1 

William Henry Stowe, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (27), 1 s. 
William S., of Buckingham, Esq. 

>, 2 1 

William Lloyd Cabell, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Thomas Scutt C., late of East India House, Esq., 


folio 211. 

» 26 

Leonard Benton Seeley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Robert Benton S, of 11 Powis PL, Esq. 

„ 3° 

Robert Arthur Read (23), 2 s. Paul R., of Stroud, co. Glouc., 

» 3° 

Henry Mitchell Hull, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), y s. 
William Winstanley H., of Tickwood, Salop, Esq. 

fLtncoln’0 Enn &timtssston lUgtstcr: 1420-1893 

April 30 

May 1 






»» 2 5 

« 25 

„ 28 

»> 29 

„ 29 

June 7 


folio 212. 

William O'Conner Morris, a scholar of Oriel Coll., Ox. (27), 

1 s. Rev. Benjamin M., of Mt. Pleasant, Tullamore, 
King’s Co. 

Alexander Lane, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. William L.,of 
Newton Lima Vady, co. Londonderry, M.D. 

Henry Smith, of Clare Hall, Camb., B.A. (21), t s. GeorgeS., 

[of Potton, Beds, Esq. 

folio 213. 

Henry Joseph Loughran, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. 
Henry L., of Belfast, Esq. 

Frederick Thomas Jennings, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
o. s. Philip J., D.D., late of Hampstead, Middx., deed. 

John Marshall Hayman, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A, (27), 

2 s. Philip Dell H., of Taunton, wine merchant. 

folio 214. 

John Blakiston-Hottston (22), 1 s. Richard Bayley B.-H., of 
Orangefield, co. Down, Esq. 

John Valentine Cassidy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Robert C., of Monastereven, co. Kildare, Esq. 

Christopher Cheevers, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 2 s. John C., 
of Killian Ahascragh, co. Galway, Esq. 

folio 215. 

William Cambourne Paynter, of St. Mary Hall, Ox. (22), 2 s. 
William P., Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law., and of Belgrave Sq. 

Hugh Cavendish Coleman, of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, B.A. 
(25), 2 s. William C., late of Wye Ho., Buxton, co. Derby, 
Esq., deed. 

Owen William Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 4 s. 
Thomas L., of Bronwydd, co. Cardigan, Esq. 

folio 216. 

Francis George Manningham Boileau, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Sir John Peter B., of Ketteringham Park, Norfolk, 

Henry Du Pre Labouchere, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (20), 1 s. 
John L., of Portland PL, Middx., Esq. 

Frederick Williams, of Chancery Lane, shorthand writer (45), 
y. s. James W., late of Kentish Town, Esq., deed. 

folio 217. 

Sir William Smith, of Eardiston, co. Wore., bart. (28), 1 s. 
Sir Christopher Sidney S., Bart., deed. 

John Edwards, of King’s Coll., London (18), 4 s. John E., late 
receiver Genl., Jamaica, Esq., deed. 

George Gwyn Elger, of Trin. Coll.. Ox., B.A. (22), o. s. 
John E., of Putney Heath, Surrey, Esq. 


Utitcolit’j* 5 nn Itcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

25 7 

June 10 
July 19 
Oct. 4 

» IS 
„ 16 

» 29 

Nov. 1 

» 3 

» S 


x 5 



folio 218. 

William Bayne Ranken, of Trin. Coll. Camb. (23), 2 s. 
George R., late of Tavistock Sq., Middx., Esq. 

Bingham Arthur Ferard, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Daniel F., late of Queen’s Sq., Westmr., gent., deed. 

Clifford Waterman Chaplin, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., M.A. 
(22), 2 s. John Gurr C, of Albemarle St, Esq. 

folio 219. 

Henry George Monk, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Edward 
Gould M., elk. of Much Cowarne vie., co. Hereford. 

John Pym Yeatman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 4 s. s. Francis 
Fane Y., of Boston, co. Line., wine merchant. 

George Udny, of Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50), 2 s. George U., 
late of Calcutta, deed. 

folio 220. 

Alexander Robert Sidebottom, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 
2 s. Alexander Radcliffe S., late of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, 

Thomas Kynnersley Gardner, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
Robert G., of Leighton Hall, Salop, Esq. 

John Coutts Antrobus, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Giles Crawford A., of Eaton Hall, Cheshire, Esq. 

folio 221. 

William Chandless, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), y. s. 
Thomas C., Q.C., of Glouc. Place, Middx., a bencher of 
Gray’s Inn. 

Thomas Key (19), 1 s. Thomas Hewitt K., of Uny. Coll,, London, 

Joseph Pedley (21), 3 s. Joshua P., of Forest Gate, Essex, Esq. 
folio 222. 

Joseph Keech Aston (28), 3 s. Benjamin Richard A., late of 
Holford St., Pentonvillc, Esq., deed. 

Walter Francis Wrangham, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Digby Cayley W., sergt.-at-law. 

George Sills, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. William S., 
late of Casthorpe, co. Line., Esq., deed. 

folio 223. 

Henry Colclough Burroughs, late of Trin. Coll, Dublin (22), 

2 s. Rev. Arthur Thomas B., late rector of St. Luke’s Ph., 
co. Dublin, deed. 

Cholmeley Austen Leigh, fellow of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Rev. James Edward Austen L., vicar of Bray, Berks. 

James Hunter Reid, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
James R., of 29, Lower Brook St., M.I). 

258 iLtncoln’g £nn gUJmtegtun &egt$ter: 1420-1893. 

1852 Nov. 22 

folio 224. 

Richard Wootten Cole, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
William C., of Bicester, Oxon, Esq. 

Dec. 21 

Andrew Richard Scoble (21), 2 s. John S., late of London and 
now of Toronto, Canada, gent. 

Nov. 1 

Charles Wollaston Manwaring, clerk to Alfd. Austin, Poor 
Law Inspector (20), 2 s. John M., of Doncaster, Esq. 

1853 Jan. 11 

No. 23 . 

folio 1. 

William Leech, of Uny. of London, B.A. (19), 3 s. Joseph L., 
London, solr. 

« T 3 

Edward Macnaghten, of Trin. Coll., Camb. B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Sir Edmund Workman M., bart., of Dundarave, co. Antrim. 

Cecil Henry Russell, of Trin Coll., Camb. (19), 0. s. George 
Lake R., Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 19 

folio 2. 

John Jackson Smale, of Uny. of London (18), 1 s. John S., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 20 

Henry Mather Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William J., of Birkenhead, Esq., M.P. 

» 21 

John William Church, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s 
John C., of Bishops Hatfield, Herts, Esq. 

„ 22 

folio 3. 

George Woodford Lawrance, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s - 
Edward L., of London, solr. 

„ 22 

Michael O’Loghlen (23), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Sir Michael O’L., bart., 
of Drumconra, co. Clare, deed. 

„ 24 

Charles Marshall Griffith, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Rev. Charles G., late of Worthing, Sussex, deed. 

„ 26 

folio 4. 

Charles Saunders Wheeley, of Clare Hall, Camb., (21), 0. s. 
Charles W., late of Abergavenny, co. Mon., Esq., deed. 

» 27 

Edwin William Phillipps Sandilands, a fellow of St. John’s 
Coll., Ox., S.C.L. (23), 3 s. Rev. George Percival S., late of 
Piccadilly, clerk, deed. 

» 29 

Walter Deeble Boger, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s * 
Deeble B., of Wolsden, Cornwall, Esq. 

Hintoln’s Enn SWmteston &egts!ter: 1420-1893 


1853 Feb. 4 

March 1 

April 6 




„ 13 

« 15 

„ 15 

„ IS 

» 15 







» 19 

» 19 


folio 5. 

Edward Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. William W., 
of Whitacre Ho., co. Warwick, Esq. 

William Downing Bruce, of the Middle Temple (adm. 24 Jan., 
1850), 1 s. Samuel Barwick B., late of Ripon, Yorks, M.D., 
surgeon H.M. forces, now deed. 

Maresco Pearce, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 3 s. Charles 
Thomas P., late of Camberwell, Esq., deed. 

folio 6. 

Francis William Everitt Stiffe, of Clement’s Inn (23), 1 s. 
William S., late of Swansea, now of Stuttgart, Wurtenburg, Esq. 

William Dundas Gardiner, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. William G., of 7, Tavistock St., London, Esq. 

Thomas William Vallance, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (23), 
t. s. Thomas Tonge V., late of Sittingbourne, Kent, banker, 


folio 7. 

Edward Par doe Cotton Hanson, associate of King’s Coll., 
London (19), 1 s. Edward H., late of Leyton, Essex, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Wilkinson John Dent, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Robert D., late of Park Crescent, Portland Place, 
Esq., deed. 

John Charles Wilson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., S.C.L (21), 1 s. 
William W., Esq., late Army pay office, deed. 

folio 8. 

Reginald John Cust, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
Rev. and Hon. Henry Cokayne C., of Cokayne, Hatley, Beds. 

Pearse Jenkin (t8 ), 4 s. Alfred J. of Trewirgie, Cornwall, and of 
Line. Inn, gent. 

John Robert Collier, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), y. s. 
Charles C., of 20, Fitzroy Sq., Middx., M.D. 

folio 9. 

Wyndham Horatio Nelson Hoste, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (28), y. s. 

Capt. Sir William H., R.N., deed. 

George Whitley Abraham, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (29), 
o. s. John Whitley A., late of Riversdale, co. Wicklow, Esq., deed. 

William Semple, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. Robert S., 
of Wavertree, n. Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 10. 

Edward Evans (-Lloyd), of Newton Cottage, Cheshire (26), 
o. s. Edward E., of same, deed. 

Andrew Richard Daubeny, late of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Rev. Andrew Alfred D., late of Redland Lodge, n. 
Bristol, deed. [Heffleton, Dorset, Esq. 

William Samuel Fyler (18), 4 s. James Chamness F., of 

26 o 

Emcolit’ss Inn HOmlsston ISUgtator: 1420 - 1893 . 


folio 11. 



Benjamin Sherard Clay, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Castel Wm. C., of Liverpool, gent. 



William Newton Lawson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
William L., of London, merchant. 



Sidney Biddle, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. John B., of 

[Stroud, co. Glouc., Esq. 

folio 12. 



Bryan Waller Atkinson (20), 1 s. William Waltham A., late 
of Burton-in-Kendal, Esq., deed. 



(Hon.) Hallyburton George Campbell, late of Trin. Coll., 
Camb. (23), 2 s. John, Lord Campbell and Stratheden, Lord 
Chief Justice of England. 



Bruce Lockhart Burnside (19), 2 s. (hon.) John James B., of 
Nassau, Bahamas, surveyor-genl. and civil engineer. 

folio 13. 


William Edward Baker, of Walworth, Surrey (29), 1 s. Thomas 
Edward B., late of Hampton, Middx., gent., deed. 



Edward Cutler, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. Edward C., 
Esq., of 15, New Burlington St., surgeon. 



John Gwyn Jeffreys (44), [1 s. John J., of Ffynone, Swansea, 
gent., deed.], of Norton, n. Swansea, steward of the manor 
of Newton Nottage and the Man of Pierstown, and deputy 
steward of the Duke of Beaufort’s Glamorganshire Manors. 

folio 14. 



Henry Walthall Walthall, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
James Milnes W., of Alton Manor, co. Derby, Esq. 



Samuel Elgar Sloper, of the Grange, Salisbury (36), 2 s. 
Nathaniel Elgar S., of Devizes, Esq. 



James George John Templer, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. 
(23), 0. s. Rev. James Aciand T., of Puddletown, Dorset, 


folio 15. 



Dudley Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A., (1856) (19), 
y. s. Lord C, Lord Chief Justice, England. 



Charles Ambrose Lionel Lorenz (24), y. s. Frederick John L., 
late of Matura, Ceylon, sitting magistrate, deed. 



John Charles Conybeare, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 27 May, 1846, called 20 Nov., 1846, sic), 2 s. Very 

[Rev. the Dean of Landaff. 

folio 16. 



William Wright Platt, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. 
Peter P., of Ashton under-Lyne, Esq. deed. 



Arthur Carr Walford, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Arthur W., of Lowndes Sq., Middx., Esq. 



Robert Barnett Brien, of Line. Coll., Ox., M.A. (26), y. s. late 
Robert B., surgeon R.N. 

Uincoln’g 5nn StBmiftion LUgisttcr: 1420-1893. 


*853 Nov. 2 






» 5 










folio 17. 

Frederick Selwyn Ramsden, of Trin. Coll, Camb. B.A. (23), 
3 s. Robert R., of Carlton, Notts, Esq. 

Thomas Leach, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 17 Jany., 
1832, called 13 June, 1840), 1 s. Thomas L., of Woburn 
Place, Russell Sq., Esq. 

George Western Gipps (20), y. s. Rev. Henry G., late of 
Hereford, deed. 

folio 18. 

Robert Stuart, of Edinburgh, advoc. (37), 1 s. Robert S., late 
of Annat, co. Stirling, Esq., deed. 

Augustus Granville Stapleton, jun., late of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
(21), 1 s. Augustus Granville S., of Warbrook Ho , Hants, Esq. 

Wells Butler, of Uny. Coll., London (20), y. s. Henry B., of 
Royston, co. Camb., Esq. 

folio 19. 

John Hornby, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. William Henry H., 
of Blackburn, Esq. 

Messing Thomas Laxton, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
Matthew L., of Greetham, Rutland, Esq. 

George Deedes Warry, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. George W., 
of Shapwick, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 20. 

George Orr Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. 
William W., of Rathmines, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John Nicholas Wrixon, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. 
John Nicholas W., of Dublin, Esq. 

Elliot James Morres, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Elliot M., of Matthews Green, Wokinham, Berks, Esq. 

folio 21. 

Spencer Perceval Butler, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
2 s. Rev. George B., D.D., late Dean of Peterborough, deed. 

Charles Walker, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 3 s. George James 
Alexander W., of Norton, co. Wore., Esq. 

William Edward Sackvili.e West, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. 
(23), 5 s. Earl Delawarre. 

folio 22. 

14 Newton Reginald Smart, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 5 s. 

John S., of 56, Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

15 John Jeffrey Guy Evered, of Magdalen Hall, Ox. (21), y. s. 

Robert Guy E., of Hill Ho., Somerset, Esq. 

16 Humphrey Richard George Marriott (22), o. s. Richard M., 

of Abbots Hall, Essex, Esq. 

262 Utnroln^ Enn Emission IXegtSter: 1420-1893. 

1853 Nov. 17 

folio 23. 

Russell Duckworth, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 3 s. William D., 
of 38, Bryanstone Sq., Middx., Esq. 

„ 18 

Charles William Bardswell, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Charles B., of Liverpool, Esq. 

» 19 

George Loat Pilcher, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
William Humphrey P., of London, solr. 

„ 21 

folio 24. 

Benjamin Bickley Rogers, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
3 s. Francis R., of Yarlington Lodge, Wincanton, Somerset, 

n 21 

Thomas Herbert Noyes, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Thomas Herbert N., of East Mascalls, Sussex, Esq. 

r, 22 

Jonathan Lett Stackhouse, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 
3 s. Jonathan S., of Dublin, Esq. 

„ 24 

folio 25. 

Henry Pace, of Uny. of London, B.A (19), 1 s. John P., of 
London, mercht. 

Dec. 1 

William Kirkby Fenton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Kirkby F., of Caldecote Hall, co. Warwick, Esq. 

„ 2 

Richard Arkwright, of Trin. Coll. Camb. B.A. (18), 2 s. 
John A., of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, Esq. 

„ 16 

folio 26. 

Smith Spencer Wigg, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 24 Feb., 
1826, called 13 June, 1832), 0. s. John Smith W., of 
Carmarthen, Esq. 

» 20 

Lancelot Thomas Walton, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
3 s. Isaac W., late of London, wine merchant, deed. 

n 22 

Samuel Courthope Bosanquet, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Samuel Richard B., of Dingestow Court, Monmouth, Esq. 

1854 Jan. 11 

folio 27. 

Brownlow Poulter, of New Coll., Ox., M.A. (27), 0. s. 
Brownlow P., late of Buriton, Southants, clerk, deed. 

» l 4 

Frederic Harrison, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Frederic H., of Oxford Square., Hyde Park, Esq. 

it *7 

Rupert Potter, of London Uny., B.A. (21), 2 s. Edmund P., of 
Glossop, calico printer. 

» 17 

folio 28. 

Henry William Lord, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Charles 
Francis James L., of Hampstead, Esq. 

» 17 

Joseph Howard, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A. (19), 2 s. John 
Eliot H., of Tottenham, chemist. 

>, 18 

George Yeilding Mac Mahon, of Uny. of London, LL.B. (24), 
3 s. Charles M., late of Limerick, plumber and glazier, deed. 

lUncoln’g Enn 3 W mission IXccjisfttr •. 1420-1893. 


Jan. 20 

„ 20 

» 2 3 

„ 24 

» 25 

•» 2 5 

» 27 

Feb. 20 




March 8 

„ 14 

>, 24 

April 4 

,, 6 

» 21 

„ 25 

folio 29. 

Harry Ernest Clay (21), 1 s. James C., of Montagu Sq., Esq. 

Charles Wright Hankin, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Ralph Barchard H,, late of Bedford, Esq., deed. 

George Murray, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 surviving (?) s. 
James Archibald M., one of the clerfcs of Records and Writs 

[of Court of Chancery. 

folio 30. 

Almaric Rumsey, of St. Mary Hall, Oxon, B.A. (29), 2 s. Lacy R., 
Esq., of 32, Gloucester Ter., Hyde Park, clerk in H.M. 

John Kells Ingram, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, LL.D. (30), 1 s. 
Rev. William I., of Pettigo, co. Donegal. 

Thomas Dunbar Ingram, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland, LL.B 
(27), 2 s. Rev. William I., of Pettigo, co. Donegal. 

folio 31. 

Edward Graham Alston, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
George A., rector of Studland, Dorset. 

Frederick Joseph Sidney Edgcombe, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(23), 2 s. Frederick E., Esq., late of Somerset Ho., commis. ? 
Victualling board, deed. 

Edward Levi Ames, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
George Henry A., of Cote Ho., co. Glouc., Esq. 

folio 32. 

Sydney Crawshay, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 5 s. 
George C., of Colney Hatch, Middx., Esq. 

Charles Dacre Craven, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
Capt. Charles Cooley C., late 72nd Highlanders. 

Henry Fox Bristowe, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
15 Apl., 1842, called 12 June, 1847), 2 s. Samuel Ellis B., 
of Beesthorpe, Notts, ad eundem. 

folio 33. 

John Remington Mills, jun., of Uny. Coll., London (20), 1 s. 
John Remington M., of Englefield Green, Surrey, Esq. 

Thomas Hamber, jun., of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Thomas H., of Brompton Sq., Esq. 

Charles Foyle Randolph, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles R., of Kimpton Lodge, n. Andover. 

folio 34. 

David Ogilvy, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (28), y. s. Hon. 
Col. O., of Clova, co. Forfar. 

Francis Meade Eastment (24), o. s. John Willat E., of 
Wincanton, Somerset, surgeon. 

Cookson Stephenson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. William S., 
of Holmfirth, Yorks, Esq. 

264 ^Lincoln’s Him &&mtjsgton Register: 1420-1893. 


April 25 

»> 2 7 

May 3 









» 9 

„ 20 


*, 24 

„ 3 l 
June 1 

folio 35. 

Hfnry Thomas Stephen Dicey, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Thomas Edward D., of Claybrook Hall, co. Leic., 

William Francis Wilber force, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Archdeacon W., of Burton Agnes, Yorks. 

Arthur Duke Coleridge, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 
3 s. Francis George C., of Ottery St. Mary, Devon, Esq. 

* folio 36. 

Walter Boyd, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 4 s. Walter B., of 
Walworth, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Arthur Edward Polhill, of Christ Coll., Camb., M.A. (28), 
1 s. Edward P., of Brighton, Esq. 

Francis Higford Lewis (21), 3 s. Rev. Dr. Francis L., of 
Llanvayer, co. Mon., clerk, B.D. 

folio 37. 

Theodore Martin Richardson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(22), 5 s. John R., of Farlagh, co. Tyrone, Capt. Tyrone 

Charles Beard Izard, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
William I., of Woodmancote, Sussex, Esq. 

Douglas Spencer Meadows, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. William Spencer Harris M., rector of Peldon, Essex. 

folio 38. 

James Albert Leaf, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), y. s. 
William L., of Park Hill, Streatham, Surrey, Esq. 

Edward Winslow, jun. (23), 1 s. Edward W., of 39, Upper 
Bedford PI., Esq. 

William Wollaston Karslake (19), 1 s. Rev. William 
Heberden K., of Meshaw, Devon. 

folio 39. 

William Henry Whitaker, of Line. Coll., Ox. (20), y. s. 
James W., of Broad Clough, n. Manchester, Esq. 

Henry Leigh Bennett, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 

Rev. Edward Leigh B., of Long Sutton, co. Line. 

Charles Henry i>e Belin, of Conington Hall, co. Camb. (25), 
1 s. Rev. Charles Joseph de B., of Blakesley, Northants. 

folio 40. 

3 Hugh Robert Hughes, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. 
Thomas H., of Ystrad, co. Denbigh, Esq. 

5 Charles James Fife Stuart, of Islington (36), o. s. Alexander S., 
of Corsairtley, co. Banff, Esq., deed. 

7 William Warren Streeten (19), 2 s. Rev. Henry Thomas S., 
late of Lydiard Millicent, Wilts, deed. 

ILfntoIn’* Inn ^Umteston &e<p'$iter: 1420-1893 



June 10 

» 13 


Oct. 19 





» 3 ° 

» 3 ° 

Nov. 1 
» 3 

» 3 











folio 41. 

Alexander Stead, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. William S., of 
Romsey, Southants, solr. 

Thomas Percy Hudson, a scholar of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 

1 s. William H., of York, procter. 

George Henry Money, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
12 Apl., 1843, called 20 Nov., 1846), 2 s. George M., of 
Wetham, Wilts, Esq., ad eundem. 

folio 42. 

Francis Smale Drake, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Francis D., 
of London, solicitor. 

William John Tapp, of Kensington (37), 2 s. William T., late 
of Hammersmith, gent., deed. 

Henry Fawcett, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. William F., 
of Salisbury, Wilts, gent. 

folio 43. 

William Halliday Cosway, of Balliol Coll., Ox., M.A. (26), 
o.s. Sir William Richard C., late of Bilsington, Kent, knt., deed. 

William Christopher Valentine, of W T orc. Coll., Ox., S.C.L. 
(26), 1 s. Rev. William V., Incumbent of St. Thomas, Stepney. 

John William Vernon Blackburn, of King’s Coll., London 
Uny. (23), 1 s. John B., of Leeds, solr. 

folio 44. 

George Waugh, of London Uny., B.A. (19), 1 s. George W., of 
Regent St., chemist. 

William Jacob Birt (25), o. s. Jacob B., of 30, Sussex Gardens, 
Hyde Park, solr. 

James Henry Monahan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Rt. Hon. James Henry M., Lord Chief Justice Court of 
Common Pleas, Ireland. 

folio 45. 

Francis Edmund Stacey, of King’s Coll. Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Rev. Thomas S., of Cardiff. 

Hon. George Pepys, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (20), 4 s. Earl 
of Cottenham, deed. 

Abram Creswicke Rawlinson (17), 0 . s. Abram Lindow R., of 
Chipping Norton, Oxon., solr. 

folio 46. 

Horace William Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. William 
Herbert S., of Clapham, Surrey, Esq. 

Ernest Chaplin, of Oriel Coll., Oxon, B.A. (23), 4 s. William 
James C., of Ewhurst, Hants, M.P. 

Thomas Platt Stone, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
William S., of Dulwich Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

VOL. 11. 

2 L 


Htncoln’g Enn gUfmtetfton Llegtettr: 1420-1893. 

1S54 Nov. 8 

folio 47. 

Arthur Kekewich, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Samuel 
Trehawke K., of Peamore, Devon, Esq. 

„ 8 

Bryan O’Loghlen, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (26), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Sir 
Michael O’L., late of Drumconra, co. Clare, hart., Master 
of the Rolls, Ireland, deed. 

» 10 

Joseph Goodeve, of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 29 Nov., 
1824, called 28 Nov., 1829), 3 s. John G., of Gosport, Esq. 

» 11 

folio 48. 

Thomas Hughes Earle, of King’s Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
Henry E., of Andover, Hants, solr. 

>> 11 

Edward John Routh, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

5 s. Sir Randolph Isham R., K.C.B. 

,, 13 

Fitzroy Kelly, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. James Birch K., 
of Somers Place, Hyde Park, gent. 

n 15 

folio 49. 

Thomas George Graham White, of Trin. Coll., Camb., (20), 

0. s. Thomas W., of Manor Ho., Wethersfield, Essex, Esq. 

,, 18 

Clinton Frazer Henshaw (18), 0. s. Frazer Bradshaw H., of 
Westbourne Ter., Hyde Park, Esq. 

„ 18 

William Walter Cargill, of Princes Terrace, Knightsbridge 
(39), 1 s. William C, of Otago, N.Z., Esq. 

» 21 

folio 50. 

Richard Copley Christie, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Lorenzo C., of Edale, co. Derby, cotton manufacturer. 

„ 23 

John William Wilkins, of Trin. Hall, Camb., S.C.L. (25), 3 s. 
Henry W., late of Cheshunt, Herts, Esq., deed. 

Dec. 9 

Edward Gilbert Highton, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. (24), 

1 s. Thomas H., of Leicester, surgeon. 

„ 14 

folio 51. 

James Mosley Leigh, of St. Mary Hall, Oxon (22), 2 s. James 
Heath L., late of Belmont, Northwich, Cheshire, Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

Thomas George Fardell, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. Rev. 
Henry F., late a Canon of Ely, deed. 

1855 Jan. 9 

William Page Thomas Phillips, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Benjamin P., of Hendon, Middx., Esq. 

» 11 

folio 52. 

Charles Paulett Hamilton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 
2 s. William H., of Roundewood, Queen’s Co., Esq. 

» 12 

Charles Frederick Bailey (18), 1 s. Charles B., of Line. Inn, 

it 12 

Henry Rowcliff, M.A., of St. John’s Coll., Ox., of the Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 1 Nov., 1851, called 9 June, 1854)1 
4 s. Charles R., of Stowgumber, Somerset, solr. 

Utncoln’s Emt ^Omtestoit J-Ugtstcr: 1420-1893. 


I ^55 Jan. 13 
» *3 

n 13 

n 15 

» 15 

» 15 

„ 16 

„ 17 

„ 17 






folio 53. 

George Wood Samson, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A (24), 2 s. 
Thomas S., late of Kingston Russell, Dorset, Esq., deed. 

Robert Dalglish Grant, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. 
John G., of Nuttall Hall, co. Lane., Esq. 

Richard Marsh Watson (28), 2 s. James W., of Canterbury, 

[Esq., deed. 

folio 54. 

William Barclay David Donald Turnbull, of Gray’s Inn 
(adm. 5 Nov., 1851), o. s. Walter T., late of Kingston, 
Jamaica, deed. 

Wyndham Holgate, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), o. s. John 
Wyndham H., of Hendon, Middx., Esq. 

Sylvester Joseph Hunter, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
4 s. Joseph H., of Torrington Sq., Esq. 

folio 55. 

Charles Ratcliff, of Edgbaston, co. Warwick (33), y. s. John R., 
late of same, Esq., deed. 

Charles Arthur Turner, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
John Fisher T., rector of St. Mary Major, Exeter, M.A. 

David Clarance Russell Leighton (28), 1 s. Genl. Sir 
David L., of Cheltenham. 

folio 56. 

Thomas Edward Howe, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), o. s. Thomas H., 
late of Highgate, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Henry James Conington, of Gray’s Inn (adm. 1 Nov., 1852), 
2 s. Rev. Richard C., of Boston, co. Line., clerk. 

Arthur Giles Puller, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Christopher William Puller, Esq., of Youngsbury, Herts, 
bar. of Lincoln’s Inn. 

folio 57. 

„ 23 Joseph William Dunning, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. * 

Joseph D., of Leeds, solr. 

1, 29 Sebastian Evans, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), y. s. 

Rev. Arthur Benoni E., D.D., late of Market Bosworth, co. 
Leic., deed. 

Feb. 1 William Gildea, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Rev. George 

Robert G., of Kilmaine, co. Mayo. 

folio 58. 

„ 7 Henry Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Lt. Col., John S., 

late of Ellingham Hall, Norfolk, deed. 

„ 15 Charles Booth, fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 1 s. 

late Lt. Col. Henry B., 43rd L. I. 

Thomas Burtt, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (32), 

Joseph B., of Highgate, Middx., Esq. 

April 12 

2 s. 


Htncoln’ss 5 tm StOmtggton ftcgtssttr: 1420-1893. 


April 16 

„ 16 

» 17 

„ 19 

» 2 3 

„ 26 

,» 3° 

M 30 
May 1 


»» 5 

„ *9 

June 2 

folio 59. 

George Rooper Cheere, of Trin. Coll., Camb., (20), 1 s. 

Rev. George C., of Papworth, co. Cambridge. 

Henry Richmond Droop, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John Abraham D., late of Stamford Hill, Middx., Esq. 

Willding Jones, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Charles 
Willding J., of Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 60. 

William Hale Willats, of Christ Church, Ox. (18), 1 s. 
William W., of Newnham Park, co. Glouc., Esq. 

John Edward White, of New Coll., Ox., S.C.L. (22), 4 s. Rev. 
Francis Henry W., of Abbots Ann, Andover. 

Frederick William Walker, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(24), 1 s. Thomas W., of Rugby. 

folio 61. 

Thomas Helsby, of Leyton, Essex (23), 1 s. William H., 
formerly of Liverpool, co. Lane., now of Venice, Italy. 

Josiah Owen Corrie (17), 3 s. Josiah C., late of Birmingham, 
Esq., deed. 

John Hezlet, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 1 s. Robert H., 
of Bovagh Ho., Ballymoney, co. Londonderry, Esq. 

folio 62. 

Henry Coleman Folkard (28), 2 s. William F., of Mistley, 
Essex, wine mercht. 

Henry Charles Finch, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John F., 
of Redheath Ho., Herts, Esq. 

Robert Needham Cust (34), 2 s. Rev. and Hon. Henry 
Cokayne C., of Hatley Cokayne, Beds. 

folio 63. 

James Ranken FERGUSSON,'of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 1 s. William F., 
of George St, Hanover Sq., surgeon. 

Edward Henry Pember, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John Edward Ross P., of Clapham Park, Surrey, Esq. 

Henry George Cooper, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Rev. William Henry C., rector of Wiggonholt, Sussex. 

folio 64. 

Isaac William Bryan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. Loftus 
Anthony B., of Upton Ho., co. Wexford, Esq. 

William Griffith, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(24), 4 s. Walter G., of Bloomsbury PL, London, surgeon. / 
John Cook (19), o. s. John Richard C, of Berkeley St., Portman 
Sq., Esq. 

Itncoln’s Unit B&mfSSton IXcgtettr: 1420-1893. 269 

1855 June 4 
n 5 

„ 7 

July 18 

Oct. 6 

« 10 

>1 i7 

Nov. 1 









folio 65. 

Francis Worge Duke (22), 1 s. William D., of St. Leonards-on- 
Sea, M.D. 

Charles Campbell, of Sydney, N.S.W. (45), 3 s. Robert C., late 
of Largnahouncheon, co. Argyll, Esq., deed. 

George Frederick Nell, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (26), 1 s. George 
Michael N., late of Colombo, Ceylon, mercht., deed. 

folio 66. 

Archibald John Stephens, of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law (adm. 

7 May, 1827, called 9 May, 1832), y. s. William Charles S., 
of Bristol, Esq. 

Samuel Hawksley Burbury, a fellow of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (24), o. s. Samuel B., of Warwick, Esq. 

Frederick Boileau Elliot (28), 3 s. Adml. the Hon. George E. 
folio 67. 

John Rigby, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Thomas R., of 
Runcorn, Cheshire. 

Charles William Upton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Archer Thomas U., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

William Norris (20), 2 s. Robert N., of Liverpool, solr. 
folio 68. 

Richard Jones, jun., of King’s Coll., London, B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Richard J., of East Wickham, Kent, gent. 

John Ignatius Williams, of Jesus Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. Richard W., 
of Brow-y-parc, co. Denbigh, gent. 

Charles Desmond MacCarthy, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(22) , o. s. Charles Edward M., of Leeds, Esq. 

folio 69. 

Edward Bradford Medlycott, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. 

(23) , 2 s. Sir William Coles M., bart. 

George John Rust, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. George R., 
of Huntingdon, Esq. 

Thomas Mullins, jun., of Wore. Coll., Ox., M.A. (28), o. s. 
Thomas M., of Goathurst, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 70. 

Michael Paget Baxter, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
Robert B., of Doncaster, Esq. 

Charles Davidson, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
30 July, 1829, called 21 Nov., 1835), 1 s. George Madgwick D., 
of Warmley Ho., Bristol, Esq., ad euntfem. 

George Hudson, jun., of Christ Church, Oxon, B.A. (27), 1 s. 
George H., of Whitby, Yorks, M.P. 


270 Umroln’s Inn gUmttssston lUgtgtcr: 1420-1893. 

1855 Nov. 10 

folio 71. 

Francis Henry Law (21), 1 s. Henry Shephard L., of London, 

11 12 

James Price Beck, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. Simon 
Adams B., of Cheam, Surrey, sol. 

>1 12 

Wilmot Henry Vaughan, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (23), 0. s. 
John Henry V., formerly of the Mauritius and after of 
Tuscany, deed. 

» *3 

folio 72. 

William Robert Bruce, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Samuel B., late of Thorndale, Belfast, Esq., deed. 

11 17 

Michael Richard Barry, of Queen’s Coll., Cork (19), 1. s. 
Michael B., of Dublin. 

n 17 

Henry Wynne Seymour Smith, of Trin Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. 
Henry Porter S., of Sheen Mount, Surrey, Esq. 

1, 19 

folio 73. 

Andrew Commins, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M.A., LL.B., 
London, 1857 (23), 2 s. John C., of Ballybeg, co. Carlow. 

„ 20 

Charles Robert Fletchrr Lutwidge, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(20), 0. s. Rev. Charles Henry L., vicar of East Farleigh, 
Kent, deed. 

» 22 

Daniel Conner Lathbury, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Rev. Thomas L., of Bristol. 

»f 22 

folio 74. 

Hollond Franki.yn, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 3 s. Rev. 
Thomas Ward F., of Tonbridge Wells. 

*< 22 

Herbert Duckworth, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. William D., 
of Beechwood, Southants, Esq. 

»i 23 

Leonard Henry Courtney, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. John Sampson C., of Penzance. 

Dec. 20 

folio 75. 

Thomas Sanderson Furniss, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 0. s. 
Henry F., of Sheffield, Esq. 

» 24 

Cecil James Monro, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Cecil M., a registrar of the High Court of Chancery. 

1856 Jan. 10 

Edmund Haviland Burke (19), 0. s. Thomas Haviland B., late 
of Line. Inn., bar.-at-law, deed. 

» 10 

folio 76. 

Richard Harington, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. Rev. Richard H., 
D.D., late of Brasenose Coll., Ox., deed. 

„ 11 

Louis Rouii.lard, of King’s Coll., London (18), 2 s. John R., of 
Port Louis, Mauritius, Esq. 

n II 

Henry Carne Oats, of Uny. of London, B.A. (32), 6 s. 
Joseph 0 ., of Judd Place West, Middx., gent. 

Utncoln’g 5nn Emission JArgiStcr: 1420-1893. 271 

1856 Jan. 12 

folio 77. 

Percy Mitford (22), 1 s. Henry Reveley M., of Exbury, 
Southants, Esq. 

»» 15 

Arthur White, late of Magdalen Hall, Ox. (25), 0. s. William 
Marriott W., of Bath, Esq. 

» 15 

Edward Bowyer Sparke, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
John Henry S., of Gunthorpe, Norfolk. 

» 15 

folio 78. 

Henry Selfe Page Winterbotham, of Uny. Coll., Lond. (18), 

2 s. Lindsay W., of Stroud, co. Clone., Esq. 

»» i 5 

William Stebbing, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24). 3 s. Rev. 
Henry S., D.D., of St. James’ Parsonage, Hampstead Road, 

l S 

George Grey, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 5s. Sir Charles Edward G., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

n 16 

folio 79. 

Duncombe Pyrke (20), 0. s. Duncombe P., of Dean Hall, co. 
Glouc., Esq. 

„ 16 

Robert Thomas Forster, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Robert F., of Dublin, Esq. 

n 18 

Robert Reeves, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Richard R., of 
Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

11 18 

folio 80. 

John Cordy Jeaffreson, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 

1 s. William J., of Framlingham, Suff., Esq. 

n 18 

Miles Henry Prance (19), 1 s. Miles Hammett P., Esq., of 
Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

11 19 

Alexander Richard Montgomery, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 

2 s. Hugh M., Esq., of Ballydrain, Belfast, bank director. 

11 21 

folio 81. 

James Beaumont Winstanley, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 

2 s. Rev. George W., late of Braunston, co. Leic., deed. 

« 25 

Thomas Nottidge, of Emmanuel Coll. Camb. (20), 2 s. 
George N., late of Tonbridge, Kent, Esq., deed. 

March 4 

William Hornby Birley, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Hugh 
Hornby B., of Manchester, Esq. 

.1 M 

folio 82. 

George Frederic Cornwell (21), y. s. William C., Esq., of 
Gibralter, bar.-at law. 

n 24 

Luke Owen Pike, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., (20), 0. s. Luke P., 
of 25, Carlton Villas, Madia Vale, Esq. 

»» 27 

Richard Twyford King (21), 0. s. Richard Henry K., of Bath, 
Capt. R.N. 



Hincoln’sf Bnn gt&mtarfon IXcgigtcr: 1420-1893 

1856 March 27 
April 3 

» 4 

„ 8 

» 10 




„ 17 

» 17 




folio 83. 

John Moyer Heathcote, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John 
Moyer H., of Connington Castle, Hunts, Esq. 

Albert Nevins Flintoff, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. John F., 
of Witton-le-Wear, co. Durham, Esq. 

Frederic Charles Nightingale, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20) 

2 s. Geoffrey N., of Grafton St., Middx., Esq. 

folio 84. 

Alfred Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. John Sidney S., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Shadworth Hollway Hodgson, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (23), 1 s. Shadworth H., late of Boston, co. Line. 
Esq., deed. 

David Gray Begg (26), o. surviving s. Rev. Alexander B., late 
of Fraserburgh, co. Aberdeen, deed. 

folio 85. 

Wyndham Lewis Williams, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
4 s. Richard Wyndham W., of Cardiff, Esq. 

Edward Lyall Brandreth (33), 3 s. Joseph Pilkington B., of 
Liverpool, M.D. 

Henry William Gillman Bijvauw, of Christ Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
William Hy. B., of Buckland, Sussex, Esq. 

folio 86. 

George Moody, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

James M., of Clerkenwell, grocer. 

Hugh Charles Penfold, of Trin. Hall., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Edward Greenfield P., late of Rustington, Sussex, Esq., deed. 

Mark Beauchamp Peacock, of St. John’s Coll., Oxon. (21), 0. s. 
Mark Beauchamp P., of the General Post Office, London, 


folio 87. 

Davis Ross, of the Queen’s University, Ireland, LL.B. (26) 2 s. 
Rev. Richard R., of Newbliss Clones, co. Monoghan. 

John Warrender Dalrymple (31X2 s. Major Genl. Sir John D., 
bart, deed. 

Charles Fyfe (30), o. s. Charles F., of Aberdeen, mercht. 

folio 88. 

25 William Archer Porter, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. M.A. (31), 

1 s. Rev. James P., late of Kilcoo, Castlewellan, co. Down, 

26 Samuel Marshall, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. William M., of 

Eaton Sq., Middx., M.P. 

28 James George Edwards, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
James E., late of Newington, Oxon., deed. 

Htnrolit’s $nn glttmiggion &egtsm* : 1420 - 1893 . 273 

folio 89. 

*856 April 


Edward Aikin, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 8 s. James A., 
of Liverpool, Esq., J.P. 



Russell James Kerr (23), 2 s. William Charles K., of Park St., 

Grosvenor Sq., M.D. 



George Culley, of Trim Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. George 

Darling, late of Fowberry Tower, Northumberland, Esq., 


folio 90. 



Charles Bi.akiston-Honston, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 3 s. 

Richard Bayley B-H. of Orangefield, co. Down, Esq. 



Frederick Ai.len, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., B.A. (25), 0. s. 

Frederick A., of Cheltenham, Esq. 



Richard Horton Smith, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Richard S., of Guildford St., Russell Sq., Esq. 

folio 91. 



William Stephen Shoobridge (30), y. s. Thomas Buss S., late 
of Tenterden, Kent, Esq., deed. 



Charles Baron Clarke, of Queen’s Coll., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

Turner Poulter C., of Andover, Southants, Esq. 



Herbert Clifford Saunders, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 3 s. 

Charles Alexander S., of Westbourne Lodge, Paddington, 

Esq., deed. 

folio 92. 



George Nathaniel Colt, of Belsize Park, Hampstead (32), 1 s. 

Nathaniel C., late of Cheltenham, deed. 



Edward Wingfield, of New Coll., Ox., S.C.L. (22), 4 s. John 

Muxloe W., of Tickencote, Rutland, Esq. 



Joshua Frey Josephson, of 42, Porchester Ter. (41), 1 s. 

Jacob J., late of Sydney, N. S. Wales, Esq., deed. 

folio 93. 



Nkttleton Balme Whitby (18), 3 s. William W., of Yeovil, 

Somerset, Esq. 



Henry William Woodbridge, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 

Charles W., of Uxbridge, solr. 



Paul Panton, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. Paul Griffith P., 
of Plas Fron, Wrexham, Esq. 

folio 94- 



Edmond Robert Wodehouse, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 

Philip Edmond W., of Demerara, Gov. of British Guiana. 



William Lowndes, jun., of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 

William L., of the Bury, Chesham, Esq. 



Montague Hughes Cookson, a fellow of St. John’s Coll., Ox., 

B.C.L. (24), 6 s. Christopher C., late of Wellington, Somerset, 

Esq., deed. 


2 M 

274 ILtitcoln’s Jim Biinusston 33 legts(t£i': 1420-1893. 


July 5 

„ 18 

Sept. 16 
Oct. 3 



11 23 

Nov. 1 

» 3 

» 4 

» 5 





folio 95. 

Arthur Pemberton Lonsdale, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Rev. Henry L., late Vicar of St. Mary’s, Lichfield, deed. 

Thomas Chenery, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (30), 1 s. John C., 
late of Barbados, West Indies, merchant, deed. 

Thomas Kennedy Pater (18), 1 s. John P., of Argyle Sq., 
Middx., solr. 

Charles Henry Chatfield, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
Charles C., of Croydon, Surrey, gent. 

folio 96. 

Leone Levi, professor of the Principles and Practice of Commerce 
in King’s Coll., London (naturalized British subject), (36), 

2 s. Isaac L., late of Ancona Roman States, mercht., deed. 

George Charles Brodrick, a fellow of Merton Coll., Ox., 
M.A. (25), 2 s. Rev. and Hon. William John B., Canon of 
Wells Cathedral. 

folio 97. 

George Clifford Mayer (19), 1 s. Edward M., of Mauritius, 

Cecil Robert St. John Ives, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (18), 2 s. 
J. Robert I., of Bentworth, Alton, Hants, Esq. 

William Neish, of Camden Sq., and of Dundee, solr. (41), 2 s. 
William N., late of Dundee, afsd., mercht., deed. 

folio 98. 

William Windsor Parker, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Windsor P., of Clopton Hall, Suffolk, Esq. 

Charles Arthur Russell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 1 s. 
Arthur R., late of Seafield Ho., co. Down, Esq., deed. 

William Ambrose (24), o. s. Richard A., late of Chester, 
gent., deed. 

folio 99. 

John Compton Lawrance (24), o. s. Thomas Munton L., late 
of Dunsby Hal), co. Line., Esq., deed. 

Joseph George Long Innes (22), 1 s. Joseph Long I., of 
Sydney, N.S.W., late capt. 39th foot. 

Robert Tennent, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Robert 
James T., of Belfast, Esq. 

folio 100. 

John Werrett, of Kingsland (35), 1 s. Marsh W., of Range- 
worth, co. Glouc., manufacturer. 

Charles Collett, Madras C. S. (30), 3 s. Rev. William C., of 

Thomas Webster, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), o. s. 
Thomas W., of Liverpool, shopkeeper. 

iltitroln’g finit a&mtgston Register : 1420-1893. 




Nov. 17 

» 17 

» 17 

„ 17 

„ 18 

„ 19 





2 I 

» 22 

» 22 
Dec. 23 

Jan. 8 





folio 101. 

John Peterson Clover, of Caius Coll., Camb., M.A., and of 
Roehampton, Surrey (33), 1 s. John Wright C., of 44, 
Mortimer St., Cav. Sq. 

Mark John Stewart, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Mark Sprot S., of Soulhwick, co. Kircudbright, N.B., Esq. 

Ynyr Henry Burges, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), o. s. John Ynyr B., of 

[Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, Esq. 

folio 102. 

Robert O’Bryne, jun., of Crauford, Middx. (30), 2 s. Robert O’B., 
of Cabinteely, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Richard Yapp, jun., of Wore. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Richard Y., 
of Halesend, Hereford, Esq. 

James Cholmeley, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A., and of 
Harrow (23), 9 s. Rev. Robert C., late of Wainflete, co. 

[Line., deed. 

folio 103. 

Herbert Thomas Knatchbull Hugessen, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (21), 4 s. Sir Edward Knatchbull, bart., deed. 

Lewis Morris, jun., of Jesus Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Lewis M., 
of Mount Pleasant, co. Carmarthen, gent. 

Herbert Riversdale Mansel Jones, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
S.C.L. (20), o. s. Herbert George J., sergt.-at-law. 

folio 104. 

Robert O’Hara, of Caius Coll, Camb. (20), o. s. John O’H., of 
Raheen, co. Galway, Esq. [ 2 s . Earl of Shaftesbury. 

Hon. Evelyn Melbourne Ashley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 

Frederic George Adolphus Williams, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A., and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 9 Nov., 
1848, called 30 April, 1852), 2 s. George Thomas W., of 
Lymington Ho., Somerset, and of the Inner Temple, bar.*at- 

[law, adm. ad eundem. 

folio 105. 

Joshua Strange Williams, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Joshua W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Gerald Fitzgibbon, of Trin. Coll, Dublin (19), 1 s Gerald 
Fitz-G., of Dublin, Q.C. 

Frederick Collins Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Josiah W., of Stonard Ho., Stamford Hill, Esq. 

folio 106. 

Charles Henry Prance,. of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
Robert P., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

John Pares, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A., and of Prescote Manor, 
Oxon (23), 2 s. Thomas P., of Hopwell Hall co. Derby, Esq. 

Edward Henry Sayer Milward (21), 1 s. Rev. Edward Lane 
Sayer, of Cambridge Ter., Hyde Pk., Middx., and of 
St. John’s Coll, Camb., clerk, M.A. 

276 mnroln’sf Inn ^finttjfsion &«jtgter : 1420 - 1893 . 


folio 107. 



Robert Fisher (27), 1 surviving s. Henry F., of Hillhead, co. 
Perth, Esq. 

*7 " 

William Owen, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 4 s. Robert O., of 
Marlfield, co. Wexford, Esq. 



Horace Davey, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Peter D., of 
West Molesey, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 108. 


T 9 

Alfred Henry Say Stonhouse-Vigor, late of St. John’s Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (24), 0. s. s. Rev. Henry S.-V., late of Eaton 
Bishop, co. Hereford, clerk, deed. 



James Anstie, of Uny. of London, B.A. (20), y. s. James 
Overbury A., late of Devizes, Wilts, deed. 



Henry Mainwaring Sladen (18), 2 s. Joseph S., of Edgware, 
Middx., Esq. 

folio 109. 



William Leverton Donaldson, the younger, of King’s Coll., 
London (18), 1 s. William Leverton D., of Southampton St., 
Bloomsbury, Middx., gent. 



Dennis Milner, of Campden Ho., Hemel Hempstead, Herts 
(32), 1 s. Nathaniel Dennis M., of More House, Cheshire, Esq. 



John LiDDON,of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 3 s. Capt. Matthew L., R.N., 
of Clifton, co. Glouc. 

folio 110. 



Francis Cowley Burnand, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Francis B., of 8, Sussex Sq., Hyde Pk. 



William Edward Hall, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 0. s. 
William H., of Exeter, M.D. 



Alexander Ogilvie Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 4 s. 
George L., late of Cowesby Hall, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

folio 111. 



Newdigate Hooper Kearney Burne (26), 3 s. Rev. Henry 
Thomas B., of Bath. 



Arthur Dixon (18), yr. son Robert D., Esq., late of New Sq., 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, deed. 



George Sheffield, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. Sir 
Robert S., of Normanby Hall, co. Line., bart. 

folio 112. 



Fraser Piggott, undergraduate of Ch. Ch., Oxon (22), 2 s. 
Simon Fraser P., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 



William Charles Harvey, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. William H., of Soho Sq., Mx., surgeon. 



William Latham, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. Alfred L., of 
Norfolk St., Park Lane, Mx., Esq. 

ILtttcoln’sf Enit Emission l^egtstcr : 1420-1893. 



April 16 

„ *7 


» 2 3 

„ 27 

May 2 
» 4 


» 4 

June 14 

May 18 

,» 19 





folio 113. 

Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s. Rev. Christopher B., of Winchester. 

Edmund Wyndham, of Magdalen Coll, Ox. (21), 2 s. William W., 
of Dinton, Wilts, Esq. 

George Holford, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
Charles H., of Hampstead, Mx., Esq. 

folio 114. 

Benjamin Torin Kindersley, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
Edward Cockburn K., of Harley St., London, Esq. 

Edward Rudge, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Edward R., 
of Hove, Brighton, Esq. 

George Randall Johnson, of Clare Coll, Camb., B.A. (23), 

1 s. Rev. Richard J., late of Lavenham,-Suffolk, deed. 

folio 115. 

Gerard Brown Finch, of Queen’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 2 s. 
late John F., formerly of Wigan, Esq. 

John Wallace Hozier, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. 
James H., Maudslie Castle, co. Lanark, Esq. 

Robert Allan Fitzgerald, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. Thomas F., of Shalstone Park, Bucks, Esq. 

folio 116. 

Ebenezer Charles, of Uny Coll., London, B.A. (21), 6 s. 
Robert C., of 5, Taviton St., Gordon Sq., Esq. 

James Curtis Leman, of Clare Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. James L., 
of Line. Inn Fields, Esq. 

John Byrne Leicester Warren, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
George, Lord de Tabley. 

folio 117. 

Daniel Jones, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. Henry 
Derviche J., of Soho Sq., Middx., Esq. 

John Whitcombe, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 12 July, 
1849, called 17 Nov. 1852), 1 s. John Aubrey W., of 
Gloucester, atty.*at-law, ad eundem. 

Thomas A’Beckett (20), 1 s. Thomas Turner A’B., of Walmer 
Ho., Collingwood, Melbourne, Victoria, Esq. 

folio 118. 

Lewis Price Delves Broughton, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. 
(21), 2 s. Rev. Thomas Delves B., of Bletchley, Bucks. 

Thomas Maguire, jun., of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (26), o. s. 
Thomas M., Esq., stip. mag., Mauritius. 

John Boyd Kinnear, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at*law (adm. 
4 June, 1852, called 6 June, 1855), and of Edinburgh, 1 s. 
Charles K., of Kinlock, co. Fife, Esq. 

278 Utitroln’s! Snit fUJmtsgton ISUgtetrr : 1420-1893. 

T857 May 24 

folio 119. 

Edward James Athawes, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
John A., of Loughton, Bucks, clerk. 

» 26 

William Coryndon Gurney, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 
0. s. Charles G., of Trebursye, n. Launceston, Esq. 

n 29 

Henry Longley, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Charles 
Thomas, bishop of Durham. 

„ 29 

folio 120. 

George James Brown (19), 0. s. George B., of Kingsley, 
Southants, Esq. 

M 30 

Edmond Warre, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Henry W., of 
Bromfield, Somerset, Esq. 

June 2 

James Dearden, jun., of Trin. Hall, Camb. (17), 0. s. James I)., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

»> 4 

folio 121. 

Samuel Jacob Lidgett, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. 
John L., of Tonbridge Wells, Kent, Esq. 

„ 6 

Thomas Bonville Were, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Joseph W., of Broadclyst, Devon, Esq. 

„ 10 

Hon. Frederick Charles Cavendish, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(20), 2 s. Earl of Burlington (ass. in Dublin, Chief Sec. 


folio 122. 

July 28 

William Edgar Matthews, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (24), y. s. 
James Robert M., late of Bath, Esq., deed. 

Aug. 17 

Napoleon Gibbs (22), 5 s. Edward G., late of Brixton, Surrey, 
formerly of the island of Grenada, West Indies, Esq., deed. 

Oct. 9 

Henry Eden Sullivan, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
Frederick S., vicar of Kimpton, Herts. 

„ 14 

folio 123. 

Henry Elwin Hyde, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
George H., of East Dereham, Norfolk, Esq. 

» *5 

Edward Alfred Hadley, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (20), y. s. 
George H., of 24, Dorset Place, Dorset Sq., Middx., Esq. 

„ *5 

Gilbert Arthur A’Beckett, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. Gilbert 
Abbot A’B., late of Kensington, Middx., Esq., deed. 

„ 16 

folio 124. 

William Henry Cleaver, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (23), 
3 s. Rev. William C., formerly of Delgany, co. Wicklow. 

» 29 

Thomas Robinson Williams (28), 0. s. William W., of Llandegla, 
co. Denbigh, gent. 

» 29 

Isambard Brunei,, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Isambard 
Kingdom B., of Westminster, civil engineer. 

Uttuoln’g £nit SWmteston JXtgtettr: 1420-1893. 



Oct. 31 
Nov. 2 








I I 


1 I 

„ 12 

„ 13 

*, 14 

„ 19 

n 20 

folio 125. 

George Charles, late of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. Dr. 
Patrick C., late of Putney, Surrey, deed. 

Hugh Pigot (18), o. s. Charles Henry P., late of Gloucester PL, 
Middx., Esq., deed. 

William Fraser Rae (22), 1 s. George R., late of Edinburgh, 
Esq., deed. 

folio 126. 

William Spencer Ollivant, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s. Bishop of Llandaff. 

Frederick Tomkins, of Uny. of London, M.A., late Prof, of 
Mathematics and Natl. Philosophy in Dalhousie Coll., 
Halifax, N. S. (42), 4 s William T., of Watford, Herts, Esq. 

Robert Wyatt, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. Harvey W., 
of Acton Hill, Staff., Esq. 

folio 127. 

John Francis Rotton, of New Coll., London (20), o. s. 
Richard R., of No. 3, Boltons, West Brompton, Middx. 

Thomas Watson, Uny. of London, B.A. (27), 1 s. Thomas W., 
of St. Helen’s, co. Lane., mercht. 

Francis Noel Mundy, late of Christ Ch., Ox. (24), o. s. 
William M., of Markeaton, co. Derby, Esq. 

folio 128. 

Florence Craufurd Grove (19), 1 s. William Robert G., a 
master of the bench. 

Charles Nicholas Warton (25), 1 s. Charles W., of Lower 
Tulse Hill, Surrey, surveyor. 

William Henry Deverell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
John D., of Purbrook Park, Southants, Esq. 

folio 129. 

Edward Beldam, of Royston, Herts (40), 7 s. William B., late 
of same, Esq., deed. 

Robert Dalby Dalby, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. Rev. 
Robert D., of Belton, co. Leic. 

Arthur Divett Hayter, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Rt. 
Hon. William Goodenough H., a master of the bench. 

folio 130. 

Henry O’Hara Moore, of Christ Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
Henry M., late of Liverpool, Esq., deed. 

George Dixon Atkinson, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Revd. 
William A., of Gateshead Fell, co. Durham. 

Henry Colvile Marindin, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Rev. Samuel M., late of Chesterton, Salop, deed. 

ILincoln’g Enit ^Amission SUgiSter : 1420-1893. 

Nov. 21 

„ 23 

Dec. 23 

Jan. 5 



I I 






» J 3 
„ 15 

» 15 

,, 19 

» 19 

„ 19 






folio 131. 

Bernard Cracroft, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (29), y. s. Rev. 

John C., late of Ripley, Yorks, deed. 

Richard Beaumont, junr., of Trin. Coll. Camb. (21), 2 s. Capt. 
Richard B., R.N. 

James Augustus Cotter Morison, of Line. Coll., Ox. (27), y. s. 
James M., formerly of Bognie, co. Aberdeen, Esq., deed. 

folio 132. 

Edward Fitzhayley A’Beckett (21), 3 s. Sir William A’B., late 
Chief Justice, Colony Victoria. 

Henry Ludlow, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. s. 
George L., of Hertford, Esq. 

Edward Gibson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. William G., of 
Dublin, Esq. 

folio 133. 

Horatio Henry Shirley, fellow of King’s Coll., Camb. (24), 
t s. Rev. James S., rector of Frettenham, Norfolk. 

Sackville Davis, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (28), 5 s. Jacob D., late of 
Cheltenham, gent., deed. 

Farrer Herschell, of London Uny., B.A. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
Ridley H., of 124, Gloucester Ter., Hyde Park. 

folio 134. 

Alan Cameron Bruce, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Wyndham B., of Duffryn St. Nicholas, co. Glam., Esq. 

William Halfhide Allen, of New Inn Hall, Oxon, M.A., 
B.C.L. (35), 1 s. Daniel A., late of Wye, Kent, Esq., deed, 

Charles Bertie Pulleine Bosanquet, of Balliol Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. Robert William B., of Rock, Northum- 


folio 135. 

John Giles Pilcher (31), 1 s. John Giles P., late of Stockwell, 
Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Matthew Pilcher, of Line. Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. John Giles P., 
late of Stockwell, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Samuel Thomas Staughton (19), 2 s. Simon S., of Mount 
Cottrell, Victoria. 

folio 136. 

Frederick James Quick, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 2 s. James 
Carthew Q., of Ingatestone, Essex, Esq. 

William Henry Weldon, of Uny. of London (18), o. s. James 
Henry W., of 13, Mabledon PL, Euston Road, Esq. (Not 
Windsor Herald.) 

Charles Oliver Frederick Cator, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
4 s. Rev. Thomas C., of Bryanstone Sq. 


Utncoln’s! Inn Sl&mtesion ftcgtetcr: 1420-1893. 

1858 Jan. 23 

» 23 

» 27 

» 27 

„ 28 

„ 28 

n 29 

» 29 

Feb. 18 

,» 24 

» 25 

March 17 

April 1 




„ T 3 


folio 137. 

Henry Stewart Dr ewry, a fellow of Pembroke Coll., Camb., 
M.A. (24), o. s. Henry’ Runciman D., of Finchley New 
Road, Esq. 

Charles Henry Blake, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Charles B., of Stanley Terrace, Kensington Park, Esq. 

George Parker Bidder, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
1 s. George Parker B., of Mitcham Hall, Surrey, civil 


folio 138. 

Alfred Beale Rocke, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (24), 5 s. Rev. 
John R., late of Clungunford, Salop, deed. 

Richard Francis Morgan (36), y. s. Richard M., late of 
Colombo, Ceylon, deed. 

Alexander Carter, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Samuel C., 
of Cumberland Ter., Regent’s Park, Esq. 

folio 139. 

Thomas Ebenezer Webb, Prof, of Moral Phil., Uny. of Dublin, 
M.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin (36), 1 s. Rev. Thomas W., of 

Brecon - [Joseph N., Q.C., M.P., of Dublin. 

William John Napier, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. Rt. Hon. 

Deane Parker Pennithorne, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. James P., of Highgate, Middx., archt. 

folio 140. 

James Ci.ayfield Clayfield Ireland, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (22), 1 s. James Ireland Clayfield I., of Brislington, 
Somerset, Esq. [manufacturer. 

Robert Smith (23), o. s. Joseph S., of Keighley, Yorks, 

Edward Henry Harbour, of London Uny., B.A., a clerk in 
store dept., War Office (23), o. s. James H., of Oxford Ter., 

[Paddington, Esq. 

folio 141. 

Angelo John Lewis, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. John L., of 
Crescent PL, Mornington Crescent, Middx., gent. 

Charles Henry Stewart, of Colombo, Ceylon (34), 3 s. late 
Capt. James S., of the Ceylon Rifles. 

William George Gardiner Austin, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. 
(22), i s. William Piercy A., D.D., Bishop of British Guiana, 

[West Indies. 

folio 142. 

William Holding, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Charles H., 
of London, surgeon. 

Charles Henry Monro, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Cecil M., Esq., of Hadley, Middx., a Registrar of the High 
Court of Chancery. 

William Fletcher Atkinson, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Joseph Milner A., late of Harrogate, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

VOL 11. 

2 n 


fUitroln’# Inn gtttmtftgton &e$teter: 1420 - 1893 . 

1858 April 14 

folio 143. 

Walter John Bacon, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. James B., 
Q.C., a Master of the Bench, L. I. 

„ *5 

George Tyrrell, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
George T., of Fordbrook, Ealing, Capt. R.N. 

» *5 

Reginald Cardwell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. 
Edward C, D.D., Principal of St. Alban Hall, Ox. 

I 5 

» 15 

folio 144. 

Thomas Bromley (35), 3 s. Adml. Sir Robert Howe B., bart. 

William Owen Whiteside, of Christ Ch., Ox. (20), 0. s. 
William W., of 7, Westboume Ter., Middx., Esq. 

» 15 

Thomas Wall, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Thomas W., M.D., of Cork. 

» *5 

folio 145. 

Walter Molesworth St. Aubyn, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 3 s. 
Rev. Hender Molesworth St. A., of Clowance, Camborne, 

„ 17 

„ 21 

Charles Stewart (24), 4 s. John S., of Liveq)ool, Esq. 

Thomas Henry Rumbold, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Charles Edmund R., late of Preston, Candover, Hants, Esq., 


folio 146. 

„ 23 

James Henry Ramsay, of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A. (25), 1 s. 
George R., of Rugby, co. Warwick, Esq. 

J? 24 

Mark William Hunter, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Mark H., of Tottenham, Middx., Esq. 

n 28 

Henry Augustus Clavering (34), 0. s. Rawdon Forbes C., late 
a major Royal Engineers, deed. 

>« 29 

folio 147. 

William John Belt, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (31), 5 s. 
Robert B., Esq., of Bossall, Yorks, and of Inner Temple, 

May 4 

William Henry Baillie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
David B., of 14, Belgrave Sq., Esq. 

» 5 

Thomas Brassey, of Uny. Coll, Ox. (22), 1 s. Thomas B., of 
56, Lowndes Sq., Esq. 

„ 22 

folio 148. 

Robert Dobie Wilson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. William 
Dobie W., of Glenarbach, Ayrshire, Esq., deed. 

June 1 

George Rogers Harding, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (18), 0. s. 
Rev. George Rogers H., of Gittisham Rectory, Devon, clerk. 

,» 4 

Daniel Alexander Freeman, of Upper Tooting, Surrey (34), 

1 s. Thomas F., late of Brighton, Sussex, deed. 

Lincoln’s! Inn ftttmtatfon &egt<ster: 1420-1893. 



June 4 

»» 5 

»» 5 

» 7 

» 8 

n 8 

„ 8 

„ 9 

Sept. 2 3 

Oct. 13 

» 23 

„ 26 



» 30 

Nov. 2 
» 3 

folio 149. 

Henry Diedrich Jencken, of Maddox St., London, late of 
Cape of Good Hope (34), 4 s. Ferdinand John J., of 
Franckfort-on-the-Maine, M.D. 

Hugh Barklie Blundell McCalmont, of Trin. Hall, Camb. 

(21), 1 s. Rev. Thomas McC., of Southampton. 

Baldwin Leiuhton, of Ch. Ch., Oxon (21), 1 s. Sir Baldwin L., 
of Loton Park, Salop, bart. 

folio 150. 

George Hanbury Field, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. George F., 
of Ashurst Park, Kent, Esq. 

Robert Griffith, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Charles G., of Fairlight, n. Hastings, Esq. 

Augustin William Langdon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. 
Augustus L., of 38, Norland Sq., Middx., bar.-at-law, Line. 


folio 151. 

John Gregory Watkins, jun., of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Gregory W., of Woodfield, co. Wore., Esq. 

Thomas Lamplugh Nelson, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
George Brooke N., of Leeds, gent. 

Edwin Charles Clark, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Edwin C., late of Ellinthorpe, Boroughbridge, Yorks, gent., 


folio 152. 

Richard Saul Ferguson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Joseph F., of Carlisle, Esq. 

Samuel Harvey Reynolds, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., M.A. (27), 
1 s. Samuel R., of Stoke Newington, Middx., surgeon. 

Basil Arthur Cochrane, of London Uny. (17), 1 s. George C., 
of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

folio 153. 

Edward Christopher Corballis, of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. 
(23), 2 s. John Richard C., of Roebuck, co. Dublin, Esq. 

John Lindsay Johnston, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
o. s. John Alexander J., of Crondall, Hants, Esq. 

William Henry Burch Rosher (24), o. s. William R., of 
Northfleet, Kent, gent. 

folio 154. 

Walter Bailey, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. John B., 
Esq., Q.C., a master of the bench. 

Thomas Daniel Tremlett, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
2 s. Rev. Daniel T., late of Rodney Stoke, Somerset, deed. 

Anthony Wood Freeland, of Balliol Coll, Ox., B.A. (23), 3 s. 
Rev. Henry F., late of Hasketon, Suffolk, clerk, deed. 

Etnroln’js Knit Etmitsston Iiiegteter: 1420 1893. 

Nov. 3 
» 3 










J 5 


folio 155. 

George Edmund Wicksted, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. Charles 
W., of Shakenhurst, co. Wore., Esq. 

Anthony John Anstruther Wilkinson, of St. John’s Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (23), 4 s. Rev. Perceival Spearman W., of 
Mount Oswald, Durham, clerk. 

Thomas Godfrey Faussett, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(29), 6 s. Rev. Godfrey F., late of Heppington Ho., Kent, 

[clerk, deed. 

folio 156. 

Edward Campbell Browning, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 2 s. Henry 
B., of Grosvenor St., Gr. Sq., Esq. 

Stuart Rendel, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.^. (24), 3 s. s. James 
Meadows R., late of Kensn. Pal. Gardens, Esq., deed. 

Edmund Story Maskelyne, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (28) 
2 s. Anthony Mervin Story M., of Bassett Down Ho., Wilts, 


folio 157. 

Richard Welford (19), o. s. Richard Griffiths W., Esq., of the 
Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

John Irving Courtenay, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), o. s. 
Edward Henry C., of Dublin, Esq. 

William Cornwallis West (23), 2 s. Frederick Richard W., of 

[Ruthin Castle, co. Denbigh, Esq. 

folio 158. 

John Ross Coulthart, of Ashton-under-Lyne, co. Lane., 
banker (51), o. s. William C., late of Coulthart, co. Wigtown, 
and of Collyer, co. Dumfries, Esq., deed. 

Joseph Radcliff, jun., of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. Joseph R., 
LL. I)., Q.C.,vicar Genl. of the provinces of Armagh and Dublin. 

Christopher John Cottingham, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
journalist (37), 2 s. James C., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 159. 

David Robert Plunket, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 3 s. Hon. 
John P., Q.C., of Dublin. 

William D’Alton Babington, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), o. s. 
Thomas B., of Hollywood, Rockbent, co. Dublin, solr. 

Frederick Whitting, a fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 2 s. William W., of Thorney Abbey, co. Camb., Esq. 

folio 160. 

John Bamfield Street, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
1 s. Rev. John Challis S., of Plymouth, M.A. 

Henry Thomas Salmon, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Thomas Stokes S., of Sonning, Berks, Esq. 

William Lambert Newman, a fellow of Balliol Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(24), 3, but 2 surviving, s. Edmund Lambert N., of 
Cheltenham, gent. 

ILmcolns Enn ^Umtsston ftegteter: 1420-1893. 




Nov. 16 
















» 23 

Dec. 2 2 

Jan. 5 

folio 161. 

William Severin Salting, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (B.A. Uny. 
Sydney, N.S.W.), (21), 2 s. Teverin Kanute S., of Sydney, 
N.S.W., mercht. 

Robert Harrop, of Uny. of London, M.A. (23), 1 s. Isaac H., 
late of Altrincham, Cheshire, Esq., deed. 

Henry Rose Hamilton, of Uny. Coll., London (26), y. s. 
C. C. H., late of East End, Finchley, Middx., gent., deed. 

folio 162. 

William John Hope Edwardes, ofTrin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (22), 
1. s. Thomas Henry Hope E., of Netley, Salop, Esq. 

D’Oyly Ramsay Jefferson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. 
Thomas Robert J., of Gloucr. Sq., Hyde Park, Esq. 

Robert Gordon, Capt. 4th Rifles, Bo. Army (35), 1 s. Robert G., 
late of New Bond St., gent, deed. 

folio 163. 

John Bellas Rogers, ofTrin. Hall, Camb. (21), o. s. John R., 
of 40, Jermyn St., Middx., solr. 

Reginald Parker, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Henry P., of 
Ferriby, Yorks, Esq. 

Joseph Hobbs, of Christ Church, Ox. (21), 1 s. Joseph H., late 
of Mortimer St., Cavendish Sq., Esq., deed. 

folio 164. 

Robert Henry Barnett, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (30), o. s. 

Robert B., late of Manchester, deed. 

Richard Anthony Proctor, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 

William P., late of Gravesend, Kent, deed. 

William Thorley Gignac Hunt, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William H., of Bath. 

folio 165. 

Henry Brougham Miller (20), 1 s. John Fisher M., Esq., of 
41, Victoria St., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Edward Thurston Holland, of Trin. Coll.* Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Edward H., of Dumbleton Park, co. Wore., M.P. 

Charles Frederick Bockett (18), 3 s. Daniel Smith B., of 
Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

folio 166. 

11 John Edwin Hilary Skinner (19), 1 s. Allan Maclean S., Esq., 
Q.C., one of the masters of the bench. 

13 David Pitcairn, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 5 s. 
John P., of London, mercht. 

17 Douglas Parry Crooke, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A., and of 
Yeaton, Salop (27) 1 s. John Parry C, late of Lymington, 
Hants, Esq., deed. 

286 Ifncoln’g £nn Slirmtssitoit JUgigtcr: 1420-1893 


Jan. 17 
.» 24 

» 25 






» 29 

„ 29 

Feb. 11 
March 2 

» 17 

» 25 

April 12 



folio 167. 

William Norman (31), 2 s. James N., of Cutcombe, Somerset, 
land steward. 

Henry Leland Harrison, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 2 s. Rev. 
James Harwood H., rector of Bugbrook, Northants. 

Louis Courtauld, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (24), 3 s. George C, of 
Booking, Essex, Esq. 

folio 168. 

Edward Thomas Smith, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Thomas S., of Tonbridge Wells, Kent, Esq. 

Walter Alfred Hills, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. Walter H., 
Esq., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Erskine Holland, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas Agar H., of Poynings, Sussex. 

folio 169. 

William Fox Hawes, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
William H., of Hackney, Esq. 

John Booth, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. James B., of Fingest 
Grove, Bucks, Esq. 

William Lethbridge, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (33), 
1 s. William L., late of Kilworthy, Devon, Esq., deed. 

folio 170. 

Joseph Henry Warner, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
George W., of Hornsey, Esq. 

Lewis Ashhurst Majendie, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Rev. Henry Lewis M., of Great Dunmow, Essex. 

Henry Frederic Codd, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 8 s. 
George C n late of Kingston-upon-Hull, gent., deed. 

folio 171. 

Frank Laurence Hopkins, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (20), 
1 s. Francis H., of Cambridge, wine mereht. 

Edward Howorth Allen, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Charles 
Williams A., of the Moor, Kington, co. Hereford, Esq. 

John Talbot Dillwyn Llewelyn, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. John Dillwyn LI., of Penllergare, co. Glam., Esq. 

folio 172. 

George Barclay, of Dumfermline, co. Fife, late sheriff clerk, 
depute Fifesh. (36), 1 s. Thomas B., of Cupar, co. Fife, 
Sheriff clerk. 

Thomas Calthorpe Blofeld, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas John B., of Hoveton Hall, Norfolk, clerk. 

Thomas Archer Nightingale (19), 5 s. Allen Jackson N., of 
London, Esq. 

Lincoln’s Jritn &&mts(£(ion &tgteter: 1420-18Q3. 



April 15 
» IS 

» 19 

» 23 





II 29 

May 3 



» 7 

t> 7 

» 9 







folio 173. 

Percy William Bunting, late of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), o. s. Thomas Percival B., of Manchester, solr. 

James Wilson, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M.A. (26), 4 s. 
Samuel W., late of Maghera, co. Londonderry, Esq., deed. 

Jemmett Browne, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Rev. John B., of Riverstown, co Cork, &c., deed. 

folio 174. 

Robert Jasper More, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Rev. 
Thomas Frederick M., of Linley Hall, Salop. 

William Barber, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. Joseph B., 
of Brighouse, Yorks, gent. 

George Weston, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. George W., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 175. 

James Weston (18), 2 s. George W., Esq., of Line. Inn, Middx., 

Thomas Henry James, scholar of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Rev. Thomas George J., of Chandos St., Cavendish Sq. 

Henry Jemson Tebbutt, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Rev. Francis T., of Hove, Sussex. 

folio 176. 

Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. 

(31), o. s. Rev. Eardley C., late of Maidenhead, Berks, deed. 
Richard Dickson Preston, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Robert P., of Bridlington Quay, Yorks, gent. 

David Binning Monro, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Alexander Binning M., of Auchintowie, co. Sterling, Esq. 

folio 177. 

Francis Xavier Dolan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (17), 3 s. Terence 
Thomas D., of Dublin, solr. 

Francis Power Codd, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (20), o. s. Francis 
Augustus C., of Kingstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

Francis Phipps Onslow, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Phipps Vansittart O., late of Alphick, co. Wore., Esq., deed. 

folio 178. 

Arthur Henry Aylmer Morton, a fellow of King’s Coll., 
Camb. (23), 2 s. Edward M., of Kensington Gate, Esq. 

Thomas Langlois Hugh Lefroy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Thomas L., of Dublin, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Charles Meeking, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Charles M., of Streatham, Surrey, linen draper. 


IUnroln’0 Dm &ttmt$dion &cgt$ftcr: 1420-1893. 


June 9 

„ 9 

n ro 

» T 3 

» 13 

n 14 

July 4 

» T 3 
Aug. 2 
Sept. 28 

Oct. 2 5 
» 27 

» 3 1 

» 3 ^ 

Nov. 1 

folio 179. 

John Knill Jope Hichens, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), y. s. 
William H., late of Camberwell, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

John Clarke Young (27), 1 surviving s. Charles Cunningham Y., 
of Holloway, Middx., gent., deed. 

John Bridson Callister, of King’s Coll., London (18), 1 s. 
William C., of Thornhill, Isle of Man, Esq. 

folio 180. 

Robert Wilmot Bradshaw, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 3 s. Francis B., 
of Barton Blount, co. Derby, Esq. 

John Haughton, of Christ Church, Ox. (20), o. s. Edward 
Lowe H., of Hooley Hill, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

Valentine John Coppinger, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (18), 2 s. 
Joseph William C., of Farmleigh, co. Dublin, sol. 

folio 181. 

Edward St. Aubyn, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
Edward St. A., of Devonport, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Jason Smith, the younger, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Jason S„ of Reading, Esq. 

William Mitchell Fawcett, of the Uny. of Edinburgh (20), 
o. s. William F., of Crosby Garrett, Westmoreland, Esq. 

folio 182. 

John Wesley Hales, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Rev. William H., of Sheerness, Kent. 

Pembroke Scott Stephens (25), 1 s. Edward Bell S., late of 
Harcourt Lodge, n. Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Ganneudro Mohun Tagore (33), o. s. Srossono Comar Tagore 
Zemindar, Bengal, and Clerk Asst. Legal Council of India. 

folio 183. 

John Kinghorn, of the Uny. of Edinburgh (20), o. s. William K., 
of Dunse, co. Berwick, mercht. 

Howard Warburton Elphinstone, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M. A. 
(29) o. s. Sir Howard E., Bart., of Line. Inn., bar.-at-law. 

Stephen Ellis Rogers, of Uny. of London (19), y. s. William R., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 184. 

Joseph Maurice Solomon, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A. (20), 
5 s. Maurice S., of Mecklenburgh Sq., London, mercht. 

Mathew Saunders Greene, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 2 s. 
John G., Esq., of Wexford (J.P. for co.). 

Thomas Douglas Page, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), y. s. 
Capt. Robert P., of Bath. 


fUitroIn’s Inn Emission &ccjts!ter : 1420-1893. 289 

1859 Nov. 2 

folio 185. 

Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A. 
(20), 2 s. William Hardy Cozens-H., of Letheringsett Hall, 
Norfolk, Esq. 

„ 2 

Henry Peyton Cobb, of Uny. of London, B.A. (24), 4 s. Timothy 
Rhodes C., of Banbury, Oxon, Esq. 

„ 2 

Stephen Blount (18) 3 s. Sir Edward B., of Mawley Hall, Salop, 


folio 186. 

,» 2 

Richard Cayley, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (26), 3 s. 
Edward C., of Stamford, co. Line., Esq. 

>» 3 

Henry Monckton, Bengal C. S. (32), 1 surviving s. 'William M., 
late B. C. S., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

it 3 

Robert Hill Pinhey, Bo. C. S. (27), 1 s. Robert P., of Starcross, 
Devon, Esq. 

M 3 

folio 187. 

Thomas Tindal Methold, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Henry M., of Marylebone, Esq. 

»» 3 

Mark Noble, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., B.A. (25), 0. s. Joseph 
William N., of Danett’s Hall, co. Leic., Esq. 

» 3 

Samuel Hesse Behrend, of Uny. of London, M.A. (22), y. s. 
David B., of Liverpool, ship broker (of the Inner Temple, 
15 Apr., 1858). 

»» 3 

folio 188. 

Malcolm Laing, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (32), 0. s. 
Robert L., late of Kirkwall, Orkney, Esq., deed. 

ft 3 

Walter Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Charles C., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-al-iaw. 

9* 4 

Robert Thomas Boult, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas B., of Wanstead, Essex, Esq. 

n 4 

folio 189. 

Frederic Thomas Durell Ledgard, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (22), 2 s. George L., of Poole, Dorset, banker. 

1* 5 

Charles Carleton Massey (20), 0. surviving s. William M., of 
Victoria St., Middx., M.P. 


John Stratford Dugdale, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 

2 s. William Stratford I)., of Merevale Hall, co. Warwick, 


folio 190. 

>« 5 

Thomas William Rodgers, of Sheffield (48), 2 s. Robert R., 
late of Sheffield, Esq., deed. 

91 7 

Henry Bret Ince, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-Iaw, adm. 1 Nov., 
1852, called Trin., 1855), (30), 1 s. Edward Bret I., of 
Belsize Road, St. John’s Wood, ad eundem. 

» 9 

Edward John Foster, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. John 
Nathaniel F., of St. Andrews, Biggleswade, Beds, Esq., J.p. 


2 O 

290 Utncoln’g tnn SUrmtesston &egteter: 1420-1893. 

1859 Nov. 10 
>, 10 



folio 191. 

William Edmeades, of Ch. Ch.. Ox., M.A. (25), 1 s. Rev. 
William Henry E., of Mursted Court, Kent. 

Henry Frederick Twynam, of Trin. Coll, Camb., B.A. (20), 
1 s. Frederick T., of Allington, Southants, Esq. 

John Parkinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. John P., 
junr., late of Line. Inn Fields, sol., deed. 

folio 192. 

10 Edward Montague Earle Welby, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. 

(22), 4 s. Sir Glynne Earle W., bart. 

11 Marshall Hall, of Blacklands Park, Wilts, Esq. (28), o. s. 

Marshall H., of Grosvenor St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

11 John Herbert Secker, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. John S., of Windsor, Berks, Esq. 

folio 193. 

12 John Vickerman Longbourne (26), 1 s. William Thomas V., of 

Fowley, Hants, and of Gray’s Inn, solr. 

12 Horace Waddington, of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. (25), 4 s. late 
M.-Genl. Charles W., H.E.I.C. engineers, Bombay Presidency. 

14 George Isaac Foster Cooke, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. George C., of Bristol, Esq. 

folio 194. * 

14 William Henry Campbell, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 

Robert C., of Buscot Park, Berks, Esq. 

15 John Fallon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (25), o. s. Bernard F., 

late of Runnimeade, co. Roscommon, Esq., deed. 

17 John Edward Hall, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Edward H., 
of Acton, Middx., Esq. 

» *9 

>, 19 

» 2 3 

„ 2 3 

Dec. 21 

i860 Jan. 11 

folio 195. 

Daniel Robert Fearon, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. ^23), 1 s. 
Rev. Daniel Rose F., of Assington, Suff. 

George Dawson (27), 1 s. George Pelsant D., of Osgodby Hall, 
Yorks, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

William Henry Stone, a fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(25), o. surviving s. William S., late of Dulwich Hill, Surrey, 


folio 196. 

Albert Osliff Rutson, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. William R., 
of Newby Wiske, Yorks., Esq. 

James Johnstone, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
James J., of 13, Montague PL, Russell Sq., Esq. 

Clifford Evans Fowler Nash, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. David William N., of Cheltenham, and of Middle 
Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Lincoln’s: £nn a&mtsston Register: 1420-1893. 


i860 Jan. 12 







1 7 









folio 197. 

Walter Morshead, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (25X1 s. Rev. 
Henry John M., of Kelly, Devon, J.P. 

John Hennell, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A., a clerk in 
examining dept, of Civil Service Comisson. (23), 1 s. 
John H., late of Coventry, co. Warwick, gent., deed. 

William Joyce, of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 29 June, 1846, 
called 21 Nov., 1851), 2 s. James J., late of Pentonville, 

[Middx., gent., ad eundem. 

folio 198. 

Robert Phillips Dearden Monypenny, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (23), o. s. Robert Joseph M., late of Maytham Hall, 
Kent, Esq., deed. 

Arthur Sterry, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 survg. s. Wasey S., 
late of Upminster, Essex, deed. 

James Willoughby Bond, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
0. s. Willoughby B., of Farragh, co. Longford, Esq. 

folio 199. 

Hon. Spencer James Pomeroy, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(23), 1 s. Visct. Harberton. 

Marwood Tucker, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. 
Marwood T., of Knowle, Devon. 

Kenyon Charles Shirecliffe Parker (18), i s. Kenyon 
Stevens P., Q.C., one of the Masters of the Bench. 

folio 200. 

Ralph Forster, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. James F., 
late of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Esq., deed. 

Robert Melville, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (18), o. s. Michael 
Linning M., a retd, judge Sierra Leone, and a barrister of 
Line. Inn. 

Henry Burrell, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Joseph B., of 

[Wimbledon, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 201. 

Charles Wood, of Trin. Coll., Camb., and of the Inner Temple, 
barrister-at law (adm. 28 Feb., 1850, called 30 Apr., 1853), 
3 s. John W., of York, atty. at-law, ad eundem. 

Charles John Follett, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
John F., of Exeter, Esq. 

Woodyer Merricks Buckton (27), y. s. George B., late of 
Hornsey, Middx., proctor, deed. 

folio 202. 

Lewis Pugh Evans, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
John E., of Lovesgrove, co. Cardigan, Esq. 

James Stirling, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Rev. James S., 
of Aberdeen. 

Lawford Yate Lee, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John 
Yate L., Esq., of Rockferry, Cheshire, bar. of Line. Inn. 


Lincoln’s: Inn &ftmt0*ton Kccjistci: 1420-1893. 


folio 203. 



John Cutler, of Exeter Coll, Ox. (21), i s. Rev. Richard C., of 
Queen’s Gardens, Middx., clerk. 



Edmond Henry Wodehouse, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (22), 
5 s. Rev. Thomas W., late a Canon of Wells Cathedral, 
Somerset, deed. 



Alexander William McDougall, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. William Church ? McD. of Cheltenham, Esq. 

folio 204. 



Henry Montagu Doughty, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (18) 1 s. Rev. 
Charles Montagu D., late of Theberton, Suffolk, deed. 



Henry Spencer Walpole, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas W., of Alverstoke, Southants. 


William Henry Bullock, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Major 
Henry Robert B. (1st Life Guards), late of Bury St. 

[Edmunds, Suff., deed. 

folio 205. 



Robert Lloyd Murray Browne, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. Thomas Murray B., vicar of Standish, co. Glouc. 



Robert Westley Hall Dare, the younger, of Christ Church, 
Ox (19), 0. s. Robert Westley Hall D., of Temple Ho., co. 
Sligo, Esq. 



Albert Glenie Perring, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s., 
Jackson P., late of Ceylon, Esq., and a barrister of the Inner 

[Temple, deed. 

folio 206. 



Charles Perring, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 2 s. Jackson 
P., late of Ceylon, Esq., and a bar. of Inner Temple, deed. 



William Henry Stone, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Joseph S., late of Dorchester, gent., deed. 



Frederick Augustus Burgett, of Uny. of London, B.A., and 
of Kensington (32), y. s. Charles Christopher B., of Calcutta, 

[East Indies, Esq. 

folio 207. 



Henry John Bird, of Trin. Hall, Camb., LL.B. (23), 0. s. John 
Lorence B., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 



Samuel Lobb, of Trin, Coll., Camb., M.A. (27),- 1 s. Ellis 
Goode L., of London, mercht. 



James Johnston, jun., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 0. s. James J., 
of Hampstead, Middx., solr. 

folio 208. 



Sir George Young, bart., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
late Sir George Y., of Cookham, Berks, bart., deed. 



Henry Jephson Mello, late of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. William M., of Chadwell, Herts, Esq. 



Herbert George Henry Norman, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Henry N., of Oakley, Bromley, Kent, Esq. 

ILtntoln’js Inn gWmtssttm JXegtstcr: 1420-1893. 






























May 1 


folio 209. 

Hon. Greville Theophilus Howard, of Christ Church, Ox., 
B.A. (23), 2 s. the Earl of Suffolk. 

George Henry Pope, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. George P., 
of Stoke Bishop, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Thomas Willert Beale (29), o. s. Frederic B., of Regent St, 
music publisher. 

folio 210. 

Thomas Fowler Watt (22), 1 s. Fitzjames W., late of Morris- 
brook, Warrington, Esq., deed. 

Edward Chapman Clayton, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
William Clayton C., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Albert Hodgens, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 3 s. Daniel H., of 
Black Rock, co. Dublin, Esq., deed. 

folio 211. 

John Henry Brougham Vivian (26), 1 s. John Edward V., late 
of Plean Ho., co. Stirling, N.B., Esq., deed. 

John Jermyn Cowell, of Trin. Coll.,Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. John 
Welsford C., of Glouc. Ter., Hyde Park, Esq. 

Walter David Davies (27). 4 s. Thomas D., late of London, 
M.D., deed. 

folio 212. 

Francis Nethersole Cates (32), 1 s. George C., of Willesden, 
Middx., Esq. 

John Forbes, of Marischal Coll., and Uny. of Aberdeen, N.B. 
(22), 3 s. James F., of Aberdeen, merchant. 

Sidney Joyce, of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A. (26), 6 s. Rev. James J., 
late of Dorking, Esq. deed. 

folio 213. 

Charles John Hampden, student of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A. (28), 
2 s Renn Dick, Bishop of Hereford. 

Edward Arthur Illingworth, jun., of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Rev. Edward Arthur J., of No. 3, Mecklenburgh St. 

Arthur Proctor Pickering (41), 4 surviving s. Edward 
Rowland P., late of 4, Stone Buildings, Line. Inn, deed. 

folio 214. 

Hans William Sotheby, of Exeter Coll., Ox., and of the Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 2 June, 1846, called 17 Nov., 
1854), 1 s. Hans S., of Park St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Charles Henry Tawney, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
late Rev. Richard T., of Willoughby, co. Warwick, deed. 

Decimus Sturges, of Uny. of London, B.A. and LL.B. (22), 5 s. 
John S., late of Connaught St., Esq., deed. 



Htncoln’s; finn a&misisiion &e&i*tcr : 1420-1893. 


May 2 2 
„ 26 

„ 28 

„ 28 

June 1 

»> 5 

» 7 

>» 14 

July 17 

n 30 
Aug. 30 
Oct. 16 

» 19 

.. 24 

.. 3 ° 

.. 3 * 

» 3 i 

Nov. 1 

folio 215. 

William Payne, the younger, of Uny. Coll., London (33), 1 s. 
William P., of Cuckfield, Sussex, Esq. 

Arthur Charles Humphreys, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Erskine H., of Harrow, Middx., Esq. 

Robert Webber Monro, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. John 
Boscawen M., formerly of Montagu St., Middx., bar.-at-law., 


folio 216. 

George Miller, fellow of Exeter Coll., Ox., M.A. (36), 4 s. 

Rev. Sir Thomas Combe M., bart., of Froyle Ho., Hants. 
John Eden Duncombe Shafto, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Rev. John Duncombe S., of Buckworth, Hunts. 

Edward Gilbert Herbert, of Uny. of London, LL.B. (22), 
3 s. Thomas H., of the Park, Nottingham, lace merchant. 

folio 217. 

Charles Frederic James, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Edward J., Q.C., a master of the bench. 

Gerald Surman, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. William Harry S., 
of Line. Inn, solr. 

Robert Neil, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. James N., of 
Hamilton Terrace, Esq. 

folio 218. 

Arthur Talbot Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Henry 
Porter S., of Sheen Mount, Surrey, Esq. 

Dudley Zamoiski Beaumont, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (24), 4 s. 
late Thomas Wentworth B., of Bretton Park, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

William Thirlwall Bayne, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
Doctor William Joseph B., of Bury St. Edmunds, physician, 


folio 219. L 

Robert William Little, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. William 
John L., of Brook St., Grov. Sq., doctor of medicine. 

William Robinson Rose, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
William Somerset R., of Cransley, Northants, Esq. 

Mackertich Stephen, of Dacca, Bengal (22), y. s. late Johanness 
Stephen, of Dacca, afsd., Zemindar, deed. 

folio 220. 

Walter Charles Renshaw, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Thomas Charles R., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Bowyer, of Trin. Coll., Ox., M.A. (31), 3 s. William B. 
of Hitchin, Herts, Esq. 

Edward Tuenell Roberts, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), i s. late 
Lieut. Genl. Henry Tufnell R., of Milford, Hants, deed. 

Peter Stevenson Davis (21), 1 s. Peter I)., of Melbourne, 
Victoria, Esq. 

Emcoltt’s Eitit a&mtesioit ^Xegtsfter: 1420-1893. 


i860 Nov.. 5 











» 13 

» T 7 
n 17 

folio 221. 

William Baillie Skene, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Patrick George S M Esq., of Pitlum, co. Fife. 

William Charles Druce (18), y. s. William D., of Cheyne Walk, 
Chelsea, mercht. 

folio 222. 

Walter Coode, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 4 s. Edward C., 
of St. Austell, Cornwall, atty. 

Henry Jenkyns, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Henry J., of Durham, D.D. 

Julian Goldsmid, of Uny. of London, B.A. (22), 1 s. Frederick 
David G., of Somerhill, Kent, Esq. 

folio 223. 

George Alfred Paley, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Rev. George Barber P., of Freckenham, Soham, Suffolk. 

Joseph Knight, jun., of Leeds (31) 1 s. Joseph K., of Leeds, 
afsd., Esq. 

Frederick Leman Winstanley, of St. Alban Hall, Ox., B.A. 
(24), 2 s. Thomas W., late of Harewood Sq., Esq., deed. 

folio 224. 

Leicester Colville Shirley (22), 1 s. Henry S., late of Chel¬ 
tenham, Esq., deed. 

Charles Alfred Dawson, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 

Edward D., late of Whatton Ho., Loughborough, Esq., deed. 
William De Castro Alleyne, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Samuel Maynard A., late of Barbados, West Indies, Esq., 

folio 225. 

19 Alfred Lorenz Drieberg (18), 1 s. John D., of Ceylon, East 
Indies, proctor. 

21 Alfred John De Vidil, formerly of Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 
o. s. Alfred Baron de V., of Paris. 

21 Montagu William Lowry-Corry, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Rt. Hon. Henry Thomas L.-C., M.P. 

folio 226. 

23 Edward Popham, of St. Alban Hall, Oxford (21), 1 s. Rev. 
William P., M.A., incumbt. of Ch. Ch., Bradford, Wilts. 

23 Swinton Henry Boult, of Uny. of London, M.A., late Bengal 
C. S. (25), 1 s. Swinton B., of Liverpool, actuary. 

23 Frederick Henry Scott, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
James S., of the Nunnery, Horsham, Sussex, gent. 

296 fUncoltt’s; Etm gl&mteston &egteter : 1420-1893. 

1860 Nov. 24 

» 24 

1861 Jan. 11 

„ 17 

» 19 

„ ^9 






„ 24 

>f 2 5 




„ 29 

n 29 

April 3 

folio 227. 

Henry Thomas Ogilvy, of Balliol Coll., Ox., Esq. (23), 2 s. Sir 
John O., bart., M.P. 

John Moulton, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (20), y. s. Stephen M., 
of Kingston Ho., Bradford, Wilts, Esq. 

Marmaduke Francis Cox Dolman (21), 1 s. John Thomas D., 
doctor of medicine, of Souldern Ho., Oxon. 

folio 228. 

Charles Thomas Luck, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles L., of Maidstone. 

Alexander Robert Pratt Barlow, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 
1 s. James Pratt B., of Hyde Park Gate, Middx., Esq. 

Roland Bowdler Vaughan Williams, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(23), 4 surviving s. Sir Edward Vaughan W., a judge of 
court of common pleas. 

folio 229. 

William Matthew Hale, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), o. s. 
Rev. William H., of Claverton Rectory, Somerset. 

Reginald Freke Williams (25), 2 s. Robert Wynne W., of 10, 
Upper Brook St., Middx., Esq. 

William Grinfield Ostler, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John Lely O., late of Grantham, co. Line., Esq., deed. 

folio 230. 

John George Witt, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
James W., of Swaffham Prior, co. Camb., Esq. 

Francis Nolan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 3 s. John N., Esq., 
late magistrate of Ballinderry, co. Galway, deed. 

Thomas Beevor Daveney, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 5 s. 
Henry D., of Blofield, Norfolk, Esq. 

folio 231. 

Herbert Hatfield Harter, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. and 
LL.B. (23), 2 s. William H., of Manchester, Esq. 

Richard Chaffey Baker, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. (hon.) 
John B., mem. L. Council, Adelaide, So. Australia. 

Charles Scott, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), y. s. 
Thomas S., of Bath, Esq. 

folio 232. 

John Climenson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., LL.B. (22), o. s. 
James C., late of Croyland, co. Line., Esq., deed. 

John Mabson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. William M., of 
Hyning, Westmoreland, Esq. 

William Rolle Malcolm, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 
John M., of Poltalloch, Argyie, N.B., M.P. 

ILttTcoln’ss Dm Emission JXcgt^tcr : 1420-1893. 297 

1861 April 8 

>, 12 

folio 233. 

John Weir (18), 1 s. Thomas W., of Lesmahagow, N.B., Esq. 
Mordaunt Pemberton (22), 1 s. Thomas P., late of Chelsea, 
Middx, deed. 

» 13 

Shackleton Hallett (18), 5 s., Thomas Perham Luxmore H., 
of Bedford Place, Russell Sq., Esq., bar. of Line. Inn. 

>. 13 

folio 234. 

William Anthony Jones, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s 
John J., of the Clock Ho., Wandsworth, Esq. 

n 17 

Ernest Ridsdale Ellaby, fellow of Wadham Coll., Ox., M.A., 
(27), 5 s. Rev. Francis E., clerk, deed., late of Percy Chapel, 
Charlotte St., Fitzroy Sq. 

„ l8 

Frederick Brown, of Walworth, Surrey, formerly of Victoria, 
Australia (30), 2 s. Benjamin B., late of Brighton, Sussex, 

[Esq., deed. 

folio 235. 

„ 20 

William Erasmus Darwin, of Christ Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Charles Robert D., of Down, Bromley, Kent, Esq. 

» 24 

John Armstrong, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. Nicholas A., 
of Albury, Surrey. 

» 24 

John Lodwick Warden, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (28), 1 s. John W., 
of Nice, Esq. 

» 25 

folio 236. 

James Liddell Purves, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (17), 1 s. James P., 
of Melbourne, Victoria, Esq. 

» 25 

William Arthur Hicks, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. John H., 
Esq., late of Seafield Ho., Liverpool, deed. 

,♦ 30 

Affleck Moodie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), y. s. late 
Affleck M., depy. commissary genl. Van Dieman’s Land. 

May 4 

folio 237. 

William Thackeray Marriott, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (27), 3 s. Christopher M., of Southport, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 23 

John Richard Nicholson, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Henry William N., of Berkhampstead, Herts, Esq. 

„ 28 

Charles William Tayleur, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 1 s. 
William Houlbrooke T., of Torquay, Esq. 

June 4 

folio 238. 

John Cyprian Thompson, of St. John s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. John T., of Blackheath, Kent. 

» 4 

Edward George Clarke (20), 1 s. Job Guy C., of London, 

„ 4 

Robert Wilkinson, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
William W., of Hambledon, Surrey, deed. 


2 P 

ILtnroln’s! Jinn &iiintession ftcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

June 4 

folio 239 . 

John Robert Kindersley, of Madras C. S. (35), 1 s. Nathaniel 

William K., late of Bishop’s Waltham, Hants, Esq., deed. 

» 5 

John Byers Gunning Moore, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (20), 

1 s. James M., of Glenville, co. Antrim, Esq. 

„ 6 

Henry Alexander Giffard, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. 

(23), 1 s. Henry G., of Guernsey, Esq. 

„ n 

folio 240 . 

Thomas Berwick, dep. Queen’s advocate, Ceylon (34), 3 s. 

William B., late of Edinburgh, Esq., deed. 

July 23 

Benjamin St. John Ackers, late of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21). 

0. surviving s. James A., of Prinknash Park, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Aug. 26 

Richard Ward, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. 

Richard W., of Eaton Sq., Middx. 

Sept. 23 

folio 241 . 

Fitzowen John Skinner, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. FitzowenS., 

Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 24 

John Mott Maidlow, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. William M., 
of Sydenham, Kent, Esq. 

Oct. 15 

John Gray Warner, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. John W., 

Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

» 22 

folio 242 . 

C. Poorooshottum Modeliar, of Madras, accredited agent in 

London of H. H. the Nabob of the Carnatic (38), 1 s. 

C. Apparoo Modeliar, late of Madras, Zemindar, deed. 

„ 23 

George Cary, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. John C., of 

Ebury St., Middx., Esq., deed. 

Nov. 1 

Henry Millett, of Christ Ch., Ox. (22), 2 s. Frederic M., late 
of Ewell, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

„ 4 

folio 243 . 

Samuel Dickinson, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (21) 2 s. 

William D., of New Park, Lymington, Hants, Esq. 

n 4 

Lionel Arthur Tollemache, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 

2 s. John T., of Peckforton Castle, Tarporley, Cheshire, 

Esq., M.P. 

„ 4 

Henry George Kennedy, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 2 s. 

Henry K., LL.D., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

»< 5 

folio 244 . 

Edmund Philip Greening (17), 0. s. Henry G., of Middle 

Temple, special pleader. 

.. 5 

John Carpenter, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. John C., 
late of Mount Tavy, Devon, Esq., deed. 

„ 6 

Herbert Newman Mozley, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

1 s. John M., of Derby, Esq. 


ILtncoln’g 5 nn gWmtsssion lUgistei: 1420-1893. 


1861 Nov. 7 

» 7 

5 > 

I I 


J 3 

„ 14 

» 14 

» 15 

.,- 16 

„ 18 

»» 19 

,1- 23 

n 23 

» 29 

3 ° 

1862 Jan. 10 

folio 245. 

James Fortescue Harrison, of Cambridge Sq., London (41), 

1 s. Henry H., late of Harrison Park, Cape of Good Hope, 

Charles Henry Walton, of Ch. Ch., Ox., and of the Inner 
Temple (adm. 10 Jan., 1857), 1 s. William Henry W., of 
Surbiton, Surrey, Esq. 

Thomas John Edwards, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), o. s. 
James E., of Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 246. 

William Sargant, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. William 
Lucas S., of Birmingham, manufacturer. 

Charles Dallas Alexander, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
William Stuart A., of Bengal C. S., Esq. 

Joseph Makinson, late of Clare Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 6 s. 
John M., of Manchester, solr. 

folio 247. 

Walter Barnard Byles, of Uny. Coll., Ox., Esq. (21), 1 s. 
Mr. Justice B. 

George Tuthill Borrett, a fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 1 s. Thomas B., of Whitehall PI., Middx., sol. 

George Winter Bomford (25), 1 s. George B., of Oakley Park, 
Kells, co. Meath, Esq. 

folio 248. 

William Edward Frere, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
(hon.) William Edward F., of Bombay, member of Council. 

Thomas Mansel Franklen, of Merton Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Richard F., of Clemenstone, co. Glam., Esq. 

Francis Benthall, of Line. Inn Fields (45), 7 s. William 
Searle B., late of Willen, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

folio 249. 

Ralph Charlton Palmer, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. 
George P., Esq., of Nazing Park, Essex. 

Thomas Francis Dallin, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Thomas 
James D., M.A., clerk, of Shooter’s Hill, Kent. 

Matthew Grosvenor Snooke, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23) 
o. s. Matthew S., of Chichester, Esq. 

folio 250. 

Joseph St. John Yates, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 

2 Feb., 1830, called i May, 1835), and of Crumpsal), co. 
Lane., 1 s. Joseph Y., late of Peel, co. Lane., bar.-at-law, deed. 

George Parker (16), o. s. George P., of Macclesfield, cotton 

Spinner [of Woburn Sq., London, Esq. 

Edward Samuel Farrier Moore (22), o. s. William Gosling M , 

ILtnroln’s Inn &timission ftegigter : 1420-1893. 






„ 23 

„ 23 

„ 24 

» 25 

» 27 

„ 27 

„ 27 

» 27 

folio 251. 

Rayner Winter both am, of Uny. Coll., London, B.A. (19), 2 s. 
Rayner W., of Stroud, co. Glouc., Esq. 

Edgar Henry Lockhart, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), o. s. 
James L., of Sherfield Ho., Hants, Esq. 

Horace Watson, solr. to the Commissioners of H. M.’s Woods, 
Forests and Land Revenues (34), 4 s. Richard W., of the 
Hill, Astley, co. Wore., Esq., deed. 

folio 252. 

Henry Pepys (21), 3 s. Edmund P., of Upper Harley St., 
London, Esq. 

Laurence Craven, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (31), 2 s. Rev. 

Charles C, of Spexhall Rectory, Suffolk. 

John Edward Jenkins (23), 1 s. Rev. John Edward J., D.D., of 
Philadelphia, U.S.A. 

folio 253. 

George Cardale, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. John Bate C., of 
Albury, Surrey, Esq. 

Wilfred Joseph Cripps, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. late 
William C., of the Inner Temple, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

George Willis Penson, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. George P., 
of West bourne Ter., London, Esq. 

folio 254. 

Anthony Lionel George Ashley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(23), 3 s. Earl of Shaftesbury. 

Rees Edward Davies, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. William D., of 
Mardy H., Merthyr, co. Glam., Esq. 

Frederick Townsend Procter (19), 4 s. Edward P., of 
Macclesfield, Esq. 

folio 255. 

Robert Joseph Crosthwaite, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 
Rev. John Clarke C., of Rectory, St. Mary-at-Hill, London. 

Hon. Edward Stanhope, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 2 s. the Earl of 

Andrew Anderson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22) 2 s. Alexander A., 
of Aberdeen, advocate. 


folio 256. 

Charles Arthur Ellis, of Merton Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Lord 
Howard de Walden, of the British Legation, Brussels. 

John HabbingtonBarneby, late of Christ Ch., Oxon, B.A. (21), 
1 s. John B., late of Brockhampton, co. Hereford, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Frederick Kirby, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
1 s. Thomas K., of Inhurst Ho., Hants, Comr. R.N. 

fttncoln’sf finn &&mte#ton &egtettr: 1420-1893. 



Jan. 27 

„ 29 

„ 29 

n 3 i 

April 2 

,1 2 

»» 3 

,1 5 

„ 15 

„ 16 

v 23 

n 24 

» 3° 

May 3 

>1 3 

t» 5 

.. 7 

folio 257. 

George Otto Trevelyan, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
o. s. Sir Charles Edward T., K.C.B. 

James Bryce, junr., of Trin. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. James B., of 
Boweshill, Blantyre, n. Glasgow, Esq. 

John White, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. James Robert W., 
of Whitehall, co. Antrim, Esq. 

folio 258. 

John Addington Symonds, junr., of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 

John Addington S., of Clifton, co. Glouc., M.D. 

Jackson Hunt, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Jackson King H., 
of Montagu Sq., London, Esq. 

James Thomas Hammack, assist, comisr. of the census (43), 2 s. 
John George H., late of Boxlands, Surrey, Esq., J.P., deed. 

folio 259. 

George Ashley Dodd, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), o. s. George D., 
Esq., of Grosvenor PI., London. 

George Thomas John Bucknall Estcourt, of Balliol Coll., 
Ox. (23), o. s. Rev. Edmund Hiley Bucknall E., of 
Eckington, co. Derby. 

John Morley, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. Jonathan M., 
of Blackburn, co. Lane., Esq. 

folio 260. 

John Gibbs (21), 1 s. John Shapter, of 20, Devonshire PI., 
Portland PI., London, Q.C., a master of the bench. 

William Stevenson McCance, of Uny. of Dublin, A.B. (21), 

1 s. David McC., of Clifden, co. Down, Esq. 

John George Frederick Hope-Wallace, late of Ch. Ch., Ox. 
(22), 1 s. Hon. James H-W., of Fetherstone Castle, 
Northumberland, deed. 

folio 261. 

Kenelm Edward Digby, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., M.A. (25), 
1 s. Rev. Kenelm Henry D., of Tittleshall, Norfolk. 

Henry Denis Le Marchant, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Sir Denis Le M., bart. 

Frederic La Tour Mason, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (22), 
3 s. late Richard M., Esq., of Line. deed. 

folio 262. 

Nicholas George Blackall, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. 
Jonas B., of Limerick, solr. 

John Cotter Wood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 1 s. 

Andrew Jordaine W., of Cork, Esq. 

John Radcliff Battersby, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 
George B., Q.C., and LL.D., of Dublin. 

302 lUnroln’g finn a&nuggton &egtgta; ; 1420-1893. 

folio 263. 

1862 May 


Julian Marshall (25), 3 s. John M., late of Leeds, Esq., deed. 



Hon. James Archibald Home, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (2O, 2 s. 
the Earl of Home. 



William Mulholland, of Queen’s Coll., Galway (19), 3 s . 
Joseph Stevenson M., M.D., late of Belfast, deed. 

folio 264. 


Zachary Edwards, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
Zachary James E., of Axminster, Devon. 


2 3 

Albert Harford Pearson, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Rev. Charles Buchanan P., of Knebworth, Herts. 



Oscar Browning, fell, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), y s 
late William Shipton B., of Langley, Bucks, Esq., deed. 

folio 265. 



William Rose Holden, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
William H., late of Worcester, clerk, deed. 



Sir Alexander Hutchinson Lawrence, Bart., B.C.S. (23), 

1 s. late Sir Henry Montgomery L., bart., deed. 


William Howley Kingsmill, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A., and of the 
Inner Temple (adm. 17 Apr., 1861), 0. s. William K., of 
Sydmonton Court, Southants, Esq. 

folio 266. 



Walter Samuel Parry Crooke, late of Trin. Coll., Camb. (27) 

2 s. John Parry C., late of Boldre, Hants, Esq., deed. 



Charles Isaac Elton, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 

I rederic Bayard E., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 



Thomas Theodore Brewer Hooke (22), i s. Beniamin H 
late of Norton Hall, co. Wore., Esq., deed. 

folio 267. 



Henry Pritchard, jun., of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (23) 1 s. 
Henry P., of Trescawen, Anglesey, Esq. 



Conrad Goodridge Howell, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (26) 

1 s. Revd. Hinds H., of Drayton Rectory, Norfolk. 



Mutu Coomarasamy, advocate supreme ct., Ceylon, M.L.C. (28), 

0. s. A. — Coomarasamy, late of Ceylon, M.L.C., deed. 

folio 268. 



Thomas Pitts Langmead, an associate of King’s Coll., London 
&c., and of the Inner Temple (adm. 9 May, i860), 0. s. s.’ 
Thomas L., of Dartmouth, Devon, gent., deed. 



John Cotton Henry Vickers, of St. Mary Hall, Ox., B.A. 
(39), 0. s. Henry V., of Bridgnorth, gent. 



Byam Martin Davies, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 3 s . Lt. Genl. 
Francis John D., of Danehurst, Sussex. 

Utnroln’s $nn &ttmf00ton LUgfster: 1420-1893. 

30 3 


July 28 

Oct. 2 

,, 14 


>» 23 

I, 23 

II 23 

II 29 

II 30 

II 31 

II 31 

,1 3 1 

,, 3i 

Nov. 3 

•1 4 

n 5 

11 7 

folio 269. 

Charles Dalrymple, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. Sir 
Charles Dalrymple Fergusson, hart., of Kilkerran, co. Ayr,N.B. 

Gerald Frederick de Livera, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. 
Frederick de L., late of Colombo, Ceylon, Esq., deed. 

Arthur William Trollope Daniel, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
y. s. William Thomas Shave D., of Line. Inn, Q.C., a 
master of the bench. 

folio 270. 

Thomas Cope, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Thomas C., 
of Osbaston Hall, co. Leic., J.P. 

Kenyon Wood Wilkie, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Edward Charles Hales W., of Ramsgate, Esq. 

John Matthias Spread (21), 2 s. John William S., of Pembridge 
Crescent, London, Esq. 

folio 271. 

William Henry Skinner (21), 2 s. John S., late of Calcutta, 
mercht., deed. 

William Duller Heberden, late of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (24), 
1 s. Rev. William H., of Broadhembury, Devon. 

Matthew Ingle Joyce, B.A., and fellow of Gonville and Caius 
Coll., Camb. (23), 4 s. John Hall J., of Blackford, co. Leic., 


folio 272. 

Thomas Smyth Abraham, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. 
Richard Thomas A., of Heavitree, Devon, Esq. 

Henry Yates Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

Samuel Henry T., of Thingwall, co. Lane., Esq. 

Archibald Hyndman Stein (23), 1 s. John S., of Lesmahagow, 
co. Lanark, N.B., Esq. 

folio 273. 

Charles Browning, of Farnham, Surrey (24), 2 s. John B., of 
Melbourne, Victoria, Esq. 

Henry Owen Lewis, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Arthur Gambell L., of Dublin, J.P., D.L., Lt.-Col. of militia. 

Lancelot Shadwell (23), 1 s. Lancelot S., late of Line. Inn, 

[bar.-at-law, deed. 

folio 274. 

George Daw, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 3 s. John D., 
of Exeter, Esq. 

George Lea, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 15 April, 
1856, called 17 Nov., 1859), 3 s. William L., late of 
Birmingham, co. Warwick, gent., deed. 

Edward Brodie Cooper, of Uny. of London, B.A. (2c), 2 s. 
William Wellington C., of Adelaide Road, London, and of 
• the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 



Etncoln’st Inn gWmtssston ftegfgter: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 8 





I 2 



1 5 






folio 275. 

Charles James Manning, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Edye M., of Sydney, N. S. Wales, Esq. 

George Herbert Durham, of Queen’s Coll, Ox. (22), 3 s. 
Edward D., of Northampton, Esq. 

John Power Hicks, of Line. Coll., Ox., M.A. (29), 1 s. 
John H., late of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

folio 276. 

Edward Mourant, of Wadham Coll., Ox., M.A. (28), o. s. 
Edward M., late of Jersey, Esq., deed. 

Henry Meredyth Plowden, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
George Augustus Chicheley P., Bengal C. S., of Burdwan, 
Bengal Presy. 

Archibald Edward Dobbs, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. 
Archibald Edward D., late master in equity and acct. genl. 
Supreme Court, Calcutta, deed. 

folio 277. 

Charles Alleyne Summers Austin, fellow of St. John’s Coll., 
Ox., B.A. (23), 6 s. late Rev. Wiltshire Stanton A., vicar of 
Gt. Bentley, Essex, deed. 

Archibald Henry Blount, late of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 
William B., of Orche Hill, Bucks, Esq. 

Edmund Fuller Griffin, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., B.A. (23), 
o. s. Edmund G., of Ilford, Essex, Esq. 

folio 278. 

Charles Hall, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Charles H., 
Esq., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

John Bradley Dyne, junr., fellow of King’s Coll, Camb. (23), 
1 s. Rev. John Bradley D., of Highgate, D.D. 

Jeffery Edwards, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Thomas E., 
of Riverford, Devon, Esq. 

folio 279. 

John Finlaison, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 4 s. John F., 
late of Lansdowne Crescent, London, Esq., deed. 

Hon. Lewis Strange Wingfied (20), 3 s. Visct. Powescourt, deed. 

James Cholmeley Russell, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., 1 s. James R., 
late of the Inner Temple, Esq., Q.C. 

folio 280. 

William Gerald Seymour Vesey Fitzgerald (21), 1 s. William 
Robert Seymour F., of Holbrooke Park, Sussex, Esq., M.P. 

Francis Porten Beachcroft, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Samuel B., late of Putney, Surrey, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Francis Olliffe, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Sir Joseph 0 ., M.D., of Paris. 

Utnroln’g Inn HKmtsston &cgtsitcv : 1420-1893. 


folio 281. 

1862 Nov. 27 Henry Russell Davis (17), y. s. Charles William D., of Line. 

Inn, conveyancer under the bar. 

Dec. 31 James Douglas Walker, of Uny. Coll. Ox. (21), 1 s. James W., 
of Blairton, co. Aberdeen, Esq. 

1863 Jan. 10 Marcus Martin, jr. (20), 1 s. Marcus M., of the Middle 

Temple, bar.-at-law. 

1863 Jan. 12 

„ 14 

No. 24 . 

folio 1. 

Robert Burdie Bryan, fellow Commoner of Clare Coll., Camb. 
(22), o. s. James Bedingfield B., M.D., of Kens. Pk. 

Charles Borradaile (32), 2 s. Rev. Frederick B., of Balham, 
Surrey, clerk. 

George Curtis Price, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (24), 3 s. 
Thomas P., late of Corbetts Tye, Essex, Esq., deed. 

folio 2. 

15 John Charles Thynne, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 6 s. Rev. 
Lord John T., of Hawncs, Beds, D.D. 

15 Robert Hawthorn Collins, of Line. Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. 
Rev. John Ferdinando C., of Betterton, Berks. 

19 William Henry Allcard (25), 2 s. late William A., of Bakewell, 
Derby, Esq., deed. 

folio 3. 

19 John Templer Prior, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John 
Venn P., late of Hatcham, Surrey, Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

19 Henry Rudd, junior, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., M.A. (30), 2 s. 
Henry R., of Kilbryde Castle, Dunblane, N.B., Esq. 

21 Walter Vere Vaughan Williams, late of Christ Ch., Ox. (23), 

5 s. Mr. Justice W. 

folio 4. 

22 James Hutchinson Hutchinson, of St. John's Coll., Ox, (22), 

2 s. late James H., of Leeds, Esq. 

23 William Edward Peebles, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 

William P., of Dublin. 

24 William Taylor Warry, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 2 s. 

George W., of Shapwick, Somerset, Esq. 

2 Q 

VOL. 11. 

lUnroln’js Inn Sttnnteston ftcrjigtcr : 1420-1893. 
























2 9 












folio 5. 

Edward Garnet Man (25), 4 s. late Harry Stoe M., of Halsted, 
Kent, Esq., deed. 

Francis John Sidebottom Venner (36), 1 s. Charles John 
Sidebottom, of Elm Bank, co. Wore., Esq. 

Henry John Turner, fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (32), 
1 s. Henry T., of Stockport, atty.-at-law. 

folio 6. 

William James Collyer, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 
Richard C., of Parkhurst, Chobham, Surrey, Esq. 

James Alexander Cruikshank, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
Major James C., late of Parkhurst, Bexley, Kent, deed. 

Arthur Dendy, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. Samuel D., 
of Eattiford Ho., Somerset. 

folio 7. 

Thomas Douglas Murray, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), s. Rev. Thomas 
Boyles M., late of St. Dunstans-in-the-East, London, deed. 

William Bacheler Coltman, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 21 Jany., 1851, called 17 Nov., 1854) 2 s. Mr. 
Justice C. 

John Savill Vaizey, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
15 Apr., 1852, called 26 Jany., 1855), °- s - George de 
Horne V., of Star Stile, Halstead, Essex, Esq. 

folio 8. 

Edmund Salwey Ford, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Revd. James F., of Torquay, Devon. 

Charles Henry Robarts, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. late 
Abraham George R., of London, Esq. (City Remembrancer). 

John Armine Willis, fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
3 s. Sherlock W., of Little Shelford, co. Camb., Esq., M.D. 

folio 9. 

Arthur Raymond Kirby (21), 5 s. George Goldsmith K., of 
Twickenham, Esq. 

William Henry Mitchell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, late police 
mag., Colony of Hong Kong (48), 1 s. David M., of Galway, 
Ireland, mercht. 

David Francis Aherne (19), 2 s. Thomas A., of Hobart Town, 

[Tasmania, gent. 

folio 10. 

Charles Walter Campion, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. 

William John C., of Danny Park, Sussex, Esq. 

Benjamin Kisch, of Uny. of London, B.A. (20), 1 s. Joseph K., 
of London, Esq. 

Hon. Charles Douglas Richard Hanbury-Tracy (22), 2 s. 
late Baron Sudeley. 

ILincoln’* hnn Utqmci : 1420-189;,. 



April 15 

W *5 

» 17 

„ 20 

„ 27 


>, 30 

>1 3 ° 

May 1 

» 4 

» 4 

» 5 

i» 6 

91 6 

„ 16 

» 25 

June 3 

» 5 

folio 11. 

Edward William Brabrook (24), 2 s. late Edward B., of 
Cornhill, London, Esq., deed. 

Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet, of Balliol College, 
Oxford, B.A. (21), 2 s. Rev. Robert William B., of Rock, 

Robert Romer, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. Frank R., 
of Kilburn, Middx., Esq. 

folio 12. 

Richard Hillebrand Morgan, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (15), 
r s. Richard Francis M., of Colombo, Ceylon, Queen’s 

Charles Royle, late R.N. (24), 4 s. William R., of Lymington 
Hants, Esq. 

Joshua Watson Wagner, ol Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Revd. Henry Mitchell W., M.A., Vicar of Brighton. 

folio 13. 

Henry Francis Purcell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (20), 
3 s. John Francis P., of Carrick-oivSuir, co. Tippy, M.D. 

Francis Logie Pirie, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Francis P., 
of Aberdeen, Esq. 

Stephen Dowell, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (30), 1 s. 
Revd. Stephen W'ilkinson D., of Gosfield, Essex, clerk. 

folio 14. 

John Davies Davenport, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
John Marriott D., of Oxford, solr. 

Henry Richard Tomkinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (31), 
3 s. late Revd. Henry T., of Reaseheath, Cheshire, deed 

John Batten, junr., of Balliol Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. John B., of 
Penzance, Esq. 

folio 15. 

John Higgins Allen, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Yen 
John A. vicar of Prees, Salop, and archdeacon of Salop. 

Hon. Henry Strutt, of Trin. Coll., Camb., LL.B. (22), 1 s 
Lord Bel per. 

Thomas Durell Hodge (27), o. s. Thomas Stoke H. of Sid 
mouth, surgeon. 

folio 16. 

Alfred Claribeux Curlewis (21), 3 s. George Campbell C., 
late of Melbourne, Victoria, gent. deed. 

Robert Pitcairn, jun., of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Robert P., 
of Hobart Town, Tasmania, solr. 

William George Tanner (19), 1 s. William T., of Frenchay, 
co. Glouc., gent. 

iUiuoln’0 £nn BDintgston Itegtstev: 1420-1893 


1863 June 6 
» 9 

» ! 5 

Oct. 16 

» 23 

» 23 

„ 26 

„ 30 

» 3 ° 

„ 3 ^ 

Nov 2 

?> 3 

» 3 

t, 4 

>» 5 

» 5 

folio 17. 

Gerard Finch Dawson, late of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
3 s. Henry D., late of Launde Abbey, co. Leic., Esq., deed. 

William Whitworth, junr., of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
William W., Esq., of Willen, Newport Pagnell, Bucks, farmer. 

Henry Francis Mutukisna, depy. Queen’s Advoc., Northern 
Circuit, Ceylon (35), 1 surviving s. Philip Rodrigo M., late 
chief Modeliar of Northn. Province, Ceylon, afsd. 

folio 18. 

Sidney Bryant McWhinnie, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
o. s. John Sidney McW., of Brighton, sol., deed. 

William George Lemon, of Uny. of London, B.A. (32), 2 s. 
James L., of Piccadilly, gent. 

George Edward Brace, a lieut. in the military train (24), o. s. 
George B., late of Cavendish Sq., London, deed. 

folio 19. 

Edmund James Townley, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 
1 s. Rev. Edmund T., P.C., Staveley in Cartmel. 

Frederic Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25) 4 s. John 
Vincent T., sergt.-at*law, deed. 

Hugh Shearer, of Line. Inn Fields (34), 3 s. James S., late of 
Thorax, co. Banff, Esq., deed. 

folio 20. 

Darnley Rowland Poppey (19), o. s. Thomas P., of 5, Lang- 
ham St., Portland PL, London, gent. 

George Jasper Nicholls, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), y. s. 
John N., of Trekenning Ho., Cornwall, Esq. 

Sefton West Strickland, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 
o. s. Samuel West S., of London, Esq. 

folio 21. 

Edward David Thomas, junr., of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Edward David T., of Welfield, Builth, co. Radnor, Esq. 

Henry Godefroi, of the London Uny., B.A. (19), 1 s. Salomon 
Henry G., of Glouc. Ter. Hyde Park, London, Esq. 

Edmund Widdrington Byrne, of the Uny. of London (19), 
1 s. Edmund B., of Westminster, solr. 

folio 22. 

De Grouchy Le Gallais, of Uny. of London (18), 1 s. John 
Le G., of St. Helliers, Jersey, mercht. 

Albert Gordon Langley, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
15 Jan., 1857, called 30 April, 1859), 1 s. Charles L.. of 
Chudleigh, Devon, gent., ad eundem. 

John Percival Balmer, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
John B., of St. John’s St. Road, London, Esq. 



Lincoln’s 5 nn .admission lUQiStei-: 1420-1893. 



Nov. 6 









I 2 

M 1 3 

» 13 

„ 14 






n 23 
n 2 3 
Dec. 12 

folio 23. 

John Hknry Reade,, clerk to the poor law board (23), 3 s. Rev. 
Loftus George R., M.A., of Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh. 

David Lindo Alexander, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Joshua A., of London, solr. 

Robert Stanley Scholfield, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. Edward S., M.l)., of Doncaster. 

folio 24. 

George Hurley Barne, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
John B., late of Tiverton, Devon, banker, deed. 

William Churchill, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Revd. William C., of Stickland Rectory, Dorset. 

George Giffard Dineley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 
o. s. Revd. Francis Plumer Giffard D., late of Churchill, 
co. Wore., deed. 

folio 25. 

Honble. Frederick George Dutton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 

2 s. Lord Sherborne. 

Reginald Floyer Saunders, of Bengal C. S. (32), 2 s. Charles 
Alexander S., of Paddington, Esq. 

Henry Rowland Brown (26), 3 s. Edward B., of Lyme Regis, 
Dorset, gent. 

folio 26. 

Henry Blunt Howard, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Rev. 
William Henry H., vicar of St. Thomas’s, Exeter. 

Edward Haggard (27), 7 s. John H., late of Doctors Commons, 
LL.D., deed. 

Theodore Cracroft Hope, Indian Civil Service (31), o. s. 
James H., of London, physician. 

folio 27. 

Charles Braine Finlayson (27), yr. son of late William F., of 
Jamaica, solr. 

John George Laing, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Malcolm L., of Upper Canada, formerly of Jamaica, deed. 

John Timms, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. William T., 
late of Geelong, Victoria, Esq. 

folio 28. 

Harry Scott Baker, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
William B., late of Brundon Hall, Suff., Esq., deed. 

Charles John Tahourdin, of Lincoln Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Charles T., ot Westminster, solr. 

Allan Maclean Skinner, junr. (17), 2 s. Allan Maclean S., 
Q.C., a master of the bench of Lincoln’s Inn. 


Lincoln’s 5 nn 2 Ujmig$ton Register: 1420-1893. 

1863 ^c. 18 

5, 24 

» 24 

1864 Jan. 6 





„ 19 

» 19 

„ 20 

» 23 

t> 2 5 

folio 29. 

William Henry Richards, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. 
Lt. Col. Henry R., of Tenby, co. Pembroke. 

William Bevill Parson (19), o. s. Thomas Edgcomb P., of 
London, solicitor. 

Marcus Trevelyan Martin, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Major William M., of Leamington. 

folio 30. 

Edward Ford, of the Uny. of London, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
William F., of London, gent. 

Arthur Stanley Teape, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Tobiah T., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

George Rogers, late solr. of Supreme Court of Calcutta (35), 
2 s. late Alexander R., of London, mercht., deed. 

folio 31. 

Robert Romney Kane, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M.A. (21), 

1 s. Sir Robert K., of Wickham, co. Dublin, M.D. 

William Izon Bryan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 4 s. Loftus 
Anthony B., of Upton Gorey, co. Wexford, Esq. 

Henry Samuel Brandreth, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

1 s. late Lt. Col. Henry Rowland B., R.E., deed. 

folio 32. 

Charles Colin Macrae, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
Alexander M., of Calcutta, M.D. 

Baldwin Michael Smith, of Line. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Michael S., of Gordon Sq., London, solr. 

Francis Woodhouse, of Exeter Coll., Ox., o. s. Francis 
Valentine W., of Albury, Surrey, and of the Inner Temple, 

folio 33. 

William Henry Gladstone, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Rt. Hon. William Ewart G., M.P. 

Walter Dionysius Drieberg, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Lambert William D., of Kandy, Ceylon, proctor. 

John Naish, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 1 s. Carrol N., 
late of Ballycullen, co. Limerick, Esq., deed. 

folio 34. 

Henry Strange Hume, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (23), 6 s. 
George H., London. 

Henry Gaselee, of King’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Binsteed G., 
late of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

Samuel Benjamin Large Druce, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(2D, o. s. Joseph D., of Ensham, Oxon, Esq. 



Etnroln’st Inn Emission iUgistcr: 1420-1893. 311 

1864 Jan. 26 

folio 35 . 

Richard Crawley, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Ven. William C., 
of Bryngwyn Raglan, co. Mon., Archdn. of Monmouth. 

» 27 

Roland Knyvet Wilson, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

2 s. George Knyvet W., of Windsor, capt. R.N. 

•• 2 9 

John Sam-uel Fletcher, of Christ’s Church, Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Samuel F., late of Broomlield, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

„ 29 

folio 36 . 

George Somes, of Wore. Coll., Ox., M.A. (36), 3 s. Samuel 
Francis S., late of Stepney, Middx., ship owner, deed. 

Feb. 18 

George Thomas Edwards, of St John’s Coll., Camb., M.A., 
and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 11 Nov., 1858, 
called 6 June, 1861), 2 s. John E., late of Brampton 
Brian, co. Hereford, Esq., deed. 

» 18 

Nathaniel Bindley, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
23 Sept., 1847, called 22 Nov., 1850), 0. s. John L., of 

[Acton Green, Middx., gent. 

folio 37 . 

» 25 

Charles Pontifex, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., and of Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (21 Apr., 1851, called 1 May, 1854), 1 s. 
John 1 \, of Blackheath, solr. 

March 17 

William Cole Pendarves, of Christ Chnrch, Ox. (22). 1 s. John 
Wood, of Martock, Somerset, Esq. 

April 1 

Frederick Albert Lewin, a fellow' of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (22), 4 s. Robert L., of Cuddington, Surrey, 


folio 38 . 

»» 5 

Archibald Henry Simpson, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
George S., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

»» 5 

Francis Otter, junr., a fellow and tutor of Corpus Christi Coll., 
Ox., M.A. (31), 1 s. Francis O., of Ranby, co. Line., Esq. 


Richard Henry Manners Verity, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 

1 s. Robert V., of South Woods Hall, Thirsk, Yorks. 

» 12 

folio 39 . 

John Gregory, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. late John G., 
Esq., govr. of the Bahamas, deed. 

n 13 

Henry Elliott Fox, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Rev. Henry Watson F., late of Durham, deed. 

»• 14 

John Watt Smyth, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, and of B. C. S. 
(27), 2 s. John S., of Larne, co. Antrim, mercht. 

» 15 

folio 40 . 

Douglas Close Richmond, of St. Peter’s Coll., Carpb. (24), 2 s. 
Rev. Henry Sylvester R., of Wych Rissington, co. Glouc. 

„ 16 

Walter Brett (38), 0. s. William Walter Gervais B., of St. 

„ 18 

Mary’s. Norfolk, Esq. [B.A. (22), 1 s. Lord Colchester. 

Hon. Reginald Charles Edward Abbot, of Ch. Ch., Ox., 


Utncoln’js Enit SUimtsfSton &egts;ter : 1420-1893. 

1864 April 21 

folio 41. 

Edmund Langton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. Rev. 
Charles L., M.A., of Hartfield, Sussex. 

» 21 

Robert O’Maley, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), o.s. Robert O’M., 
of Dublin, Esq. 

» 22 

George William Kekewich, of Balliol .Coll., Ox. (23), 3 s. 
Samuel Trehawke K., of Peamore, Devon, Esq. 

» 2 5 

folio 42. 

Arthur Duncombe, junr., of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Adml. the Hon. Arthur D., of London, M.P. 

» 2 7 

James Joseph Maclaren, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
James M., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 28 

Arthur Loughborough, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Thomas L., of Tulse Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 29 

folio 43. 

Edward Hume, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Rev. William 
Wheeler H., of St. Leonards-on-Sea. 

„ 3 ° 

Edward French Buttemer Harston (27), 1 s. Rev. Edward H., 
vicar of Sherborne, Dorset. 

May 2 

John Donaldson Reeves, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (28), 0. s. 
John Gibson R., late of Moseley, co. Wore., Esq., deed. 

folio 44. 

» 5 

Edward Fitzgerald Galaher, a clerk in Inland Revenue (21), 
0. s. Rev. George Fitzgerald G., incumbt of St. Mark’s, 
Horselydown, Surrey. 

„ 6 

Cecil Mark Fulford, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
2 s. Major William F., of Stafford. 

if 7 

Robert Swan Stephen, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Hon. John Clower S., of Ramsey, Isle of Man, H.M.’s 2nd 


folio 45. 

„ 2 4 

Albert Sidney Chavasse, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24) 0. s. 
Sidney C., late of Birmingham, Esq., deed. 

» 2 7 

Reginald Hughes, of St. John’s Coll., Ox, gent. (21), y. s. 
Walter H., of Bucklersbury, London, atty-at-law. 

June 2 

Francis Wood, late lieut. 17th regt. foot (30), 1 surviving s., Rev. 
Sir John Page W., bart., rector of St. Peter’s, Cornhill, 


folio 46. 

» 6 

John Monsey Collyer, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
John C., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Hackford Hall, 

» 7 

George William Heaton, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(30), 1 s. Rev. George H., M.A., of Mascouche, Canada East. 

„ 8 

Carr Stephen (29), 3 s. Johannes S., of Dacca, Bengal, 
1 Zamindar. 

Umcoln’sf Inn glttmtejrfon JAegtstcr: I42O-1893. 

3 r 3 


June 10 

W l 5 

„ 21 

Oct. 24 


„ 3i 

Nov. 2 

» 3 









folio 47. 

Robert Goulder Slipper, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (22), 3 s. John 
Armine S., of Ludham, Norfolk, Esq. 

Toseph Trigge Schomberg, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 28 Jany., 1823, called 8 Feb., 1828), y. s. Isaac S., 
late of Seend, Wilts, Esq., deed., ad eundem. 

John Chester, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 7 Nov., 
1861, called 6 June, 1864). 

folio 48. 

Robert Charles Lathom Browne, of Uny. Coll., Camb. (19), 
3 s. Ven. Robert William B., Archdeacon of Bath. 

Charles Bill, of Uny. Coll., Ox., o. s. John B., late of Farley 
Hall, co. Staff., Esq., deed. 

Edward Denison, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (24), o. s. 
Rt. Revd. Edward D., late Bishop of Salisbury, deed. 

folio 49. 

Charles Lancelot Shadwell, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A., 2 s. 
Lancelot S., late of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law, deed. 

Richard Cooper, of Hill Morton Paddox, co. Warwick (31), 3 s. 
Richard Wordsworth C., of Dunboden Park, co. Westmeath. 

James Orr, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. William O., 
of Ballymena, co. Antrim, Esq. 

folio 50. 

Bryan Walker, jun., of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (25), 1 
surviving s. John W., of Mearclough, Yorks, miller. 

Andr£ Blasini Knox, of Trin. Coll.,Camb., B.A. (25), o. s. (Hon.) 
William George K., Chief Justice of Trinidad, West Indies. 

Henry Fellows (24), 2 s. Alfred Thomas F., late of Beeston Ho., 
Beeston, Notts, Esq., deed. 

folio 51. 

Griffith Humphrey Pugh Evans, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(24), 3 s. John E., of Lovesgrove, n. Aberystwith, Esq. 

Henry Clare Kirkpatrick, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
Revd. William Baillie K., D.D., of Dublin. 

Francis Alfred Hanbury, of Queen’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
1 s. Rev. Alfred H., late of Wickhambrook, Suffolk, deed. 

folio 52. 

Govind Withul Kurkure, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. 
Withul Balal Kurkurfc, a native of the Presidency of Bombay. 

John Ansell Day, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. John D., of 
Uckfield, Sussex, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Alexander William Crichton, of Caius Coll., Camb. (22), 
o. s. late Constantine C., of Upton Park, Slough, Bucks, 
Esq., deed. 

VOL. 11. 

2 R 


Utncoln’s Inn E&mtesstun lUgtster: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 12 

» *4 

„ 14 

». 14 

i> 15 

» 17 


» l8 

» 19 

» 19 

•, 22 

n 23 

folio 53. 

Manomohan Ghose, of the Uny. of Calcutta (20), 1 s. Ram- 
Lochun Ghose, late principal Sudder Amean (a native judge) 
of Nuddea, Bengal. 

Charles Arthur Duncan (17), 1 s. William D., of 48, Oxford 
Ter., Hyde Park, W., Esq. 

Richard O’Shaughnessy, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
James O’S., of Limerick, Esq. 

folio 54. 

Henry Waldemar Lawrence, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Sir 
Henry Montgomery L., bart., late of Bengal Horse Arty., deed. 

Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
1 s. Revd. Peregrine Arthur I., of Thurlestone, Devon, clerk. 

Henry Stubbins (19), the ward of John S., of Leeds, 


folio 55. 

James Lempriere Hammond, fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(34), 2 s. John H., of the Island of Jersey, Esq. 

Richard Marsden Pankhurst, of Uny. of London, doctor of 
laws (28), 2 s. Henr> ? Francis P., of Manchester, auctioneer. 

George Hustler Tuck, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Charles Edward T., of Norwich, gent. 

folio 56. 

Frederick Clarke, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (18), 2 s. Revd. Sir 
Charles C, bart., of Worlingham Hall, Suffolk. 

George Borthwick, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 7 s. John B., 
Esq., of Prospect, n. Carrickfergus, co. Antrim. 

Richard Llewellin Purcell, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
2 s. Revd. William P., of Oxford. 

1865 Jan. 6 

„ 14 







folio 57. 

Francis Law Latham, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
1 July, 1861, called 6 June, 1864), 2 s. late John L., of 
Brad well Hall, Cheshire, Esq., deed. 

Francis Hill Baynes, of New Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Charles 
Robert B., of Minchinhampton, co. Glouc., Esq, 

Phirozeshah Meherwanjee Mehta, of Bombay, East Indies, 
B.A. Bombay Uny. (20), 2 s. Meherwanjee Hormusjee 
Mehta, of Bombay, Esq. 

folio 58. 

Hormasji Ardaseer Wadya, of Bombay Uny. (18), 1 s. 
Ardaseer Dhunjeebhoy Wadya, of Bombay, Esq. 

Henry George Middleton Kirby, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Thomas K., of Inhurst, Berks, Esq. 

Edward Wilkinson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 5 s 
George W., of North Walsham, Norfolk, solr. 

Utncoln’s Cnn ^Uimteston &egts(tet:: 1420-1893 

3 J 5 


Jan. 23 
.. 25 

» 25 

.. 26 

» 27 

,, 27 

Feb. 14 
March 16 
April 10 

» n 

M 19 
>« 19 




2 I 


» 24 

» 24 

» 29 

folio 59. 

Thomas Whitcombe Greene, of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, B.A. 
(23), o. s. Thomas G., of Chichester, solr. 

Wilfrid Kendall Clementson, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., 
B.A., and of the Bengal uncovenanted service (35), 1 s. 
Joseph C., late of Cockermouth, Esq., deed. 

William Talbot Agar, jun., of Trim Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
William Talbot A., of Lymington, Hants, Esq. 

folio 60. 

Robert Campbell, fellow of Trin. Hall., Camb., M.A., and 
advocate Scots, bar. (32), 2 s. Capt. Robert C., R.N., late of 
Edinburgh, deed. 

William Hilary Bai.iol Moullin, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
William Baliol M., late of the island of Guernsey, Esq., deed. 

William Fitzpatrick Cullinan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 
2 s. Patrick Maxwell C., of Ennis, co. Clare, J.P. 

folio 61. 

John Clifford Hopkinson, of St. Catharine’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Benjamin H., of Ambleside, Westld., Esq. 

Archibald John Mackey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Lt. Col. John Alexander M., of Fairhill, n. Exeter. 

William John Frere, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. John F., 
late of Cottenham, co. Camb., clerk, deed. 

folio 62. 

Hugh Meredith Roberts, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (17), o. s. 
Robert R., of Calcutta, Esq. 

George Bernard Harvey Drew, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 
1 s. George Harvey D., of Westminster, gent. 

James Marshall, of Exeter Coll., Ox., M.A., classical master in 
the school of the Oratory, Birmingham (35), 2 s. Rev. 
James M., late of Clifton, co. Glouc., deed. 

folio 63. 

Alfred Robinson, a fellow of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 5 s. 
William Fothergill R., of Holmfield, co. Lane., Esq. 

Edward Codrington William Grey, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 
o. s. Charles Conrad G., Capt. R.N. 

Richard Everard Webster, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Thomas W., Esq., Q.C., a master of the bench. 

folio 64. 

Robert Conway Dobbs, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s 
(hon.) William Cary D., of Ashurst, Killiney, co. Dublin, a 
judge in the Landed Estates Court, Ireland. 

Charles Thomas Mitchell, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (22), 4 s. Robert M., of Deptford, Kent, surgeon. 

John Dixon (26), 1 s. John I)., late of Sheffield, Yorks, deed. 

316 fUitcoln’g $mt SlJJinisJ-sioit Register: 1420-1893. 

1865 April 29 

folio 65. 

Frederic Robert Wickham, of New Coll., Ox., M.A. (26), 3 s 
Rev. Edward W., late of Preston, Candover, Hants, deed. 

„ 29 

Robert George Arbuthnot, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
4 s. Archibald Francis A., of Hyde Park Gardens, Esq. 

May 2 

John Houghton Swainson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 
1 s. John S., of Elmswood, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 3 

folio 66. 

Cecil Clare Marston Dale, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
6 s. Revd. Thomas D., Canon of St. Pauls. 

» 4 

Herbert Webb Gillman, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B., police 
mag. and commiss. Court of Requests, Kandy, Ceylon (29), 
0. s. Herbert G., of Clonteadmore Ho., co. Cork, Esq. 

,, 4 

Roger Leigh (25), 1 s. Thomas Yate, of Ince Hall, co. Lane., 


folio 67. 

>j 4 

Arthur Frederick Payne, of Trin. Coll., Ox., M.A. (33), 2 s. 
Henry P., late of Leicester, Esq., deed. 

„ 6 

Job Bradford, junr., of Uny. of London, LL.B. (30), 2 s. 
Job B., of Thorney, Somerset, mercht. 

» 6 

Frederic John O’Carroll, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, A.B. (22), 
0. s. Frederick Francis O’C., of Dublin. 

,r 8 

folio 68. 

John Miles Moss, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. William 
Miles M., of Liverpool, co. Lane., mercht. 

» 9 

Marmaduke Athorpe, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. s. 
John Carver A., of Dunnington Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

» 9 

Felix Thornley Cobbold, fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 6 s. John Chevallier C., of Holy Wells, Ipswich, Esq. 

„ 22 

folio 69. 

Thomas Henry Methuen Bailward, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 

1 s. John B., of Horsington, Somerset, Esq. 

„ 26 

Henry William May, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. (21), 0. s. late 
Revd. George M., of Lyddington, Wilts. 

„ 27 

Richard Warwick, of Trin. Hall., Camb. (20), 0. s. Isaac W., 
of Highfield Ho., Rickmansworth, Herts, Esq. 

>> 27 

folio 70. 

John Darley, late of Trin. Coll, Dublin, B.A. (22), 

1 s. Capt. Henry D., of New Grove, Raheny, co. Dublin. 

» 29 

William Charles Webb (19), 1 s. Nathaniel W., of Nassau 
New Providence, Bahamas, Esq. 

>» 3 1 

David Fitzgerald, of Downing Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. Rt. Hon 
John David F., a judge of Queen’s Bench, Ireland. 

ILtncoln’s Inn UDinfesfion &egteter : 1420-1893. 317 

June 1 

folio 71 . 

James Simson, Bengal C. S., late of Uny. of Aberdeen (30), 3 s. 
Revd. Henry S.,late of Chapel of Garroch, Pitcaple, N.B.,decd 

„ 2 

William Frederick Hunter, of the Uny. of Edin. M.A. (24), 

2 s. James H., late of Dunoon, co. Argyll, deed. 

» 3 

James Wilson, late of Caius Coll., Camb. (36), 0. s. Commissary 
Genl. James Wilson. 

», 6 

folio 72. 

Henry Cecil Sykes (20), y. s. William S., of 5 Hyde Park PI., 
London, Esq. 

„ 10 

Frank Dean, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 0. s. James D., 
of Bolton, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ 1 2 

Arthur William Crawley-Boevey, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 

5 s. Sir Martin Hyde C.-B., of Flax ley Abbey, co. Glouc., 


folio 73. 

» 27 

Walter Bisset, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 0. s. 
Andrew B., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Oct 21 

John Thomas Smith, of the Uny. of Melbourne, LL.B. (24), 

1 s. John Thomas S., of Melbourne, a member of Legislative 

„ 27 

John Ellston, of Magdalen Hall, Ox., B.A. (24), 3 s. Thomas 
William E., late of Epsom, Surrey, mercht., deed. 

„ 27 

folio 74. 

Thomas Hope McLachlan, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Thomas McL., of Darlington, banker. 

„ 28 

Edward Montagu Forster (21), 3 s. Revd. Richard Stewart 
Evelyn F., late of Southend, Kent, late rector of Castle and 
Little Carlton, co. Line., deed. 

Nov. 2 

Henry John Tweedy, of Uny. of London, B.A (22), 4 s. 
Robert 'I'., of Truro, Cornwall. 


folio 75. 

Thomas Theophilus Forbes, of the Calcutta Uny., late pleader 
High Court of Judicature at Fort William, Bengal (30), 3 s. 
Alexander John F., of Sultanpore factory, Bengal, planter 
and landholder. 

»» 4 

Eugene Ezekiel Pope Legge, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (24), 0. s. 
late Ezekiel Pope L., of Burton Bradstock, Dorset, deed. 

u 4 

Howei. Jeffreys, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. John Gwyn J., 
of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

>, 7 

folio 76. 

Harry Lacy Fraser, of St. Peters Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
Henry F., late of Guernsey, Esq., deed. 

» 7 

Morgan Jenkins, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 5 s. 
James J., late of Coventry, co. Warwick, Esq., deed. 

n 7 

Joseph Lister Godlee, of London Uny., B.A. (18), 1 s. 
Rickman G., of the Middle Temple, and of Upton, Essex, 

Utncoln’s Inn ^Omission itegtstcr: 1420-1893. 

Nov. 8 












2 I 



Dec, 8 

folio 77. 

Henry James Parsons, H.E.I.C.S., late of Line. Coll., Ox. (20), 
1 s. John P., of Bridgewater, Somerset, F.R.C.S. 

Charles Egerton Carey, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Sir Peter Stafford C., bailiff of the Island of Guernsey. 

George William Vidal, of King’s Coll., London, and of H.M. 
East Indian Civil Serv. (20), 5 s. Revd. Francis V., M.A., of 

[Eton Coll., Bucks, clerk. 

folio 78. 

Hector McNeile, a fellow of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A., 
7 surviving s. Canon Hugh McN., D.D., of Liverpool. 

Edward Grey, of Indian Civil Service (33), 3 s. Rt. Hon. Sir 
Charles Edward G., G.C.H., of Lincoln’s Inn, deed. 

John Emilius Lancelot Shadwell, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 3 s. Revd. John Emilius S., late rector of All Saints, 

[Southampton, deed. 

folio 79. 

Arthur Henry Forbes, of the Calcutta Uny., B.A. (22), 5 s. 
Alexander John F., Esq., of Sultanpore factory, East Indies, 
indigo planter and landhloder. 

William Henry Crowe (21), 2 s. Edw r ard Frederick C., of 
Hammersmith, Middx., mercer. 

Charles Fuhr Jemmett, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Charles 
Edward J., late of Surbiton, Surrey, gent., deed. 

folio 80. 

John William Cooper, of Trin. Hall., Camb., LL.B. (20), 2 s. 
Charles Henry C., of Cambridge, gent. 

Maxwell Cormac Cullinan, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and 
now (fellow) of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Patrick 
Maxwell C., of Harmony Ho., Ennis, co. Clare, M.I). 
Eaglesfield Bradshaw Archibald Lockhart Smith, a fellow 
of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. Eaglesfield 

Bradshaw S., of Blackwood Ho., Dumfries, N.B., Esq. 

folio 81. 

Joseph Walton, junr., of Uny. of London, B.A. (20), 1 s. 
Joseph W., of F'ord, co. Lane., mercht. 

Charles HenryGeorgeFitzgerald Dalton, of Exeter Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (22), y. s. Revd. Henry D., of Albury, Surrey, clerk, M.A. 

William Coleman Watson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 1 s. 

[William W., of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 82. 

David Ainsworth, of the Uny. of London (23), 1 s. Thomas A., 
of the Flosh, Cumberland, mercht. 

Arthur Forbes, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. Revd. Edward 
F., M.A., Chaplain of the Rue d’Agnesseau Church, Paris. 

Thomas Moor Alphonse Horsford (18), o. s. Thomas Moor H., 
of Line. Inn, bar. at-law, J.P., and of Bosvathick Ho. 
Constantine, Cornwall. 

lUnroln’ss $nn EtJmtssftoit liVegisctcr: 1420-1893 




Dec. 19 

„ 23 

Jan. 11 

» 12 

„ 13 

n 13 

H 16 

» 17 

» 17 


*9 l l 

» 19 

„ 22 

>» 22 

„ 24 

» 2 5 

» 26 

n 27 

folio 83. 

Everard Thomas Luck, junr., of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 
o. s. Everard Thomas L., of the Hermitage, Town Mailing, 
Kent, Esq. 

Richard Prowde Smith, of St. John’s Coll., Camb, B.A. (22), 
1 s. Revd. William Henry S., of Hinderwell, Yorks, clerk. 

Edward William Walker, late of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Sir Edward Samuel W., of Berry Hill, Notts. 

folio 84. 

Thomas Case, of Balliol Coll , Ox., B.A. (21), 2 s. Robert C., of 
Inverness Ter., Bayswater, W., share broker. 

Judah Philip Benjamin, of London (54), 1 s. Philip B., late of 
State So. Carolina, America, mercht., deed. 

Alfred Fraser Lingham, of La Martiniere Coll., Calcutta (33), 
1 s. Alfred L., late of Calcutta, mercht., deed. 

folio 85. 

James Leigh Strachan Davidson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s. James Strachan D., of Leamington, Esq. 

John Eltham Mylne, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
James William M., late of 27, Oxford Sq., W., and of Line. 
Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law, deed. 

Robert Dawson Mayne, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21). 2 s. Sir 
Richard M., of Chester Sq., London, Commisr. of Police 01 

[the Metropolis. 

folio 86. 

George Barrington Baker, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 
2 s. Sir George B., of Loventor, Devon, bart. 

James Butler, of Uny. of London (22), 1 s. Edward B., of 35, 
Lansdowne Road, London, secy, to Reliance Mutual Life 
Assurance Socy. 

Charles Erskine Vertue, Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 8 s. 
William V., late of Edinburgh, Esq., deed. 

folio 87. 

Greville Charles Douglas, late of Trin. Coll., Camb., and the 
Uny. of Edinburgh (21), o. s. Sir Charles D,, K.C.M.G. 

Charles Edward Brunskill Cooke, of Trin. Coll. Camb., B.A. 
(26), y. s. Henry C., late of Richmond, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

Nathaniel Dick Wallace, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 
o. s. John Barklie W., late of Belfast, deed. 

folio 88. 

Alexander Law Watherston, scholar of Emmanuel Coll., 
Camb. (20), 3 surviving s. James Henderson W., of West 
Brixton, Surrey, goldsmith and jeweller. 

Alfred Barratt, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. James B., of 
Manchester, solr. 

Thomas William Hooper Tolbort, ass. commissr. of Mooltan, 
Punjab, (24), o. s. Hooper T., late of Dorchester, iron 
monger, deed. 


ILmroln’g 5nn Slftmtsston Register: 1420-1893 


Jan. 29 

» 29 

March 24 

April 16 









„ 30 

May 1 




folio 89. 

Ferdinand Ribton, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (24), 1 s. 
William R., of Lincoln’s Inn, bar. at*lavv. 

Joseph Barnes Boyle, late of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Andrew B., late of Calcutta, mercht., deed. 

Edward Dawson Preston Tewart, of St. Johns Coll., Ox. 
(24), o. s. Edward T., of York PI., Portman Sq., Esq., J.P. 

folio 90. 

Francis Macnaughten, jun., Bengal C. S. (32), 1 s. 
Francis McN., of Chester Sq., Middx., Esq. 

William George Gould, late of Merton Coll., Ox. (24), 3 s. 
Gerard G., of 39, South St., Park Lane, London, Esq. 

Leighton IIope-Edwardes, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
3 s. Thomas Henry H.-E., of Netley, Salop, Esq. 

folio 91. 

George Hudson Palmer, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 

Sir George Joseph P., of Wanlip Hall, co. Leic., bart. 
Thomas Lennox Irwin (19), 1 s. Thomas I., of Cricklewood, 
Middx., Esq. 

John William Bund WillisBund, of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb., B.A., and LL.B. (22), 2 s John Walpole Willis, of 
Wick Episcopi, co. Wore., Esq., J.P. and D.L. 

folio 92. 

Roger Gas kell, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 1 s. John Dakin G., 
of Highgate, Middx., and of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 
James Copley Moyle, then James Moyle Davis (20), 1 s. 
James Davis, of Brighton, gent. 

Henry Edmund Buxton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 4 s. 
Sir Edward North B., late of Cromer, Norfolk, bart., deed. 

folio 93. 

Matthew George Pengree (21), 1 s. George P., late Capt. 
39th regt. N.I., Bengal. 

William Robert Alexander, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 
1 s. George A., of Dublin, Esq. 

Henry Lucas (23), 5 s. Louis L., late of London, mercht., deed, 
folio 94. 

Thomas Nash, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. William N., of 
Bowdon, Cheshire, Esq. 

Charles Deslandes Church Winter (21), 5 s. George W., of 
Baddagama, Ceylon, mercht. 

Thomas Humphrey Ward, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. ^20), 3 s. 
Revd. Henry W., M.A., incumbent of St. Barnabas, King 
Sq., Middx. 

ILtnroln’s 5nn SUnnissrtcm Register: 1420-1893. 321 

1866 May 9 

„ 19 

„ J9 



» 23 



n 3° 

„ 3 1 

June 4 


„ 6 

„ 6 

n 9 

» 9 



July 6 

VOL. 11. 

folio 95. 

William Phipson Beale, of the Inner Temple (adm. 18 April, 
1864), 1 s. William John B., of Birmingham, solr. 

Cursetjee Manockjee Cursetjee, of Bombay, under grad, of 
Oxford Uny. (18), 2 s. Manockjee Cursetjee, judge of the 
small cause court, Bombay. 

Stephen James Taylor (22), 1 s. William T., of Hazlehead, 

[Yorks, gent. 

folio 96. 

John Croker Barrow, of Surbiton, Surrey, late of Uny. Coll., 
Ox., M.A. (32), 1 s. Sir George B., bart. 

George de Butts, of Trm. Coll, Dublin (21), o. s. Revd. 
George de B., of Dublin. 

Edward Lee Carteret Price Hardy, clerk in the off. of 
Duchy of Lancaster, 1 s. William H., F.S.A., clerk of the 

[Records in same office. 

folio 97. 

William Ralph Benson, Bengal C. S. (36), o. surviving s. 
Rev. Ralph Lewen B., late rector of Easthope, Salop, deed. 

William Henry Fox, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Samuel F., of Sheffield, manufacturer. 

John Charles Wood, of Abbey Road, St. John’s Wood, London, 
gent. (48), 2 s. John W., late of Fairford, co. Glouc., solr., 


folio 98. 

Richard Stephen Whiteway, of the Uny. of London (21), o. s. 
Richard W., late of Marldon, Devon, deed. 

James William Hayes, junr., of the Madras Uny. (21), 1 s. 
James William H., of Palhully Mysore, East Indies, Esq. 

Joseph Alexander Shearwood, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 3 s. George S., late of Calcutta, mercht., deed. 

folio 99. 

Reginald Braunfeld, of Magdalen Hall, Ox. (24), 2 s. 
Charles B., late of Calcutta, mercht., deed. 

Clement Arthur Thurston, of Uny. Coll.. Ox., B.A. (28), y. s. 
Charles Thomas T., late of Pennal Tower, Merioneth, Capt. 
R.N., deed. 

Christopher James, of Caius Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. John 

[Williams J., of Swansea, Esq. 

folio 100. 

Henry Burton Buckley, scholar and under grad, of Christ’s 
Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. Revd. John Wall B., Perp. curate of 
St. Mary’s, Paddington. 

William John Anderson, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 

George Campbell A., Atty. Genl. of the Bahamas. 

George Royer Dick, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 1 s. Frederick Mylius D., of the Mauritius, secty. of 
Colonial Life and other Insurance Companies there. 

2 s 


lUncoln’s £ittt ^Uiimsston &egi$tcr: 1420-1893. 

1866 July 7 

Oct. 26 
„ 3 ° 

Nov. 3 
» 3 

» 3 















folio 101. 

William Francis Phillpotts, a fellow of New Coll., Ox., and 
of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 16 April, i860, called 
6 June, 1864), 2 s. Ven. William John P., of St. Gluvias, 
Cornwall, archdeacon of Cornwall. 

Reginald James Mure, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 1 s. James M., 
of 20, Glouc. Place, Porlman Sq., Esq. 

John Edward Arthur Murray Scott (19), 1 s. John S., of 
Chandos St., Cavendish Sq., M.D. 

folio 102. 

William John Courthope, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
Rev. William C., late of Mailing, Sussex, clerk, deed. 

William Neish the younger, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 1 s. James N., of Laws, co. Forfar, N.B., Esq. 

Hon. Bernard Eric Edward Barrington (19), 4 s. Visct. B. 

folio 103. 

Frederick James Fegen, of Ballinlonty, co. Tippy., secty. pay¬ 
master R.N. (44), 3 s. Richard F., of Anglesey, Southants, 
late Capt. R.N., deed. 

Christopher Henry Edmund Heath, of Pembroke Coll., Ox- 
(21), o. s. Rev. Christopher H., incumbt. of St. Marks, St- 
Helliers, Jersey. 

James Hamilton (21), 1 s. Capt. James H., late of Nunhead, 

[Surrey, deed. 

folio 104. 

Charles Gilbert Master, of the Madras C. S. (32), 5 s. Ven. 
Archdeacon M., rector of Croston, co. Lane. 

James George Wood, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Edmund Fowle W., of Chepstow, Mon., land agent. 

Frederick John de Livera, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 2 s. Frederick 
de L., late of Colombo, Ceylon, deed. 

folio 105. 

George Sangster Green (24), 2 s. Isaac G., late of Upper 
Tulse Hill, Surrey, gent., deed. 

William Stephen, a student of the McGill College of Montreal, 
Canada (18), 2 s. William S., of Montreal, afsd., mercht. 

Samuel Hill Smith Lofthouse, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (23), o. s. 
John L., late of Sheffield, deed. 

folio 106. 

13 George Armit Holmes, late of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (28), 
1 s. George John H., of Brooke, Norfolk, Esq. 

13 Samuel Charles Evans Williams, of Ch. Ch., Ox., RA. (24), 
o. s. Revd. John W., of Fairfield Ho., co. Hereford. 

13 Robert Thomas William Brayne, of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb., B.A. (26), o. s. Henry Robert B., of Cheltenham, gent. 

Emroln’s fimt Register: 1420-1893 


Nov. 14 





» 19 

„ 19 

» 21 

n 23 

» 2 3 

» 23 

„ 24 

Dec. 11 

Jan. 7 


folio 107. 

Frederic George Luke, of Trin. Coll., Cainb. (21), 2 s. 
George Ponsford L., of Exeter, gent. 

Alexander Meyrick Broadley (19), 1 s. Revd. Alexr. B., vicar 
of Bradpole, Dorset, rural dean and preby. of Sarum. 

Frederick William Groves, of Uny. of London, B.A., clerk 
India Office (22), 1 s. Frederick Humphrey G., of Stockwell, 
Surrey, architect and surgeon. 

folio 108. 

William Ansdell Leech, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (24), 1 s. 
Rev. John L., of Mitchelstown, co. Cork, clerk. 

Henry Merivale Trollope (20), 1 s. Anthony T., surveyor of 
the General Post Office, and of Waltham Cross, Herts. 

John William Reid, of the Madras C. S. (31), 2 s. John 
Fleming Martin R., late Bengal C. S., deed. 

folio 109. 

George Edward Sherston Baker (20), 1 s. Henry Sherston B., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Francis Gould, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (23), 5 s. Thomas G., of 
Sheffield, solr. 

William Garvie (29), 1 s. John G., late of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 
gent., deed. 

folio 110. 

Thomas Northmore Lawrence, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
y. s. Northmore Herle Pierce L., of Launceston, Cornwall, 
Esq., J.P. 

Sidney Colvin, scholar of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. Bazett 
David C, of Bealings, Suffolk, Esq. 

John Charles Dundas, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Hon. 
John Charles D., late of Woodhall, Yorks, M.P., deed. 

folio 111. 

Leopold George Gordon Robbing, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(24), 1 s. Rev. George R., rector of Courteenhall, Northants. 

Ernest Joseph Warne, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Joseph W., of Oxford, post master. 

William Scarnell Lean, of Uny. of London, M.A. (33), 1 s. 
William L., of Birmingham, insurance agent. 

folio 112. 

George Nichols Marcy (22), 1 s. George M., of Wellington, 
Salop, attorney and solicitor. 

Henry Martyn Taylor, a fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 
2 s. ]ames T., of Wakefield, B.D., clerk in H. O. 

Thomas Henry Briggs, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s, Thomas 
Carter B., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and M.A., Wore. Coll., Ox. 

324 lUncoln’g Inn Sttrinteston fccgtstcr : 1420-1893. 

1867 Jan. 16 

folio 113. 

Harold Eugene Stansfeld, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
2 s. George S., of Settle, Yorks, J.P., and of Line. Inn, 

» 17 

George Knox, of Caius Coll., Camb. (B.A. Uny. of Sydney, 
N. S. Wales), (21), 1 s., Edward K., of Sydney afsd, bar.-at-law. 

» 1 7 

George Sidney Meade Thomas (19), 1 s. Sir William Sidney T., 


folio 114. 

„ 18 

Thomas Henry Carson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (23), 0. s. 
Joseph C., of Dublin, senior, fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. 

» 21 

Limjee Nowrojee Bunnajee, a student at Uny. Coll., London 
(18), 1 s. Nowrojee Nanabhoy Framjee, of Bombay, mercht. 

„ 22 

Francis William Percival, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (23), 6 s. 
Samuel P., late of Northampton, Esq., deed. 

„ 22 

folio 115. 

Henry Sutton, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. James S., of 
Shardlow Hall, n. Derby, Esq., J.P. 

» 23 

Henry Howard Batten (20), 0. s. Henry B., late of Penzance, 
clerk, deed. 

„ 24 

Alfred John Pound, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. Rev. 
William P., of Appuldurcombe, Isle of Wight, clerk. 

» 2 5 

folio 116. 

George Far well, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Frederick 
Cooper F., of Wolverhampton, co. Staff., gent. 

„ 28 

Russell Donnithorne Walker, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(24), 6 s. Isaac W., of Arnos Grove, Southgate, Esq. 

„ 28 

George Knott, of Uny. of London, LL.B., and of Cuckfield, 
Sussex (31), 0. s. George K., late of Bohun Lodge, East 
Barnet, Esq., deed. 

» 29 

folio 117. 

Richard Gubbs Marrack, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 4. s. George Matthews M., late of Crediton, Devon, 
Esq., deed. 

Feb. 8 

Charles George Danford, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
0. s. William I)., of Banchory, co. Aberdeen, N.B., Esq. 

April 4 

Horace James Browne, of Clare Coll., Camb., B A. (24), 2. s. 
Moses B., of Cambridge, Esq., J.P. 

„ 10 

folio 118. 

Alfred Halloweli. Parker, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), 
y. s. William P., of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

ti *5 

Robert Ingham Tidswell, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Robert T., late of Denmark Hill, Surrey, mercht., deed. 

n 16 

William Sloan, of Madras, lately practising as Vakeel (44), 1 s. 
John S., of Newry, co. Down, gent. 

ILtncoln’* Inn aomtestoit Kcgtsttr : 1420-1893. 325 


April 16 



» 2 5 

» 2 S 





» 3 ° 

May 1 













folio 119. 

Richard Edward Jennings, of Brasennose Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Richard J., of Portland Place, London, Esq. 

Alexander Burnes Bagnold, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Michael Edward B., late Major Genl. H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

Herbert John Lake, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Henry L., of 
New Sq., Line. Inn, solr. 

folio 120. 

William Venn Drummond (25), 3 s. Revd. James D., of Galby 
recty., co. Leic. 

William Frederic Lawrence, of Christ Ch., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Revd. Charles Washington L., late of Liverpool, co. Lane., 
clerk, deed. 

Warenne Theodore Lionel Harries, of Trin. Coll. Camb., 
B.A. (24), o. s. Revd. Thomas Knethell Warren H., late of 
Mursley recty., Bucks, clerk, deed. 

folio 121. 

Charles Samson Rattray (20), 3 s. James Samson R., of 
Elenthera, in the Bahamas. 

Charles William Turner, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Charles T., of Liverpool, Esq., M.P., So. Lane. 

William Edward Mirehouse, of Clare Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
2 s. Rev. William Squire M., of Hanbrook Grove, 

[co. Glouc., clerk. 

folio 122. 

John Henderson (23), 2 s. George H., of London, solr. 

Harry Arbuthnot Acworth (18), 2 s. Nathaniel Brindley A., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

George Edward Yeats Cartmel, assist, sec. to the New Courts 
of Justice Commission (23), 1 s. Revd. George C., late 
rector of Lwllychrochan, co. Pembroke, clerk, deed. 

folio 123. 

Thomas Shute Robertson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 

James R., of Edinburgh, chemist. 

Robert Fenwick Fenwick, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Edward Matthew F., of Burrow Hall, co. Lane., bar.-at-law. 

Edward Beaumont, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
James B., of Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

folio 124. 

Thomas Julian Smith Casey, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (22), 

1 s. Edmond Henry C., of Raheny, co. Dublin, Esq., D.L. 

Colman Patrick Macaulay, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland (17), 

2 s. Patrick M., of Salthill, co. Galway, Esq., J.P. 

William Alves Raikes, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Charles R., 
of Netheravon, Wilts, Esq., J.P., C.S.I. 

326 ILttuoln’s Eitn aomtggton 13 Ugtgtcr : 1420-1893. 


May 20 



» 29 

June 3 

» 4 

„ 6 






„ 10 

» 12 

July 8 

Oct. 16 

» 17 

Nov. 1 

folio 125. 

Robert William Hanbury, of Corpus Christi Col!., Ox. (22), 
o. s. Robert H., late of Tamworth, co. Staff., gent., deed. 

William Henry Craig, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., Profr. of 
Logic and Moral Philosophy in Presidency Coll., Madras 
(32), o. s. John C., of Dublin. 

John Samuel Parkin, of Clare Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Revd. John P., of Halton, Hastings, Sussex, clerk. 

folio 126. 

Henry Anthony Harrison, E.I.C.S., of Fort William (32), 
3 surviving s. Benjamin H., late of Blackheath, Kent, 
formerly Madras, C. S., deed. 

Henry Arthur Brassey, of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. (26), 2 s. 
Thomas B., of Westminster, civil engineer. 

James Pratt, of the Uny. of London, and of the Uny. of 
Aberdeen, M.A. (20), 3 surviving s. Revd. George P., 
missionary, Matautu Savaii, Navigators Islands, S Africa. 

folio 127. 

Henry Jackson Torr, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. John 
Smale 'I'., of Bedford Row, London, solr. 

William Barker Rose (21), 2 s. Philip R., of Rutland Gate, solr. 
Henry Faurf. Aston (20), 1 s. Lt. Col. A., of Bath, late Bo., 


folio 128. ' 

Charles Henry Turner, of Uny. of London (22), 1 s. John T., 
of Upper Bedford PL, London, solicitor. 

Bazett Michael Haggard, of Trin. Hall. Camb. (19), 2 s. 
William Meybohm Rider H., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

James Smith Reid, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John R., 
of Plaistow, Essex, Esq. 

folio 129. 

William Rann Kennedy, of King’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
William James K., of Manchester, one of H.M’s. Inspectors 
of Schools. 

John Chaigneau Colvill, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
James Chaigneau C., of Coolock, co. Dublin, merchant. 

Edward Watts-Russell, of Christ Ch., Ox. (22), y. s. 
Jesse W-R., of Ilam Hall, co. Staff., Esq., J.P. 

folio 130. 

Michael Placid Lynch (21), 8 s. George L., late of Thurloe Sq., 
Esq., deed. [Gowhatty, Assam. 

William Thomas Fischer Agnew (20), 1 s. Col. William A., of 

Thomas Prout Webb, of Melbourne Uny., Victoria, B.A. (22), 
4 s. Robert Saunders W., late of Sydney, N. S. Wales 
gent., deed. 

^Lincoln’# $nit gUunfegton 3 tXccjtgfter: 1420-1893. 


1867 Nov. 2 













1 3 





folio 131. 

John Roland Phillips (23), o. s. David P., of Cilgerran, 
co. Pembroke, Esq. [Manley W., of London, solr. 

Frederick George Manley Wetherfield (18), i s. George 

William Augustus Harris, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William H., of Bovey Tracey, Devon, gent. 

folio 132. 

James Edward Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Camb., pensioner (21), 
o. s. Thomas L., of the Priory, Warwick, Esq. 

Wat.lwyn Poyer Burnett Shepheard, fellow commoner, Jesus 
Coll., Camb. (27), o. s. George Wallwyn S., late of South¬ 
ampton Row, London, artist, deed. 

Robert Hannibal Smith, of the Indian uncovenanted service 
(47), 1 s. Robert Dudley S., late a Capt. H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

folio 133. 

James Bourne Benson, of the Uny. of London (19), 1 s. 
Samuel Miles B., of Carey St., Line. Inn, solr. 

John Tweedie, of the Uny. of Edinburgh, and of the Indian 
Civil Service (29), y. s. William King T., late of Edinburgh, 
D.D., deed. 

Alfred Andrew Andrew, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 2 s. Revd. William Wayte A., of Wood Hall, Norfolk, 


folio 134. 

Gerard Collingwood Clark, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. 
Ven. George C., Archdeacon of St. David’s. 

Richard Thomas Wright, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
John W., of Bury, co. Lane., Dissenting Minister. 

Edward Martin, junr., of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Edward M., of Rempstone, Notts, Esq. 

folio 135. 

William Knight, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Thomas 
John K., of Richmond, Surrey, and of the Middle Temple, 

P'rancis Pattrick, fellow of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (30), 2 s. 
Thomas Matthews P., of Wisbeach, co. Camb., Esq. 

Thomas King, a fellow of Jesus Coll., Camb. (25), 2 s., Daniel 
Henry K., of Stratton, Cornwall, gent. 

folio 136. 

John Richard Grii fith, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Rev. John G., M.A., Head Master of Brighton College. 

Robert Braithwaite, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Rev. 
Robert B., of Weston-super-Mare, clerk. 

Josiah Wilkinson, junr., of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), y. s. 
Josiah W., of Kingston-upon-Thames, gent. 

328 Hinroln 9 * £nn ^Urmtsston Segteter : 1420-1893. 



Nov. 16 

» *9 

it 19 


» 26 

Jan. 9 

I I 





„ 17 

„ 18 

„ 18 

folio 137. 

William Johnson Kaye, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
Jere K., of Huddersfield, Esq. [Esq. 

Richard William Iorns ^23), 1 s. William I., of Eurford, Oxon, 

Cecil Butler, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21)3 survg. s. Hon 
Charles Lennox B., ol Coton Ho., Rugby. 

folio 138. 

George Royle, late navigating lieut. R. N. (25), 5 s. William R., 
of Lymington, Hants, gent. 

Francis Allston Channing, a fellow of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(26), o. s. Rev. William Henry C, of Kensington, Unitarian 

Robert Wardrop, of Uny. Coll., Toronto, Canada, B.A, and of 
the Uny. of Edinburgh (23), 1 s. John W., of Brockville, co. 

[Leeds, Canada afsd., contractor. 

folio 139. 

Frederick Pollock, scholar of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
William Frederick P., of the Inner Temple, Esq., a Master 
of the Court of Exchequer. 

Thomas Maitland Gibson, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (19). 2 surviving 
s. William Charles G., of Ceylon Civil Service, Esq. 

Henry Ernst Hall, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), y. s. John 
Charles H., late of Line. Inn Fields, solr., deed. 

folio 140. 

Bertram Savile Ogle, of Christ Ch., Ox. (21), o. s. Major 
Arthur O., of St. Leonards-on*Sea. 

Philip Peck, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. Rev. Joseph P., 
late of 6, Taviton St., London, clerk, deed. 

Henry Alexander Macnaghten, of Eton Coll. (17), 5 s. 
Elliot M., a member of East Indian Council. 

folio 141. 

Richard Brooke Michell, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2. s. 
Richard M., of Line. Coll., Ox., B.I)., and public orator, 
Uny. of Oxford. [ George Archibald L., Lt. Col., R.E. 

George Pemberton Leach, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 

John Campbell Smith, of Uny. of Glasgow (25), 3 s. John S., of 
Greenock, co. Renfew, ship smith. 

folio 142. 

Edward Bond, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A., 1 s. Edward B., 
of Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

Henry Paul Hawkshaw, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 2 s. 
John H., of Eaton Place, civil engineer. 

Samuel Winter Cooke, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Cecil 
Pybus C., of Murndale Branxholme, Portland District, 
Colony of Victoria, Australia. 


Etncoln’si Ettn gUimteston &cgtetcr: 1420-1893 329 

Jan. 20 

>1 2 3 

» 2 3 

„ 23 

„ 24 

» 25 

» 25 

w 2 5 

» 27 


M 27 

April 9 


« *5 



folio 143. 

Edward Chitty, junr., of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Edward C., 
of Surbiton, Surrey. 

Thomas Lancelot Croome, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Revd. Thomas Boys C., Rector of Sixton, co. Glouc. 

Edward John Watson, of Christ Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
John W., of Bloomsbury, M.D. 

folio 144. 

Edward Somes Saxton, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Edward S., of Sydenham Hill, Kent, solr. 

William Hatfield Green, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. John G., of Sheffield, iron mercht. 

Henry Bailey Rowan, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 3 s. 
Frederick James R., of Randers, Denmark, Civil engineer. 

folio 145. 

Frank Challice Constable, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Henry C, of Hampstead, Esq. 

Henry Mee Keary, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. William K., 
of Stoke-upon-Trent, solr. 

Henry Charles Deane, lieut. 17 regt. foot (28), o. s. Henry 
William D., of Kensington, Esq. 

folio 146. 

Dadabhai Dossabhai Cama, of the Uny. of Bombay (24), 1 s. 
Dossabhai Hormusjee, of Bombay, merchant. 

Robert Pughe Jones, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(29), 1 s. John J., of Ynysgain, co. Carnarvon, Esq., J.P. 

Arthur Ralph Douglas Elliot, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 

2 s. the Earl of Minto. 

folio 147. 

Charles William Pinkstan Overend, of Sidney Coll., Camb. 
(20) 1 s. Charles Corry O., of Liverpool, mercht. 

William Wise, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (18), o. s. John Joseph W., of 
Ashbourne, co. Derby, solr. 

William Wilbraham Ford, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 
1 s. William F., of Gray’s Inn, solr. 

folio 148. 

Thomas Palmer Abraham, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Rev. Thomas Edward A., rector of Risby, Suffolk. 

Henry Edward Sweeting, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. Henry S., late of Hartford, Hunts, clerk, deed. 

Jamshedji Jivanji Gazdar, of the Bombay Uny. (24), 1 s. Jivanji 
Dadabhai G., of Bombay. 

VOL 11. 

2 T 


tUntolii’g Inn ftttmtgjgton lAegtstttr: 1420-1893. 


April 16 
„ 16 

„ 18 




>» 25 

„ 25 

n 29 
m 3° 

» 30 

May 2 




folio 149. 

Hormusjee Pestonjee, of the Bombay Uny., B.A. (20), 4 s. 
Pestonjee Sooklajee, of Bombay, East Indies, mercht. 

William Leatham Barclay, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Joseph Gurney B., of Leyton, Essex, banker. 

Edward Symonds, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. George 
Edward S., of Thaxted, Essex, clerk. 

folio 150. 

William Henry Lipscomb, junior, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 
William Henry L., of Wyke, Hants, Esq. 

William Henry Savage, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Henry William S., of Kensington Park Road, gent. 

George Holmes Blakesley, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 

1 s. Rev. Joseph William B., Vicar of Ware, Herts, Canon 
of Canterbury. 

folio 151. 

Lord Edmond George Fitzmaurice, of Trin. Coll., Camb- 
(21), 2 s. Henry Petty Marquis of Lansdowne, deed. 

George Howard Darwin, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. Charles Robert D., of Down, Kent, Esq., F.R.S, 

Harold Carlyon Gore Browne, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 1 s. Rt. Revd. Edward Harold, Lord Bishop of Ely. 

folio 152. 

Gerald Augustus Robert Fitzgerald, fellow of St, John’s 
Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Revd. Augustus Otway F., of 
Charlton Makerell, Somerset, clerk. 

John Amherst Walter, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
o. s. William W., of Rainham, Kent, Esq. 

Walter Tudway Phipps, of Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Arthur 
Constantine P., late of Shepton Mallet, Somerset, Esq., deed. 

folio 153. 

Andrew Lyon, of the Uny. of Edinburgh, and of Bo. C. S. (24), 
2 s. Andrew L., of Ayr, bookseller. 

Jacob Edward Harvey, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (26), 
2 s. William H., of Torquay, surveyor. 

Frank Harrison Hill, of the Uny of London, B.A. (38), 
o. s. George H., of Boston, co. Line., gent. 

folio 154. 

James Allcard, of Christ Church, Ox. (23), 6 s. William A., late 
of Bakewell, co. Derby, Esq., deed. 

Alexander Robertson, of Uny. of Edinburgh, M.A. (28), elder 
son of James R., of Dundee, co. Forfar, N.B., gardener. 

Malcolm Gasper, undergrad. Calcutta University (23), 1 s. 
Gasper Malcolm G., late of Calcutta, Zemindar, deed 

Emcoln’s Emt Sttfmtsston &cgfgter: 1420-1893. 331 

1868 May 22 

folio 155 . 

Frederick Robert Frith Banbury (16), 0. s. Thomas 
Frederick B., of Paddington, mercht. 

» 23 

Edward Stanley Roscoe (19), 1 s. Edward Henry R., late of 
Newton Ho., Chester, deed. 

„ 27 

John Garford Cockin, of Uny. of London (21), 1 s. James C., 

[of Halifax, Yorks, gent. 

folio 156 . 

June 1 

Edmund Probyn Godson (18), 5 s. Septimus Holmes G., of 
Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

1, 2 

Ernest Edwin Witt, fellow of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(24), 4 s. James W., late of 40, Eccleston Sq., Middx., Esq., 

„ 6 

William Walker, of Sandal Magna, n. Wakefield, Yorks, Esq., 
clerk and receiver to the governors of the Wakefield 
Charities, &c., &c. (36), 5 s. late Henry W., of Wakefield, 

[lieut. R.N., deed. 

folio 157 . 

» 9 

Richard Baggallay, junior, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Richard B., Q.C., a master of the Bench. 

n 16 

Edmund Robertson, junr., of Line. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Edmund R., of Kinnaird Inchture, co. Perth, N.B., school¬ 

July 13 

Ernest Matthews, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 4 s. 
John Hubbersty M., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Oct. 7 

folio 158 . 

Frank Watson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 4 s. 
Robert W., of Kensington, solr. 

yy 27 

William King, of Uny. of London (21), 5 s. Daniel Henry K., 
of Stratton, Cornwall, surgeon. 

n 29 

John Walker Craig, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland, B.A. (21), 
4 s. Thomas C., of Strabane, co. Tyrone. 

Nov. 2 

folio 159 . 

Charles Walter Cumberbatch, of the Uny. of London (23), 

1 s. John Belgrave C., of Barbados, Esq. 

„ 2 

Henry Dalzell Nourse, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. Rev. 
John Henry N., late of Clifton, co. Glouc., deed. 

„ 2 

Elliot Macnaghten, of the Covenanted Indian Civil Service, 
Bengal (31), 1 s. Elliot M., a member of the Council of 


folio 160 . 

» 2 

Edward Piercy Henderson (19), 3 s. John Piercy H., late of 
Foswell Bank, co. Perth, N.B., Esq., deed. 


Herbert Batty, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (19), 6 s. George B., 
of Crouch End, Middx., mercht. 

n 7 

Henry Staffurth, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
William S., of Ramsey, Hunts, Esq. 


ILtncoln’g Inn aumisston &egtetcv: 1420 1893. 


Nov. 9 
„ 9 




! 3 








„ 17 







„ 19 


folio 161. 

George Theophilus Spankie (19), 1 s. (hon.) Robert S., one 
of the judges of the High Court of Agra, East Indies. 

James Benjamin Scott (21), 1 s. James Renat S., of Tufnell 
Park, Middx., clerk of the Coal Market, London city. 

Thomas Middleton Rogers, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas Eales R., of Ashburton, Devon, Esq. 

folio 162. 

Hugh Wilkinson (18), 3 s. William Martin W., of Line. Inn 
Fields, solr. 

Arthur Octavius Prickard, fellow of New Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(25), 4 s. Thomas P., late of Dderw, co. Radnor, Esq., deed. 

William Henry Salter, of the London Uny., ass. shorthand 
writer to the two Houses of Parliament (30), 1 s. Rev. William 
Augustus S., minister of Clarendon Chapel, Leamington. 

folio 163. 

Alexander Cahill Maberly, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., M.A. (25), 
y. s. Rev. Charles M., perp. curate of Owslebury, Hants. 

Edmond Henry Stuart Nugent, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 
1 s. Thomas Vesey N., of Dublin, Esq. 

James Layton Brown, of Upton, Essex, late of Canton, China, 
(33), i s. Revd. James Layton B., M.A., of Holbeck, Leeds. 

folio 164. 

Thomas Francis Alexander Day, of Pimlico (41), 1 s. 
Thomas D., late of Regent St., silk mercer, deed. 

Richard Randall, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (24), o. s. Rev. Henry 
Goldney R., vicar of St. Mary’s, Redcliffe, Bristol. 

John Maitland Reid, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (23), o. s. Edward 
Maitland R., of Exeter, Esq. 

folio 165. 

James Bridger Philbey, of Line. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Henry 
Adams P., of Chigwell, Essex, solr. 

Richard Holmden Amphlett, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Samuel Holmden A., of Birmingham, surgeon. 

Thomas Allen Hulme, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), 1 s. 
Samuel H., of Altrincham, Cheshire, Wesleyan Minister. 

folio 166. 

Herbert Edward Hull, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Revd. 
Robert Pennyman Hull-Brown, of Pull Wyke, co. Lane. 

David Graham Barkley, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M.A., 
and assist, commss. in Punjab (33), 1 s. James B., of 
Maghera, co. Londonderry, draper. 

George Waugh (2), sic of Queen’s Coll., Belfast (21), y. s . 
Hugh W., of Scion Hill, Dromara, Belfast, Esq. 

Etncoln’s! 5 nn aOmtsstou &egtgtei*: 1420-1893. 




Nov. 21 

» 23 

Jan. 11 





>, 19 





» 23 

» 23 

» 23 

folio 167. 

John Hertslet Wainewright, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
John W., of Belmont, Lee, Kent, a Taxing Master of the 
High Court of Chancery. 

Denzil Charles Jelf Ibbetson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 

1 s. Denzil John Holt L, of Adelaide, So. Australia. 

Lord Francis Hervey, scholar of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. 
Frederick William, Marquis of Bristol, deed. 

folio 168. 

John George Gibson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (22), 5 s. 
William G,, of Dublin, taxing master Irish Court of Chancery. 

Frederick William Stone, scholar of Brasenoze Coll., Ox. 
(20), 2 surviving s. Frederick William S., of Guelph, co. 
Wellington, Ontario, Canada, mercht. 

Walter Henry James, of Christ Church, Ox. (22), o. s. Sir 
Walter Charles J., of Betteshanger, Kent, bart. 

folio 169. 

Montague Johnstone Muir-Mackenzie, of Brasenose Coll., 
Ox. (21), 5 s. Sir John Muir-Mack., late of Delvine, co. Perth, 
N.B., deed. 

George Serell, junr., of Uny. of London, B.A. (19), 1 surviving 
s. George S., of Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

Michael Joseph Brind(2o), 5 s. M.-Genl. James B., C.B., R.A. 

folio 170. 

Marcus William Mott, of St. Andrews Uny., late a surgeon 
Bengal army (38), 3 s. Charles M., late of Church Stretton, 
Salop, Esq., deed. [Charles B., of Seargeant's Inn, solr. 

Walter Henry Blake, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), 2 s. 
Edward Durnford, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. Francis 
Edward D, second master of Eton Coll. 

folio 171. 

Vincent Charles Reynell Reynell, of Trin. Hall, Camb. 
(20), y. s. John Griffiths R., of Kensington, solr. 

Charles Lane Sayer, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (23), 4 s. Rev. 
Edward Lane S., late of Thames Ditton, Surrey, clerk, deed. 

John Turner, of Exeter 

folio 172. 

Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. John Gillgrass T., 
[of Rothwell, Yorks, solr. 

James Andrew Blaikie, of Caius Coll., Camb., M.A., Uny. of 
Edinburgh (22), 1 s. Revd. William Gordon B., D.D., of 
Edinburgh, Prof, of Divinity. 

Hugh Eden Eardley Wilmot, of the Charter Ho. School (18), 
y. s. Sir John Eardley Eardley W., bart., of Line. Inn, Judge 
of the County Court Circuit, No. 43. 

John Buckley, of the Oriental Club, Hanover Sq. (late mercht., 
of the firm of Dalgety & Co., London), residing in Mel¬ 
bourne, Australia (35), 2 s. Capt. William Henry B., late 
82 nd regt. deed. 


Uiiuoln’jes Enit SUnnigsion LUgigter: 1420-1893 

1869 Jan. 25 
» 25 


» 27 

» 27 

„ 29 

» 30 

n 3° 
» 3° 

Mar. 16 

folio 173. 

Edward Nash, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. Henry N., of 
Edmonton, Middx., Esq. 

Charles George Cotsford Dick, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 

Charles George D., of the Middle Temple, Esq., bar.-at-law. 
Clement Fox Harvey, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 5 s. Rev. William 
Woodis H., late of Truro, Cornwall, clerk, deed. 

folio 174. 

Charles Francis Fellows, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. Sir 
Charles F., late of Cowes, I. W., deed. 

William Thomas Langford, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. John 
William L., late of the Indian Civil Service, deed. 

Albert Childers Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
Harry Stephen T., of Kirby Hall, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 175. 

Ralph Neville, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Henry N., 
of Esher, Surrey, surgn 

Samuel James Rice, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (24), 1 s 
Samuel R., late of Dallington, Northants, Esq., deed. 

Charles Ashley Teape, of Charsley Hall, Ox. (24), 2 s 
Tobiah T., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

folio 176. 

Benjamin Fossett Lock, of King’s Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
Henry L., of Dorchester, gent. 

Arthur Griffith Poyer Lewis, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
Revd. Richard L., rector of Lampeter Velfrey, co. Pembroke. 

Arthur John Goodford, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Revd. 
Charles Old G., of Eton, Bucks, D.D. 

folio 177. 

April 3 Philip George Collins, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., and Uny. of 
London (20), 3 s. Edward Duppa C., late of Oxford St., 
Middx., Esq., deed. 

„ 13 John Silvester, junr., of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A., 1 s. John S., 

of Froxfield, Hants, Esq. 

„ 14 Henry Awdry Beachcroft, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 

2 s. Richard B., of King’s Rd., Bedford Row, Holborn, gent. 




folio 178. 

Frank Lockwood, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
Charles Day L., of Ordwick Manr., Chester, merchant. 

Somers Reginald Lewis, of Royal Marines (25), 7 s. Charles L., 
late of the Albany, Piccadilly, Esq., deed. 

Douglass Round, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. Rev. 
James Thomas R., late of Colchester, Essex, deed. 


Emcoln’sas Enit gWmtgarton tXegtgftcr: 1420 - 18 Q 3 . 



April 15 

t» i7 





» 23 

» 23 





„ 27 

>» 27 

„ 27 




,y 29 

folio 179 . 

Harry Lyndsay Manby, of Emmanuel Coll, Camb. (20), 3 s. 
William M., of Tettenhall, co. Staff., gent. 

John Maurice Edward Lloyd, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (25), 2 s. 
Revd. John L., of Llanmerewig, co. Montgomery, M.A. 

Stewart Dawson, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Edward D., of 
Whatton Ho., co. Leic., Esq. 

folio 180 . 

George Robert Elsmie, late of Marischal Coll, and Uny. of 
Aberdeen, N.B., and Bengal C. S. (30), 0. s. George E., late 
of Southampton, Esq., deed. [Plymouth, gent. 

Ferdinand Mauger Whiteford (33), 2 s. Charles W., of 

William Austen Leigh, of King’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 7 s. 
Rev. James Edward Austen L., of Bray Vic., Berks. 

folio 181 . 

Thomas Hodge Grose, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), y. s. 
James G., of Liverpool, Wesleyan minister. 

Elliot Charles Bovill, of Christ Church, Ox. (20), 4 s. William 
John B., of James’ St., Buckingham Gate, London, and of 
Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Anderson Souttar, of Uny. of Aberdeen (19), 5 s. of William S., 

[of Aberdeen, Esq. 

folio 182 . 

Godlieb George Bennett Van Someren, of the London Uny. 
(18), 1 s. Surgeon Major William Judson Van S., of the 
Madras Army, M.D. 

Edward Elliott, of the Queen’s Uny. Ireland and of the Ceylon 
Civil Service (29), 1 s. Christopher E., late of Colombo, 
Ceylon, M.D., principal medical officer there, deed. 

Malcolm Peter Gasper (20), 1 s. Peter Malcolm G., of Calcutta, 


folio 183 . 

John Baddeley Wood, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Edmund 
Thomas Wedgwood W., of Longport, co. Staff., Esq. 

Philip Henry Lawrence, solr. to the Commissioners of H.M. 
Works and public buildings (41), 2 s. Nathaniel L., late of 
Liverpool, mercht., deed. 

William Rhodes, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. John R., of 
Shawfield, Tonge, Yorks, colliery owner. 

folio 184 . 

Andrew Laidlay, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. John 
Watson L., of Seacliffe, Haddington, N.B., Esq. 

Henry Churchill Maxwell Lyte, of Christ Ch., Ox. (20), o. s. 
John Walker Maxwell L., late of Brixham, Devon, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Plumpton Tindale, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 0. s. 
John T., late of Everley, n. Sleaford, co. Line., gent., deed. 

Umcoln’$ Enn a&mtsston Register: 1420-1893. 

May 1 

» 3 

» 3 

»> 3 

»> 4 

„ 4 

»» 5 

>♦ 5 

» 5 

„ 6 

>» 10 

„ 19 

n 24 

» 29 

» 3 1 

folio 185. 

Charles Brown Cornish Browne, of Sandford, Devon (31), 
o. surviving s. John William C., late of city of Bristol, gent., 

Percy Robins, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (22), 6 s. G. H. R., late 
of No. 6, Kensington Gardens Terrace, Middx., gent., deed. 

Samuel Lee, of Christ's Coll., Camb. M.A. (32), 2 s. John L., 
late of Whitchurch, Salop, gent., deed. 

folio 186. 

John Gent, of Trin. Coll., Oxford, B.A. (24), o. s. William G., 
of Stanhope, co Durham, Esq. 

Charles Edward Heley Chadwyck Healey (23), o. s. Edward 
Charles H., of Wyphurst, Cranleigh, Surrey, gent. 

Charles Archer Cook, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 2 s. Silas 

[Kemball C., of London, gent. 

folio 187. 

George Edward Worthington, of Ceylon Civil Service (32), 
2 s. Rev. James William W., D.D., rector of Trin. Ch., Gray's 
Inn Rd. 

Edmund Richard Gayer, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. 
Arthur Edward G., of Salerno co. Dublin, one of H.M.’s 
Counsel in Ireland. 

Walter Bishop Kingsford, of Oriel Coll., Ox., M.A. (28), 9 s. 
Rev. Sampson K., of Faversham, Kent, clerk. 

folio 188. 

Charles Wallwyn Radcliffe Cooke, of Emmanuel Coll., 
Camb. (28), o. s. Robert Duffield C., of Hellens Dymock, 
co. Hereford, Esq. [of London, mercht. 

Daniel Maule Birkett, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. Richard B., 

Henry Bernard Cotterill, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Rt. Rev. Henry C., D.D., lord Bishop of Grahams- 

[town, So. Africa. 

folio 189. 

John Arthur Godley, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Robert G., late of Killegar, co. Leitrim, Esq., deed. 

Syed Mahmood, of the Calcutta Uny., Bengal (18), y. s. Syed 
Ahmad, sub-judge small causes court of Benares, &c. 

Edward Watson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 3 s. William W., 

[of Dublin, Esq. 

folio 190. 

Charles Lewis Tupper, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Charles William T., of London, merchant. 

Herbert George Pearse (20), y. s. Rev., William P., late of 
Ham Ho., Angmering, Sussex. 

Krishnarao Gopal Deshmukh, of the Bombay Uny., B.A. (21), 
2 s. Rao Bahadoor Gopal Rao Hurry Deshmukh, judge of 
the small causes court at Ahmedabad, Bom. presy. 

ILtncoln’s linn fttnmgston Register: 1420-1893. 337 

1869 June 1 

>1 2 

» 4 

»> 5 

» 5 






1. 23 

„ 25 

Nov. 2 

„ 3 

> 3 

» 3 






folio 191. 

Edward Baron, of St. John’s Coll., Cainb., M.A. (27), 1 s. 
Edward George B., of Ulceby, co. Line., surgeon. 

John Billing Pope, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), o. s. 
Charles P., of Plymouth, retd. Capt. R.N. 

Donald Daniel Mac Iver Campbell, of the Uny. of Aberdeen 
(20), 1 s. Very Revd. Peter Colin C., D.D., Principal of 
Aberdeen Uny. 

folio 192. 

Francis Berry Mulock, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 9 s. 
Thomas Homan M., of Bellair, King’s Co., Esq. 

John Wingfield Bonser, a scholar of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 
o. s. Revd. John B., of Bath, Wesleyan minister. 

Edward Parker, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Thomas 
Goulbourne P., of Browsholme Hall, co. Yorks, J.P., and 
Doctor of Laws, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 193. 

Arra Kiel Peter Gasper (19), y. s. Peter Malcolm G., of 
Calcutta, Zemindar. 

Kenneth Augustus Muir-Mackenzie, of Balliol Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (23), 4 s. Sir John M.-M., bart. 

George Walter Chapman, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. George C., 
of Mortlake, Surrey, gent. 

folio 194. 

Henry Charles Thorp Robinson, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 
1 s. Samuel Henry R., of Ghooserie Howrah, Bengal, 

Emerson Dawson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, LL.B., and of Madras 
(37)1 4 s. John Summers D., of Houndswood, co. Mayo, Esq. 

Richard Garnett Bellasis, of the Uny. of London (19), 1 s. 
Edward B., of Putney, Surrey, sergt.-at-law. 

folio 195. 

George Atkins, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), o. s. 
George A., of Winkfield, Berks, gent. 

Lionel Lancelot Shadwell, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 4 s. 
I^ancelot S., late of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law., deed. 

George Caulfeild (28), 3 s. Genl. James C., late of Copeswood, 

[co. Limerick, deed. 

folio 196. 

Thomas Surman Goodlake, scholar of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas William G., of Swindon, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Henry Montagu Randall Pope, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), 
1 s. Peter Montagu P., of West Mailing, Kent, surgeon. 

Lewis Charles Sayles, clerk to H. M. Comssrs. for Exhibition, 
1851 (26), 2 s Frederick Alban S., of Lincoln, gent. 


2 U 

338 Utmoln’g Jtnn SUJmtsston Register: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 4 

11 5 

» 5 

„ 8 

» 9 

n 9 

>, 9 


l> 13 

„ 13 

„ 13 

» 13 

„ 19 

» 19 

» 19 

„ 19 

„ 20 

„ 20 

folio 197. 

Harrington Arthur Harrop Hulton, of Trin. Hall, Camb. 
(22), is. Rev. Arthur Hyde H , of Bardsley Ho., co. Lane. 

Arthur Underhill, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. Henry U., 
of Wolverhampton, gent. 

Arthur Frederick Gurney, of the Uny. of London (21), 2 s. 
Thomas G., late of Westminster, assist. Shorthand writer to 

[the two houses of Parliament. 

folio 198. 

Arthur Joseph Waley (19), 1 s. Jacob W., of Line. Inn, Esq., 
bar.-at* law. 

Joscelyn Augustus de Morgan, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
1 s. George de M., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 
Edmond Walters, of Magdalen Hall, Oxon (21), 2 s. Rev. 
Thomas D’Oyly W., of Swainswick, Somerset, clerk. 

folio 199. 

Francis Montagu Muirhead, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
2 s. James Patrick M., of Haseley Court, Oxon, Esq., M.A., 
advocate Scottish bar. [ co . Staff., M.P. 

Francis Villiers Forster (19) 3 s. Charles F., of Lyswy Hall, 

Alfred Hinuber Haggard (28), 3 s. William Meybohm 
Rider H., of Bradenham Hall, Norfolk, and of Line. Inn, 

folio 200. 

[Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Henry Best Hans Hamilton (19), 2 s. Venble. George 
Hans H., archdeacon of Lindisfarne, and vicar of Eglinham, 

William Edward Sanger, fourth clerk to the Duchy of 
Lancaster Office (20), 1 s. Joseph Tanner S , of Welshpool, 
co. Montgy., Wesleyan minister. 

Francis Eustace Ady, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Ven. 
William Brice A., rector of Little Baddon, Essex, and 

[Archdeacon of Colchester. 

folio 201. 

Hubert Arthur Chamberlayne Blyth (20), 2 s. William 
Edward B., of Montgomery, Punjab, Indian Civil Service. 

John Worrell Carrington, of Line. Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. 
Nathaniel Worrell C., late of the island of Barbados, planter, 

George Burvill Rashleigh, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Revd. Henry Burvill R., of Horton Kirby, Kent, clerk. 

folio 202. 

John Brathwaite Skeete, of the Uny. of Oxford (21) 1 s. Rev 
H. B. S., of St. Peter’s Parish, Island of Barbados, clerk. 

David Thomas, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Thomas T., 
late of Llanfair, co. Carmarthen, Esq., deed. 

John Gregory Apcar, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 1 s. Arratoon 
Gregory A., of Calcutta, mercht. 

fUncoln’g Eitn &&mfesrton &ccjteter: 1420-1803. 339 

1869 Nov. 20 

folio 203. 

William Miller Lewis (19), 1 s. John L., of Christ Church, 
Canterbury, New Zealand, agent. 

„ 20 

Cecil Beadon Young, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Archibald 
Roberts R., of Cheltenham, J.P. 

» 23 

Robert Williams, fellow of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
William White W., late of Oxford, Esq., deed. 

Dec. 17 

folio 204. 

Chaloner William Chute, of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, B.A., 
and of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 3 Feb., 1862, 
called 9 June, 1865), 1 s. William Lyde Wiggett C, of the 
Vyne, Southants, formerly of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

»» *7 

Frederick Robert Linklater, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (18), 2 s. 
John L., of Queen’s Gate PI., Middx., gent. 

?> 3 i 

William Carr Sidgwick, fellow of Merton Coll., Ox., M.A, 
clerk in H. 0 . (35), 1 s. Revd. William S., late of Skipton- 
in-Craven, clerk in H. 0 ., deed. 

1870 Jan. 11 

folio 205. 

James Austin Bourdillon, i s. James Dewar B., of Blackheath, 

» 15 

Henry Rae, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. George R., of 
Trinity co. Edinburgh, surgeon major. 

» i 5 

Allen Chandler, junr. (20), 1 s. Allen C, of Haslemere, 
Surrey, and of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 17 

folio 206. 

George Williams Melville Dale, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 
4 s. Clement D., of the Manor Ho., Bushey, Herts, and of 
Gray’s Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

„ 18 

Charles Henry Herbert Cook, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
and B.A. Melbourne Uny. (26), 1 s. Charles C., of 
Melbourne, Victoria, gent. 

„ 18 

Richard Frederick Stevens, of Magdalen Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. Richard George S., of Southampton, and of Gray’s 
Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 21 

folio 207. 

Hon. John Hamilton Lawrence, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. John Laird Mair Baron Lawrence. 

21 Daniel Breay Ledsam, a scholar of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (22), 

o. s. Rev. Daniel L., M.A., of Bath. 

22 Soorjbul Munphool Pandit, Government of India scholar from 

the Punjab, undergrad, of Calcutta Uny. and passed pleader 
of the Punjab Chief Court (21), 3 s. Munphool Pandit, 
C.S.I. of Dehlee, in Punjab, India. 

ILtnroln’g Inn a&nujsssion Ueaiaster: 1420-1893. 

Jan. 22 

» 24 

tr 24 

» 2 5 

» 25 





M 27 

» 27 

„ 27 







Feb. 7 

folio 208. 

Ernest Baggallay, of Caius Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s. Sir 
Richard B., of Line. Inn, Q.C., a Master of the Bench. 

Arthur A’Beckett Terrell (22), 1 s. Thomas Hull T., Esq., 
Judge of the County Court of Neath, co. Glam. 

Frederick. Anthony Wallroth, of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Charles William Herman W., late of Lee, Kent, 

[Esq., deed. 

folio 209. 

Francis Alexander Wolryche Whitmore, of Merton Coll., 
Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. Revd. Francis Henry Wolryche W., of 
Dudmaston, Salop. 

Charles Robertson, B.C.S., and of Uny. of Aberdeen, M.A. 
(36), 1 s. Charles R., of Aberdeen, merchant. 

Thomas Haines Revington, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
Thomas R., of Ardlin Ho., co. Limerick, gent. 

folio 210. 

John Frederick Seton Chisholm (20), o. s. John Seton C., 
late of Calcutta, India, Esq., deed. 

James Sutherland Cotton, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Joseph 
John C., of Clifton, co. Glouc., late E. I. C. S., Esq. 

George Morison Macpherson, of Uny. of Aberdeen, M.A., 
and of Bo. C. S. (29), 2 s. Revd. Robert M., late professor 
Systematic Theology Uny. of Aberdeen, N.B., deed. 

folio 211. 

Henry Edward Hirst, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Charles 
Hirst, of Morley, Yorks, M.D. 

William Frank Jones, of St. Mary Hall, Ox. (28), o. s. William 
Jenkin Saer, late of Newport, co. Mon., deed. 

Timothy Nathaniel Hilbery, late of Balliol Coll., Ox. (18), 
2 s. Francis H., late of Sydenham, Kent, mercht. 

folio 212. 

Francis William Buxton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 7 s. Sir 
Edward North B., hart., brewer, deed. 

Stephen Ashlock Bennett of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 6 s. 
James B., of Salisbury, silversmith. 

William Harrison Coimore, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 
Thomas C, of Ashfurlong, co. Warwick, Esq. 

folio 213. 

James Moody Lowry, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. Thomas 
Kennedy L., of Ballytrim Ho., co. Down, Q.C., prothonotary 
of the Manchester Dist. of the Court of Common Pleas at 

George Broke Freeman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Yen, 
Archdn. Philip F., of Morberton, Devon, clerk. 

James Cruickshank Geddes, B.C.S., and of the Uny. of 
Aberdeen, M.A. (28), 3 s. John G., of Glass, co. Aberdeen, 

Utncoln'js Enn Sttimijssfton &cgtetet:: 1420-1893. 

34 1 

Feb. 11 

April 6 

»» 7 

» 7 

ti 12 

» 13 











2 3 



„ 3 ° 

» 3 ° 

May 2 

>« 2 

folio 214. 

Charles Ernest Thynne, of Christ’s Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Lord 
Charles T. 

Robert Wood Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Robert S., 
late of Worksop, Notts, gent., deed. 

Alexander Douglas Orr, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
o. s. Patrick James O., late Capt. H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

folio 215. 

Thomas Gilbert Carver, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
William C., late of Manchester, mercht., deed. 

Thomas Watt Smyth, of Queen’s Coll., Belfast, M.A., and of 
B.C.S. (31), 3 s. John S., of Larne, co. Antrim, mercht. 

Frederick Ernest Muntz, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (24), 
1 s. George Frederick M., of Umberslade, co. Warwick, Esq. 

folio 216. 

Frank Russell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Joseph R., of 
Blackheath, Kent, gent. 

John James Burton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John 
Daniel B., late of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, banker, deed. 

John James Casie Chitty, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Abraham Casie C., of Kandy, Ceylon, Interpreter Modliar. 

folio 217. 

Raymond West, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland, and of Boy. C. S., 
(37), o. s. Frederick W., deed., late of Shanklin, I.W. 

Charles Joseph Ruscombe Poole, a member of the London 
Uny. (20), 1 s. Joseph Ruscombe P., of Cannington, 
Somerset, solr. 

William Percival Gratwicke Boxall, of Emmanuel Coll., 
Camb. (21), 1 s. William Percival B., of Brighton, Esq. 

folio 218. 

Shelford Bidwell, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Shelford Clarke B., of Thetford, Norfolk, Esq. 

Charles Edward Crawford Merington, of Uny. of London, 
Bengal C. S. (30), 5 s. Richard Whiskin M., of Kensington, 

Esq# [Tunbridge, solr. 

Charles Clavell Hore (18), 1 s. Charles Frederick H., of 

folio 219. 

Edmund Warren Craigie, lieut. 2nd Dragoon Guards (27) 

1 s. John Adair C., late B. C. S., deed. 

Charles Carteret Edwards (22), 4 s. Thomas E., of Harrow, 

Charles Woodd Fox, of Christ Church, Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
Revd. William Darwin F., of Delamere Rectory, Cheshire 

Htncoln’g finit BOmtssfion Register: 1420-1893. 

May 6 















„ 25 

„ 3i 

June 6 

folio 220. 

Peter Frederick Shortland, late fell. Pembroke Coll., Camb., 
M.A. (54), 7 s. Thomas George S., of Plymouth, Capt. R.N., 

Gerald Henry Baird Young, late Indian Army (31), 3 s. 
Revd. Julian Y., of Ilmington, co. Warwick, clerk. 

George Sholto Douglas Murray, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
Revd. George William M., vicar of Bromsgrove, co. Wore. 

folio 221. 

John McMillan (40), of Hampstead, Middx., o. s. Donald McM., 
late of Grenada, West Indies, proprietor, deed. 

Francis Chippindale, of Wore. Coll., Ox., M.A. (46), 3 s. 
William €., of Quarry Hill, Tonbridge, Kent. 

Arthur Houssemayne du Boulay (27), 1 s. John Houssemayne 
du B., of Donhead Hall, Wilts, Esq. 

folio 222. 

Henry Mortimer Durand (20), 2 s. Sir Henry Marion D., 
K.C.S.I., Major Genl. R.E. 

Francis Hunter (21), 4 s. Walter John H., of Banghurst, 
Soulhants, Esq., late Bo. C. S. 

William Gregory Walker, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Giles W., late of North Lynn, Norfolk, Esq. 

folio 223. 

Hugh Fortescue Locke King (21), 2 s. Hon. Peter John 
Locke K., of Brookland, Surrey, Esq., M.P. 

Peter Quin Keegan, student of Queen’s Coll., Belfast, B.A., 
Queen’s Uny., Ireland (22), 2 s. James K., Esq., J.P., 
Belfast, merchant. 

John Alexander Macmeikan, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 
o. s. John M., of Bickerton Ho., Cheshire, Esq. 

folio 224. 

Charles Benjamin Bright McLaren, of the Uny. of Edin¬ 
burgh, M.A. (20), 3 s. Duncan McL., of Edinburgh, M.P. 

Charles Grant Church ( 19 ), 3 s. Edmund Boyle C., of 
Highgate, Middx., Chief Clerk to the Master of the Rolls. 

Charles Frederick Lumb, of Downing Coll., Camb., B.A. (23) 

1 s. Richard L., of Liverpool, Esq. 

folio 225. 

Robert Hales Finch, of the Uny. of London (19), 1 s. 
Robert F., of Blackheath, M.D. 

Thomas John Wynn, Hon. ( 29 ), 1 s. Lord Newborough. 

Francis Heathcote Wilson, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s 
Revd. Robert Francis W., of Rownhams, Hants, clerk. 

Utnroln’g $nn HDmteston &egtetev: 1420-1893. 



June 11 

„ 27 

July 12 

Sept. 10 
Oct. 11 

r 4 





Nov. 1 


» 2 


folio 226. 

Simon Somervill Laurie, of Uny. of Edinburgh, M.A., Secy, to 
Education Committee of the Church of Scotland (40), 1 s. 
Rev. James L., late of Edinburgh, deed. 

Charles Blake Winchester (18), 1 s. Charles Alexander W., 
of Tenterden St., Middx., late H.B.M. Consul at Shanghai. 

Thomas Herbert Robertson, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 
Thomas Storm R., of London, M.D. 

folio 227. 

Frank Armstrong White, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Charles W., late of Nice, France, Esq., deed., bar. of 
Line. Inn. 

Richard Ward, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), o. s. Francis 
Ridout W., of 26, Hyde Park St., London, gent. 

William Webb Spencer Follett, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (21), 
1 s. Brent Spencer F., of Line. Inn, Esq., a master of the 


folio 228. 

Charles Henry Butterworth, late of Trin. Coll., Ox. (27), 
1 s. Revd. Joseph Henry B., of Clifton, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Thomas Frederick Warburton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
o. s. John Abernethy W., late of Shanklin, I. W., Esq., deed. 

David Frederick Schloss, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Sigismund S., of Manchester, merchant. 

folio 229. 

Henry Charles Roper, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Sir 
Henry R., late of Stoke Ho., Chichester, deed. 

Arthur Fraser Walter, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (24), 2 s. John W., Esq., 
of Bearwood, Berks, M.P., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Alfred Hopkinson, of Line. Coll., Ox., and of Uny. of London 
(19), 2 s. John H., of Manchester, mechanical engineer. 

folio 230. 

Angelo Coutts Bainbridge (20), 2 s. John Hugh B., of Frank- 
field, co. Cork, J.P. 

Edward Robert Masters, of Trin. Coll., Camb., pensioner (22), 
4 s. Rev. John Smalman M., M.A., incumbt. of Christ 
Church, Shooters Hill, Kent. 

Isaac Spencer Cox, of the Uny. of London (18), 1 s. Spencer 
Murch C., of Honiton, Devon, gent. 

folio 231. 

Alexander Henry Patterson, of Trin. Hall, Camb., 0. s. 
John P., of Fallowfield, co. Lane., gent. 

Edward George Beazley Tribe (20), 1 s. Dr. Edward 
Samuel T., of Secunderabad, Madras, dept. Inspr. genl. 

Arthur Johnston Mackey, of Christ Ch., Ox., and late of 
Inner Temple (adm. 2 Nov., 1867), y. s. Lt.-Col. John 
Alexander M., of Fairhall, nr. Exeter, ad eundem. 


Utncoln’0 Enn &ttini£ 0 ion J.Ugt 3 tcr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 4 

„ 4 

» 5 

» 7 

» 7 

„ 7 













I 2 

folio 232. 

George Plucknftt, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
George P., of the Manor Ho., Finchley, Middx., J.P. 

John Cole, fellow of King’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (26), 2 s. John 
Cole C., of Caterham, Surrey, mercht. 

James Francis Hole Bethell, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 

1 s. William Hole B., late of Pilton, Somerset, Esq., deed. 

folio 233. 

Edward Bray, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 2 s. Reginald B., of Shere, 
Surrey, Esq. 

Jonas Ashton, B.A., Camb., M.A. London, mathematical tutor 
(33), 7 s. Richard A., of Louth, co. Line., Esq. 

William Macnaghten Erskine, late capt. 9 Lancers (29), 0. s. 
Hon. John Cadwallader E. 

folio 234. 

Keddy Ray Fletcher, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Thomas 
Keddey F., of Union Dock, Limehouse, shipbuilder. 

James Henry Stronge, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. John 
Calvert S., of Clontarf, co. Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

Tohn Frederick Lowder, of H. M. Consular service, Japan 
(27), 2 s. Revd John L., of Derry Hill, Wilts, clerk. 

folio 235. 

Francis Gustavius Paulus Neison, junr., consulting actuary 
(23), 1 s. Francis Gustavius Paulus N., of 19, Fellowes 
Road, London, N.W., Esq. 

James Anderson, of the Uny. of Edinburgh, M.A. (31), 2 s. 
late James A., of Bleaton, Perth, N.B. 

Thomas George Overend, of the Uny. of Oxford (23), 5 s. late 
James O., of Tandragee, co. Armagh, architect. 

folio 236. 

George Edwin Cruickshank, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 
1 s. George C., of Combe Down, Somerset, Esq. 

Ernest Laurence Levett, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (24), 5 s. 
Benjamin L., of Kingston-upon-Hull, broker. 

Edward Albert Wurtzburg, of Uny. Coll., London, and of 
London Uny. (20), 3 s. Edward W., of Scarboro’, Yorks, 

folio 237. 

Charles Stanton Devas, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
William D., late of Grosvenor St., Middx,, Esq., deed. 

Rupert Francis Collum, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), y. s. 

John C., of Bellevue, co. Fermanagh, solr. Burton Barrington, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
Croker B., of Dublin, solr. 

Utnroln’sf Unit SWmteston &rgtster : 1420-1893. 


Nov. 16 

» 17 

* 17 

n 19 
» 19 

„ 19 


2 I 

2 I 



2 3 



Jan. 11 
M 11 

folio 238. 

Henry Nicholas Courtney, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Henry C., late of Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Francis Loraine Petre, of the Uny. of London (18), o. s. Hon. 
Edmund George P., of Cheltenham. 

Arthur Horatio Poyser, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. Charles P., 
of Summer Hill, n. Wrexham, gent. 

folio 239. 

Samuel Dill, fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Revd. Samuel Marcus D., D.D., of Londonderry. 

Charles Crawley, of Downing Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. 
William C., of Bryngwyn, co. Monmouth, clerk. 

Percy Gardner, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Thomas G., 
of Clapton, Middx., stockbroker. 

folio 240. 

Edward Bellasis (18), 2 s. Edward B., sergt.-at-law. 

John Sinclair Porter, Bengal C. S., of Queen’s Coll., Belfast, 
and Queen’s Uny., Ireland (29), 6 s. Rev. James P., of 
Drumlee, co. Down. 

John Marshall, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. Peter M., of 
Edinburgh, railway servt. 

folio 241. 

William Henry Hyndman Jones, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 
o. s. William Henry J., of Demerara, British Guiana. 

Hugh Heugh Riach (24), o. s. James Pringle R., of Plymouth, 
Devon, late E. I. C. medical service. 

George Samuel Sale, of Trin. Coll., Camb., and of Hokitika, 
New Zealand (39), 2 survg. s. John Shaw S., late of Rugby, 
co. Warwick, schoolmaster, deed. 

folio 242. 

George Montagu Worthington, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(22), o. s. Charles Main W., of Dyson’s Wood, Oxon, Esq. 
Richard Hinckesman Boycott, of Christ Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(27), o. s. Richard B., late of Stanmore, Salop, Esq. 

Christopher Robert Lighton, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 1 s. Rev. 
Sir Christopher L., bart. 

folio 243. 

Philip Harry Van Cortlandt (23), 2 s. Genl. Henry Charles 
Van C., C.B. 

Frederick Harvie Linklater (20), o. s. James Harvie L., of 
Streatham Hill, solr. 

Frederick Chappell, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 
Frederick Patey Chapell, of Golden Sq., solr. 



ILtncoIn’js Enn atnnission JAcgtstci' : 1420 - 1893 . 

folio 244. 




Alexander Edward Pole (22), 3 s. Revd. Reginald P., of 
Yeovelton, Somerset, clerk. 



Alweyne Turner (21), 5 s. Revd. John Fisher T., of Winkleigh, 
Devon, clerk. 



John-Allen Mylrea, of Uny. of London, Student at the Manx 
bar (21), 0. s. John M., bookseller, of Douglas, Isle of Man. 

folio 245. 



Edward Morton Daniel (23), 1 s. Henry Maddocks D., of 

89, Chancery Lane, gent. 



Henry Brettingham Adams, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 

0. s. Henry A., of Hanover Ter., Notting Hill, architect. 



Arthur Yates, of the Uny. of London (20), 2 s. Richard Y., 
of Shifnal, builder. 

folio 246. 

i 7 

Robert James Forrest, in H. M. Consular Service, China (32), 

2 s. Robert F., late of the Home Office, Esq. 



Edward Rowdon (18), i s. Edward Wetherell R., D.C.L., late 
registrar Uny. of Oxford, deed. 


John Wilkes, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Robert W., M.A., of Lofts Hall, Essex, clerk. 

folio 247. 



Frederic Kirkman (21), 4 s. Revd. Thomas Penyngton K., 
rector of Croft, co. Lane., clerk. 



Thomas Bertram Udall, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Thomas U., of Silverdale, co. Staff, ironmaster. 



Percival Beevor Lambert, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 

1 s. Percival L., late of Hull, Esq., deed. 

folio 248. 



Philip Edward Lee, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. Sir 
George Philip L., of London, deed. 


Walter Hayward Peel, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. Major 
Lawrance P., late of Aylesmore, co. Glouc., comdt. Radnor 
Mil., deed. 



Charles Edward Nesham, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (23), 2 s. 
Thomas N., late of Clapham Park, Surrey, Esq. 

folio 249. 



John Alexander Neale, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Robert N., of Thingley Place, Wilts, gent. 



Douglas Nugent Wyndham Eustace Clare Grenville- 
Murray, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (23), y. s. Eustace 
Clare G.-M., of Brook St., Grosvenor Sq., London, F)sq. 


Walter Nassau Senior, of Uny, Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. Nassau 
John S., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

ILin coin’s rnn SUimtsston lUgtstev: 1420-189;,. 




















I T 







1 7 









folio 250. 

Walter Broad Stocker Yarde, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
o. s. Lieut.-Col., Walter George Y., late of Chudleigh, Devon, 
deed. [Sutton G., of Blackheath, Kent, actuary. 

William Henry Gover, of London Uny. (17), 1 s. William 

William Michael Spence, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 

2 s. Revd. J. Spence, D.D., of Clapton, Middx. 

folio 251. 

John Gaskf.ll Walker Sykes, of Uny. of London (18), 4 s. 
Joseph S., of Manchester, gent. 

William Douglas Edwards, of Uny. of London (23), 2 s. 
Downes E., of Brompton, Middx., gent. 

Matthew Barry Charles Browne, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, 
B.A. (27), 1 s. Matthew B., of Dublin, solr. 

folio 252. 

John Goode, of King’s Coll., London, and of the Uny. of 
London (26), o. s. John G., late of Worcester, Esq., deed. 

William Cowell Davies, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Revd. Thomas Zephaniah D., vicar of Whitford, Flints. 

Charles Henry Weston, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 

(24) , o. s. Charles Henry W., of Ensleigh, Somerset, and of 

[Line, Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 253. 

Walter Augustus Borradaile, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (24), 5 s. 
Harry B., of Little Ealing, Middx., Esq., late H.E.I.C.S. 

Arthur Clement Eddis, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Arthur Shelly E., of Lincoln’s Inn, Bencher, one of H.M. 

John Fane Vernon, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John E. V., 
of Erne Hill, co. Cavan, J.P., and D.L. 

folio 254. 

Arthur Cowper Ranyard, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., late of 
the Inner Temple (adm. 20 Nov. 1866), 2 s. Benjamin R., of 
Swanscombe, Kent, Esq., ad eundem. 

William Christopher James, of Trin. Coll., Camb., s. Rt. 
Hon. Sir William Milbourne J., of Line. Inn., Lord Justice 
of Appeal in Chancery, and a bencher of Line. Inn. 

Harold Thomas (24), y. s. Henry T., of Sheffield, surgeon, 

folio 255. 

Charoo Chunder Dutt, of Uny. of Calcutta, B.A. and B.L. 

(25) , 2 s. Babu Kissen Chunder Dutt, deed., late Khazanchee, 

of Gov. Treasury, Calcutta. [ironmonger. 

Joseph Gundry Alexander (22), 3's. Samuel A., of Leominster, 

Samuel Stephens, junr. (23), 4 s. Samuel S., of Ebley, n. Stroud, 
co. Glouc., woollen manufacturer. 

Htncoln’g Inn &dmt00ton Register: 1420-1893 

April 28 

» 29 

» 29 

May 1 

» 1 

»» 3 

n 4 

» 5 

» 5 

» 5 

n 6 

„ 6 

„ 23 

n 25 

,1 30 

June 1 


folio 253. 

Joseph John Frost Hale, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (27), 1 s. 
Joseph Eaton H., of Somerton Hall, co. Camb., Esq. 

Forbes Ernest Hai.lett (20), 7 s. Thomas Pelham Luxmore H., 
of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Legh Claughton, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
Thomas Legh C., D.D., Lord Bishop of Rochester. 

folio 257. 

Edward John Payne (26), 1 s. Edward William P., of Wycombe, 

Edward Carter, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), o. s. 
Edward C., of Upton, Southants, Esq. 

Robert Skeffington, “Ross of Bladensberg,” of Exeter 
Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. David “ R.-of-B.” of Rosstrevor, co. 

[Down, Esq. 

folio 258. 

Samuel Cusack Wilmot, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (19), 1 s. 
Samuel George W., of Kingstown, co. Dublin, surgeon and 

Charles Owen Thompson Wild, of Christ Ch., Ox. (21), o. s. 
late Charles Heard W., C.E. 

Johnston Watson, of King’s Coll., Aberdeen (19), 1 s. John W., 

[of London, M.D. 

folio 259. 

Harry Greenwood, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. George 
Oates G., late of Moorhouse, Yorks, Esq. 

Hermann Michael Kisch, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 4 s. 
Joseph K., of London, surgeon. 

William Bird Allen, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. Joshua 
Bird A., a chief clerk in High Court of Chancery. 

folio 260. 

Robert William Hunter, Bo. C. S., District Judge of Dharwar 
(36), 2 s. Lieut. Col. Charles H., of Llanidloes, co. Montgy., 
late Bo. Army. 

Sydney Edward Williams, of the Uny. of London (21), 2 s. 
John Heath W., of Leicester, stockbroker. 

Benjamin Edward Somers, of Merton Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. 
Thomas S., Esq., late of Mendip Lodge, Somerset, and of 

[Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 261. 

William Moxon Browne, of Trin. Coll., Camb. ( 20 ), 3 s. 
Octavius B., of Courtlands, Devon, Esq. 

Alexander Shewan, of Uny. of Aberdeen, M.A., and of Bo. 
C. S. (19), 2 s. Andrew S., of Limehouse, Middx., shipmaster 
and owner. 

Hon. Claude Hamilton Vivian (22), 4 s. Lord V., Lord 
Lieut. Cornwall. 

ILtncoln’* finii HUmtstsion &ctjt! 5 tci : 1420-1893. 



June 5 
» 9 




2 3 

Sept. 21 
Oct. 10 



,» 30 


folio 262. 

John Pinkerton (17), o. s. John P., of Bombay, surgeon. 

Arthur Rawson Birks, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (20), 

2 s. Rev. Thomas Rawson B., of Trin. Vic., Cambridge. 

John Scott Fox, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Rev. William F., 
late of Preston, co. Lane., Wesleyan Minister. 

folio 263. 

George John Chapman, undergrad. Merton Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
John C., Esq., of Hill End, Manchester. 

Henry Samuel Benbon Price, postmaster, Merton Coll., Ox. 
(20), 2 s. late Edward P., of Highgate, engr. and contractor. 

Henry Yorke Stanger, of Line. Coll., Ox. (3 s.) George 
Eaton S., of Nottingham, surgeon. 

folio 264. 

Algernon Herbert Paley, of Exeter Coll., Ox., 2 s. s. 
Thomas P., of Inverness Ter., Middx., Esq., deed., adm. 
Inner Temple, 3 Nov., 1865, ad eundem, L. I. 

Robert Kedington Rodwell, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B. A. 
(24), 1 s. Robert R., of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, estate 

Edward Pengree (21), 3 s. George P., Capt. in the Army, 

folio 265. 

John Haviland, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. Revd. 
John H., rector of Fladbury, co. Wore. 

Robert Fischer, of Uny. of Madras, B.L., and advocate High 
Court, Madras (31), 1 s. George Frederick F., of Madras, 
Zemindar of Salen. 

Arthur Matheson Fraser, of Uny. of London, and of Trin. 
Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Arthur F., of Inverness Ter., Bays- 

[water, Middx., Esq. 

folio 266. 

Harry Cleveland Vaughan, of Uny. of London (17), 1 s. 
Jonas Daniel V., of Singapore, and of the Middle Temple, 
bar.-at* law. 

George Henderson, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
John H., late of Quarry Hill, Aberdeen, artist, deed. 

Frederick Charles Mills, of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. (23), 4 s. 
John Robert M., of York, Esq. 

folio 267. 

Henry Charles Creighton Wood (20), 1 s. Oswald W., of 
Rohlak (Delhi), deputy commissr. 

Charles Lund Fry Edwards, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. 
Charles E., of Wrington, Somerset, Esq. 

Walter Reginald Crofton (16), 1 s. Rt. Hon. Sir Walter C., 
C.B., of Egmont, n. Winchester. 


Etncoin’s Unit Admission ^c^tstcr: 1420-1893. 

1871 Nov. 2 
yy 3 

yy 3 

yy 3 

yy 3 

yy 3 

>1 4 




„ 10 

» 11 

„ 11 





folio 268 . 

Robert Welch Mackreth (22), o. s. Robert M., of North Villas, 
Camden Sq., gent. 

Emery James Churcher, of North Kensington (39), 3 s. 
Thomas C, late of Putteghur, East Indies, Esq., deed. 

John George Dillon (21), 3 s. Luke D., a pleader in the High 
Court of Allahabad, E. I. 

folio 269 . 

William Henry Rattigan, lately an assist. Commsr. of Lahore, 
India (29), o. s. s. Bartholomew R., of Athy., co. Kildare, 
and of the Indian Army. 

John Theodore I)odd, of Christ Church, Ox. (23), 3 s. Revd. 
Joseph D., rector of Hampton Poyle, Oxon. 

Shunpow Teske Minami, of Tooky, Japan, Cizoku. 
folio 270 . 

Francis Edward Armitstead, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Robert A., of Bolton-le-Moors, co. Lane. 

Lewis Arthur Smith, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. GeorgeS., 
of Blackheath, Kent, Esq. 

Francis Pownall, of Exeter Coll., Ox., late of the Middle 
Temple (adm. 14 Nov., 1867), y. s. George P., of West¬ 
minster, architect. 

folio 271. 

Louis Edgar Agostini, of the Uny. of London (18), 3 s. Simon 
Joseph A., of Trinidad, bar.-at-law. 

Reginald John Lake, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. George L., of 
Bushey Ho., Herts, Esq. 

Aldred William Rowden, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 
Revd. George Croke R., late of Weybridge, Surrey, clerk, 


folio 272. 

Herbert Edward Ravenshaw (18), 2 s. T. E. R., of Cuttack, 
Oripa, Bengal, C. S. 

Thomas Charles Hindmarsh, scholar of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 
2 s. Luke H.. of Alnbank, Northld., Esq. 

Goronoske Yoshiyama, of Nagato, Japan (25), 2 s. Achigo 
Yoshiyama, of Yamagooch, Nagato, Japan, late Vice- 
Governor of said country, deed. 

folio 273. 

James O’Kinealy, Bengal C. S. (32), 2 s. James O’K., late of 
Cavan, Ireland, deed. 

Harry Hutchinson Baber, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Revd. Harry B., of Chelsea, clerk in H. O. 

John Geldard, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Christopher 
John G., late of Settle, Yorks, Esq., deed. 

ILtncoln’s Enn &tifmi$0ion l&cgigtn*: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 11 






>1 17 

» T 7 

» 23 

Dec. 19 

» 19 

>> 27 



» 29 

folio 274. 

Henry Richard Cooper Smith, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (20), 
o. s. Henry Goodenough S., of Highgate, Middx., mercht. 

Philip Spencer Gregory, of King’s Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. John 
Gregory, Esq., late Gov. of Bahama Island, deed. 

Henry St. John Arnele Hunter, fellow and Mathematical 
Lecturer Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. Henry John H., 

[of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 275. 

William Lawson, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. (hon.) 
James Anthony L., fourth Justice Court Common Pleas 
(Dublin), Ireland. 

Charles William Empson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Rev. William Henry E., of Wellow Vic., Hants, clerk. 

Charles Edward Cree, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Thomas C, 

[of Gray’s Inn, gent. 

folio 276. 

Paul Edward O’Bryen Methuen, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(30), 1 s Revd. Thomas Plumptre M., of Bath, clerk in H. O. 

Edward Anthony Beck, fellow of Trin. Hall, Camb. (23), 1 s. 
John Redin B., of Castle Rising, Norfolk, farmer. 

Frank Thomas Lawrence, of Uny. of London (28), a scholastic 
tutor, o. s. David L., of Bristol, late of Liverpool. 

folio 277. 

Gerald Edward Maude, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. 
Hon. Francis M. Capt R.N. 

William MacQuhae Ainsworth, of Uny. Coll, and Uny. of 
London (22), 3 s. Thomas A., of the Flosh, Cumberland, Esq. 

Samuel Arthur Sampson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Samuel S., of Hendon, Middx., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 278. 

Charles James 'Pennant Dunlop, of Merton Coll., Ox., M.A. 
(25), 1 s. Charles Tennant D., of Glasgow, mercht. 

Reginald Peter Northall Laurie, undergrad., of St. John’s 
Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. Peter Northall L., of Line. Inn, 

Francis Henry Pitt Taylor, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
John Pitt T., Judge County Court, Circuit No. 47. 

folio 279. 

Walter Besant, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (35), 3 s. 
William B., of Portsmouth, mercht. 

Reginald Brodrick Schomberg, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 
4 s. Joseph Trigge S., of Seend, Wilts, and of Line. Inn, one 
of H.M.’s Counsel. 

Robert Scipio de Ricci, of Uny. Dublin (21), 2 s. Hermann 
Robert de R., of Dublin, Esq. 

352 Utncoln’g Enn aumteiston &egtetcr : 1420-1893. 

1871 Dec. 30 

folio 280. 

Robert Edward Hallett Holt (18), 1 s. Robert Hnllett H., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of the Land register office, 
Line. Inn Fields. 

» 30 

Henry Philip Roche (19), 1 s. Henry Philip R., of Bayswater, 


Felix James Henry Skene, clerk in the parlt. off. House of 
Lords (28), 1 s. James Henry S., of Aleppo, Syria, Consul 


folio 281. 

„ 30 

Edward Fortescue Torriano (28) 3 s. William Harcourt T., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

1872 Jan. xr 

No. 25 . 

folio 1. 

Arthur Dennis de Berdt Hovell, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Dennis de Berdt H., of Clapton, Middx., F.R.C.S.E. 

»> *3 

Alfred Nundy, of the Calcutta Uny. (21), 2 s. Rev. Gopie 
Nath. N., late of Futtehpore N. W. P. India, deed. 

,1 15 

Peter O’Kinealy, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland (24), 5 s. 
James O’K., late of Cavan, afsd., gent., deed. 

„ 18 

folio 3 . 

Donald Ross Hunter, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Ven. 
James H., vicar of St. Matthew, Bayswater, late Archdeacon 
of Cumberland, Rupert’s Land. 

>, 20 

Holwell Hely Hutchinson Walshe, of Bettws-y-coed, co. 
Denbigh (32), 1 s. late Francis Weldon W., of Limerick, 
Esq., A.B., M.R., I.A., deed. 

>» 2 3 

Henry Tudor Parnell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 5 s. John 
Henry P., late of Avondale, co. Wicklow, Esq., deed. 


folio 5. 

Harry Incus Richmond, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. 
George R., R.A. 

»' 24 

Norman Maccoll, fellow of Downing Coll., Camb., M.A. (28), 
0. s. Alexander Stewart M., of Corstorphine, Edinburgh, Esq. 

„ 24 

Madgwick George Davidson, of Christ Ch., Ox., M.A., a 
deacon of the Established Church (25), 1 s. Madgwick 
Spicer D., of Spring Gardens, Middx^, solr. 

!Uncoln , 0 Jitn a&intsston &egteter: 1420-1893 


I ^ 7 2 Jan. 25 

» 2 5 

W 2 7 

» 27 

>> 2 7 

» 2 7 

n 2 9 

» 2 9 

Feb. 5 

March 18 

» 2 5 

April 11 

>> 12 

» 13 

» *5 

» 16 

n l 8 

h 19 


folio 7. 

Richard Gwyn, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. Revd. Richard 
Hamond G., rector of South Repps, Norfolk, M.A. 

Henry Llewellyn Howell, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. 
Abraham H., of Welshpool, co. Montgy., solr. 

William John Tanner, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), o. s. 
William Henry T., late of Seaton, Devon, Esq., deed. 

folio 9. 

Alfred Charles Tufton, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. Sir 
Richard T., bart., deed. 

Alfred Paget Humphry, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
George Murray H., of Cambridge, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy. 

James Williams, of Line. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. James W., of Fir 
Grove, co. Lane., gent. 

folio 11. 

Arthur Norton, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 5 s. Daniel N., of 
Wharf Road, London, timber mercht. 

Robert Niven, of Line. Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. John N., of 
Glasgow, gent. 

William Donaldson Rawlins, fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
M.A., and of the Inner Temple (adm. 9 June, 1866), 1 s. 
Samuel R., of Bevere, n. Wore., Esq. 

folio 13. 

Eardley John Norton, of Merton Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. John 
Bruce N., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Frederic Marton Hull, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s. 
Frederic Shepard H., of Liverpool, atty.-at-law. 

Alfred Edmund Packe, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 3 s. Edmund P., 
of No. 1, Stanhope PL, Hyde Park, Esq. 

folio 15. 

Neville Tebbutt, of the Uny. of London (19), 1 s. Charles 
Prentice T., of Bluntisham, Hunts, farmer. 

Frederick William Slingsby, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
John S., of Carleton, Yorks, Esq. 

Charles Albert Ianson, of Uny. Coll., Ox., and of the London 
Uny. (22), 4 s. William I., late of St. Leonards, underwriter, 


folio 17. 

Charles Smyth Morris, of New Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. Thomas 
Charles M., of Bryn Myrddin, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

William Manning Harris, of King’s Coll., Camb., M.A. (25), 
1 s. William H., of Sussex PL, Regents Park, solr. 

Hon. Francis Henry Baring, scholar of Corpus Christi Coll., 
Ox. (21), 2 s. late Francis Thornhill, Lord Northbrook. 

2 Y 



Htncoln’s Knit gfctimtesstcm 13 Ugtstcr: 1420-1893. 

1872 April 














folio 19. 

20 William Henry Dyer, of Bath (54), 2 s. John D., of 
Northampton, gent. 

22 Cumberland Henry Woodruff, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. 

and S.C.L. (24), 2 s. Rev. John W., vicar of Upchurch, Kent. 

22 Leonard Upcott Gill (25), 2 s. Charles John G., of 59, King 

[Henry’s road, London, N.W. 

folio 21. 

23 Arnold Kennedy, of the Uny. of Edinburgh (19), 3 s. Rev. 

John K., of Stepney Green, Middx., Congregational minister. 

23 William Macaulay Gordon, of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb. (22), 1 s. James G., of Liverpool, Esq. 

27 George Eldon Manisty, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), y. s. 
Francis M., of Gresford, co. Denbigh, surgeon. 

folio 23. 

27 Walter Wilson Leroux Cosser, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. 

(24), 1 s. Revd. Walter Maude C., vicar of Titchfield, Hants. 

27 Samuel Simpson Jones, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 

Samuel Simpson J., late of Beccles, Suffolk, schoolmaster, 

30 Thomas Cyprian Williams, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 4 s. 

Joshua W., of Line. Inn., Esq., one of H. M.’s Counsel and 

[a Bencher of Line. Inn. 

folio 25. 

t Fendall Currie (30), 7 s. Sir Frederick C., bart., D.C.L., a 
member of the Council of India. 

1 Ashley Henry Maude, junr., clerk at the Board of Trade, 

Whitehall (22), 3 s. Col. George Ashley M., C.B., Crown 
equerry. [,5 s . R ev . Thomas G., D.D., of Edinburgh. 

2 Charles John Guthrie, of the Uny. of Edinburgh, M.A., (23), 

folio 27. 

2 George Erskine Sherrie, of Queen’s Coll., Belfast, and the 
Queen’s Uny., Ireland (21), 3 s. William S., of Belfast, Esq. 

4 Augustus Nash, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Joseph Haynes N., 
of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

4 Alexander Carmichael Bruce, of Brasennose Coll., Ox. (21), 
4 s. Rev. David B., of Merrington, Vic., co. Durham, and 
hon. Canon of Durham Cathedral. 

folio 28. 

4 William Dunbar Blyth, of Queen’s Coll., Cork, and the 
Queen’s Uny., in Ireland, B.A. (20), 1 s. John B., M.D., 
late Prof, of Chemistry, Queen’s Uny., deed. 

4 John Sayer, junr., of Christ Church, Ox. (21), 1 s. John S., of 
Arlingham, co. Glouc., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

6 Hon. James Boothby Burke Roche, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 
2 s. Edmund Burke, Lord Fermoy. 

Utncoln’s 5 nn Emission ISUofeter: 1420-1893. 355 

May 6 




» 25 

„ 28 

„ 3 ° 

June 3 

» 4 

„ 5 

M 5 

» 5 

>» 5 

»» 5 

>, 6 

„ 6 

»» 7 

folio 29. 

John Alderson Foote, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 

1 s. late Capt. John F., R.N., of Plymouth, Devon. 

Charles George Orlando Bridgeman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(19), 2 s. Rev. and Hon. George B., rector of Wigan. 

Charles Henry Witts Woodroffe, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. John Woodroffe, of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

folio 30. 

John Woulfe Flanagan, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Stephen 
Woulfe F., Judge of the landed estates court, Ireland. 

Hugh Edward Pigott Platt, fell, of Line. Coll., Ox. (29), 

2 s. Thomas I 3 ., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

William Charles Biss (19), 1 s. William Henry B., of West- 

[bourne Park, London, Esq. 

folio 31. 

James Russell, of the Queen’s Uny., Ireland, B.A., and of Civil 
Service, Hong Kong (29), 3 s. John R., of Broughshane, co. 
Antrim, mercht. 

Henry Frederick Plunkett, of the Uny. of Madras, Principal 
Dalston Coll., London (33), 1 s. Henry P., of Madras, Esq. 

Charles Dalton Clifford Lloyd, Justice of the Peace and 
Magistrate of British Burmah (28), 1 s. Col. Robert 

Clifford L., late 68th regt. infy., deed. 

folio 32. 

George Frederic Wellington Langdon (24), 2 s. William L., 
late of Crediton, Devon, solr., deed. 

Arthur Weekes, of Exeter Coll., Ox., M.A., and B.C.S. (33), 
1 s. Richard W., of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, Esq. 

Charles Swann Sheild, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (19), y. s. 
William S., of Uppingham, Rutland, solr. 

folio 33. 

Paul Whalley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. and of B. C. S. 
(33), 1 s. George Briscoe W., late of Birdlip, co. Glouc., 
capt. 37th regt. foot, deed. 

James Marshall, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (21), 1 s. Walter M., 
late of Edinhurgh, goldsmith, deed. 

Urquhart Atwell Forbes, of the Uny. of London (22), 2 s. 
Gordon Sullivan F., of Madras C. S. 

folio 34. 

Frederic William Maitland, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (2 2), o. s. 
John Gorham M., late of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, deed. 

Isaac Saunders Leadam, fellow of Brasenose Coll., Ox., B.A., 
and S.C.L. (23), 3 s. Thomas Robinson L., of 1, York PI., 
Portman Sq., M.D. 

Ponnambalam ArunAsalam, of Christ Coll., Camb. (18), 3 s. 
Arunasalam Ponnambalam, of Colombo, Ceylon, Esq. 


Htncoln’0 Eitn a ti mission UUgtSttr: 1420-1893 


June 7 
» 7 



Aug. 24 
Oct. 30 

Nov. 2 
„ 2 

M 2 












folio 35. 

John Francis Waggett, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
John W., of Ladbroke Grove, Middx., Esq., M.D. 

George Augustus Frederick Quentin, late of St. John’s Coll., 
Ox. (24), 1 s. George Augustus Frederick Q., of Woodleigh, 
n. Cheltenham, late Major 10th Hussars. 

Albert Rowland Cluer, scholar of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
John Thomas Townsend C., of Canonbury, Middx., gas 

[apparatus manufacturer. 

folio 36. 

Cumbumpati Sabapathi I yah, of Madras Uny., a pleader in 
civil and sessions Court of Caddappuh (28), 2 s. Cumbumpati 
Ven Katach Chelliah, late native judge of Tinnevelli. 

Pokala Venkatakrishnama Naidu, of the Madras Uny. (26), 
3 s. Pokala Nummiah Naidu, of Madras. 

Philip Chicheley Hyde Snow (18), 2 s. Thomas Maitland S., 

[of Cleve, Exeter, Devon, banker. 

folio 37. 

James Head Staples (23), 2 s. Sir Nathaniel S., of Lissane, co. 
Tyrone, bart. 

Alexander Gordon, late of Trin. Hall., Camb., assistant master 
of Cheam School, Surrey (22), 2 s. William G., of Theave, 
co. Kircudbright, N.B. 

Samuel Gilbert Scott, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Samuel 
King S., late of Brighton, Sussex, surgeon, deed. 

folio 38. 

John William Brodie Innes, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(24), o. s. Rev. John Brodie I., of Milton Brodie, co. Mayo, 

William Bradley Pearse (17), 1 s. Lt. Coll. James Langford P. 
Randall James Johnson, late of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
George Baker J., of Tunstead, Norfolk, gent. 

folio 39. 

Acton Gifford Tindall, of King’s Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
John T., of Aylesbury, Bucks, clerk of the peace, Esq. 

Leigh Hoskyns, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Rev. John 
Leigh H., rector of Aston Tyrrold, Berks. 

Hugh James Wickens, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Hon. Sir John W., Vice.-Chanl., and a bencher of Line. Inn. 

folio 40. 

Herbert Henry Asquith, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Joseph 
Dixon A., late of Mirtield, Yorks, mercht., deed. 

Henry George Willink, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
William Williamson W., of London, Sec. of public works 
loan board. 

Arthur Jepson (18), 1 s. Thomas J., of Manchester, solr. 


Hmroln’js 5nn abmtssston IJUgteter: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 9 


I I 



„ 13 

„ 14 

T 5 





„ 13 




„ 20 

>, 20 

n 21 





folio 41. 

William Gordon Fellowes, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 

Thomas Abdy F., of Donnington Priory, Berks, Esq. 

Thomas Massey, of the Uny. of London (37), 3 s. Richard M., 
of Altrincham, Cheshire, Esq. 

Alan Henry Bellingham, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. 
Sir Alan B., of Castle Bellingham, co. Louth, hart. 

folio 42. 

Christopher Cholmeley Puller, of Balliol Coll., Ox., M.A., 
a clerk in the treasury (32), 3 s. Christopher William Giles P., 
Esq., late of Youngsbury, Herts, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, 
M.P., deed. 

Samuel Henry Woodhouse, late of Uny. Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. 
Samuel W., of Norley, Cheshire, wine merchant. 

Charles Newman Watts (20), o. s. Edward Bullock W., of 

[London, land agent. 

folio 43. 

Richard William Strode Hewlett, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 
o. s. Richard Strode H., of Cadleigh Ho., Devon, rear 
admiral, C.B. 

Abbas Shumsoodeen Tyabjee, of Uny. of London (18), o. s. 

Shumsoodcen Tyabjee, of Bombay, merchant. 

William Harry Barber Lindsell, of Corpus Christi Coll., 
Ox., journalist (24), 3 s. John L., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, 

[and of Hastings. 

folio 44. 

Frederic Waller, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
19 April, T848, called 5 May, 1848), o. s. s. Samuel W., of 
Cuckfield, Sussex. 

Charles Easton Joi.liffe, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s. 

William Peter J., of Gray’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Montagu Clementi, Capt. Bengal Staff Corps (33), 4 s. Rev., 
John S., M.A., late of Buckhurst Hill, Essex, deed. 

folio 45. 

Arthur Thomas Waring (20), 1 s. s. William W., of Chelsfield, 
Kent, Esq. 

Emilius St. Clair O’Malley, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
3 s. John Frederick O’M., of the Middle Temple, and of 
Her Majesty’s Counsel. 

George Stuckey Lean, junr., of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. George 
Stuckey L., of Bath, Esq., banker, J.P. co. 

folio 46. 

Thomas Rolls Warrington, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Thomas W., of Haymarket, London, goldsmith and jeweller. 

Edward Allecock Hall, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s., 
Isaac H., of Manchester, solr. [Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Edward Arthur Scratchley (18), 2 s. Arthur S., of the Inner 

358 Umroln’s Enn &Dmt* 0 ion IXrgisctcr: 1420-1893. 

1872 Dec. 10 

folio 47. 

Charles Laurence Pemberton Robinson, of Exeter Col)., Ox. 
(20), 1 s. Charles Richard R., of Bretaneby Manor, Yorks, 
and of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

n 12 

Charles James Cooper, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (23), 0. s. 
James Newberry C, of Chester, gent. 






Richard John I’aaffe, of the London Uny. (19), 1 s. Richard 
Patrick Burke T., of Brighton, Doctor of Medicine. 

„ 6 

folio 48. 

Christopher William Cecil Procter, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
(19), 2 s. Christopher P., of Line. Inn Fields, solr. 

» 6 

Alfred Clarke Edwards, of Line. Coll., Ox. (22), y. s. Rev. 
James E., of Barningham, Coney Weston Rectory, Suffolk. 

»* 7 

William Mevmott Tidy, of Merton Coll., Ox, and B.C.S. (35), 

1 s. William Callendar T., late of Hackney, Middx., M.D., 


folio 49. 

„ 11 

James William Middleton, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
0. s. James M., late principal of Agra Coll., India, Esq. 

„ 11 

Thomas Mure Mure, of Edinburgh Uny., LL.B. (advocate Scots 
bar), (32), 1 s. late Patrick Boyle Mure Macredie, Esq., of 
Perceton, co. Ayr, advocate. 


Andrew John Leach, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Richard 
Howell L., of Hampstead, Middx., Esq., Registrar of the 

[Court of Chancery. 

folio 50. 

» 13 

Clement Alfred William Cruttwell, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(24), 2 s. Charles James, of the Inner Temple, Esq., 

n 14 

Edmund Ernest Venables, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Rev. Edmund V., Canon of Line. Cathedral. 

» 15 

Edgar John Elgood, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. John 
Garrard E., of Wimpole St., Middx., Esq. 

„ 20 

folio 51. 

George Edward Smith, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. George S., 
late of Clifford Chambers, co. Glouc., gent., deed. 

„ 20 

Lewis Boyd Sebastian, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. Lewis S., 
of Merstham, Surrey, gent. 

» 21 

Sir Walter Grindlay Simpson, bart., of Gonville and Caius 
Coll., Camb. (29), 1 s. Sir James YoungS., bart., M. I)., deed. 

„ 2 1 

folio 52. 

William Mortimf:r Baylis (30), 1 s. William Holland B., of 
Gladestry, n. Kingion, co. Hereford, surgeon. 

» 2 3 

Robert Greig, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 9 s. fames R. G., of 
Durrington, Wilts, gent. 

» 23 

William Cassell Maude, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s. 
Arthur M., of Rosehill, co. York, J.P. 


Utncoln’g 5 nit BOmtSSton &egtetei: 1420-1893. 359 

1873 Jan. 23 

folio 53. 

William Chambers Lefroy, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), o^s. Thomas 

Edward Preston L., of the Middle Temple, Judge of County 


» 23 

Ralph Hawtrey Deane, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. Francis 

Henry D., of Eastcote, Middx., and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

>» 24 

Thomas Raleigh, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Samuel R., of 

[Edinburgh, actuary. 

folio 54. 

» 24 

William Edward Bovill, of the London Uny. (33), 1 s. William 

John B., of Lincoln's Inn, bencher, and one of H. M. 


» 25 

Frank Evans (21), 4 s. Henry Edwin E., late of Oldham, co. 

J^anc., mercht., deed. 

» 25 

Edward Beverley Henderson, late of Pembroke Coll., Camb., 

B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. James H. H., rector of Stoke St. Mary, 


folio 55. 

„ 28 

Philip Montagu, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. John Montagu 

Pulteney M., of Downe Hall, Dorset, J.P. 

„ 29 

Walter Scrimgeour, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. John 

Shedden S., late of Highgate, Middx., stockbroker, deed. 

Feb. 10 

James Eastwick, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 0. s Rev. James E., of 

[Stamford, co. Line., clerk. 

folio 56. 

» 27 

James Edward Horne, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A., and of the 

Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (ad. 13 Oct., 1864, called 6 June, 

1868), elder son of James H., of Tillington Petworth, Sussex, 
and late of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

March 29 

William Hubert Manning, of Exeter Coll., Ox., late of Sydney, 

N. S. Wales (21), 2 s. Sir William Montagu M., Atty. Genl. 
for N. S. Wales. 

April 15 

Harold Freeth, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. Charles F., of 

[Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

folio 57. 

» 15 

Lewis Tonna Dibdin, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. Rev. 

Robert William D., of Torrington Sq., Middx. 

» 17 

Francis William Briggs, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (21), 2 s. Revd. 

Francis Brooking B., of New Brentford, Middx. 

May 2 

James Trustram, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. James T., 
of Stone Place, Kent., gent. 

April 18 

folio 58. 

John Impey Scarbrough, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (26), 1 s. John 
Latoysonere S., of Colyford, Devon, Esq. 

» 21 

John Mitchel Chapman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Rev. 

John Mitchel C., of Tendring, Essex, clerk. 

» 22 

Thomas William Ratcliff, of the London Uny. (23), 2 s. 

Thomas Wrake R., of St. Mark Sq., Regent’s Park, solr. 

360 Uincoln’g Enn ^tmiteston J&cgistcr: 1420-1893. 


April 22 




» 23 

» 24 

n 25 

» 25 

„ 29 

3 ° 

May 2 





folio 59. 

Arthur Ryle Harding, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Robert 
Palmer H., of Dulwich, Surrey, accountant. 

Edwin Newman, junr., of Christ Coll., Ox., B.A., and of 
16, Albert Mansions (44), 1 s. Edward N., of Yeovil, 
Somerset, solr. 

George Ernest Jeffery, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
George Augustus J., of Eastbourne, Sussex, M.D. 

folio 60. 

Henry Walter Fell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Rev. James 
Alexander F., M.A., vicar of Penkridge, co. Staff. 

Charles Frederick Brudenell Bruce, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 
(24), 4 s. s. Rt. Hon. Lord Ernest B., M.P. 

Alfred Hoare, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 5 s. 
Henry H., late of Staplehurst, Kent, Esq., deed. 

folio 61. 

John Charles Earle, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
William E., of Harlow, Essex, clerk. 

Edward Egremont Sutton, late of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. 

(33), 2 s. Uppleby S., of Armthorpe, Yorks, gent. 

Michael Theodore Roberts, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, (21), 2 s. 
Revd. William R., M.A., fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. 

folio 62. 

Henry Lee Gray (19), 2 s. Thomas William G., of Exeter, 
solicitor and proctor. 

Robert Goodbody, student of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 1 s. 
Marcus G., of Clara, King’s Co. 

James Henry Collins, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Henry 
Ward C., of Liverpool, solr. 

folio 63. 

N. Subrahmanyam Aiyar, of Uny. of Madras, B.A. and LL.B. 
(31), 3 s. Naranaiyar, late of Perumalagaram, Tanjore, 
E. Indies, land holder, deed. 

Cecil Scott Arkcoll, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (19), o. s. Francis 
William A., of Eecleston Sq., Middx., solr. 

John Ward Baines, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Rev. 
John B., of the Vicarage, Little Marlow, Bucks. 

folio 64. 

John Albert Slater, of Brooklands, Chester (32), 4 s. John S., 
late of Bolton, co. I^anc., Esq., J.P., deed. 

Daniel Vawdrey, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Benjamin Llewellyn V., of Tushinghani Hall, Cheshire, solr. 

Henry Stanton, junr., of Charsley’s Hall, Oxon, B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Henry S., of Thelwall, Cheshire, Esq., J.P. 

Htncoln’s Inn Emission licgtstei:: 1420-1893. 361 

>873 May 5 
» 7 

J 9 

folio 65. 

Arthur Woolgar Verrall, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. Henry V., of Brighton, Sussex, solr. 

Daniel de Castro, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A., and of 
Mortlake, Surrey (36), 1 s. Daniel de C., late of Mortlake, 
mercht., deed. 

Cumbumpati Meenacshaya, of the Uny. of Madras (30), 1 s., 
Cumbumpati Venkata Chelliah, late Native Judge Tinnevelly 
diset., Madras, deed. 

folio 66. 

„ 26 Pulicat Ratnav£lu Chetti, of the Uny. of Madras, B.A. 

(17), 1 s. Pulicat Ramasawmy Chetti, of the Municipality of 

June 2 James Charles Whitehorne, of the Middle Temple, bar.- 

at-law (adm. 13 Nov., 1850, called 17 Nov., 1853), 1 s. 
James W., of Queen’s Road, Glouc. Road, Regent’s Park 

„ 6 Gabriel Chapman Casie-Chitty, of Calcutta Uny. (20), o. s. 

John C. C., late of Ceylon, Modeliar, deed. 

folio 67. 

„ 7 Frederick Thomas Saunders (20), 1 s. Thomas Bush S., of the 

Priory, Bradford, Wilts, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 9 James Foster Young, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. Rev. 

Henry John Y., late of Holleslev, Suffolk, clerk, deed. 

„ 10 John Reeve Brooke, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A., late of the Inner 

Temple (adm. 11 Nov., 1869), 1 s. Richard England B., vicar 
of Holy Trinity, Kingston-upon-Hull, clerk. 

folio 68. 

„ 10 Reginald Merivale, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. John 

Lewis M., a registrar of the High Court of Chancery. 

„ 10 Charles Alan Fyffe, fellow of Uny. Coll., Ox. (27), o. s. 

Laurence Hay F., of Blackheath, Kent, M.D. 

July 19 William James Smith, of Trin. Hall, Camb., late a student 

Inner Temple (adm. 16 Jany. 1872), yr. s. John S., of Hands- 
worth, co. Staff., stockbroker. 

Oct. 30 
» 3i 

3 * 

folio 69. 

Charles Stuart Bayley (19), o. s. Capt. Daniel B., of Kildare, 
Ireland, late a Capt. Bengal Cavalry. 

John Mercer, of Chislehurst, Kent (25), 1 s. John M., late of 
Maidstone, banker, deed. 

Robert William Spottiswoode Pinhey, of Uny. Coll., Ox. 
(20), 1 s. Robert Hill P., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, Judge 
High Court, Bombay. 

vol. 11. 

2 z 

362 ILtncoln’# Inn &tumsfj5ton ^Register: 1420-1893. 

1873 Nov. 3 

folio 70. 

Herbert Charles Malkin, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A., clerk 
of public bills, Ho. of Lords (37), 0. s. Sir Benjamin 
Heath M., late Judge Supreme Court, Calcutta, deed. 

.» 4 

Charles Arthur Close, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (18), 3 s. 
John C, of Dringhouses, Yorks, Esq. 

n 4 

Clement Buesnel, of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. M. T., 
19 Apr., 1869, adm. I. T., 1 June, 1871, called 18 Nov., 
1872), 0. s. Clement B., of St. Martins, Jersey. 

» 4 

folio 71. 

George Fisher Russell Barker, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(25), 4 s. Edgar B., late of Oxford Sq., Middx., surg., deed. 

n 4 

Henry Edward Trevor, of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A. (27), 5 s, Rev. 
George T., of Beeford, Yorks, clerk in H. 0 . 

„ 6 

Henry Shera, of the Uny. of London (20), 4 s. John S., of 
Cootehill, co. Cavan, mercht. 

„ 8 

folio 72. 

Charles Edward MacLaren, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Henry M., late of Manchester, mercht., deed. 

,, 8 

Edward Alexander Miller, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 6 s. 
Taverner John M., of Portland Place, Esq., M.P. 

,, 8 

John Luckham Williams Andrews (19), 4 s. George James A., 
of Dorchester, solr. 

„ 10 

folio 73. 

Edward Greenhii.l Amphlett, of Brasenose Coll. (20), 0. s. 
Edward A., of Kingussie, co. Inverness, Esq. 

„ IO 

Henry Alleyne Bovell, of Uny. of London (19), 5 s. William 
Henry Brinsden B., of Barbados, clerk in H. 0 . 

n 12 

Tredway Sydenham Clarke, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 
Thomas Sydenham C., late of Lincoln's Inn, bar.-at law, 


folio 74. 

„ ‘4 

John Satterfield Sandars, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. 
Charles S., of Mackworth, co. Derby, gent. 

„ M 

Alexander Charles Quentin Irvine, of New Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s Alexander Forbes I., of Drum Castle, Aberdeen, Esq. 

„ 14 

Edward Robert Pearce, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
Edward P., of Dorchester, banker. 

M 15 

folio 75. 

Edmund Frazer Buckley, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
Arthur B., of Hampton Wick, Middx., Esq. 

» l 5 

Henry Aldenburg Bentinck, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Charles Aldenburg B., of Bovey Tracey, Devon, J.P. 

^ 15 

Hubert Winstanley (19), 2 s. James Winckworth W., of Line. 
Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Riverside, Chester, Esq. 




ILincoln’# £nn St&mtsston ftctjtstci*: 1420-1893. 363 

*873 Nov. 17 




folio 76. 

James Johnston Shaw, of Queen's Coll., Belfast, and Queen's 
Uny., Ireland, M.A. (28), 2 s. John Maxwell S., of Kirk- 
cuhbin, co. Down, farmer. 

John Gowen Collins, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John 
Charles C., of Cheltenham, M.D. 

Arthur Janion Edwards, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
Robert E., of Beech Hill Park, Essex, Esq. 

folio 77. 

„ 19 Richard Garnett Janion, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 

Joseph J., of Manchester, solr. 

„ 21 Ernest Chester Thomas, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. John T., 

of Manchester, public accountant 

„ 22 Thomas Snow, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Thomas Mailtand S., 

of Cleve, Devon, banker. 

folio 78. 

„ 29 Charles Robert Alexander, of King’s Coll., Camb., late 

student of Middle Temple (adm. 18 Nov., 1868), 2 s. 
James A., of Oak Bank, Kent, Esq. 

Dec. 10 Francis Kelly Laing, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (19), 2 s. Samuel L., of 

Crook, Orkney, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, M.P. 

„ 24 Hugh McNab Humphry, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (18), 1 s. Joseph 

Thomas H., of Middle Temple, bar.-at law. 

» 3 ° 

T ^74 Jan. 10 



» 17 

.< 19 

„ 20 

folio 79. 

George Lewis Denman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Hon. 
Mr. Justice D., of Palace Gate, Middx. 

Henry Storer Bowen, of London Uny, (21), o. s. Rev. Henry 
Percotte B., late of Brentwood, Essex, deed. 

folio 80. 

Frederick Lechmere Paton, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
George P., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Queen's Gardens, 
Hyde Park. 

Arthur Dryden, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. Alfred 
Erasmus D., of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Francis O’Hara, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, B.A. (22), 
o. s. John Michael O’H., of Derryhoyle, co. Galway, Esq., 
Clerk of the Crown. 

folio 81. 

Frederick Charles Aplin, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Benjamin William A., of Bodicote, Oxon., solr. 

John Wynne Jeudwine, of St. John's Coll., Camb. (21), yr. s. of 
George J., of Line. Inn, bar-at-law. 

William Bates Ferguson, of Christ Ch., Ox. (20), o. s. Pearson 
Briggs F., of Manchester, mercht. 

tUnroln’s Inn gllJmtgston &cgtstcr: 1420-1893. 

Jan. 20 




>1 2 3 

>, 24 

„ 27 

» 27 





Feb. 5 

March 10 


» 3 1 

April 1 



folio 82 . 

Richard Booth, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. Rev. Samuel 
Harris B., of Putney, Surrey, Baptist minister. 

Frederick James Norman Pearson, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Frederick Burnet P., late of Cleveland Sq., Middx., 
Esq., deed. 

William Henry Payne Smith, of Trin. Coll., Oxford (21), 2 s. 
Very Rev. Robert Payne S., D.D., Dean of Canterbury. 

folio 83 . 

Arthur Lionel Smith, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. William 
Henry S., late of Gt. Ormond St., Middx., Civil Engineer, deed. 

William Henry Crane, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. (hon.) 
William C., of Sackville, New Brunswick, North America, 
speaker of the House of Assembly. 

William Henley Chater, of St John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
Daniel Sutcliffe C., of Blackawton, Devon, clerk in H. O. 

folio 84 . 

Thomas Simpson Jones, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. Morris 
Charles J., of Liverpool, atty. at law. 

William Mitchell, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Thomas M., 
of Skipton, Yorks, wine merchant. 

William James Wright Ingham, of Pembroke Coll., Cam. 
(21), o. s. James I., of Bradford, Yorks, gent. 

folio 85 . 

Lewis Gordon Dunlop, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 3 s. Charles 
Tennant D., late of Glasgow, mercht., deed. 

Hubert Seymour Leeson, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 10 June, 1859, called 17 Nov., 1862), 1 s. John L., of 
Chiswick, Middx., Esq. 

William Ingham Shaw, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Richard S., of Queen’s Gate, Middx., Esq., M.P. 

folio 86. 

Francis William Preston, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
Thomas Edward P., of 1 lover, Kent, Esq. 

Henry Seton Karr, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), is. George 
Berkeley Seton K., late Bo. C. S., deed. 

John Arthur Fowler, ofTrin. CqIL, Camb. (19), 1 s. John F., 
of Braemore, Ross, N.B., civil engineer. 

folio 87 . 

Henry Yorke Musgrave, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. late 
Thomas Oliver M., of Kendal, Esq., deed. 

Arthur Morier Lee, of Balliol Coll., Ox., late a student Inner 
Temple (adm. 7 May, 1873), y. s. Sir George Philip L., late 
of Windlesham Court, Surrey, knt., deed. 

Hon. Walter Courtenay Pepys, 60th Rifles (33), 6 s. Charles 
Christopher, Earl of Cottenham, late Lord High Chancellor 
of Great Britain, deed. 

Utncoln’s Inn ^timtesiton IXccytstter : 1420-1893. 



April 25 
„ 27 

» 27 

May 2 

„ 2 

n 4 

11 5 

n 5 

n 9 

,» 14 

» X 5 

i> 23 

„ 3° 

June 1 

» 1 

>» 3 

•» S 

folio 88. 

Gerald John Wheeler, of the Uny. of Dublin, B.A. (24), 2 s. Rev. 
George Bommford W., M.A., rector of Ballysax, co. Kildare. 

Ng Achoy, of Hong Kong (31), 3 s. Ng Asheung, of Hong Kong, 

William Woodhouse Fisher (19), 1 s. William Richard F., of 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 89. 

Elkannah Holroyde, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
2 s. Elkannah H., of Holden Glough, Yorks, Esq., F.R.C.S.E. 

George Whitmore Brabant, of King’s Coll., Camb. (22), 7 s. 
William Hughes B., late of Savile PI., Middx., sol., deed. 

Arthur Baldwin Woodcock, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), y. s. 
John W., late of Wigan, banker, deed. 

folio 90. 

William Frederick Barry, of Uny. of London (22), 3 s. 
Henry B., of Belgrave Road, bar.-at-law. 

Thomas Maile, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. William M., 
of Huntingdon, decorator. 

Frank St. Clair Grimwood, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
Jeffery Grimwood G., of Ennismore Gardens, Princes Gate, 

[Middx., Esq. 

folio 91. 

Alexander Chalmers Marshall, of the uncovenanted Civil 
Service, Punjab (28), 2 s. late Lieut. Col. George Turnbull M., 
late H.E.I.C.S. 

Fentham Hedges, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Killingworth H., 
late of Sunbury, Middx., sol., deed. 

Claude Baggallay (20), 4 s. Sir Richard B., Atty.-Genl., and a 
bencher of Line. Inn. 

folio 92. 

George Henry Mellor, of Line. Coll., Ox., and of Crosby, 
n. Liverpool, 4 s. James M., of Liverpool, brewer, wine and 
spirit merchant and maltster. 

John Burton Barrow, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. John 
James B., of Ringwood Hall, co. Derby, J.P. 

Henry Bristow Sanderson, Capt. Bengal Staff Corps (34), 1 s. 
James S., of Edinburgh, Esq. 

folio 93. 

Arthur Stephen Thornton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 3 s. Harry T., 
of Kempstone Grange, Beds, Esq. 

James William Clark, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (23), 1 s. 
James C. of Brighton, Esq., Sec. Colonial Bank, London. 

Victor Alexander Lionel Dawson Parnell, of Ch. Ch., Ox. 
(21), 6 s. Hon. Henry William P., of Anneville Ho., 

HtncoJn’g Ann &Umtjsstoit IXentster : 1420-1893. 


1874 June 9 
» 9 

Aug. i o 
Oct. 26 

„ 3 ° 

„ 30 

>, 3i 

Nov. 2 
>> 3 



„ 4 


folio 94 

Charles Prestwood Lucas, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. Henry 
John L., of Crickhowel, Brecon, M.D., deed. 

Walter Leaf, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. Charles 
John L., of Pain’s Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

Swinford Leslie Thornton, of Line. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William Henry T., of Margate, surgeon. 

folio 95. 

Edward William Jones, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s- 
Edward J., of Velndre, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

Alfred Gascoyne Wise, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
Alfred W., of Ceylon, mercht. 

George Frederick Roumieu, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. 
Charles R., of Farnham, Surrey, gent. 

folio 96. 

Ernest Pennington Burrows, of Caius Coll., Camb. (23), 2 s. 
Sir George B., bart., doctor of medicine. 

Patrick Rose-Innes, of Uny. of Aberdeen (21), 2 s. George 
Rose-I., of Norfolk St., Strand, solr. 

Frederick David Maxwell, of Christ Church, Ox. (23), 1 s 
James William M., late of St. Petersburg, mercht. 

folio 97. 

Benjamin Sykes (21), 1 s. Benjamin S., of Liverpool, Esq. 

Frederick Fleming, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, M.A. (29), 3 s. 
George F., late of Surock Ho., co. Westmeath, Esq., deed. 

Thomas Weller-Poley, of Merton Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 
John George W.-P., of Boxted Hall, Sufif., Esq. 

folio 98. 

Joseph Birdsall Jones, of Madras C. S. (28), 5 s. William 
Roscoe J., of Liverpool, Master of the Athenaeum, Esq. 
Edward Fraser Gladstone-Lingham, of Colmworth, Hunts, 
late a student Inner Temple (adm. 2 Nov., 1872), 2 s. 
Alfred L., of Wore., Esq., deed. 

James Walter Connell (20), o. s. James C., of Irvine Ho., 
Langholme, Dumfries, Chamberlain for the Duke of 


folio 99. 

Iltyd Frank Clayton, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 2 s. 
Samuel Wittewronge C., of Eastfield, Ryde, I. W., Esq. 

Frederick Warburton Dunston, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (23), 
1 s. Rev. Thomas Warburton D., late of Donhead St. Mary, 
Wilts, clerk, deed. 

Edward Lisle Ryder, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Alfred 
Phillipps R., of Hambledon, Bucks, admiral R.N. 

ftmcoltt’g £itn Aifmtsiston SXcgtsetet': 1420-1893. 367 

1874 Nov. 11 
„ 1 1 

„ 11 

„ 11 

„ 11 

tt 12 

a 12 

» *3 

» *3 

n 14 

„ 14 

!) 14 

» 14 

» 17 

» 17 

» 17 

» 19 

>• 19 

folio 100. 

John Robert Freeman, of Staines (29), 2 s. George Scott F., 
of Glenhurst, Sutton Common, Surrey, Esq. 

Herbert Woodfield Paul, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 
1 s. Revd. George Woodfield P., of Finedon, Northants, clerk. 

Charles Jeffery Knox, of Madras C. S. (33), 1 s. Revd. 
Thomas K., late of Ballymor, co. Antrim, clerk, deed. 

folio 101. 

Thomas Warren Crosse, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Edmund C., late of Harrow Weald, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Robert Henry Streeten, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Friend Edward S., of Ealing Green, Middx, Esq. 

James Douglas White, Assist. Comsr. Bengal C. S. (28) 4 s. 
Edward Gillam W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, Esq. 

folio 102. 

Broome Lake Witts, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Rev. 
Broome Lake W., late of Hersham, Surrey, clerk, deed. 

Henry Leopold Ashton, of Merton Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 

Capt. A., R.N., of Beauvoir, Chambery, France. 

Edmund Strode, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. William S., late 
of Weybridge, Surrey, gas engineer. 

folio 103. 

Richard Frederick William Brandt, of Exeter Coll., Ox. 
(20), 1 s. Richard B , of London, mercht. 

Robert William Rankine Wilson, of Braidbar, Renfrew (30), 
1 s. Robert W., late of Braidbar, mercht., deed. 

Thomas Clarkson, of King’s Coll., Camb., assist, master of 
Tonbridge School (25), 1 s. Rev. Thomas C., of Wyvreston, 

[SufF., clerk. 

folio 104. 

James Theodore Bent, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 

James B., of Sutton Hall, Cheshire, gent. 

Arthur Alliott Wells, of the Uny. of London, LL.D., and of 
Hornsey Rise, Middx. (34), 2 s. Henry W., late of 
Nottingham, atty-at-law. 

Ernest Radford, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Richard R., of Manchester, solr. 

folio 105. 

James Rathborne Luby, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 3 s. Rev. 
Thomas L., late senior fellow Trin. Coll., Dublin, deed. 

Archibald Arthur Prankerd, of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A., Uny. 
of London (23), y. s. John P., of Langford, Somerset, Esq. 

Edmond Arnold Alfred Spencer, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A 
assist, master Wellington Coll. (25), 2 s. Rev. William S 
late of Wallasea, co. Chester, clerk, deed. 

368 ILtncoln’d Cnn a&mtsston IXegistci*: 1420-1893. 

1874 Nov. 20 

folio 106. 

Edward Crofton, of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 31 
Oct., 1871, called 6 June, 1874), 2 s. Augustus C., late of 
Brighton, clerk in H. 0 . 

„ 20 

Henry Clerke Brown, of Ch. Ch. Ox., 1 s. Arthur Henry 
Gierke B., of Kingston Blount, Oxon, Esq. 

„ 20 

Tancred Earle Raven, of Caius Coll., Camb., 2 s. Rev. 
John R., of Stanton St. John, Oxon. 

„ 21 

folio 107. 

William Edward Davidson, of Balliol Coll., Ox., o. s. 
William D., of Braintree, Essex, Esq. 

„ 21 

Edward Broadwood, of New Coll., Ox., 4 s. Thomas B., of 
Holmbush, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 21 

John George Butcher, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 2 s. Lord Bishop 
of Meath. 

Dec. 2 

folio 108. 

William Murray Fairbairn, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 1 s. 
William Andrew F., of Holland Park, Bayswater, Esq. 

» 5 

George Harris Lea, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 
29 Apr. 1863, called 17 Nov., 1868), 2 s. George Butcher L., 
late of Kidderminster, manufacturer, deed. 

1 , 9 

Frederick Joseph Frankau, of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb., 0. s. late Adolph F., of Hampstead, Middx., mercht. 

» 1 7 

folio 109. 

Frederick William Pennefather, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
y. s. Edward P., of Dublin, Q.C. 

1875 J an - 8 

Alfred Barnard Bassett, of Trin. Coll., Camb., o. s. 
Alfred B., late of Brighton, Sussex, gent., deed. 

>« n 

folio 110. 

John Prout Stainton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. Nathaniel S., 
late of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, deed. 


Edmund James Webb, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 2 s. Rev. Benjamin W., 
Vicar of St. Andrews, Wells St., Oxford St. 

„ 12 

Arthur William Rivington, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (20), 
6 s. Charles R., of London, solr. 

„ 12 

folio 111. 

Richard Burdon Haldane, of Uny. of London (18), 3 s. 
Robert H., of Edinburgh, Scotland, Writer to the Signet. 

ft 13 

Herbert Burleton Jones-Bateman (21), 1 s. Rev. John 
Burleton J.-B., of Sheldon, Warwick, clerk in H. O. 

n 15 

William Henry Bowles (21), 4 s. Rev. Charles Bradshaw B., 
of Tunbridge Wells, clerk. 

Htncolit’s Enn gltimtsston Register : 1420-1893. 369 


Jan. 20 

» 25 

» 25 

n 25 








» 29 

» 3° 

Feb. 12 

March 12 

» 19 

folio 112. 

Charles Reginald Hoffmeister, of Gonville and Caius Coll., 
Camb. (19), 3 s. William Carter H., of West Cowes, I. W., 
M.D., L.R.C.P. 

Matthew George Farrer, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. 
Revd. Matthew Thomas F., Vicar of Shirley, Surrey. 

Stephen Lynch (23), o. s. Thomas Henry L., late of Lowberry, 

[co. Roscommon, Esq. 

folio 113. 

John Mason Lightwood, fellow of Trin. Hall, Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Rev. Edward L., of Bolton, co. Lane., Wesleyan minister. 

James Joseph Enslie, consul Japan (37), 1 s. James E., of the 
Hague, Holland, Esq. 

Frank Kingsford, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. James K., of 

[Sydenham, solr. 

folio 114. 

Edward Arthur St. John Mildmay, of Trin. Coll., Camb, 
(22), 1 s. Arthur George St. John M., of Hollam, Dulverton. 
Somerset, Esq. 

Jonathan Dunn, of Exeter Coll., Ox (21), 1 s. William D., of 
Cheltenham, gent. 

William Lambert, of New Inn Hall, Ox. (21), o. s. William 
Jonah L., late of Sowerby, Yorks, M.D., deed. 

folio 115. 

John Fort, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. John F., of Cheltenham, 
co. Glouc., Esq. 

Henry Cunninghan, of the Queen’s Uny., M.A., and of Balliol 
Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. James Suffern C., of Glasslough, 
co. Mon., Esq. 

Henry Charles Seddon, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. James S., 
of Liverpool, brewer. 

folio 116. 

Edward Dupr& Atkinson, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. 
(19), o. s. Richard A., late of Gartmore, Dundrum, 
co Dublin, solr., deed. 

Joseph Tanner, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Joseph T., 
of Sherborne, Dorset, Esq. 

William Horner Neilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (17), o. s. 
James Horner N., of Dublin, solr. 

folio 117. 

John William Evans, of Uny. of London (17), 2 s. Evan E., 
of Tisschley Road, M.D., Staff surgeon, R.N. 

Alexander David Maclaren, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Alexander Connell M., of Harley St., Middx., surgeon. 

William Sparrow, of the Uny. of London (24), 1 s. late Tohn 
Stephen S , of Puddington Hall, Cheshire, J.P., co. Pal., Lane. 

3 a 



Utncoln’s l-nn Emission Register: 1420-1893. 


April 2 













folio 118. 

Richard Wallis Cory, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. Richard C., 
of Wimbledon, Surrey, mercht. 

Ernest Mason Satow, of Uny. of London, Japanese Sec. H.M. 
Legation Japan (31), 3 s. Hans David Christopher S., late of 
Upper Clapton, Middx., mercht., deed. 

Stuart Shephard, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Mark S., of Roupell Park, Surrey, solr. 

folio 119. 

Alexander John Reid, of the Uny. of Dublin (21), o. s. Andrew 
William R., of Dublin, Esq. 

Basil Edwin Lawrence, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Edwin 
Henry L., of Abbey Farm Lodge, Hampstead, F.S.A. 

George Palmes, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. Rev. William 
Lindsay P., of Naburn Hall, co. Yorks, clerk. 

folio 120. 

Henry William Thomas Bowyear, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(22), 2 s. Rev. Thomas KyrwoodB., of Harbledown, Kent, clerk. 

Herbert Eastwick Compton (21), o. s. Lt. Col. D’Oyley 
Trevor C., late H.E.I.C.S., deed. 

Thomas Godolphin Rooper, of Balliol Coll., Ox., M.A. (27), 
o. s. Rev. William Henry R., of Old Windsor, Berks, clerk. 

folio 121. 

Valentine Somers Browne, of the Uny. of London (24), 5 s. 
John B., late of Liverpool, timber mercht., deed. 

Henry Harrison Pownall, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
John Fish P., of Line Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Robert Albert Jones, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A (23), 

2 s. s. Rev. John J., late of Wrexham, Denbigh, presbyt. 

[minister, deed. 

folio 122. 

Arthur Delaval Younghusband (20), 1 s. Robert Romer Y., 
of Clifton, co. Glouc, Lieut. Genl., C.B. 

Charles Bramley, junr., fellow of Jesus Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Charles B., of Fiskerton Hall, co. Line., gent. 

Edward Vincent Eyre, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (24), o. s. 
Revd. Edward E., late of Larling, Norfolk, deed. 

folio 123. 

Frederick Charles Harrison (20), 1 s. Rev. Joseph H., of 
Beckford, co. Glouc., clerk in H. O. 

Harry Robert Graham, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
John Benjamin G., of Hastings, Esq. 

Lancelot Fielding Everest, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 
1 s. Col. Sir George E., deed., late Survey genl. and supdt. 
Trigonometrical Survey of India. 


lUnroln’sf Enn SUimtsston Register: 1420-1893 371 


May 1 

„ 1 

» 25 

» 25 

June 3 

>» 5 



» 29 

„ 29 

July 24 

Oct. 11 

„ 3 ° 

»> 3 ° 




Nov. 2 


folio 124. 

John Darke Stanton, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Rev. 
William S., of Toddington, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Edward Ripley Dalton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s- 
Edward D., of 16, Porchester Sq., Middx., solr. 

Arthur Leighton Alderson Woodhouse, of Trin. Hall, 
Camb. (22), 2 s. Henry Richard W., barrister-at law. 

folio 125. 

John D’Arcy Hartley (19), y. s. John Walker H., of Ashfield 
Ho., Otley, Yorks, Esq. 

Charles Harrison Tindal, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A., 3 s. 
Acton T., of Aylesbury, Bucks, clerk of the peace, Esq. 

Samuel Boulter Flaxman, of London Uny. (32), 1 s. Samuel 
Christopher F., of King’s Lynn, Norfolk, gent. 

folio 126. 

Murray Hammick, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 7 s. Rev. Sir St. 
Vincent Love H., bart., of Melton Abbot, Devon. 

John Lockhart Bailey, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. William 
Latham B., late of Liverpool, ironmaster, deed. 

Charles Carmichael Lacaita, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 
Sir James Philip L., knt. 

folio 127. 

Alexander Copland McNish, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
John McN., late of Manchester, gent., deed. 

Arthur Capel, junr., of Trin. Coll, Ox. (21J, o. s. Arthur C., 
of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, Esq. 

Perceval Maitland Laurence, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. 
(21), 1 s. Rev. Perceval L., rector of South Ockendon, Essex. 

folio 128. 

William Wycliffe Barlow, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(21), 1 s. William B., of Wilmslow, Cheshire, gent. 

John Arthur Dakeyne Heaton, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20) 

1 s. John Deakin H., of Leeds, M.D. 

Alexander Young, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Adam Y., 
sec. of Inland Revenue. 

folio 129. 

Ebenezer Samuel W t ilkins, of Uny. of Madras, pleader of the 
district Court of Soelem (26), 1 s. Thomas W., late dep. 
registrar High Court of Judicature at Madras. 

Henry Scon’ Ryan Goodeve Chuckerbutty, of Uny. of 
London, B.A. (20), 1 s. late Dr. Soorjo Coomer G. C., of 
Calcutta, surgeon H.M’s Army. 

Stephen Horton Williamson, of Uny. of London (20), 1 s. 
Stephen W., of Canterbury, leather merchant. 


Ufnroln’g Inn &trmtei 3 fon ^rgigter: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 5 

» 5 

» 5 

>> 5 

,» 6 

„ 6 


„ 10 

„ 10 

» 12 

„ 12 

„ 12 

>1 13 

„ 13 

» iS 

» 17 

f» *7 

» 17 

folio 130. 

Vere Speke Alston, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., 2 s. Crewe A., 
of Odell Castle, Beds, Esq. 

Richard Naylor Arkle, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Benjamin A., of Liverpool, banker. 

Horace Francis Lester, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Frederic 
William L., late Major Genl. Bo. Arty., deed. 

folio 131. 

Hugh Oakeley Arnold-(Forster), of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
William Delafield Arnold, of Fox How, Westmoreland, late 
Director Public Instruction, Punjab, deed. 

William Henry Bateman Kay, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 
o. s. William K., late of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq., M.D., deed. 

Robert Muirhead Kennedy (21), y. s. Rev. William James K., 
of Manchester, one of H. M.’s senior Inspectors of Schools. 

folio 132. 

Charles Vernon Peacock Keene, of Christ Church, Ox. (20), 
o. s. Charles Hansard K., of Line. Inn, Esq., registrar of 
the Court of Bankruptcy. 

Frank Loftus Wright, scholar of New Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. 
Thomas Cooke W., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Mathendra Chengappah, of Uny. of Madras (19), 2 s. 
Mathendra Appachoo, late of Beppunaad, province of Coorg, 

[Madras, Esq., deed. 

folio 133. 

William Embleton (-Fox), of New Coll. (20), o. s. late Abraham 
Darlington Embleton, of Manchester, gent. 

Walter Sydney Sichel, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), o. s 
Michael S., of Princes Gardens, Middx., Esq. 

William George Frederick Cavendish Bentenck, of Trin. 
Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Rt. Hon. George Augustus Frederick 
Cavendish B., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 134. 

Edwin Woodall Parker, Judge of Small Cause Courts, Lahore 
(29), 2 s. Rev. William John P., late principal Laurence 
Mility. Asylum, Sandawa, Punjab, deed. 

Thomas Lea Higgins, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
William H., of Birkenhead, Chester, Esq. 

Sheikl Amiruddin, pleader High Court, Bombay (35), 1 s. 
Sheikh Nhunnoo Mega, Bombay. 

folio 135. 

Thomas Barclay, of the Uny. of London, Ph.D. (Jena), (22), 
1 s. George B., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

George Brenchley Rosher, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), o. s. 
George R., of Northfleet, Kent, Esq. 

John Wallace Kidston, of Queen’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
William K., late of Glasgow, mercht., deed. 

Htncoln’g Dm ^Omtsstton Register: 1420-1893. 373 

^75 Nov. 18 

folio 136. 

Francis William Henstock, of Downing Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(29), 0. s. Jesse H., of Bonsall, co. Derby, gent. 

» 19 

Benjamin Francis Conn Costelloe, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 
0, s. Martin Richard C., of Glasgow, Surveyor to the Board 
of Trade. 

„ 22 

William Edward Washbourne, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William W., late of Chetwynd Ho., Salop, sol., deed. 

„ 22 

folio 137. 

William Hugh Fowle, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Thomas Everett F., of Chute Lodge, Hants, Esq. 

» 29 

Samuel Leeke, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., and of the Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 11 Nov., 1869, called 30 Apr., /73), 
4 s. Rev. William L., of Holbrooke Hall, co. Derby, 
clerk in H. O. 

Dec. 23 

John Hartley Sandwith, Lieut. R.M. (29), 1 s. Col. John 
William Fleming S., of Wimbledon, Surrey. 

»» 3 i 

folio 138. 

Walter William Strickland, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s. Sir Charles William S., bart., of Hildenley, Yorks. 

*876 Jan. 5 

Joseph Stevens, junior, of St. John's Coll., Camb. (24), 0. s. 
Joseph S., of Charles St., Middx., gent. 

8 James Gow, junr., of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 3 s. James 
G., of Fitzroy Sq., artist. 

>1 12 

folio 139, 

Nathaniel Micklem, of New Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. Thomas M., 
of Blackheath, solr. 

» 14 

Oswald Henry Hardy, of Queen's Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
George H., of Hornsey Rise, Middx., and of Sec. Dept. 
General Post Office. 

„ ! 5 

Reginald Benson Jacomb, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. 
Charles J., of Upper Clapton, Middx., wool broker. 

» 15 

folio 140, 

Robert Gervase Bushe, of King’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
John Scott B., of Trinidad, Col. Secy. 

„ 19 

Christopher Bethell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 4 s. William 
Froggat B., of Rise, Yorks, Esq. 

„ 20 

Charles Frost Foster, of Jesus Coll., Camb., M.A. (33), 1 s. 
Rev. Perceval Frost, of Cambridge, M.A. 

» 22 

folio 141. 

William Money Hardinge, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Henry H., of Grafton St., M.D. 


George Henry Stuart, fell, of Emanuel Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Peter S., of Balham, Surrey, Esq., civil engineer. 

* 24 

Amaury Robert Macnamara Bourchier, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(26), o.s. James MacnamaraB.,of Rathglasse, co. Gal way,gent. 

374 Utnroln’s Inn ^Omission ftcgteter: 1420-1893. 

1876 Jan. 24 

folio 142. 

Avary William Holmes, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (23), 0. s. 
Avary H., of Rathgar, co. Dublin, solr. 

ft 24 

Edward Frederic Knight, of Caius Coll., Camb. (23), 0. s. 
Edward K., of Brighton, Esq. 

„ 26 

George Denison Faber, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (24), 3 s. Charles 
Wilson F., of Northaw Ho., Herts, Esq. 

v 2 7 

folio 143. 

William Henry Kelland, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s s. 
John K., of Kelland, Devon, Esq. 

„ 28 

Edmund Austen Willett, of Trin. Coll., Camb., A.M. (35), 
0. s. Edmund W., late of Brighton, Esq., deed. 

„ 28 

Arthur Henry Gosset, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 5 s. Isaac 
Henry G., of Westward Ho ! Devon, clerk in H. O. 

„ 28 

folio 144. 

Henry Spenser Wilkinson, of Merton Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
Thomas Read W., of Didsbury, co. Lane., Esq., banker. 

„ 28 

William Summers, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. John S., of 
Ashton-under-Lyne, ironmaster. 

>« 28 

William Pulteney Smith, of Uny. Coil., Ox. (20), 2 s. 
Frederick James S., of Weston-super Mare, gent. 

Feb. 8 

folio 145. 

Algernon Barlow, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 1 s. Rev. John 
Mount B., rector of Ewhurst, Surrey. 

March 9 

Alfred Romilly, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (26), 5 s. Charles R., of 
Wilton Cresct., Middx., Esq., clerk of the Crown. 

„ 29 

Archibald Cass, of Uny. of London (21), 5 s. William C., of 

[Pimlico, M.D. 

folio 146. 

April 6 

Alexander Young, of Ch. Ch., Ox., and of the Middle Temple, 
bar.-at-law (adm. 17 Apr., 1869, called 30 Apr., 1874), 1 s. Lord 
Y., of the Outer Ho., Court of Session, Scotland, ad eundem. 

„ 6 

George Heywood Maunoir Sumner, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 
(22), 0. s. Rev. George Henry S., M.A., Hon. Canon of Win¬ 
chester, Rural Dean and Rector of Old Alresford, Southants. 

99 19 

Thomas Hugh Anderson Denman, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
2 s. Hon. Richard D., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

» 22 

folio 147. 

Martin Charles Sharp, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Martin 
Richard S., of Highgate, Middx., Esq. 

n 25 

Arthur John Wright, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (30), 1 s. John W., 
Esq., late of Dunley Hall, co. Wore., deed. 


William Henry Hastings Kelke, late of Brasenose Coll., Ox., 
M.A., and of Edgbaston, Schoolmaster (37), 0. s. Rev. 
William Hastings K., late Rector of Drayton Beauchamp, 
Bucks, deed. 

ILmcoln’s Enn EDintestoit IVetjtster: 1420-1893. 


April 25 
>1 25 

„ 26 

„ 29 

„ 29 

» 29 

May 2 

»* 4 

n 9 





I 2 

„ l6 
>, 20 
June 7 




folio 148. 

William Brown, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Douglas B., 
Q.C., of Arncliffe Hall, Yorks, a Master of the Bench. 

Henry Whitworth Andrew, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B. A., o. s. 
Henry A., late of Truro, Cornwall, surgeon, deed. 

Thomas Raffles Hughes, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Edward H., of Huy ton, co. Lane., contractor. 

folio 149. 

Louis Perrin, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. John P., late of 
Dublin, Esq., deed. 

Henry Eugene Taunton-Collins, of Hertford Coll., Ox. (20), 
o. s. Eugene C., of 38, Porchester Ter., Middx., Esq., M.P. 

James Russell Swift, of Tanshelf, Yorks (44), 2 s. Samuel S., 
late of Huddersfield, Yorks, manufacturer, deed. 

folio 150. 

Bagot Francis Molesworth, of King’s Coll., Camb., Math. 
Lecturer at King’s Coll. (23), 1 s. Rev. Robert Francis M., 
rector of St. Mary’s, March, Camb. 

Adam Annand Gordon, of Uny. of Glasgow (28), o. s. Adam 
Annand G., M.A., late prof, of History in the Presidency 
College, and Registrar of the Uny. of Madras. 

Robert Sutherland Taylor MacEwen, Judge of the Small 
Cause Court, Calcutta (36), 1 s. Alexander M., late of 
Evelex, Sutherland, N.B., Doctor in Medicine, deed. 

folio 151. 

Nicholas Algernon Mercer, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 
2 s. Henry M., of Denham Lodge, Bucks, mercht. 

Henry Walrond Simpkinson, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (23), 
1 s. Rev. John Nassau S., of North Creake, Norfolk, clerk. 

John Ravenscroft, iunr., of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. s. 
John R., of Birkenhead, Esq., J.P. 

folio 152. 

Frederick Whinney, junr., of Wore. Coll., Ox., B.A. Vinerian 
scholar (20), 1 s. Frederick W., of London, accountant. 

Logan Shirres, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. (24), 3 s. David Logan S., 
of Tullor Ho, n. Aberdeen, Esq., J.P. 

Walter Ivimey Cook, of the Uny. of London (18), 1 s. Arthur 
Crozier C., of Upper Holloway, Esq. 

folio 153. 

John Lancaster Gough Mowat, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (29,, 
y. s. James M., of Frome, Somerset, Wesleyan Minister. 

Gordon Smith, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb., B.A. (20), o. s. 
John Nidd S., of Greenwich, civil engineer. 

Thomas Coney Tunnard Moore, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), 
1 s. Charles Thomas John M., of Frampton Hall, co. Line., 
Esq., Coll. R. So. Line. Militia. 

376 ILtncolit’g Inn ^tbintesston Register: 1420-1893. 

1876 June 21 

folio 154. 

Josias Cunningham, of Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M.A. (24), 2 s. 
James Suffern C., of Glasslough, co. Monaghan, Esq. 

„ 22 

Robert Sharp Borgnis Hammond-Chambers, of Magdalen 
Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. Robert H., late of Gt. Marlow, Bucks, J.P. 

„ 22 

George Henry Wallace, of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas Sneyd W., late of Bolton, co. Lane., clerk in H. O., 


folio 155. 

„ 26 

Charles William Lloyd Bulpett, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. 
(23), 1 s. George B., Esq., bar. of Line. Inn, and J.P., Surrey. 

„ 26 

Henry Napier Rooper, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A., late of 
the Inner Temple (adm. 19 Nov., 1875), 4 s. George R., of 
London, solr. 

„ 26 

Arthur Christopher Capel (19), 1 s. Victor C., of Penanisland 

[Straits Setts. 

folio 156. 

r» 26 

Lawrence Colvile Jackson (25), 2 s. Sir Charles Robert 
Mitchell J., late Auditor to the India Off., and Puisne Judge 
Supreme Court, Calcutta, deed. 

» 27 

Maurice Harry Raymond, late of Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 
B.A., now of Leamington (28), 3 s. Rev. Samuel R., late of 
Leamington, Clerk in H. 0 ., deed. 

M 27 

William Bradford, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 1 s. Edward 
Anthony B., late of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, U.S., 


folio 157. 

„ 27 

Francis Alan Bower, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 0. s. 
Frederick B., of West Dean Ho., n. Chichester, Esq. 

„ 28 

Robert Cooper Seaton, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
John Love S., of Hull, mercht., J.P. 

>, 29 

William Bailey Langhorne, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (23), 

1 s. John Bailey L, of Outwood Hall, Yorks, solr. 

„ 29 

folio 158. 

Henry Stackhouse Luther Fry, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (23), 
1 s. Henry F., of St. Catherines, Ox., D.D. 

'» 29 

Henry Blomfield Burnell, of Christ’s Coll., Camb., LL.B., 
(22), 0. s. Blomfield B., of Upper Clapton, Middx., solr. 

July 18 

Harry Johnson, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Rev. Henry 
Isaac J., of Liverpool, M.A. 

Sept. 21 

folio 159. 

Wilmot Parker Herringham, of Keble Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
William Walton H., of Old Cleve, Somerset, clerk in H. O. 

Oct. 4 

James Lennox Hamilton, of Uny. Coll., Ox., B.A., 0. s. 
Matthew H., of Cheltenam, Esq. 

„ TO 

Joshua Leslie Field, of Ch. Ch., Ox., 1 s. Joshua F., of Ham, 
Surrey, civil engineer. 

Utitcoln’g J-nn ft&mteston l&cgtstfr : 1420-1893. 377 

Oct. 24 

folio 160. 

Milverton Godfrey Dauglish, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Henry William D., of London, wool broker. 

» 28 

Arthur Clevedon Willis, of the Home Off. (25), 4 s. s. 
William Alexander W., late of Greenwich Hospital, Post 
Capt., R.N., deed. 

„ 3 1 

Robert Frederick Norton, of the Uny. of London, B.A. (22), 
0. s. s. Frederick N., of Hilgrove Road, N.W., Principal Clerk 
in Chancery Taxing Off. 

Nov. 1 

folio 161. 

Thomas Almond Hind (22), 3 s. John Russell H., of Twickenham, 
Supdt. Nautical Almanac (Admiralty). 

» 2 

Robert McKilliam Routledge, of the Uny. of Aberdeen (25), 
6 s. William R., of Aberdeen, manufacturer. 

>, 2 

Horace Hayes Montgomery Lawrence, of New Coll. (21), 
3 s. Major Genl. Richard Charles L. C.B., of Glouces¬ 
ter Sq. 

»> 3 

folio 162. 

William Frederick Holt Beever, of Oriel Coll., Ox., B.A., 

1 s. Rev. William Holt B., of Pencraig Court, Herts, Clerk 
in H. 0 . 

n 3 

Thomas William Maude (late of Balliol Coll., Ox.), of the 
Colony of New Zealand (44), 1 s. Rev. Thomas M.,. of 
Hasketon, Suff., Clerk in H. O. 

„ 4 

Henry Shirecliff Otter, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 2 s. Charles O., 
of Line. Inn, and of Hanwell, Middx, late Examiner in 

„ 4 

folio 163. 

Frank Chesshire (24), 3 s. Edwin C., of Cliff Hall, co. 
Warwick, surgeon. 

» 6 

Alfred John Simpson, of Wadham Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 0. s. 
William S., of New Malton, Yorks, solr. 

H 7 

Villiers de Saussure Fowke, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
William Villiers F., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Saling 
Grove, Essex. 

» 7 

folio 164. 

Thomas Barclay Cockerton, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (25), 1 s. 
Richard C., of Cornwell Road, Middx., surgeon. 

„ « 

George Earle Buckle, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
George B., of Weston-super-Mare, clerk in H. O. 

» 9 

Wilfrid Leigh Pemberton, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 2 s. Edward 
Leigh P., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, M.P, 


378 Utncoln’g Unit atimtgston Register: 1420-1893. 

1876 Nov. 9 

folio 165. 

Upendra Nath Das, of Calcutta Uny., and of Uny. of 
Cambridge (28), 1 s. Srinath Das, pleader, High Court of 

„ 10 

Aubrey John Spencer, of Christ Ch., Ox. (23), 1 s. Rev. 
Charles Vere S., of Wheatfield, Oxon. 

» 10 

Joseph Henry Warburton Lee, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. 
(21), 0. s. Joseph Henry L., of Redbrook Ho., Flints, Esq., 
J.P., and land agent. 

„ 10 

folio 166. 

Frederic John Church, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 0. s. 
Very Rev. Richard William C., D.C.L., Dean of St. Paul’s 

» n 

Latimer Thrale Williams, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. s. 
Frederick Sims W., late of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of 
Penrhyn, co. Pembroke, deed. 

n II 

Benedict Jones, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 0. s. Rev. 
Charles J., B.A., a clerk in H. O., of Higher Bebington, 

„ II 

folio 167. 

Edward Sumner Bird, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Charles 
James B., Esq., of Little Hatherlcy, co. Glouc., retd. Madras 

„ l6 

Edward Russell James (Gambier) Howe, junr. (19), 2 s. 
Edward Russell James H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

,* 17 

Marcus Synnot Crawford, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Rev. Francis C., of Cookstown, co. Tyrone, rector of 

» 17 

folio 168, 

John Armytage Batley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
John B., of Kensington Park Gardens, Esq. 

„ l8 

John Duffus Harris, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. Daniel 
Kurtland de Waif H., of Halifax, Canada, mercht. 

„ 18 

Romer Edward Younghusband, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (18), 3 s. 
Lieut. Genl. Y., C.B., of Clifton, co. Glouc. 

» 20 

folio 169. 

Richard Rideout Beard, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
George B., of Hilifield Hall, co. Warwick, Esq. 

„ 20 

Henry Towry Law, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Edmund L., 
late of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, deed. 

n 20 

Arthur Gray, fellow of Jesus Coll., Camb., B.A., assist, master 
at Dulwich Coll. (24), 4 s. William G., of Blackheath, 

lUncoln’sf Emt St&imsssion lUgistcr: 1420-1893. 

37 9 

Nov. 22 

>, 22 

» 23 

Dec. 4 

Jan. 8 

» 9 




.. 15 

» >5 

.. 19 

» 19 








folio 170. 

Walter Charles Dare, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. 
Charles William D., of Arreton, Newport, I. W., and of the 
Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Amyand John Hall, of Trin. Coll., Ox., B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
John Edward H., of 6. Cleveland Ter., Hyde Park, clerk. 

Ernest Udny, of St. Andrew’s Uny., M.A., of the Civil Service 
(24), 2 s. George U., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 171. 

Robert Forsyth Scott, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. ‘ 26 ), 

1 s. Rev. George S., late of Dairsie, co. Fife, deed. 

Archibald John Allen, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
GeoTge A., of Carlisle St., Soho, solr. 

Edward Strachan Morgan, late of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (30), 

2 s. David Foscue M., late of Kensington, gent. 

folio 172. 

Cyril William Lipscomb, of New Coll., Ox., M.A.,and B.C.L. 

(45), 1 s. Christopher L, D.D., late Bishop of Jamaica. 
William Vincent Kane, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (21), 4 s. 
William Joseph K., late of Dublin, manufacturing chemist, 

Arthur George Walker (34), 2 s. George James W., of 
Teignmouth, Devon, Esq., capt. 14 Light Dragoons. 

folio 173. 

Harry Duff, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Robert D., of 
Liverpool, mcrcht. 

William Coryton Graham, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Joseph G., of Kensington, late H. M. Advocate Genl., Bengal. 

Reginald William Borlase Warren Vernon (20), o. s. 

[(Hon.) William Warren V. 

folio 174. 

John Arthur Carrick, of Uny. of London (18), 2 s. late 
Thomas C., of Manchester, metal agent, deed. 

James Lysaght Finigan, of Liverpool, journalist (31), 1 s. 
James F., of Liverpool, gent. 

Henry Cecil Phillips, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (25), yr. s. 
Charles Valentine P., late of West Mailing, Kent, Esq , deed. 

folio 175. 

Mohammed Hussein Hakim, of the Bombay Uny. (23), y. s. 
late Subahdar, Major Sirdar Bahadur Mohammed Sheriff, 
20th regt. Bo. N. I. 

Vicary Gibbs (23), 2 s. Henry Hucks G., of St. Dunstans, 
Regent’s Park, N.W., Esq. 

Richard Brooman White (23), o. s. Richard Archibald B. of 
Twickenham, Esq. 

380 ILincoln’g 5 mt Htfmteston &ei]itgtcr : 1420-1893 


folio 176. 



Duncan Davidson Fraser, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 3 s. 
Arthur F., of Bayswater, Esq. 



Charles Arthur Swan, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Revd. 
Charles Trollope S., of Welton-le-YVold, co. Line., clerk. 



Charles Thomas Elworthy, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. s. 
Frederic Thomas E., of Wellington, Somerset, Esq. 

folio 177. 



Salis Arthur Schwabe (retired off. R. N.), (24), 4 s. Sails S., 
late of Glyn-y-Garth, co. Anglesea, mercht., deed. 



George Drinkwater, of Trin. Coll., Camb., late a student 
Inner Temple (adm. 17 Jany., 1874), 1 s. William Leece D., 
H. M.’s 1st Deemster, Isle of Man. 



William Craddock Bolland, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. (22), 
0. s. Rev. Arthur B., of Leeds, M.A. 

folio 178. 



Percy Dawson, of Keble Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Frederick Hill D., 
of Cumnor, Berks, gent. 

I I 

Robert Stewart Menzies, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. Graham M., 
of Philiphaugh, Selkirk, N.B., Esq. 


I 2 

Hamilton Edward Lawrance, of London Uny. (21). 0. s. 
Joseph L., late of Hampstead, gent., deed. 

folio 179. 



Henry Gawan Taylor, of the Uny. of London (21), 1 s. 
William T., of Scarborough, surgeon. 



Charles Eden Lancaster Lucas, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (23), 2 s. 
Samuel Lucas Lancaster L., of Thuborough, Devon, Esq. 



William Laird Clowes (21), 1 s. William C., one of the regis¬ 
trars of H.M. High Court of Justice, Chancery Division. 

folio 180. 



William Scott Howell, of Bombay, Judge subordinate Court 
at Tannah (31), 2 s. John William H., Indian C. S. 



Andrew Rae Banks, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., LL.B. (25), 

1 s. Henry B., of Liverpool, mercht. 



Alexander Campbell Tiley (26), 2 s. William George T., of 
St. Peter’s Park, Middx., surgeon. 

folio 181. 



John Henry Nunn, of Uny. of Dublin (20), 0. s. John Henry N., 
of Dublin, solr. 



James Parker Smith, of Trin. Coll., Camb. B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Archibald S., late of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Jordanhill, 
co. Renfrew, N.B., deed. 



Thomas Oliver Harding, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A., assistant 
master Marlboro Coll. (27), 1 s. Thomas H., late of White¬ 
haven, Wesleyan minister, deed. 

^Lincoln’* tfnn &Umt$ston Itegtsttr: 1420 - 1893 . 381 

April 28 

„ 3° 

May 2 












» 3i 

June 6 
» 7 

» 7 

folio 182. 

John Lionel Pole (18) 4 s. Rev. Reginald P., of Yeovilton, 

John Entwisle, of Hillingdon, Middx. (25), 2 s. Thomas E., of 
Tam worth, Staff., Esq. 

Harold de Vaux Brougham (18), 2 s. James Rigg B., of 
Beckenham, and of Line. Inn, bar. at-law. 

folio 183. 

Charles Fortescue Brickdale, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Matthew Inglett Fortescue B., of Line. Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Edgar Rossiter Simpson, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Henry S., late of Stanwell, Middx., Esq., deed. 

Edward Balcombe Brown, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
William Robert Edward B., of Wellington, New Zealand, 

[Registrar Genl., said colony. 

folio 184. 

Herbert Harrison Kettlewell, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (23), 

1 s. William Christian K., late of Moor House, Yorks, Esq., 

Alfred Octavius Raine, of New Coll., Ox. (23), 8 s. William 
Surtees R., of Bradbridge, Devon, Esq., J.P., Durham. 

Henry Hobhouse, of Hadspen Ho., Somerset (23), o. s. 
Henry H., late of Hadspen, Esq., deed. 

folio 185. 

Edward Gordon Williams, junr., of Downing Coll., Camb. 
(21), 5 s. Edward Gordon W. of Burley-in-Wharfedale 
Yorks, Esq. [Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Alfred Pain, of the Uny. of London (18), 1 s. Thomas P., of 

Joseph John Talbot Lamb, of the Uny. of London (19), 1 s. 
Richard Westbrook L., of West Denton, Northumberland, 

[Esq., J.P. 

folio 186. 

William Anstis Bewes, of Uny of London (19), 1 s. Col. 
Wyndham Edward B., of Notting Hill, Middx. 

Harry Baird Hemming, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
George Wirgman H., of Line. Inn, Esq., Bencher, and one 
of H.M. Counsel. 

John Henry Chapman, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., M.A., late 
clerk in H.O. (36), o. s. Thomas Hall C., late of Norton, 

[co. Durham, Esq., deed. 

folio 187. 

Frederic Hamilton Salusbury, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Rev. George Augs. S., rector of Westbury, Salop. 

Charles Alexander Harris, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Revd. George Poulett H., of Richmond, Yorks. 

Samuel Henry Leonard, of Line. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John 
Hare L., of Highbury, Middx., manufacturing chemist. 

382 ftfncoln’g Ann &ttmte0ton JXcgtsster: 1420-1893. 

1877 June 8 

» 9 

» 9 

folio 188. 

Samuel Moss, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. Enoch M., of 
Scholes, Wigan, gent. 

Herbert Mills Birdwood, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., Bo. C. S. 
(40), 3 s. Christopher B., of Pucklechurch, co. Glouc., 
Lieut. Genl. H. M.’s Bo. Army. 

Ernest PassAwer, assist, master of Dulwich Coll., LL.D. (29), 
2 s. late Jacob P., of Uman, Russia, doctor of medicine and 
Imperial Court Councillor. 

folio 189. 

„ 12 Harry Claude Edmonds (21), 3 s. Edmund E., of Newent, 

co. Glouc., solr. 

11 l S Alexander Chambers Tate, of Queen’s Coll., Belfast, and 

Queen’s Uny., Ireland, M. A. (20), 4 s. Alexander T., of 
Belfast, surveyor. 

„ 16 Charles James Blackburn Lowe, of Magdalen Coll., Camb. 

(19), 1 s. James L., of Manchester, mercht. 

folio 190. 

Aug. 17 Charles Norris Nicholson, of Trin. Coll, Camb. (20), 1 s. 

William Norris N., of Line. Inn, Master in Lunacy. 

Oct. 12 Howard Douglas Leonard Galton, of the London Uny., 
B.A. (19X 3 s - Theodore Howard G., of Hadsor, co. Wore., 
and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, J.P. 

„ 26 Frank Alexander Milne, of Kible Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 1 s. 

hrank M., of Monken Hadley, Middx., a registrar of the 
Chancery Divis. Supreme Ct. of Judicature. 

folio 191. 

31 Louis Edward Raphael, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A., o. s. 
Edward Lewis R., of London, banker. 

2 Arthur William Young, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 2 s. 
Charles Baring Y., of Hyde Park Ter., Middx., Esq. 

2 Samuel Woodall Smith, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (28), 2 s. William S., of Netherton, co. Wore., 

folio 192. 

2 Robert Arthur Berthon Preston, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 
1 s. Robert Berthon P., of Liverpool, iron founder. 

2 George Withington Norris, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 

Robert N., of Liverpool, solr. 

3 James Lewis Somers Roosmale Cocq, of Uny. Coll., London 

(19), 3 s. Andrew Henry Roosmale C. district judge, Point 
du Galle, Ceylon. 

Utntoln’g Inn Sttimiggion LUgtster : 1420-1893. 383 





folio 193 . 

Henry Augustus West, of Trin. Coll., Dub. (30), 1 s. Henry 
James Pelham W., of Dublin, solr. 


Krishna Nath Mitra, of Uny. of Calcutta (25), 5 s. Baboo 
Madhut Chunder M., of Calcutta, gent. 

»> 5 

Francis Hamilton Mellor, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 9 s. 
Hon. Sir John M., of Kingsdowne, Kent, judge Queen’s 
Bench divn., High Court of Justice. 

n 6 

folio 194 

Richard Farrell, of London Uny. (23), 1 s. James F., late of 
Dublin, bar.-at-law, deed. 


Walter Bairstow, of Trin. Coll., Camb (20), 0. s. s. Thomas B., 
late of Sutton in Craven, Yorks, worsted manufacturer, 

n 9 

Montagu Lewis Parkin, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. George 
Lewis P., of Park Lane, Middx., Esq. 

» IO 

folio 195 . 

Percy Ferdinand Wheeler, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Rev. 
John W., of Norwood, Surrey. 

,1 12 

Emile Henri Cannot, of Uny. of Aberdeen (19), 2 s. Gustavus 
Adolphus C., of Paris, manufacturer. 

„ 15 

Herbert Main waring Baily, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Laurence Richardson B., of Allerton Hall, co. Lane., Esq. 

„ l6 

folio 196 . 

Henry Charlton Hawkins, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. John 
William H., chief clerk to the Master of the Rolls. 

» 21 

Christopher Hird Morgan, of Caius Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Howard Spear M., of Tegfynydd, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

n 24 

Francis Paul Lefroy, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 5 s. Very 
Rev. Jeffrey L. of Loughbrickland, co. Down, Dean of 

>1 29 

folio 197 . 

Robert McCheane, junr. (29), 1 s. Robert McC., of Kensington, 

Dec. 19 

John Baron Moyle, fellow of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 2 s. 
Rev. George M., late of Chudleigh, Devon, deed. 

*878 Jan. 5 

George James Suckling, senr. clerk eccl. commissioners 
England (44), 1 s. George S., late of Paddington, gent., deed 

» 10 

folio 198 . 

Charles Parsons, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 0. s. 
Charles P., of Lewes, stone mason. 

384 ILtncoln’0 $nn ^Itiim.sston &cgtsstcr: 1420-1893. 

1878 Jan. 11 

folio 199. 

George Burgess Lancaster Woodburne, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. 
(22), 0. s. George W., of Salford, co. Lane., Esq. 

» 12 

George Abbott Streeten (23), 4 s. Friend Edward S., of 
Ealing, Esq. 

.» T 5 

William Henry Denys Aston-Lewis, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (23), 0. s. William A.-L., of Fulbeck, co. Line., M.I). 

» 15 

folio 200. 

Maurice des Graz, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Caesar 
des G., of Alexandria, Egypt, late an officer of the French 

„ 16 


Edward Cotton, of Christ Ch., Ox.. (22), 1 s. the Right 
Hon. Sir Henry C, Lord Justice of Appeal, and Master 
of the Bench, of Line. Inn. 

>» 1 7 

Charles Julian Brewster Macpherson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (22), 0. s. Lt. CoL Edward M., of Kingussie, 
co. Inverness, N.B. 

„ t8 

folio 201. 

Alfred Henry Lefroy, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 5 s. 
Thomas L., Q.C., of Ardmore Bray, co. Wicklow, a judge of 
County Courts, Ireland. 

v 21 

Herbert Henry Child, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 
3 s. William Henry C., of Avonhurst, co. Warwick, Esq., 

„ 21 

William Dunn Gainsford, of the Uny. of London (35), 1 s. 
Robert John G., late of Darnall Hall, co. Yorks deed. 

» 21 

folio 202. 

Reginald Fairbairn, of Trin. Coll. Camb. (21), 3 s. Sir 
Thomas F., of Brambridge Ho., Southants, bart. 

„ 21 

Courtney Stanhope Kenny, fellow and law lecturer of Downing 
Coll., Camb. (30), 1 s. William Fenton K., of Ripon, Yorks, 
Esq., J.P. 

„ 22 

John Frederick Bean, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Alfred 
William B., of Danson Park, Kent, Esq. 

.» 22 

folio 203. 

Reginald Robert Hamilton Ross, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. John Lockhart R., rector of St. 
Dunstan’s-in-the-East, London. 

» 23 

Thomas Rees Jones, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (26), 1 s. Rees J., 
of Trecastle, Brecon, gent. 

„ 23 

Arthur Sharood, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Charles S., of 
Brighton, solr. 

Etnroln’g £nn gtftmtegton ICegtsfter : 1420-1893. 385 

t ^78 Jan. 23 

folio 204. 

Joseph Renner Maxwell, of Merton Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 
Thomas M., of Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast, Colonial 
and Garrison Chaplain. 

» 25 

George Thomas John Millar, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 0. s. 
John M., of London, physician. 

„ 26 

Henry Mather Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Sir Henry Mather J., bart., Q.C., M.P. 

„ 26 

folio 205. 

James Clifton Wheat, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. John 
James W., of Sheffield, solr. 

>> 26 

William Henry Pendarvis Rowe, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 
i s. late Sir William R., of Launceston, Cornwall, Chief 
Justice, Ceylon. 

„ 28 

Walter Mew Barnes, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Daniel B., of Ryde, I.W., Hotel keeper. 


folio 206. 

George Charles Hood, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), 4 s. Sir William 
Charles H., of Bridewell Hospital, M.D. 


Edwin Ffoulkes Ball, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 1 s. 
Edwin B., late of Pershore, co. Wore., deed., Esq. 

Feb. 20 

Edward Bury, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 16 
April, 1845, called 2 May, 1845). 

April 1 

folio 207. 

George William Tallents, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. 
Godfrey T., late of Newark, Notts, sol., deed. 

» 4 

William Edward Murray Tomlinson, of Ch. Ch., Ox., M.A., 
bar.-at-law, Inner Temple (adm. 30 March, i860, called 
26 Jany., 1865), 1 s. Thomas T., Esq., late a bencher of 
Inner Temple, deed. 

,, « 

Charles Sandwith Campbell, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Alexander C., of Toronto, bar.-at-law. 

» 11 

folio 208. 

Richard Ridley Farrer, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Henry 
Richard F., of Green Hammerton, Yorks, and of Line. Inn, 

„ 16 

Laurence Ward Frank, of St. Alban Hall, Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Robert Hayston F., of Ashbourne Hall, co. Derby, and of 
Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

>» 16 

Archibald John Gfahame, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. John 
Anthony G., Parliamentary agent. 

386 Umcoln’si Jnn ^Wmisgton 3 fctegtettt': 1420-1893. 

1878 April 17 

folio 209. 

Basil George Nevinson, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (25), 1 s. 
George Henry N., of Leicester, solr. 

„ 26 

Harry Trelawny Eve, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. Henry 
Thomas E., late of Jamaica, West Indies, mercht., deed. 

„ 26 

William Gurney Angus, of the London Uny. (18), 3 s. Rev. 
Joseph A., D.D., president and tutor of Regent’s park coll. 

,, 3 ° 

folio 210. 

Abraham Crompton, of the Uny. of London (20),0. s. Abraham C., 
of Oldham, co. Lane., gent. 

May 8 

Francis Gaskell, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A, and of the 
London Uny. (28), 4 s. late Frederick G., of Chelsea, 
M R.C.S. and L.S.A. 

» 10 

Thomas Charles Williamson, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
James W., of Inverness Terrace, Esq. 

» 6 

folio 211. 

Henry MacAulay FitzGibbon, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., and 
of King’s Inn (Mich. / 76) (22), 0. s. Henry F., of Dublin, 
one of Her Majesty’s Counsel. 

n 15 

Louis John Aitken, of the Unv. of Edin. (22), 2 s. John A., 
late of Elton Banks, co. Lane., cotton spinner, deed. 

„ 20 

Thomas Wood, civil engr. (217, °* s * ^caaer onson vv., 01 
Auckland, New Zealand, formerly Colonial treasurer. 

» 24 

folio 212. Macpherson, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Allan M., of 
Blairgowrie, Perth, N.B., Esq. 

„ 24 

George John Cayley Smith, of Merton Coll., Ox. (25), 0. s. 
Adam S., of Duncarron, Sterling, N.B., solr. 

„ 28 

Charles Gregson Ellis, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 

Richard E., of Plas Newydd, co. Denbigh, gent. 

June 3 

folio 213. 

Louis Jessamy de Souza-Leal Aranha (commonly known as 
Louis Jessamy Aranha), (19), 2 s. Francis J. de S.-L., of 
Nassau, Bahamas, civil engineer. 

>» 5 

Clarence Kirkpatrick, licentiate in law of the Calcutta 
University & Pleader of the High Court, N.W.P. India (33), 
4 s. William K., formerly dep. regr. of the Sudder Dewamy 
Adawlat, of Calcutta, Esq., deed. 

» 19 

William Laurence Wemyss Pearson, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. 
(23), 2 s. (hon.) Francis Boyle P., one of the Judges Supreme 
Ct., N.W.P. India. 

iltncoln’0 ftnn SUrmtsston lAegtster: 1420-1893. 387 


June 22 



» 29 

July i 

» 3 




Aug. 7 
Oct. 9 

„ 19 

>, 3° 

» 3i 

Nov. 4 

» 4 

folio 214. 

Paul Ogden Lawrence (16), 2 s. Philip Henry L., of Line. 
Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Henry Chadwick, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. 
Benjamin C., of Dewsbury, solr. 

Charles Edward Grainger, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 
Charles Thornton G., of London, mercht. 

folio 215. 

Henry William Jackson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and of King’s 
Inn, Dublin, Mic./76 (24), 3 s. Henry J., of Cara, co. 
Fermanagh, Esq. 

Henry Frederick Oakes, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 2 s. 
William O., of Addison Road, Kensington, Esq. 

Arthur Macdonald Kirkham, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(27), o. s. Arthur Leeche K., late of Berehurst, Surrey, Esq., 

folio 216. 

Spencer Langton Holland, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (22), 4 s. George 
Henry H., of Gayton Lodge, Wimbledon, Surrey, Esq. 

Walter Norman Powys, of Pembroke Coll., Camb. (28), 3 s. 
Rev. and Hon. Atherton Legh P., of Southsea, Hants. 

Herbert Reynold Williams, of Keble Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Rev. James Reynold W., rector of Pulford, Cheshire. 

folio 217. 

Walter John Napier, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
George Webster N., of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, Esq. 

Edgar Percy Hewitt, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. William 
Henry H., of 68, Lancaster Gate, Esq. 

George Frederick Hart, of the London Uny. (18), 1 s. Henry 
Neville H., of Harley St., London, Esq. 

folio 218. 

Nasarvanje Framji Bhandara, of the Bombay Uny. (21), 2 s. 
Framji Bomanji Bhandara, of Bombay, India, jeweller. 

Henry Percy Harris, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 0. s. George 
David H., of Inverness Ter., Middx., Esq. 

George Montague Merivale, of New Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. John 
Lewis M., a Registrar of the Chancery Divsn. High Court of 

folio 219. 

James Broun (29), y. s. David B., of Connaught Sq., Hyde Pk., 
late 14 light dragoons, deed. 

John Auchmedden Baird Shand, of Civil Service, Mauritius 
(20), 3 s. Hon. Sir Charles Farquhar S., LL.D., Chief 
Justice of Mauritius. 

Lorence Ralph Ryland (18), 3 s. Henry Skipper R., of Line. 
Inn F'ields, solicitor. 

388 lUnroln’s £nn &tmusston &egt«tcr : 1420-1893. 

1878 Nov. 

folio 220. 

5 Arthur George Ferard, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Charles 

Cotton F., of Ascot Place, Berks, J.P. 


7 Alfred Hamilton Ormsby, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (26), 

5 s. Rt. Hon. Henry 0 ., a judge of High Court of Justice, 


7 Edward Vincent Vashon Wheeler, of Trin. Coll., Camb. 

(20), 1 s. Edward Vincent W., of Tenbury, co. Glouc., 
Esq., J.P. 


folio 221. 

8 Joseph William King, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A. (24), 2 s. s. 

Revd. Francis K., of Newry, co. Down, clerk in H. O. 


8 William Robert Sheldon, of Line. Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rev. 

John S., of Handsworth, co. Staff., clerk in H. 0 . 


9 William Goodeve Chuckerbutty, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 2 s. 

Surgeon Major Soorjo Coomer Goodeve C., M.D., late of 
Calcutta, India, deed. 


folio 222. 

12 William Percy Bowyer, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (20), 0. s. William 

Jeeves B., of Weston-super-Mare, gent. 


14 Edmond Warner, of Pembroke Coll., Ox., B.A., 3 s. George W., 

late of Hornsey, Middx., Esq., deed. 


14 Charles Lewis Coote, of Brazenose Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 0. s. 

Charles Thomas C, late of Gloucester PL, Middx., M.D., 


folio 223. 

15 Walter Edward Smith, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 2 s. 

Archibald S., of Jordanhill, co. Renfrew, and of Line. Inn, 
bar.-at law, deed. 


16 George Peterson Francis Keogh, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A. 

(23), 1 s. Rev. George Patrick K., rector of Huggate, 


18 John Duthie, of the Uny. of Aberdeen (20), 1 s. William D., of 

Cairnbulg, co. Aberdeen, J.P. 



folio 224. 

18 Thomas Charles Horman, late a student of Inner Temple 

(adm. 3 Nov., 1875), (23), y. s. George Helier H., H.M. 
Solicitor Genl. Island of Jersey. 

18 Thomas Poole Gordon Robinson, of Emmanuel Coll., 

Camb., M.A. (35), 0. s. Samuel Turner R., of Birkenhead, 


19 Amelius Francis Ward Beauclerk, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 

2 s. Lord Amelius Wentworth B. 

Utncoln’s Enn a & mt-sgton iicaitster: 1420-1893. 389 


folio 225 . 

Nov. 20 George Smith, of Trin. Coll., Cainb. (19), 4 s. Henry S., of 
Horbling, co. Line., Esq., J.P. 

n 20 Joseph Coatsworth, of the Uny. of London, head master of 

Moss Hall School, Finchley (28), 1 s. Joseph C., late of 
Twickenham, gent., deed. 

„ 23 Arthur Allen Wickens, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 4 s. Hon. 

Sir John YV., one of the Vice-Chancellors of the High 
Court of Chancery, deed. 

folio 226. 

Dec. 27 Herbert Ross YY’eubk, of New Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. Alexander 
Allan \\ r .„ late of Portland Place, Middx., Esq., deed. 

„ 30 Charles Ashworth James, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 3 s. John 

Henry J., of YVatford, Herts, solr. 

n 31 Arthur Moss Lawrence, of Uny. Coll., London (19), 2 s. John 

Moss L., of So. Hampstead, Middx., Esq. 

folio 227. 

lS 79 Jan. 9 Harry de Montfort Wellborne, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), 

2 s. Charles of Camberwell, solr. 

folio 228. 

13 Henry William Hayes Redwar (26), o. s. Henry Russell, late 

of Bridgetown, Barbados, clerk, deed. 

14 Howard Hodgkin, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (21), 6 s. John, late 

of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of Lewes, Sussex, deed. 

15 Harper Campbell, junr., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 2 s. 

Harper of Sligo, Esq., J.P. 

folio 229. 

17 John Henry Lonsdale, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), o. s. 
John Gylby, Canon of Lichfield. 

17 Francis William Maclean, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., and of 
Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 1 N0V./64, called 30 Apr./68), 
3 s. Alexander M., of Carshalton, Surrey, Esq. 

20 George Waylat Ellis, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. George 
Henry E., late of London, chemist, deed. 

folio 230. 

20 Montagu Couch Wood, of St. John s Coll., Ox., y. s. Charles 
William W., of Line. Inn, Q.C., and a bencher. 

20 Henry Weston Devenish, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 
Henry I)., of Whitchurch, Hants, Esq. 

20 John Labouchere Beattie (29), 3 s. Alexr. B., of 47, Redcliffe 
Sq., So. Kensington, Middx., Esq. 


lUncoln’s Enn gUumgston Register: 1420-1893. 


Jan. 21 




» 24 

» 25 

» 2 5 




March 21 

99 22 

» 2 5 

April 8 

>, 21 

,, 23 

,y 22 

>9 2 9 

folio 231. 

Kighley John Hough, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
Edwin H., of Carlisle, solr. 

James Peiris, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. Martino P., of 
Colombo, Ceylon, Esq. 

Arthur Dudley Parr (-Dudley), of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (19), 
2 s. Thomas Cart Parr, late of Cossington, co. Leic., Esq., 

folio 232. 

Adolphus James Boyd, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and of King’s Inns 
(22), 1 s. Arthur Joshua B., of Parall Ho., co. Kilkenny, solr. 

Edward William Bather, late of Christ’s Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(25), 1 s. John B., of Meole Brace, Salop, Esq. 

George Douglas Melhuish, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 
Walter William M., of Holsworthy, Devon, Esq., J.P. 

folio 233. 

Henry Richard Herbert Atwood, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 
1 s. Richard Cotten, of Kingstown, co. Dublin, Esq. 

William Ellis Thurtell, of Caius Coll., Camb., B.A. (23) 
o. s. Rev. Alexander T., rector of Oxborough, Norfolk. 

Arthur Henry Lyell, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 3 s. 
Henry L., late Lt.-Col. 43rd Light Infy., deed. 

folio 234. 

James McMullen Rigg, of St. John’s Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), o. s. 
Rev. James Harrison R., D.D., principal, Wesleyan Coll., 

Alexander Richard Campbell Connell, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (27), 4 s. James, late of Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, Suff., 
cler., deed. (adm. 21 March, 1879). 

Samuel Moore, of Trin. Coll., Camb. B.A. (40), 1 s. William 
Cameron M., of Bamford, co. Derby, Esq. 

folio 235. 

William Frederick Webster, of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 
1 s. William Thomas W., of Highbury Hill, Middx., gent. 

William Lewis Comrie, of St. John’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (22), 
1 s. James C., of Gategill, co. Kircudbright, N.B., Esq. 

William Morton Harvey, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas Morton H., of London, solr. 

folio 236. 

Francis Robert Anderton, of the Uny. of London (20), 2 s. 
William Ince A., of Euxton Hall, co. Lane. 

Thomas Henry Boileau Graham, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 
1 s. Reginald John G., of Eastbourne, Sussex, J.P. 

Ho Kai, of Hong Kong, China (M.B., C.M., Aberdeen), (21), 
4 s. Ho. Tsin, of Hong Kong, a missionary. 

ILtnroIn’ss Enii ^tuntssion JActjtSfci : 1420-1893. 391 

May 5 

folio 237. 

Hon. William Napier Bruce, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Lord Aberdare, of Line. Inn. 

» 7 

George Alexander Loveday, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (20), 
0. s. William Thomas L., Stanley Crescent, Middx., Esq. 

» 9 

William Henry Horsley, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (24), 1 s. 
Rev. Henry H., Rector of Todenham, co. Glouc. 

» *3 

folio 238. 

John Wanklyn McConnel, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (24), 1 s. William McC., of Manchester, Esq. 

„ 14 

Edward Cecil Christy Henry, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Robert John H., late of Bellaghy, co. Derry, Capt. in the 
Array, deed. 

» *5 

Arthur Cardew, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 2 s. 
Christopher Baldock C., of East Hill, Lyso, Hants, Esq. 

» 17 

folio 239. 

Charles Henry Sargant, of New Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. Henry S., 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 26 

Arthur Reginald Rudall, of Middle Temple, bar.-at-law 
(adm. 10 June, 1865, called 30 Apr., 1868). 

June 9 

Ernest Mawdesley, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A., and LL.B. 
(22), 2 s. Frederick Leyland M., sec. to Yorks Insurance 
Compy. at York. 

„ 10 

folio 240. 

John Gamble Thompson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, LLB., and of 
King’s Inns (23), 0. s. William T., of Dublin, Esq. 

n II 

Charles Edward Jemmett, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A., and of 
the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 22 Nov., 1854, called 
26 Jany., 1859), 1 s. William Thomas J., of Lytham, co. 
Lane., Esq 

11 II 

Edwin Arthur Eade, of New Coll., Ox., M.A., and of King’s 
Coll., London (31), 1 s. Joseph E., late of Richmond, 
Surrey, sol., deed. 

>1 l 6 

folio 241. 

Mortimer Drewe Malleson, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (22), 
0. s. John Nesbitt M., of Higham, Kent, solr. 

>1 l 6 

William Louis Gilliland, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., and of 
King’s Inns, Dublin (24), 3 s. Samuel G., late of Brooke 
Hall, co. Londonderry, Esq., deed. 

„ 20 

Francis Balfour Ormsby, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and of King’s 
Inns, Dublin (29), 3 s. Rev. William Edwin O., late Rector 
of Drogheda, co. Louth, deed. 


Utncoln’g £nn ^LiimtgssJton lAcgtsstrr : 1420-1893. 

1879 June 23 
» 23 

>» 3° 

folio 242. 

Andrew Oswald Acworth, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Rev. 
William A., M.A., vicar of South Stoke, Somerset. 

Francis Henry Launcelot Errington. of Hertford Coll., Ox., 
B.A. (25), 3 s. Genl. Arnold Charles E., of Clifton, co. 

George William Deakin, of New Inn Hall, Oxon, 4 s. James 
Henry D., of Werrington, Devon, Hon. Col. 33rd Lane. R.V. 

folio 243. 

Oct. 28 James William Greig, of the Uny. of London, B.A. (20), 
1 s. John Borthwick G., of Westminster, writer to the 

„ 30 Henry Washington, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), y. s. Adam W., 

of Whitehall Gardens, bar.-at-law. 

Nov. 3 Richard Walter Kittle, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
Richard K., of Colyton, Devon, draper. 

folio 244. 

3 George Paul Macdonell, of King’s Coll. Uny. of Aberdeen, 
M.A. (24), 5 s. James M., of Tomintoul, Banff, N.B., 
Inland Revenue Officer. 

3 Samuel Theophilus Genn Downing, of Penzance (52), o. s. 

Samuel D., late of Falmouth, gent., deed. 

6 Maurice John Swabey, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Maurice 
Charles Merttins S., of langley Marish, Bucks, Esq., 

folio 245. 

6 George Forbes Meiklejohn, of the survey and settlement 
dept., Mysore Commission (30), 5 s. Rev. Robert M., of 
Strathdon, co. Aberdeen, N.B. 

6 Lees Knowles, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. John K., of 
Pendlebury, co. Lane., Esq. 

10 John Adam Milne, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 1 s. John 
Duguid M., of Walgum and Ardmiddle, co. Aberdeen, 





folio 246. 

Hugh Sandeman Budd, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 3 s. 
Edward B., of Leatherhead, Surrey, mercht. 

Laurence Hugh Jenkins, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), the 
youngest son of Richard David J., of Cilbroan, co. Cardigan, 
sol., J.P. 

Francis Charles Montague, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Frank M., of Twickenham, Middx., Esq. 

ILtncoln’g Inn glDmtssston &egtjstn-: 1420 - 1893 . 393 

*879 Nov. 13 

folio 247. 

James Henry Renton, of Uny. Coll, Ox. (20), 2 s. John T. R., 
of Bradstone Brook, Surrey, Esq. 

>, 14 

Reginald Winslow, of Caius Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. s. Thomas 
Ewing W., of the Middle Temple, one of Her Majesty’s 
Counsel learned in the law. 

» 15 

Willoughby Hyett Dickinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. 
Sebastian Stewart D., of Browns Hill, co. Glouc., Esq. 

» l 7 

folio 248. 

William Moore, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (28), 5 s. Rev. 
Edward M., rector of Boughton Malherbe; Kent. 

„ 18 

Herbert Innes Fripp, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Samuel 
Charles F., of Clevedon, Somerset, architect. 

» 19 

Richard Horatio Couch Kent (commonly known as Horace), 
(25), 7 s - John K., of Old Charlton, Kent, gent. 

„ 20 

folio 249. 

Ambrose Berry Walford, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (22), 0. s. John 
Berry W., of Abergavenny, Esq., deed. 

„ 18 

Charles Daniel Boyd, of Trin. Coll., Dub., and of the King’s 
Inns (20), 2 s. Thomas B., of Chilcomb, New Ross, co. 
Kilkenny, solr. 

„ 21 

Hugh Aldersey, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Thomas A., of 
Aldersey Hall, Cheshire, Esq. 

» 21 

folio 250. 

Thomas Atkinson Argles, of Ch. Ch., Ox. (20), 0. s. Frank 
Atkinson A., of Eversley, Westmoreland, Esq. 

M 21 

Henry Lawson Johnson, of Christ's Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
John Henry J., of Mountains, Kent, Esq. 

» 21 

Robert Wright Taylor, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 0. s. 
Robert T., of Barton-on-Humber, co. Line., gent. 

„ 22 

folio 251. 

Thomas Cecil Farrer, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Thomas 
Henry F., of Abinger, Surrey, Esq. 

», 26 

James Lawrence Carew, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., and of 
the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 4 May, 1874, called 
3 July, 1878), 4 s. s. of Lawrence C., late of Kildangan, co. 
Meath, Esq. 

t 88 o Jan. 6 

Richard Harrison Dalton, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 0. s. 
Harrison D., of Westbourne Pk., bar.-at-law. 

n 9 

folio 252. 

Arnold Joseph Wallis, fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), 2 s. Rev. Joseph W., vicar of St. Andrew’s 
Church, Stockwell, Surrey. 


Umcolit’g Inn aUmission J&egtssttv: 1420 - 1893 . 

1880 Jan. 12 

„ 12 

„ 14 

n 17 

» 23 

„ 24 

„ 24 

„ 27 

„ 27 

„ 28 

„ 29 

„ 31 

March 6 
„ 6 

» 25 

folio 253. 

Henry Carnac Brown, of Trin. Hall, Camh. (19), 2 s. Francis 
Carnac B., late of Tellicherry, Prov. Malabar, India, Esq., 

Alfred Frederick Steinberg, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Isidor S., of Anerly, Surrey, hop merchant. 

Clifford Wyndham Holgate, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (21), 
o. s. Wyndham H., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law, and of 

folio 254. 

Thomas Furnell Maunsell, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., and 
of the King’s Inns, Dublin (25), 1 s. Edward William M., 
of Monkstown, co. Dublin, sec. of the Dublin, Wicklow and 
Wexford Railway Company. 

Arthur Fraser, of the Uny, of London (20), 2 s. John F., of 
Furnival’s Inn, solr. 

Thomas Richard Lee, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. (25), 
2 s. Ven. William L., Archdeacon of Dublin. 

folio 255. 

William Forbes Home Thomson, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
William, Lord Archbp. of York. 

Charles Thomas Studd, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 5 s. Edward, 
late of London, deed. 

Alfred Percival Perceval Keep, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Alfred K., of Birmingham, manufacturer. 

folio 256. 

Edward Charles Macnaghten, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Edward M., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

W t illiam More Adey, unattached student, Oxon, Uny. (21), 
o. s. Anthony A., of Wootton-under-Edge, Glouc., solr. 

Arthur Henry Warden (19), 1 s. Henry W., of Tunbridge 

folio 257. 

Hugh Alston, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 5 s. Rev. Edward 
Constable A., late rector of Dennington, Suffolk. 

Ernest Agnew, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (19), s. John Henry A., of 
Manchester, Esq. 

Alfred Ernest Steinthal, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. 
Rev. S. Alfred S., of Manchester. 

folio 258. 

„ 31 Roland John Windus, of Worcester Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 

James W r ., of Gt. Portland St., pianoforte manufacturer. 

April 6 William Butler Wasbrough, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
William Dowell W., of Stockham, Berks, Esq. 

„ 6 William Julius Jeaffreson, of Line. Coll., Ox., M.A. (J. P. 

Folkestone), (41), 1 s. Samuel John J., of Leamington, 
M.D., Cantab, physician. 

Etncoln’5 Inn H&mteston &rgistcr: 1420-1893. 


April 7 

» 7 

» *3 

„ 16 

n 19 

i» 26 

» 27 

„ 28 

n 3 ° 

May 22 

» 25 





June 7 
» 9 

folio 259. 

Edward Frogatt Robson (22), 1 s. Edward R., of Richmond, 
Surrey, solr. 

Kennard Golborne Metcalfe, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. 
(21), 3 s. Rev. Frederick M., of Upper Hardres, Kent. 

Fanindra Ehaushan Chatterjea, of the Hindu school uny. of 
Calcutta (23), 3 s. Parbutty Churn Chatterjee, landholder, 

folio 260. 

Thomas Henry Attwater, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. 
(23), o. s. Gay T. A., of Oborne, Dorset, Esq. 

John Morris Stone, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (23), 3 s 
Thomas S., of London, solr. 

Francis Peter Gervais, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. Francis 
John G., of Cecil Augher, co. Tyrone, M.A., J.P. and D.L. 

folio 261. 

Arthur Goldsmith Sparrow, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 
1 s. Christopher S., of Manchester, mercht. 

Theodore Hall Hall, of Uny. Coll., Ox., M.A. (26), 4 s. 
Alexander Hall H., late of Watergate, Sussex, Esq., deed. 

Hon. John William Fortescue, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 5 s. 
Earl F. 

folio 262. 

Peter Renner (19), 2 s. William R., late of Sierra Leone, 
merchant, deed. 

Matthew Henry Box, of Clifton, Bristol (37), o. s. Thomas B., 
late of Bristol, Esq., deed. 

Charles Hayward Izard (18), 1 s. Charles Beard I., of Line. 
Inn, Esq., and of Wellington, New Zealand, bar.-at-law. 

folio 263. 

Joseph Orrell, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (20), 2 s. Joseph O., of 
Waterloo, co. Lane. 

John Gray, of Trin. Coll., Dublin, and the King’s Inns, Dublin 
(24), o. s. Joseph G., of Rockfield Ho., co. Monoghan, Esq. 

Chunder Nath Banerjei, of St. Paul’s Uny. of Calcutta, Dep. 
Magistrate, and Dep. Collector, Bengal C. S. (38), 1 s. late 
Banerjei, a dep. magr., and dep. coll., Bengal C. S. 

folio 264. 

Arthur Bird, of Corpus Christi Coll., Camb. (26), 3 s. 
George B., of 33, Powis Sq., Middx., gent. 

Norman Wise Sibley, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 1 s. Col. 
Thomas Harmer S., of Caterham, Surrey, H.M. Bengal 
Staff corps. 

Arthur Alexander Caspersz, of New Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
Charles Peter C., of Hampstead, N.W. Esq. 

Utncolit’ss Unit a&mtgstott Register: 1420 1893. 

June 11 

July 29 

Au g- 3 

Oct. 13 

» 15 

» *5 

Nov. 1 

y> 2 

>> 3 

?> 4 












folio 265. 

Ferdinand Grut Handasyde Pattison, of Pembroke Coll., 
Camb. (21), o. s. George Handasyde P., of Edinburgh, 
advocate and sheriff cos. Roxburgh, Berwick and Selkirk. 

John Pawley Bate, of Uny. of London, B.A. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
George Osborn B., of Clapham, Surrey, Wesleyan minister. 

John Hammond, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. James H., of 
Arncliff, Yorks, Esq. 

folio 266. 

Robert Smith Mushet, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Robert M., 
late dep. Master of H. M.’s Mint, deed. 

Joseph Cooke Hurle, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Joseph 
Cooke H., of Brislington, Somerset, Esq. 

Gerald Clayton East Pelham Gordon, of Uny. of Ox. (17), 
o. s. Major Robert G., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

folio 267. 

Arthur John Chitty, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Joseph 
William C., Q.C., M.P., and a bencher of Line. Inn. 

Eugene Emmanuel Coryat, of the London Uny. (21), o. s. 
John Emmanuel C., of Port of Spain, Trinidad. 

Donald Charles Stewart (20), 1 s. John S., of Line. Inn, 

folio 268. 

William Stone, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb., B.A. (23), 3 s. 
John S., of Bath, solr. 

Herbert Morse, of Line. Coll., Ox., B.A. (26), 1 s. Rev. 
Herbert M., late of Emsworth, Hants, deed. 

Ralph Thicknesse Thicknesse, of Ch. Ch., Ox., B.A., late of 
the Inner Temple (adm. 14 Jany., 1878), 1 s. Ven. Francis 
Henry T., D.D., Archdeacon of Northampton. 

folio 269. 

Hugh Pollock, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. George 
David P., F.R.C.S. 

Arthur Richard Jennings, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), s. 
William Grosvenor Whitehouse Nayler J., of Beamhurst 
Hall, co. Staff., Esq. 

Arthur O’Ferrall Shaen, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 
William S., of Kensington, solr. 

folio 270. 

John Herbert James, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 6 s. Charles 
Herbert J., of Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., Esq.. M.P. 

George Hamilton Fenner, of Hertford Coll., Ox., B.A., assist, 
master of Hereford school (24), 3 s. Henry James F., of 
Greenwich, merchant. 

Clifford Kitchin, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 2 s. John K., of 
Scarboro’, Yorks, gent. 


Utncoln’0 Inn aumtsston ISUgtetet: 1420-1893. 

folio 271. 

1880 Nov. 9 Horace Newbegin Watts, doctor of medicine, Uny of St. 

Andrews (late Coroner and acting police mag. Falkland 
Islands), (46), 2 s. Thomas W., late of Drayton, Norfolk, 
Yeo, deed. 

„ 12 Ernest Edward Hutton, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. 

Charles Edward H., of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, Esq. 

„ 12 Edward Hopkkinson, scholar of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (21), 

4 s. John H., of Manchester, engineer. 

folio 272. 

13 Arthur Lee Ellis, of New Coll., Ox., B.A., late of the Inner 
Temple (adm. 16 Nov., 1877), 2 s. Henry Samuel E., late of 
Exeter, Devon, Esq., deed. 

13 William A’Beckett Turner, of St. John’s Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. 

William A’Beckett T., late of Westbury, Wilts, Esq., bar.-at- 
law, deed. 

13 Charles Robert Leslie Fletcher, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. 

(22), o. s. Alexander Pearson F., Manager of Northern 
Assurance Co., London. 

folio 273. 

15 Thomas Glynn Ridley, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. 

Thomas R., of Newc.-upon-Tyne, and of the Inner Temple, 

17 Dhiraj Krishna Ghose, of the Uny. of Calcutta (22), 2 s. late 

Banee Madhub Ghose, of Calcutta, Esq. 

18 Arthur Garnault Ouvry, of Wadham Coll, Ox. (21), 1 s. 

Rev. Thomas O., vicar of Wing, Bucks. 

folio 274. 

18 George Henry Norris, of the Uny. of London (29), 2 s. 

Thomas N., late of Stockport, Chester, merchant, deed. 

19 Vincent Waldo Calmady Hamlyn, of Balliol Coll., Ox., M.A., 

and late of the Inner Temple (adm. 5 Nov., 1875), 3 s. 
Shilston Calmady H., of Leawood, Devon, Esq. 

20 Frank Campbell Gates, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (18), 4 s. 

George G., late of Croydon, Surrey, mercht., deed. 

folio 275. 

20 Thomas Herbert Warren, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (27), 1 s. 
Algernon William W., of Bristol, mercht. 

22 Henry Reece, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Robert R., late of 
Barbadoes, bar.-at-law, deed. 

22 William Barry Rawson, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (30), 1 s. 
Henry R., late of Prestwich, co. Lane., Esq., deed. 

398 Utncoln’s £nn ft&misston Register: 1420-1893 

1880 Dec. 10 

folio 276. 

Richard Cuming Benson, of Merton Coll , Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Richard Matthias B., of Clifton, co. Glouc., mercht. 

»» 13 

Algernon Cunliffe Bowring, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 
Edgar Alfred B., C.B. 

t» r 5 

Thomas Lean Wilkinson, of Sydenham, Kent, and of Inner 
Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 4 Jany., 1864, called 17 Nov., 
1866) 0. s. Thomas, of Enniscorthy, co. Wexford, Esq. 

•> f 5 

folio 277. 

Edward Clennell Dunn, of the London Uny., B.A., and of 
the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 7 Oct., 1850, called 
17 Nov., 1855), 1 s. Thomas D., surgeon. 

» 21 

Patrick Edward Dove, of Glasgow Uny. (26), 0. s. Patrick 
Edward I)., late of Edinburgh, gent, deed. 

i88t Jan. 6 

Leonard Francis Potts, of Baliiol Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. Charles 
William P., of Chester, solr. 

„ 10 

folio 278. 

Edward Gordon Lowder (t 8), 0. s. John Frederic L., of 
Yokohama, Japan, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

,* n 

folio 279. 

Robert Watson Cameron, of Uny. of London, B.A. (19), 0. s. 
of Henry G., of Greenheys, Manc hester, hotel proprietor. 

„ 11 

Ernest Payne, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. William P., of 
Cuckfield, Sussex, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

„ 12 

George Hayes Paice, of Uny. of London (19), 4 s. Charles P., 
of Basingstoke, Hants, auctioneer, deed. 

I* 14 

folio 280. 

Robert Charles Irwine Whitty, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 

1 s. Rev. John Irwine W., LL.D. and D.C.L., of Ricketstown 
Ho., Rathvilly, co. Carlow. 

» 1.7 

Arthur Macnamara, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 0. s. John M., 
of Brighton, Esq. 

„ 18 

Frederick Single, of Caius Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. Thomas S., 
of Wimbledon, Surrey, Esq. 

„ 21 

folio 281. 

William Charles Braithwaite, of the Uny. of London (18), 
3 s. Joseph Bevan B., of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

„ 24 

John Eccles, of St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (23), 6 s. Thomas E., 
late of Larne, co. Antrim, Esq., deed. 

„ 26 

Francis Montagu Preston, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 2 s. 
Richard Montagu P., of Chester, solr. 

lUncoln’g Inn Etrmtsston SUegtstci:: 14^0-1893. 


1 Feb. 














folio 282. 

18 James Meadows Rendel, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A., late of the 
Inner Temple (adm. 13 May, 1876, called 9 June, 1880), 

1 s. Alexander Meadows R., of No. 44, Lancaster Gate, 
Hyde Park, civil engineer. 

28 Robert Bruce Burnside (18), 2 s. (hon.) Bruce Lockhart B., 
Queen’s Advocate, Colombo, bar.-at-law of Line. Inn. 

15 William Henry Quarrell, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (19), 2 s. 
Thomas Chance Q., of Upper Wick, co Wore., Esq. 

folio 283. 

22 David Jouffroy Watson, of the London Uny., late of Gray’s 
Inn (adm. 4 Nov., 1878), 3 s. s. John W., of Dulwich, 
Surrey, M.D. 

24 Charles James Jessel, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. Rt. Hon. 

Sir George J., of Line. Inn, Master of the Rolls, and a 

12 Galfrid Henry James Tayleur, of Trin. Hall, Camb., LL.B., 
and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (adm. 12 Oct., 1875, 
called 17 Nov., 1880), 4 s. William Houlbrooke T., of St. 
Mary Church, Devon, Esq. 

folio 284. 

25 Frederic Mackenzie Maxwell (21), 2 s. Rev. Joseph M., late 

of Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, rector of St. Matthew, 

26 Dennis Clayfield Ireland, of New Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), y. s. 

James Ireland Clayfield I., late of Brislington, Somerset, deed. 

26 Arthur Durandu, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20;, 3 s. Henry D., of 
Liverpool, cigar mercht. 

folio 285. 

26 Percy Pugh Goolden Goolden, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 

2 s. Joseph G., of l^ancaster Gate, Middx., Esq. 

28 Reginald Dalton Pontifex, of Magdalen Coll., Ox., B.A. (23), 
2 s. William P., of Chilworth Manor, Surrey, gent. 

30 Samuel Roberts, the younger, of Trin. Coll., Camb., late of the 
hon. society of the Inner Temple (adm. 20 Nov., 1872, 
called 25 April, 1877), o. s. Samuel R., of Sheffield, Esq. 

folio 286. 

4 William Little, fellow and senior tutor of Corpus.Christi Coll., 
Ox. (33), 1 s. Francis L., of Manchester, Esq. 

7 Copner Walton Barrow, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. John 
James B., of Holmewood, Kent, Esq. 

9 Frederick Thomas Dalton, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., B.A. 

(25), 3 s. Rev. Charles Browne D., of Saffron Walden, Essex. 


lUnroln’s -Enn &8mi£0ton &egtettr: 1420-1893. 

1881 May 11 
» 13 

„ H 

>, 14 

„ 16 

» 19 

>, 19 

June 8 






July 1 





folio 287. 

Walter Parry Haskett Smith, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. 
Haskett S., of Goudhurst, Kent, Esq. 

Charles Willoughby Williams, of Sidney Coll., Carab., B.A. 
(22), 5 s. William John W., of Brighton, sol. 

Edmund Gurney, of Trin. Coll., Camb., M.A. (34), 3 s. Rev. 
John Hampden G., late rector of St. Mary, Marylebone, deed. 

folio 288. 

William Shallcross Goddard, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
John Hackett G, of Longton, Staff., coal and iron master. 

Arthur Gerald Chapman, late a Lieut. 5th Lancers (25), 5 s. 
William Robert C., late of Tunbridge Wells, Esq., deed. 

Charles Ernest Radley, late of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), 1 s. 
Rev. Thomas R., late of Ashton-under-Lyne, deed. 


folio 289. 

George Vernon Stephen, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
James Wilberforce S., of Melbourne, Australia, a Judge of 
Supreme Court of Victoria, and of Line. Inn. 

Edward James Gibbons, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 4 s. s. 
Revd. Benjamin G., vicar of Lower Melton, co. Wore. 

Arthur Turnour Murray, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (22), elder s. of 
William Powell M., of Line. Inn, Esq., Registrar of London 
Bankruptcy Court. 

folio 290. 

Frederick Everard Colt (18), 1 s. Frederick Hore C., of the 
Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

John William St. Lawrance Leslie (24), 1 s. John L., of 
Albury, Surrey, and of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Johnston Edwards, of Uny. of London (26), 1 s. 
Charles Hugh E., of Sutton Coldfield, co. Warwick, sol. 

folio 291. 

h rancis William Steere, of the Uny. of London (22), and of 
Tamworth, 2 s. William S., late of Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, 

Henry Edward Wise, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (25), 4 s. 
Matthew W., late of Shrubland Hall, co. Warwick, Esq., deed. 

Hugh Vane Turner, of Exeter Coll., Ox., B.A. (20), 4 s. 
Albert T., of London, solr. 

folio 292. 

Hubert Edward Braddyll, of Jesus Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
Edward Sotheron B., of Liverpool and Southport, mercht. 

Charles Sweet, of the Uny. of London (32), 3 s. George S., 
late of the Inner Temple, bar. -at-law, deed. 

George Herbert Peake, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 3 
Henry P., of Sleaford, co. Line., solr. 

Aug. 6 


lUnroln’g 5 nn ^Umtsston Register : 1420-1893. 401 

J 88i Sept. 28 

folio 293. 

Arthur Foster Griffith, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (25), 5 s. 

Rev. John G., of Sandridge, Herts, LL.D. 

Oct. 11 

Philip Henry Fothergill, of the Uny. of Oxford (21), 1 s. 

James F., late of Beeston, Notts, deed. 

„ 20 

Arthur Herbert Inglis, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
Alexander I., of Wimbledon, Surrey, Esq. 

if 24 

folio 294. 

Constantine Demetrius Panioty, of Exeter Coll. (21), 2 s. 
Demetrius P., of Calcutta, assist, private sec. to the Viceroy 
of India. 

» 3 i 

Thomas Swift, of Eccleston, co. Lane., late a solicitor Supreme 

Court (49), 1 s. George S., late of New Ferry, Cheshire, deed. 

Nov. 1 

George Harris Devonshire, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 

Thomas Harris D., of London, solr. 

„ 1 

folio 295. 

George Edward Penn-Gaskel.l, of Line. Coll., Ox. (24), 6 s. 

William Penn-Gaskell, of Ealing, Middx., Esq. 

» 3 

Satyendra Prasanna Sinha, of Raipore dist., Birbhum, Bengal 
(19), 4 s. Seetcunt Sinha, late of Raipore, afsd., landed 
proprietor, deed. 

»> 3 

James Volant Wheeler, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s 

Edward Vincent W., of Tenbury, co. Wore., Esq., J.P. 

»» 3 

folio 296. 

Henry Cockfield Dimsdale, of Trin. Coll., Camb, B.A. (25) 

3 s. Joseph Cocktield D., of London, banker, deed. 

» 4 

George Gordon Dickson, of Edinburgh Uny., B.A. (21), 0. s. 

George Claudius D., of Buenos Ayres, land owner. 

» 5 

Trevitt Reginald Hine Haycock, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. 

William H.-H., of Sidmouth, Devon, Esq. 

» 5 

folio 297. 

Arthur Herbert Leahy, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., B.A. (24), 

1 s., Arthur L., late of Flesk Lodge, co. Kerry, Col. R.E.’ 

» 9 

Henry Fricker Lawes, clerk to the Commissioners of Tax, 

Bristol (43), 1 s. Henry Fricker L., late of Bristol, gent., deed. 

>, 11 

Frank Edward Lemon, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. William 

George L., of Blackheath, Kent, and of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

n 12 

folio 298. 

Edward Henry Ryan, Lt.-Col. R.A. (43), 1 s. Edmund Buck R., 
late of Supreme Court, Calcutta, Esq., deed. 

>1 14 

Herbert Gerald Taffe, of the London Uny. (19), 2 s. Richard 

Patrick Burke T., of Brighton, physician. 

» 14 

David William Fenn, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. Rev 

Joseph Finch F., of Cheltenham, clerk. 

v OL. II. 

3 E 


Umtoln’js $nn &&mtegton Register : 1420-1893. 



Nov. 15 

>1 i5 


n * 6 

» 17 

„ 17 

„ 19 

„ 19 

» T 9 

>, 19 

» 23 

Jan. 9 



folio 299. 

Edmund Hobhouse, of New Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Rt. Rev. 
Edmund H., D.O., Bishop of Nelson, N.Z., now assistant to 
the Bishop of Lichfield and Chancellor of the diocese of 

Henry Morse Stephens, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. John 
Edward S., late of Twickenham, Middx., M.D., deed. 

William Garnett, late fellow of St. John’s Coll., Camb., M.A., 
lecturer (30), s. of William G., of Waterloo, Hants, Esq. 

folio 300. 

Namaswayam TyAgaraja, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. 
Sivakurunather Namaswayam, of Colombo, Ceylon. 

Henry Henn, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. (23), 6 s. Thomas 
Rice H., Q.C., of Paradise, co. Clare, Recorder of Galway. 

Evan Lewis Thomas, of Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
John T., of Kingsland, Middx., Esq. 

folio 301. 

Thomas Winter Gibson, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. 
Thomas G., of Bristol, co. Glouc., gent. 

Thomas Addison Chater, of Hertford Coll., Ox. (23), 5 s. Rev. 
Daniel wSutclifife C., vicar of Blackawton, Devon. 

Edward Clement Atherton Byrom, of Trin. Coll., Camb., 
B.A. (23), o. s. Edward B., of Culver, n. Exeter, Esq. 

folio 302. 

Richard Buse Limbery, of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. 
(21), 1 s. Thomas L., of Newport, co. Mon., surgeon. 

Alfred Pattullo, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (19), 2 s. James P., of 
Ashmore and Persey, co. Perth, Esq. 

William Llewellyn Hacon, of Balliol Coll., Ox., B.A. (21), 
1 s. William Macmurdo H., of London, gent. 

folio 303. 

Basil Hampden Hampden-Jones, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. 
(21), o. s. Rev. Thomas Davies J., of Tonyrefail, co. Glam., 

John Percival Hunt, of the Uny. of Glasgow, M.D., surgeon 
A.M.D. (37), 1 s. Edmund Lombard H., late of Headfort 
Castle, co. Galway, Esq., deed. 

Charles Nevile Crosse, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 6 s. 
Edward Willson C., of Cambridge Sq., Middx., proctor. 

folio 304. 

James Herbert Bakewell, of Uny. Coll., London (18), 1 s. 
Robert Simpson B., of London, colonial broker. 

Henry Morris Chester, of Jesus Coll., Camb., M.A. and 
L.L.M. (29), o. s. s. Frederick James C., of Poyle Park, 
Surrey, Esq. 

Utncoln’sf Cnn SUnntsiston ftcgtstcr: 1420-1893. 



Jan. 11 












>, 19 

» 21 

11 23 

11 23 

11 23 

11 24 

n 24 

11 26 

n 27 

n 27 

Henry William Disney, B.A., Hertford Coll., and master in 
Hereford Cathedral School (aged 23), 1 s. Rev. Wm. Henry 
Disney, vicar of Hinckley, co. Leic. 

Henry St. John Dawson, of Hatfield Hall, Durham Uny., B.A. 
(aged 24), 1 s. s. Rev. William Dawson, vicar of Moor, 
Allerton, Yorks, D.D. 

Edward Deedes Newenham Smith, Capt. Bo. Staff Corps (32), 

1 s. Robert Hannibal S., of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Sidney Clemens Watson, of Balliol Coll., Oxford (20), o. s. 
Thomas Clemens W., of London, mercht. 

Francis Adolphus Jones, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 3 s. Charles 
Edward J., of London, solr. 

Reginald Wynne Simpson, of Balliol Coll., Oxford (aged 23), 

2 s. Charles Turner S., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

James Samuel Green, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Ox., Line. Inn 
Scholarship International Law, 1884 (21), o. s. James Green, 
of London. 

John Lionel Alexander Monckton, of Oriel Coll., Oxford 
(20), 1 s. Sir John Braddick Monckton, knt., town clerk of 
City of London. 

Edward Herbert Widnell, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. s. 
Henry W., late of Liberton, Midlothian, Esq., deed. 

Mahomed Hameed Ullah, of Christ’s Coll., Camb. (17), 1 s. 
M. Sami Ullah Khan, of Delhi, India, sub-judge. 

Harbhamji Ravaji (Kumar Shree), B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. 

(19) , 2 s. His Highness Rawaji of Morbi Kattiawar, Bombay. 

John Henry Rimmer, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 3 s. John R., 
late of Madeley, Stafford, Esq., deed. 

Ernest Sidney Berrie Biddell, of Trin. Hall, Camb., B.A. 
(22), 1 s. Sidney B., of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Henry Rider Haggard, of Ditchingham, Norfolk (25), 6 s. 
William Meybohn Rider H., of Bradenham, Norfolk, and 
of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

James Farquharson Remnant, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (19), 
1 s. s. of Frederick William R., of Southwold, Suff, Esq., 

Reginald Montague Nicholson, of the Uny. of London (19), 
1 s. Benjamin N., of Croydon, Surrey, gent. 

George Arthur Rimington, B.A., Queen’s Coll., Oxford (25), 
1 s. Michael R., late of Penrith, Cumberland, deed. 

Arthur Lionel Scott, late of St. John’s Coll., Cambridge (23), 
5 s. Rev. Charles Scott, M.A., vicar of Chertsey, Surrey. 

Ralph Cecil Batley, of Trin. Coll., Cambridge (19), 2 s. 
John B., of Castle Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

Hugh Verner Dobson, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), o. s. William D., 
of Bath, Somerset, Esq. 

John George Quiddington Besch, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. 

(20) , 3 s. John B., late of Hammersmith, Middx., gent., 


iU'tcoln’g Enit SIDmtssnn &cQtstcv: 1420-1893 






March 10 
„ 18 

„ 20 

99 24 

April 17 





>9 17 

9 , 19 

9 , 24 

99 25 

,9 27 

99 2 8 

May 3 

M 3 

9 , 4 

„ 8 

„ II 

99 17 

Eden Northmore Jones, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (22), 3 s. 
Benjamin J., of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, Esq. 

Edward Gordon Collingwood, of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Rev. Robert Gordon C., vicar of Irton, Cumberland. 

John Birkbeck Lubbock, of Balliol Coll., Oxon (23), 1 s. Sir 
John L., bart., of High Elms, Kent, M.P. 

Robert Muskett Yetts, of Downing Coll., Camb. (21), 7 s. 

Joseph Muskett Y., of Lower Norwood, Surrey, solr. 

Alan Douglas Greene, B.A., Exeter Coll., Ox. (25), 2 s. Rev. 
Joseph G., of Clifton, co. Glouc., clerk. 

Edward Arthur Lionel Batters, B.A., LL.B., Trin. Hall, 
Camb. (22), 5 s. George B., of Cheshunt, Herts, share dealer. 

William Cameron Gull, of Christ Church, Oxford (22), 1 s. 
Sir Wm. Withey Gull, Bart., of London, physician. 

Walter Barry Lindley, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 2 s. Rt. Hon. 
Sir Nathaniel L., a Lord Justice of Appeal. 

Robert William Tarn Mitchell, B.A., Pembroke Coll., 
Camb. (20), o. s. Robert Nathaniel M., of Brockley, Kent, 

Khirode Beharv Dutt, of the Calcutta Uny. (22), 4 s. Gobind 
Chunder D., of Mednapore, Bengal, zermindar and honary. 

Francis Robert Pryor, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. 

Robert P., of Watford, Herts, formerly of Line. Inn. 
Mancherjee Merwanjee Bhownaggree, of Elphinstone Coll., 
Bombay, J.P. (30), o. s. Merwanjee Nasarwanjee B., late of 
Bombay, afsd., deed. 

Llewelyn Lloyd, B.A. St. John’s Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. Rev. 
Francis Llewelyn L., B.D., vicar of Aldworth, Berks. 

James Scarlett (34), 1 s. Tames S., late of Euston Sq., Middx., 
Esq., deed. 

Charles Kincaid Mackenzie, B.A., Uny. Coll., Oxon., advoc. 
Scottish Bar (25), 1 s. Alexander Kincaid M., of Edinburgh, 

Charles Henry Fehler Christie, B.A., Exeter Coll., Ox., 
and of the Inner Temple, o. s. Alexander Henry C., of 
Austin Friars, London, stockbroker. 

Jijibhai Edalji Modi, B.A., Bombay Uny. (25), o. s. Edalji 
Rastamji M., of Bombay, mercht. 

Thomas Stanley Rogers, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), o. s. 
Edwin Stanley R., late of Manchester, gent., deed. 

William Houldsworth McConnel, late Civil Engineering 
Service, P.W. dept., India (24), 2 s. William McC., of 
Manchester, cotton spinner. 

Mark Beauchamp Peacock, jun., of Trin. Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Mark Beauchamp P., of Springfield, Essex, and of Lincoln’s 
Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

Henry John Newbolt, of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford (19) 1 s. 
Rev. Henry Francis N., late vicar of Bilston, co. Staff., deed. 

Etncolu’s 5 nu 3 liJnus>ston LVcQtstcT: 1420-1893. 


2 June 














9 ) 



6 John Lees Casson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), o. s. Henry C., 
of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law. 

6 Charles Hanbury Williams, of Keble Coll., Oxford (24), 2 s. 

Ferdinand Hanbury W., of Coldbrook, co. Monmouth, Esq. 

7 George Ernest Moss, late of Uny. of Edinburgh, formerly of 

the Hon. Socy. of the Mid. Temple, y. s. Barnet Moss, late 
of Manchester, surgeon dentist. 

10 John Frobisher Mills, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (23), 2 s. Charles 
Stewart M., of Clifton, co. Glouc., Esq. 

19 Winfrid Alured Comyn Platt, of Hertford Coll., Ox., and a 
Tancred law student (22), 2 s. Rev. Thomas Duodecimus P., 
vicar of Holy Trinity, Portsea. 

3 Robert Chignell, B.A., Uny. of London (44), 4 s. Thomas C., 
of Liss, Hants, gent. 

6 Alfred Chilton Pearson, B.A., Christ’s Coll., Camb. (21), o. s. 
Robert Henry Pearson, Esq., of London. 

27 Henry Arthur Colmore Dunn, B.A., New Coll., Ox. (24), 4 s. 
William James D., of Harborne, co. Staff., Esq. 

30 Henry Sims Smith, of Downing Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Christopher Barker S., of London. 

3 Edward William Thwaites, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. 

William T., late of 16, Durham Villas, Middx., Esq., deed. 

3 Robert Abraham Swan, one of Her Majesty’s Stipendiary 

Magistrates for Mauritius (33), 6 s. William Diver S., of 
Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk, mercht. 

4 Henry George Richards, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 

John Henry R., of Treholford, Brecon, S. Wales. 

6 Frederick Samuel Augustus Bourne, of H.B.M.’s Consular 
Service, China (28), 1 s. Rev. Samuel Whitbread B., B.A., 
late of Winfarthing, Norfolk, deed. 

6 Henry Stratton Izard, of Trin. Hall, Camb. (18), 2 s. Charles 
Beard I., of Lincoln’s Inn, Middx., and of Wellington, New 
Zealand, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

8 Walter Griffith Boynton (24), 2 s. Francis B., of Hampstead, 

Middx., gent. 

9 Theodore Riversdale Walrond, of Balliol Coll., Oxford (22), 

1 s. Theodore W., Esq., C.B., of London. 

9 Edward Grainville Waddilove, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), elder 
son of Edward VV., of London, solr. 

10 John Winkfield, of Wore. Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. John Thomas 

Cox W., of Blackheath, Kent, Esq., J.P.D.L. 

11 Stanley Victor Coote, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), o. s. Robert C., 

of Shales Bitterne, Hants, adml. R.N. 

10 Frederick Stroud (47), 2 s. John S., late of Cheltenham, co. 
Glouc., deed. 

16 James Henry Monahan, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 1 s. James 

Henry M., of Dublin, Q.C. 

17 John Mac Geagh Dickson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (22), 2 s. 

Thomas Alexander Dickson, of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, M.P. 

4°6 ILtnroln’g Inn gUmtifttfon &e$fetcr: 1420-1893. 



Nov. 17 




Dec. 23 
» 27 

Jan. 3 

». 1 S 

» I 3 

»» J 5 

n 24 

>, 24 

» 25 

i, 27 

m 27 

» 29 

„ 26 

Feb. 5 

Frederick Rivers Kennedy, B.A., St. John’s Coll., Cambridge 
(24), 6 s. I)r. Henry K., late of Brighton, and of Line. Inn, 
bar.-at-law, deed. 

Geoffrey Dr age, of Christ Church, Ox. (22), 2 s. Charles D., 
of Hatfield, Herts, M.L). 

William Galbraith, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), o. s. Thomas 
Littlejohn G., of Stirling, N.B., solr. 

John Samuel Phillips, of Emanuel Coll., Camb. (20), 1 s. 
John P., of Bishop’s Court, Lincoln’s Inn, law stationer. 

Richard Paddison, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. Howard P., of 
Hampton, Middx., solr. 

Thomas Walter Flemming (32), 1 s. Thomas F., of 18, 
Ladbroke Gardens, Middx., Esq. 

Charles Alfred Swinburne (52), y. s. Joseph S., a col. in 
H.M. 83rd regt. 

James Bargrave Wyborne Wilson, lieut., 3rd batt. East 
Yorkshire regt. (26), y. s. Capt. Henry W., of Crofton Hall, 
York, late King’s dragoon guards. 

Francis Fitz Patrick Tower, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 
1 s. Thomas T., of Lincoln’s Inn, Middx., bar.-at-law. 

Russell Elliot Macnaghten, of King’s Coll., Camb. (22), 1 s. 
late Elliot M., of Line. Inn, and B.C.S. 

Edward Portsmouth Fry, of New Coll., Ox. (22), eldest son 
of Right Hon. Sir Edward Fry, a Lord Justice of Appeal and 
a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn. 

Alexander Faulkner Shand, B.A., St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. 
(24), o. s. Hugh Morton S., of London, Esq. 

William Erskine Reid, of Caius Coll, Camb. (24), o. s. 
Lestock R., of London. 

John Ward Blagg, B.A., New Coll., Ox. (23), 1 s. Charles 
John B., of Cheadle, co. Staff., solr. 

Charles Elliott Edward Jenkins, of Line. Coll., Ox. (23), 
o. s. Charles J., late of Indian Civil Serv., deed. 

William Paley Baildon (23), 2 s. Joseph B., late of Southport, 
co. Lane., iron mercht., deed. 

James Frederick Spencer Spencer-Bell, of Magdalen Coll., 
Ox. (19), 1 s. James Spencer B., late of Faive Park, Keswick, 
Cumberland, Esq., deed. 

Joseph Mosenthal, of Merton Coll., Oxford (19), 6 s. 
Adolph M., of London, mercht. 

Robert Leader, junr., B.A., Christ’s Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
John Daniel L., of Sheffield, newspaper proprietor. 

Charles Herbert Tylee, of Corpus Christi College, Oxford 
(23), 2 s. Henry T., of London, solicitor. 

Richard Fisher, of Pembroke Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. John F., of 
Liverpool, co. Lane., gent. 

Byomkes Chakravarti, of London Uny. (25), 2 s. Govinda 
Chanda C., of Bengal, gent. 

Etncoln’g Enu ^Kmtsi0ton rUgtefei': 1420-1893. 





























3 1 

















Frederick Gardnor Hopkins, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
Rev. Frederick H., of Hadden Hill, Hants, clerk. 

George Edwin Tyrrell, of London Uny. (18), 2 s. Henry 1., 
of Hornsey Lane, Middx., gent. 

Charles Guy Coventry Pocock (19), o. s. Alfred George 
Drake P., late a Capt. in the army, deed. 

Wilmot Lushington Vyvyan, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (21), 3 s. 
Rev. Sir Vyell V., bart., of Trelowarren, Cornwall. 

Bastle Henry Temple Frere, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. 
Rev. Henry Temple Frere, rector of Burston, Norfolk. 

Jehangeer Dosabhoy Framjee, of Elphinstone Coll., Bombay, 
J.P., ass. colector of Customs at Bombay (27), 1 s. 

Dossabhoy F., C.S.I. of Bombay, afsd. 

John Francis Llewellyn Hardy, of Hertford College, Oxon 
(22), 1 s. Rev. Edward Creek H., of Longdon-on-Tern, 
Wellington, Salop. 

John Edward Cliffe (20), 2 s. Anthony John C., Esq., of 
Bellevue, co. Wexford, D.L. 

Richard Evans Prall, of Christ Church, Oxford (19)) 1 s * 
Richard P., of Rochester, Kent, solr. 

John Walter Parry Crooke, of New Inn Hall, Oxford, late 
of Hertford Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Douglas Parry C., of Line. 
Inn, bar. at-law, J.P. 

Henry Lewis Dillman Engleheart, of Christ Church, Oxon 
(22), 1 s. John Gardner Dillman E., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

William Peek Frean, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 3 s. George 
Hunter F., of Blackheath, Kent, gent. 

Charles Edward Sismey (18), yst. son of Ihomas S., of 
London, solr. 

Hewitt Bostock, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19X 1 Samuel B., of 
Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey, Esq. 

Harold Thomas Adams, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (18), 2 s. brands 
Bryant A., late of Croydon, Surrey, wholesale stationer, deed. 

Robert Thomas Gill (35), o. s. s. Robert G., of Jauluah, 
Bombay, a major in Indian army. 

Charles Herrman Oertei. (26), 2 s. of Col. Louis O., of 
Hanover, Germany, late of the Hanovarian Guards. 
Risstamji Behramji Colaba-vala, ot Dr. Wilsons College, 
Bombay Uny. (26), o. s. of Byramji Manekji, of Colaba, 
Bombay, late a merchant. 

John Ormerod Scarlett Thursbv, of Irin. Coll., Camb. (22), 

1 s. John Hardy T., of Holmhurst, Hants, Col. comdg. 5th 
Royal Lancashire Mil. 

Frederick Lionel Bailey, of uncovenanted service, India (37)? 

2 s. Thomas B., of Mussoorie, N.W.P. India, retired banker. 

James Bryce Allan, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (20), 5 s. Andrew A., 
of Montreal, Canada, Esq. 

Arthur Joseph Russell, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. Charles R., 
Esq., Q.C., M.P., of Lincoln’s Inn, a master of the bench. 

Utnroln’s Enn Sttunteston &egfettr: 1420-1893. 

Nov. 3 




>» 13 

n 13 

,» 14 

>, 14 

» *5 

„ t6 

» 17 

« 19 

*> 19 

» 19 

„ 20 

» 24 

» 24 

M 26 

«» 28 

an. 16 

„ 21 

»» 2 3 

Robert John Parker, B.A., King’s Coll., Camb., and of the 
Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, 3 s. Rev. Richard P., of 
Claxby, co. Line. 

Ernest Wynne Martelli, of Queen’s Coll., Camb. (21), 4 s. 
Charles Henry Ansley M., late of Line. Inn Fields, bar.-at-law. 

Percy Holland, of Trin. Coll., Ox., 4 s. Stephen George H., of 
London, wollen mercht. 

Henry William Kent Roscoe, B.A., Corpus Christi Coll., Ox- 
(33), 2 s. Edward Henry R., late of Newton House- 
Cheshire, deed. 

Henry Sutherland Romer, B.A., Trin. Hall, Camb. (21), 
6 s. Frank R., of London, gent. 

Frederic Alexander Halin (23), o. s. John Frederick H., late 
of Wandsworth, Surrey, engineer, deed. 

Francis Edward Prescott Decie, of New Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Richard Prescott D., of Bockleton Court, co. Wore. 

Arthur Theodore Thring, of New Coll., Ox. (23), 3 s. 
Theodore T., of Alford, Somerset, Esq., J.P. 

William Fletcher Moor Patten, B.A., M.B., B. Ch., Trin. 
Coll., Dublin (24), 1 s. Robert P., of Clone, co. Wicklow, J.P. 

Reginald Robert Corking, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (31), o. s. 
Robert Gates C., of London, gent. 

Langer Owen, of New Coll. (21), o. s. William O., of Sydney. 
N. S. Wales, bar.-at-law. ' X ’ 

Henry Francis Wilson, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (24), 2 s. 
Rev. William Grieve W., of Forncett, St. Peter’s, Norfolk. 

John Singleton Clemons, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 
r s. John Nicholas C., of Evandale, Tasmania, gent. 
Charlton Swinhoe(2o), i s. Col. Charles S., of the Bombay army. 

Robert Frost, of the Uny. of London, B.S. (24), 2 s. Francis 
Aylmer F., of Reddish, co. Lane., Esq., J.P. 

Arthur Hugh Clough, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (23), 1 s. 
Arthur Hugh C., late of London, Esq., deed. 

Alexander Graham, B.A., Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb. 

(22), o. s. s. John G., of Dundalk, co. Louth, Ireland, Esq. 
Francis Seymour Stevenson, of Balliol Coll., Oxon (20) 2 s. 
Sir W m. S., K.C.B., late Gov. of Mauritius, deed. 

Arthur Edward Hollond, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (26), 3 s. 
Rev. Samuel H., of Benhall, Suffolk. 

George Patrick Charles Lawrence, of Corpus Christi Coll., 
Oxford, and of the Inner Temple, 1 s. George Alfred L.’ 
late of London, deed. 

Joseph Reade, of Brasenose Coll., Ox. (20), o s. Joseph R., of 
Shipton under-Wjchwood, Oxon, Esq. 

George Cecil Russell, lieut. King’s Royal Rifle Cops (22), 1 s. 
Cecil Henry R., of Line. Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Henry Chartes Biron, of Irin. Coll., Camb. (21), 1 s. Robert 
John B., Q.C., Metropolitan Police Magistrate. 

Lincoln’s £nn a&intssion Register: 1420-1893. 



Jan. 25 
» 25 

„ 26 

Feb. 28 

April 21 





» 29 

May 3 

„ 9 

» 9 

» 13 

»• *5 

>» 15 

John West Neligan, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (28), 1 s. Rev. 
Maurice N., D.D., of Dublin. 

Alfred Armitage Baker (30), 1 s. Alfred B., of Edgbaston, 

F.R.C.S., J.P. 

Charles Frederick Deakin, of Merton Coll., Ox. (21), 4 s. 
James Henry D., of Moseley Hall, Cheshire, mercht. 

Bryan Farrer, B.A., Trin. Coll., Ox., and of the Hon. Socy. of 
the Inner Temple (3 s. Oliver William F.), of Binnegar 
Hall, Dorset, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Edmund Pearson (24), 5 s. John P., of Golborne 
Park, co. Lane., colliery proprietor. 

Richard Cotton Walker Hill, of the Royal University of 
Ireland, clerk in the registry office, Chancery Division, 
Ireland, and a member of King’s Inn, Dublin (26), o. s. 
Benjamin H., of Helensville, co. Longford, Ireland, resident 

Henry Smith, M.B., London Uny. (27), 3 s. Robert Thomas S., 
of Plumstead, Kent, Esq. 

William Edmund Fraser, of Pembroke Coll., Camb., student 
of the Scotch Bar (24), o. s. Lord Fraser, judge of the High 
Court of Sessions. 

William Ci.unie Wise, M.D., St. Andrew’s Uny. (40), 3 s. 
Thomas W., of Plumstead, Kent, surgeon. 

Thomas Anderdon Salt, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. Thomas S., 
of Weeping Cross, co. Staff., banker, M.P. 

Edward Talbot, B.A., Owen’s College, Victoria Uny., Man¬ 
chester (21), 1 s. William Henry T., of Manchester, solicitor 
and deputy town clerk. 

William Awdry Peck, of Christ Church, Oxon (22), 1 s. 
Jasper Kenrick P., of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Charles Thomas Musgrave, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 2 s. 
Rev. Vernon M., M.A., rector of Hascomb, Surrey, Hon. 
Canon of Winchester Cathedral. 

Henry Wilson Fox, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 2 s. Wilson Fox, 
of London, M.D. 

Mancherji Dossabhai Cama, of Bombay Uny. (28), 1 s. s. 
Dossabhai Hormusji Cama, late of Bombay, deed. 

Bret Ince, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 1 s. Henry Bret I., of 
Line. Inn, a master of the bench, Q.C. 

William Graily Hewitt, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), o. s. 
William Morse Graily Hewitt, of London, M.D. 

Arthur Augustus Saltren-Willett, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (22), 
2 s. Rev. Charles S.-W., vicar of Monkleigh, Devon. 

Mowbray Frederick Vivian James Arthur Webber (17), o. s. 
Vivian Arthur W., of Chatham House, St. Helens, co. 
Soutnampton, Esq. 

Iltaf Ali, of the Punjab Uny. (30), 1 s. Mohammed Ali, of 
Jugron, Punjab. 

3 F 


4 io 

ILtncoln’g Entt glUmtegton ftctjtgtev: 1420 - 1893 . 


June 13 

» 17 

n 24 

» 2 5 

„ 2 7 

July 11 

Sept. 29 

Oct. 7 


>> 2 7 

Nov. 3 

>> 4 

>» 5 

»> 5 

» 7 

„ l 3 

» 15 

» T 5 

1, 19 

» ! 9 

William Hew Coltman, of Trinity Coll., Camb (21), 1 s. s. 
William Bacheler C., barrister-at-law. 

Edward Marmaduke Sellors, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin, and 
of King’s Inn, Dublin (23), 1 s. Michael S., of Limerick, 
Ireland, solr. 

Henry Devenish Leigh, of New Coll., Ox. (20), 5 s. 
Frederick L., of Southampton, solr. 

John Sareah, of Uny. of London (20), 1 s. John S., of Cape 
Coast, West Africa, mercht. 

Frederick Huth Jackson, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. 
Thomas Hughes J., of Birkenhead, shipowner. 

Edwin Radford, of London Uny. (25), 4 s. Francis Radford, 
Esq., of London. 

John Poyer Poyer, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (40), 1 s. late John 
Poyer P., of London and Barbados, W. Indies, gent. 

Percy Melmoth Walters, of Oriel Coll., Ox. (21), 1 s. William 
Melmoth W., of New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, solr. 

James Cartmei.l, B.A., Christ’s Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. Rev. 

Cartmell, D.D., late Master of Christ’s Coll., Camb., deed. 
Lewis Pugh Evans Pugh, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (19), 1 s. 
Lewis Pugh P., of Lincoln’s Inn, M.P. 

Richard Watson, of the Uny. of London (19), 2 s. Thomas 
Adam W., of Bradford, Yorks, solr. 

Henry Redhead Kindersley, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 5 s. 
Edward Leigh K., of Clyffe, Dorset, Esq. 

Paul Strickland, LL.D., Malta Uny. (22), 2 s. Walter Strickland, 
late commander Royal Navy of Malta, deed. 

John Southall, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), 3 s. Thomas S., 
of Worcester, solicitor. 

John Guthrie Tait, B.A., St. Peter’s Coll., Camb. (23), r s. 
Peter Guthrie T. y prof, of Natl. Philosophy, Edinburgh Uny. 

James Beresford Ailay, B.A., Oriel Coll., Ox. (24), 1 s. Rt. 
Rev. James Atlay, D.D., Lord Bishop of Hereford. 

Vasudev Madhav Samarth, of Bombay Uny., secretary to H. H. 
the Maharaja Gaik war of Baroda (29), 2 s. M&dhavrao 
Balerant S., of Baroda, late assistant Shroff in Bombay Bank 
at Karuchi. 

Robert Charles Hope, F.S.A., F.R.S.L. (29), 2 s. Rev. 
William H., vicar of St. Peter’s, Derby. 

Arthur Young, of Edinburgh Uny. (18), 4 s. Rt. Hon. 
George Y., of Silverknowe, co. Midlothian, Lord of Session 
and Justiciary. 

Alan Rotherham, of Balliol Coll., Ox. (22), 2 s. John R., of 
Kearsley, co. Warwick, manufacturer. 

Ernest Robert Stable, M.A., Emmanuel Coll., Camb., M.A. 
(27), 2 s. Robert Scott S., of Woodford, Essex, Esq. 

Ronald John McNeill, of Christ’s Coll., Oxon (23), o. s. 
Edmund M., of Craigdunn, co. Antrim, Esq., J.P. 

Utnrotn’s f-nn Emission &cgigtrr: 1420-1893. 


Nov. 21 


„ 12 

„ 12 

>» 1 3 

» 13 

»> 14 

n 14 

» *7 

» 23 

n 24 

»> 24 

„ 26 

„ 26 

„ 28 

» 31 

Feb. 2 

Arthur Richmond Atkinson, of Corpus Christi Coll., Ox. (21), 
o. s. Arthur Samuel A., of Nelson, N.Z., barrister and solicitor. 

Herman Kossuth Burney, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
George B., of Greenwich, Kent, manufacturer. 

Richard Keene Gamble, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), 2 s. 
Richard Wilson G., of Dublin, bar.-at-law. 

Clement Bird, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. James B., of 
Haywards Heath, Sussex, gent. 

Henry Vernon Drake-Brockman, of Peter House, Cambridge, 
selected Candidate Civil Service India, (19), 1 s. Henry 
Julius B., late a Government solicitor, Madras, deed. 

John Morrison, of the London Uny. (25), 2 s. James M., of 
Plumstead, co. Kent, Esq. 

Stuart Lesley Bathurst, of Queen’s Coll., Ox. (22), 1 s. 
Algernon B., of Lincoln’s Inn, bar.-at-law. 

Henry Adolphus Byden Rattigan, of Balliol Coll, Oxon (20), 
1 s. William Henry R., of Lincoln’s Inn, LL.D., bar.-at law. 

St. George Hay Smither Jackson, Indian Civil Service student 
(17), 1 s. George Thomas J., of Lucknow, Oudh, Advocate 
of the High Court. 

Francis William Pember, of All Souls’ Coll., Ox. (23), elder 
son Edward Henry P., of Vicar’s Hill, co. Southampton, and 
of Lincoln’s Inn, Q.C., a master of the bench. 

Ardeshir Rustomji Pestonji Kaj>adia, of Uny. of Bombay 
(20), o. s. Rustomji Pestonjee K., of Bombay, general broker. 

Bomanjee Ardeseer Wadia, of Caius Coll., Camb. (20), 5 s. 
Ardeseer H. W,, late of Bombay, deed. 

Hugh Murray Sturges, B.A., Keble Coll., Oxford (21), 2 s. 
Rev. Edward S., rector of Wokingham, Berks. 

Robert Karl Crawford, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (25), 
1 s. s. Robert C., of Ballyshannon, co. Donegal, civil engineer. 

Sir Benjamin Vincent Sellon Brodie, of Magdalen Coll., 
Oxford, bart. (22), 1 s. Sir Benjamin Collins B., late of 
Betchworth, Surrey, bart., deed. 

Charles Carrington Hensley, of New Coll., Ox. (25), 4 s. 
Henry H., of Bath, M.D. 

John Ewer Jefferson Hogg, B.A., Magdalen Coll., Oxford 
(24), o. s. John Hogg, late of Norton Ho., co. Durham, and 
of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, deed. 

Henry Ellice Lees, B.A., Clare Coll., Camb. (22), o. s. 
Henry L., late of Edinburgh, accountant, deed. 

Edwin Drake Sealy Vidal, B.A., St. Catharine’s Coll., Camb., 
tutor, and a student of the Inner Temple, 6 s. Edward V., 
of Cornborough, Devon, J.P. 

Syed Abdur Raoof, of Calcutta Uny. (20), 2 s. Syed Abdul 
Vahab, of Mohamedabad, India pleader and Zemindar. 

Frederick Samuel White-White, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 
and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, o. s. s. Frederick W.-W., 
late of Mudeford House, Hants, Esq., deed. 


Umcoln’s Enn R&mtesrion &cgistcr. 1420 - 1893 . 


March 25 
April 2 

« 11 

n 13 

,l 14 

„ 14 

» 15 

„ l6 

„ 16 

„ 28 

„ 29 

May 2 

» 5 

,» 7 

„ 18 

June 2 


>. 17 

Aug. 6 

Herbert Wilson, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. (20), y. s. of 
Charles W., late of Liverpool, gent., deed. 

John Mortimer Davis, of Uny. of London (27), o. s. John D., 
late of City of London, gent., deed. 

Alfred Edward Randall, of the London Uny. (22), 2 s. 
Thomas R., of London, solr. 

Robert Ernest Osborne, M.A., Edinburgh, law student of 
King’s Inns, Dublin (23), 1 s. John Osborne, ot London¬ 
derry, J.P., mercht. 

Henry Hesse Johnston Gompertz (17), 1 s. Henry Hesse 
Johnston G., of Bellary, India, supdt. revenue survey. 

Edward de L’Establere Litton, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (20), 
2 s. Edward Falconer L., Q.C., Irish land commiss. 

Frederick Scott Oliver, of Trin. Coll., Dublin (21), 1 s. John 
Scott O., of Edinburgh, mercht. 

James Weir, M.A., Edinburgh Uny. (25), 2 s. Rev. John W., of 
Tower Hill, Kilmauns, Ayrshire, sometime a minister of the 
Presbyterian Church. 

John Murray Duncan, of Edinb. Uny., of H.M. Civil Service 
(39), 1 s. Robert D., formerly of Newton Stewart, co. 
Wigtown, N.B., deed. 

Lionel Edward Hawtayne (18), 2 s. George Hammond H., 
Administrator General, Demerara. 

Harry Augustus Sharp, of King’s Coll., Camb. (18), 4 s. 
John S., of Nelson, New Zealand, Esq. 

Alexander Theodore Brown, of Uny. Coll., Liverpool, and 
of the Uny. of London (28), 1 s. Rev. Robert Grant B., late 
of London, Presbyterian minister, deed. 

Clement Bensley Thornhill, of Caius Coli., Camb. (18), 2 s. 
Edmund Bensley T., of Geldeston, Norfolk, B.C.S. 

Milton Stuart, of Uny. of Edinburgh (36), 2 s. s. Peter S., of 
Seaforth, Cheshire, J.P. 

Frank Thomas Wrigley (22), 2 s. Edwin Grundy W., of 
Howick Ho., near Preston, co. Lane., paper manufacturer. 

Sheikh Mehdi Hassan, of Mohamaden Coll., Aligurh, in 
Calcutta Uny. (22), 2 s. Sheikh Habibullah, pleader of 
Azimgurh, India. 

John Kemp, M.A., Edinburgh Uny. (30), 3 s. James K., late of 
Edinburgh, Esq., deed. 

Richard Murrills Pattisson, of Emmanuel Coll., Camb. 
(24), 10th son of Jacob H. P., late of Tonbridge, Kent, 
sol., deed. 

Joseph Henry Atherton Tipping, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (18), 
1 s. William T., of Ashton-under-Lyne, banker. 

Nowrojee Pudumjee of the Bombay Uny. (43), 2 s. Sirdar 
Kahn Bahadoor Pudumjee Pestonjee, of Poona, India. 

John Whitehead, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law (admitted 
13 Nov., 1843, called 15 Jany., 1847), 1 s. Rev. Edward W., 
late of Eastham, co. Worcester. 

Uituoln’s 3 -nn ^timteston ftegtetcr : 1420-1893. 














12 Alexander Millington Begg, B.A., of Uny. of London, 1 s. 
David Grey Begg, of Lincoln’s Inn, bar. at-law. 

24 John Sullivan, B.A., of Trin. Coll., Dublin (24), y. s. The 
Right Hon. Sir Edward S., bart., of Dublin, late Lord 
Chancellor of Ireland, deed. 

24 Alfred Adams, of Magdalen Coll., Ox. (21), 3 s. Henry 
Cadwallader A., of Old Shoreham, co. Sussex, clerk in holy 

27 Edward Thomas Foakes (33), o. s. Charles Lavir F., of 
Westbury House, Dunmow, co. Essex, Esq. 

27 Francis Plumptre Beresford Osmaston, B.A., of Uny. Coll., 
Ox., and of ihe Inner Temple (adm. 23 Nov., 1880), eldest 
son of John O., of Osmaston Manor, co. Derbyshire, Esq. 

2 William Henry Armstrong FitzPatrick Watson, B.A., of 
Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), only son of John William W., of 
65, Eccleston Square, co. Middx., Esq. 

2 Charles Meymott Tidy, M.B, M.S., of Uny. of Aberdeen, 
Professor of Chemistry at the London Hospital (42), 3 s. 
William Callender T., M.D., of Hackney, co. Middx. 

2 Mahomed Sheriff Khan, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (21), 2 s. 

Mahomed Namdar Khan, of Patiala in the Punjab, in 
H.M.’s Indian Empire. 

3 Alfred Roscoe, B.A., of Trin. Coll., Camb. (22), eldest son of 

Henry R., of 36, Lincoln's Inn Fields, co. Middx., solr. 

5 Henry William McGee, LL.B., of Selwyn Coll., Camb. (23), 

only son of Edward McG., of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, 
Ireland, late colonel of the 19th regiment, deed. 

6 George Meryon White, M.A., of Christ Church, Ox., and of 

the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (admitted 21 Nov., 1873, 
called 26 Jan., 1877), 4 s * Thomas W., of 53, Portland 
Place, co. Middx., Esq., deed. 

6 Ernest Gardner, of Charsley Hall, Ox. (22), only son of 

William John G., of Tooting, co. Surrey, Esq., one of the 
principal clerks to the Taxing Master, Chancery Division. 

7 Gerard Cranworth Ince, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (19), 2 s. 

Henry Bret I., of 98, Cromwell Rd., co. Middx., Esq., 
Q.C., and of Lincoln’s Inn, one of the Masters of the 

9 Henry Symonds, of 39, Learn Terrace, Leamington, co. Warwick 

(26), the elder son of Henry S., late of Edgbaston, in the 
said co. of Warwick, merchant, deed. 

9 Robert William Cunningham Mackenzie, M.A., of the 
London Uny., and of the Uny. of Edinburgh (22), 2 s. 
Robert M., of Dundee, co. Forfar, N.B., merchant. 

10 Kenneth Henry Leach, of New Coll., Ox. (22), eldest son of 

The Revd. Henry John L., late rector of Coston, co. 
Leicester, deed. 

10 John William Coulthurst, B.A., of Magdalen Coll., Camb. 

(23), only son of the Revd. William Henry C., rector of 
Giggleswick, co. York. 

414 ILtncoln’s Cnn Emission Ucntstcr : 1420-1893. 



Nov. 12 







» ! 7 




Jan. 4 







John Alexander Sinclair, of Edinburgh, N.B., and of Lahore, 
in ihe Punjab, junior government advocate (31), 2 s. 

Malcolm S., late of Edinburgh, Mid Lothian, Esq., deed. 

Dawes Swinhoe, of Loudoun, Cheltenham, co. Gloucester (19), 
eldest son of William S., of Calcutta, India, solr. 

Samuel Burnett Cohen, of Melbourne Uny., Victoria, 
Australia (20), eldest son of A. Cohen, of Sydney, New 
South Wales, Australia, merchant. 

Ralph Hilton Dodds Philipson, of New Coll., Ox. (24), eldest 
son of Hilton P., of 'Tynemouth, co. Northumbeiland, coal 

John Hall Greaves, of Hertford Coll., Ox. (21), 2 s. Hilton G., 
of Oldham, co. Lancaster, cotton spinner. 

Frederick Harold Jackson Underwood, of Trin. Coll., 
Camb. (18), 2 s. Frederick James U., of Bellevue, Sevenoaks, 
co. Kent. 

William Harcourt Moira Maclean, of 4, Cumberland Place, 
Regent's Park, co. Middx. (20), 6 s. John M., of Windsor, 
co. Berks, late Captain of the 43rd regiment, deed. 

The Honorable Cecil Marcus Knatchbull-Hugessen, of 
King’s Coll., Camb. (21), the younger son of The Right 
Honorable Lord Brabourne, of Smeeth Paddocks, Ashford, 
co. Kent. 

Harrop William Abel Harrison, of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), 
eldest son of William Henry H., of Staleybridge, co. 
Lancaster, Esq. 

Edward Roney Forshaw, of Wadham Coll., Ox. (21), eldest 
son of George Anderson F., of British Guiana, Demerara, in 
the West Indies, solr. 

William Dunning, of Exeter Coll., Ox. (21), only son of Joseph 
William D., of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq., bar.-at-law. 

William Towers Brown, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (27), eldest son 
of the Revd. Joseph Thomas B., of St. Paul’s Rectory, 
Wokingham, co. Berks. 

William Mackenzie, M.A., of Uny. of Edinburgh (admitted 
Gray’s Inn 17 Apr., 1883), 4 s. Robert M., of Langley 
House, Scone, co. Perth, Esq. 

Charles Matthew Fernando, of St. John’s Coll., Camb. (19), 
2 s. Andrew F., of Rotahena, Colombo, Ceylon, Esq. 

Vernon Bryan Crowther-Beynon, of Trin. Coll., Camb. (20), 
only son of the Revd. Samuel Bryan, C-B., of Beckenham, 
co. Kent, clerk in holy orders. 

Charles Foster Ritchie, of New Coll., Ox. (20), the eldest 
son of Robert R., of Bickley, co. Kent, surveyor. 

Henry Rowland Brown, junr., of Uny. Coll., Ox. (20), the 
eldest son of Henry Rowland B., of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq., 

Lancelot Thompson Glasson, of Carleton Villas, Penrith, 
Cumberland (31), 3 s. Thomas G., late of Penrith afsd., 
brewer, deed. 

Umcoln’g Itim atnmg.sum &cgtgter: 1420-1893. 

















19 Allan Napier Macnab Daly, of Queen’s Coll., Galway, Ireland 

(21), the only son of John George D., late Immigration 
Agent General of British Guiana, deed. 

20 Walter Edmund Roth, B.A.,